ISO/IEC TR 13335-1:1996
(Main)Information technology — Guidelines for the management of IT Security — Part 1: Concepts and models for IT Security
Information technology — Guidelines for the management of IT Security — Part 1: Concepts and models for IT Security
Presents the basic management concepts and models which are essential for an introduction into the management of IT security. These concepts and models are further discussed and developed in the remaining parts to provide more detailed guidance.
Technologies de l'information — Lignes directrices pour la gestion de la sécurité des technologies de l'information (TI) — Partie 1: Concepts et modèles pour la sécurité des TI
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
REPORT TR 133354
First edition
1996-l 2-15
Information technology - Guidelines for
the management of IT Security -
Part 1:
Concepts and models for IT Security
Technologies de /‘information - Lignes directrkes pour la gestion de la
s6curit6 des technologies de /‘information (TI) -
Partie 7: Concepts et mod@ies pour la s&uritk des TI
Reference number
SO/I EC TR 13335-I : 1996(E)
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ISO/IEC TR 133354: 1996(E)
. . .
1 . Scope
2 . Reference
3 . Definitions
4 . Structure
5 . Aim
6 . Background
7 . Concepts for the Management of IT Security
71 . Approach
72 Objectives, Strategies and Policies
8 . Security’Elements
81 . Assets
82 . Threats
83 . Vulnerabilities
84 . Impact
85 . Risk
86 . Safeguards
87 . Residual Risk
88 Constraints
Processes for the Management of IT Security
9 .
91 . Configuration Management
92 . Change Management
93 . Risk Management
94 . Risk Analysis
95 . Accountability
96 . Security Awareness
97 . Monitoring
98 . Contingency Plans and Disaster Recovery
10 . Models
11 . Summary
0 ISO/IEC 1996
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-12 11 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC TR 133354: 1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members
of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC
JTC 1.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards, but in exceptional
circumstances a technical committee may propose the publication of a Technical Report of one of the
following types:
- type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International
Standard, despite repeated efforts;
- type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where for any other reason there is
the future but not immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard;
- type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is
normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example).
Technical reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to decide whether
they can be transformed into International Standards. Technical reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to
be reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no longer valid or useful.
ISO/IEC TR 13335, which is a Technical Report of type 3, was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee 27, IT Security techniques.
ISO/IEC TR 13335 consists of the folowing parts, under the general title Information technology -
Guidelines for the management of IT Security:
- Part 1: Concepts and models for IT Security
- Part 2: Managing and planning IT Security
- Part 3: Techniques for the management of IT Security
Additional parts may be added to this Technical Report in the future.
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The purpose of this Technical Report (ISO/IEC TR 13335) is to provide guidance, not solutions, on
management aspects of IT security. Those individuals within an organization that are responsible for IT
security should be able to adapt the material in this report to meet their specific needs. The main objectives
of this Technical Report are:
to define and describe the concepts associated with the management of IT security,
to identify the relationships between the management of IT security and management of IT in general,
to present several models which can be used to explain IT security, and
to provide general guidance on the management of IT security.
ISO/IEC TR 13335 is organized into multiple parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the fundamental concepts
and models used to describe the management of IT security. This material is suitable for managers
responsible for IT security and for those who are responsible for an organization’s overall security
Part 2 describes management and planning aspects. It is relevant to managers with responsibilities relating to
an organization’s IT systems. They may be:
IT managers who are responsible for overseeing the design, implementation, testing, procurement, or
operation of IT systems, or
managers who are responsible for activities that make substantial use of IT systems.
Part 3 describes security techniques appropriate for use by those involved with management activities during
a project life-cycle, such as planning, designing, implementing, testing, acquisition or operations.
Further parts may be added to address specific topics as required.
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Information technology - Guidelines for the management of IT Security -
Part 1:
Concepts and models for IT Security
1 Scope
ISO/IEC TR 13335 contains guidance on the management of IT security. Part 1 of ISO/IEC TR 13335
presents the basic management concepts and models which are essential for an introduction into the
management of IT security. These concepts and models are further discussed and developed in the remaining
parts to provide more detailed guidance. Together these parts can be used to help identify and manage all
aspects of IT security. Part 1 is necessary for a complete understanding of the subsequent parts of ISO/IEC
TR 13335.
2 Reference
ISO 7498-2: 1989, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model
- Part 2: Security Architecture.
3 . Definitions
The following definitions are used in the three parts of ISO/IEC TR 13335.
31 accountability: the property that ensures that the actions of an entity may be traced uniquely to the
entity (IS0 7498-2: 1989).
32 . asset: anything that has value to the organization.
authenticity: the property that ensures that the identity of a subject or resource is the one claimed.
Authenticity applies to entities such as users, processes, systems and information.
34 availability: the property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized entity (IS0
7498-2: 1989).
35 . baseline controls: a minimum set of safeguards established for a system or organization.
36 confidentiality: the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized
individuals, entities, or processes (IS0 7498-2: 1989).
data integrity: the property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner
(iSO 7498-2: 1989).
38 . impact: the result of an unwanted incident.
39 . integrity: see data integrity and system integrity.
3.10 IT security: all aspects related to defining, achieving, and maintaining confidentiality, integrity,
availability, accountability, authenticity, and reliability.
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3.11 IT security policy: rules, directives and practices that govern how assets, including sensitive
information, are managed, protected and distributed within an organization and its IT systems.
3.12 reliability: the property of consistent intended behaviour and results.
3.13 residual risk: the risk that remains after safeguards have been implemented.
3.14 risk: the potential that a given threat will exploit vulnerabilities of an asset or group of assets to
cause loss or damage to the assets.
3.15 risk analysis: the process of identifying security risks, determining their magnitude, and identifying
areas needing safeguards.
3.16 risk management: the total process of identifying, controlling, and eliminating or minimizing
uncertain events that may affect IT system resources.
3.17 safeguard: a practice, procedure or mechanism that reduces risk.
3.18 system integrity: the property that a system performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner,
free from deliberate or accidental unauthorized manipulation of the system.
3.19 threat: a potential cause of an unwanted incident which may result in harm to a system or
3.20 vulnerability: includes a weakness of an asset or group of assets which can be exploited by a threat.
4 . Structure
This part of ISO/IEC TR 13335 is structured as follows: Clause 5 outlines the aim of this report and Clause 6
provides information on the background requirements for the management of IT security. Clause 7 presents
a general overview of the concepts and models for IT security, and Clause 8 examines the elements of IT
security. Clause 9 discusses the processes used for the management of IT security, and Clause 10 presents a
general discussion of several models that are useful in understanding the concepts presented in this report.
Finally, Part 1 is summarized in Clause 11.
5 . Aim
ISO/IEC TR 13335 is intended for a variety of audiences. The aim of Part 1 is to describe the various topics
within the management of IT security and to provide a brief introduction to basic IT security concepts and
models. The material is kept brief in order to provide a high level management overview. This should be
suitable for senior managers within an organization who are responsible for security and give an introduction
to IT security for others interested in the remaining parts of the report. Parts 2 and 3 provide more
comprehensive information and material suitable for individuals who are directly responsible for the
implementation and monitoring of IT security. This is based on the concepts and models presented in Part 1.
It is not the intent of this report to suggest a particular management approach to IT security. Instead the
report begins with a general discussion of useful concepts and models and ends with a discussion of specific
techniques and tools that are available for the management of IT security. This material is general and
applicable to many different styles of management and organizational environments. This report is organized
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0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC TR 133354: 1996(E)
in a manner which allows the tailoring of the material to meet the needs of an organization and its specific
management style.
6 . Background
Government and commercial organizations rely heavily on the use of information to conduct their business
activities. Loss of confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, authenticity and reliability of
information and services can have an adverse impact on organizations. Consequently, there is a critical need
to protect information and to manage the security of information technology (IT) systems within
organizations. This requirement to protect information is particularly important in today’s environment
because many organizations are internally and externally connected by networks of IT systems.
IT security management is a process used to achieve and maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality,
integrity, availability, accountability, authenticity and reliability. IT security management functions include:
determining organizational IT security objectives, strategies and policies,
determining organizational IT security requirements,
identifying and analyzing security threats to IT assets within the organization,
identifying and analyzing risks,
specifying appropriate safeguards,
monitoring the implementation and operation of safeguards that are necessary in order to cost
effectively protect the information and services within the organization,
developing and implementing a security awareness programme, and
detecting and reacting to incidents.
In order to fulfil these management responsibilities for IT systems, security must be an integral part of an
organization’s overall management plan. As a result, several of the security topics addressed in this report
have broader management implications. This report will not attempt to focus on the broad management
issues, but rather on the security aspects of the topics and how they are related to management in general.
7 . Concepts for the Management of IT Security
The adoption of the concepts that follow needs to take into account the culture and the environment in which
the organization operates, as these may have a significant effect on the overall approach to security. In
addition, they can have an impact on those that are responsible for the protection of specific parts of the
organization. In some instances the government is considered to be responsible and discharges this
responsibility by the enactment and enforcement of laws. In other instances it is the owner or manager who is
considered responsible. This issue may have a considerable influence on the approach adopted.
71 l Approach
A systematic approach is necessary for the identification of requirements for IT security within an
organization. This also is true for the implementation of IT security, and its ongoing administration. This
process is referred to as the management of IT security and includes the following activities:
development of an IT security policy,
identifying roles and responsibilities within the organization,
risk management, involving the identification and assessment of:
- assets to be protected,
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ISO/IEC TR 13335-l: 1996(E)
- threats,
- vulnerabilities,
- impacts,
- risks,
- safeguards,
- residual risks, and
- constraints,
configuration man .agement,
change management,
contingency planning and disaster recovery planning,
safeguard selection and implementation,
security awareness, and
follow up, including:
- maintenance,
- security audit,
- monitoring,
- review, and
- incident handling.
72 . Objectives, Strategies and Policies
Corporate security objectives, strategies and policies (see Figure 1) need to be formulated as a basis for
effective IT security in an organization. They support the business of the organization and together they
ensure consistency between all safeguards. The objectives identify what shall be achieved, strategies identify
how to achieve these objectives, and the policies identify what needs to be done.
Objectives, strategies and policies may be developed hierarchically from the corporate to the operational
level of the organization. They should reflect organizational requirements and take into account any
organizational constraints, and they should ensure that consistency is maintained at each level and
throughout all levels. Security is the responsibility of all levels of management within the organization and
occurs in all phases of a systems life cycle. The objectives, strategies and policies should be maintained and
updated based on the results of periodic security reviews (e.g., risk analysis, security audits) and changes in
business objectives.
The corporate security policy essentially comprises the security principles and directives for the
organization as a whole. Corporate security policies must reflect the broader corporate policies, including
those that address individual rights, legal requirements and standards.
The corporate IT security policy must reflect the essential security principles and directives applicable to
the corporate security policy, and the general use of IT systems within the organization.
An IT system security policy must reflect the security principles and directives contained within the
corporate IT security policy. It should also contain details of the particular security requirements and
safeguards to be implemented and how to use them correctly to ensure adequate security. In all cases it is
important that the approach taken is effective in relation to the business needs of the organization.
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0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC TR 13335-l: 1996(E)
Objective6 - Strategy - Policy
I Corporate Financial
Corporate Security
Objectives - Strategy - Policy : Objectives - Strategy - Policy
I 1 I
Corporate IT Stcwity I Corporate Personnel Security
I Objectives - Strategy - Policy
Objectives - Strategy - Policy
J I _-------------------d
v v
I 1 I 1
IT SyStefn &m.rity (1) IT System Security (n)
Objectives - Strategy - Policy
0 bjectives - Strategy - Policy
Figure 1: Hierarchy of Objectives, Strategies and Policies
IT system security objectives, strategies and policies represent what is expected from the IT system in terms
of security. They are normally expressed using a natural language, but there may be a requirement to express
them in a more formal way using some mathematical language. They should address IT security concerns,
such as:
authenticity, and
The objectives, strategies and policies will establish the level of security for the organization, the threshold
for risk acceptance, and the organization’s contingency requirements.
Security Elements
8 .
The following sub-clauses describe at a high level the major elements that are involved in the security
management process. Each of the elements is introduced, and the major contributing factors identified. More
detailed descriptions and discussions of these elements and their relationships are contained in other parts of
this report.
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ISO/IEC TR 13335-l: 1996(E)
81 . Assets
The proper management of assets is vital to the success of the organization, and is a major responsibility of
all management levels. The assets of an organization include:
physical assets (e.g., computer hardware, communications facilities, buildings),
information / data (e.g., documents, databases),
the ability to produce some product or provide a service,
people, and
intangibles (e.g., goodwill, image).
Most or all of these assets may be considered valuable enough to warrant some degree of protection. An
assessment of the risks being accepted is necessary if the assets are not protected.
From a security perspective, it is not possible to implement and maintain a successful security programme if
the assets of the organization are not identified. In many situations, the process of identifying assets and
assigning a value can be accomplished at a very high level and may not require a costly, detailed, and time
consuming analysis. The level of detail for this analysis must be measured in terms of time and cost versus
the value of the assets. In any case, the level of detail should be determined on the basis of the security
objectives. In many cases, it is helpful to group assets.
Asset attributes to be considered include their value and/or sensitivity, and any inherent safeguards. The
protection requirements of assets are influenced by their vulnerabilities in the presence of particular threats.
If these aspects are apparent to the asset owner, they should be captured at this stage. The environments and
cultures the organization operates in may affect assets and their attributes. For example, some cultures
consider the protection of personal information as very important while others give a lower significance to
this issue. These environmental and cultural variations can be significant for international organizations and
their use of IT systems across international boundaries.
82 0 Threats
Assets are subject to many kinds of threats. A threat has the potential to cause an unwanted incident which
may result in harm to a system or organization and its assets. This harm can occur from a direct or indirect
attack on the information being handled by an IT system or service, e.g., its unauthorized destruction,
disclosure, modification, corruption, and unavailability or loss. A threat needs togxploit an existing
vulnerability of the asset in order to successfully cause harm to the asset. Threats may be of natural or human
origin and can be accidental or deliberate. Both accidental and deliberate threats should be identified and
their level and likelihood assessed.
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0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC TR 13335-1:1996(E)
Examples of threats are:
Human Environmental
Deliberate Accidental
Eavesdropping Errors and omissions Earthquake
Information modification File deletion Lightning
System hacking Incorrect routing Floods
Malicious code Physical accidents Fire
Statistical data is available concerning many types of environmental threats. This data should be obtained
and used by an organization during the threat assessment process. Threats may impact specific parts of an
organization, for example the disruption to personal computers. Some threats may be general to the
surrounding environment in a particular location in which a system or organization exists, for example
damage to buildings from hurricanes or lightning. A threat may arise from within the organization, for
example sabotage by an employee or from outside, for example malicious hacking or industrial espionage.
The harm caused by the unwanted incident may be of a temporary nature or may be permanent as in the case
of the destruction of an asset.
The amount of harm caused by a threat can vary widely for each occurrence. For example:
a software virus may cause different amounts of harm depending on its actions, and
earthquakes in a particular location may have different strengths on each occasion.
Such threats frequently have a measure of severity associated with them. For example:
a virus may be described as destructive or non destructive, and
the strength of an earthquake may be described in terms of the Richter Scale.
Some threats may affect more than one asset. In such cases they may cause different impacts depending on
which assets are affected. For example, a software virus on a single personal computer may have a limited or
localized impact. However, the same software virus on a network based file server may have widespread
impact. Other threats, or the same threat in a different location, may be consistent in the amount of harm they
cause. If the harm caused by the threat is consistent, a generic approach can be taken. However, if the harm
varies widely, a more specific approach for each threat occurrence is appropriate.
Threats have characteristics which provide useful information about the threat itself. Examples of such
information include:
source, i.e., insider vs. outsider,
motivation, e.g. financial gain, competitive advantage,
frequency of occurrence, and
threat severity.
The environments and cultures in which the organization is situated can have a significant bearing and
influence on how the threats to the organization are dealt with. In extreme cases, some threats may not be
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considered harmful in some cultures. Aspects of environment and culture must be considered when
addressing threats.
83 . Vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities associated with assets include weaknesses in physical layout, organization, procedures,
personnel, management, administration, hardware, software or information. They may be exploited by a
threat that may cause harm to the IT system or business objectives. A vulnerability in itself does not cause
harm; a vulnerability is merely a condition or set of conditions that may allow a threat to affect an asset.
Vulnerabilities arising from different sources need to be considered, for example those intrinsic to the asset.
Vulnerabilities may remain unless the asset itself changes such that the vulnerability no longer applies.
Vulnerabilities include weaknesses in a system that can be exploited and may lead to undesirable
consequences. They are opportunities which may allow a threat to cause harm. For example, the lack of an
access control mechanism is a vulnerability which could allow the threat of an intrusion to occur and assets
to be lost. Within a specific system or organization not all vulnerabilities will be susceptible to a threat.
Vulnerabilities which have a corresponding threat are of immediate concern. However, as the environment
can change dynamically, all vulnerabilities should be monitored to identify those that have become exposed
to old or new threats.
Vulnerability analysis is the examination of weaknesses which may be exploited by identified threats. This
analysis must take into account the environment and existing safeguards. The vulnerability of a particular
system or asset to a threat is a statement of the ease with which the system or asset may be harmed.
84 Impact
Impact is the consequence of an unwanted incident, caused either deliberately or accidentally, which affects
the assets. The consequences could be the destruction of certain assets, damage to the IT system, and loss of
confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, authenticity or reliability. Possible indirect
consequences include financial losses, and the loss of market share or company image. The measurement of
impacts permits a balance to be made between the results of an unwanted incident and the cost of the
safeguards to protect against the unwanted incident. The frequency of occurrence of an unwanted incident
needs to be taken into account. This is particularly important when the amount of harm caused by each
occurrence is low but where the aggregate effect of many incidents over time may be harmful. The
assessment of impacts is an important element in the assessment of risks and the selection of safeguards.
Quantitative and qualitative measurements of impact can be achieved in a number of ways, such as:
establishing the financial cost,
assigning an empirical scale of severity, e.g., 1 through 10, and
the use of adjectives selected from a predefined list, e.g., low, medium, high.
85 . Risk
Risk is the potential that a given threat will exploit vulnerabilities to cause loss or damage to an asset or
group of assets, and hence directly or indirectly to the organization. Single or multiple threats may exploit
single or multiple vulnerabilities.
A risk scenario describes how a particular threat or group of threats may exploit a particular vulnerability or
group of vulnerabilities exposing assets to harm. The risk is characterized by a combination of two factors,
the probability of the unwanted incident occurring and its impact. Any change to assets, threats,
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vulnerabilities and safeguards may have significant effects on risks. Early detection or knowledge of changes
in the environment or system increases the opportunity for appropriate actions to be taken to reduce the risk.
86 . Safeguards
Safeguards are practices, procedures or mechanisms which may protect against a threat, reduce a
vulnerability, limit the impact of an unwanted incident, detect unwanted incidents and facilitate recovery.
Effective security usually requires a combination of different safeguards to provide layers of security for
assets. For example, access control mechanisms applied to computers should be supported by audit controls,
personnel procedures, training and physical security. Some safeguards may exist already as part of the
environment, or as an inherent aspect of assets, or may be already in place in the system or organization.
Safeguards may be considered to perform one or more of the following functions: detection, deterrence,
limitation, correction, recovery, monitoring, and awareness. An appropriate selection of
safeguards is essential for a properly implemented security programme. Many safeguards can serve multiple
functions. It is often more cost effective to select safeguards that will satisfy multiple functions. Some
examples of areas where safeguards can be used include:
physical environment,
technical environment (hardware, software and communications),
personnel, and
Security awareness is a safeguard and is relevant to the personnel area. However, due to its importance it will
be discussed in Clause 9.6. The environments and cultures the organization operates in may have a bearing
on the safeguards selected and on the security awareness of the organization. Certain safeguards send a
strong and clear message with regard to the organizations attitude towards security. In this regard, it is
important to select safeguards which are not offensive to the culture and/or the society the organization
operates in.
Examples of safeguards are:
network firewalls,
network monitoring and analysis,
encryption for confidentiality,
digital signa
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