Freight containers — Container Tracking and Monitoring Systems (CTMS): Requirements

ISO/TS 18625 is intended to be applicable to freight containers as defined in ISO 668 as well as to other freight containers not defined in ISO 668 and to container ancillary equipment such as road and terminal chassis, generator sets and power packs. ISO/TS 18625 provides guidance for the requirements (operational and otherwise) for a system, and its enabling devices, used to track, monitor and/or report the status of the container, hereinafter referred to as the Container Tracking and Monitoring System (CTMS). The use of a CTMS is optional. The party opting to use a CTMS is hereafter referred to as the "user of the system" or just the "user". The user, which can be, e.g. a shipper, a consolidator, a logistics service provider or a container owner or operator, will identify and specify its specific requirements and usages of the CTMS pursuant to specific use cases defined by that party (see Clause 6). ISO/TS 18625 establishes a tiered approach to the CTMS. The tiered approach is described in 5.2 and 5.3. A CTMS in conformance with ISO/TS 18625, provides for interoperability in regard to both data transfer and data interpretation neither of which may be hindered by systems claiming such conformance. The CTMS elements addressed in ISO/TS 18625 include the following: a) a set of requirements for transferring information to and from a container tracking device to/from an automatic data processing systems by, e.g. air interface through RF or optical means; b) data for transmission to/from automatic data processing systems; c) functional requirements necessary to ensure consistent and reliable operation of the CTMS; d) features to inhibit malicious or unintentional alteration and/or deletion of the information content of the CTMS. Specifically excluded from the scope of ISO/TS 18625 is the processing and display of data by the users' information system hereinafter referred to as the Operator Information Management system (OIMS). Also specifically excluded is the specific identification, tracking and monitoring of cargo packed or filled in the container.

Conteneurs de fret — Système de suivi et de surveillance : Exigences

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ISO/TS 18625:2017 - Freight containers -- Container Tracking and Monitoring Systems (CTMS): Requirements
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First edition
Freight containers — Container
Tracking and Monitoring Systems
(CTMS): Requirements
Conteneurs de fret — Système de suivi et de surveillance : Exigences
Reference number
ISO 2017
© ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Abbreviated terms . 2
5 General information . 2
5.1 System architecture . 2
5.2 System functions . 3
5.3 System operation . 4
5.4 System interfaces . 5
5.5 System data management . 5
5.6 System data safeguard measures . 5
5.7 System levels of performance . 6
5.8 Communications . 6
5.8.1 General. 6
5.9 Breadth of capability . 7
5.10 Depth of capability . 7
6 CTMS system requirements. 7
6.1 Operational scenarios . 7
6.1.1 General. 7
6.1.2 “Event Library”: Journey segments and associated events . 7
6.2 Specific system requirements . 8
6.2.1 General. 8
6.2.2 Physical/structural requirements . 9
6.2.3 Environmental requirements . 9
6.2.4 Operational and performance requirements . 9
6.3 Readability . 9
6.3.1 General. 9
6.3.2 Container monitoring .10
6.4 Accuracy and reliability of the CTMS .10
6.5 Data .10
7 Container Tracking Device (CTD) .11
7.1 General device information (variety/range of devices) .11
7.2 Device installation/mounting .11
7.3 General device functions for security .11
8 Infrastructure elements .12
8.1 General .12
8.2 Data interface(s) .12
8.3 Other infrastructure elements (any other non-device distributed elements) .12
9 Safety and regulatory considerations.12
Annex A (informative) Event library .14
Bibliography .18
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 104, Freight containers, Subcommittee
SC 4, Identification and communication.
iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

Through communication with a broad range of potential Container Tracking and Monitoring System
(CTMS) users, much has been learned about needed capabilities and the timeline for providing certain
solution levels. Initially, it was assumed that the most immediate needs would be for high-tier (i.e. high-
capability) solutions to protect dangerous or valuable cargoes. Potential users made clear that point
solutions for dangerous or valuable cargoes have already been developed for these needs. These point
solutions are in use today. Instead, the most immediate potential demand seems to be for “low-tier”
solutions that deliver a minimal but important capability at low cost, capable of being broadly deployed
and used. Starting at the low tier reflects a building block approach that can be expanded as technology
and requirements permit.
This document summarizes the aforementioned discussions. This document provides a systemic
approach for automatic identification, tracking and monitoring for freight containers. Specifically,
it provides guidance for the requirements (operational and otherwise) for a system, and its enabling
devices, used to track, monitor and/or report the status of the container according to the needs,
requirements and specifications determined by the user. The CTMS would provide
a) an unambiguous unique identification of the container,
b) location of the container with a selectable degree of precision as defined by the user of the system
(there are various options for accuracy and it is left to the user to determine what is best for the
application), and
c) status, where applicable, of container condition parameters as defined by the user of the system
which may include parameters related to container environment, container condition, container
integrity, container load status, etc.
The collection of this information is done through one or more selectable communications interfaces.
The format, frequency and granularity in which the information is accessed and presented will be
defined by the user of the system and is outside the scope of this document.
Though not used in this document, recognition is given to the standardization work of
— ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 in the area related to air interface, data semantic and syntax construction,
conformance and identification, location and security of items,
— ISO/IEC/TR 24729-4, and
— ISO/TC 104 in the area of freight container security, including electronic seals [(e-seals) ISO 18185
(all parts)] and container identification.
Freight containers — Container Tracking and Monitoring
Systems (CTMS): Requirements
1 Scope
This document is intended to be applicable to freight containers as defined in ISO 668 as well as to
other freight containers not defined in ISO 668 and to container ancillary equipment such as road and
terminal chassis, generator sets and power packs.
This document provides guidance for the requirements (operational and otherwise) for a system,
and its enabling devices, used to track, monitor and/or report the status of the container, hereinafter
referred to as the Container Tracking and Monitoring System (CTMS). The use of a CTMS is optional.
The party opting to use

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