Health Informatics — Application of clinical risk management to the manufacture of health software

ISO/TS 29321:2008 describes the risk management processes required to ensure patient safety in respect to the manufacture of health software products as defined in this document. It does not apply to software which is: necessary for the proper application of a medical device or which is an accessory to a medical device or which is a medical device in its own right. ISO/TS 29321:2008 applies to any health software product whether or not it is placed on the market as an off the shelf or configurable product and whether or not it is for sale or free of charge. It is addressed to all manufacturers of health software products as defined in this document.

Informatique de santé — Application de la gestion du risque clinique à la fabrication de logiciel de santé

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Health Informatics — Application of
clinical risk management to the
manufacture of health software
Informatique de santé — Application de la gestion du risque clinique à
la fabrication de logiciel de santé

Reference number
ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
ISO 2008

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ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
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ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions. 2
3 Abbreviated terms . 6
4 General requirements for effective clinical risk management . 7
4.1 Clinical risk management process. 7
4.2 Management responsibilities . 7
4.3 Competencies of personnel. 8
4.4 Clinical risk management planning . 8
4.5 Clinical risk management file . 9
4.6 Clinical safety case. 9
5 Clinical risk analysis. 10
5.1 Clinical risk analysis process. 10
5.2 Intended use and identification of characteristics related to the clinical safety of the
health software product . 10
5.3 Identification of hazards to patients . 10
5.4 Estimation of the clinical risk(s) to a patient for each hazardous situation. 11
6 Clinical risk evaluation. 11
7 Clinical risk control. 11
7.1 Clinical risk reduction . 11
7.2 Clinical risk control option analysis . 11
7.3 Implementation of clinical risk control measure(s). 12
7.4 Residual clinical risk evaluation . 12
7.5 Clinical risk/benefit analysis. 12
7.6 Clinical risks arising from clinical risk control measures. 13
7.7 Completeness of clinical risk control. 13
7.8 Evaluation of overall residual clinical risk acceptability . 13
8 Clinical safety case report(s). 13
9 Stage reports and pre-release clinical risk management process review. 15
10 Post-deployment monitoring. 15
11 Product modification. 16
12 Regular clinical risk management process review and maintenance. 16
13 Compliance with this Technical Specification. 17
Annex A (informative) Examples of potential harm presented by health software. 18
Annex B (informative) Conclusions of the CEN/TR measures for ensuring patient safety of health
software . 20
Annex C (informative) Decision support software. 22
Annex D (informative) Rationale for this Technical Specification . 24
Annex E (informative) Clinical risk management plan . 33
Annex F (informative) Components of a generic risk management process. 35
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Annex G (informative) Relationship between clinical risk management file, clinical safety case,
clinical safety case reports, stage reports and product life-cycle. 39
Annex H (informative) Clinical risk estimation and evaluation guidance. 43
Annex I (informative) Risk control guidance . 50
Annex J (informative) Content of a clinical safety case report. 54
Annex K (informative) Example structures of reports within a clinical risk management process. 57
Bibliography . 79

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ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such documents, a
technical committee may decide to publish other types of document:
⎯ an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement between technical experts in
an ISO working group and is accepted for publication if it is approved by more than 50 % of the members
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⎯ an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS) represents an agreement between the members of a technical
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TS 29321 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 215, Health informatics in collaboration with
Technical Committee CEN/TC 251, Health informatics.
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ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
The threat to patient safety
There is mounting concern around the world about the substantial number of avoidable clinical incidents which
have an adverse effect on patients of which a significant proportion result in avoidable death or serious
disability. See References [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]. A number of such avoidable incidents involved poor or
“wrong” diagnoses or other decisions. A contributing factor is often missing or incomplete information or
simply ignorance, e.g. of clinical options in difficult circumstances or of the cross-reaction of treatments.
It is increasingly claimed that information systems such as decision support, protocols, guidelines and
pathways could markedly reduce such adverse effects. If for no other reasons – and there are others – this
will lead, and is leading, to increasing utilization of decision support and disease management systems which
inevitably will increase in sophistication and complexity. It can also be anticipated that, due to pressures on
time and medico-legal aspects, clinicians will increasingly rely on such systems with less questioning of their
“output”. Indeed, as such systems become integrated with medical care any failure to use standard support
facilities may be criticised on legal grounds.
Increased decision support can be anticipated not only in clinical treatment but also in areas just as important
to patient safety, such as referral decision-making, where failure to make a “correct” referral or to make one “in
time” can have serious consequences.
Economic pressures are also leading to more decision support systems. The area of generic and/or economic
prescribing is the most obvious, but economy in number and costs of clinical investigative tests is another.
Systems such as those for decision support have considerable potential for reducing clinical errors and
improving clinical practice, e.g. in the reduction in errors resulting from the deployment of electronic
Thus decision support and IT in general can bring substantial benefit to patients. However, unless they are
safe and fit for purpose they may also present potential for harm.
Annex A provides some examples of the potential for harm of some health software systems.
Harm can of course result from unquestioning and/or non-professional use although designers and suppliers
can mitigate such circumstances through, for example, instructions for use, training and on-screen
presentation techniques, guidance or instruction. The potential for harm may equally lie in the system design
such as:
⎯ flaws in the requirement for the use of the system;
⎯ poor evidence base for design;
⎯ failure in design logic to properly represent design intentions;
⎯ failure in logic to represent good practice or evidence in the design phase;
⎯ poor or confusing presentation of information or poor search facilities;
⎯ failure to update in line with current knowledge.
Some of these system deficiencies are insidious and may be invisible to the user.
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Failures and deficiencies in health software products can, of course, have adverse impact other than causing
harm to patients. They may, for example, create administrative inconvenience or even administrative chaos,
with a range of impacts on the organization including financial loss. Harm to a patient may also have a
consequent impact on the organization such as financial loss resulting from litigation. Whereas these adverse
organizational impacts will be significant to an organization they are not the subject of this document unless
they result in harm to a patient. It is the potential harm to the patient which is the subject of this document.
Controlling the risks
The safety of medicines and of medical devices is ensured in many countries through a variety of legal and
administrative measures. In the European Union the safety of medical devices is subject to several EU
directives. See References [7], [8], [9] and [37]. These measures are often backed by a range of safety-related
standards from a number of sources, both national and international, including the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the
Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF). Some software such as that necessary for the proper application
or functioning of a medical device is often encompassed by these legislative controls. Some software may be
considered a medical device in its own right. However other software applied to health of a stand-alone nature
is not usually covered or is encompassed in a less than clear manner or is not currently a primary focus of
some regulatory bodies. Depending on national regulations, examples might be general
practitioners'/physicians' computer systems, electronic health records, patient administrative systems,
applications of bar coding, for example to identify patients or medicinal products, a range of clinical decision
support software, ambulance dispatch systems, call and recall screening software. These matters are
complex and changing. For a full analysis see EN TR 15640 . This document is concerned with software
applied to health excluding that which is encompassed by medical device controls.
A necessary precursor for determining and implementing appropriate design and production controls to
minimize risks to patients from poor design, product malfunction or inadequate performance is a set of safety
requirements. These should be derived from an initial set of hazards and require a clear understanding of the
risks which a product might present to patients if malfunction or an unintended event were to occur, and the
likelihood of such a malfunction or event causing harm to the patient. Additionally, if guidance is to be given to
designers and producers of health software products as to design and production control (and corresponding
standards produced) then it will need to be recognised that the controls necessary for products presenting low
risks may not be the same, or applied with the same rigour, as for those presenting high risks. The controls
which are selected need to match both the level and types of risk which a product might present to a patient.
For these purposes many standards, legislation and specifications dealing with control of risks in design and
production, group products into a limited number of classes or types according to the risk they might present.
Controls are then tailored to the class or type. For medical devices such groupings are well established. For
health software in 2006 CEN published EN TS 15260 which, subject to validation of its risk classes in its
Table 4, could provide a process for grouping health software based on risk characteristics.
What control measures might be necessary for the safety of health software has been considered by
CEN/TC 251 in EN TR 15640 . The latter contains eleven conclusions which are reproduced in Annex B.
Conclusion 8 reads:
“If risk management is to be part of the requirements for ensuring the safety of health software products then:
[12] [13]
⎯ A new standard, consistent at a high level with the results of ISO/TMB JWG , ISO 14971 and
[14], [15]
ISO 61508 , is required specifically for health software products. That standard should embody the
[16] [17]
concepts in GHTF/SG3/NI5R8 and build on the experience of the use of CRAMM with ISO 17799
(now numbered ISO 27001:2006) .
⎯ The new standard should be backed by an implementation guide specific to health software products.”
In the document “Measures for ensuring patient safety of health software (APSOHIP): Proposed next
steps” , CEN/TC 251 considered this conclusion a priority. This standard addresses Conclusion 8.
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ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
Relationship to ISO 14971 and other safety related standards for medical devices
ISO 14971 is widely used throughout the world for compliance with medical device safety regulations.
Such regulations for medical devices in most countries encompass software that is necessary for the proper
application of a medical device or software that is an accessory to a medical device. In some jurisdictions,
medical device regulations also cover some other software. Thus medical device manufacturers have
considerable experience in the application of ISO 14971. Many manufacturers, particularly of electrical
medical devices, are experienced in the incorporation of software in medical devices, in producing software
supporting such medical devices and/or producing software that is a medical device in its own right. A number
of these manufacturers may also produce other health software of a type not encompassed by medical device
regulations. It would be advantageous to such manufacturers and any regulators if the standard for the
application of risk management to health software bore as close a relationship as practicable to ISO 14971.
This may in particular be an advantage in circumstances where software which is part of a medical device
complying with ISO 14971, interacts with software not controlled as a medical device but compliant with this
Technical Specification. Each may contribute a hazard to the other and thus access to the risk analysis for
both may be necessary.
For these reasons this Technical Specification takes as its baseline ISO 14971. As far as practicable and
appropriate the layout and requirements of the main text of ISO 14971 have been retained. However, most of
the annexes to ISO 14971 are clearly not applicable to health software (e.g. deal with biological hazards, in
vitro devices and characteristics of medical devices) and have therefore been replaced or amended as
Wherever appropriate this Technical Specification also takes account of work progressing in IEC/SC62A and
[20] [21]
ISO/TC 210 on a work item TR 80002 which itself has been drafted in the context of IEC 62304 . It also
takes note of the work item IEC 80001 .

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Health Informatics — Application of clinical risk management to
the manufacture of health software
1 Scope
This Technical Specification describes the risk management processes required to ensure patient safety in
respect to the manufacture of health software products as defined in 2.17. It does not apply to software which
⎯ necessary for the proper application of a medical device;
⎯ an accessory to a medical device;
⎯ a medical device in its own right.
This Technical Specification applies to any health software product whether or not it is placed on the market
as an off-the-shelf or configurable product and whether or not it is for sale or free of charge. It is addressed to
all manufacturers of health software products as defined in 2.17.
This Technical Specification does not cover the manufacture of non-health software which may be
incorporated in health software, for example OTS products such as operating systems, e.g. UNIX (Windows),
DBMS or SOUP products. However where a non-health software product such as an OTS or SOUP product is
incorporated by a manufacturer into a health software product, this Technical Specification shall apply to the
totality of that engineered product and shall include the non-health software product on which it is based.
NOTE 1 The scope is intended to cover health software products that are not controlled by medical device regulations.
It is acknowledged that, on the boundary, there are health software products that are encompassed by medical device
regulations in some countries but not in others. This matter is considered in detail in the CEN/TR 15640 .
NOTE 2 The life cycle of a health software product includes:
⎯ requirements capture and concept development;
⎯ detailed design;
⎯ production;
⎯ software release/marketing;
⎯ deployment;
⎯ use;
⎯ decommissioning.
A manufacturer is responsible for requirements capture and concept development, detailed design, production and
software release/marketing and can be responsible for deployments particularly the first “go live” of complex systems.
Where a customer contracts out responsibility for IT services to the manufacturer, the latter may also be responsible for
use of the application and its decommissioning. This Technical Specification applies to all the life-cycle phases for which
the manufacturer is responsible where this will depend on the contractual scope with the customer.
NOTE 3 Failures and deficiencies in software products used in the health environment can, of course, have adverse
impacts other than causing harm to patients. They might, for example, create administrative inconvenience with a range of
impacts on the organization including financial loss. Harm to a patient may also have a consequent impact on the
organization such as loss of reputation and/or financial loss resulting from litigation. Whereas these adverse organizational
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ISO/TS 29321:2008(E)
impacts will be significant to an organization, they are not the subject of this Technical Specification unless they can result
in harm to a patient. It is the potential harm to the patient that is the subject of this Technical Specification.
NOTE 4 Whereas this Technical Specification might well be useful to regulators if health software products were to be
regulated or controlled in some formal or informal or voluntary manner whether national, regional or local, it is not the
purpose of this document to recommend whether or not health software products should be regulated.
NOTE 5 Guidance on the proper processes to be used by the user community to ensure the patient safety of health
software as it is deployed, is given in ISO/TR 29322 .
NOTE 6 Throughout this document the term “clinical” is used to make clear that the scope is limited to matters of risks
to patient safety as distinct from other types of risk such as financial. The use of the term “clinical” is not be taken to mean
that the manufacturer is expected to be involved in clinical decisions affecting the treatment of patients in the direct clinical
settings. This Technical Specification however makes clear that decisions about risks to patients posed by a health
software product in a clinical environment need to involve appropriate, experienced and knowledgeable clinicians.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
clinical hazard
potential source of harm to a patient
[ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999, definition 3.5]
clinical risk
combination of the likelihood of occurrence of harm to a patient and the severity of that harm
NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 (definition 3.2).
clinical risk analysis
systematic use of available information to identify and estimate a risk
NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 (definition 3.10).
clinical risk assessment
overall process comprising a clinical risk analysis and a clinical risk evaluation
[ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999, definition 3.12]
clinical risk control
process in which decisions are made and measures implemented by which clinical risks are reduced to, or
maintained within, specified levels
clinical risk estimation
process used to assign values to the likelihood of occurrence of harm to a patient and the severity of that
clinical risk evaluation
process of comparing the estimated clinical risk against given risk criteria to determine the acceptability of the
clinical risk
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clinical risk management
systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analysing, evaluating
and controlling clinical risk
clinical risk management file
repository of all records and other documents that are produced by the clinical risk management process
clinical safety
freedom from unacceptable clinical risk to patients
NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 (definition 3.1).
clinical safety case
accumulation, through the life cycle of the health software system, of product and business process
documentation and of evidence structured such as to enable a safety argument to be developed to provide a
compelling, comprehensible and valid case that a system is, as far as the clinical risk management process
can realistically ascertain, free from unacceptable clinical risk for its intended use
clinical safety case report
report that summarises the arguments and supporting evidence of the clinical safety case at a defined point in
the health software's life cycle
clinical safety management system
organizational structure, processes, procedures and methodologies that enable the direction and control of the
activities necessary to meet clinical safety requirements and clinical safety policy objectives
off-the-shelf software that is not health software
death, physical injury and/or damage to the health or well-being of a patient
NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999.
hazardous situation
circumstance in which a patient is exposed to one or more hazard(s)
NOTE Adapted from ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 (definition 3.6).
health software product
software product for use in the health sector for health related purposes but excluding software that is:
⎯ necessary for the proper application of a medical device;
⎯ an accessory to a medical device;
⎯ a medical device in its own right.
NOTE 1 This definition is intended for this Technical Specification only.
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NOTE 2 For the purposes of this Technical Speci

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