ISO 28278-2:2010
(Main)Glass in building — Glass products for structural sealant glazing — Part 2: Assembly rules
Glass in building — Glass products for structural sealant glazing — Part 2: Assembly rules
ISO 28278-2:2010 gives guidelines for the assembly and bonding of glass elements in a frame, window, door or curtain-walling construction, or directly into the building by means of structural bonding of the glass element into or onto the framework or directly into the building. It gives the assembler information that enables him to organize his work and comply with requirements regarding quality control. Quality control of the assembly process is of the highest importance. ISO 28278-2:2010 provides the minimum requirements for acceptable quality control of the process of structural sealant glazing (SSG) on a single project. The annexes contained at the end of ISO 28278-2:2010 provide the methods to ensure proper application and documentation for a safe and weatherproof glazing assembly product. This process is intended to be applicable to most SSG projects. The project testing on metal substrates and glass products will determine proper surface preparation and installation instructions. These rules do not apply to the adhesion or durability of the paint finishes or glass products. This is not intended to be a durability test requirement for the paint and glass products commonly used in the SSG process. The structural, weatherproofing and sealant products which are commonly used in structural glazing applications are those based on organosiloxane, "silicone" polymers. ISO 28278-2:2010 does not preclude the use of other sealant types, where these can demonstrate suitability for service according to ISO 28278-2:2010 and when they are used following the recommendations of the sealant manufacturer.
Verre dans la construction — Produits verriers pour vitrage extérieur collé — Partie 2: Règles de pose
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 28278-2
First edition
Glass in building — Glass products for
structural sealant glazing —
Part 2:
Assembly rules
Verre dans la construction — Produits verriers pour vitrage extérieur
collé —
Partie 2: Règles de pose
Reference number
ISO 2010
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ii © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.2
3 Terms and definitions .3
4 Requirements.4
4.1 Environmental conditions .4
4.2 Conformity of the work with the design.4
5 Assembly/bonding .4
6 Assembly/bonding control .5
6.1 Assembly/bonding control requirements .5
6.1.1 General .5
6.1.2 Organization.5
6.1.3 Assembly — Quality assurance system .6
6.2 Inspection and testing tables for assembling glass elements into or onto the framework
with structural sealant .7
Annex A (normative) Dynamic peel test on structural sealant .13
Annex B (informative) Dynamic tensile test on structural sealant .15
Annex C (normative) Design guidance.17
Annex D (normative) Adhesion tests in assembly/bonding control.24
Annex E (informative) Compatibility with adjacent material .28
Annex F (normative) Skin-over time/elastomeric test.32
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 28278-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 160, Glass in building, Subcommittee SC 2, Use
ISO 28278 consists of the following parts, under the general title Glass in building — Glass products for
structural sealant glazing:
⎯ Part 1: Supported and unsupported monolithic and multiple glazing
⎯ Part 2: Assembly rules
iv © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved
Structural sealant glazing, hereinafter referred to as SSG, is an assembly in which the glass products are fixed
to the structural seal frame by means of a sealant.
The sealant must primarily be capable of withstanding the load actions applied to the glass products and
transferred to the structural seal frame but can also function as a barrier against the passage of air and water
through a building envelope.
Structural sealant glazing can be considered a product. It can also be considered an assembly method for
glass into or onto a framework.
In the first consideration, the conditions are to be fulfilled by a manufacturer in order to place a complete
structural sealant glazing and structural sealant glazing kit on the market, intended to be sold as one complete
product in one (trade) transaction
In the second consideration, the framework, glass products, sealant and accessories, materials and
components can be the subject of separate, independent (trade) transactions, independently ordered, and
supplied on the construction site or in a workshop where an assembler only assembles the various materials
and component elements and subsequently installs the construction, all in accordance with the conditions and
under the responsibility of a designer.
Only when the design of a building can be such that the glass products should be installed directly in the
building using a structural glazing technique, but under controlled environmental conditions as expressed in
Clause 5 of this document, should this part of ISO 28278 apply.
This means that the assembler is only responsible for the assembly, not for the design. Assembly and design
are two separate tasks with their own responsibilities.
However, in a number of countries, contractors have the duty to warn architects if there is a view that
something in the design is wrong. An analogy would be the case where it is assumed that the assembler has
the same duty towards the designer. In order to give the assembler a feeling of what the design
considerations are, and at the same time to understand what information he or she requires from the designer,
design guidance is given in this part of ISO 28278 in Annex C.
Glass in building — Glass products for structural sealant
glazing —
Part 2:
Assembly rules
1 Scope
This part of ISO 28278 gives guidelines for the assembly and bonding of glass elements in a frame, window,
door or curtain-walling construction, or directly into the building by means of structural bonding of the glass
element into or onto the framework or directly into the building.
It gives the assembler information that enable him to organize his work and comply with requirements
regarding quality control.
Quality control of the assembly process is of the highest importance. This part of ISO 28278 provides the
minimum requirements for acceptable quality control of the process of structural sealant glazing (SSG) on a
single project. The annexes contained at the end of this part of ISO 28278 provide the methods to ensure
proper application and documentation for a safe and weatherproof glazing assembly product.
This process is intended to be applicable to most SSG projects. The project testing on metal substrates and
glass products will determine proper surface preparation and installation instructions.
These rules do not apply to the adhesion or durability of the paint finishes or glass products. This is not
intended to be a durability test requirement for the paint and glass products commonly used in the SSG
The structural, weatherproofing and sealant products which are commonly used in structural glazing
applications are those based on organosiloxane, “silicone” polymers.
This part of ISO 28278 does not preclude the use of other sealant types, where these can demonstrate
suitability for service according to this part of ISO 28278 and when they are used following the
recommendations of the sealant manufacturer.
Supports to be taken into consideration shall be only metallic substrates, uncoated glass, coated glass and
ceramic frit enamelled glass.
This part of ISO 28278 relates to SSG systems for use in façades and roofs, or parts of them, with glazing
with slopes as shown in Figure 1.
Façades with an inclination of less than 15° from the vertical are considered vertical façades.
If the slope to the outer side has an inclination above 50°, the glass is considered unsupported glass.
Outer side.
Inner side.
Figure 1 — Slopes and glass positions
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 4892-2, Plastics — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps
ISO 8339, Building construction — Sealants — Determination of tensile properties (Extension to break)
ISO 11600, Building construction — Jointing products — Classification and requirements for sealants
ISO 28278-1:— , Glass in Building — Glass products for structural sealant glazing — Part 1: Supported and
unsupported monolithic and multiple glazing
ASTM C794, Standard Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealants
EN 28339, Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of tensile properties
1) To be published.
2 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 28278-1 and the following apply.
structural bonding
assembly of glass elements into or onto a window, door or curtain-walling framework by means of a structural
structural seal
joint of elastic structural sealant extruded between glass element or glass and framework which is, when
cured, of adequate transverse cross-section to transfer appropriate forces applied on the glass to the
structural seal support frame
structural sealant
elastic sealant used for making a structural seal
cohesion failure
failure occurring in the matter
adhesive failure
failure occurring on the bonding surface
initial cure
stage in the curing where sealant has appropriate cohesive strength to resist different levels of action
creep factor
shear design stress under permanent static load
type testing
determination of the performance of a product (characteristic, durability), on the basis of either actual tests or
other procedures (such as conventional, standardized, tabulated or general accepted values, standardized or
recognized calculation methods, test reports when made available), in accordance with, and demonstrating
compliance with, this part of ISO 28278
test report
document that covers the results of tests undertaken on a representative sample of the product from
production or on a prototype design of the product
product description
document that details the relevant parameters for defining a product that complies with the standard
NOTE It includes specific reference(s) to characteristics that are modified by the production process and by raw
significant change
variation in performance beyond the permitted tolerance for the characteristic
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