ISO 8885:1987
(Main)Information processing systems — Data communication — High-level data link control procedures — General purpose XID frame information field content and format
Information processing systems — Data communication — High-level data link control procedures — General purpose XID frame information field content and format
Systèmes de traitement de l'information — Communications de données — Format et contenu du champ d'information de XID pour application générale
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
1987-07-1 5
1 989-1 0-01
Information processing systems - Data
communication - High-level data link control
- General purpose XID frame
information field content and format
ADDENDUM 1 : Additional operational parameters for
the parameter negotiation data link layer subfield and
definition of a multilink parameter negotiation data
link layer subfield
Systèmes de traitement de l'information - Communications de données -
Procédures de commande de liaison de données à haut niveau - Format et
contenu du champ d'information de la trame XID pour application générale
ADDITIF 7: Paramètres fonctionnels additionnels pour la négociation de paramètres
d'un sous-champ de la couche liaison de données et définition d'un sous-champ de
la couche liaison de données servant à la négociation des paramètres multiliaison
Reference number
IS0 8885 : 1987/Add.l : 1989 (E)
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IS0 8885 : 1987/Add.l : 1989 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
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the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard IS0 8885/Add.l was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 97, Information processing systems.
O IS0 1989
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International Organization for Standardization
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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 8885 : 1987/Add.l: 1989 (E)
Information processing systems - Data communication -
High-level data link control procedures - General purpose XID
frame information field content and format
ADDENDUM 1 : Additional operational parameters for the
parameter negotiation data link layer subfield and definition of
a multilink parameter negotiation data link layer subfield
1 Scope
This addendum adds an additional data link layer subfield in the XID information field to provide for the
exchange of multilink parameters when such capabilities are available in the DTE/DCE. Also, it adds
an element to the parameter negotiation data link layer subfield to identify the data link connection so
that members of a multilink group can be determined.
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