ISO/IEC TS 10866:2024
(Main)Information technology — Cloud computing and distributed platforms — Framework and concepts for organizational autonomy and digital sovereignty
Information technology — Cloud computing and distributed platforms — Framework and concepts for organizational autonomy and digital sovereignty
This document specifies concepts related to the intersection of digital sovereignty, organizational autonomy, and digital platform, and provides a framework enabling organizations to address these concepts. This document is applicable to all organizations and policy makers involved in organizational autonomy and digital sovereignty in cloud services and distributed platforms.
Technologies de l'information — Informatique en nuage et plates-formes distribuées — Cadre et concepts relatifs à l'autonomie organisationnelle et à la souveraineté numérique
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC TS 10866
First edition
Information technology — Cloud
computing and distributed
platforms — Framework and
concepts for organizational
autonomy and digital sovereignty
Technologies de l'information — Informatique en nuage
et plates-formes distribuées — Cadre et concepts relatifs à
l'autonomie organisationnelle et à la souveraineté numérique
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2024
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© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Organizational autonomy and digital sovereignty . 2
5 Framework . 4
5.1 Purpose .4
5.2 Organizational objectives and digital capabilities .4
5.3 Determining the desired degree of organizational autonomy .6
6 Application of the framework . 8
6.1 General .8
6.2 Example: Critical infrastructure under threat .8
6.2.1 General .8
6.2.2 Organizational context .8
6.2.3 Data categorization, classification and usage .9
6.2.4 Required resources .9
6.2.5 Design and operational considerations .9
6.2.6 Conformance .9
6.3 Example: Critical data are recoverable .9
6.3.1 General .9
6.3.2 Organizational context .9
6.3.3 Data categorization, classification and usage .10
6.3.4 Required resources .10
6.3.5 Design and operational considerations .10
6.3.6 Conformance .10
6.4 Example: Account management of a global digital platform .10
6.4.1 General .10
6.4.2 Organizational context .11
6.4.3 Data categorization, classification and usage .11
6.4.4 Required resources .11
6.4.5 Design and operational considerations .11
6.4.6 Conformance .11
6.5 Example: Global streaming platform content delivery . 12
6.5.1 General . 12
6.5.2 Organizational context . 12
6.5.3 Data categorization, classification and usage . 12
6.5.4 Required resources . 12
6.5.5 Design and operational considerations . 13
6.5.6 Conformance . 13
6.6 Example: Trusted data sharing within a food services supply chain . 13
6.6.1 General . 13
6.6.2 Organizational context .14
6.6.3 Data categorization, classification and usage .14
6.6.4 Required resources .14
6.6.5 Design and operational considerations .14
6.6.6 Conformance . 15
Bibliography .16
© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
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© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
Organizational autonomy and digital sovereignty are important, complex and evolving subject areas whose
implications have expanded in recent years, as organizations of all types address the challenges inherent to
supplying and procuring digital capabilities in evolving environments.
Government objectives and policies can often be addressed through public or private partnerships, as these
governments increasingly rely on industry to help address these goals to increase their prosperity while
maintaining an appropriate degree of control and independence.
Since the same issues of independence and freedom of action and choice also apply to organizations –
including private, public sector and not-for-profit – it is possible that such organizations will need to consider
their own independence to achieve their goals.
This document defines a framework for understanding and evaluating the implications of digital sovereignty
requirements and restrictions on the organization. It describes how the organization can configure its
digital platform to appropriately balance those requirements with its own need for organizational autonomy
to achieve its goals. The framework may be used by the organization itself, or by the policy makers and
regulators of a sovereign entity which desire to examine the consequences of proposed digital sovereignty
requirements and restrictions on organizations and industries.
The audience of this document includes:
a) Organizational leaders (e.g. Chief Information Officer, Chief Data Officer and Chief Compliance Officer),
business or technical decision makers and digital pla
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