ISO 15016:2025
(Main)Ships and marine technology — Specifications for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data
Ships and marine technology — Specifications for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data
This document specifies requirements for the preparation, execution and reporting of speed trials of ships of the displacement type with a length between perpendiculars (Lpp) from 50 metres to 500 metres. It provides a procedure for the analysis, evaluation and correction of the gathered speed trial data covering all influences that can be relevant to the individual trial runs reporting on speed trials for ships, including effects that can influence the speed, power and propeller shaft speed relationship.
Titre manque
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 15016
Third edition
Ships and marine technology —
Specifications for the assessment of
speed and power performance by
analysis of speed trial data
Reference number
© ISO 2025
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 4
4.1 Symbols .4
4.2 Abbreviated terms .8
5 Responsibilities . . 9
5.1 Shipbuilder’s responsibilities .9
5.2 Trial team .10
6 Trial preparations .10
6.1 General .10
6.2 Step 1: Installation and calibration .10
6.3 Step 2: S/P trial agenda and pre-trial meeting .11
7 Ship conditions .11
7.1 Trim .11
7.2 Displacement volume . 12
7.3 Hull, propeller, and shaft . 12
8 Trial boundary conditions .13
8.1 General . 13
8.2 Location . 13
8.3 Wind . 13
8.4 Sea state . 15
8.5 Water depth .16
8.6 Current .17
9 Trial procedure . 17
9.1 General .17
9.2 Tank test information .18
9.3 Scope and conduct of the measurements .19
9.3.1 Ship track and speed over ground .19
9.3.2 Torque .19
9.3.3 Wind .19
9.3.4 Water depth .19
9.3.5 Waves .19
9.3.6 Water and air properties . 20
9.3.7 Current . 20
10 Conduct of the trial .20
10.1 General . 20
10.2 Initiation . . 20
10.3 Trajectory of ship during trial . 20
10.4 Run duration and timing .21
10.5 Trial direction.21
10.6 Steering . 22
10.7 Approach . 22
10.8 Power settings . 22
10.9 Number of speed runs . 22
10.9.1 General . 22
10.9.2 “Iterative” method. 22
10.9.3 “Mean of means” method . 22
10.9.4 Sister ships . 23
10.9.5 Power settings in case of non-availability of tank test data . 23
10.9.6 Additional runs due to limiting wave height . 23
10.10 S/P Trial test sequence . 23
11 Data acquisition .24
11.1 General .24
11.2 Acquisition system .24
11.2.1 General .24
11.2.2 System requirements .24
11.2.3 Location . 25
11.3 Manual data collection . 25
11.4 Sign convention . 25
12 Analysis procedure .27
12.1 General .27
12.2 Description of the analysis procedure .27
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