ISO 15016:2015
(Main)Ships and marine technology — Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data
Ships and marine technology — Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data
The primary purpose of speed and power trials is to determine a ship's performance in terms of ship's speed, power and propeller shaft speed under prescribed ship's conditions and thereby verify the satisfactory attainment of a ship's speed stipulated by EEDI regulations and/or contract. ISO 15016:2015 defines and specifies the following procedures to be applied in the preparation, execution, analysis and reporting of speed trials for ships, with reference to the effects which may have an influence upon the speed, power and propeller shaft speed relationship: · the responsibility of each party involved, · the trial preparations, · the ship's condition, · the limiting weather and sea conditions, · the trial procedure, · the execution of the trial, · the measurements required, · the data acquisition and recording, · the procedures for the evaluation and correction, · the processing of the results. The contracted ship's speed and the ship's speed for EEDI are determined for stipulated conditions and at specific draughts (contract draught and/or EEDI draught). For EEDI, the environmental conditions are: no wind, no waves, no current and deep water of 15°C. Normally, such stipulated conditions are unlikely to be experienced in part or in full during the actual trials. In practice, certain corrections for the environmental conditions such as water depth, surface wind, waves, current and deviating ship draught, have to be considered. For this purpose, during the speed and power trials, not only are shaft power and ship's speed measured, but also relevant ship data and environmental conditions. The applicability of ISO 15016:2015 is limited to ships of the displacement type.
Navires et technologie maritime — Lignes directrices pour l'évaluation des performances de vitesse et de puissance par analyse des données d'essais de vitesse
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Ships and marine technology —
Guidelines for the assessment of
speed and power performance by
analysis of speed trial data
Navires et technologie maritime — Lignes directrices pour
l’évaluation des performances de vitesse et de puissance par analyse
des données d’essais de vitesse
Reference number
ISO 2015
© ISO 2015
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 4
4.1 Symbols . 4
4.2 Abbreviated terms . 8
5 Responsibilities . 8
5.1 Ship builders’ responsibilities . 8
5.2 The Trial Team. 9
6 Trial preparations . 9
6.1 Step 1: Installation and Calibration . 9
6.2 Step 2: S/P trial agenda and pre-trial meeting .10
7 Ship’s condition.11
7.1 Displacement .11
7.2 Trim .11
7.3 Hull and propeller .11
8 Trial boundary conditions .11
8.1 Location .12
8.2 Wind .12
8.3 Sea state .12
8.4 Water depth .13
8.5 Current .14
9 Trial procedures .14
9.1 Parameters that shall be recorded .14
9.2 Parameters measured during each run .14
9.3 Parameters measured at the speed trial site .15
9.4 General information .15
9.5 Tank test information .15
9.6 Scope and conduct of the measurements .16
9.6.1 Ship track and speed over ground .16
9.6.2 Torque .16
9.6.3 Wind .16
9.6.4 Water depth . .16
9.6.5 Waves .16
9.6.6 Temperature and density .17
9.6.7 Current.17
10 Conduct of the trial .17
10.1 Initiation .17
10.2 Ship’s track during trial .17
10.3 Run duration and timing .18
10.4 Trial direction .18
10.5 Steering .18
10.6 Approach .18
10.7 Number of speed runs .18
10.7.1 ‘Iterative’ method .18
10.7.2 ‘Mean of means’ method .19
11 Data acquisition.19
11.1 General data .20
11.2 Data on each run .20
11.3 Acquisition system .21
11.3.1 Minimum data .21
11.3.2 System requirements .21
11.3.3 Location .22
11.4 Manual data collection .22
12 Analysis procedure .24
12.1 General remarks .24
12.2 Description of the analysis procedure .24
12.2.1 Resistance data derived from the acquired data .25
12.2.2 Evaluation of the acquired data .25
12.2.3 Evaluation based on Direct Power Method .26
12.2.4 Correction of the measured ship’s speed due to the effect of current .29
12.2.5 Correction of the ship’s speed due to the effects of shallow water .30
12.2.6 Correction of the ship’s performance due to the effects of displacement .30
12.2.7 Conversion of power curve from trial condition to full load/
stipulated condition .30
13 Processing of the results .30
14 Reporting .31
15 Example of speed trial data analysis .32
Annex A (normative) General information and trial log sheet .34
Annex B (normative) Beaufort scale for wind velocity .35
Annex C (normative) Re
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