Industrial automation systems — Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment (MAPLE) — Functional architecture

The document specifies the functional architecture of MAPLE, a Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment. MAPLE is a vendor-independent neutral facility for the programming of multiple manufacturing devices and controls. For the programming of manufacturing devices and controls the following areas will be supported: Connection between various manufacturing data and manufacturing application programs; management of several manufacturing databases; sharing of manufacturing application programs and software tools.

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle — Environnement de programmation pour l'automatisation industrielle (MAPLE) — Architecture fonctionnelle

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ISO 13281:1997 - Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment (MAPLE) -- Functional architecture
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First edition
1997-08- 15
Industrial automation systems -
Manufacturing Automation Programming
Environment (MAPLE) - Functional
Systhmes d ’automatisation industrielle
- Environnement de programmation
pour I’automatisation industrielle (MAPLE)
- Architecture fonctionnelle
Reference number
IS0 13281:1997(E)
IS0 13281:1997(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented
on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 13281 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 184, industrial automation systems and integration, Subcommittee
SC 5, Architecture and communications.
Annexes A to C of this International Standard are for information only.
0 IS0 1997
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IS0 13281:1997(E)
Over the recent past, manufacturing systems have become considerably more flexible and
have acquired greater functionality. The numbers and types of component devices of
manufacturing systems, such as NC machines, robots, automated guided vehicles and
programmable controllers, have increased. Furthermore, there is a definite trend for some of
these devices to be incorporated in manufacturing cells. Manufacturing engineers are thus
required to develop and update programs not only for many kinds of individual devices but also
for combinations of devices and ultimately manufacturing cells. Due to this fact, the difficulty of
integrating and programming the control of manufacturing operations has increased.
Manufacturing programs have an intense need for a large variety of manufacturing data,
including product oriented data, process oriented data, operation oriented data and
management oriented data. This diversity means that manufacturing data has a much more
complicated and varied schema than the usual processing data encountered in other systems,
e.g., business systems. Therefore, the use and management of manufacturing databases
requires a special high-level technology.
MAPLE addresses the following problems that have been traditionally recognized to be within
the domain of manufacturing application programming languages for automated production:
- Manufacturing presents a diversity of tasks with widely varying requirements and
constraints. Often, addressing these tasks requires programming. Because of the diversity of
requirements and constraints, a variety of manufacturing application programming languages
have been found necessary.
- Typically, each manufacturing application programming language has its own unique
environment of development methodologies, development, debug and simulation tools, and
run-time services. Because these environments are stand-alone, it is difficult to achieve
convenient access to the manufacturing databases.
- As a result, it is only with difficulty that an application developer or designer may coordinate
the use of differing manufacturing languages for the individual tasks of a complete project,
though this is a common need.
- Similarly, it is with great difficulty that systems engineers and integrators combine programs
developed using different manufacturing languages, because they use or require different
run-time services.
To address these problems, a language-independent manufacturing automation programming
environment (MAPLE) is being standardized. This International Standard represents the
functional architecture of MAPLE as a first step towards achieving such an environment.
MAPLE is a structured set of capabilities that connects the objects such as data used in
advanced manufacturing technologies to the required user oriented tools.

@ IS0
13281: 1997(E)
This International Standard for the MAPLE functional architecture specifies the functionality and
interconnection of the components in the environment. It is intended for the technical
committees, subcommittees and working groups of those standardization bodies whose
mandate will be to develop the standards for the MAPLE services and interfaces, as well as for
the commercial developers of MAPLE.
The MAPLE environment can replace existing in-house solutions that have been created by
system integrators during the last decade to solve the above mentioned problems.
This support facility for programming will need a set of functionalities that are typical for the
manufacturing environment, mainly because of the specific requirements of programming
automated devices. Environments to support the programming of other automated devices
outside the manufacturing domain (e.g. a transportation system with unmanned trains) will have
similar architectures to MAPLE. Nevertheless, the functionality and implementation of the
components needed by these other environments will be different from MAPLE.
MAPLE will provide the following benefits, which will lead to considerable time and cost
- easy and quick development of manufacturing programs;
- easy and quick updating of manufacturing programs;
- unified access for distributed manufacturing databases;
- unified management of manufacturing databases;
- effective utilization of manufacturing software tools;
- provision of a framework for future manufacturing software tools and data models.

Industrial automation systems - Manufacturing Automation
Programming Environment (MAPLE) - Functional architecture
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the functional architecture of MAPLE, a Manufacturing
Automation Programming Environment. MAPLE is a common vendor-independent neutral
support facility for the programming of multiple manufacturing devices and controls. Thus,
MAPLE offers a single environment for the programming of a number of devices and controls
not necessarily made by the same company. In addition, MAPLE does not require specifying
specific devices and controls at programming time.
To the extent that it is concerned with the programming of manufacturing devices and controls,
MAPLE will support the following areas:
connections between various manufacturing data and manufacturing application programs;
- management of several manufacturing databases;
- sharing of manufacturing application programs and manufacturing software tools.
The scope of this International Standard will be relevant to the following users of the MAPLE
- developers of manufacturing application programs;
- operators editing manufacturing programs;
- engineers who need to refer to manufacturing data.
2 Normative reference
The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was
valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently
valid International Standards.
ISO/TR 110651992, IndustrYa/ automation glossary.

@ IS0
IS0 13281:1997(E)
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO/TR 11065 and the
following definitions apply.
3.1 Data Translator: a Manufacturing Software Tool for converting the representation of data.
3.2 Dictionary Manager: a Manufacturing Software Tool to facilitate the manipulation of the
Manufacturing Data Dictionary and the Manufacturing Software Tool Dictionary.
3.3 Execution Manager: a software tool that controls the sequence of execution of internal
processes of MAPLE and the external Manufacturing Application Programs and Manufacturing
Software Tools.
3.4 Manufacturing Application Program: manufacturing software which has command and
information connections with MAPLE (e.g. CAD systems), but is not registered in the
Manufacturing Software Tools Dictionary.
3.5 Manufacturing Database: a data repository, possibly distributed, containing product,
process, facility and management oriented data.
3.6 Manufacturing Data Dictionary: a collection of data schema (meta-data) describing data
in the Manufacturing Database.
3.7 Manufacturing Data Manager: a Manufacturing Software Tool enabling access to the
Manufacturing Databases.
3.8 Manufacturing Software Tool: a software program registered in the Manufacturing
Software Tool Dictionary, which provides simple or complex, manufacturing related functionality
for the support of Manufacturing Application Programs. (e.g. simulators, editors).
3.9 Manufacturing Software Tool Dictionary: a collection of descriptions of the capabilities of
Manufacturing Software Tools and Manufacturing Application Programs.
3.10 MAPLE: a Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment, a common vendor-
independent neutral support facility for the programming of multiple manufacturing devices and
3.11 MAPLE Engine: part of the standardized core of MAPLE, a software tool for receiving
and handling requests to MAPLE and the initialization of the entire environment.
3.12 Software Tool Linker: a Manufacturing Software Tool to select and sequence other
Manufacturing Software Tools and Manufacturing Application Programs to fulfil MAPLE Engine
IS0 13281:1997(E)
4 MAPLE functional architecture and its components
The MAPLE functional architecture, its components and interfaces between these components,
and the interfaces to the outside world are shown in figure I. To facilitate the description of the
components, and (in clause 5) the interfaces, the components and interfaces shown in figure 1
are labelled with the appropriate section numbers describing them. Figure 2 shows the
information and control flow between the MAPLE components themselves and the outside
world. The following provides more functional detail on the architecture and components of the
Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment.
The functional architecture of this environment consists of the the MAPLE Engine, the
Manufacturing Data Dictionary, the Manufacturing Software Tool Dictionary, a Dictionary
Manager, a Manufacturing Data Manager, an Execution Manager and a Software Tool Linker,
which provide standardized functionality and interfaces to the Manufacturing Application
Programs, the Data Translator, the Manufacturing Software Tools and the Manufacturing
Databases. The user interface is through the Manufacturing Application Programs and the
Manufacturing Software Tools.
The MAPLE Engine is the driver of the whole environment. To keep track internally of the
variety of types of data being used in the Manufacturing Data Bases, a Manufacturing Data
Dictionary, describing standard manufacturing data models, is provided. Similarly, to facilitate
the use of Manufacturing Software Tools and Applications connected to MAPLE, especially if a
number of such Tools and Applications have to be linked to accomplish a given task, a
Manufacturing Software Tool Dictionary, describing the Tools’ functionalities as well as their
input and output requirements, is provided. The actual data handling is achieved through
MAPLE ’s Manufacturing Data Manager.
4.1 MAPLE Engine
The MAPLE Engine provides the following functionalities:
- allow for the initialization of the entire environment;
- provide the MAPLE Interface between the MAPLE and the outside world;
- accept external requests for services of the environment, related to the Software Tool
Linker, Manufacturing Data Manager, Data Translator and Dictionary Manager or any other
Software Tool or Application Program connected to MAPLE;
- interpret and process external requests by calling on either the Software Tool Linker or the
Execution Manager directly;
- provide status information to the user on request through a Manufacturing Application
Program or a Manufacturing Software Tool;
- pass commands coming from the Execution Manager and directed to an external
Manufacturing Software Tool or Application Program through the MAPLE Interface;
IS0 13281:1997(E)
I/F Mfg. Appl.
5.1 N
5.4 T
MAPLE Compatible
Mfg. Appl. Program
- 5.2
1 Execution
I 1
L-Yanager I-
Manager 1
I, Diet
Mfg. Data
Figure 1 - MAPLE functional architecture and interfaces
@ IS0 IS0 13281:1997(E)
- pass data between the Execution Manager and external Manufacturing Software Tools or
Application Programs through the MAPLE Interface.
The MAPLE Engine is responsible for the handling and the control of external requests to
MAPLE. For this purpose the MAPLE Engine provides an interface to all user applications and
software tools connected to MAPLE. The external requests to MAPLE are interpreted by the
MAPLE Engine, which decides which actions should be taken. If the external request can be
handled by one single action of a software tool or application (simple request) then a request for
this action is passed to the Execution Manager who will take care of the execution. If the
external request involves more complex actions, the MAPLE Engine issu

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