ISO/DIS 22476-4.2
(Main)Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Field testing
Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Field testing
Reconnaissance et essais géotechniques -- Essais en place
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/TC 182/SC 1 Secretariat: DIN
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2007-12-06 2008-02-06
Geotechnical investigation and testing — Field testing —Part 4:
Ménard pressuremeter test
Reconnaissance et essais géotechniques — Essais en place —
Partie 4: Essai pressiométrique Ménard
ICS 93.020
This draft International Standard is a draft standard developed within the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN) and processed under the CEN-lead mode of collaboration as defined in the
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THEY ARE AWARE AND TO PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.International Organization for Standardization, 2007
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ISO/DIS 22476-4.2
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ISO/DIS 22476-4
Contents Page
Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................3
3 Terms, definitions and symbols ..........................................................................................................3
3.1 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................3
3.2 Symbols..................................................................................................................................................6
4 Equipment..............................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Pressuremeter probe ..........................................................................................................................11
4.2 Pressure and volume control unit (CU).............................................................................................14
4.3 Connecting lines..................................................................................................................................15
4.4 Injected liquid ......................................................................................................................................15
4.5 Measurement and control...................................................................................................................15
4.6 Data logger...........................................................................................................................................15
5 Test procedure.....................................................................................................................................16
5.1 Assembling the parts..........................................................................................................................16
5.2 Calibration and corrections (see B)...................................................................................................16
5.3 Pressuremeter pocket and probe placing ........................................................................................16
5.4 Preparation for testing........................................................................................................................17
5.5 Establishing the loading programme................................................................................................17
5.6 Establishing the differential pressure...............................................................................................18
5.7 Expansion ............................................................................................................................................19
5.8 Back-filling of the pockets..................................................................................................................19
5.9 Safety requirements............................................................................................................................19
6 Test results ..........................................................................................................................................20
6.1 Data sheet and field print-out............................................................................................................20
6.2 Corrected pressuremeter curve.........................................................................................................21
6.3 Calculated results................................................................................................................................22
7 Reporting..............................................................................................................................................22
7.1 General .................................................................................................................................................22
7.2 Field report...........................................................................................................................................22
7.3 Test report............................................................................................................................................22
Annex A (normative) Geometrical features of pressuremeter probes ........................................................25
A.1 Geometrical specifications for probes..............................................................................................25
A.2 Selecting pressuremeter probe and components ...........................................................................26
Annex B (normative) Calibration and corrections.........................................................................................28
B.1 Measuring devices ..............................................................................................................................28
B.2 Pressure loss of central measuring cell membranes......................................................................28
B.3 Checking measuring devices at site .................................................................................................29
B.4 Reading corrections............................................................................................................................29
Annex C (normative) Placing the pressuremeter probe in the ground.......................................................36
C.1 General considerations.......................................................................................................................36
C.2 Probe placement techniques without soil displacement ................................................................38
C.3 Probe placing with soil displacement: driven slotted tube (DST)..................................................40
Annex D (normative) Obtaining pressuremeter parameters ........................................................................45
D.1 Obtaining a corrected pressuremeter curve ....................................................................................45
D.2 Assessing the quality of the pressuremeter test .............................................................................47
D.3 Pressuremeter creep pressure ..........................................................................................................49
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D.4 Pressuremeter limit pressure............................................................................................................ 50
D.5 Obtaining the Ménard pressuremeter modulus............................................................................... 51
D.6 Final check on pressuremeter parameters ...................................................................................... 53
Annex E (informative) Resolution, uncertainties and effects on results.................................................... 54
E.1 Resolution of the measuring devices............................................................................................... 54
E.2 Uncertainties of the measurements.................................................................................................. 54
Annex F (informative) Typical Forms .............................................................................................................. 56
Bibliography..................................................................................................................................................... 59
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ISO/DIS 22476-4
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
EN ISO 22476-4 was prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 341, Geotechnical investigation and testing
and by Technical Committee ISO/TC 182, Geotechnics, in collaboration.EN ISO 22476 consists of the following parts, under the general title Geotechnical investigation and testing —
Field testing:⎯ Part 1: Electrical cone penetration tests
⎯ Part 2: Dynamic probing
⎯ Part 3: Standard penetration test
⎯ Part 4:Menard pressuremeter test
⎯ Part 5: Flexible dilatometer test
⎯ Part 6: Self-boring pressuremeter test
⎯ Part 7: Borehole jack test
⎯ Part 8: Full displacement pressuremeter test
⎯ Part 9: Field vane test
⎯ Part 10: Weight sounding test
⎯ Part 11: Flat dilatometer test
⎯ Part 12: Mechanical cone penetration test
⎯ Part 13: Plate loading test
⎯ Part 14: Phicometer test
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ISO/DIS 22476-4
Geotechnical investigation and testing — Field testing —
Part 4:
Ménard pressuremeter test
1 Scope
This document deals with field testing using the Ménard pressuremeter test as part of geotechnical
investigation and testing according to EN 1997-1 and EN 1997-2.The present document describes the procedure for conducting a Ménard pressuremeter test in natural soils,
treated or untreated fills and in very hard soils, or soft rocks, either on land or off-shore.
The pressuremeter sounding results of this document are well suited to a quantitative determination of soil
strength and deformation parameters. Pressuremeters sounding results can yield lithological information.
They can also be combined with direct investigation (e;g; sampling according to EN ISO 22475-1) or
compared with other in situ tests (see EN 1997-2, P, 4.1 (1) P and 4.2.3(2) P).
The Ménard pressuremeter test is performed by the radial expansion of a tricell probe placed in the ground
(see Figure 1). During the injection of the liquid volume in the probe, the inflation of the three cells first brings
the outer cover of the probe into contact with the borehole walls and then presses on them resulting in a soil
displacement. Pressure applied to, and the associated volume expansion of the probe are measured and
recorded so as to obtain the stress-strain relationship of the soil as tested.This Standard refers to a probe historically described as the 60 mm G type probe. This standard applies to
test depths limited to 50 m and test pressure limited to 5 MPa.NOTE 1 In the following instances: Ménard pressuremeter tests carried out at pressures above 5 MPa, Ménard
pressuremeter tests at depths exceeding 50m, Ménard pressuremeter tests carried out with E type probes, Full
displacement pressuremeter tests, the test procedures and the test interpretations are not necessarily covered by
this standard.NOTE 2 Ménard pressuremeter tests can be carried out with other diameter probes such as 44 mm and 76 mm probes.
NOTE 3 Ménard pressuremeter tests can be carried out with a pressure exceeding 5 MPa or at a depth exceeding
50 m. However the corresponding test procedure and test interpretation are not covered by this standard.
Two alternative methods of measurement are provided as follows:⎯ procedure A: data is recorded manually;
⎯ procedure B: data is recorded automatically.
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ISO/DIS 22476-4
1 Ground surface A – A axial section
2 Ground3 Borehole B - B cross section
4 Expanding pressuremeter probeFigure 1 — Principle of a pressuremeter test
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2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.EN 1997-1, Eurocode 7: Ground investigation and testing – Part 1: General rules.
EN 1997-2, Eurocode 7: Ground investigation and testing – Part 2: Design assisted by laboratory and field
testing.ENV 13005:1999, Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.
EN ISO 14688-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing – identification and classification of soil – Part 1:
identification and description.EN ISO 14689-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing – identification and classification of rock – Part 1:
identification and description.EN ISO 22475-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing – Sampling by drilling and excavationand ground
water measurements – Part 1: Technical principles for execution.EN ISO 10012, Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and
measuring equipment3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:
the whole equipment which is used to carry out a Ménard pressuremeter test, excluding the means .
necessary to place the pressuremeter probe into the groundA pressuremeter includes a pressuremeter probe, a pressure and volume control unit, called CU, lines to
connect the probe to the CU and in the case of procedure B, a data logger which is either built into the CU or
linked to it.3.1.2 pressuremeter test pocket
A circular cylindrical cavity formed in the soil to receive a pressuremeter probe. The primary concern shall be
the quality of the pocket wall obtained, using the methods described in Annex C.3.1.3pressuremeter borehole
a borehole in which cylindrical pockets with circular cross sections are made in the ground, and into which the
pressuremeter probe is to be placed.3.1.4
pressuremeter test
the process during which a cylindrical probe is inflated in the ground and the resulting cavity expansion is
measured by volume as a function of time and pressure increments according to a defined programme (see
Figure 4)© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 3
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pressuremeter sounding
the whole series of sequential operations necessary to perform Ménard pressuremeter testing at a given
location: i.e. forming pressuremeter pockets and performing pressuremeter tests in them
3.1.6pressuremeter pressure reading p
the pressure p as read at the CU elevation in the liquid circuit supplying the central measuring cell
3.1.7pressure loss
the pressure loss is the difference between the pressure inside the probe and the pressure applied to the
pocket wall.3.1.8
volume loss
the volume loss is the difference between the volume actually injected into the probe and the volume read on
the measuring device.3.1.9
raw pressuremeter curve
the raw pressuremeter curve is the graphical plot of the injected volumes recorded at time 60 s, V , versus
the applied pressure at each pressure hold, p3.1.10
corrected pressuremeter curve
the corrected pressuremeter curve is the graphical plot of the corrected volume V versus the corrected
pressure p (see Figure 5)3.1.11
Ménard creep
Ménard creep is defined as the difference in volumes recorded at 60 s and at 30 s at each pressure
hold: V – V = ∆V60 30 60/30
corrected Ménard creep curve
a graphical plot of the corrected Ménard creep versus the corrected applied pressure at each pressure hold
(see Figure 5)3.1.11
pressuremeter log
a graphical report of the results of the pressuremeter tests performed at a succession of depths in the same
pressuremeter borehole, together with all the information gathered during the drilling (see Figure 7)
3.1.12Ménard pressuremeter modulus E
E-modulus obtained from the section between (p V ) and (p V ) of the pressuremeter curve (see Figure 5
, ,1 1 2 2
and Annex D).
pressuremeter limit pressure p
by convention pressure at which the pressuremeter cavity has doubled its original volume, see Annex D
3.1.14pressuremeter creep pressure p
a pressure derived from the creep curve, as in Annex D
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the qualified person who carries out the test
lengths of tubing inserted into a borehole to prevent the hole caving in or to prevent the loss of flushing
medium to the surrounding formation© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved 5
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3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of this standard, the following symbols apply:
Table 1 — Symbols
Description Unit
Apparatus volume loss coefficient
cm /MPa
d Outside diameter of the inner part of the probe with slotted tube Mm
Inside diameter of the calibration cylinder used for the volume loss calibration Mm
Outside diameter of the central measuring cell, including any additional Mmprotection such as a slotted tube
Drilling tool diameter Mm
Wall thickness of the calibration cylinder used for the volume loss calibration Mm
Length of the calibration cylinder used for the volume loss calibration MmLength of each guard cell Mm
l Length of each guard cell for a short central measuring cell pressuremeter Mm
l Length of each guard cell for a long central measuring cell pressuremeter probe Mm
Length along the tube axis of the slotted section of the slotted tube MmLength of the central measuring cell of the probe, measured after fitting the Mm
l Length of the short central measuring cell after fitting the membrane Mm
l Length of the long central measuring cell after fitting the membrane Mm
Minimum value, strictly positive, of the m slopes
m i
cm /MPa
Slope of the corrected pressuremeter curve between the two points with
cm /MPa
coordinates (p , V ) and (p , V ).
i-1 i-1 i i
Pressure applied to the ground after correction MPa
Correction for membrane stiffness usually called pressure loss of the probe MPa
Pressure at the origin of the segment exhibiting the slope m MPa
p E
p Ultimate pressure loss of the probe MPa
Pressuremeter creep pressure MPa
Gas pressure applied by the control unit indicator to the guard cells of the MPa
pressuremeter probe
Hydrostatic pressure between the control unit indicator and the central MPa
measuring cell of the pressuremeter probe
p Gas pressure in the guard cells of the pressuremeter probe MPa
p Ménard pressuremeter limit pressure of the ground MPa
To be continued )
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Table 1 (continued)
Description Unit
Ménard nett pressuremeter limit pressure of the ground MPa
p *
Ménard pressuremeter limit pressure as extrapolated by the hyperbolic best fit MPa
Ménard pressuremeter limit pressure as extrapolated by the double hyperbolic MPa
p Ménard pressuremeter limit pressure as extrapolated by the reciprocal curve MPa
p Pressure loss of the central measuring cell membrane for a specific expansion. MPa
Pressure reading at the CU transducer elevation in the central measuring cell MPa
liquid circuitLiquid pressure in the central measuring cell of the pressuremeter probe MPa
Target pressure according to loading program MPa
p Corrected pressure at the origin of the pressuremeter modulus pressure range MPa
Corrected pressure at the end of the pressuremeter modulus pressure range MPaTime s
Time required for incrementing to the next pressure hold s
t Time the loading pressure level is held s
Pore water pressure in the ground at the depth of the test MPa
z Elevation, positively counted above datum m
Elevation of the pressure measuring device for the liquid injected in the m
measuring cell
z Elevation of the pressure measuring device for the gas injected in the guard m
cells of the pressuremeter probe
Elevation of the ground surface at the location of the pressuremeter sounding m
Elevation of the measuring cell centre during testing m
Elevation of the ground water table (or free water surface in a marine or river m
environment)CU Pressure and volume control unit ---
Type of pressuremeter probe where the three cells are formed by three ---
membranes in line
E Ménard pressuremeter modulus MPa
Type of pressuremeter probe where only the central measuring cell is formed ---
by a dedicated membrane (see Figure 2)
Coefficient of earth pressure at rest at the test depth ---
Value, after zeroing and data correction, of the volume injected in the central
measuring cell and measured 60 s after starting a pressure hold
To be continued
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Table 1 (continued)
Description Unit
Original volume of the central measuring cell, including the slotted tube, if
Volume obtained in the volume loss calibration test (see Figure B.2)
value, after data correction, of the volume injected in the central measuring cell
for pressure p .V Value, after data correction, of the volume injected in the central measuring cell
when the original volume of the pressuremeter cavity has doubledV Volume injected in the probe as read on the CU, before data correction
Volume of the central measuring cell including the slotted tube cm
Corrected volume at the origin of the pressuremeter modulus pressure range
(see Figure 5)
V Corrected volume at the end of the pressuremeter modulus pressure range
V Volume injected in the central measuring cell as read 30 s after the beginning of
the pressure holdVolume injected in the central measuring cell as read 60 s after the beginning of
the pressure holdCoefficient used to determine the pressuremeter modulus pressure range. ---
Unit weight of soil at the time of testing.
γ KN/m
Unit weight of the liquid injected in the central measuring cell
γ KN/m
Unit weight of water
Rate of change of pressure head of gas at p per metre depth m
ν Poisson’s ratio ---
Total vertical stress in the ground at test depth kPa
Total horizontal stress in the ground at test elevation kPa
Loading pressure increment MPa
Injected volume change from 30 s to 60 s after reaching the pressure hold - the
Ménard creep
60 second injected volume change between successive pressure hold
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ISO/DIS 22476-4
4 Equipment
The pressuremeter shown schematically on Figure 2 includes:
⎯ tri-cell probe;
⎯ string of rods to handle the probe;
⎯ control unit (CU);
⎯ lines connecting the control unit to the probe.
The control unit (CU) includes:
⎯ equipment to pressurize, and so to inflate the probe, and to maintain constant pressures as required
during the test;⎯ equipment to maintain an appropriate pressure difference between the central measuring cell and the
guard cells;⎯ device which permits the direct reading and in the case of procedure B the automatic recording of the
parameters to be measured: time, pressure and volume.The pressure measuring devices
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