ISO/IEC 11694-4:1996
(Main)Identification cards — Optical memory cards — Linear recording method — Part 4: Logical data structures
Identification cards — Optical memory cards — Linear recording method — Part 4: Logical data structures
Defines the logical data structures for optical memory cards necessary to allow compatibility and interchange between systems using the linear recording method.
Cartes d'identification — Cartes à mémoire optique — Méthode d'enregistrement linéaire — Partie 4: Structures de données logiques
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Identification cards - Optical memory
cards - Linear recording method -
Part 4:
Logical data structures
Cartes d ‘iden tifica tion
- Cartes a memoire optique - Methode
d ‘enregis tremen t lin6aire -
Partie 4: Structures de donnbes logiques
Reference number
lSO/IEC 11694-4:1996(E)
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ISO/IEC 11694-4: 1996(E)
. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1 Scope
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Normative references
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Dehitions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Reference Points
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Track layout
Track guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guard tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Data tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Track ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Seetors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 Data encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
............ 3
Annex A - 8-10 NR21 modulation Code, PWM recording method
.... ..2 2
Annex B - MFM/NRZI-RZ modulation Code, PPM recording method
0 ISO/IEC 1996
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microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO/.IEC 11694-4: 1996(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the
International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized System for
worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular
fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in
Felds of mutual interest. Other international organizations, govemmental and
non-govemmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by
the joint technical committee are circulated to the national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the
national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 11694-4 was prepared by Joint Technical
Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 17,
Identzjkation cards and related devices.
ISO/IEC 11694 consists of the following Parts, under the general title
- Optical memory cards - Linear recording method:
Identljkation cards
- Part 1: Physical characteristics
- Part 2: Dirrzensions and location of the accessible Optical area
- Part 3: Optical properties and characteristics
- Part 4: Logical data structures
Annexes A and B form an integral part of this part of ISO/IEC 11694.
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ISO/IEC 11694=4:1996(E)
This part of ISO/IEC 11694 is one of a series of Standards describing the
Parameters for Optical memory cards and the use of such cards for the storage
and interchange of digital data.
The Standards recognize the existente of different methods for recording and
reading information on Optical memory cards, the characteristics of which are
specific to the recording method employed. In general, these different recording
methods will not be compatible with each other. Therefore, the Standards are
structured to accommodate the inclusion of existing and future recording
methods in a consistent manner.
This part of ISO/IEC 11694 is specific to Optical memory cards using the linear
recording method. Characteristics which apply to other specific recording
methods shall be found in separate Standards documents.
This part of ISO/IEC 11694 defmes the logical data structures and the extent of
compliance with, addition to, and/or deviation from the relevant base document
ISO/IEC 11693.
The user ’s attention is called to the possibility that compliance with this part of
ISO/IEC 11694 may require use of an invention covered by patent rights and/or
other material covered by Copyrights. By publication of this part of ISO/IEC
11694, no Position is taken with respect to the validity of this Claim or of any
patent rights or Copyrights in connection therewith.
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Identification cards - Optical memory cards - Linear recording
method -
Part 4:
Logical data structures
3 Definitions
1 Scope
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 11694, the definitions
This part of ISO/IEC 11694 defines the logical data structures
given in ISO/IEC 11693, ISO/IEC 11694-1, ISOAEC 11694-2,
for Optical memory cards necessary to allow compatibility and
ISOIIEC 11694-3 and the following definitions apply.
interchange between Systems using the linear recording
3.1 data bit: An area which represents data on an Optical
memory card. A mark which has a different reflectivity and/or
Phase differente from the background reflectivity. One mark
2 Normative references
tan defme one or two data transitions dependent on the
modulation method selected.
The following Standards contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
3.2 data track: The area located between adjacent track
ISO/IEC 11694. At the time of publication the editions
guides where data are written and/or read.
indicated were valid. All Standards are subject to revision and
Parties to agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC 11694 are
3.3 error correction code (ECC): A code designed to
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most
correct certain kinds of errors in data.
recent editions of the Standards listed below. Members of ISO
and IEC maintain registers of currently valid international
3.4 error detection and correction (EDAC): A family of
methods in which redundancy is added to a message block, at
the time the message block is recorded, in known fashion.
ISO/IEC 11693: 1994, Identification cards - Optical memory
Upon read back, a decoder removes the redundancy and uses
cards - General characteristics.
the redundant information to detect and correct erroneous
channel Symbols.
ISO/IEC 11694-1: 1994, Identtjkation cards - Optical memory
- Linear recording method - Part 1: Physical
3.5 modulation Code: A System for coding which transforms
information bits into some physical representation for
recording onto the Optical memory card.
ISOIIEC 11694-2: 1995, Identiflcation cards - Optical memory
cards - Linear recording method - Part 2: Dimensions and
3.6 pitch: The distance between corresponding Points on
location of the accessible Optical area.
adjacent data spots.
ISO/IEC 11694-3: 1995, Identi ’cation cards - Optical memory
3.7 sector: The minimum unit of data that tan be accessed
cards - Linear recording method - Part 3: Optical properties
on a card for any read and/or write command.
and characteristics.
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ISO/IEC 11694=4:1996(E)
Guard tracks may contain data relating to card type, physical
4 Reference Points
data format, specific application and/or card drive
autodiagnosis and calibration. See annex A or annex B.
The reference track and reference edges defined in ISO/IEC
11694-2 apply unless otherwise specified.
8 Data tracks
4.1 First data bit
and is Written and/or preformatted data shall be located within data
The first data bit shall be located on the reference track
on the tracks and centred between adjacent track guides to a tolerante
part of the track ID. The location may vary dependent
A or annex B. of + 0,5 Pm in the y-axis. See annex A or annex B.
track layout selected. See annex
5 Track layout
9 Track ID
Track layout information shall be preformatted on cards during
Written and/or preformatted track ID shall identify the
manufacture and/or written to cards Prior to use.
physical address of each data track. See annex A or annex B
for specific configuration and location.
The total number of tracks may vary dependent on the
application requirements; however, in all cases, tracks shall be
arranged in Order, and numbered sequentially, beginning with
10 Seetors
the reference track. See annex A or annex B for actual track
layouts and numbering sequences.
Seetors are defined by the amount of user data in bytes and
the number of sectors which tan be written to a Single data
5.1 Track layout Options
track. See annex A or annex B for specific types/sizes.
See annex A or annex B for information conceming data
All sectors within a given track shall be identical in type and
structures that support the optional card layouts described in
partially written tracks shall only be appended with sectors of
ISO/IEC 11694-2.
the same type as those previously written on the track unless
otherwise specified in annex A or annex B.
6 Track guides
NOTE - Seetor typeskizes have been defmed to maximize the efficiency of
data storage on a track and may vary by modulation Code.
Track guides shall be uniformly spaced across the card and
shall extend the length of the accessible Optical area. The
accumulated tolerantes across the width of all track guides
11 Data encoding
shall be less than or equal to 24 Pm at 25” C. See annex A or
annex B for specific dimensions.
To encode data requires the use of a modulation Code. See
annex A or annex B for acceptable modulation Codes.
NOTE - The user data on any Single Optical card shall only be d using
7 Guard tracks
one modulation Code.
There shall be 20 guard tracks, ten located directly above and
ten directly below the user data area to enable the optics to
locate the user data tracks and prevent the Optical head from
over running the accessible Optical area if auto-tracking is lost.
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ISO/IEC 11694-4: 1996(E)
Annex A
8-10 NRZI modulation Code, PWM recording method
Track description Track # Hex
A.1 Scope
Guard track LPT9 (first -10 FFF6
This annex defines the logical data structures specific to
. .
Optical cards using a pulse width modulation recording method
Guard track LP ’I ’O (last
bottom) -1 FFFF
and an 8-10 NR21 modulation Code.
First user data track
0 0000
. .
Last user data track n
Guard track UPTO (first n+l
A.2 Definitions
Guard track Um9 (last top) n+ 10
For the purpose of this annex, the following definitions apply:
NOTE - Because the total number of tracks may vary dependent on the
application requirements, the last user data track and the top guard tracks are
A form of FM
A.2.1 carrier/burst modulation Code:
expressed in parametric form.
modulation code which makes I ,O information correspond to
a different frequency.
AS Track layout Options
Non-retum-to-Zero-inverse; a specific
A.2.2 NRZI:
modulation method to make 1 corresponding to inverse and 0
This section provides information conceming data structures
to non-inverse.
that support the optional card layouts described in ISO/IEC
A.2.3 Reed-Solomon Code: A byte error detection and/or
correction code which is generally used in Optical and
AS.1 Cards with moderate data capacity
magnetic storage.
This layout shall contain 2 520 data tracks, of which 2 500
shall be user data tracks. Tracks shall be numbered
A.3 Reference Points
sequentially beginning with track -10, the reference track.
The first bottom guard track (LPZ9) is the reference track and
NOTE - This layout supports the inclusion of a magnetic stripe
shall be located $4 mm + 0,3 mm from the reference edge.
signature Panel.
NOTE - This dimension is tighter yet still falls within the tolerante range
AS.2 Cards with Options, no embossing
specified by dimension D of ISO/IEC 11694-2.
This layout shall contain 1 128 data tracks, of which 1 108
A.3.1 First data bit
shall be user data tracks. Tracks shall be numbered
sequentially beginning with track -10, the reference track.
The first data bit closest the left edge of the card shall be
located at 12,50 mm & 0,40 mm in the x-axis. The distance
NOTE - This layout supports the inclusion of a magnetic stripe, IC chip with
between the first data bit closest the left edge of the card and
contacts, and/or signature Panel.
the first data bit closest the right edge of the card shall be
60,6 mm + 0,l mm in the x-axis.
AS.3 Cards with Options, no IC chip
This layout shall contain 1 128 data tracks, of which 1 108
shall be User data tracks. Tracks shall be numbered
A.4 Track layout
sequentially beginning with track -10, the reference track.
Tracks shall be arranged in Order beginning with the reference
NOTE - This layout supports the inclusion of a
magnetic stripe, embossing,
track and shall be numbered sequentially beginning with track
signature Panel.
-10, the reference track.
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ISO/IEC 11694=4:1996(E) 0 ISO/IEC
Card-type data shall be preformatted using a carrier/burst
The reference edges for this layout shall be the top edge and
modulation Code. These tracks shall not be made available to
the right edge of the card. See ISO/IEC 11694-2.
the application for writing nor shall cards be issued with these
tracks left blank.
For this layout, the first data bit closest the right edge of the
card shall be located at 1250 mm * 0,40 mm in the x-axis.
The carrier/burst Pattern shall consist of an L-Pattern (denotes
The distance between the first data bit closest the right edge of
0 data) and an S-Pattern (denotes 1 data), the only differente
the card and the first data bit closest the left edge of the card
between Patterns being the Pattern-pitch. The L-Pattern pitch
shall be 60,O mm * 0,l mm in the x-axis.
shall be 240 Pm + 5 Pm and the S-Pattern pitch shall be
The track layout for these type cards shall be displayed from 120 Pm + 5 Pm. See A. 12.2, figure A. 1 and table A. 1.
the top to the bottom of the card, beginning with the reference
track. The length, or x-axis dimension, of preformatted data bits
shall be 6,0 Pm + 0,6 Pm; the width, or y-axis dimension,
shall be 2,5 Pm + 0,5 Pm; the bit pitch shall be 12,0 Pm
AS.4 Cards with maximum data capacity
+ 0,3 Pm. See figure A.l.
This layout shall contain 3 593 data tracks, of which 3 573
The distance between the first data bit of the left track ID
shall be user data tracks. Tracks shall be numbered
closest the left edge of the card and the first data bit of the
sequentially beginning with track -10, the reference track.
card type Pattern closest the left edge of the card shall be
This layout supports the inclusion of a magnetic stripe
NOTE - 14,9 mm + 0,l mm in the x-axis.
A.7.2 Unique card identification (ID) field
A.6 Track guides
For those applications requiring unique card serialization,
guard tracks LPTI (track -2) and LPIY) (track -1) shall be used
The width of the track guides shall be 2,3 Pm & 0,3 Pm. The
as a card-ID field. If using this Option, information related to
distance from the centre of one track guide to the centre of an
the application and other issuer information may be included
adjacent track guide shall be 12,0 Pm + 0,2 Pm.
in these tracks along with the card serialization data.
No track guides shall have any breaks exceeding 180 Pm.
Card-ID field data shall be pre-recorded during the
manufacturing process. These tracks shall not be made
available to the application for writing nor shall cards be
issued with these tracks left blank.
A.7 Guard trab
All guard tracks shall contain preformatted track-ID and card- A.7.2.1 Content
type data and/or card-ID field data. Cards shall not be issued
Figure A.2 Shows the structure and data content of the card-ID
with these tracks left blank nor shall these tracks be made
field. Data shall be pre-recorded using a type-2 sector as
available to the application for writing.
defmed in A. 11.1 and table A.2. The same information shall
Esch guard track shall contain two track ID areas, one to the be repeated in each sector of each track, that is four times in
left, the other to the right of the card-type data and/or card-ID two tracks.
field. See A.lO.
1 It is not permissible to set all data fields to OFF hex.
NOTE - It is expected that card drive units will have the ability to read guard
2 If no components of the card-ID field are used, these two tracks must be
tracks whether preformatted with card-type data or pre-recorded with card-ID
preformatted with card-type data. See A.7.1.
field data.
Field components include:
A.7.1 Card-type data
- Application identifier (AID): The AID shall consist of 16
Card-type data are pre-set indicia that denote the physical data
bytes of alpha/numeric data, which data shall be agreed to
format, the number and location of tracks and/or a specific
by the card manufacturer and card issuer. If the AID is not
type application. There shall be two blocks per track each
implemented, these 16 bytes shall be set to OFF hex.
containing the same card-type Pattern repeated eight times. See
figure A. 1 and table Al.
NOTE - Card manu facturers shall have the responsibility to manage the
information to ensure AID ’s are not duplicated between different card issuzrs.
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ISO/IEC 11694-4: 1996(E)
- Unique identifier (UID): The UID shall consist of six A.9.2 Sync marker
bytes, one byte containing the card manufacturer identifier
A specific 100bit Pattern which does not show up as a read-
(CMID), and five bytes containing a unique card identifier
output Signal when the 8-10 NR21 modulation code is
(UCID). If the UID is not implemented, these six bytes
implernen& on the track ID and/or user data.
shall be set to OFF hex.
NOTE - When asynchronization occurs during read ing, data tan be re-
synchronized after sensing successive sync markers.
1 The card manufacturer shall have the responsibility to ensure only one
UID is contained in their card products.
2 Since different card manufacturers tan use the same UCID, it is
The sync marker shall be set on the border of the data matrix,
recommended that the entire UID (CMID + UCID) be used.
created when implementing the Reed-Solomon Code, to divide
the user data into multiple blocks. See figure A.4.
- Number of issuer data bytes (NID): The NID shall
consist of two bytes which specify the number of bytes used
The first sync marker from the left edge of the card, in every
in the ISSUER Portion of the card-ID field. If the NID is
sector and in both track ID ’s, shall be 1100010001 Prior to
not implemented, these two bytes shall be set to OFF hex.
NR21 modulation. All other sync markers shall be either
1100010001 or 0100010001 Prior to NR21 modulation.
- Optional issuer data (ISSUER): The ISSUER shall
consist of 488 bytes and shall be reserved for the exclusive
Thus all written sync markers shall become either 1000011110
use of the card issuer. Any unused bytes in this area shall
or 0111100001 after NR21 modulation.
be set to OFF hex.
A.9.3 Post-axnble (PST)
NOTE - Since card-ID field data are pre-recorded, the ISSUER data must
be pre-recorded at the time of card manufacture.
A series of 60 consecutive bits laid out from the left edge
direction of the card. The PST bit-Pattern shall be
0101010101. or 1010101010. See figure A.3.
A.8 Data tracks
NOTE - The PST generates the data clock required by the card drive ’s PLL
of 60,7 mm of written
Esch data track tan contain a maximum
circuit when an Optical card is read from right to le
between sectors.
and/or preformatted data, including the
A.8.1 Data bits
A.10 Track ID
Use of the 8-10 NR21 modulation code requires that written
Track ID shall be preformatted at the right and left side of
and/or preformatted data bits consist of four different sizes.
each data track. See figures A.3 and AS.
The length, or x-axis dimension, shall be 3,0 Pm + 0,6 Pm,
6,0 Pm & 0,6 Pm, 9,0 Pm + 0,6 Pm or 12,0 Pm + 04 Pm;
NOTE - The structure allows the track
ID to be read from either direction,
the width, or y-axis dimension, shall be 25 Pm $- 05 Pm.
that is from left to right or right to left.
The minimu m distance from the centre of one data bit to the
A. 10.1 Content
adjacent data bit shall be 6,0 Pm + 0,3 Pm.
centre of .an
The track ID shall consist of 75 bytes of information and the
length shall be 2,25 mm + 0,02 mm. The track ID shall
consist of the PRE, sync markers, track numbers, ECC and
A.9 Track components
the PST. See A.12.3 and figure A.3.
A.9.1 R-e-amble (PRE)
The track number itself shall be repeated twice per track ID
with the most significant bit (MSB) positioned closest the left
A series of 60 consecutive bits laid out from the left edge
edge of the card.
direction of the card. The PRE bit-Pattern shall be
1010101010. or 0101010101. See figure A.3.
A.ll Seetors
NOTE - The PRE generates the d ata clock req uired by the c .ard drive ’s phasc-
Optical card is read from left to right.
lack-loop (PLL) circuit when an
Every sector shall contain a PRE, sync markers, user data,
ECC and a PST and shall be separated from adjoining sectors
---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
ISO/IEC 11694=4:1996(E)
x8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1 = 0
by a gap, that is an unrecorded area. See figures A.4 and A.5.
CY is a primitive element of GF (28).
sector and arranged from
User data shall be written within a
right regardless of the writin ,g direction implemented.
left to
The Reed-Solomon code arranges every track ID and every
in either direction, that is, from left to right,
NOTE - Seetors tan be written sector of user data into a matrix as shown in figure A. 10 and
the forward direction, or from right to lelft, the reverse
then applies the ECC based on the generator polynomial,
resulting in the addition of four parity bytes to the matrix.
The accumulated tolerantes across any sector shall be less than
+ 3 % of the sector length.
EXAMPLE - Track ID are encoded using a Cl (6,2), C2 ($1) Reed-Solomon
Code. As a result, 28 parity bytes are added to the original two bytes which
make up the track ID.
A.ll.l Types of sectors
EXAMPLE - Encoding a sector type 7 using the Reed-Solomon ECC.
Seetor types shall be as defined in figure A. 6 and table A.2.
Write 16 bytes of data containing the integer values in
NOTE - The sector lengths shown in figure A-6 are the maximum allowed
when taking into consideration up to a 3 % deviation in the velocity of the card
drive mechanism which is anticipated in the actual use of Optical card Systems.
Arranging the bytes into an 8 x 2 matrix, the data becomes:
All sectors, regardless of sector type, shall be located relative
to the first bit Position of the left track ID. The MSB shall
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
-always be placed at the edge of each sector closest the left
08 09 OA OB oc OD OE OF
edge of the card.
Encoding each row of the generator polynomial
G(x), the
above matrix becomes:
A.12 Data encoding
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 2C 84 05
08 09 OA OB oc OD OE OF D8 4E 65 F3
encoding and storing
‘This section describes the method for
Encoding each column using the generator p olynomial G(x),
sector types.
data on Optical cards using the various
the matrix becomes:
A. 12.1 Modulated data
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 2C 84 05 AD
08 09 OA OB OC OD OE OF D8 4E 65 F3
78 14 AO CC D5 B9 OD 61 EE FB DB CE
All track ID ’s and user data along with their associated ECC
AD CC 6F OE 34 55 F6 97 18 91 77 FE
shall be modulated using the 8-10 NR21 modulation Code. See
E7 4D AE 04 75 DF 3C 96 67 8F E8 00
figures A.7, A.8, A.9 and table A.3.
3A 9D 69 CE 9C 3B CF 68 65 2F 24 6E
NOTE - When encoding, ten bits are assigned to every eight bits of actual
data using the 8-10 modulation table. When reading, the original eight bits are
A.13 Measurement
retrieved/demodulated from the corresponding 1 O-bit data Pattern,
A. 12.2 Carrier/burst modulation code
1 The readingiwriting test conditions outlined in ISO/IEC 11694-3 apply
unless otherwise specified when observing the Optical characteristics.
All card-type data shall be preformatted using the carrier/burst
2 An Optical Specialties, Inc. Video Linewidth System, WS-I, or equivalent,
modulation Code. See A.7.1, figure A. 1 and table A. 1.
is used for physical measurements.
NOTE - In the read mode, this modulation code permits card-type information
A. 13.1 Track guide measurement
found in the guard tracks to be demodulated with Software, eliminating the
influence from the variable velocity, if any, of the Optical card drive.
The measurement of the track guide pitch and width shall be
performed in the nine areas shown in figure A. 11. Esch area
A.12.3 Error correction code
shall consist of ten tracks and the average value at each of the
nine areas shall fall within the specified range.
Esch track ID and every sector of written data shall be
encoded using the Reed-Solomon ECC generated by the
A.13.2 Track ID measurement
following generator polynomial:
The measurement of the track ID data bit size, bit pitch and
- cx ’) (X - a ”> (X - Cu) (X - 1)
G(x) = (X
the length of the track ID shall be performed in the six areas
---------------------- Page: 10 ----------------------
@ ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 11694-4: 1996(E)
designated by D and E in figure A. 11. Esch area shall consist be determined using the wave shape of the read out Signal
using a beam diameter of 2,5 Pm, a read power of 0,l mW
of ten tracks and the average value at each of the six areas
+ 5 % and a media linear velocity of 480 mm/s rfi 0,s %.
shall fall within the specified range. -
The bit size shall be measured at the half value Point and the
A.13.3 Guard track measurement
bit pitch at the peak Point of the read Signal. The average
value of a minimum of ten measurements shall fall within the
The measurement of the guard track data bit size, bit pitch and
specified range.
the carrier Pattern pitch shall be performed in two tracks each
in the areas designated A and C in figure A. 11. The average
A. 13.6 Written data characteristics
value of a minimum of ten measurements taken at each
location shall fall within the specified range.
The following characteristics shall be achieved when scanning
a written Portion of the accessible Optical area containing high
A. 13.4 Preformatted data characteristics
frequency data (80 kHz), and low frequency data (20 kHz).
The following characteristics shall be achieved when scanning
To achieve the expected results, tests shall be conducted using
a preformatted Portion of the accessible Optical area containing
a beam diameter of 25 Fm and a media linear velocity of
a card-type carrier/burst Pattern. See figure A. 1.
480 mm/s + 3 %. The write power shall be 18 mW + 5 %. A
pulse width of 3,5 ps at 80 kHz, and 22 ps at 20 kHz shall be
To achieve the expected results, tests shall be conducted using
a beam diameter of 25 Pm and a media linear velocity of
480 mmk + 3%.
A.13.6.1 The low frequency recovery value shall be greater
than or equal to 0,9. See ISO/IEC 11694-3.
A.13.4.1 The low frequency recovery value shall be greater
than or equal to 0,9. See ISO/IEC 11694-3.
A.13.6.2 The amplitude comparison value shall be greater
than or equal to 0,8. See ISOUEC 11694-3.
A.13.4.2 The amplitude comparison value shall be greater
than or equal to 0,8. See ISO/IEC 11694-3.
A.13.6.3 The Signal overlap (S,) divided by the high
frequency amplitude (AHF) shall be greater than or equal to
A.13.4.3 The Signal overlap (S,) divided by the high
0,8. See ISO/IEC 11694-3.
frequency amplitude (AHF) shall be greater than or equal to
0,8. See ISO
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