ISO/TR 21332:2021
(Main)Health informatics — Cloud computing considerations for the security and privacy of health information systems
Health informatics — Cloud computing considerations for the security and privacy of health information systems
This document provides an overview of security and privacy considerations for Electronic Health Records (EHR) in a cloud computing service that users can leverage when selecting a service provider.
Informatique de santé — Considérations relatives à l'informatique en nuage pour la sécurité et la confidentialité des systèmes d'information de santé
General Information
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REPORT 21332
First edition
Health informatics — Cloud
computing considerations for the
security and privacy of health
information systems
Informatique de santé — Considérations relatives à l'informatique en
nuage pour la sécurité et la confidentialité des systèmes d'information
de santé
Reference number
ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
ISO 2021
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 6
5 Cloud computing . 6
5.1 General . 6
5.2 Overview of cloud computing . 6
5.3 Cloud computing roles and activities . 8
5.4 Cloud capabilities types and cloud service categories . 8
5.5 Cloud deployment models . 9
5.6 Cloud computing information system security capabilities .11
6 Considerations for health information in cloud computing environment.12
6.1 Overview .12
6.2 Health information security .14
6.2.1 Overview of Teleworking Policies and Procedures .14
6.2.2 Telework and portable devices .14
6.3 Information security policies .15
6.3.1 Overview .15
6.3.2 Information security and protection of PII and PHI .15
6.3.3 Availability.16
6.3.4 Cloud deployment models considerations .17
6.3.5 Audit trail and logs .17
6.3.6 Cryptography and obfuscation .18
6.3.7 Retention, backup, and deletion .19
6.3.8 Access control and multi-client segmentation .19
6.3.9 Change management .21
6.3.10 Disaster recovery .21
6.3.11 Testing and evaluation .22
6.3.12 Information management .22
Annex A (informative) Example guidance from the UK for selecting and risk managing
cloud based digital health services .24
Annex B (informative) Detailed advice and guidance .30
Annex C (informative) Service classification recommendations .50
Bibliography .52
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 215, Health informatics.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
This document identifies core Electronic Health Record (EHR) security and privacy requirements
where cloud computing services are utilized. Additional requirements may also be needed where local
legal or regulatory requirements exist. Potential additions or modifications can be considered by the
cloud service providers in their contractual arrangements.
Cloud computing usage and adoption is becoming popular for healthcare applications worldwide.
However, there are health information systems in the market that were not originally designed to
operate in such an environment. The appeal and reasons for use that lead to cloud computing adoption
are varied, but the available solutions do not always take into account the necessary security and
privacy precautions and the necessary measures for secure use of this platform. Migration is a key
consideration, as is the design of new systems to account for this type of environment.
The security and privacy of EHRs are paramount considerations for organizations that use health
information systems based on cloud services, and for the patient's trust and confidence that their
information is processed and stored safely and securely.
This document includes perspective of health information on cloud computing and health informatics
requirements. It also provides guidance on selecting service providers in the public cloud for safely
locating healthcare data, and confidential patient information (including solutions on handling of data
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved v
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Health informatics — Cloud computing considerations for
the security and privacy of health information systems
1 Scope
This document provides an overview of security and privacy considerations for Electronic Health
Records (EHR) in a cloud computing service that users can leverage when selecting a service provider.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
application capabilities type
cloud capabilities type (3.2) in which the cloud service customer (3.8) can use the cloud service provider's
(3.11) applications
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.1]
cloud capabilities type
classification of the functionality provided by a cloud service (3.5) to the cloud service customer (3.8),
based on resources used
Note 1 to entry: The cloud capabilities types are application capabilities type (3.1), infrastructure capabilities type
(3.24) and platform capabilities type (3.31).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.4]
cloud computing
paradigm for enabling network access to a scalable and elastic pool of shareable physical or virtual
resources with self-service provisioning and administration on-demand
Note 1 to entry: Examples of resources include servers, operating systems, networks, software, applications, and
storage equipment.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.5]
cloud deployment model
way in which cloud computing (3.3) can be organized based on the control and sharing of physical or
virtual resources
Note 1 to entry: The cloud deployment models include community cloud, hybrid cloud, private cloud and
public cloud.
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.7]
cloud service
one or more capabilities offered via cloud computing (3.3) invoked using a defined interface
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.8]
cloud service category
group of cloud services (3.5) that possess some common set of qualities
Note 1 to entry: A cloud service category can include capabilities from one or more cloud capabilities types (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.10]
cloud service customer data
class of data objects under the control, by legal or other reasons, of the cloud service customer (3.8) that
were input to the cloud service (3.5), or resulted from exercising the capabilities of the cloud service (3.5)
by or on behalf of the cloud service customer (3.8) via the published interface of the cloud service (3.5)
Note 1 to entry: An example of legal controls is copyright.
Note 2 to entry: It may be that the cloud service (3.5) contains or operates on data that is not cloud service
customer data; this might be data made available by the cloud service providers (3.11), or obtained from another
source, or it might be publicly available data. However, any output data produced by the actions of the cloud
service customer (3.8) using the capabilities of the cloud service (3.5) on this data is likely to be cloud service
customer data (3.7), following the general principles of copyright, unless there are specific provisions in the cloud
service (3.5) agreement to the contrary.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.12]
cloud service customer
party which is in a business relationship for the purpose of using cloud services (3.5)
Note 1 to entry: A business relationship does not necessarily imply financial agreements.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.11]
cloud service derived data
class of data objects under cloud service provider (3.11) control that are derived as a result of interaction
with the cloud service (3.5) by the cloud service customer (3.8)
Note 1 to entry: Cloud service (3.5) derived data includes log data containing records of who used the service, at
what times, which functions, types of data involved and so on. It can also include information about the numbers
of authorized users and their identities. It can also include any configuration or customization data, where the
cloud service (3.5) has such configuration and customization capabilities.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.13]
cloud service partner
party which is engaged in support of, or auxiliary to, activities of either the cloud service provider (3.11)
or the cloud service customer (3.8), or both
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.14]
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
cloud service provider
party which makes cloud services (3.5) available
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.15]
communications as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capability provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) is real
time interaction and collaboration
Note 1 to entry: CaaS can provide both application capabilities type (3.1) and platform capabilities type (3.31).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.18]
community cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) where cloud services (3.5) exclusively support and are shared by a specific
collection of cloud service customers (3.8) who have shared requirements and a relationship with one
another, and where resources are controlled by at least one member of this collection
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.19]
compute as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capabilities provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) are the
provision and use of processing resources needed to deploy and run software
Note 1 to entry: To run some software, capabilities other than processing resources may be needed.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.20]
cyber-event that involves a loss of information security or impacts business operations
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.1]
insurance that covers or reduces financial loss to the insured caused by a cyber-incident (3.15)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.2]
risk caused by a cyber-threat (3.18)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.4]
threat that exploits a cyberspace (3.19)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.5]
interconnected digital environment of networks, services, systems, and processes
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.6]
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
entity that shares or considers sharing cyber-risk (3.17) with an insurer
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.7]
data storage as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capability provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) is the
provision and use of data storage and related capabilities
Note 1 to entry: DSaaS can provide any of the three cloud capabilities types (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.22]
hybrid cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) using at least two different cloud deployment models (3.4)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.23]
infrastructure as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the cloud capabilities type (3.2) provided to the cloud service
customer (3.8) is an infrastructure capabilities type (3.24)
Note 1 to entry: The cloud service customer (3.8) does not manage or control the underlying physical and virtual
resources, but does have control over operating systems, storage, and deployed applications that use the physical
and virtual resources. The cloud service customer (3.8) may also have limited ability to control certain networking
components (e.g. host firewalls).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.24]
infrastructure capabilities type
cloud capabilities type (3.2) in which the cloud service customer (3.8) can provision and use processing,
storage or networking resources
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.25]
network as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capability provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) is
transport connectivity and related network capabilities
Note 1 to entry: NaaS can provide any of the three cloud capabilities types (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.28]
personally identifiable information
any information that (a) can be used to establish a link between the information and the natural person
to whom such information relates, or (b) is or can be directly or indirectly linked to a natural person
Note 1 to entry: The “natural person” in the definition is the PII principal. To determine whether a PII principal
is identifiable, account should be taken of all the means which can reasonably be used by the privacy stakeholder
holding the data, or by any other party, to establish the link between the set of PII and the natural person.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011/Amd.1:2018, 2.9]
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
PII controller
privacy stakeholder (or privacy stakeholders) that determines the purposes and means for processing
personally identifiable information (PII) (3.26) other than natural persons who use data for personal
Note 1 to entry: A PII controller sometimes instructs others (e.g. PII processors (3.29)) to process PII (3.26) on its
behalf while the responsibility for the processing remains with the PII controller.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011, 2.10]
PII principal
natural person to whom the personally identifiable information (PII) (3.26) relates
Note 1 to entry: Depending on the jurisdiction and the particular PII (3.26) protection and privacy legislation, the
synonym “data subject” can also be used instead of the term “PII principal” (3.28).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011, 2.11]
PII processor
privacy stakeholder that processes personally identifiable information (PII) (3.26) on behalf of and in
accordance with the instructions of a PII controller (3.27)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011, 2.12]
platform as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the cloud capabilities type (3.2) provided to the cloud service
customer (3.8) is a platform capabilities type (3.31)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.30]
platform capabilities type
cloud capabilities type (3.2) in which the cloud service customer (3.8) can deploy, manage and run
customer-created or customer-acquired applications using one or more programming languages and
one or more execution environments supported by the cloud service provider (3.11)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.31]
private cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) where cloud services (3.5) are used exclusively by a single cloud service
customer (3.8) and resources are controlled by that cloud service customer (3.8)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.32]
public cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) where cloud services (3.5) are potentially available to any cloud service
customer (3.8) and resources are controlled by the cloud service provider (3.11)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.33]
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
software as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the cloud capabilities type (3.2) provided to the cloud service
customer (3.8) is an application capabilities type (3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.36]
process for cloud service customers (3.8) to retrieve their cloud service customer data (3.7) and
application artefacts and for the cloud service provider (3.11) to delete all cloud service customer data
(3.7) as well as contractually specified cloud service derived data (3.9) after an agreed period
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.35]
4 Abbreviated terms
EHR Electronic Health Record
NHS National Health System
PHI Personal Health Information
SDO Standard Development Organizations
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
WAN Wide Area Network
5 Cloud computing
5.1 General
Cloud computing is an evolving paradigm. This is not intended to prescribe or constrain any particular
method of deployment, service delivery, or business operation.
There are known risks to confidentiality and security using a cloud computing environment. However,
the use of a cloud computing architecture over advanced technologies can produce valuable benefits.
The challenge for health informatics is what deployment method to use with the available resources to
maintain a trusted yet useful service.
5.2 Overview of cloud computing
This overview introduced the following.
a) Six key cloud computing characteristics:
i) Broad network access
It is a feature where the physical and virtual resources are available over a network and accessed
through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous client platforms. The focus of
this key characteristic is that cloud computing offers an increased level of convenience in that users
can access physical and virtual resources from wherever they need to work, as long as it is network
accessible, using a wide variety of clients, including devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops,
and workstations.
ii) Measured service
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
It is a feature where the metered delivery of cloud services is such that usage can be monitored,
controlled, reported, and billed. This is an important feature needed to optimize and validate the
delivered cloud service. The focus of this key characteristic is that the customer only pays for the
resources that they use. From the customers' perspective, cloud computing offers the users value by
enabling a switch from a low efficiency and asset utilization business model to a high efficiency one.
iii) Multi-tenancy
It is a feature where physical or virtual resources are allocated in such a way that multiple tenants
and their computations and data are isolated from and inaccessible to one another. Typically, and
within the context of multi-tenancy, the group of cloud service users that form a tenant will all
belong to the same cloud service customer organization. There might be cases where the group
of cloud service users involves users from multiple different cloud service customers, particularly
in the case of public cloud and community cloud deployments. However, a given cloud service
customer organization might have many different tenancies with a single cloud service provider
representing different groups within the organization.
iv) On-demand self-service
It is a feature where a cloud service customer can provision computing capabilities, as needed,
automatically or with minimal interaction with the cloud service provider. The focus of this key
characteristic is that cloud computing offers users a relative reduction in costs, time, and effort
needed to take an action, since it grants the user the ability to do what they need, when they need
it, without requiring additional human user interactions or overhead.
v) Rapid elasticity and scalability
These are features where physical or virtual resources can be rapidly and elastically adjusted,
in some cases automatically, to quickly increase or decrease resources. For the cloud service
customer, the physical or virtual resources available for provisioning often appear to be unlimited
and can be purchased in any quantity at any time automatically, subject to constraints of service
agreements. Therefore, the focus of these key characteristics is that cloud computing means that
the customers no longer need to worry about limited resources and might not need to worry about
capacity planning.
vi) Resource pooling
It is a feature where a cloud service provider's physical or virtual resources can be aggregated
in order to serve one or more cloud service customers. The focus of this key characteristic is that
cloud service providers can support multi-tenancy while at the same time use abstraction to mask
the complexity of the process from the customer. From the customer's perspective, all they know is
that the service works, while they generally have no control or knowledge over how the resources
are being provided or where the resources are located. This offloads some of the customer's original
workload, such as maintenance requirements, to the provider. Even with this level of abstraction,
it can be noted that users might still be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g.
country, state, or data centre).
b) Three cloud capabilities types:
1) Application capabilities type
2) Infrastructure capabilities type
3) Platform capabilities type
c) An extensible set of cloud service categories including but not limited to the following:
— Software as a Service (SaaS)
— Platform as a Service (PaaS)
— Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved 7
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
— Network as a Service (NaaS)
— Communications as a Service (CaaS)
— Compute as a Service (CompaaS)
— Data Storage as a Service (DSaaS)
d) Four cloud deployment models:
1) Public cloud
2) Private cloud
3) Community cloud
4) Hybrid cloud
5.3 Cloud computing roles and activities
Within the context of cloud computing, it is often needed to differentiate requirements and issues
for certain parties. These parties are entities that play roles, which set of competencies and/or
performances that are associated with a task. Tasks, in turn, have sets of activities and those activities
are implemented by components. All cloud computing-related activities can be categorized into three
main groups: activities that use services, activities that provide services and activities that support
services. It is important to note that a party can play more than one role at any given point in time and
can only engage in a specific subset of activities of that role. Table 1 shows a set of roles and describes
their main characteristics.
Table 1 — The major roles of cloud computing
Role Description
Cloud s
REPORT 21332
First edition
Health informatics — Cloud
computing considerations for the
security and privacy of health
information systems
Informatique de santé — Considérations relatives à l'informatique en
nuage pour la sécurité et la confidentialité des systèmes d'information
de santé
Reference number
ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
ISO 2021
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 6
5 Cloud computing . 6
5.1 General . 6
5.2 Overview of cloud computing . 6
5.3 Cloud computing roles and activities . 8
5.4 Cloud capabilities types and cloud service categories . 8
5.5 Cloud deployment models . 9
5.6 Cloud computing information system security capabilities .11
6 Considerations for health information in cloud computing environment.12
6.1 Overview .12
6.2 Health information security .14
6.2.1 Overview of Teleworking Policies and Procedures .14
6.2.2 Telework and portable devices .14
6.3 Information security policies .15
6.3.1 Overview .15
6.3.2 Information security and protection of PII and PHI .15
6.3.3 Availability.16
6.3.4 Cloud deployment models considerations .17
6.3.5 Audit trail and logs .17
6.3.6 Cryptography and obfuscation .18
6.3.7 Retention, backup, and deletion .19
6.3.8 Access control and multi-client segmentation .19
6.3.9 Change management .21
6.3.10 Disaster recovery .21
6.3.11 Testing and evaluation .22
6.3.12 Information management .22
Annex A (informative) Example guidance from the UK for selecting and risk managing
cloud based digital health services .24
Annex B (informative) Detailed advice and guidance .30
Annex C (informative) Service classification recommendations .54
Bibliography .56
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved PROOF/ÉPREUVE iii
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 215, Health informatics.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TR 21332:2021(E)
This document identifies core Electronic Health Record (EHR) security and privacy requirements
where cloud computing services are utilized. Additional requirements may also be needed where local
legal or regulatory requirements exist. Potential additions or modifications can be considered by the
cloud service providers in their contractual arrangements.
Cloud computing usage and adoption is becoming popular for healthcare applications worldwide.
However, there are health information systems in the market that were not originally designed to
operate in such an environment. The appeal and reasons for use that lead to cloud computing adoption
are varied, but the available solutions do not always take into account the necessary security and
privacy precautions and the necessary measures for secure use of this platform. Migration is a key
consideration, as is the design of new systems to account for this type of environment.
The security and privacy of EHRs are paramount considerations for organizations that use health
information systems based on cloud services, and for the patient's trust and confidence that their
information is processed and stored safely and securely.
This document includes perspective of health information on cloud computing and health informatics
requirements. It also provides guidance on selecting service providers in the public cloud for safely
locating healthcare data, and confidential patient information (including solutions on handling of data
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved PROOF/ÉPREUVE v
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Health informatics — Cloud computing considerations for
the security and privacy of health information systems
1 Scope
This document provides an overview of security and privacy considerations for Electronic Health
Records (EHR) in a cloud computing service that users can leverage when selecting a service provider.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
application capabilities type
cloud capabilities type (3.2) in which the cloud service customer (3.8) can use the cloud service provider's
(3.11) applications
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.1]
cloud capabilities type
classification of the functionality provided by a cloud service (3.5) to the cloud service customer (3.8),
based on resources used
Note 1 to entry: The cloud capabilities types are application capabilities type (3.1), infrastructure capabilities type
(3.24) and platform capabilities type (3.31).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.4]
cloud computing
paradigm for enabling network access to a scalable and elastic pool of shareable physical or virtual
resources with self-service provisioning and administration on-demand
Note 1 to entry: Examples of resources include servers, operating systems, networks, software, applications, and
storage equipment.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.5]
cloud deployment model
way in which cloud computing (3.3) can be organized based on the control and sharing of physical or
virtual resources
Note 1 to entry: The cloud deployment models include community cloud, hybrid cloud, private cloud and
public cloud.
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[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.7]
cloud service
one or more capabilities offered via cloud computing (3.3) invoked using a defined interface
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.8]
cloud service category
group of cloud services (3.5) that possess some common set of qualities
Note 1 to entry: A cloud service category can include capabilities from one or more cloud capabilities types (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.10]
cloud service customer data
class of data objects under the control, by legal or other reasons, of the cloud service customer (3.8) that
were input to the cloud service (3.5), or resulted from exercising the capabilities of the cloud service (3.5)
by or on behalf of the cloud service customer (3.8) via the published interface of the cloud service (3.5)
Note 1 to entry: An example of legal controls is copyright.
Note 2 to entry: It may be that the cloud service (3.5) contains or operates on data that is not cloud service
customer data; this might be data made available by the cloud service providers (3.11), or obtained from another
source, or it might be publicly available data. However, any output data produced by the actions of the cloud
service customer (3.8) using the capabilities of the cloud service (3.5) on this data is likely to be cloud service
customer data (3.7), following the general principles of copyright, unless there are specific provisions in the cloud
service (3.5) agreement to the contrary.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.12]
cloud service customer
party which is in a business relationship for the purpose of using cloud services (3.5)
Note 1 to entry: A business relationship does not necessarily imply financial agreements.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.11]
cloud service derived data
class of data objects under cloud service provider (3.11) control that are derived as a result of interaction
with the cloud service (3.5) by the cloud service customer (3.8)
Note 1 to entry: Cloud service (3.5) derived data includes log data containing records of who used the service, at
what times, which functions, types of data involved and so on. It can also include information about the numbers
of authorized users and their identities. It can also include any configuration or customization data, where the
cloud service (3.5) has such configuration and customization capabilities.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.13]
cloud service partner
party which is engaged in support of, or auxiliary to, activities of either the cloud service provider (3.11)
or the cloud service customer (3.8), or both
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.14]
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cloud service provider
party which makes cloud services (3.5) available
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.15]
communications as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capability provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) is real
time interaction and collaboration
Note 1 to entry: CaaS can provide both application capabilities type (3.1) and platform capabilities type (3.31).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.18]
community cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) where cloud services (3.5) exclusively support and are shared by a specific
collection of cloud service customers (3.8) who have shared requirements and a relationship with one
another, and where resources are controlled by at least one member of this collection
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.19]
compute as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capabilities provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) are the
provision and use of processing resources needed to deploy and run software
Note 1 to entry: To run some software, capabilities other than processing resources may be needed.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.20]
cyber-event that involves a loss of information security or impacts business operations
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.1]
insurance that covers or reduces financial loss to the insured caused by a cyber-incident (3.15)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.2]
risk caused by a cyber-threat (3.18)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.4]
threat that exploits a cyberspace (3.19)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.5]
interconnected digital environment of networks, services, systems, and processes
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.6]
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entity that shares or considers sharing cyber-risk (3.17) with an insurer
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 27102:2019, 3.7]
data storage as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capability provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) is the
provision and use of data storage and related capabilities
Note 1 to entry: DSaaS can provide any of the three cloud capabilities types (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.22]
hybrid cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) using at least two different cloud deployment models (3.4)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.23]
infrastructure as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the cloud capabilities type (3.2) provided to the cloud service
customer (3.8) is an infrastructure capabilities type (3.24)
Note 1 to entry: The cloud service customer (3.8) does not manage or control the underlying physical and virtual
resources, but does have control over operating systems, storage, and deployed applications that use the physical
and virtual resources. The cloud service customer (3.8) may also have limited ability to control certain networking
components (e.g. host firewalls).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.24]
infrastructure capabilities type
cloud capabilities type (3.2) in which the cloud service customer (3.8) can provision and use processing,
storage or networking resources
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.25]
network as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the capability provided to the cloud service customer (3.8) is
transport connectivity and related network capabilities
Note 1 to entry: NaaS can provide any of the three cloud capabilities types (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.28]
personally identifiable information
any information that (a) can be used to establish a link between the information and the natural person
to whom such information relates, or (b) is or can be directly or indirectly linked to a natural person
Note 1 to entry: The “natural person” in the definition is the PII principal. To determine whether a PII principal
is identifiable, account should be taken of all the means which can reasonably be used by the privacy stakeholder
holding the data, or by any other party, to establish the link between the set of PII and the natural person.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011/Amd.1:2018, 2.9]
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PII controller
privacy stakeholder (or privacy stakeholders) that determines the purposes and means for processing
personally identifiable information (PII) (3.26) other than natural persons who use data for personal
Note 1 to entry: A PII controller sometimes instructs others (e.g. PII processors (3.29)) to process PII (3.26) on its
behalf while the responsibility for the processing remains with the PII controller.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011, 2.10]
PII principal
natural person to whom the personally identifiable information (PII) (3.26) relates
Note 1 to entry: Depending on the jurisdiction and the particular PII (3.26) protection and privacy legislation, the
synonym “data subject” can also be used instead of the term “PII principal” (3.28).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011, 2.11]
PII processor
privacy stakeholder that processes personally identifiable information (PII) (3.26) on behalf of and in
accordance with the instructions of a PII controller (3.27)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 29100:2011, 2.12]
platform as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the cloud capabilities type (3.2) provided to the cloud service
customer (3.8) is a platform capabilities type (3.31)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.30]
platform capabilities type
cloud capabilities type (3.2) in which the cloud service customer (3.8) can deploy, manage and run
customer-created or customer-acquired applications using one or more programming languages and
one or more execution environments supported by the cloud service provider (3.11)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.31]
private cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) where cloud services (3.5) are used exclusively by a single cloud service
customer (3.8) and resources are controlled by that cloud service customer (3.8)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.32]
public cloud
cloud deployment model (3.4) where cloud services (3.5) are potentially available to any cloud service
customer (3.8) and resources are controlled by the cloud service provider (3.11)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.33]
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software as a service
cloud service category (3.6) in which the cloud capabilities type (3.2) provided to the cloud service
customer (3.8) is an application capabilities type (3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.36]
process for cloud service customers (3.8) to retrieve their cloud service customer data (3.7) and
application artefacts and for the cloud service provider (3. 11) to delete all cloud service customer data
(3.7) as well as contractually specified cloud service derived data (3.9) after an agreed period
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17788:2014, 3.2.35]
4 Abbreviated terms
EHR Electronic Health Record
NHS National Health System
PHI Personal Health Information
SDO Standard Development Organizations
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
WAN Wide Area Network
5 Cloud computing
5.1 General
Cloud computing is an evolving paradigm. This is not intended to prescribe or constrain any particular
method of deployment, service delivery, or business operation.
There are known risks to confidentiality and security using a cloud computing environment. However,
the use of a cloud computing architecture over advanced technologies can produce valuable benefits.
The challenge for health informatics is what deployment method to use with the available resources to
maintain a trusted yet useful service.
5.2 Overview of cloud computing
This overview introduced the following.
a) Six key cloud computing characteristics:
i) Broad network access
It is a feature where the physical and virtual resources are available over a network and accessed
through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous client platforms. The focus of
this key characteristic is that cloud computing offers an increased level of convenience in that users
can access physical and virtual resources from wherever they need to work, as long as it is network
accessible, using a wide variety of clients, including devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops,
and workstations.
ii) Measured service
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It is a feature where the metered delivery of cloud services is such that usage can be monitored,
controlled, reported, and billed. This is an important feature needed to optimize and validate the
delivered cloud service. The focus of this key characteristic is that the customer only pays for the
resources that they use. From the customers' perspective, cloud computing offers the users value by
enabling a switch from a low efficiency and asset utilization business model to a high efficiency one.
iii) Multi-tenancy
It is a feature where physical or virtual resources are allocated in such a way that multiple tenants
and their computations and data are isolated from and inaccessible to one another. Typically, and
within the context of multi-tenancy, the group of cloud service users that form a tenant will all
belong to the same cloud service customer organization. There might be cases where the group
of cloud service users involves users from multiple different cloud service customers, particularly
in the case of public cloud and community cloud deployments. However, a given cloud service
customer organization might have many different tenancies with a single cloud service provider
representing different groups within the organization.
iv) On-demand self-service
It is a feature where a cloud service customer can provision computing capabilities, as needed,
automatically or with minimal interaction with the cloud service provider. The focus of this key
characteristic is that cloud computing offers users a relative reduction in costs, time, and effort
needed to take an action, since it grants the user the ability to do what they need, when they need
it, without requiring additional human user interactions or overhead.
v) Rapid elasticity and scalability
These are features where physical or virtual resources can be rapidly and elastically adjusted,
in some cases automatically, to quickly increase or decrease resources. For the cloud service
customer, the physical or virtual resources available for provisioning often appear to be unlimited
and can be purchased in any quantity at any time automatically, subject to constraints of service
agreements. Therefore, the focus of these key characteristics is that cloud computing means that
the customers no longer need to worry about limited resources and might not need to worry about
capacity planning.
vi) Resource pooling
It is a feature where a cloud service provider's physical or virtual resources can be aggregated
in order to serve one or more cloud service customers. The focus of this key characteristic is that
cloud service providers can support multi-tenancy while at the same time use abstraction to mask
the complexity of the process from the customer. From the customer's perspective, all they know is
that the service works, while they generally have no control or knowledge over how the resources
are being provided or where the resources are located. This offloads some of the customer's original
workload, such as maintenance requirements, to the provider. Even with this level of abstraction,
it can be noted that users might still be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g.
country, state, or data centre).
b) Three cloud capabilities types:
1) Application capabilities type
2) Infrastructure capabilities type
3) Platform capabilities type
c) An extensible set of cloud service categories including but not limited to the following:
— Software as a Service (SaaS)
— Platform as a Service (PaaS)
— Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
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— Network as a Service (NaaS)
— Communications as a Service (CaaS)
— Compute as a Service (CompaaS)
— Data Storage as a Service (DSaaS)
d) Four cloud deployment models:
1) Public cloud
2) Private cloud
3) Community cloud
4) Hybrid cloud
5.3 Cloud computing roles and activities
Within the context of cloud computing, it is often needed to differentiate requirements and issues
for certain parties. These parties are entities that play roles, which set of competencies and/or
performances that are associated with a task. Tasks, in turn, have sets of activities and those activities
are implemented by components. All cloud computing-related activities can be categorized into three
main groups: activities that use services, activities that provide services and activities that support
services. It is important to note that a party can play more than one role at any given point in time and
can only engage in a specific subset of activities of th
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