Information technology — UPnP Device Architecture — Part 26-11: Telephony device control protocol — Level 2 — Media management service

ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017 is compliant with [1]. It defines a service type referred to herein as the MediaManagement service. The MediaManagement service enables the feature to set-up a media session on a Telephony Client (TC), under the control of a Telephony Control Point (TelCP). This service provides the following functions: - Set up a media session to send and/or receive media streams between a TC and a TS. To set up a media session, The MediaManagement service provides an interface for a TelCP to negotiate the media capabilities (e.g., codec types, IP address, port number etc.) between a TC and a TS. This ensures a TelCP to select a common set of the media capabilities to be used to send and/or receive media streams between a TS and a TC. After the media session is established, the TC starts sending and/or receiving media streams based on the media chapabilities negotiated between the TC and the TS. - The mechanism to modify the media capabilities of an existing media session. For instance, if a media session is created for sending and receiving an audio media stream, it is possible to modify the media session for sending and receiving a video media stream. - The mechanism to terminate a media session.

Technologies de l'information — Architecture de dispositif UPnP — Partie 26-11: Protocole de contrôle de dispositif de téléphonie — Niveau 2 — Service de gestion des médias

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ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017 - Information technology -- UPnP Device Architecture
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First edition
Information technology — UPnP
Device Architecture —
Part 26-11:
Telephony device control protocol —
Level 2 — Media management service
Technologies de l'information — Architecture de dispositif UPnP —
Partie 26-11: Protocole de contrôle de dispositif de téléphonie —
Niveau 2 — Service de gestion des médias
Reference number
ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017(E)
ISO/IEC 2017

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ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017(E)

© ISO/IEC 2017, Published in Switzerland
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ii © ISO/IEC 2017 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017(E)


1  Scope. v
2  Normative references . 1
3  Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . 2
4  Notations and c onventions . 4
4.1  Text conventions . 4
4.2  Data Ty pes . 4
4.3  Vendor-defined Extensions . 4
5  Service Modeling Definiti ons . 4
5.1  Service Type . 4
5.2  MediaManagement Service Architecture . 4
5.3  State Variables . 5
5.3.1  State Variable Overview . 5
5.3.2  MediaSessionInfo . 5
5.3.3  A_ARG_TYPE_MediaSessionID . 7
5.3.4  A_ARG_TYPE_MediaCapabilityInfo . 7
5.3.5  A_ARG_TYPE_MediaSessionInfoList . 8
5.4  Eventing and Moderation . 9
5.4.1  Eventing of MediaSessionInfo . 9
5.5  Actions . 9
5.5.1  GetMediaCapabilities() . 9
5.5.2  StartMediaSession() . 11
5.5.3  StopMediaSession() . 12
5.5.4  ModifyMediaSession() . 13
5.5.5  GetMediaSessionInfo() . 15
5.5.6  Error Code Summary . 16
5.6  Service Behavioral Model . 16
5.6.1  State Diagrams . 16
6  XML Service Description . 17
Annex A (normative) XML Schema . 20
Annex B (informative) Theory of Operat ion . 22
Annex C (informative) Sequence Examples . 28
Annex D (informative) Bibliography . 185

Figure 1 — Relationship among Media Stream, Media Session and Media Session ID . 3
Figure 2 — Architecture of the MediaManagement Service . 5
Figure 3 — State diagrams of the MediaManagement service . 17
Figure B.1 — Flow basics for creating an outgoing Call . 23
Figure B.2 — Flow basics for accpeting an incoming Call . 25
Figure B.3 — Flow basics for modifying an ongoing Call . 27
Figure C.4 — Create a Call . 29
Figure C.5 — Terminate a Call . 44
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Figure C.6 — Reject an incoming Call . 49
Figure C.7 — Cancel an outgoing Call . 52
Figure C.8 — Cancel an outgoing Call (But the specified CallID does not exist.) . 55
Figure C.9 — Cancel an outgoing Call (But the StopCall() action is invoked at invalid
timing.) . 56
Figure C.10 — Get MediaSessionInfo and CallInfo during the Call . 57
Figure C.11 — Create an outgoing Call using multiple TCs (Case 1) . 61
Figure C.12 — Create an outgoing Call using multiple TCs (Case 2) . 75
Figure C.13 — Accept an incoming Call using multiple TCs (Case 1) . 80
Figure C.14 — Accept an incoming Call using multiple TCs (Case 2) . 92
Figure C.15 — Add TC during a Call (Create a modification request) . 97
Figure C.16 — Add TC during a Call (Accept a modification requ es t) . 106
Figure C.17 — Remove TC during a Call (Create a modification request) . 114
Figure C.18 — Remove TC during a Call (Accept a modification request) . 120
Figure C.19 — Change TC during a Call . 127
Figure C.20 — Modify Media Session during a Call . 136
Figure C.21 — Initiate a Call . 144
Figure C.22 — Create an outgoing Call (Monopolization Mode Call(PHONE-TelCP)) . 147
Figure C.23 — Terminate a Call (But the specified TelCP is not authorized.) . 162
Figure C.24 — Cancel an outgoing Call (But the specified TelCP is not authorized.) . 164
Figure C.25 — Change TelCP which Monopolize the Call . 165
Figure C.26 — Create a Call with TC-Based and TS-Based Media Handlings . 168

Table 1 — State Variables . 5
Table 2 — Allowed values for mediaSessionStatus . 6
Table 3 — Allowed values for reason and the corresponding status of Media Session . 6
Table 4 — Allowed values for format . 7
Table 5 — Event Moderation . 9
Table 6 — Actions . 9
Table 7 — Arguments for GetMediaCapabilities() . 9
Table 8 — Error Codes for GetMediaCapabilities() . 10
Table 9 — Arguments for StartMediaSession() . 11
Table 10 — Error Codes for StartMediaSession() . 12
Table 11 — Arguments for StopMediaSession() . 12
Table 12 — Error Codes for StopMediaSession() . 13
Table 13 — Arguments for ModifyMediaSession() . 13
Table 14 — Error Codes for ModifyMediaSession() . 14
Table 15 — Arguments for GetMediaSessionInfo() . 15
Table 16 — Error Codes for GetMediaSessionInfo() . 15
Table 17 — Error Code Summary . 16

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ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017(E)

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ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017(E)

Original UPnP Document
Reference may be made in this document to original UPnP documents. These references are
retained in order to maintain consistency between the specifications as published by ISO/IEC
and by UPnP Implementers Corporation and later by UPnP Forum. The following table
indicates the original UPnP document titles and the corresponding part of ISO/IEC 29341:
UPnP Document Title ISO/IEC 29341 Part
UPnP Device Architecture 1.0 ISO/IEC 29341-1:2008
UPnP Device Architecture Version 1.0 ISO/IEC 29341-1:2011
UPnP Device Architecture 1.1 ISO/IEC 29341-1-1:2011
UPnP Device Architecture 2.0 ISO/IEC 29341-1-2
UPnP Basic:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-2
UPnP AV Architecture:1 ISO/IEC 29341-3-1:2008
UPnP AV Architecture:1 ISO/IEC 29341-3-1:2011
UPnP AVTransport:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-3-10
UPnP ConnectionManager:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-3-11
UPnP ContentDirectory:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-3-12
UPnP RenderingControl:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-3-13
UPnP MediaRenderer:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-3-2
UPnP MediaRenderer:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-3-2:2011
UPnP MediaServer:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-3-3
UPnP AVTransport:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-10:2008
UPnP AVTransport:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-10:2011
UPnP ConnectionManager:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-11:2008
UPnP ConnectionManager:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-11:2011
UPnP ContentDirectory:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-12
UPnP RenderingControl:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-13:2008
UPnP RenderingControl:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-4-13:2011
UPnP ScheduledRecording:1 ISO/IEC 29341-4-14
UPnP ScheduledRecording:2 ISO/IEC 29341-4-14:2011
UPnP MediaRenderer:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-4-2
UPnP MediaServer:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-4-3
UPnP AV Datastructure Template:1 ISO/IEC 29341-4-4:2008
UPnP AV Datastructure Template:1 ISO/IEC 29341-4-4:2011
UPnP DigitalSecurityCamera:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-5-1
UPnP DigitalSecurityCameraMotionImage:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-5-10
UPnP DigitalSecurityCameraSettings:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-5-11
UPnP DigitalSecurityCameraStillImage:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-5-12
UPnP HVAC_System:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-6-1
UPnP ControlValve:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-10
UPnP HVAC_FanOperatingMode:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-11
UPnP FanSpeed:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-12
UPnP HouseStatus:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-13
UPnP HVAC_SetpointSchedule:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-14
UPnP TemperatureSensor:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-15
UPnP TemperatureSetpoint:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-16
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UPnP HVAC_UserOperatingMode:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-6-17
UPnP HVAC_ZoneThermostat:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-6-2
UPnP BinaryLight:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-7-1
UPnP Dimming:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-7-10
UPnP SwitchPower:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-7-11
UPnP DimmableLight:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-7-2
UPnP InternetGatewayDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-8-1
UPnP LANHostConfigManagement:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-10
UPnP Layer3Forwarding:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-11
UPnP LinkAuthentication:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-12
UPnP RadiusClient:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-13
UPnP WANCableLinkConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-14
UPnP WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-15
UPnP WANDSLLinkConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-16
UPnP WANEthernetLinkConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-17
UPnP WANIPConnection:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-18
UPnP WANPOTSLinkConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-19
UPnP LANDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-8-2
UPnP WANPPPConnection:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-20
UPnP WLANConfiguration:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-8-21
UPnP WANDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-8-3
UPnP WANConnectionDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-8-4
UPnP WLANAccessPointDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-8-5
UPnP Printer:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-9-1
UPnP ExternalActivity:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-9-10
UPnP Feeder:1.0 Service ISO/IEC 29341-9-11
UPnP PrintBasic:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-9-12
UPnP Scan:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-9-13
UPnP Scanner:1.0 Device ISO/IEC 29341-9-2
UPnP QoS Architecture:1.0 ISO/IEC 29341-10-1
UPnP QosDevice:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-10-10
UPnP QosManager:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-10-11
UPnP QosPolicyHolder:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-10-12
UPnP QoS Architecture:2 ISO/IEC 29341-11-1
UPnP QosDevice:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-11-10
UPnP QosManager:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-11-11
UPnP QosPolicyHolder:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-11-12
UPnP QOS v2 Schema Files ISO/IEC 29341-11-2
UPnP RemoteUIClientDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-12-1
UPnP RemoteUIClient:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-12-10
UPnP RemoteUIServer:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-12-11
UPnP RemoteUIServerDevice:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-12-2
UPnP DeviceSecurity:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-13-10
UPnP SecurityConsole:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-13-11
UPnP ContentDirectory:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-14-12:2011
UPnP MediaServer:3 Device ISO/IEC 29341-14-3:2011
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UPnP ContentSync:1 ISO/IEC 29341-15-10:2011
UPnP Low Power Architecture:1 ISO/IEC 29341-16-1:2011
UPnP LowPowerProxy:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-16-10:2011
UPnP LowPowerDevice:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-16-11:2011
UPnP QoS Architecture:3 ISO/IEC 29341-17-1:2011
UPnP QosDevice:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-17-10:2011
UPnP QosManager:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-17-11:2011
UPnP QosPolicyHolder:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-17-12:2011
UPnP QosDevice:3 Addendum ISO/IEC 29341-17-13:2011
UPnP RemoteAccessArchitecture:1 ISO/IEC 29341-18-1:2011
UPnP InboundConnectionConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-18-10:2011
UPnP RADAConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-18-11:2011
UPnP RADASync:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-18-12:2011
UPnP RATAConfig:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-18-13:2011
UPnP RAClient:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-18-2:2011
UPnP RAServer:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-18-3:2011
UPnP RADiscoveryAgent:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-18-4:2011
UPnP SolarProtectionBlind:1 Device ISO/IEC 29341-19-1:2011
UPnP TwoWayMotionMotor:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-19-10:2011
UPnP AV Architecture:2 ISO/IEC 29341-20-1
UPnP AVTransport:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-20-10
UPnP ConnectionManager:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-20-11
UPnP ContentDirectory:4 Device ISO/IEC 29341-20-12
UPnP RenderingControl:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-20-13
UPnP ScheduledRecording:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-20-14
UPnP MediaRenderer:3 Service ISO/IEC 29341-20-2
UPnP MediaServer:4 Device ISO/IEC 29341-20-3
UPnP AV Datastructure Template:1 ISO/IEC 29341-20-4
UPnP InternetGatewayDevice:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-24-1
UPnP WANIPConnection:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-24-10
UPnP WANIPv6FirewallControl:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-24-11
UPnP WANConnectionDevice:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-24-2
UPnP WANDevice:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-24-3
UPnP Telephony Architecture:2 ISO/IEC 29341-26-1
UPnP CallManagement:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-10
UPnP MediaManagement:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-11
UPnP Messaging:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-12
UPnP PhoneManagement:2 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-13
UPnP AddressBook:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-14
UPnP Calendar:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-15
UPnP Presense:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-26-16
UPnP TelephonyClient:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-26-2
UPnP TelephonyServer:2 Device ISO/IEC 29341-26-3
UPnP Friendly Info Update:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-27-1
UPnP MultiScreen MultiScreen Architecture:1
ISO/IEC 29341-28-1
UPnP MultiScreen Application Management:1 Service
ISO/IEC 29341-28-10
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UPnP MultiScreen Screen:1 Device
ISO/IEC 29341-28-2
UPnP MultiScreen Application Management:2 Service
ISO/IEC 29341-29-10
UPnP MultiScreen Screen:2 Device
ISO/IEC 29341-29-2
UPnP IoT Management and Control Architecture Overview:1
ISO/IEC 29341-30-1
UPnP DataStore:1 Service
ISO/IEC 29341-30-10
UPnP IoT Management and Control Data Model:1 Service
ISO/IEC 29341-30-11
UPnP IoT Management and Control Transport Generic:1
Service ISO/IEC 29341-30-12
UPnP IoT Management and Control:1 Device
ISO/IEC 29341-30-2
UPnP Energy Management:1 Service ISO/IEC 29341-31-1
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ISO/IEC 29341-26-11:2017(E)

1 Scope
This service definition is compliant with [1]. It defines a service type referred to herein as the
MediaManagement service.
The MediaManagement service enables the feature to set-up a media session on a
Telephony Client (TC), under the control of a Telephony Control Point (TelCP). This service
provides the following functions:
 Set up a media session to send and/or receive media streams between a TC and a TS. To
set up a media session, The MediaManagement service provides an interface for a TelCP
to negotiate the media capabilities (e.g., codec types, IP address, port number etc.)
between a TC and a TS. This ensures a TelCP to select a common set of the media
capabilities to be used to send and/or receive media streams between a TS and a TC.
After the media session is established, the TC starts sending and/or receiving media
streams based on the media chapabilities negotiated between the TC and the TS.
 The mechanism to modify the media capabilities of an existing media session. For
instance, if a media session is created for sending and receiving an audio media stream,
it is possible to modify the media session for sending and receiving a video media stream.
 The mechanism to terminate a media session.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document
and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
[1] – UPnP Device Architecture, version 1.0, UPnP Forum, October 15, 2008. Available
at: Latest
version available at:
[2] – Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange -- Representation of
dates and times, International Standards Organization, December 21, 2000. Available
at: ISO 8601:2000.
[3] – IETF RFC 2119, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner,
1997. Available at:
[4] – IETF RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps, G. Klyne, Clearswift
Corporation, C. Newman, Sun Microsystems, July 2002. Available
[5] – IETF RFC 4566, SDP: Session Description Protocol, M. Handley, UCL, V. Jacobson,
Packet Design, C. Perkins, University of Glasgow, July 2006. Available
[6] – Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition), François Yergeau, Tim Bray,
Jean Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, eds., W3C Recommendation, February 4,
2004. Available at:
[7] – XML Schema Part 2: Data Types, Second Edition, Paul V. Biron, Ashok Malhotra, W3C
Recommendation, 28 October 2004. Available at:
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[8] – CallManagement:2, UPnP Forum, December 10, 2012. Available
Latest version available at:
[9] – ConnectionManager:1, UPnP Forum, June 25, 2002. Available
Latest version available at:
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in [1] and the following
3.1 Provisioning terms
conditionally allowed
The definition or behavior depends on a condition. If the specified condition is met, then the
definition or behavior is allowed, otherwise it is not allowed.
conditionally required
The definition or behavior depends on a condition. If the specified condition is met, then the
definition or behavior is required, otherwise it is not allowed.
not allowed
The definition or behavior is prohibited by this specification. Opposite of required.
3.2 Symbols
signifies a hierarchical parent-child (parent::child) relationship between the two objects
separated by the double colon. This delimiter is used in multiple contexts, for example:
Service::Action(), Action()::Argument, parentProperty::childProperty.
3.3 Terms
Media Stream
a flow of media (e.g., audio, video, and data etc.) which is sent and/or received between two
Media Sess

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