ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017/Amd 2:2024
(Amendment)Information technology — Telecommunications cabling requirements for remote powering of terminal equipment — Amendment 2
Information technology — Telecommunications cabling requirements for remote powering of terminal equipment — Amendment 2
Technologies de l'information — Exigences de câblage des télécommunications pour téléalimentation d'équipement terminal — Amendement 2
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC TS 29125
Edition 1.0 2024-10
Information technology – Telecommunications cabling requirements for remote
powering of terminal equipment
ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017-04/AMD2:2024-10(en)
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ISO/IEC TS 29125
Edition 1.0 2024-10
Information technology – Telecommunications cabling requirements for remote
powering of terminal equipment
ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-8322-9893-0
– 2 – ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017/AMD2:2024
© ISO/IEC 2024
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Amendment 2 to IEC ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017 has been prepared by subcommittee 25:
Interconnection of information technology equipment, of ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1:
Information technology.
The text of this Amendment is based on the following documents:
Draft Report on voting
JTC1-SC25/3272/DTS JTC1-SC25/3289/RVDTS
Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
The language used for the development of this Amendment is English.
ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017/AMD2:2024 – 3 –
© ISO/IEC 2024
This document was drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, and developed in
accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, and the ISO/IEC Directives, JTC 1 Supplement
available at and
INTRODUCTION to the amendment
This amendment incorporates changes necessary to extend the current for remote powering
using single pair cabling up to 2 000 mA.
Insert the following after the first bullet of the fourth paragraph:
• guidance on wire diameter and bundling on heating;
1 Scope
Replace the second bullet of list item a), added by Amendment 1, with:
• 1-pair balanced cabling using currents per conductor of up to 2 000 mA;
In the NOTE, delete "4-pair".
6.3 Temperature rise and current capacity
Replace the last sentence of the first paragraph with the following sentence:
The standards in the ISO/IEC°11801 series specify this temperature up to 60 °C in MICE C
environments and 70 °C in MICE C and C environments.
2 3
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© ISO/IEC 2024
Replace the existing Table 5, added by Amendment 1, with the following new Table 5:
Table 5 – Maximum current per conductor versus temperature rise
in a 37 1-pair cable bundle in air and conduit
Current per conductor
0,57 mm wire diameter 0,40 mm stranded wire 1,02 mm stranded wire
diameter (cords) diameter (cords)
K mA mA mA
air conduit air conduit air conduit
5 866 738 608 518 1 550 1 320
7,5 1 061 904 744 634 1 900 1 620
10 1 225 1 044 860 732 2 190 1 870
12,5 1 370 1 167 961 819 - 2 090
15 1 501 1 278 1 053 897 - -
17,5 1 621 1 381 1 137 969 - -
20 1 733 1 476 1 216 1 036 - -
Temperature rise above 10 K shown in grey background is not recommended for cables installed in an environment
that can reach 50 °C.
NOTE 1 These values are based on conductor temperature measurement of typical cables and cords.
NOTE 2 Currents above 2 000 mA are for information only.
In Table 6, added by Amendment 1, delete column "0,32 mm diameter", as follows:
Table 6 – Calculated worst case current per conductor versus temperature rise
in a bundle of 37 1-pair cables of different conductor diameters in air and conduit
0,40 mm 0,51 mm 0,57 mm 0,65 mm 0,81 mm 1,02 mm
diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter
∆T mA mA mA mA mA mA
°C air conduit air conduit air conduit air conduit air conduit air conduit
2 384 327 490 417 548 466 624 532 779 663 981 835
4 543 463 693 590 775 660 883 753 1 101 938 1 387 1 181
6 666 567 849 723 949 808 1 082 922 1 349 1 149 1 699 1 446
8 769 655 981 835 1 096 933 1 249 1 065 1 558 1 327 1 962 1 670
10 860 732 1 096 934 1 225 1 044 1 397 1 190 1 742 1 484 2 194 1 867
12 942 802 1 201 1 023 1 342 1 143 1 530 1 304 1 908 1 625 2 403 2 046
14 1 017 867 1 297 1 105 1 450 1 235 1 653 1 409 2 061 1 755 2 596 2 210
16 1 087 926 1 387 1 181 1 550 1 320 1 767 1 506 2 203 1 877 2 775 2 362
18 1 153 983 1 471 1 253 1 644 1 400 1 874 1 597 2 337 1 991 2 943 2 506
20 1 216 1 036 1 551 1 321 1 733 1 476 1 976 1 684 2 463 2 098 3 102 2 641
Temperature rise above 10 °C shown in grey background is not recommended.
The values in this table are based on the implicit DC resistance derived from the insertion loss of the various
conductor diameters of cable. Manufacturers' and/or suppliers' specifications give information relating to a
specific cable.
NOTE 1 The current per conductor for each 1-pair cable is also dependent on the cable construction.
NOTE 2 Currents above 2 000 mA are for information only.
ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017/AMD2:2024 – 5 –
© ISO/IEC 2024
6.4.3 Cable count within a bundle
Replace the first three paragraphs, added by Amendment 1, with the following text:
This document uses 37-cable bundles as the basis for developing the temperature rise and
current per conductor with all pairs energized. For other cases (e.g. where bundle count
exceeds 37 cables), the guidelines provided in 6.4.4 can be used.
Refer to Table 7 to determine the maximum temperature rise using 2 000 mA per conductor for
1-pair cable bundles of different count.
NOTE The temperature rise of one cable is lower than that of a 7-cable bundle shown in all tables.
6.4.4 Reducing temperature increase
In the sixth paragraph, replace "Figure 1" with "Figure 3".
In the seventh paragraph, replace "Figure 2" with "Figure 4".
In Table 4, replace the left column heading "No. of pairs" with "No. of energized pairs" and
replace "°C" with "K" in two places.
Replace Table 8, Figure 3, Table 9 and Figure 4, all added by Amendment 1, with the following
new Table 8, Figure 3, Table 9 and Figure 4:
Table 8 – Temperature rise for a 0,57 mm conductor diameter
1-pair cable versus current for different bundle sizes in air
Bundle Current
200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000
7 0,1 0,4 0,9 1,7 2,6 3,7 5,1 6,6 8,4 10,3
19 0,2 0,7 1,6 2,9 4,5 6,5 8,8 11,5 14,6 18,0
37 0,3 1,1 2,4 4,3 6,7 9,6 13,0 17,0 21,6 26,6
61 0,4 1,4 3,2 5,8 9,0 13,0 17,7 23,1 29,2 36,0
91 0,5 1,9 4,2 7,4 11,6 16,7 22,7 29,6 37,5 46,3
Temperature rise above 10 K shown in grey background is not recommended for cables installed in an environment
that can reach 50 °C.
The values in this table are based on the DC resistance of the cable conductors. Manufacturers' and/or suppliers'
specifications give information relating to a specific cable.
NOTE The temperature rise for a particular cable is also dependent on the cable construction.
– 6 – ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017/AMD2:2024
© ISO/IEC 2024
Figure 3 – Temperature rise for a 0,57 mm conductor diameter
1-pair cable versus current for different bundle sizes in air
Table 9 – Temperature rise for a 0,57 mm conductor diameter
1-pair cable versus current for different bundle sizes in conduit
Bundle Current
200 400 600 800 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000
7 0,2 0,6 1,4 2,4 3,8 5,3 7,2 9,3 11,7 14,5
19 0,3 1,0 2,3 4,1 6,4 9,0 12,0 15,5 19,5 24,0
37 0,4 1,5 3,3 5,9 9,2 12,8 17,0 22,0 27,6 33,8
61 0,5 1,9 4,4 7,8 12,1 16,8 22,2 28,6 35,7 43,7
91 0,6 2,4 5,5 9,8 15,2 20,9 27,6 35,3 44,1 53,8
Temperature rise above 10 K shown in grey background is not recommended for cables installed in an environment
that can reach 50 °C.
The values in this table are based on the DC resistance of the cable conductors. Manufacturers' and/or suppliers'
specifications give information relating to a specific cable.
NOTE The temperature rise for a particular cable is also dependent on the cable construction.
ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017/AMD2:2024 – 7 –
© ISO/IEC 2024
Figure 4 – Temperature rise for a 0,57 mm conductor diameter
1-pair cable versus current for different bundle sizes in conduit
Add the following new text, tables and figures at the end of 6.4.4.
Table 10 shows the temperature rise for a 1,02 mm conductor diameter 1-pair cable versus
current for different bundle sizes in air. Figure 6 shows these data in graphical form.
Table 11 shows the temperature rise for a 1,02 mm conductor diameter 1-pair cable versus
current for different bundle sizes in conduit. Figure 7 shows these data in graphical form.
Table 10 – Temperature rise for a 1,02 mm condu
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