Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma

Technologies de l'information — Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI) — Protocole de présentation en mode orienté connexion: Formulaire de déclaration de conformité pour la mise en oeuvre du protocole (PICS)

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ISO/IEC 8823-2:1995 - Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma
English language
24 pages
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ISO/IEC 8823-2:1995 - Technologies de l'information -- Interconnexion de systemes ouverts (OSI) -- Protocole de présentation en mode orienté connexion: Formulaire de déclaration de conformité pour la mise en oeuvre du protocole (PICS)
French language
24 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Connection-oriented
presentation protocol: Protocol
Imp lemen ta ti on Conform a nce Sta tem en t
(PICS) proforma
Technologies de l'information - Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts
(OS11 - Protocole de présentation en mode connexion: Proforme
d'établissement de conformité pour la mise en œuvre du protocole (PICS)
Reference number
ISO/IEC 8823-2:1995(E)

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ISODEC 8823-2: 1995(E)
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references .
2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards . 1
2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content . 1
2.3 Additional references .
3 Definitions . 2
3.3 Additional terms . 2
4 Abbreviations . 2
5 Conformance . 2
Annex A - Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma for the connection-oriented
presentation protocol .
A . 1 Identification of PICS proforma corrigenda . 3
A.2 Instructions . 3
A.3 Identification of the implementation . 5
A.4 Protocol Identification .
AS Global statement of conformance .
A.6 Protocol mechanisms and functional units . 6
A.7 Elements of procedure related to the PICS . 8
A.8 Supported PPDU parameters .
A.9 Support of syntaxes . 21
Annex B - Summary of conditions . 23
0 ISOAEC 1995
All rights reserved . Unless otherwise specified. no part of this publication may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means. electronic or mechanical. including
photocopying and microfilm. without permission in writing from the publisher .
ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-121 1 Genève 20 Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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ISO/IEC 8823-2: 1995(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established
by the respective organization to deal with partioular fields of technical activity.
IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft Internbtional Standards adopted by the
joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication
as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national
bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 8823-2 was prepared by Joint Technical
Committee ISOLEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 21, Open
systems interconnection, data management and open distributed processing, in
collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T
Recommendation X.246.
ISOLEC 8823 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information
technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented presentation
- Part I: Protocol specification
- Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformqnce Statement (PICS) proforma
Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISODEC 8823. Annex B is for
information only.

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ISO/IEC 8823-2: 1995(E) 0 ISO/IEC
This Recommendation I International Standard is one of a set of Recommendations I International Standards produced to
facilitate the interconnection of information processing systems. It is related to other Recommendations and International
Standards in the set as defined by the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (ITU-T Rec. X.200 I
ISOhEC 7498-1). The Reference Model subdivides the area of standardization for interconnection into a series of layers
of specification, each of manageable size.
The goal of Open Systems Interconnection is to allow, with a minimum of technical agreement outside the
interconnection standards, the interconnection of information processing systems:
- from different manufacturers;
- under different managements;
of different levels of complexity; and
- of different technologies.
ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC 8823- 1 specifies the connection-oriented presentation protocol. It specifies a common
encoding and a number of functional units of presentation protocol procedures to be used to meet the needs of
To evaluate the conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to have a description of the capabilities and
options which have been implemented. Such a description is called a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
This Recommendation I International Standard includes the PICS proforma for the connection-oriented presentation
protocol as defined in ITU-T X.226 I ISOhEC 8823-1.

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ISODEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
1 Scope
This Recommendation I International Standard provides the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
proforma for the connection-oriented presentation protocol specified in ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOAEC 8823-1. This PICS
proforma is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and in accordance with the relevant guidance, given in
ITU-TRec. X.296 I ISOAEC 9646-7. Detail of the use of this proforma is provided in this Recommendation I
@International Standard.
The supplier of an implementation which is claimed to conform to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOflEC 8823-1 is required to
complete a copy of the PICS proforma provided in Annex A, and is required to provide the information necessary to
identify both the supplier and the implementation.
2 Normative references
The following Recommendations I International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Recommendation I International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and the parties to agreements based on this
Recommendation I International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
edition of the Recommendations and Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunications Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of
valid ITU-T Recommendations.
2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards
ITU-T Recommendation X.200 (1994) I ISO/IEC 7498-1: 1994, Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Basic Reference Model: The basic model.
ITU-T Recommendation X.215 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8326: 1995, Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Session service definition.
ITU-T Recommendation X.226 (1994) I ISOAEC 8823-1:1994, Informution technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol specificption.
ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8824-1 : 1995, Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1): Specification of basic notation.
ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8825-1: 1995, Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - ASN. 1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER}, Canonical
Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER).
Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in techniclal content
ITU-T Recommendation X.290 (1995), OS1 conformance testing methodology and framework for
protocol Recommendations for ITU-T applications - General concepts.
ISO/IEC 9646- 1 : 1994, Information technology - Open Systems Interconneetion - Conformance testing
methodology and framework - Part I: General concepts.
ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994 E) 1

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ISOmEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
ITU-T Recommendation X.296 (1993, OSI conformance testing methodology and framework for
protocol Recommendations for ITU- T applications - Implementation conformance statements.
ISODEC 9646-7 : 1995, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing
methodology and framework - Part 7: Implementation conformance statements.
ITU-T Recommendation X.650 (1992), Open Systems Interconnection (OSI} - Reference model for
naming and addressing.
IS0 7498-3: 1989, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference
Model - Part 3: Naming and addressing.
2.3 Additional references
CCITT Recommendation X.410 (1984), Message handling systems: Remote operations and reliable
transfer server.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Recommendation I International Standard, the following definitions apply.
3.1 Terms defined in ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC 8823- 1.
3.2 The following terms are defined in ITU-T Rec. X.290 I ISODEC 9646-1:
a) Implementation Conformance Statement proforma;
b) Implementation Conformance Statement;
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS);
d) PICS proforma.
3.3 Additional terms
a) Requestor: the PPM that initiates a particular action;
b) Acceptor: the PPM that accepts a particular action.
4 Abbreviations
ASN.l Abstract Syntax Notation One
ICs Implementation Conformance Statement
PCI Protocol Control Information
PDV Presentation Data Value
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit
5 Conformance
A conforming PICS proforma shall be technically equivalent to the ITU-T I ISODEC published PICS proforma and shall
preserve the numbering and ordering of the items in the ITU-T I ISODEC PICS proforma.
A PICS which conforms to this Recommendation I International Standard shall:
describe an implementation which conforms to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISODEC 8823-1;
be a conforming PICS proforma, which has been completed in accordance with the instruction for
completion given in A.2;
include the information necessary to uniquely identify both the supplier and the implementation.
2 ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994 E)

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ISO/IEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
Annex Al)
Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma
for the connection-oriented presentation protocol
(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation I International Standard)
Identification of corrigenda applied to this PICS proforma ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8823-2: 1995
A.2 Instructions
Purpose and structure of the proforma
ISO/IEC 8823-1
The purpose of this PICS proforma is to provide suppliers of implementations of ITU-T Rec, X.226
with a consistent means of stating which capabilities have been implemented.
The proforma is in the form of a questionnaire and consists of a set of items. An item is provided for each capability for
which an implementation choice is allowed. Items are also provided for major mandatory capabilities for which no
implementation choice is allowed. Each item includes an item number, an item description, a $tatus value specifying the
support requirement, and room for a support answer to be provided by the supplier.
This subclause provides general information and instructions for completion of the proforma.
Subclause A.3 is for identification of the implementation.
Subclause A.4 contains the means of specifying, at a high level, the protocol and corrigenda that have been
Subclause AS contains the global statement of conformance.
Subclause A.6 onwards contain tables in which the supplier specifies details of the implementation options chosen.
A.2.2 Symbols, terms and abbreviations
A.2.2.1 Introduction
Notations have been introduced in order to reduce the size of tables in the PICS proforma. These have allowed the use of
multi-column layout where the columns are headed ‘Status’, and ‘Support’. The definition of each is given below.
Additionally, the following definitions apply:
(PICS) item: A row in a PICS proforma table.
(PICS) question: The question to be answered in the intersection of a PICS item and either a support column (i.e. “Is
this item supported in the context applying to this table and column”) or supported values column (i.e. “What values are
supported for this item in the context applying to this table and column”) in a PICS proforma t8bie.
Copyright release for PICS proformas
Users of this Recommendation I International Standard may freely reproduce the PICS proforma id this annex so that it can be
used for its intended purpose and may further publish the completed PICS.
ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994 E) 3

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ISO/IEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
status (value): An allowed entry in the status column for an item in a PICS proforma table.
(support) answer: An allowed entry in the support or supported values columns for an item in a PICS, in answer to a
PICS question.
A.2.2.2 Prerequisite notation
If a predicate applies to a whole ICs proforma table, a prerequisite line may be specified in front of the table to which it
applies. A prerequisite line takes the form:
The meaning of such a line is that if is True then the table applies, else it is not-applicable.
A.2.2.3 Item numbering
Each line within the PICS proforma which requires implementation detail to be entered is given an item number in the
first column. The item number column provides a means of uniquely referencing each possible answer within the PICS
proforma. Such referencing is necessary for specifying predicates, conditional expressions, test suite parameters, and test
suite selection expressions.
The means of referencing individual answers is to specify the following sequence:
if, and only if, the reference is being made from another Specification, then start with an unambiguous
identifier for the relevant ICs proforma specification, enclosed in parentheses - this identifier is stated in
the PICS proforma specification and is updated whenever the PICS proforma is updated - it is
recommended that this identifier be the relevant Specification number and year of publication, as is used
in a Normative References clause, and this is the default for such identifiers;
the number of the relevant table or, if the tables are not numbered, of the smallest subclause enclosing the
relevant table;
c) a solidus character, ‘Y’;
the item number or mnemonic reference to the item, to identify the row in which the answer appears;
if, and only if, more than one question occurs in the row identified by the item number or mnemonic
reference, then each possible answer is implicitly labelled a, b, c, etc., from left to right, and this letter is
(“I”) if a mnemonic reference is used.
appended to the sequence, prefixed by a solidus character
If mnemonic references are specified and each uniquely identify an item in the PICS proforma, then entries b) and c) in
the above sequence may be omitted.
A.2.2.4 Status column
‘Status’ as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOAEC 8823-1. This column indicates the level of support required for
conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOAEC 8823-1. The values are as follows:
‘m’ Mandatory support is required.
Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC 8823-1. If
implemented, it must conform to the specifications and restrictions contained in ITU-T Rec. X.226 I
ISOAEC 8823-1. These restrictions may affect the optionality of other items.
‘0.n’ The item is optional, but the optionality is qualified (where n is the number which identifies the
qualification which is applicable). The definitions for the qualified optional statements used are written
under the tables in which first appear, and are indexed in Annex B.
The item is conditional (where II is the number which identifies the condition which is applicable). The
definitions for the conditional statements used are written under the tables in which they first appear,
and are indexed in Annex B.
‘da’ The item is not applicable.
A.2.2.5 Support column
The ‘Support’ column shall be completed by the supplier or implementor to indicate the level of implementation of each
feature. The proforma has been designed such that the only entries required in the ‘Support’ column are:
Yes, the feature has been implemented.
‘N’ No, the feature has not been implemented.
No answer required - it is unnecessary to answer the question with a Yes or a No because the question
has a status value of not-applicable.
ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994 E)

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ISOAEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
1 Date of statement? (yy-mm-dd)
ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994 E) 5

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ISO/IEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
A.4 Protocol Identification
A.4.1 ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOAEC 8823-1 protocol details
Identification of Protocol Specification Support
ITU-T Rec. X.226 (1994) I ISOLEC 8823-1:1994
A.4.2 ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISODEC 8823-1 technical corrigenda implemented
Identification of corrigenda ITU-T Rec. X.226 (1994) I ISOLEC 8823-1:1994
applied to the implementation
AS Global statement of conformance
1 Are all mandatory features implemented? (Yes or No)
NOTE - If a positive response is not given to this box, then the implementation does not conform to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I
ISODEC 8823-1.
Protocol mechanisms and functional units
A.6.1 Protocol mechanisms
Status Support Mnemonic
1 X.410(1984) o. 1
2 Normal o. 1
o. 1: either Normal mode or X.410( 1984) mode or both shall be supported. If only X.410( 1984) mode is supported,
then the remainder of the proforma shall be ignored.
ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1994 E)

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ISODEC 8823-2 : 1995 (E)
A.6.2 Functional units
Mnemonic I
Presentation functional units I Status 1 support
1 I Kernel
2 Presentation Context Management O P-FU(CM)
3 Presentation Context Restoration CO
Co: if [ P-FU(CM) ] then O else n/a
Pass through to Session functional units Status Support Mnemonic
Negotiated Release
Io I
Half Duplex S-FU(HD)
I 0.2 I
I o.2 I
Expedited Data S-FU(EX)
Io I
Typed Data
Io I
Capability Data Exchange cl S-F~(CD)
O --+ s-FU(SY)
Minor Synchronize
Symmetric Synchronize O s-FU(SS)
1 12
Data Separation
Major Synchronize
~ Resynchronize
~ Exceptions
I c2 I
Activity Management
0.2: pass through for at least one of the Session functional units Duplex and Half Duplex shall be supported.
cl: if [ S-FU(ACT) ] then O else da
if [ S-FU(HD) ] then O else da

Première édition
Technologies de l'information -
Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI)
- Protocole de présentation en mode
orienté connexion: Formulaire de
déclaration de conformité pour la mise en
œuvre du protocole (PICS)
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
Connection-oriented presentation protocol: Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma
Numéro de référence
ISO/CEI 8823-211 995(F)

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ISOKEI 8823-2: 1995(F)
1 Domaine d'application . 1
2 Références normatives .
2.1 Recommandations I Normes internationales identiques . 1
2.2 Paires de Recommandations I Normes internationales équivalentes par leur contenu technique .
2.3 Références supplémentaires . 2
3 Définitions .
3.3 Termes supplémentaires . 2
4 Abréviations . 2
5 Conformité . 2
Annexe A - Formulaire de déclaration de conformité dune instance de protocole (PICS) pour le protocole de
présentation en mode orienté connexion . 3
A . 1 Identification of PICS proforma corrigenda . 3
A.2 Instructions . 3
A.3 Identification of the implementation . 5
A.4 Protocol Identification .
AS Global statement of conformance . 6
A.6 Protocol mechanisms and functional units . 6
A.7 Elements of procedure related to the PICS . 8
A.8 Supported PPDU parameters .
A.9 Support of syntaxes . 21
Annexe B - Résumé des conditions . 23
O ISOlCEI 1995
Droits de reproduction réservés . Sauf prescription différente. aucune partie de cette publi-
cation ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro-
cédé. électronique ou mécanique. y compris la photocopie et les microfilms. sans l'accord
écrit de l'éditeur .
ISO/CEI Copyright Office Case postale 56 0 CH-1211 Genève 20 Suisse
Version française tirée en
Imprimé en Suisse

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ISOKEI 8823-2:1995(F)
CIS0 (Organisation internationale de normalisation) et la CE1 (Commission
électrotechnique internationale) forment ensemble un système consacré à la nor-
malisation internationale considérée comme un tout. Les organismes nationaux
membres de 1’ISO ou de la CE1 participent au développement de Normes inter-
nationales par l’intermédiaire des comités techniques créés par l’organisation
concernée afin de s’occuper des différents domaines particuliers de l’activité tech-
nique. Les comités techniques de 1’ISO et de la CE1 collaborent dans des
domaines d’intérêt commun. D’autres organisations internationales, gouverne-
mentales ou non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO et la CE1 participent
également aux travaux.
Dans le domaine des technologies de l’information, I’ISO et la CE1 ont créé un
comité technique mixte, I’ISOKEI JTC 1. Les projets de Normes internationales
adoptés par le comité technique mixte sont soumis aux organismes nationaux pour
approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales. Les Normes
internationales sont approuvées conformément aux procédures qui requièrent
l’approbation de 75 % au moins des organismes nationaux votants.
La Norme internationale ISOKEI 8823-2 a été élaboqée par le comité technique
mixte ISOKEI JTC 1, Technologies de l’information, sous-comité SC 21, Inter-
connexion des systèmes ouverts, gestion des donntfes et traitement distribué
ouvert, en collaboration avec l’IUT-T. Le texte identique est publié en tant que
Recommandation IUT-T X.246.
L’ISOKEI 8823 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général
Technologies de l’information - Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI) -
Protocole de présentation en mode orienté connexion:
Partie I: Spécification du protocole
Partie 2: Formulaire de déclaration de conformité pour la mise en œuvre du
protocole (PICS)
L’annexe A fait partie intégrante de la présente partie de l’ISO/CEI 8823.
L’annexe B est donnée uniquement à titre d‘information.

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ISOKEI 8823-2: 1995(F)
La présente Recommandation I Norme internationale fait partie d'une série de Recommandations I Normes
internationales consacrée à l'interconnexion des systèmes informatiques; elle est en relation avec d'autres
Recommandations et Normes internationales de cette série conformément à la définition du modèle de référence pour
l'interconnexion de systèmes ouverts, dit modèle OS1 (Rec. UIT-T X.200 I ISOKEI 7498-1). Ce modèle de référence
subdivise le champ d'application de cette interconnexion en une série de couches de spécifications ayant chacune des
dimensions maniables.
L'objectif de l'interconilexion de systèmes ouverts OS1 est de permettre, avec un minimum d'accords techniques
extérieurs aux normes, l'interconnexion de systèmes informatiques:
- issus de constructeurs différents;
- gérés par des systèmes différents;
- présentant différents niveaux de complexité;
- mettant en œuvre des techniques différentes.
La Rec. UIT-T X.226 I ISOKEI 8823-1 spécifie le protocole de présentation en mode orienté connexion, lequel spécifie
un codage commun et un nombre dunités fonctionnelles de procédures de protocole de présentation à utiliser pour
répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs du service de présentation.
Pour évaluer la conformité d'une instance particulière, il est nécessaire de disposer d'une description des capacités et des
options qui ont été mises en œuvre pour une spécification OS1 donnée. Une telle description est appelée déclaration de
conformité dune instance de protocole (PICS).
La présente Recommandation I Norme internationale comporte le formulaire de déclaration de conformité d'une instance
de protocole (PICS) pour le protocole de présentation en mode orienté connexion défini dans la Rec. UIT-T X.226 I
ISO/CEI 8823-1.

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I$O/CEI 8823-2 : 1995 (F)
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Recommandation I Norme internationale fournit le formulaire de déclaration de conformité dune instance de
protocole (PICS) pour le protocole de présentation en mode orienté connexion spécifié dhns la Rec. UIT-T X.226 I
ISO/CEI 8823-1. Ce formulaire PICS correspond aux prescriptions et aux directives pertinentes données dans la
Rec. UIT-T X.296 I ISO/CEI 9646-7. L'utilisation détaillée de ce formulaire est décrite dans la présente
0 Recommandation I Norme internationale.
Le fournisseur d'une instance déclarée conforme à la Rec. UIT-T X.226 I ISO/CEI 8823-1 doit remplir un exemplaire du
formulaire PICS figurant dans l'Annexe A; il doit aussi fournir les renseignements nécessaires à sa propre identification
et à celle de l'instance.
2 Références normatives
Les Recommandations I Normes internationales suivantes contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y
est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la présente Recommandation I Norme internationale. Au moment de
la publication, les éditions indiquées étaient en vigueur. Toutes Recommandations et Normes sont sujettes à révision et
les parties prenantes aux accords fondés sur la présente Recommandation I Norme internationale sont invitées à
rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les éditions les plus récentes des Recommandations et Normes indiquées ci-après.
Les membres de la CE1 et de I'ISO possèdent le registre des Normes internationales en1 vigueur. Le Bureau de la
normalisation des télécommunications de 1'UIT-T tient à jour une liste des Recommandations de I'UIT-T en vigueur.
2.1 Recommandations I Normes internationales identiques
- Recommandation UIT-T X.200 (1994) I ISO/CEI 7498-1:1994, TechnQlogie de l'information -
Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts -Modèle de référence de base: le modèle de référence de base.
- Recommandation UIT-T X.215 (1994) I ISO/CEI 8326:1995, Technologie de l'information -
Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts -Définition du service de session.
- Recommandation UIT-T X.226 (1994) I ISO/CEI 8823-1:1994, Technologie de l'information -
Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts - Protocole de présentation en mode connexion: Spécifîcation du
- Recommandation UIT-T X.680 (1994) I ISO/CEI 8824-1:1995, Technologie de l'information -
Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts - Notation de syntaxe abstraite numéro un: Spécifîcation de la
notation de base.
- Recommandation UIT-T X.690 (1994) I ISO/CEI 8825-1:1995, Technologie de l'information -
Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts - Règles de codage de 1'ASN.I: Spécification des règles de codage de
base, des règles de codage canoniques et des règles de codage distinctives.
2.2 Paires de Recommandations I Normes internationales équivalentes par leur contenu technique
Recommandation UIT-T X.290 (1995), Cadre général et méthodologie des tests de conformite' OS1 pour
les Recommandations sur les protocoles pour les applications du CCIïT - Concepts généraux.
ISO/CEI 9646- 1 : 1994, Technologie de l'information - Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts - Cadre
général et méthodologie des tests de conformité - Partie I: Concepts généraq.
Rec. UIT-T X.246 (1994 F) 1

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ISO/CEI 8823-2 : 1995 (F)
Recommandation UIT-T X.296 (1999, Cadre général et méthodologie des tests de conformité:
Déclarations de conformité d'instances.
ISO/CEI 9646-7: 1994, Technologie de l'information - Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts - Cadre
général et méthodologie des tests de conformité - Partie 7: Déclarations de conformité d'instances.
Recommandation UIT-T X.650 (1992), Interconnexion de systgmes ouverts - Modèle de référence de
base pour la dénomination et l'adressage.
ISO/CEI 7498-3: 1989, Système de traitement de l'information - Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts -
Modèle de référence de base -Partie 3: Dénomination et adressage.
2.3 Références supplémentaires
Recommandation X.410 du CCITT (1984), Systèmes de messagerie: opérations distantes et serveur de
transfert fiable.
3 Définitions
Pour les besoins de la présente Recommandation I Norme internationale, les définitions suivantes s'appliquent.
3.1 Termes définis dans la Rec. UIT-T X.226 I ISOKEI 8823-1.
3.2 Les termes suivants sont définis dans la Rec. UIT-T X.290 I ISOKEI 9646-1 :
formulaire de déclaration de conformité dune instance;
déclaration de conformité dune instance;
déclaration de conformité dune instance de protocole (PICS);
d) formulaire PICS.
3.3 Termes supplémentaires
demandeur: machine protocolaire de présentation qui lance une action déterminée;
accepteur: machine protocolaire de présentation qui accepte une action déterminée.
4 Abréviations
ASN. 1 Notation de syntaxe abstraite numéro un (abstract syntax notation one).
ICS Déclaration de conformité dune instance (implementation conformance statement).
PCI Information de commande de protocole (protocol control information).
PDV Valeur de données de présentation (presentation data value).
Déclaration de conformité dune instance de protocole (protocol implementation conformance
PPDU Unité de données de protocole de présentation (presentation protocol data unit).
5 Conformité
Un formulaire PICS conforme doit être techniquement équivalent au formulaire PICS publié par I'UIT-T I ISOICEI et
doit en conserver la numérotation et l'ordre des items du formulaire PICS de I'UIT-T I ISO/CEI.
Une déclaration PICS conforme à la présente Recommandation I Norme internationale doit:
décrire une instance qui est conforme à la Rec. UIT-T X.226 I ISOKEI 8823-1;
être présentée sur un formulaire PICS conforme, rempli selon les instructions données à l'article A.2;
donner les renseignements nécessaires pour identifier de façon univoque aussi bien le fournisseur que
2 Rec. UIT-T X.246 (1994 F)

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Annexe A*)
Formulaire de déclaration de conformité d’une instance de protqcole (PICS)
pour le protocole de présentation en mode orienté conne8ion
(Cette annexe fait partie intégrante de la présente Recommandation I Norme internationale)
A.l Identification of PICS proforma corrigenda
The supplier of the PICS proforma shall identify any corrigenda (i.e. Technical Corrigsnda or equivalent) to the
published proforma that have been applied. Suppliers of the proforma should modify the proforma, or attach relevant
additional pages in order to apply the corrigenda, and then record the application of the corrigenda in Table A. 1.
Table A.l
Identification of corrigenda applied to this PICS proforma I ITU-T Rec. X.246 (1 994) I ISO/IEC 8823-2: 1994
I Corr:
A.2 Instructions
A.2.1 Purpose and structure of the proforma
The purpose of this PICS proforma is to provide suppliers of implementations of ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISODEC 8823-1
with a consistent means of stating which capabilities have been implemented.
The proforma is in the form of a questionnaire and consists of a set of items. An item is provided for each capability for
which an implementation choice is allowed. Items are also provided for major mandatory capabilities for which no
implementation choice is allowed. Each item includes an item number, an item description, a status value specifying the
support requirement, and room for a support answer to be provided by the supplier.
This subclause provides general information and instructions for completion of the proforma.
Subclause A.3 is for identification of the implementation.
Subclause A.4 contains the means of specifying, at a high level, the protocol and corrigenda that have been
Subclause AS contains the global statement of conformance.
Subclause A.6 onwards contain tables in which the supplier specifies details of the implementation options chosen.
A.2.2 Symbols, terms and abbreviations
A.2.2.1 Introduction
Notations have been introduced in order to reduce the size of tables in the PICS proforma. These have allowed the use of
multi-column layout where the columns are headed ‘Status’, and ‘Support’. The definition of each is given below.
Additionally, the following definitions apply:
(PICS) item: A row in a PICS proforma table.
(PICS) question: The question to be answered in the intersection of a PICS item and either a support column (i.e. “Is
this item supported in the context applying to this table and column”) or supported values column (i.e. “What values are
supported for this item in the context applying to this table and column”) in a PICS proformi\ table.
l) Droits de reproduction du formulaire PICS
Les utilisateurs de la présente Recommandation I Norme internationale sont autorisés à reproduire le formulaire PICS de la
présente annexe pour utiliser celui-ci conformément à son objet. Ils sont également autorisés à publier le formulaire une fois
celui-ci complété.
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status (value): An allowed entry in the status column for an item in a PICS proforma table.
(support) answer: An allowed entry in the support or supported values columns for an item in a PICS, in answer to a
PICS question.
A.2.2.2 Prerequisite notation
If a predicate applies to a whole ICS proforma table, a prerequisite line may be specified in front of the table to which it
applies. A prerequisite line takes the form:
The meaning of such a line is that if is True then the table applies, else it is not-applicable.
A.2.2.3 Item numbering
Each line within the PICS proforma which requires implementation detail to be entered is given an item number in the
first column. The item number column provides a means of uniquely referencing each possible answer within the PICS
proforma. Such referencing is necessary for specifying predicates, conditional expressions, test suite parameters, and test
suite selection expressions.
The means of referencing individual answers is to specify the following sequence:
if, and only if, the reference is being made from another Specification, then start with an unambiguous
identifier for the relevant ICS proforma specification, enclosed in parentheses - this identifier is stated in
the PICS proforma specification and is updated whenever the PICS proforma is updated - it is
recommended that this identifier be the relevant Specification number and year of publication, as is used
in a Normative References clause, and this is the default for such identifiers;
the number of the relevant table or, if the tables are not numbered, of the smallest subclause enclosing the
relevant table;
c) a solidus character, ‘7‘’;
the item number or mnemonic reference to the item, to identify the row in which the answer appears;
if, and only if, more than one question occurs in the row identified by the item number or mnemonic
reference, then each possible answer is implicitly labelled a, b, c, etc., from left to right, and this letter is
appended to the sequence, prefixed by a solidus character (‘Y) if a mnemonic reference is used.
If mnemonic references are specified and each uniquely identify an item in the PICS proforma, then entries b) and c) in
the above sequence may be omitted.
A.2.2.4 Status column
‘Status’ as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOOEC 8823-1. This column indicates the level of support required for
conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISOOEC 8823-1. The values are as follows:
‘m’ Mandatory support is required.
Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC 8823-1. If
implemented, it must conform to the specifications and restrictions contained in ITU-T Rec. X.226 I
ISOOEC 8823-1. These restrictions may affect the optionality of other items.
The item is optional, but the optionality is qualified (where n is the number which identifies the
qualification which is applicable). The definitions for the qualified optional statements used are written
under the tables in which first appear, and are indexed in Annex B.
‘cn’ The item is conditional (where n is the number which identifies the condition which is applicable). The
definitions for the conditional statements used are written under the tables in which they first appear,
and are indexed in Annex B.
‘da’ The item is not applicable.
A.2.2.5 Support column
The ‘Support’ column shall be completed by the supplier or implementor to indicate the level of implementation of each
feature. The proforma has been designed such that the only entries required in the ‘Support’ column are:
‘Y’ Yes, the feature has been implemented.
‘N’ No, the feature has not been implemented.
No answer required - it is unnecessary to answer the question with a Yes or a No because the question
has a status value of not-applicable.
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A.2.3 Instructions for completion
The supplier shall complete all entries in the column marked ‘Support’. In certain clauses of the PICS proforma further
guidance for completion may be necessary. Such guidance shall supplement the guidance given in this subclause and
shall have a scope restricted to the clause in which it appears

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