ISO/IEC 10030:1990/Amd 3:1993
(Amendment)Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — End System Routeing Information Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with ISO 8878 — Amendment 3
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — End System Routeing Information Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with ISO 8878 — Amendment 3
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange d'information entre systèmes — Protocole d'échange d'information pour le routage pour les systèmes d'extrémité à utiliser conjointement avec l'ISO 8878 — Amendement 3
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1990-12-1 5
1993-1 2-01
Information technology - Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems - End
System Routeing Information Exchange Protocol for
use in conjunction with IS0 8878
AMENDMENT 3: Specification of IS-SNARE interac-
Technologies de l'information - Télécommunications et échange d'information
entre systèmes - Protocole d'échange d'information pour le routage d'un
système d'extrémité à utiliser conjointement avec 1'1.50 8878
AMENDEMENT 3: Spécification des interactions IS-SNARE
Reference number
ISO/IEC 10030:1990/Amd.3:1993(E)
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ISO/IEC 10030: 1990/Amd.3:1993(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the In-
ternational Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system
for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0
or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through
technical committees established by the respective organization to deal
with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical com-
mittees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0
and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a
joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards
adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national
bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires
approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 3 to International Standard ISO/IEC 10030 was prepared by
Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, lnformation technology, Sub-
committee 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between
Q ISO/IEC 1993
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ISOAEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-121 1 Genève 20 Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 10030: 1990/Amd.3:1993(E)
Information technology - Telecommunications and infor-
mation exchange between systems - End System Routeing
Information Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with
IS0 8878
AMENDMENT 3: Specification of IS-SNARE interactions
4.2 Protocol Data Units
Change the description of the first four PDUs as
Add a new item d) after the first item c) as follows:
"d) How do Intermediate systems discover the
...... Proto-
"Exy PDU Endhtermediate System
reachability of End Systems on the same sub-
col Data Unit",
network (when direct examination of the NSAP
destination address does not provide information
about the destination subnetwork address)?"
for xy = CQ, NC, SC, SH, and add a note at the end of
the subclause, as follows:
Change the second item c) to read:
"NOTE - The name of the PDU should not be con-
strued as implying a definition of the PDU's function.
"C) End systems and Intermediate systems using
For example an ECO PDU can be transmitted by an IS".
I this protocol ."
5 Overview of the Protocol
Add a new item c) to the description of the functions
Paragraph 1, change the full stop to a comma, and
of the Configuration Subset as follows:
add the following sentence:
To enable ISs to obtain, for NAs identifying
".and between an Intermediate system and a
Network service access points located within End
Subnetwork Address Resolution Entity."
Systems directly attached to the same subnet-
work, the SNPA address of these systems."
Add a new item c) as follows:
In the sentence describing the function of the redi-
"cl Intermediate systems which operate
rection subset, change the full stop to a comma, and
ISO/IEC 8208."
add the following:
"and to permit ISs which are attempting to estab-
lish a connection to an ES on the subnetwork to
I 4.1 Systems
the appropriate SNPA address via
be directed to
which the connection can be established."
Add between ES and SNARE the following abbrevi-
Last paragraph of clause 5, last sentence, change the
two occurrences of "ES" to "system (ES or IS)".
"IS Intermediate system"
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ISO/IEC 10030: 1990/Amd.3:1993(E)
6.1 Static Conformance Requirements
5.1 The SNARE Function
Add a new paragraph before the note as follows: Add the following precisions for items a) and b) of
the requirements to be met by an ES:
"The SNARE also distributes configuration and
"a) The procedures of the system Configuration
redirection information to the ISs."
Information Subset, specified in clause 8, that
apply to an ES;
Modify the NOTE, as follows:
b) The procedures of the system Redirection In-
"NOTE - A SNARE may also interact with Intermedi-
formation Subset, specified in clause 9, that apply
ate systems for the purpose of collecting configuration
to an ES."
information but the details of such interactions are
outside the scope of this International Standard."
Add after the requirements for an ES and before the
requirements for a SNARE, a paragraph regarding
Last paragraph, replace "ES" with "ES (or IS)" and
the requirements for an IS, as follows.
"ESs" with "ESs (or ISs)".
"An IS for which conformance to this Inter-
national Standard is claimed shall implement one
5.2 Overview of Configuration Information
or more of the following:
Add a new paragraph at the end of clause as fol-
a) The procedures of the system Configuration
Information Subset, specified in clause 8, that
apply to an IS, in particular clause;
"An IS also may request information about Net-
work Addresses. In the present context this re-
b) The procedures of the system Redirection
quest will strictly take place within the realm of
Information Subset, specified in clause 9, that
Single Network Routeing, as defined in lSO/TR
apply to an IS."
9575, and is thus hierarchically placed under any
IS-IS routeing activity. Therefore this request can
only occur for Network Addresses corresponding
7 SNARE Subnetwork Address
to End Systems directly attached to the subnet-
work. However, this protocol contains no pro-
Change "an ES" to "an ES (or an IS)".
visions to ensure that this is so, and relies instead
on the processes effected above it in the routeing
8 End System Configuration Information
The protocol exchanges begin with the IS estab-
lishing an X.25 connection to a SNARE by issuing
an X.25 Call Request. When the SNARE accepts
the call, the IS may request information about Change the title to:
one or several Network Addresses. For each re-
"System Configuration Information"
quested Network Address the SNARE supplies
details of the SNPA (or SNPAs) of the system at
which the Network Address resides. Having re-
ceived information about one Network Address,
8.1 Protocol Parameters
the IS can request information about another.
When it has all the information it requires, the IS
8.1.1 Response Time
clears the call."
Change "ES" to "ES (or IS)".
5.3 Overview of Redirection Information
8.2 Protocol Operation
Second paragraph, change "ES" to "ES (or IS)" in
the two instances where the term appears.
8.2.1 Connection Establishment
Third paragraph, change "ES" to "ES (or IS)".
Replace the first two paragraphs with the f
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