ISO/DIS 18185
(Main)Freight containers -- Radio-frequency communication protocol for electronic seals
Freight containers -- Radio-frequency communication protocol for electronic seals
Conteneurs pour le transport de marchandises -- Protocole de communication par fréquence radio, relatif aux scellements électroniques
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/TC 104/SC 4 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on Voting terminates on
2002-06-13 2002-11-13
Freight containers — Radio-frequency communicationprotocol for electronic seals
Conteneurs pour le transport de marchandises — Protocole de communication par fréquence radio, relatif aux
scellements électroniquesICS 55.180.10
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ISO TC 104 CD 18185
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ISO/DIS 18185
FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................IV
1 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 1
2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES..........................................................................................2
3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................... 3
4 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS........................................................................... 3
5 RADIO FREQUENCY SEAL DATA STRUCTURE .......................................................... 3
6 PHYSICAL LINK SPECIFICATIONS...............................................................................5
6.1 862 - 928 MHZ - FREQUENCY HOPPING SPREAD SPECTRUM ............................. 5
6.2 915 MHZ - PASSIVE NARROWBAND........................................................................ 8
6.3 433.92 MHZ - ACTIVE NARROWBAND ...................................................................10
6.4 MULTI-FREQUENCY TAG – ACTIVE NARROWBAND..............................................13
ACTIVE TAG (915 MHZ, 433.92 MHZ, AND 315 MHZ)..................................................53
ANNEX A – APPLICATION PROGRAMMERS INTERFACE (NORMATIVE).....................106API HEADER FILE .............................................................................................................157
API CODE EXAMPLES ......................................................................................................163
ANNEX B - TERMINOLOGY (NORMATIVE) .....................................................................167
ANNEX C - SEMANTICS AND SYNTAX USED IN ELECTRONIC FREIGHTCONTAINER SEALS (INFORMATIVE) ..............................................................................191
ANNEX D - BIBLIOGRAPHY (INFORMATIVE) ..................................................................193
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ISO TC 104 CD 18185
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by technical committee are circulated to member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting
a vote.International Standard ISO 18185 was prepared by Technical Committee 104 Freight Container,
Subcommittee SC 4, Identification and communication, WG2 AEI (Automatic Identification Equipment) for
containers and container related equipmentAttention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 18185 may be the
subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Annex B (Glossary of terms) is an integral and normative part of the document. Annex C (Semantics and
Syntax Used in Electronic Freight Container Seals) provides recommendations on semantics and syntax.
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ISO/DIS 18185
This Standard was developed by ISO TC104/SC 4/WG 2.
A Radio Frequency communication protocol for an electronic seal for freight containers has been
developed by the committee to provide for the communication requirements related to the unambiguous
interrogation and maintenance of the secureness of a Freight Container from point of sealing (closure) to
point of unsealing (opening).This standard accommodates approved Freight Container Identification architecture.
It also provides for a system of building blocks to ensure both compatibility and functionality for a wide
range of media.This standard has been created to ensure global adoption of the standard, providing an open platform
and integrity in the security solution developed.This standard complies with the data structure defined in ISO 6346. Its usage shall provide maximum
interoperability and conformance to existing Standards.There are several air interfaces described in this document.
♦ Passive 862 –928 MHz, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). This air interface is
compliant with that of the EAN.UCC GTAG standard, ANSI INCITS 256 (Radio Frequency
Identification), and ANSI MH10.8.4 (RFID for Returnable Containers).♦ Passive 915 MHz, Narrowband. This air interface is compliant with that of ISO 10374.
♦ Active 433.92 MHz, Narrowband, This air interface is compliant with ANSI INCITS 256 and the
implementation of the U.S. Department of Defense.♦ A multi-frequency (915 MHz, 433.92 MHz, and 315 MHz) tag that shares the same Data Link Layer
across the three physical interfaces© ISO 2002– All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 18185
Freight containers — Radio-frequency communication
protocol for electronic seals
1 Scope
This International Standard provides a system for the identification and presentation of information about
freight container electronic seals. The identification system provides an unambiguous unique
identification of the container seal, its status, and related information.The presentation of this information is provided through a radio-communications interface providing seal
identification and a method to determine whether a freight container's security has been compromised.
This International Standard specifies a freight container seal identification system, with an associated
system for verifying the accuracy of use, having:• a seal status identification system;
• a battery status indicator;
• a unique security seal identifier including the identification of the manufacturer;
a container number; and• a method of providing additional information within the seal
This International Standard specifies an Application Programming Interface (API), defined in Normative
Annex A, that is shared by all standard-compliant systems. This API is intended to be implementation
independent.This International Standard applies to all electronic seals used on:
• freight containers covered by International Standards ISO 668, parts 1 to 5 of ISO 1496, ISO 8323
and should, wherever appropriate and practicable, be applied:• freight containers other than those covered by the International Standards mentioned in clause 2;
• container-related and/or detachable equipment.This International Standard does not cover the higher-level applications for container seals and freight
container identification.© ISO 2002– All rights reserved
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ISO TC 104 CD 18185
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on International Standards are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members
of ISO maintain registers of current, valid International Standards.ISO 646:1991 Information processing - ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange
ISO 668:1995 Series 1 freight containers - Classification, dimensions and ratings
ISO 830:1999 Freight containers - VocabularyISO 1496-1:1990 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 1: General cargo
containers for general purposesISO 1496-2:1996 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 2: Thermal containers
ISO 1496-3:1995 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 3: Tank containers for
liquids, gases and pressurized dry bulkISO 1496-4:1991 Series 1 freight containers ó Specification and testing - Part 4: Non- pressurized
containers for dry bulkISO 1496-5:1991 Series 1 freight containers ó Specification and testing - Part 5: Platform and
platform-based containersISO 6346:1995 Freight containers - Coding Identification and Marking
ISO 8323:1985 Freight containers - Air/surface (intermodal) general purpose containers -
Specifications and testsISO/TS Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment
14816:2000 identification -Numbering and data structure
ISO 18000 Information Technology AIDC Techniques - RFID for Item Management Air
(relevant parts only) Interface
ISO/IEC 19762 Information Technology AIDC Techniques - Harmonized Vocabulary
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ISO/DIS 18185
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions contained in Annex B apply. In addition to
the applicable definitions in the aforementioned standards, the following definitions apply:
3.1 electronic seal: a freight container seal that provides an electronic indication of whether
the container has been opened since its sealing.4 General Design Requirements
4.1 The design specification for this International Standard is to support a reading minimum
of 3 seals per second.4.2 The design specification for this International Standard is a target read range of 4 meters.
5 Radio Frequency Seal Data Structure5.1 The Electronic Seal data block includes Seal Status, Seal Number, Freight
Container Number, and the CRC.
5.2 The data block scheme is shown below.
Table 1 – Seal Data Structure.
Identifier Battery Seal RF Seal Seal Container Container Extensibi Spare CRC
Failure Status Component Number Number Number Number & lity Flag
Status Manufac- (Alpha) (Numeric) Prefix Check
turer ID (Alpha) Digit
4 bits 1 bit 1 bit 8 bits 20 bits 28 bits 20 bits 24 bits 1 bit 5 bits 16 bits
5.2.1 The Flag for Extension occupies 1-bit. For Extension Flag; “1” indicates an
additional 128 bits. “0” indicates no additional 128 bits.5.2.2 The Identifier occupies 4-bits. The 4-bit Identifier is “0001”.
5.2.3 The Seal Status occupies 1-bit. For Seal Status; “1” indicates secure. “0” indicates
tampered.5.2.4 The Battery Failure Status occupies 1-bit. For Battery Failure Status; “1” indicates
battery state is above threshold. “0” indicates battery state at or below threshold.
For battery-less seals this field is fixed to a value of “1”.© ISO 2002– All rights reserved
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ISO TC 104 CD 18185
5.2.5 The Spare occupies 2-bits. Spare is for future applications. Not withstanding these
applications this field is fixed to a value of “00”.5.2.6 The RF Component Manufacturer ID occupies 8-bits. This is the manufacturer
identification of the tag component manufacturer. This identification is assigned
in accordance with ISO/TS 14816:2000. The RF Component Manufacturer ID of theseal is programmed by the RF Component Manufacturer.
5.2.7 The Seal Number Alpha occupies 15-bits (3 characters of alphabetic data).
5.2.8 The Seal Number Numeric occupies 28-bits. The Seal Number is assigned and
programmed by manufacturer.
5.2.9 The Container Number Prefix occupies 20-bits (4 characters of alphabetic data).
The Container Number Prefix is assigned in accordance with ISO 6346.5.2.10 The Container Number and check digit occupies 24-bits. The Container Number
and check digit is assigned in accordance with ISO 6346.5.2.11 The CRC occupies 16-bits. The format of the CCITT CRC-16 shall be calculated as
16 12 5follows: CRC-16 = X + X + X + 1
5.2.12 The total number of bits for the mandatory Electronic Seal data block is 128.
5.3 The Electronic Seal's optional second data block includes: Extensibility Flag,
Random Value, Spare bits, and the CRC.5.3.1 The second optional data block scheme is shown below.
Table 2 – Seal Data Structure, optional block.
Extensibility Random Spare CRC
Flag value
1 bit 16 bit 95 bit 16 bit Number of bits
5.3.2 The optional random value occupies 16-bits. This value should be generated by the
reader/interrogator and programmed together with the Container Number. Therandom value should be reset to value ZERO by the seal upon modifying the Seal
Status flag from “1” to “0” to indicate tampered.
5.4 If the Extensibility Flag is set to "1" in the second or subsequent blocks, this
signifies that an additional 128 bit block follows without a prescribed format except
that the last 16 bits are the CRC of that block.© ISO 2002– All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 18185
6 Physical Link Specifications
6.1 862 - 928 MHz - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
This portion of the standard describes a frequency hopping spread spectrum RFID system that supports
the following system capabilities:6.1.1 Table 3 lists the physical link specifications from the reader to the seal (forward link) for
862 to 928 MHz.Table 3 - Physical Link Specifications - Forward Link
F1 Default Operating 862 - 928 MHz as required by National regulations
F 1b Operating Channels ITU Region 1. Current Regulations: 5 to 1 channels in 869.4 to
869.65 MHz per REC 70-03 Annex 1.ITU Region 1. Proposed Regulations: awaiting input (RP08
proposed region 1: 2 watts ERP, 865.5 – 867.6 MHz,
adaptively agile Fixed Frequency, Spread Spectrum not
permitted). Minimum of 10 channels with a maximum channel
spacing of 200 kHz.
ITU Region 2. Minimum of 50 channels in the 902–928 MHz
band with a maximum channel spacing of 400 kHz.
F 1c Operating Frequency ± 25 ppm maximum over operating temperature range
F 1d Frequency Hop Rate Compliant to local regulations
ITU Region 1: Not applicable (Fixed Frequency)
ITU Region 2: A minimum hop rate of 2.5 hops per second.
Compliant with FCC Part 15 Section 247 (a)(1)(i)
F 1e Frequency Hop Compliant to local regulations.
ITU Region 1: Current regulations: not applicable (Fixed
ITU Region 1: Proposed Regulations: as presented in ETSI
RP08 proposals for 865.6 - 867.6 MHz: not applicable (Fixed
ITU Region 2: A minimum hop rate of 2.5 hops per second.
Compliant with FCC Part 15 Section 247.
F 2 Occupied Channel In ITU Region 1 the system shall operate compliant to current
Bandwidth regulations REC 70-03 Annex 1 and future regulations ITURegion 1 (to be defined once agreed). Currently 869.4 –
869.65 MHz: -36 dBm from fc at ± 25 kHz from f
In ITU Region 2 the system shall use 902 – 928 MHz: +20 dBc
from f at ± 200 kHz from f
c c
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ISO TC 104 CD 18185
F 2a Minimum Receiver 160 kHz
F 3 Interrogator Transmit ITU Region 1: the system shall operate compliant to current
Maximum EIRP regulations REC 70-03 Annex 1 and future regulations ITURegion 1 (to be defined once agreed)
In ITU Region 2 the maximum is 30 dBm output from the
interrogator, and 4W (36 dBm) EIRP from the interrogator
transmit antenna.
F 4 Interrogator Transmit ITU Region 1:Out of band emission: less than 250 nW EIRP,
Spurious Emissions and 4 nW EIRP for f <= 862 MHzF 4a Interrogator Transmit ITU Region 1: Not applicable, as Spread Spectrum systems
Spurious Emissions, not allowed under current regulations.In-Band
ITU Region 2: Within FCC Part 15 Section 247
(for Spread Spectrum
F 4b Interrogator Transmit ITU Region 1: Within REC 70-03 Annex 1
Spurious Emissions,
ITU Region 2: Within FCC Part 15 Section 247
Out of Band
F 5 Interrogator Will operate within the spectrum mask defined in REC 70-03
Transmitter Spectrum for ITU Region 1
F 6 Modulation On-Off Keying (OOK)
F 6a Transmit to Receive 2 bytes quiet time at the return link data rate. (= 400 µs for
Turn Around Time 40 kbps return link)F 6b Receive to Transmit 2 bytes quiet time
Turn Around Time
F 6c Dwell Time or < 5 % of bit period
Interrogator Transmit
Power On Ramp
F 6d Decay Time or < 5 % of bit period
Interrogator Transmit
Power Down Ramp
F 7 Modulation On-off Keying (OOK) or ASK
F 7a Spreading Sequence
(for Frequency
Hopping [FHSS]
F 7b Chip Rate
(for Spread Spectrum
F 7c Chip Rate Accuracy 50% ± 5%
(for Spread Spectrum
F 7d Modulation Index 99% (40 dBc) or 11% (1.94 dBc)
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F 7e Duty Cycle 50% ± 5%
F 7M1 FM Deviation
F 8 Data Coding Manchester
F 9 Bit Rate 30 – 40 kbps for 99% modulation index
8 – 40 kbps for 11% modulation index
The communication bit rate is determined by the clock
frequency of the message preamble.
F 10 Interrogator Transmit
Modulation Accuracy
F 11 Preamble Yes See section
F 11a Preamble Length 9 bits of Manchester zero
Table 4 lists the physical link specifications from the seal to the reader (backscatter return
6.1.2link).for 862 to 928 MHz.
Table 4 - Physical Link Specifications – Backscatter Return Link
R 1 Operating Frequency 862 MHz – 928 MHz
R 2 Occupied Channel In accordance with the applicable local regulations.
R 4b Transmit Spurious In accordance with the applicable local regulations.
Emissions, Out of
R 6a Transmit-Receive 2 bytes quiet time (= 400 µs at 40 kbps)
Turn Around Time
R 6b Receive-Transmit 2 bytes quiet time at the return link data rate. (= 400 µs for
Turn Around Time 40 kbps return link)R 7 Modulation Bi-state amplitude modulated backscatter.
R 7d On-Off Ratio – Tag The tag shall have a Delta RCS ( Varying Radar Cross
modulation depth – Sectional area) of not less than 0.005m2.
R 7h Duty Cycle The tag shall transmit its message when commanded to do so
by the reader.
R 8 Data Encoding Bi-phase space (FM0)
R 9 Bit Rate 40kb/s
R 9a Bit Rate Accuracy +/- 15%
R 11 Preamble Yes, See section
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R 11a Preamble Length 16 bits made up of a quiet period, followed by sync, followed
by a code violation followed by an orthogonal code.R 11b Preamble Waveform Bi-phase encoded data ‘1’.
R 11c Bit Sync Sequence Yes. Included in preamble
R 11d Frame Sync Yes. Included in preamble
R 12 Scrambling Not applicable
(for Spread Spectrum
R 13 Bit Transmission MSB first
R 14 Reserved Deliberately left blank
R 15 Antenna Polarization Default- linear polarization with dipole-like characteristics; may
be varied by an application specific requirementR 16 Minimum Tag Baseband low-pass filter characteristic, having a 3dB cut-off
Receiver Bandwidth frequency of 100kHz (2.5 bit rate) and a minimum slope of
6.2 915 MHz - Passive Narrowband
This portion of the standard describes a narrowband Passive RFID system that supports the described
system capabilities.6.2.1 Table 5 lists the physical link specifications from the reader to the seal (forward link) for
narrowband 915 MHz Passive Narrowband RFID.Table 5 - Physical Link Specifications - Forward Link
F1 Default Operating Any single frequency (or frequencies) in the 862 - 928 MHz
Frequencies band (for frequency coordination purposes for readers located
near each other, a table of standard frequencies can be
F 1b Operating Channels Channels separated by 0.5 MHz as needed in the 862 - 928
MHz band
F 1c Operating Frequency ± 25 ppm maximum
F 2 Occupied Channel Less than 250kHz using 20dB bandwidth definition as per
Bandwidth FCC Part 15 regulations.
F 3 Interrogator Transmit The maximum is 30 dBm output from the interrogator, and 4W
Maximum EIRP (36 dBm) EIRP from the interrogator transmit antenna or asallowed by National regulations.
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ISO/DIS 18185
F 4b Interrogator Transmit The interrogator shall transmit in conformance with spurious
Spurious Emissions, emissions requirements defined in FCC Part 15, sectionsOut of Band 15.205 and 15.209. At the time of drafting of this document,
this level is 200 µV/m @ 3 m for frequencies from 216 to 960
F 5a Receive to Transmit < 1 ms
Turn Around Time
F 5c Interrogator Transmit < 5 % of bit period
Power-On Ramp
F 5d Interrogator Transmit < 5 % of bit period
Power-Down Ramp
F 6 Modulation On-Off Keying (OOK)
F 6d On/Off Ratio > 40 dBc
F 6e Duty Cycle 50% ± 5%
F 7 Data Coding Manchester
F 8 Bit Rate
Any fixed rate between 20 kbps and 40 kbps, nominal 31.25 ±
10% kbps.
F 10 Seal Receiver Non- ≤ +13 dBm, in band
Destructive Input RF
F 11 Preamble See section
6.2.2 Table 6 lists the physical link specifications from the seal to the reader (return link) for
915 MHz passive narrowband.Table 6 - Physical Link Specifications – Passive Narrowband Return Link
R 1b Operating Channels Channels separated by 0.5 MHz as needed in the 862 - 928
MHz bandR 1c Operating Frequency ± 25 ppm maximum, for signal transmitted by interrogator
AccuracyR 2 Occupied Channel Less than 250kHz using 20dB bandwidth definition as per
Bandwidth FCC Part 15 regulations.
R 3 Transmit Maximum The combination of an interrogator and a tag shall limit
EIRP transmitted power to 36 dBm EIRP
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R 4b Transmit Spurious The combination of an interrogator and a tag shall limit
Emissions, Out of spurious emissions in conformance with the requirements of
Band FCC Part 15, sections 15.205 and 15.209, or more stringently
on a national basis as required
At the time of drafting of this document, this level is 500 µV/m
@ 3 m, for frequencies above 960 MHz.
R 5a Receive-Transmit < 1 ms
Turn Around Time
R 6 Modulation On-Off Keying (OOK) – antenna impedance modulation
R 6e Duty Cycle 50% ± 5%
R 7 Data Coding FM0
R 8 Bit Rate Synchronized with interrogator, any fixed rate between 20
kbps and 40 kbps. Nominal 31.25 ± 10% kbps.
R 11 Preamble See section
R 13 Minimum Conversion -5 dBm
6.3 433.92 MHz - Active Narrowband
This portion of the standard describes a narrowband Active Seal system that supports the described
system capabilities.6.3.1 Table 7 lists the physical link specifications from the reader to the seal (forward link) for
narrowband Active Seal.Table 7 - Physical Link Specifications - Forward Link
F 1 Operating Frequency range 433.92 MHz
F 1a Default Operating 433.92 MHz
F 1b Operating Channels 1
F 1c Operating Frequency 200 ppm
F 2 Occupied Channel 500 kHz
F 3 Interrogator Transmit 5.6 dBm
Maximum EIRP
F 4b Interrogator Transmit Per National Regulation
Spurious Emissions, Out of
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F 5a Transmit to Receive Turn 10 microseconds
Around Time
F 5b Receive to Transmit Turn 10 microseconds
Around Time
F 5c Interrogator Transmit 1 ms
Power On Ramp
F 5d Interrogator Transmit 1 ms
Power Down Ramp
F 6 Carrier Modulation Frequency Shift Keying
F 6e Duty Cycle Per national regulation
F 6f FM Deviation ±50 kHz
F 7 Data Coding Manchester, 36 us bit period. Logic one: 18 µs low
followed by 18 µs high, logic zero: 18 µs high followed by
18 µs low
F 8 Bit Rate 27.7 kbps
F 8a Bit Rate Accuracy 5%
F 10 Tag Receiver Non- +13 dBm, in band
Destructive Input RF Level
F 11 Preamble
F 11a Bit Sync Sequence 20 cycles of 30 µs high, 30 µs low, followed by one cycle
54 µs high, 54 µs lowF 11b Frame Sync Sequence 20 cycles of 30 µs high, 30 µs low, followed by one cycle
54 µs high, 54 µs lowF 13 Bit Transmission Order Byte: least significant bit first - Data: most significant byte
first6.3.2 Table 8 lists the physical link specifications from the seal to the reader (return link) for
active narrowband.Table 8 - Physical Link Specifications – 433.92 MHz Active Narrowband Return Link
ITEM PARAMETER VALUER 1 Operating Frequency 433.92 MHz
R 1a Default Operating 433.92 MHz
R 1b Operating Channels 1
R 1c Operating Frequency 200 ppm
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R 2 Occupied Channel 500 kHz
R 3 Transmit Maximum EIRP -2.4 dBm
R 4b Transmit Spurious Per National Regulation
Emissions, Out of Band
R 5a Transmit to Receive Turn 10 microseconds
Around Time
R 5b Receive to Transmit Turn 10 microseconds
Around Time
R 5c Transmit Power On Ramp 1 ms
R 5d Transmit Power Down 1 ms
R 6 Carrier Modulation Frequency Shift Keying
R 6e Duty Cycle Per national regulation
R 6f FM Deviation ±37.5 kHz
R 7 Data Coding Manchester, bit period 36 us. Logic one: 18 µs low followed
by 18 µs high, logic zero: 18 µs high followed by 18 µs low
R 8 Bit Rate 27.7 kbps
R 8a Bit Rate Accuracy 5%
R 10 Preamble
R 10a Bit Sync Sequence 20 cycles of 30 µs high, 30 µs low, followed by one cycle 42
µs high, 54 µs lowR 10b Frame Sync Sequence 20 cycles of 30 µs high, 30 µs low, followed by one cycle 42
µs high, 54 µs lowR 12 Bit Transmission Order Byte: least significant bit first - Data: most significant byte
first© ISO 2002– All rights reserved
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