Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 7: Versatile supplemental enhancement information messages for coded video bitstreams

This document specifies the syntax and semantics of video usability information (VUI) parameters and supplemental enhancement information (SEI) messages. The VUI parameters and SEI messages defined in this document are designed to be conveyed within coded video bitstreams in a manner specified in a video coding specification or to be conveyed by other means determined by the specifications for systems that make use of such coded video bitstreams. This document is particularly intended for use with coded video bitstreams as specified by Rec. ITU‑T H.266 | ISO/IEC 23090-3, although it is drafted in a manner intended to be sufficiently generic that it can also be used with other types of coded video bitstreams. VUI parameters and SEI messages can assist in processes related to decoding, display or other purposes. However, unless otherwise specified in a referencing specification, the interpretation and use of the VUI parameters and SEI messages specified in this document is not a required functionality of a video decoder or receiving video system. Although semantics are specified for the VUI parameters and SEI messages, decoders and receiving video systems can simply ignore the content of the VUI parameters and SEI messages or can use them in a manner that somewhat differs from what is specified in this document.

Technologies de l'information — Technologies vidéo MPEG — Partie 7: Messages d'améliorations complémentaires polyvalents pour les flux binaires vidéo codés

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ISO/IEC 23002-7:2022 - Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 7: Versatile supplemental enhancement information messages for coded video bitstreams Released:31. 10. 2022
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Standards Content (Sample)

STANDARD 23002-7
Second edition
Information technology — MPEG video
technologies —
Part 7:
Versatile supplemental enhancement
information messages for coded video
Technologies de l'information — Technologies vidéo MPEG —
Partie 7: Messages d'améliorations complémentaires polyvalents pour
les flux binaires vidéo codés
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2022
© ISO/IEC 2022
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
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Published in Switzerland
© ISO/IEC 2022 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword . vi
Introduction .vii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 8
5 Conventions . 9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Arithmetic operators . 9
5.3 Logical operators . 10
5.4 Relational operators . 10
5.5 Bit-wise operators . 10
5.6 Assignment operators . 11
5.7 Range notation . 11
5.8 Mathematical functions . 11
5.9 Order of operation precedence .12
5.10 Variables, syntax elements and tables. 13
5.11 Text description of logical operations . 14
5.12 Processes . 15
6 Syntax and semantics .16
6.1 General . 16
6.2 Method of specifying syntax in tabular form . . 17
6.3 Specification of syntax functions and descriptors . 18
7 Video usability information parameters .19
7.1 General . 19
7.2 VUI parameters syntax . 19
7.3 VUI parameters semantics.20
8 SEI messages .27
8.1 General . 27
8.2 Filler payload SEI message .28
8.2.1 Filler payload SEI message syntax .28
8.2.2 Filler payload SEI message semantics .28
8.3 User data registered by Rec. ITU-T T.35 SEI message .28
8.3.1 User data registered by Rec. ITU-T T.35 SEI message syntax .28
8.3.2 User data registered by Rec. ITU-T T.35 SEI message semantics .29
8.4 User data unregistered SEI message .29
8.4.1 User data unregistered SEI message syntax .29
8.4.2 User data unregistered SEI message semantics .29
8.5 Film grain characteristics SEI message .29
8.5.1 Film grain characteristics SEI message syntax .29
8.5.2 Film grain characteristics SEI message semantics .30
8.6 Frame packing arrangement SEI message .38
8.6.1 Frame packing arrangement SEI message syntax .38
8.6.2 Frame packing arrangement SEI message semantics .38
8.7 Parameter sets inclusion indication SEI message . 47
8.7.1 Parameter sets inclusion indication SEI message syntax . 47
8.7.2 Parameter sets inclusion indication SEI message semantics . 47
8.8 Decoded picture hash SEI message .48
8.8.1 Decoded picture hash SEI message syntax .48
8.8.2 Decoded picture hash SEI message semantics .48
8.9 Mastering display colour volume SEI message .50
© ISO/IEC 2022 – All rights reserved

8.9.1 Mastering display colour volume SEI message syntax .50
8.9.2 Mastering display colour volume SEI message semantics .50
8.10 Content light level information SEI message . 52
8.10.1 Content light level information SEI message syntax . 52
8.10.2 Content light level information SEI message semantics . 52
8.11 Dependent random access point indication SEI message . 53
8.11.1 Dependent random access point indication SEI message syntax .53
8.11.2 Dependent random access point indication SEI message semantics .53
8.12 Alternative transfer characteristics information SEI message .54
8.12.1 Alternative transfer characteristics information SEI message syntax .54
8.12.2 Alternative transfer characteristics SEI message semantics .54
8.13 Ambient viewing environment SEI message.54
8.13.1 Ambient viewing environment SEI message syntax .54
8.13.2 Ambient viewing environment SEI message semantics .54
8.14 Content colour volume SEI message . 55
8.14.1 Content colour volume SEI message syntax . 55
8.14.2 Content colour volume SEI message semantics .56
8.15 Omnidirectional video specific SEI messages .58
8.15.1 Sample location remapping process .58
8.15.2 Equirectangular projection SEI message .69
8.15.3 Generalized cubemap projection SEI message .72
8.15.4 Sphere rotation SEI message . 78
8.15.5 Region-wise packing SEI message . 79
8.15.6 Omnidirectional viewport SEI message .86
8.16 Frame-field information SEI message .88
8.16.1 Frame-field information SEI message syntax .88
8.16.2 Frame-field information SEI message semantics .88
8.17 Sample aspect ratio information SEI message . 91
8.17.1 Sample aspect ratio information SEI message syntax . 91
8.17.2 Sample aspect ratio information SEI message semantics . 91
8.18 Annotated regions SEI message . 92
8.18.1 Annotated regions SEI message syntax . 92
8.18.2 Annotated regions SEI message semantics .

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