ISO/IEC 27001:2013
(Main)Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements
Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the organization. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in ISO/IEC 27001:2013 are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or nature.
Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes de management de la sécurité de l'information — Exigences
L'ISO/CEI 27001:2013 spécifie les exigences relatives à l'établissement, à la mise en œuvre, à la mise à jour et à l'amélioration continue d'un système de management de la sécurité de l'information dans le contexte d'une organisation. Elle comporte également des exigences sur l'appréciation et le traitement des risques de sécurité de l'information, adaptées aux besoins de l'organisation. Les exigences fixées dans l'ISO/CEI 27001:2013 sont génériques et prévues pour s'appliquer à toute organisation, quels que soient son type, sa taille et sa nature. Il n'est pas admis qu'une organisation s'affranchisse de l'une des exigences spécifiées aux Articles 4 à 10 lorsqu'elle revendique la conformité à l'ISO/CEI 27001:2013.
Informacijska tehnologija - Varnostne tehnike - Sistemi upravljanja informacijske varnosti - Zahteve
Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje in nenehno izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti v okviru organizacije. Ta mednarodni standard zajema tudi zahteve za ocenjevanje in obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti, ki so prilagojene potrebam organizacije. Zahteve, postavljene v tem mednarodnem standardu, so generične in so namenjene uporabi v vseh organizacijah ne glede na vrsto, velikost ali naravo. Izključevanje katere koli zahteve, določene v točkah 4 do 10, ni sprejemljivo, kadar organizacija zagotavlja skladnost s tem mednarodnim standardom.
General Information
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Redline version
compares second edition
to first edition
Information technology — Security
techniques — Information security
management systems — Requirements
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes
de management de la sécurité de l’information — Exigences
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
ISO/IEC 2014
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
This is a mark-up copy and uses the following colour coding:
Text example 1 — indicates added text (in green)
Text example 2 — indicates removed text (in red)
— indicates added graphic figure
— indicates removed graphic figure
1.x . — Heading numbers containg modifications are highlighted in yellow in
the Table of Contents
This Redline version provides you with a quick and easy way to compare the main changes
between this edition of the standard and its previous edition. It doesn’t capture all single
changes such as punctuation but highlights the modifications providing customers with
the most valuable information. Therefore it is important to note that this Redline version is
not the official ISO standard and that the users must consult with the clean version of the
standard, which is the official standard, for implementation purposes.
© ISO 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
0 Introduction .vi
0.1 General .vi
0.2 Process approach .vi
0.3 Compatibility with other management systems . vii
1 Scope . 1
1.1 General . 1
1.2 Application . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
3 4 Terms and definitions Context of the organization . 2
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context . 2
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties . 2
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system . 2
4.4 Information security management system . 3
5 Leadership . 4
5.1 Leadership and commitment . 4
5.2 Policy . 5
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities. 5
4 6 Information security management system Planning . 5
4.1 General requirements . 5
4.2 6.1 Establishing and managing the ISMS Actions to address risks and opportunities . 6
4.3 6.2 Documentation requirements Information security objectives and planning to
achieve them .10
5 7 Management responsibility Support .12
5.1 7.1 Management commitment Resources .12
5.2 7.2 Resource management Competence .12
7.3 Awareness .13
7.4 Communication .13
7.5 Documented information .13
8 Operation .14
8.1 Operational planning and control .14
8.2 Information security risk assessment.15
8.3 Information security risk treatment .15
6 9 Internal ISMS audits Performance evaluation .15
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation .15
9.2 Internal audit .16
9.3 Management review .16
7 Management review of the ISMS .17
7.1 General .17
7.2 Review input .17
7.3 Review output .17
8 10 ISMS improvement Improvement .18
8.1 Continual improvement .18
8.2 10.1 . Corrective Nonconformity and
corrective action .18
8.3 10.2 .Preventive
action Continual improvement .18
Annex A (normative) Control Reference control objectives and controls .20
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
Annex B (informative) OECD principles and this International Standard .39
Annex C (informative) Correspondence between ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 and this
International Standard .40
Bibliography .42
Standards publications .43
Other publications .44
iv © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 27001 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), which has been
technically revised.
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved v
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
0 Introduction
0.1 General
This International Standard has been prepared to provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating,
monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
The adoption of an ISMS should be a strategic decision for an organization. The design and implementation
of an organization’s ISMS is influenced by their needs and objectives, security requirements, the processes
employed and the size and structure of the organization. These and their supporting systems are expected
to change over time. It is expected that an ISMS implementation will be scaled in accordance with the
needs of the organization, e.g. a simple situation requires a simple ISMS solution.
This International Standard can be used in order to assess conformance by interested internal and
external parties.
0.1 General
0.2 Process approach
This International Standard adopts a process approach for establishing, implementing, operating,
monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an organization’s ISMS.
An organization needs to identify and manage many activities in order to function effectively. Any
activity using resources and managed in order to enable the transformation of inputs into outputs can be
considered to be a process. Often the output from one process directly forms the input to the next process.
The application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the identification and
interactions of these processes, and their management, can be referred to as a “process approach”.
The process approach for information security management presented in this International Standard
encourages its users to emphasize the importance of:
a) understanding an organization’s information security requirements and the need to establish policy
and objectives for information security;
b) implementing and operating controls to manage an organization’s information security risks in the
context of the organization’s overall business risks;
c) monitoring and reviewing the performance and effectiveness of the ISMS; and
d) continual improvement based on objective measurement.
This International Standard adopts the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) model, which is applied to structure
all ISMS processes. Figure 1 illustrates how an ISMS takes as input the information security requirements
and expectations of the interested parties and through the necessary actions and processes produces
information security outcomes that meets those requirements and expectations. Figure 1 also illustrates
the links in the processes presented in Clauses 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
The adoption of the PDCA model will also reflect the principles as set out in the OECD Guidelines (2002)
governing the security of information systems and networks. This International Standard provides a
robust model for implementing the principles in those guidelines governing risk assessment, security
design and implementation, security management and reassessment.
EXAMPLE 1 A requirement might be that breaches of information security will not cause serious financial
damage to an organization and/or cause embarrassment to the organization.
1) OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks — Towards a Culture of Security. Paris:
OECD, July 2002.
vi © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
EXAMPLE 2 An expectation might be that if a serious incident occurs — perhaps hacking of an organization’s
eBusiness web site — there should be people with sufficient training in appropriate procedures to minimize the
Figure 1 — PDCA model applied to ISMS processes
Plan (establish the ISMS) Establish ISMS policy, objectives, processes and procedures relevant to
managing risk and improving information security to deliver results in
accordance with an organization’s overall policies and objectives.
Do (implement and oper- Implement and operate the ISMS policy, controls, processes and proce-
ate the ISMS) dures.
Check (monitor and Assess and, where applicable, measure process performance against
review the ISMS) ISMS policy, objectives and practical experience and report the results
to management for review.
Act (maintain and Take corrective and preventive actions, based on the results of the inter-
improve the ISMS) nal ISMS audit and management review or other relevant information, to
achieve continual improvement of the ISMS.
This International Standard has been prepared to provide requirements for establishing, implementing,
maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. The adoption of an
information security management system is a strategic decision for an organization. The establishment
and implementation of an organization’s information security management system is influenced by the
organization’s needs and objectives, security requirements, the organizational processes used and the
size and structure of the organization. All of these influencing factors are expected to change over time.
0.3 Compatibility with other management systems
This International Standard is aligned with ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 in order to support
consistent and integrated implementation and operation with related management standards. One
suitably designed management system can thus satisfy the requirements of all these standards.
Table C.1 illustrates the relationship between the clauses of this International Standard, ISO 9001:2000
and ISO 14001:2004.
This International Standard is designed to enable an organization to align or integrate its ISMS with
related management system requirements.
The information security management system preserves the confidentiality, integrity and availability
of information by applying a risk management process and gives confidence to interested parties that
risks are adequately managed.
It is important that the information security management system is part of and integrated with the
organization’s processes and overall management structure and that information security is considered
in the design of processes, information systems, and controls. It is expected that an information security
management system implementation will be scaled in accordance with the needs of the organization.
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties to assess the organization’s
ability to meet the organization’s own information security requirements.
The order in which requirements are presented in this International Standard does not reflect their
importance or imply the order in which they are to be implemented. The list items are enumerated for
reference purpose only.
ISO/IEC 27000 describes the overview and the vocabulary of information security management
systems, referencing the information security management system family of standards (including
[2] [3] [4]
ISO/IEC 27003 , ISO/IEC 27004 and ISO/IEC 27005 ), with related terms and definitions.
0.2 Compatibility with other management system standards
This International Standard applies the high-level structure, identical sub-clause titles, identical text,
common terms, and core definitions defined in Annex SL of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO
Supplement, and therefore maintains compatibility with other management system standards that have
adopted the Annex SL.
This common approach defined in the Annex SL will be useful for those organizations that choose to operate
a single management system that meets the requirements of two or more management system standards.
viii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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Information technology — Security techniques —
Information security management systems — Requirements
IMPORTANT — — This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of
a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with an International
Standard does not in itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This International Standard covers all types of organizations (e.g. commercial enterprises, government
agencies, non-profit organizations). This International Standard specifies the requirements for
establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented
ISMS within the context of the organization’s overall business risks. It specifies requirements for the
implementation of security controls customized to the needs of individual organizations or parts thereof.
The ISMS is designed to ensure the selection of adequate and proportionate security controls that
protect information assets and give confidence to interested parties.
NOTE 1: References to ‘business’ in this International Standard should be interpreted broadly to mean those
activities that are core to the purposes for the organization’s existence.
NOTE 2: ISO/IEC 17799 provides implementation guidance that can be used when designing controls.
This International Standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining
and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the
organization. This International Standard also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment
of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in this
International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless
of type, size or nature. Excluding any of the requirements specified in Clauses 4 to 10 is not acceptable
when an organization claims conformity to this International Standard.
1.2 Application
The requirements set out in this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all
organizations, regardless of type, size and nature. Excluding any of the requirements specified in Clauses 4,
5, 6, 7, and 8 is not acceptable when an organization claims conformity to this International Standard.
Any exclusion of controls found to be necessary to satisfy the risk acceptance criteria needs to be
justified and evidence needs to be provided that the associated risks have been accepted by accountable
persons. Where any controls are excluded, claims of conformity to this International Standard are
not acceptable unless such exclusions do not affect the organization’s ability, and/or responsibility, to
provide information security that meets the security requirements determined by risk assessment and
applicable legal or regulatory requirements.
NOTE: If an organization already has an operative business process management system (e.g. in relation with
ISO 9001 or ISO 14001), it is preferable in most cases to satisfy the requirements of this International Standard
within this existing management system.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documentsdocuments, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this
document and are indispensable for the application of this documentits application. For dated references,
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 17799:2005 27000, Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for
information security management Information security management systems — Overview and vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27000 apply.
3 4 Terms and definitions Context of the organization
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that
affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its information security management system.
NOTE Determining these issues refers to establishing the external and internal context of the organization
considered in Clause 5.3 of ISO 31000:2009 .
anything that has value to the organization
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
The organization shall determine:
a) interested parties that are relevant to the information security management system; and
b) the requirements of these interested parties relevant to information security.
NOTE The requirements of interested parties may include legal and regulatory requirements and
contractual obligations.
the property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized entity
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system
The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the information security
management system to establish its scope.
When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2; and
c) interfaces and dependencies between activities performed by the organization, and those that are
performed by other organizations.
The scope shall be available as documented information.
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:redline:2014(E)
the property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals,
entities, or processes
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
4.4 Information security management system
The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an information security
management system, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.
information security
preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information; in addition, other properties
such as authenticity, accountability, non-repudiation and reliability can also be involved
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 17799:2005]
information security event
an identified occurrence of a system, service or network state indicating a possible breach of information
security policy or failure of safeguards, or a previously unknown situation that may be security relevant
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC TR 18044:2004]
information security incident
a single or a series of unwanted or unexpected information security events that have a significant
probability of compromising business operations and threatening information security
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC TR 18044:2004]
information security management system
that part of the overall management system, based on a business risk approach, to establish, implement,
operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve information security
Note 1 to entry: The management system includes organizational structure, policies, planning activities,
responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources.
the property of safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of assets
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 13335-1:2004]
residual risk
the risk remaining after risk treatment
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002]
risk acceptance
decision to accept a risk
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002]
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 3
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Security techniques
Information security
management systems
Second edition
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Our vision Our process
To be the world’s leading provider of high qual- Our standards are developed by experts
ity, globally relevant International Standards all over the world who work on a volunteer
through its members and stakeholders. or part-time basis. We sell International
Standards to recover the costs of organizing
this process and making standards widely
Our mission
ISO develops high quality voluntary
Please respect our licensing terms and
International Standards that facilitate interna-
copyright to ensure this system remains
tional exchange of goods and services, support
sustainable and equitable economic growth,
If you would like to contribute to the devel-
promote innovation and protect health, safety
opment of ISO standards, please contact the
and the environment.
ISO Member Body in your country:
This document has been prepared by:
Copyright protected document
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, SC 27,
IT Security techniques. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise speci-
fied, no part of this publication may be repro-
Committee members:
duced or utilized otherwise in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopy, or posting on the inter-
net or intranet, without prior permission.
Permission can be requested from either ISO
at the address below or ISO’s member body
in the country of the requester:
© ISO/IEC 2013, Published in Switzerland
security alliance, ECBS, Ecma International,
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Mastercard - Europe
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax. +41 22 749 09 47
This list reflects contributing members at the
time of publication.
Cover photo credit: ISO/CS, 2013
© ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Executive summary
• Organizations of all types and sizes col- continually improving an information
lect, process, store and transmit infor- security management system.
mation in many forms. This information • It can be used by internal and external
is valuable to an organization’s business parties to assess the ability of an orga-
and operations. nization to meet its own information
• In today’s interconnected and mobile security requirements.
world, information is processed us- • Effective information security assures
ing systems and networks that employ management and other stakeholders
state-of-the-art technology. It is vital to that the organization’s assets are safe,
protect this information against both thereby acting as a business enabler.
deliberate and accidental threats and • Other International Standards in the
vulnerabilities. ISO/IEC 27000 family give complemen-
• ISO/IEC 27001 helps organizations to tary advice or requirements on other
keep secure both their information as- aspects of the overall process of manag-
sets and those of their customers. ing information security.
• It provides requirements for establish-
ing, implementing, maintaining and
© ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Contents Page
Our vision .2
Our mission .2
Our process .2
Copyright protected document .2
Executive summary .3
Foreword .6
0 Introduction .7
1 Scope .8
2 Normative references .8
3 Terms and definitions .8
4 Context of the organization .8
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context .8
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties .8
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system .8
4.4 Information security management system .9
5 Leadership .9
5.1 Leadership and commitment .9
5.2 Policy .9
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.9
6 Planning .10
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities .10
6.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them .11
7 Support .11
7.1 Resources .11
7.2 Competence .11
7.3 Awareness .12
7.4 Communication .12
7.5 Documented information .12
8 Operation .13
8.1 Operational planning and control .13
8.2 Information security risk assessment.13
8.3 Information security risk treatment .13
9 Performance evaluation .13
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation .13
9.2 Internal audit .14
9.3 Management review .14
10 Improvement .14
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action .14
10.2 Continual improvement .14
Annex A (normative) Reference control objectives and controls .15
Bibliography .30
© ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
ISO (the International Organization for The main task of the joint technical committee
Standardization) and IEC (the International is to prepare International Standards. Draft
Electrotechnical Commission) form the special- International Standards adopted by the joint
ized system for worldwide standardization. technical committee are circulated to national
National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC bodies for voting. Publication as an International
participate in the development of International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of
Standards through technical committees estab- the national bodies casting a vote.
lished by the respective organization to deal
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some
with particular fields of technical activity. ISO
of the elements of this document may be the
and IEC technical committees collaborate in
subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not
fields of mutual interest. Other international
be held responsible for identifying any or all
organizations, governmental and non-govern-
such patent rights.
mental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take
part in the work. In the field of information
ISO/IEC 27001 was prepared by Joint Technical
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint
Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technol-
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
ogy, Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques.
International Standards are drafted in
This second edition cancels and replaces the
accordance with the rules given in the
first edition (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), which has
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
been technically revised.
© ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
organization’s ability to meet the organization’s
0.1 General
own information security requirements.
This International Standard has been pre-
The order in which requirements are presented
pared to provide requirements for establishing,
in this International Standard does not reflect
implementing, maintaining and continually
their importance or imply the order in which
improving an information security management
they are to be implemented. The list items are
system. The adoption of an information security
enumerated for reference purpose only.
management system is a strategic decision for
an organization. The establishment and imple-
ISO/IEC 27000 describes the overview and the
mentation of an organization’s information
vocabulary of information security management
security management system is influenced
systems, referencing the information secu-
by the organization’s needs and objectives,
rity management system family of standards
security requirements, the organizational pro-
[2] [3]
(including ISO/IEC 27003 , ISO/IEC 27004
cesses used and the size and structure of the
and ISO/IEC 27005 ), with related terms and
organization. All of these influencing factors
are expected to change over time.
The information security management system
preserves the confidentiality, integrity and
0.2 Compatibility with other
availability of information by applying a risk
management system standards
management process and gives confidence to
interested parties that risks are adequately
This International Standard applies the high-
level structure, identical sub-clause titles, iden-
tical text, common terms, and core definitions
It is important that the information security
defined in Annex SL of ISO/IEC Directives, Part
management system is part of and integrated
1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, and therefore
with the organization’s processes and overall
maintains compatibility with other manage-
management structure and that information
ment system standards that have adopted the
security is considered in the design of pro-
Annex SL.
cesses, information systems, and controls. It is
expected that an information security manage-
This common approach defined in the Annex SL
ment system implementation will be scaled in
will be useful for those organizations that
accordance with the needs of the organization.
choose to operate a single management system
that meets the requirements of two or more
This International Standard can be used by
management system standards.
internal and external parties to assess the
© ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
outcome(s) of its information security manage-
1 Scope
ment system.
This International Standard specifies the
NOTE Determining these issues refers to
requirements for establishing, implement-
establishing the external and internal context
ing, maintaining and continually improving
of the organization considered in Clause 5.3 of
an information security management system
ISO 31000:2009 .
within the context of the organization. This
International Standard also includes require-
4.2 Understanding the needs
ments for the assessment and treatment of
information security risks tailored to the needs
and expectations of interested
of the organization. The requirements set out in
this International Standard are generic and are
intended to be applicable to all organizations,
The organization shall determine:
regardless of type, size or nature. Excluding any
a) interested parties that are relevant to
of the requirements specified in Clauses 4 to 10
the information security management
is not acceptable when an organization claims
system; and
conformity to this International Standard.
b) the requirements of these interested
parties relevant to information security.
2 Normative references
NOTE The requirements of interested parties
The following documents, in whole or in part,
may include legal and regulatory requirements
are normatively referenced in this document
and contractual obligations.
and are indispensable for its application. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies.
4.3 Determining the scope of
For undated references, the latest edition of the
the information security man-
referenced document (including any amend-
ments) applies.
agement system
ISO/IEC 27000, Information technology —
The organization shall determine the bounda-
Security techniques — Information security man-
ries and applicability of the information security
agement systems — Overview and vocabulary
management system to establish its scope.
When determining this scope, the organization
3 Terms and definitions shall consider:
a) the external and internal issues referred
For the purposes of this document, the terms
to in 4.1;
and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27000 apply.
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2; and
4 Context of the organization
c) interfaces and dependencies between
activities performed by the organization,
and those that are performed by other
4.1 Understanding the organiza-
tion and its context
The scope shall be available as documented
The organization shall determine external and
internal issues that are relevant to its purpose
and that affect its ability to achieve the intended
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
4.4 Information security man- 5.2 Policy
agement system
Top management shall establish an information
security policy that:
The organization shall establish, implement,
maintain and continually improve an informa-
a) is appropriate to the purpose of the
tion security management system, in accord-
ance with the requirements of this International
Standard. b) includes information security objectives
(see 6.2) or provides the framework for
setting information security objectives;
5 Leadership
c) includes a commitment to satisfy appli-
cable requirements related to informa-
5.1 Leadership and commitment
tion security; and
Top management shall demonstrate leadership
d) includes a commitment to continual
and commitment with respect to the informa-
improvement of the information security
tion security management system by: management system.
The information security policy shall:
a) ensuring the information security policy
and the information security objec-
e) be available as documented information;
tives are established and are compat-
ible with the strategic direction of the f) be communicated within the organiza-
tion; and
b) ensuring the integration of the infor-
g) be available to interested parties, as
mation security management system
requirements into the organization’s
5.3 Organizational roles,
c) ensuring that the resources needed for responsibilities and authorities
the information security management
Top management shall ensure that the respon-
system are available;
sibilities and authorities for roles relevant
d) communicating the importance of
to information security are assigned and
effective information security manage-
ment and of conforming to the infor-
Top management shall assign the responsibility
mation security management system
and authority for:
e) ensuring that the information secu-
a) ensuring that the information secu-
rity management system achieves its
rity management system conforms to
intended outcome(s);
the requirements of this International
Standard; and
f) directing and supporting persons to con-
tribute to the effectiveness of the infor-
b) reporting on the performance of the
mation security management system;
information security management sys-
tem to top management.
g) promoting continual improvement; and
NOTE Top management may also assign respon-
h) supporting other relevant management
sibilities and authorities for reporting performance
roles to demonstrate their leadership as
of the information security management system
it applies to their areas of responsibility.
within the organization.
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
c) identifies the information security risks:
6 Planning
1) apply the information security risk
assessment process to identify risks
6.1 Actions to address risks
associated with the loss of confiden-
and opportunities
tiality, integrity and availability for
information within the scope of the
6.1.1 General
information security management
system; and
When planning for the information security
management system, the organization shall
2) identify the risk owners;
consider the issues referred to in 4.1 and the
d) analyses the information security risks:
requirements referred to in 4.2 and determine
the risks and opportunities that need to be
1) assess the potential consequences
addressed to:
that would result if the risks identi-
fied in 6.1.2 c) 1) were to materialize;
a) ensure the information security manage-
2) assess the realistic likelihood of the
ment system can achieve its intended
occurrence of the risks identified in
6.1.2 c) 1); and
b) prevent, or reduce, undesired effects;
3) determine the levels of risk;
e) evaluates the information security risks:
c) achieve continual improvement.
1) compare the results of risk analysis
The organization shall plan:
with the risk criteria established in
d) actions to address these risks and oppor-
6.1.2 a); and
tunities; and
2) prioritize the analysed risks for risk
e) how to
1) integrate and implement the actions
The organization shall retain documented
into its information security man-
information about the information security
agement system processes; and
risk assessment process.
2) evaluate the effectiveness of these
actions. 6.1.3 Information security risk
6.1.2 Information security risk
The organization shall define and apply an
information security risk treatment process to:
The organization shall define and apply an infor-
a) select appropriate information security
mation security risk assessment process that:
risk treatment options, taking account of
the risk assessment results;
a) establishes and maintains information
security risk criteria that include:
b) determine all controls that are necessary
to implement the information security
1) the risk acceptance criteria; and
risk treatment option(s) chosen;
2) criteria for performing information
NOTE Organizations can design controls
security risk assessments;
as required, or identify them from any source.
b) ensures that repeated information secu-
rity risk assessments produce consistent, c) compare the controls determined in
valid and comparable results; 6.1.3 b) above with those in Annex A and
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
verify that no necessary controls have c) take into account applicable information
been omitted; security requirements, and results from
risk assessment and risk treatment;
NOTE 1 Annex A contains a comprehensive
list of control objectives and controls. Users
d) be communicated; and
of this International Standard are directed to
e) be updated as appropriate.
Annex A to ensure that no necessary controls
are overlooked.
The organization shall retain documented infor-
mation on the information security objectives.
NOTE 2 Control objectives are implicitly
included in the controls chosen. The control
When planning how to achieve its informa-
objectives and controls listed in Annex A are
tion security objectives, the organization shall
not exhaustive and additional control objec-
tives and controls may be needed.
f) what will be done;
d) produce a Statement of Applicability
that contains the necessary controls (see
g) what resources will be required;
6.1.3 b) and c)) and justification for inclu-
h) who will be responsible;
sions, whether they are implemented or
not, and the justification for exclusions of
i) when it will be completed; and
controls from Annex A;
j) how the results will be evaluated.
e) formulate an information security risk
treatment plan; and
7 Support
f) obtain risk owners’ approval of the infor-
mation security risk treatment plan and
7.1 Resources
acceptance of the residual information
security risks.
The organization shall determine and provide
The organization shall retain documented
the resources needed for the establishment,
information about the information security implementation, maintenance and continual
risk treatment process. improvement of the information security man-
agement system.
NOTE The information security risk assess-
ment and treatment process in this International
7.2 Competence
Standard aligns with the principles and generic
guidelines provided in ISO 31000 .
The organization shall:
6.2 Information security objec- a) determine the necessary competence
of person(s) doing work under its con-
tives and planning to achieve
trol that affects its information security
The organization shall establish information
b) ensure that these persons are competent
security objectives at relevant functions and
on the basis of appropriate education,
training, or experience;
The information security objectives shall:
c) where applicable, take actions to acquire
the necessary competence, and evaluate
a) be consistent with the information secu-
the effectiveness of the actions taken;
rity policy;
b) be measurable (if practicable);
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013
d) retain appropriate documented informa- b) documented information determined
tion as evidence of competence. by the organization as being necessary
for the effectiveness of the information
NOTE Applicable actions may include, for exam-
security management system.
ple: the provision of training to, the mentoring of,
or the re-assignment of current employees; or the
NOTE The extent of documented information
hiring or contracting of competent persons.
for an information security management system
can differ from one organization to another due
7.3 Awareness
1) the size of organization and its type of
Persons doing work under the organization’s
activities, processes, products and services;
control shall be aware of:
2) the complexity of processes and their inter-
a) the information security policy; actions; and
3) the competence of persons.
b) their contribution to the effectiveness
of the information security manage-
ment system, including the benefits of
7.5.2 Creating and updating
improved information security perfor-
When creating and updating documented
mance; and
information the organization shall ensure
c) the implications of not conforming with
the information security management
system requirements. a) identification and description (e.g. a title,
date, author, or reference number);
7.4 Communication
b) format (e.g. language, software version,
graphics) and media (e.g. paper, elec-
The organization shall determine the need for
tronic); and
internal and external communications relevant
to the information security management sys-
c) review and approval for suitability and
tem including:
a) on what to communicate;
7.5.3 Control of documented
b) when to communicate;
c) with whom to communicate;
Documented information required by the infor-
mation security management system and by
d) who shall communicate; and
this International Standard shall be controlled
e) the processes by which communication
to ensure:
shall be effected.
a) it is available and suitable for use, where
and when it is needed; and
7.5 Documented information
b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss
7.5.1 General
of confidentiality, improper use, or loss
of integrity).
The organization’s information security man-
For the control of documented information,
agement system shall include:
the organization shall address the following
a) documented information required by
activities, as applicable:
this International Standard; and
c) d
Second edition
Information technology — Security
techniques — Information security
management systems — Requirements
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes
de management de la sécurité de l’information — Exigences
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
© ISO/IEC 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
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Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2013 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
0 Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Context of the organization . 1
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context . 1
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties . 1
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system . 1
4.4 Information security management system . 2
5 Leadership . 2
5.1 Leadership and commitment . 2
5.2 Policy . 2
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities. 3
6 Planning . 3
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities . 3
6.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them . 5
7 Support . 5
7.1 Resources . 5
7.2 Competence . 5
7.3 Awareness . 5
7.4 Communication . 6
7.5 Documented information . 6
8 Operation . 7
8.1 Operational planning and control . 7
8.2 Information security risk assessment. 7
8.3 Information security risk treatment . 7
9 Performance evaluation . 7
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation . 7
9.2 Internal audit . 8
9.3 Management review . 8
10 Improvement . 9
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action . 9
10.2 Continual improvement . 9
Annex A (normative) Reference control objectives and controls .10
Bibliography .23
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 27001 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), which has been
technically revised.
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
0 Introduction
0.1 General
This International Standard has been prepared to provide requirements for establishing, implementing,
maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. The adoption of an
information security management system is a strategic decision for an organization. The establishment
and implementation of an organization’s information security management system is influenced by the
organization’s needs and objectives, security requirements, the organizational processes used and the
size and structure of the organization. All of these influencing factors are expected to change over time.
The information security management system preserves the confidentiality, integrity and availability
of information by applying a risk management process and gives confidence to interested parties that
risks are adequately managed.
It is important that the information security management system is part of and integrated with the
organization’s processes and overall management structure and that information security is considered
in the design of processes, information systems, and controls. It is expected that an information security
management system implementation will be scaled in accordance with the needs of the organization.
This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties to assess the organization’s
ability to meet the organization’s own information security requirements.
The order in which requirements are presented in this International Standard does not reflect their
importance or imply the order in which they are to be implemented. The list items are enumerated for
reference purpose only.
ISO/IEC 27000 describes the overview and the vocabulary of information security management
systems, referencing the information security management system family of standards (including
[2] [3] [4]
ISO/IEC 27003 , ISO/IEC 27004 and ISO/IEC 27005 ), with related terms and definitions.
0.2 Compatibility with other management system standards
This International Standard applies the high-level structure, identical sub-clause titles, identical text,
common terms, and core definitions defined in Annex SL of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO
Supplement, and therefore maintains compatibility with other management system standards that have
adopted the Annex SL.
This common approach defined in the Annex SL will be useful for those organizations that choose to operate
a single management system that meets the requirements of two or more management system standards.
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Information technology — Security techniques —
Information security management systems — Requirements
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining
and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the
organization. This International Standard also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment
of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in this
International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless
of type, size or nature. Excluding any of the requirements specified in Clauses 4 to 10 is not acceptable
when an organization claims conformity to this International Standard.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 27000, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management
systems — Overview and vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27000 apply.
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that
affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its information security management system.
NOTE Determining these issues refers to establishing the external and internal context of the organization
considered in Clause 5.3 of ISO 31000:2009 .
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
The organization shall determine:
a) interested parties that are relevant to the information security management system; and
b) the requirements of these interested parties relevant to information security.
NOTE The requirements of interested parties may include legal and regulatory requirements and
contractual obligations.
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system
The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the information security
management system to establish its scope.
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2; and
c) interfaces and dependencies between activities performed by the organization, and those that are
performed by other organizations.
The scope shall be available as documented information.
4.4 Information security management system
The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an information security
management system, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the information
security management system by:
a) ensuring the information security policy and the information security objectives are established
and are compatible with the strategic direction of the organization;
b) ensuring the integration of the information security management system requirements into the
organization’s processes;
c) ensuring that the resources needed for the information security management system are available;
d) communicating the importance of effective information security management and of conforming to
the information security management system requirements;
e) ensuring that the information security management system achieves its intended outcome(s);
f) directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the information security
management system;
g) promoting continual improvement; and
h) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their
areas of responsibility.
5.2 Policy
Top management shall establish an information security policy that:
a) is appropriate to the purpose of the organization;
b) includes information security objectives (see 6.2) or provides the framework for setting information
security objectives;
c) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements related to information security; and
d) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the information security management system.
The information security policy shall:
e) be available as documented information;
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
f) be communicated within the organization; and
g) be available to interested parties, as appropriate.
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for roles relevant to information
security are assigned and communicated.
Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for:
a) ensuring that the information security management system conforms to the requirements of this
International Standard; and
b) reporting on the performance of the information security management system to top management.
NOTE Top management may also assign responsibilities and authorities for reporting performance of the
information security management system within the organization.
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 General
When planning for the information security management system, the organization shall consider the
issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and determine the risks and opportunities
that need to be addressed to:
a) ensure the information security management system can achieve its intended outcome(s);
b) prevent, or reduce, undesired effects; and
c) achieve continual improvement.
The organization shall plan:
d) actions to address these risks and opportunities; and
e) how to
1) integrate and implement the actions into its information security management system
processes; and
2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.
6.1.2 Information security risk assessment
The organization shall define and apply an information security risk assessment process that:
a) establishes and maintains information security risk criteria that include:
1) the risk acceptance criteria; and
2) criteria for performing information security risk assessments;
b) ensures that repeated information security risk assessments produce consistent, valid and
comparable results;
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
c) identifies the information security risks:
1) apply the information security risk assessment process to identify risks associated with the loss
of confidentiality, integrity and availability for information within the scope of the information
security management system; and
2) identify the risk owners;
d) analyses the information security risks:
1) assess the potential consequences that would result if the risks identified in 6.1.2 c) 1) were
to materialize;
2) assess the realistic likelihood of the occurrence of the risks identified in 6.1.2 c) 1); and
3) determine the levels of risk;
e) evaluates the information security risks:
1) compare the results of risk analysis with the risk criteria established in 6.1.2 a); and
2) prioritize the analysed risks for risk treatment.
The organization shall retain documented information about the information security risk
assessment process.
6.1.3 Information security risk treatment
The organization shall define and apply an information security risk treatment process to:
a) select appropriate information security risk treatment options, taking account of the risk
assessment results;
b) determine all controls that are necessary to implement the information security risk treatment
option(s) chosen;
NOTE Organizations can design controls as required, or identify them from any source.
c) compare the controls determined in 6.1.3 b) above with those in Annex A and verify that no necessary
controls have been omitted;
NOTE 1 Annex A contains a comprehensive list of control objectives and controls. Users of this International
Standard are directed to Annex A to ensure that no necessary controls are overlooked.
NOTE 2 Control objectives are implicitly included in the controls chosen. The control objectives and
controls listed in Annex A are not exhaustive and additional control objectives and controls may be needed.
d) produce a Statement of Applicability that contains the necessary controls (see 6.1.3 b) and c)) and
justification for inclusions, whether they are implemented or not, and the justification for exclusions
of controls from Annex A;
e) formulate an information security risk treatment plan; and
f) obtain risk owners’ approval of the information security risk treatment plan and acceptance of the
residual information security risks.
The organization shall retain documented information about the information security risk treatment
NOTE The information security risk assessment and treatment process in this International Standard aligns
with the principles and generic guidelines provided in ISO 31000 .
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
6.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them
The organization shall establish information security objectives at relevant functions and levels.
The information security objectives shall:
a) be consistent with the information security policy;
b) be measurable (if practicable);
c) take into account applicable information security requirements, and results from risk assessment
and risk treatment;
d) be communicated; and
e) be updated as appropriate.
The organization shall retain documented information on the information security objectives.
When planning how to achieve its information security objectives, the organization shall determine:
f) what will be done;
g) what resources will be required;
h) who will be responsible;
i) when it will be completed; and
j) how the results will be evaluated.
7 Support
7.1 Resources
The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation,
maintenance and continual improvement of the information security management system.
7.2 Competence
The organization shall:
a) determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control that affects its
information security performance;
b) ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience;
c) where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness
of the actions taken; and
d) retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence.
NOTE Applicable actions may include, for example: the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the re-
assignment of current employees; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons.
7.3 Awareness
Persons doing work under the organization’s control shall be aware of:
a) the information security policy;
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
b) their contribution to the effectiveness of the information security management system, including
the benefits of improved information security performance; and
c) the implications of not conforming with the information security management system requirements.
7.4 Communication
The organization shall determine the need for internal and external communications relevant to the
information security management system including:
a) on what to communicate;
b) when to communicate;
c) with whom to communicate;
d) who shall communicate; and
e) the processes by which communication shall be effected.
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
The organization’s information security management system shall include:
a) documented information required by this International Standard; and
b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of
the information security management system.
NOTE The extent of documented information for an information security management system can differ
from one organization to another due to:
1) the size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services;
2) the complexity of processes and their interactions; and
3) the competence of persons.
7.5.2 Creating and updating
When creating and updating documented information the organization shall ensure appropriate:
a) identification and description (e.g. a title, date, author, or reference number);
b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g. paper, electronic); and
c) review and approval for suitability and adequacy.
7.5.3 Control of documented information
Documented information required by the information security management system and by this
International Standard shall be controlled to ensure:
a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed; and
b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity).
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For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following activities,
as applicable:
c) distribution, access, retrieval and use;
d) storage and preservation, including the preservation of legibility;
e) control of changes (e.g. version control); and
f) retention and disposition.
Documented information of external origin, determined by the organization to be necessary for
the planning and operation of the information security management system, shall be identified as
appropriate, and controlled.
NOTE Access implies a decision regarding the permission to view the documented information only, or the
permission and authority to view and change the documented information, etc.
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
The organization shall plan, implement and control the processes needed to meet information security
requirements, and to implement the actions determined in 6.1. The organization shall also implement
plans to achieve information security objectives determined in 6.2.
The organization shall keep documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence that
the processes have been carried out as planned.
The organization shall control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes,
taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary.
The organization shall ensure that outsourced processes are determined and controlled.
8.2 Information security risk assessment
The organization shall perform information security risk assessments at planned intervals or when
significant changes are proposed or occur, taking account of the criteria established in 6.1.2 a).
The organization shall retain documented information of the results of the information security
risk assessments.
8.3 Information security risk treatment
The organization shall implement the information security risk treatment plan.
The organization shall retain documented information of the results of the information security
risk treatment.
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
The organization shall evaluate the information security performance and the effectiveness of the
information security management system.
The organization shall determine:
a) what needs to be monitored and measured, including information security processes and controls;
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
b) the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure
valid results;
NOTE The methods selected should produce comparable and reproducible results to be considered valid.
c) when the monitoring and measuring shall be performed;
d) who shall monitor and measure;
e) when the results from monitoring and measurement shall be analysed and evaluated; and
f) who shall analyse and evaluate these results.
The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the monitoring and
measurement results.
9.2 Internal audit
The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether
the information security management system:
a) conforms to
1) the organization’s own requirements for its information security management system; and
2) the requirements of this International Standard;
b) is effectively implemented and maintained.
The organization shall:
c) plan, establish, implement and maintain an audit programme(s), including the frequency, methods,
responsibilities, planning requirements and
SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Informacijska tehnologija - Varnostne tehnike - Sistemi upravljanja informacijske
varnosti - Zahteve
Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management
systems -- Requirements
Technologies de l'information -- Techniques de sécurité -- Systèmes de management de
la sécurité de l'information -- Exigences
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/IEC 27001:2013
35.040 Nabori znakov in kodiranje Character sets and
informacij information coding
SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Second edition
Information technology — Security
techniques — Information security
management systems — Requirements
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes
de management de la sécurité de l’information — Exigences
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013
ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
0 Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Context of the organization . 1
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context . 1
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties . 1
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system . 1
4.4 Information security management system . 2
5 Leadership . 2
5.1 Leadership and commitment . 2
5.2 Policy . 2
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities. 3
6 Planning . 3
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities . 3
6.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them . 5
7 Support . 5
7.1 Resources . 5
7.2 Competence . 5
7.3 Awareness . 5
7.4 Communication . 6
7.5 Documented information . 6
8 Operation . 7
8.1 Operational planning and control . 7
8.2 Information security risk assessment. 7
8.3 Information security risk treatment . 7
9 Performance evaluation . 7
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation . 7
9.2 Internal audit . 8
9.3 Management review . 8
10 Improvement . 9
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action . 9
10.2 Continual improvement . 9
Annex A (normative) Reference control objectives and controls .10
Bibliography .23
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ISO/IEC 27001:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 27001 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), which has been
technically revised.
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0 Introduction
0.1 General
This International Standard has been prepared to provide requirements for establishing, implementing,
maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. The adoption of an
information security management system is a strategic decision for an organization. The establishment
and implementation of an organization’s information security management system is influenced by the
organization’s needs and objectives, security requirements, the organizational processes used and the
size and structure of the organization. All of these influencing factors are expected to change over time.
The information security management system preserves the confidentiality, integrity and availability
of information by applying a risk management process and gives confidence to interested parties that
risks are adequately managed.
It is important that the information security management system is part of and integrated with the
organization’s processes and overall management structure and that information security is considered
in the design of processes, information systems, and controls. It is expected that an information security
management system implementation will be scaled in accordance with the needs of the organization.
This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties to assess the organization’s
ability to meet the organization’s own information security requirements.
The order in which requirements are presented in this International Standard does not reflect their
importance or imply the order in which they are to be implemented. The list items are enumerated for
reference purpose only.
ISO/IEC 27000 describes the overview and the vocabulary of information security management
systems, referencing the information security management system family of standards (including
[2] [3] [4]
ISO/IEC 27003 , ISO/IEC 27004 and ISO/IEC 27005 ), with related terms and definitions.
0.2 Compatibility with other management system standards
This International Standard applies the high-level structure, identical sub-clause titles, identical text,
common terms, and core definitions defined in Annex SL of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO
Supplement, and therefore maintains compatibility with other management system standards that have
adopted the Annex SL.
This common approach defined in the Annex SL will be useful for those organizations that choose to operate
a single management system that meets the requirements of two or more management system standards.
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Information technology — Security techniques —
Information security management systems — Requirements
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining
and continually improving an information security management system within the context of the
organization. This International Standard also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment
of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization. The requirements set out in this
International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless
of type, size or nature. Excluding any of the requirements specified in Clauses 4 to 10 is not acceptable
when an organization claims conformity to this International Standard.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 27000, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management
systems — Overview and vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 27000 apply.
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that
affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its information security management system.
NOTE Determining these issues refers to establishing the external and internal context of the organization
considered in Clause 5.3 of ISO 31000:2009 .
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
The organization shall determine:
a) interested parties that are relevant to the information security management system; and
b) the requirements of these interested parties relevant to information security.
NOTE The requirements of interested parties may include legal and regulatory requirements and
contractual obligations.
4.3 Determining the scope of the information security management system
The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the information security
management system to establish its scope.
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When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
b) the requirements referred to in 4.2; and
c) interfaces and dependencies between activities performed by the organization, and those that are
performed by other organizations.
The scope shall be available as documented information.
4.4 Information security management system
The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an information security
management system, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the information
security management system by:
a) ensuring the information security policy and the information security objectives are established
and are compatible with the strategic direction of the organization;
b) ensuring the integration of the information security management system requirements into the
organization’s processes;
c) ensuring that the resources needed for the information security management system are available;
d) communicating the importance of effective information security management and of conforming to
the information security management system requirements;
e) ensuring that the information security management system achieves its intended outcome(s);
f) directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the information security
management system;
g) promoting continual improvement; and
h) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their
areas of responsibility.
5.2 Policy
Top management shall establish an information security policy that:
a) is appropriate to the purpose of the organization;
b) includes information security objectives (see 6.2) or provides the framework for setting information
security objectives;
c) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements related to information security; and
d) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the information security management system.
The information security policy shall:
e) be available as documented information;
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f) be communicated within the organization; and
g) be available to interested parties, as appropriate.
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for roles relevant to information
security are assigned and communicated.
Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for:
a) ensuring that the information security management system conforms to the requirements of this
International Standard; and
b) reporting on the performance of the information security management system to top management.
NOTE Top management may also assign responsibilities and authorities for reporting performance of the
information security management system within the organization.
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 General
When planning for the information security management system, the organization shall consider the
issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and determine the risks and opportunities
that need to be addressed to:
a) ensure the information security management system can achieve its intended outcome(s);
b) prevent, or reduce, undesired effects; and
c) achieve continual improvement.
The organization shall plan:
d) actions to address these risks and opportunities; and
e) how to
1) integrate and implement the actions into its information security management system
processes; and
2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.
6.1.2 Information security risk assessment
The organization shall define and apply an information security risk assessment process that:
a) establishes and maintains information security risk criteria that include:
1) the risk acceptance criteria; and
2) criteria for performing information security risk assessments;
b) ensures that repeated information security risk assessments produce consistent, valid and
comparable results;
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c) identifies the information security risks:
1) apply the information security risk assessment process to identify risks associated with the loss
of confidentiality, integrity and availability for information within the scope of the information
security management system; and
2) identify the risk owners;
d) analyses the information security risks:
1) assess the potential consequences that would result if the risks identified in 6.1.2 c) 1) were
to materialize;
2) assess the realistic likelihood of the occurrence of the risks identified in 6.1.2 c) 1); and
3) determine the levels of risk;
e) evaluates the information security risks:
1) compare the results of risk analysis with the risk criteria established in 6.1.2 a); and
2) prioritize the analysed risks for risk treatment.
The organization shall retain documented information about the information security risk
assessment process.
6.1.3 Information security risk treatment
The organization shall define and apply an information security risk treatment process to:
a) select appropriate information security risk treatment options, taking account of the risk
assessment results;
b) determine all controls that are necessary to implement the information security risk treatment
option(s) chosen;
NOTE Organizations can design controls as required, or identify them from any source.
c) compare the controls determined in 6.1.3 b) above with those in Annex A and verify that no necessary
controls have been omitted;
NOTE 1 Annex A contains a comprehensive list of control objectives and controls. Users of this International
Standard are directed to Annex A to ensure that no necessary controls are overlooked.
NOTE 2 Control objectives are implicitly included in the controls chosen. The control objectives and
controls listed in Annex A are not exhaustive and additional control objectives and controls may be needed.
d) produce a Statement of Applicability that contains the necessary controls (see 6.1.3 b) and c)) and
justification for inclusions, whether they are implemented or not, and the justification for exclusions
of controls from Annex A;
e) formulate an information security risk treatment plan; and
f) obtain risk owners’ approval of the information security risk treatment plan and acceptance of the
residual information security risks.
The organization shall retain documented information about the information security risk treatment
NOTE The information security risk assessment and treatment process in this International Standard aligns
with the principles and generic guidelines provided in ISO 31000 .
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6.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them
The organization shall establish information security objectives at relevant functions and levels.
The information security objectives shall:
a) be consistent with the information security policy;
b) be measurable (if practicable);
c) take into account applicable information security requirements, and results from risk assessment
and risk treatment;
d) be communicated; and
e) be updated as appropriate.
The organization shall retain documented information on the information security objectives.
When planning how to achieve its information security objectives, the organization shall determine:
f) what will be done;
g) what resources will be required;
h) who will be responsible;
i) when it will be completed; and
j) how the results will be evaluated.
7 Support
7.1 Resources
The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation,
maintenance and continual improvement of the information security management system.
7.2 Competence
The organization shall:
a) determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control that affects its
information security performance;
b) ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience;
c) where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness
of the actions taken; and
d) retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence.
NOTE Applicable actions may include, for example: the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the re-
assignment of current employees; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons.
7.3 Awareness
Persons doing work under the organization’s control shall be aware of:
a) the information security policy;
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b) their contribution to the effectiveness of the information security management system, including
the benefits of improved information security performance; and
c) the implications of not conforming with the information security management system requirements.
7.4 Communication
The organization shall determine the need for internal and external communications relevant to the
information security management system including:
a) on what to communicate;
b) when to communicate;
c) with whom to communicate;
d) who shall communicate; and
e) the processes by which communication shall be effected.
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
The organization’s information security management system shall include:
a) documented information required by this International Standard; and
b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of
the information security management system.
NOTE The extent of documented information for an information security management system can differ
from one organization to another due to:
1) the size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services;
2) the complexity of processes and their interactions; and
3) the competence of persons.
7.5.2 Creating and updating
When creating and updating documented information the organization shall ensure appropriate:
a) identification and description (e.g. a title, date, author, or reference number);
b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g. paper, electronic); and
c) review and approval for suitability and adequacy.
7.5.3 Control of documented information
Documented information required by the information security management system and by this
International Standard shall be controlled to ensure:
a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed; and
b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity).
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For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following activities,
as applicable:
c) distribution, access, retrieval and use;
d) storage and preservation, including the preservation of legibility;
e) control of changes (e.g. version control); and
f) retention and disposition.
Documented information of external origin, determined by the organization to be necessary for
the planning and operation of the information security management system, shall be identified as
appropriate, and controlled.
NOTE Access implies a decision regarding the permission to view the documented information only, or the
permission and authority to view and change the documented information, etc.
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
The organization shall plan, implement and control the processes needed to meet information security
requirements, and to implement the actions determined in 6.1. The organization shall also implement
plans to achieve information security objectives determined in 6.2.
The organization shall keep documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence that
the processes have been carried out as planned.
The organization shall control planned changes and review the consequences of unintended changes,
taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary.
The organization shall ensure that outsourced processes are determined and controlled.
8.2 Information security risk assessment
The organization shall perform information security risk assessments at planned intervals or when
significant changes are proposed or occur, taking account of the criteria established in 6.1.2 a).
The organization shall retain documented information of the results of the information security
risk assessments.
8.3 Information security risk treatment
The organization shall implement the information security risk treatment plan.
The organization shall retain documented information of the results of the information security
risk treatment.
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
The organization shall evaluate the information security performance and the effectiveness of the
information security management system.
The organization shall determine:
a) what needs to be monitored and measured, including information security processes and controls;
Deuxième édition
Technologies de l’information —
Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes
de management de la sécurité de
l’information — Exigences
Information technology — Security techniques — Information
security management systems — Requirements
Numéro de référence
ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
ISO/CEI 2013
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
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Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée
sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie, l’affichage sur
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ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
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Version française parue en 2013
Publié en Suisse
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
0 Introduction .v
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Contexte de l’organisation . 1
4.1 Compréhension de l’organisation et de son contexte. 1
4.2 Compréhension des besoins et des attentes des parties intéressées . 1
4.3 Détermination du domaine d’application du système de management de la sécurité
de l’information . 2
4.4 Système de management de la sécurité de l’information . 2
5 Leadership . 2
5.1 Leadership et engagement. 2
5.2 Politique . 2
5.3 Rôles, responsabilités et autorités au sein de l’organisation . 3
6 Planification . 3
6.1 Actions liées aux risques et opportunités . 3
6.2 Objectifs de sécurité de l’information et plans pour les atteindre . 5
7 Support . 5
7.1 Ressources . 5
7.2 Compétence . 6
7.3 Sensibilisation . 6
7.4 Communication . 6
7.5 Informations documentées . 6
8 Fonctionnement . 7
8.1 Planification et contrôle opérationnels . 7
8.2 Appréciation des risques de sécurité de l’information . 8
8.3 Traitement des risques de sécurité de l’information . 8
9 Évaluation des performances . 8
9.1 Surveillance, mesures, analyse et évaluation . 8
9.2 Audit interne . 8
9.3 Revue de direction . 9
10 Amélioration . 9
10.1 Non-conformité et actions correctives . 9
10.2 Amélioration continue .10
Annexe A (normative) Objectifs et mesures de référence .11
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) et la CEI (Commission électrotechnique
internationale) forment le système spécialisé de la normalisation mondiale. Les organismes nationaux
membres de l’ISO ou de la CEI participent au développement de Normes internationales par l’intermédiaire
des comités techniques créés par l’organisation concernée afin de s’occuper des domaines particuliers
de l’activité technique. Les comités techniques de l’ISO et de la CEI collaborent dans des domaines
d’intérêt commun. D’autres organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales,
en liaison avec l’ISO et la CEI participent également aux travaux. Dans le domaine des technologies de
l’information, l’ISO et la CEI ont créé un comité technique mixte, l’ISO/CEI JTC 1.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives
ISO/CEI, Partie 2.
La tâche principale du comité technique mixte est d’élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de
Normes internationales adoptés par le comité technique mixte sont soumis aux organismes nationaux
pour vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert l’approbation de 75 % au moins des
organismes nationaux votants.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet
de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO et la CEI ne sauraient être tenues pour
responsables de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L’ISO/CEI 27001 a été élaborée par le comité technique mixte ISO/CEI JTC 1, Technologies de l’information,
sous-comité SC 27, Techniques de sécurité des technologies de l’information.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO/CEI 27001:2005), qui a fait l’objet
d’une révision technique.
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
0 Introduction
0.1 Généralités
La présente Norme internationale a été élaborée pour fournir des exigences en vue de l’établissement,
de la mise en œuvre, de la tenue à jour et de l’amélioration continue d’un système de management de
la sécurité de l’information. L’adoption d’un système de management de la sécurité de l’information
relève d’une décision stratégique de l’organisation. L’établissement et la mise en œuvre d’un système
de management de la sécurité de l’information d’une organisation tiennent compte des besoins et des
objectifs de l’organisation, des exigences de sécurité, des processus organisationnels mis en œuvre, ainsi
que de la taille et de la structure de l’organisation. Tous ces facteurs d’influence sont appelés à évoluer
dans le temps.
Le système de management de la sécurité de l’information préserve la confidentialité, l’intégrité et la
disponibilité de l’information en appliquant un processus de gestion des risques et donne aux parties
intéressées l’assurance que les risques sont gérés de manière adéquate.
Il est important que le système de management de la sécurité de l’information fasse partie intégrante
des processus et de la structure de management d’ensemble de l’organisation et que la sécurité de
l’information soit prise en compte dans la conception des processus, des systèmes d’information et des
mesures. Il est prévu qu’un système de management de la sécurité de l’information évolue conformément
aux besoins de l’organisation.
La présente Norme internationale peut être utilisée par les parties internes et externes pour évaluer la
capacité de l’organisation à répondre à ses propres exigences en matière de sécurité de l’information.
L’ordre dans lequel les exigences sont présentées dans la présente Norme internationale ne reflète pas
leur importance, ni l’ordre dans lequel elles doivent être mises en œuvre. Les éléments des listes sont
énumérés uniquement à des fins de référence.
L’ISO/CEI 27000 décrit une vue d’ensemble et le vocabulaire des systèmes de management de la sécurité
de l’information, en se référant à la famille des normes du système de management de la sécurité de
[2] [3] [4]
l’information (incluant l’ISO/CEI 27003, l’ISO/CEI 27004 et l’ISO/CEI 27005 ) avec les termes et les
définitions qui s’y rapportent.
0.2 Compatibilité avec d’autres systèmes de management
La présente Norme internationale applique la structure de haut niveau, les titres de paragraphe
identiques, le texte, les termes communs et les définitions fondamentales définies dans l’Annexe SL des
Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 1, Supplément ISO consolidé, et, par conséquent, est compatible avec les autres
normes de systèmes de management qui se conforment à l’Annexe SL.
Cette approche commune définie dans l’Annexe SL sera utile aux organisations qui choisissent de mettre
en œuvre un système de management unique pour répondre aux exigences de deux ou plusieurs normes
de systèmes de management.
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Technologies de l’information — Techniques de
sécurité — Systèmes de management de la sécurité de
l’information — Exigences
1 Domaine d’application
La présente Norme internationale spécifie les exigences relatives à l’établissement, à la mise en œuvre,
à la mise à jour et à l’amélioration continue d’un système de management de la sécurité de l’information
dans le contexte d’une organisation. La présente Norme internationale comporte également des
exigences sur l’appréciation et le traitement des risques de sécurité de l’information, adaptées aux
besoins de l’organisation. Les exigences fixées dans la présente Norme internationale sont génériques et
prévues pour s’appliquer à toute organisation, quels que soient son type, sa taille et sa nature. Il n’est pas
admis qu’une organisation s’affranchisse de l’une des exigences spécifiées aux Articles 4 à 10 lorsqu’elle
revendique la conformité à la présente Norme internationale.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants, en tout ou partie, sont référencés de manière normative dans le présent
document et sont indispensables à son application. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition citée
s’applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s’applique (y
compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO/CEI 27000, Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes de management de la
sécurité de l’information — Vue d’ensemble et vocabulaire
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions fournis dans la norme
ISO/CEI 27000 s’appliquent.
4 Contexte de l’organisation
4.1 Compréhension de l’organisation et de son contexte
L’organisation doit déterminer les enjeux externes et internes pertinents compte tenu de sa mission et
qui influent sur sa capacité à obtenir le(s) résultat(s) attendu(s) de son système de management de la
sécurité de l’information.
NOTE Déterminer ces enjeux revient à établir le contexte externe et interne de l’organisation étudié dans le
paragraphe 5.3 de l’ISO 31000:2009.
4.2 Compréhension des besoins et des attentes des parties intéressées
L’organisation doit déterminer:
a) les parties intéressées qui sont concernées par le système de management de la sécurité de
l’information; et
b) les exigences de ces parties intéressées concernant la sécurité de l’information.
NOTE Les exigences des parties intéressées peuvent inclure des exigences légales et réglementaires et des
obligations contractuelles.
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
4.3 Détermination du domaine d’application du système de management de la sécurité
de l’information
Pour établir le domaine d’application du système de management de la sécurité de l’information,
l’organisation doit en déterminer les limites et l’applicabilité.
Lorsqu’elle établit ce domaine d’application, l’organisation doit prendre en compte:
a) les enjeux externes et internes auxquels il est fait référence en 4.1;
b) les exigences auxquelles il est fait référence en 4.2; et
c) les interfaces et les dépendances existant entre les activités réalisées par l’organisation et celles
réalisées par d’autres organisations.
Le domaine d’application doit être disponible sous forme d’information documentée.
4.4 Système de management de la sécurité de l’information
L’organisation doit établir, mettre en œuvre, tenir à jour et améliorer continuellement un système
de management de la sécurité de l’information, conformément aux exigences de la présente Norme
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership et engagement
La direction doit faire preuve de leadership et affirmer son engagement en faveur du système de
management de la sécurité de l’information en:
a) s’assurant qu’une politique et des objectifs sont établis en matière de sécurité de l’information et
qu’ils sont compatibles avec l’orientation stratégique de l’organisation;
b) s’assurant que les exigences liées au système de management de la sécurité de l’information sont
intégrées aux processus métiers de l’organisation;
c) s’assurant que les ressources nécessaires pour le système de management de la sécurité de
l’information sont disponibles;
d) communiquant sur l’importance de disposer d’un management de la sécurité de l’information
efficace et de se conformer aux exigences du système de management de la sécurité de l’information;
e) s’assurant que le système de management de la sécurité de l’information produit le ou les
résultats escomptés;
f) orientant et soutenant les personnes pour qu’elles contribuent à l’efficacité du système de
management de la sécurité de l’information;
g) promouvant l’amélioration continue; et
h) aidant les autres managers concernés à faire également preuve de leadership dès lors que cela
s’applique à leurs domaines de responsabilités.
5.2 Politique
La direction doit établir une politique de sécurité de l’information qui:
a) est adaptée à la mission de l’organisation;
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b) inclut des objectifs de sécurité de l’information (voir 6.2) ou fournit un cadre pour l’établissement
de ces objectifs;
c) inclut l’engagement de satisfaire aux exigences applicables en matière de sécurité de l’information; et
d) inclut l’engagement d’œuvrer pour l’amélioration continue du système de management de la sécurité
de l’information.
La politique de sécurité de l’information doit:
e) être disponible sous forme d’information documentée;
f) être communiquée au sein de l’organisation; et
g) être mise à la disposition des parties intéressées, le cas échéant.
5.3 Rôles, responsabilités et autorités au sein de l’organisation
La direction doit s’assurer que les responsabilités et autorités des rôles concernés par la sécurité de
l’information sont attribuées et communiquées au sein de l’organisation.
La direction doit désigner qui a la responsabilité et l’autorité de:
a) s’assurer que le système de management de la sécurité de l’information est conforme aux exigences
de la présente Norme internationale; et
b) rendre compte à la direction des performances du système de management de la sécurité de
NOTE La direction peut également attribuer des responsabilités et autorités pour rendre compte des
performances du système de management de la sécurité de l’information au sein de l’organisation.
6 Planification
6.1 Actions liées aux risques et opportunités
6.1.1 Généralités
Lorsqu’elle conçoit son système de management de la sécurité de l’information, l’organisation doit
tenir compte des enjeux de 4.1 et des exigences de 4.2, et déterminer les risques et opportunités qui
nécessitent d’être abordés pour:
a) s’assurer que le système de management de la sécurité de l’information peut atteindre le ou les
résultats escomptés;
b) empêcher ou limiter les effets indésirables; et
c) appliquer une démarche d’amélioration continue.
L’organisation doit planifier:
d) les actions menées pour traiter ces risques et opportunités; et
e) la manière:
1) d’intégrer et de mettre en œuvre les actions au sein des processus du système de management
de la sécurité de l’information; et
2) d’évaluer l’efficacité de ces actions.
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
6.1.2 Appréciation des risques de sécurité de l’information
L’organisation doit définir et appliquer un processus d’appréciation des risques de sécurité de
l’information qui:
a) établit et tient à jour les critères de risque de sécurité de l’information incluant:
1) les critères d’acceptation des risques;
2) les critères de réalisation des appréciations des risques de sécurité de l’information;
b) s’assure que la répétition de ces appréciations des risques produit des résultats cohérents, valides
et comparables;
c) identifie les risques de sécurité de l’information:
1) applique le processus d’appréciation des risques de sécurité de l’information pour identifier les
risques liés à la perte de confidentialité, d’intégrité et de disponibilité des informations entrant
dans le domaine d’application du système de management de la sécurité de l’information; et
2) identifie les propriétaires des risques;
d) analyse les risques de sécurité de l’information:
1) apprécie les conséquences potentielles dans le cas où les risques identifiés en 6.1.2 c) 1) se
2) procède à une évaluation réaliste de la vraisemblance d’apparition des risques identifiés en
6.1.2 c) 1); et
3) détermine les niveaux des risques;
e) évalue les risques de sécurité de l’information:
1) compare les résultats d’analyse des risques avec les critères de risque déterminés en 6.1.2 a); et
2) priorise les risques analysés pour le traitement des risques.
L’organisation doit conserver des informations documentées sur le processus d’appréciation des risques
de sécurité de l’information.
6.1.3 Traitement des risques de sécurité de l’information
L’organisation doit définir et appliquer un processus de traitement des risques de sécurité de
l’information pour:
a) choisir les options de traitement des risques appropriées, en tenant compte des résultats de
l’appréciation des risques;
b) déterminer toutes les mesures nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de(s) (l’)option(s) de traitement des
risques de sécurité de l’information choisie(s);
NOTE Les organisations peuvent concevoir ces mesures, le cas échéant, ou bien les identifier à partir de
n’importe quelle source.
c) comparer les mesures déterminées ci-dessus en 6.1.3 b) avec celles de l’Annexe A et vérifier
qu’aucune mesure nécessaire n’a été omise;
NOTE 1 L’Annexe A comporte une liste détaillée d’objectifs et de mesures. Les utilisateurs de la présente
Norme internationale sont invités à se reporter à l’Annexe A pour s’assurer qu’aucune mesure nécessaire n’a
été négligée.
NOTE 2 Les objectifs sont implicitement inclus dans les mesures choisies. Les objectifs et les mesures énumérés
dans l’Annexe A ne sont pas exhaustifs et des objectifs et des mesures additionnels peuvent s’avérer nécessaires.
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
d) produire une déclaration d’applicabilité contenant les mesures nécessaires (voir 6.1.3 b) et c)) et
la justification de leur insertion, le fait qu’elles soient mises en œuvre ou non, et la justification de
l’exclusion de mesures de l’Annexe A;
e) élaborer un plan de traitement des risques de sécurité de l’information; et
f) obtenir des propriétaires des risques l’approbation du plan de traitement des risques et l’acceptation
des risques résiduels de sécurité de l’information.
L’organisation doit conserver des informations documentées sur le processus de traitement des risques
de sécurité de l’information.
NOTE L’appréciation des risques de sécurité de l’information et le processus de traitement figurant dans
la présente Norme internationale s’alignent sur les principes et les lignes directrices générales fournies dans
l’ISO 31000.
6.2 Objectifs de sécurité de l’information et plans pour les atteindre
L’organisation doit établir, aux fonctions et niveaux concernés, des objectifs de sécurité de l’information.
Les objectifs de sécurité de l’information doivent:
a) être cohérents avec la politique de sécurité de l’information;
b) être mesurables (si possible);
c) tenir compte des exigences applicables à la sécurité de l’information, et des résultats de l’appréciation
et du traitement des risques;
d) être communiqués; et
e) être mis à jour quand cela est approprié.
L’organisation doit conserver des informations documentées sur les objectifs liés à la sécurité de
Lorsqu’elle planifie la façon d’atteindre ses objectifs de sécurité de l’information, l’organisation doit
f) ce qui sera fait;
g) les ressources qui seront nécessaires;
h) qui sera responsable;
i) les échéances; et
j) la façon dont les résultats seront évalués.
7 Support
7.1 Ressources
L’organisation doit identifier et fournir les ressources nécessaires à l’établissement, la mise en œuvre, la
tenue à jour et l’amélioration continue du système de management de la sécurité de l’information.
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ISO/CEI 27001:2013(F)
7.2 Compétence
L’organisation doit:
a) déterminer les compétences nécessaires de la ou des personnes effectuant, sous son contrôle, un
travail qui a une incidence sur les performances de la sécurité de l’information;
b) s’assurer que ces personnes sont compétentes sur la base d’une formation initiale ou continue ou
d’une expérience appropriée;
c) le cas échéant, mener des actions pour acquérir les compétences nécessaires et évaluer l’efficacité
des actions entreprises; et
d) conserver des informations documentées appropriées comme preuves de ces compétences.
NOTE Les actions envisageables peuvent notamment inclure la formation, l’encadrement ou la réaffectation
du personnel actuellement employé ou le recrutement, direct ou en sous-traitance, de personnes compétentes.
7.3 Sensibilisation
Les personnes effectuant un travail sous le contrôle de l’organisation doivent:
a) être sensibilisées à la politique de sécurité de l’information;
b) avoir conscience de leur contribution à l’efficacité du système de management de la sécurité de
l’information, y compris aux effets positifs d’une amélioration des performances de la sécurité de
l’information; et
c) avoir conscience des implications de toute non-conformité aux exigences requises par le système de
management de la sécurité de l’information.
7.4 Communication
L’organisation doit déterminer les besoins de communication interne et externe pertinents pour le
système de management de la sécurité de l’information, et notamment:
a) sur quels sujets communiquer;
b) à quels moments communiquer;
c) avec qui communiquer;
d) qui doit communiquer; et
e) les processus par lesquels la communication doit s’effectuer.
7.5 Informations documentées
7.5.1 Généralités
Le système de management de la sécurité de l’information de l’organisation doit inclure:
a) les informations documentées exigées par la présente Norme internationale; et
b) les informations documentées que l’organisation juge nécessaires à l’efficacité du système de
management de la sécurité de l’information.
NOTE L’étendue des informations documentées dans le cadre d’un système de management de la sécurité de
l’information peut différer selon l’organisation en fonction de:
1) la taille de l’organisation, ses domaines d’activité et ses processus, produits et services;
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2) la complexité des processus et de leurs interactions; et
3) la compétence des personnes.
7.5.2 Création et mise à jour
Quand elle crée et met à jour ses informations documentées, l’organisation doit s’assurer que les éléments
suivants sont appropriés:
a) identification et description (par exemple titre, date, auteur, numéro de référence);
b) format (par exemple langue, version logicielle, graphiques) et support (par exemple, papier,
électronique); et
c) examen et approbation du caractère approprié et pertinent des informations.
7.5.3 Maîtrise des informations documentées
Les informations documentées exigées par le système de management de la sécurité de l’information et
par la présente Norme internationale doivent être contrôlées pour s’assurer:
a) qu’elles sont disponibles et conviennent à l’utilisation, où et quand elles sont nécessaires; et
b) qu’elles sont correctement protégées (par exemple, de toute perte de confidentialité, utilisation
inappropriée ou perte d’intégrité).
Pour contrôler les informations documentées, l’organisation doit traiter des activités suivantes, quand
elles lui sont applicables:
c) distribution, accès, récupération et utilisation;
d) stockage et conservation, y compris préservation de la lisibilité;
e) contrôle des modifications (par exemple, contrôle des versions); et
f) durée de conservation et suppression.
Les informations documentées d’origine externe que l’organisation juge nécessaires à la planification et
au fonctionnement du système de management de la sécurité de l’information doivent être identifiées
comme il convient et
ةيلودلا ةيسايقلا ةفصاوملا
ةينقتورهكلا ةيلودلا ةنجللا /وزـــيأ
ةيمسرلا ةمجرتلا
Official translation
تابلطتملا – تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ مظننملأا تاينقت - تامولعملا ايجولونكت
Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management
systems — Requirements (E)
Technologies de l’information — Techniques de sécurité — Systèmes
de management de la sécurité de l’information — Exigences (F)
يف ةمئاقلا رظنا( ةمجرتلا ةقد تدمتعأ يتلاISO يف ءاضعأ تائيه01نع ةبانلإاب ةيمسر ةيبرع ةمجرتك ارسيوس ،فينج يف ISO ةيزكرملا ةناملأا يف تعبط
.)ii ةحفص
ىعجرملا مقرلا
ISO\IEC 27001:2013 (A)
ةيمسرلا ةمجرتلا
©ISO 2013
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
)هيونت( ةيلوئسم ءلاخإ
اذنه ةنعابط ننكمي هنإف Adobe ـل صيخرتلا ةسايس بجومبو ،ةجمدُم طوطخ ىلع )PDF( فلملا اذه يوتحي دق
متي يذلا بوساحلا يف ةلَّمحُمو ةصخرُمهيف ةجمدُملا طوطخلا نكت مل ام هليدعت متي َّلاأ ىلع ،هيلععلاطلاا وأ فلملا
ينف ،Adobe ـل صيخرتلا ةسايسب للاخلإا مدع ةيلوئسم - فلملا اذه ليزنت دنع - فارطلأا لمحتت و.ليدعتلا هيف
.لاجملا اذه لايح ةينوناق ةيلوئسم يأ لمحتت لاوزيلألةماعلا ةيراتركسلا نأنيح
Adobe.ـلا مظنل ةدحتملا ةكرشلل ةلجسم ةيراجت ةملاع Adobe ـلا دعت
ةنماعلا تانمولعملا ننم فنلملا اذنه ءانشنإ ينف ةمدختنسملا مماربلانب ةنصاخلا لينصافتلا نيمج ينلع لوصحلا نكمي
نونكي نأ ينعوُر نيح ،)PDF( ءانشنإ يف ةلخادلا تاريغتملا تن سُح دقف ةعابطلا لجلأو ، )PDF(فلمب ةقلعتملا
، فنلملا اذنهب لنلعتت ةلكنشم يأ شودنح ةنلاح ينفو ، ينيقتلل ةنيلودلا ةنمظنملا ءاضعلأ امئلام فلملا اذه مادختسا
.هاندأ لجسملا ناونعلا ىلع ةماعلا ةيراتركسلا غلابإ ىجرُي
ةفصاوملا تدمتعا يتلا ةيبرعلا سييقتلا تاهج
ةيندرلأا سيياقملاو تافصاوملا ةسسؤم
سيياقملاو تافصاوملل تاراملإا ةئيه
سييقتلل يرئازجلا دهعملا
سيياقملاو تافصاوملل ةيدوعسلا ةئيهلا
ةيعونلا ةرطيسلاو سييقتلل يزكرملا زاهجلا
ةعانصلل ةماعلا ةئيهلا
سيياقملاو تافصاوملل ةينادوسلا ةئيهلا
ةدوجلا طبضو سيياقملاو تافصاوملل ةينميلا ةئيهلا
ةيعانصلا ةيكلملاو تافصاوملل ينطولا دهعملا
ةيروسلا ةيبرعلا سيياقملاو تافصاوملا ةئيه
ةيسايقلا ريياعملاو تافصاوملل ينطولا زكرملا
ةدوجلاو تافصاوملل ةماعلا ةيرصملا ةئيهلا
رشنلاو عبطلا قوقح ةيامح ةقيثو
ةليسو يأب وأ لكش يأب همادختسا وأ رادصلإا اذه نم ءزج يأ جاتنإ ةداعإ زوجي لا ،كلذ فلاخ دري كل امو .ةظوفحم قوقحلا يمج
دحا وأ هاندأ ناونعلا ىلع ييقتلل ةيلودلا ةمظنملا نم امإ يطخ نذإ نود ةقيقدلا ملافلأاو خسنلا كلذ يف امب ةيكيناكيم وأ ةينورتكلا
.ةبلاطلا ةهجلا ةلود يف ييقتلل ةيلودلا ةمظنملا يف ءاضعلأا تائيهلا
ييقتلل ةيلودلا ةمظنملا ةيكلم قوقح بتكم
01 فينج -Ch-1211- 65 :يديربلا زمرلا
1120000221000 :فتاه
1120000221220 : كاف :ينورتكلا ديرب :ينورتكللاا قوملا
0100يف ةيبرعلاةخسنلا رشن مت
ارسيوس يف رشنلا مت
© ISO 2013 - ةظوفحم قوقحلا عيمج ii
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
iv .ديهمت
v . ةمدقم 1
0 . لاجملا 0
0 . ةيليمكتلا جارملا 0
0 . فيراعتلاو تاحلطصملا 2
0 . ةأشنملا ةئيب 2
0 . اهتئيب ىف ةأشنملا مهف 0/2
0 . ةينعملا فارطلأا تاعقوتو تاجايتحا مهف 0/2
0 . تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن لاجم ديدحت 2/2
0 . تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن 2/2
0 . ةدايقلا 6
0 . مازتللااو ةدايقلا 0/6
0 . تاسايسلا 0/6
0 . ةيميظنتلا تاطلسلاو تايلوؤسملاو راودلأا 2/6
2 . طيطختلا 5
2 . رفلاو رطاخملا فادهتسا تاءارجلإا 0/5
2 . تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقت 0/5
6 . معدلا 0
6 . دراوملا 0/0
6 . ةءافكلا 0/0
6 . ةيعوتلا 2/0
6 . تلااصتلاا 2/0
5 . ةقثوملا تامولعملا 6/0
0 . ليغشتلا 8
0 . ةباقرلاو ليغشتلل طيطختلا 0/8
0 . تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقت 0/8
0 . تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ةجلاعم 2/8
0 . ءادلأا مييقت 2
0 . مييقتلاو ليلحتلاو سايقلاو دصرلا 0/2
8 . يلخادلا ليقدتلا 0/2
8 . ةرادلإا ةعجارم 2/2
2 . نيسحتلا 01
2 . ةيحيحصتلا تاءارجلإاو ةقباطملا مدع 0/01
2 . رمتسملا نيسحتلا 0/01
01 . ةيعجرملا طباوضلاو طبضلا فادهأ )يداشرتسا( أ لفرم
00 . رداصملا
ISO 2013 © ةظوفحم قوقحلا عيمج
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
ابلاغو،)وزيلأا يف ءاضعلأا تاهجلا( ةينطولا ييقتلا تاهجل يملاع داحتا يه ) ييقتلل ةيلودلا ةمظنملا( وزيلأا
دق عوضومب مامتها اهل وضعلا ةهجلا تناك اذإو،وزيلأل ةينفلا ناجللا للاخ نم ةيلودلا تافصاوملا دادعإ متيام
تامظنملا كلذك لمعلا يف كراشيو.ةنجللا كلت يف لّثمم هل نوكي نأ يف لحلا وضعلا اذهل نإف ،ةينف ةنجل هل تل كُش
ةيلودلا ةنجللا م اقيثو انواعت وزيلأا نواعتتو.وزيلأا م لصاوت اهل يتلا ،ةيموكحلا ريغو اهنم ةيموكحلا ةيلودلا
.ينقت ورهكلا لاجملا يف ييقتلا مهت يتلا روملأا يمج يف )ك د ـه( ةينقتورهكلا
.يناثلا ءزجلا - ك د ـه/وزيلأا تاهيجوت يف ةدراولا حئاولل اقفو ةيلودلا تافصاوملا غاصتو
تائيهلا ىلع ةيلودلا تافصاوملا يراشم يزوت متيو .ةيلودلا تافصاوملا دادعا وه ةينفلا ناجلل ةيسيئرلا ةمهملا
ةينطولا تائيهلا نم لقلأا ىلع %06 ةقفاوم ةيلود تافصاومك يراشملا هذه رادصا بلطتيو.تيوصتلل ةينطولا
.تيوصتلا اهل لحي يتلا
لنمحتت ننلو .عارنتخلاا ةءارنب قونقحل ةعنضاخ ةنقيثولا هذه رصانع ضعب نوكت نأ ةيلامتحا ىلإ هابتنلاا تفل دونو
.اهعيمج وأ قوقحلا هذه نم ّيأ ديدحت ةيلوؤسم (ISO) ييقتلل ةيلودلا ةمظنملا
ISO / IEC ةكرتشملا ةينفلا ةنجللا ةطساوب 00110 ةينقت ورهكلا ةيلودلا ةنجللا /وزـــيلأا ةفصاوم دادعإ مت دقو
.نملأا تاينقت ، SC 27ةيعرفلا ةنجللا ،تامولعملا ايجولونكت ،JTC 1
.ةينفلا ةيحانلا نم اهحيقنت مت يح (ISO / IEC 27001: 2005) ىلولأا ةعبطلا ،ةيناثلا ةعبطلا هذه ىغلت
© ISO 2013 - ةظوفحم قوقحلا عيمج iv
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
ةمدقم 2
ماع 1/2
نيسحتلاو تامولعملا نيمأت ةرادإ ةموظنم ةنايصو ذيفنتو ضو تابلطتم مدقتل ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه تدعأ
هئانب ىف ماظنلا اذهرثأتي ،ةأشنملل ايجيتارتسا ارارق تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ةموظنم ىنبت رارق دعيو .اهل رمتسملا
ةمدختسملا ةيميظنتلا تايلمعلابو نملأا تابلطتمبو اهفادهأو ةأشنملا تاجايتحاب ليبطتلا ضوم هعضو ىفو
.نمزلا م ريغتت نأ قوتب يتلا تارثؤملا يهو .ةأشنملا لكيهو مجحب كلذكو
ةرادلإ ةيلمع ليبطت للاخ نم تامولعملا ةحاتإو قاستاو ةيرس ىلع ظافحلاب تامولعملا نيمأت ةرادإ ةموظنم موقت
.ةبسانملا بيلاسلأاب ملاعت رطاخملا نأ ىف ةقثلا ةينعملا فارطلأا ءاطعإ للاخ نمو رطاخملا
ةرادلإا لكيه مو اهعم ةلماكتمو ةأشنملا تايلمع نم ءزج تامولعملا نيمأت ةرادإ ةموظنم نوكت نأ مهملا نم
نأ قوتملا نمو .طباوضلاو تامولعملا مظنو تايلمعلا ميمصت دنع رابتعلاا ىف تامولعملا نيمأت ذخؤي نأو لكك
ةأشنملا تاجايتحا م هذيفنت ىف تامولعملا نيمأت ماظن بسانتي
ليقحتل ةأشنملا ةردق مييقتل ،ةيجراخلاو ةيلخادلا تاهجلا لبق نم ةقباطملا مييقتل ةفصاوملا هذه مادختسا نكمي
.تامولعملا نمأب صتخي اميف اهتابلطتم
اهعضو بيترت يضتقي لاو ،تابلطتملا هذه ةيمهأ ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا ىف تابلطتملا هذه ضرع بيترت كعي لاو
.ةيعجرملا ضارغلأ طقف ةمئاقلا رصانع ميقرت يتأيو .ذيفنتلا ضوم
ةلئاع كلذ ىف اهعجرمو ،تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ مظن تادرفمو ةماع ةرظن ISO / IEC 27000 ةفصاوملا مدقت
ISO و ]ISO / IEC 27004 [3] ،ISO / IEC 27003 [2] مضت يتلا( تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن تافصاوم
.ةلصلا تاذ فيراعتلاو تاحلطصملا م ،)]/ IEC 27005 [4]
ىرخلأا ةرادلإا مظن تافصاوم عم قفاوتلا 0/2
،ةلثامم اصوصنو ،ةيعرفلا دونبلا نيوانعو ،يلامجلإايقوفلا راطلإا / لكيهلا ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه مدختست /لبطت
ISO / تاهيجوت نم لولأا ءزجلا نم SL لحلملا ىف ةفرعملا ةيساسلأا فيراعتلاو ،ةعئاشلا تاحلطصملاو
ىرخأ ةرادلإا مظن تافصاوم م لفاوتلا ىلع ظفاحت مث نمو ، مجملا ISO لحلم ،لولأا ءزجلا ىف ،IEC
SL. لحلملا تدمتعا يتلا ريياعملا
ينفي ةرادإنل دنحاو مانظن ليغنشت رانتخت يتلا تائشنملا كلتل اديفم SL لحلملا يف ددحملا كرتشملا مهنلا اذه نوكي
.ةرادلإا مظن تافصاوم نم رثكأ وأ نينثا تابلطتمب
ISO 2013 © ةظوفحم قوقحلا عيمج
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
تابلطتملا – تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ مظن -نملأا تاينقت - تامولعملا ايجولونكت
لاجملا -1
يف تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنل رمتسملا نيسحتلاو ةنايصلاو ذيفنتلاو ءاشنلإا تابلطتم ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه ددحت
.ةأشنملا تاجايتحلا اقفو تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ةجلاعمو ريدقت تابلطتم اضيأ ةفصاوملا هذه مضتو .ةأشنملا ةئيب
ىلع ةقبطنم نوكت نأ اهب دصقيو ةيلوأو ةماع تابلطتم ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه يف اهيلع وصنملا تابلطتملا
ةددحملا طورشلا نم يأ داعبتسا لوبقملا نم يل .ةعيبطلا وأ مجحلا وأ عونلا نع رظنلا ضغب ،تامظنملا يمج
.ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه م اهقباطت ةأشنملا يعدت امدنع ،رشاعلا ىلإ بارلا نم دونبلا يف
ةيليمكتلا عجارملا -0
خسنلا ليبطت مزلي ةخرؤملا جارملل ةبسنلاب . ةفصاوملا هذه ليبطتل ةيساسا ةيلاتلا ةيعجرملا لئاثولا ربتعت
انمضتم( ةيعجرملا ةقيثولا نم رادصإ رخآ ليبطت مزلي هنإف ةخرؤملا ريع جارملل ةبسنلاب اما طقف هاندأ ةدراولا
.)تلايدعت ىا
ماعلا راطلإا – تامولعملا نمأ مظن ةرادإ - نملأا تاينقت - تامولعملا ايجولونكتو ، ISO / IEC 27000
فيراعتلاو تاحلطصملا -3
ISO / IEC 27000 يف ةدراولا فيراعتلاو تاحلطصملا لبطت ،ةقيثولا هذه ضارغلأ
ةأشنملا ةئيب -4
اهتئيب ىف ةأشنملا مهف 1/4
مئاتنلا ليقحت ىلع اهتردق ىلع رثؤت يتلاو اهضارغأب ةلصلا تاذ ةيلخادلاو ةيجراخلا اياضقلا ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
.اهب ةصاخلا تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن نم ةوجرملا
-6 دنبلا ىف دراولا ربتعملا وحنلا ىلع ةأشنملل يلخادلاو يجراخلا نيطيحملا ءانب ىلإ جري اياضقلا هذه ديدحت ةظوحلم
ISO 31000:2009 [5] ةفصاوملا نم 2
ةينعملا فارطلأا تاعقوتو تاجايتحا مهف 0/4
:يلي ام ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
،تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنب ةلصلا تاذ ةينعملا فارطلأا )أ
.تامولعملا نمأب ةلصلا تاذ ةمتهملا فارطلأا هذه تابلطتم )ب
.ةيدقاعت تامازتلاو ةيميظنتو ةينوناق تابلطتم ةينعملا فارطلأا تابلطتم نمضتت دق ةظوحلم
تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن لاجم ديدحت 3/4
.هلاجم ديدحتل تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن قابطنا ىدمو دودح نييعت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
ISO 2013 © ةظوفحم قوقحلا عيمج
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
:يلي ام رابتعلاا ىف ذخأت نأ ةأشنملا ىلع نيعتي ،لاجملا اذه ديدحت دنع
.0/2 ىف اهيلإ راشملا ةيلخادلاو ةيجراخلا اياضقلا )أ
.0/2 ىف اهيلإ راشملا تابلطتملا )ب
.ىرخأ تامظنم لبق نم اهذيفنت متي يتلا كلتو ،ةأشنملا اهب موقت يتلا ةطشنلأا نيب ةيدامتعلااو يقلاتلا لطانم )ج
.ةقثوم تامولعمك احاتم قاطنلا نوكي نأ بجي
تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن 4/4
ةفصاوملا هذه تابلطتمل اقفو ،رارمتساب هنيسحتو تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ةنايصو ذيفنتو ءاشنإ ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
ةدايقلا -5
مازتللااو ةدايقلا 1/5
-: للاخ نم كلذو تامولعملا نيمأت ةرادإ ماظنب للعتي اميف مازتللااو ةدايقلا ايلعلا ةرادلإا ىدبت نأ بجي
يجيتارتسلاا هجوتلا م ةقفاوتم اهنأ نمو تعضو دق تامولعملا نمأ فادهأو تاسايس نأ نم لقحتلا )أ
.ةأشنملا تايلمع يف تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن تابلطتم ممد / لماكت نم لقحتلا )ب
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنل ةمزلالا دراوملا ريفوت / ةحاتا نم لقحتلا )ت
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن تابلطتمل اهتقباطم ةيمهأو تامولعملا نملأ ةلاعفلا ةرادلإا ةيمهأ رشن )ش
.ةوجرملا مئاتنلا لقحي تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن نأ نم لقحتلا )ج
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ةيلاعف يف ماهسإل اخشلأا معدو هيجوت )ح
.رمتسملا نيسحتلا زيزعت )خ
.هتيلوؤسم ةقطنمل بسانملا وحنلا ىلع لك ،ةدايقلاءادبإب ةلصلا تاذ ىرخلأا ةرادلإا راودأ معد )د
تاسايسلا 0/5
:نأ اهنأش نم تامولعملا نملأ ةسايس ضو ايلعلا ةرادلإا ىلع بجي
؛ةأشنملا ضارغلأ ةبسانم نوكت)أ
؛تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ ضول اراطإ مدقت وأ )0-5 رظنا( تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ لمشت )ب
،تامولعملا نمأب للعتي اميف اهقيبطت بجاولا تابلطتملاب ءافولاب امازتلا نمضتت)ج
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنل رمتسملا نيسحتلاب امازتلا نمضتت)د
:تامولعملا نمأ ةسايس نوكت نأ بجيو
؛ةقثوم تامولعمك ةحاتم )ه
،ةأشنملا للاخ ةروشنم )و
.ءاضتقلاا بسح ، ةينعملا فارطلأل ةحاتم )ز
ةيميظنتلا تاطلسلاو تايلوؤسملاو راودلأا 3/5
نمأب ةلصلا تاذ راودلأاب مايقلل ةبولطملا تاطلسلاو تايلوؤسملا نأ نم دكأتلا ايلعلا ةرادلإا ىلع بجي
.اهغلابإو اهصيصخت مت دق تامولعملا
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
:لجأ نم تاطلسلاو تايلوؤسملا ايلعلا ةرادلإا صصخت نأ بجي
،ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه تابلطتم م تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن لفاوت نامض )أ
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ءادأ نأـشب ايلعلا ةرادإل ريراقتلا رادصإ )ب
.ةأشنملا ربع تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ءادأ ريراقت رادصإ تاطلسو تايلوؤسمب فيلكتلاب اضيأ ايلعلا ةرادلإا موقت دق ةظوحلم
طيطختلا -6
صرفلاو رطاخملا فادهتسا تاءارجلإا 1/6
ماع 1/1/6
0/2 يف اهيلإ راشملا اياضقلا رابتعلاا ىف ذخأت نأ ةأشنملا ىلع بجي ،تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنل طيطختلا دنع
:لجأ نم اهفادهتسا بولطملا رفلاو رطاخملا ديدحتو 0/2 يف اهيلإ راشملا تابلطتملاو
؛ةدوصقملا هجئاتن لقحي تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن نأ نامض )أ
، ةبوغرملا ريغ تاريثأتلا ، ليلقت وأ نم)ب
.رمتسملا نيسحتلا ليقحت)ج
: ىلي امل طيطختلا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
. رفلاو رطاخملا هذه فادهتسا تاءارجإ ) د
: ةيفيك )ـه
؛ذيفنتلا ضوم اهعضوو ةأشنملا يف تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن تايلمع يف تاءارجلإا هذه ممد )0
.تاءارجلإا هذه ةيلاعف مييقت )0
تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقت 0/1/6
:اهنأش نم تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقتل ةيلمع ليبطتو ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
:لمشت يتلا تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريياعم ةنايصو ديدحت )أ
،رطاخملا لوبق ريياعم )0
؛تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقت تايلمع ءادأ ريياعم )0
؛ ةنراقملل ةلباقو ةحيحص و،ةقستم مئاتن نع رفست ةرركتملا تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم تامييقت نأ نامض )ب
:تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ديدحت)ج
ةحاتلااو قاستلااو ةيرسلا نادقفب ةطبترملا رطاخملا ديدحتل تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقت ةيلمع ليبطت )0
، تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن قاطن يف تامولعملل
؛رطاخملا باحصأ ديدحت )0
:تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ليلحت ) د
تراص دق ج 0/1/6 يف اهديدحت مت يتلا رطاخملا تناك اذإ ام ىلع بترتت دق يتلا ةلمتحملا بقاوعلا ريدقت )0
ج 0/1/6 يف ف اهديدحت مت يتلا رطاخملا شودحل ةيعقاولا تلاامتحلاا مييقت )0
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
؛رطاخملا تايوتسم ديدحت )2
:تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم مييقت )ـه
0/0/5 ىف ةعوضوملا رطاخملا ريياعم م رطاخملا ليلحت مئاتن ةنراقم )0
.رطاخملا ةجلاعم ضارغلأ ةللحملا رطاخملا تايولوأ ضو )0
.تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم مييقت ةيلمع لوح ةقثوم تامولعمب ةأشنملا ظفتحت نأ بجيو
تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ةجلاعم 3/1/6
:ضرغب تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ةجلاعمل ةيلمع ليبطتو ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
؛رطاخملا ريدقت مئاتن نابسحلا يف ذخلأا م ،تامولعملا نمأ رطاخمل ةبسانملا جلاعلا تارايخ ديدحت )أ
؛ةراتخملا تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم جلاع تارايخ ذيفنتل ةمزلالا طباوضلا يمج ديدحت)ب
اهرداصم نم يأ نم اهديدحت وأ ،بولطملا وحنلا ىلع طباوضلا ميمصت تامظنملل نكمي :ةظوحلم
نم ىأ فذح مدع نم لقحتلاو أ لفرملا يف ةدوجوملا كلت م هلاعأ ب 2-0-5 يف ةددحملا طباوضلا ةنراقم ) ج
؛ةمزلالا طباوضلا
أ لفرملل ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه ومدختسم هجوي .طباوضلاو ةباقرلا فادهأ نم ةلماش ةمئاق ىلع يوتحي أ لفرملا 0 ةظوحلم
.ةيرورض طباوض نع يضاغتلا مدع نامضل
،ةيرصح تسيل أ لفرملا يف ةدراولا طباوضلاو ةباقرلا فادهأ .ةراتخملا طباوضلا يف انمض ةلومشم طبضلا فادهأ 0 ةظوحلم
.ةيفاضإ طباوض ىلإو ةباقرلل ةيفاضإ فادهأ ىلإ ةجاح كانه نوكت امبرو
،نيمضتلا تارربمو ) ) ج و )ب 2/0/5 رظنا( ةيرورضلا طباوضلا ىلع يوتحي ىذلا ةيقابطنلاا نلاعإ ضو ) د
؛ أ لفرملا ىف ةدراولا طباوضلا نم تاداعبتسلاا تارربم و ،لا مأ ذفنت تناك اذإ امو
، تامولعملا نمأ رطاخمل جلاعلا ةطخ ضو / ةغايص )ـه
تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم لوبقو تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم جلاع ةطخ ىلع رطاخملا باحصأ ةقفاوم ىلع لوصحلا )و
.تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ةجلاعم ةيلمع نع ةقثوم تامولعمب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا ىلع بجيو
طوطخلاو ئدابملا م مجسنت يلودلا رايعملا اذه يف ةجلاعملا ةيلمع و تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم مييقت ةيلمع: ةظوحلم
ISO 31000 [ 5 ] .يف اهيلع وصنملا ةيلولأا ةيداشرلإا
اهقيقحت ططخو تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ 0/6
.ةلصلاتاذ تايوتسملاو فئاظولا يف تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
:تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ نوكت نأ بجي
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
؛تامولعملا نمأ ةسايس م ةقستم )أ
؛)ايلمع كلذ ناك اذإ( سايقلل ةلباق )ب
؛رطاخملا ةجلاعمو رطاخملا مييقت مئاتنو،ةقبطملا تامولعملا نمأ تابلطتم رابتعلاا يف ةذخآ )ج
؛ةلصلا يوذو نيينعملل ةلصاو )د
.ءاضتقلاا بسح اهثيدحت متي )ه
.تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ نع ةقثوم تامولعمب ةأشنملا ظفتحت نأ بجيو
:يلي ام ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي ،اهتامولعمل نملأا فادهأ ليقحت ةيفيكل طيطختلا دنع
؛هب مايقلا متيس ام )و
؛ةبولطملا دراوملا يه ام )ز
؛لاوؤسم نوكيس يذلا نم )ح
؛هنم ءاهتنلاا متيس ىتم )ط
.مئاتنلا مييقت متي فيك )ي
معدلا -0
دراوملا 1/0
نننمأ ةرادإ ماننظنل رمتننسملا نيننسحتلاو ةنايننصلاو ذننيفنتلاو ءاننشنإل ةننمزلالا دراوننملا ريفوننتو دننيدحت ةأننشنملا ىننلع بننجي
ةءافكلا 0/0
:يلي امب ةأشنملا موقت نأ بجي
ءادأ ىنلع ريثأنتلا اهنأنش نم اهترطيس تحت لامعأب نوموقي نيذلا ) اخشلأا( صخشلل ةبولطملا تاءافكلا ديدحت )أ
؛اهيف تامولعملا نمأ
؛ ةبسانملا تاربخلا وأ ، بيردتلاو ميلعتلا نم ساسأ ىلع اخشلاا ةءافك نامض)ب
، ةذختملا تاءارجلإا ةيلاعف مييقت و ، ةمزلالا ةءافكلا باستكلا تاءارجلاا ذاختا ، كلذ لبطني امثيح)ج
.ةءافكلا ىلع ليلدك ةبسانملا ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا )د
، مدنقأ ليمز فارشإ تحت لمعلاو ،دارفلأل بيردتلا ريفوت :لاثملا ليبس ىلع-ةقبطنملا تاءارجلإا لمشت نأ نكميو
. ءاًفكا اخشأ م دقاعتلا وأ فيظوتلا وأ ، نييلاحلا نيفظوملا ليهأت ةداعإ وأ
ةيعوتلا 3/0
:يلي امب ىعو ىلع ةأشنملا ةرطيس تحت نولماعلا اخشلأا نوكي نأ بجي
؛تامولعملا نمأ ةسايس )أ
،تامولعملا نمأ ءادأ نيسحت دئاوع كلذ يف امب ،تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ةيلاعف ىف مهتاماهسإ)ب
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن تابلطتم م لفاوتلا مدع تايعادت ) ج
ينف امب تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنب ةلصلا تاذ ةيجراخلاو ةيلخادلا تلااصتلاا نم اهتاجايتحا ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
؛لصاوتلا متي نأش يأ ىف )أ
؛لصاوتلا متي ىتم )ب
؛لصاوتلا متي نم م)ج
، لصاوتلاب موقي يذلا نم ) د
.لصاوتلا اهب رثأتي يتلا تايلمعلا )ـه
ةقثوملا تامولعملا5/0
ماع 1/5/0
:يلي ام ةأشنملل تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن نمضتي نأ بجي
، ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه اهبلطتت يتلا ةقثوملا تامولعملا )أ
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ةيلاعفل ةيرورض اهنأ ةأشنملا ددحت يتلا ةقثوملا تامولعملا)ب
:ىلي امل اعبت كلذو ىرخأ ىلإ ةأشنم نم تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنل ةقثوملا تامولعملا ىدم فلتخي نأ نكمي : ةظوحلم
؛اهتامدخو اهتاجتنمو اهتايلمعو اهتطشنأ عونو ةأشنملا مجح .0
،اهتلاعافتو تايلمعلا ديقعت .0
. اخشلأا ةءافك .2
ثيدحتلاو ءاشنلإا 0/5/0
:يلي ام ةمئلام نم دكأتلا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي ةقثوم تامولعم يدحتو ءاشنإ دنع
؛)يعجرملا مقرلا وأ بتاكلا وأ خيراتلا وأ ناونعلا لثم( فصولاو زييمتلا )أ
طئاننسولا و قروننلا لننثم( طئاننسولا و ) تاموننسرلاو ، ممانننربلا رادننصإ مننقر و ،ةننغللا لننثم( ةغيننصلا / لكننشلا ) ب
.ةيافكلا و ةمءلاملاب صتخي اميف دامتعلاا و ةعجارملا ) ج
ةقثوملا تامولعملا طبض 3/5/0
انم نامضل اهطبض بجي ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه ىف ةبولطملاو تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنل ةبولطملا ةقثوملا تامولعملا
،اهيلإ ةجاحلا نامزو ناكم ىف ،مادختسلال ةبسانملاو ةحاتلإا )أ
.)قاستلاا نادقف وأ ،ميلسلا ريغ مادختسلاا و ةيرسلا نادقف نم لاثملا ليبس ىلع ( بسانملا ردقلاب ةيامحلا)ب
:اهقابطنا لاح ،ةيلاتلا ةطشنلأا ةجلاعم ةأشنملا فدهتست نأ بجي ،ةقثوملا تامولعملا طبض لجأ نمو
؛ مادختسلااو عاجرتسلاا و لوصولاو يزوتلا)ج
؛ )ةيئارقملا( ةءارقلل ةيحلاصاا ىلع ظافحلا كلذ يف امب ، اهيلع ظافحلاو نيزختلا )د
،) تارادصلإا طبض لاثملا ليبس ىلع( تارييغتلا طبض )ه
. اهنم صلختلاو تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا )و
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
نننمأ ةرادإ ماننظن ليغننشتو طيننطختل ةيرورننض اننهنأ ةأننشنملا ددننحت يننتلاو ،يجراننخلا ردننصملا تاذ ةننقثوملا تاننمولعملا
.بسانم وحن ىلع طبضتو زيمت نأ بجي ،تامولعملا
تانمولعملا رنييغتو علانطلاا ةطلنسو نذلإا وأ ،طنقف علاطلااب نذلإا نأشب تارارق ،ةقثوملا تامولعملل لوصولايضتقي :ةظوحلم
خلا ،ةقثوملا
ليغشتلا -8
ةباقرلاو ليغشتلل طيطختلا 1/8
تاءارجلإا ذيفنتو ،تامولعملا نيمأت تابلطتمب ءافولل ةمزلالا تايلمعلا ةبقارمو ذيفنتو طيطخت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
ىلع بجي .0/5 يف ةددحملا تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ ليقحت ططخ ذيفنت اضيأ ةأشنملا ىلع نيعتيو .0/5 يف ةددحملا
.اهل ططخم وه امك تذفن دق تايلمعلا نأ ىف ةقثلا ءاطعلإ مزلالا ردقلاب ةقثوم تامولعمب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا
تاءارجلإا ذاختاو ،تارييغتلل ةدوصقملا ريغ بقاوعلا ةعجارمو ةططخملا تارييغتلا ةبقارم ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
.ةرورضلا بسح ،ةيبلس راثآ ةيأ فيفختل ةمزلالا
.ةبقارمو ةددحم ،ةيجراخ دراومب متت يتلاتايلمعلا نأ نامض ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ريدقت 0/8
تارييغت شودح وا حارتقا دنع وأ ةططخم تارتف ىلع تامولعملا نمأ رطاخمل تاريدقت ءارجإ ةأشنملا ىلع نيعتي
أ 5.0.0 يف ةددحملا ريياعملا ةاعارم م ةريبك
.تامولعملا نيمأت رطاخم مييقت تايلمع مئاتنل ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
تامولعملا نيمأت رطاخم ةجلاعم 3/8
.تامولعملا نيمأت رطاخم ةجلاعم ةطخ ذيفنتب مايقلا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
.تامولعملا نمأ رطاخم ةجلاعم مئاتنل ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
ءادلأا مييقت -9
مييقتلاو ليلحتلاو سايقلاو دصرلا 1/9
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنةيلاعفو تامولعملا نمأ ءادأ مييقت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
:يلي ام ديدحت ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
؛اهطباوضو تامولعملا نمأ تايلمع كلذ يف امب ،هسايقو هدصر ىلإ جاتحي ام )أ
؛ةحيحص مئاتن نامضل ،ةلاحلا ىلع لبطني اميف ،مييقتلاو ليلحتلاو سايقلاو دصرلا بيلاسأ )ب
اهمادختسا راركت ىدل مئاتنلا فن ىلع لوصحلا ةداعإ نعو ةنراقملل ةلباق مئاتن نعةراتخملا بيلاسلأا رفست نأ بجي ةظوحلم
.ةحلاص اهرابتعا نكمي يكل فورظلا فن ىف تلاخملا فنب
؛سايقلاو دصرلا ءارجإ متي ىتم )ج
؛سايقلاو دصرلاب موقي يذلا نم )د
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
و ،مييقتو سايقو دصر نم مئاتنلا ليلحت متي ىتم )ه
.مئاتنلا هذه مييقتو ليلحتب موقيس نم )و
.سايقلاو دصرلا مئاتن ىلع ليلدك ةبسانملا ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
يلخادلا قيقدتلا 0/9
ةرادإ ماظن ناك اذإ ام نأشب تامولعم ميدقتل ،ةططخم تارتف ىلع ةيلخادلا ةعجارملا تايلمع ءارجإ ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
تامولعملا نمأ
م لفاوتي )أ
؛اهيف تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنب ةصاخلا ةأشنملا تابلطتم)0
؛ةيلودلا ةفصاوملا هذه تابلطتم)0
.لاعف وحن ىلع هتنايص و هذيفنت متي ) ب
:يلي امب موقت نأ ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
، قرطلاو ، تارملا ددع كلذ يف امب ،)ممارب ( ليقدتلا ممانربل ةنايصلاو ذيفنتلاو ءاشنلإاو طيطختلا ) ج
تايلمعلا ةيمهأ رابتعلاا يف )ممارب( ليقدتلا ممانرب ذخأي .ريراقتلا رادصإو طيطختلا تابلطتمو ، تايلوؤسملاو
؛ةقباسلا ةعجارملا تايلمع مئاتنو ةينعملا
؛ ةعجارم لك قاطنو ةعجارملا ريياعم ديدحت ) د
؛ليقدتلاةيلمع دايحو ةيعوضوم نم لقحتلاو نيققدملا رايتخا )ـه
،ةلصلا تاذ ةرادلإا ىلإ تغلبأ دق ليقدتلا تايلمع مئاتن نأ نم لقحتلا )و
.ليقدتلا مئاتنو)ممارب( ليقدتلا ممانرب ءارجإ ىلع ليلدك ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا )ز
ةرادلإا ةعجارم 3/9
ةمءلام ةيرارمتسا نامضل ةططخم تارتف ىلع ةأشنملل تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ةعجارم ايلعلا ةرادلإا ىلع بجي
.ماظنلا ةيلاعفو ةيافكو
:يلي ام رابتعلاا ىف ذخلأا ةرادلإا تاعجارم نمضتت نأ بجيو
؛ةقباسلا ةرادلإا تاعجارم نع ةجتانلا تاءارجلإا ةلاح )أ
؛تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظنب ةلصلا تاذ ةيلخادلاو ةيجراخلا نوئشلا يف تاريغتلا ) ب
: ـب صتخي اميف تاهجوتلا كلذ يف امب ، تامولعملا نمأ ءادأ ىلع دودرملا ) ج
ةيحيحصتلا تاءارجلإاو ةقباطملا مدع تلااح )0
سايقلاو دصرلا مئاتن )0
ليقدتلا مئاتن )2
؛تامولعملا نمأ فادهأ ليقحت )2
؛ ةينعملا فارطلأا نم ةعجارلا ةيذغتلا ) د
.رمتسملا نيسحتلا رفو ؛جلاعلا ةطخ ضوو رطاخملا ريدقت مئاتن )ـه
ءارجلإ تاجايتحا يأو رمتسملا نيسحتلا رفب ةقلعتملا تارارقلا ةرادلإا ةعجارم تاجرخم نمضتت نأ بجي
.تامولعملا نمأ ةرادإ ماظن ىلع تارييغت
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
.ةرادلإا تاعجارم مئاتن ىلع ليلدك ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
نيسحتلا -12
ةيحيحصتلا تاءارجلإاو ةقباطملا مدع 1/12
:يلي امب ةأشنملا موقت نأ بجي ،ةقباطملا مدع شودح دنع
:ابسانم ناك ام اذإو ،ةقباطملا مدع م لعافتلا )أ
،اهحيحصتو ةقباطملا مدع ىلع ةرطيسلا تاءارجإ ذاختا )0
؛)بقاوعلا( ةبترتملا متاونلا م لماعتلا )0
،ىرخأ نكامأ ىف هثودح وأ كلذ راركت مدع لجأ نم ،ةقباطملا مدع بابسأ ىلع ءاضقلل ءارجإ ىلإ ةجاحلا مييقت )ب
:للاخ نم كلذو
؛ةقباطملا مدع ةعجارم )0
،ةقباطملا مدع بابسأ ديدحت )0
؛اهثودح لمتحملا نم تلااح وأ ،ةقباطملا مدعل ةلثامم ىرخأ تلااح كانه تناك اذإ ام ديدحت )2
؛ةجاحلا اهيلإ وعدت تاءارجإ ةيأ ذيفنت )ج
،تذختا ةيحيحصت تاءارجإ ةيأ ةيلاعف ةعجارم )د
.ايرورض كلذ دجو اذإ ،تامولعملا نيمأت ةرادإ ماظن ىلع تارييغت ءارجإ )ـه
.اهتهجاو يتلا ةقباطملا مدع تلااح راثلآ ةبسانم ةيحيحصتلا تاءارجلإا نوكت نأ بجي
:ىلع ليلدك ةقثوملا تامولعملاب ظافتحلاا ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
،ةذختم ةقحلا تاءارجإ يأو ةقباطملا مدع تلااح ةعيبط )و
.ةيحيحصت تاءارجإ يأ مئاتن )ى
رمتسملا نيسحتلا 0/12
.تامولعملا نيمأت ةرادلإ اهماظن ةيلاعفو ةيافكو ةمءلام ىدم رارمتساب نسحت نأ ةأشنملا ىلع بجي
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)ع( 0102/00110 يس يإ يأ/وزيأ
أ قفرم
ةيعجرملا طباوضلاو طبضلا فادهأ
تامولعملا نمأ تاسايس 5 – أ
تامولعملا نملأ يرادلإا هيجوتلا 0/ 6/ أ
تاذ حئاوللاو نيناوقلاو لامعلأا تابلطتم م لفاوتي امب تامولعملا نملأ ةرادلإا معدو هيجوت ميدقت :فدهلا
طباضلا ةصاخلا تاسايسلا 0 /0 /6/ أ
تامولعملا نمأب ةصاخلا تاسايس نم ةعومجم ديدحت يغبني تامولعملا نمأب
ىلع اهميمعتو اهرشن مث نمو ،ةرادلإا لبق نم اهدامتعاو
.ةينعملا ةيجراخلا فارطلأاو نيلماعلا
طباضلا ةقلعتملا تاسايسلا ةعجارم 0 /0 /6/ أ
تارتف ىلع تامولعملا نمأب ةقلعتملا تاسايسلا ةعجارم يغبني تامولعملا نمأب
،ةيرهوج تارييغت يأ شودح ةلاح يف وأ ةططخُم ةينمز
اهتيافكو اهتمئلام ةيرارمتسا نامض فدهب كلذو
تامولعملا نمأ ميظنت 6 – أ
يلخادلا ميظنتلا 0/5/ أ
.ةأشنملا ىف تامولعملا نمأ ليغشتو ليبطت طبضو ،ءادتبلا يرادإ ءانب ةماقإ :فدهلا
طباضلا تايلوؤسمو راودأ 0 /0 /5/ أ
نمأب ةقلعتملا تايلوؤسملا يمج صيصختو ديدحت يغبني تامولعملا نمأ
طباضلا تابجاولا نيب لصفلا 0 /0 /5/ أ
ةبراضتملا ةيلوؤسملا تلااجمو تايلوؤسملا نيب لصفلا يغبني
ريغ وأ هب حرصملا ريغ ليدعتلا رف نم ليلقتلل
.ةأشنملا لوصأ مادختسا ةءاسإ وأ دوصقملا
طباضلا م لصاوتلا 2 /0 /5/ أ
.ةينعملا تاطلسلا م ةبسانملا تلااصتلاا ىلع ظافحلا يغبني تاطلسلا
طباضلا لصاوتلا 2 /0 /5/ أ
حلاصملا تاعومجم م ةبسانم دوقع ءاقبتساو ماربإ يغبني مامتهلاا تاذ تاعومجملاعم
ةصصختملا ةينملأا تايدتنم نم مهريغ وأ ةصاخلا ةصاخلا
.ةينهملا تاداحتلااو
طباضلا ىف تامولعملا نمأ 6 /0 /5/ أ
،عورشملا ةرادإ راطإ يف تامولعملا نمأ فادهتسا يغبني تاعورشملا ةرادإ
.عورشملا عون نع رظنلا ضغب
دعب نع لمعلاو ةلاقنلا ةزهجلأا 0/5/أ
.ةلاقنلا ةزهجلأا مادختساو دعب نع لمعلا ةملاسو نمأ نامض :فدهلا
طباضلا ةزهجلأا ةسايس 0 /0 /5/ أ
رطاخملا ةرادلإ ةمعادلا ةينملأا ريبادتلاو ةسايسلا ينبت يغبني ةلاقنلا
.ةلاقنلا ةزهجلأا مادختسا نع ةجتانلا
طباضلا دعب نع لمعلا 0/0 /5/ أ
نيمأتل ةمعادلا ةينملأا ريبادتلاو ةسايسلا ليبطت يغبني
يف اهنيزخت وأ اهتجلاعم وأ تامولعملا ىلإ لوصولا
.دعُب نع لمعلا قاوم
ةيرشبلا دراوملا نمأ 0-أ
فيظوتلا لبق 0 /0 / أ
راودلأا ءادلأ نوقئلا مهنأو مهقتاع ىلع ةاقلملا تايلوؤسملا نومهفتي نيدهعتملاو نيفظوملا نأ نامض :فدهلا
.مهيلإ ةدنسملا
© ISO 201 - ةظوفحم قوقحلا عيمج
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)ع( 0102/00110يس يإ يأ / وزيأ
طباضلا ةيفصتلا 0 /0 /0/ أ
نيحشرملا نم لك ةيفلخ نم لقحتلل تايلمع ءارجإ يغبني
تاذ تايقلاخلأاو حئاوللاو نيناوقلل اًقبط ةفيظولا لغشل
لمعلا تابلطتم م ةبسانتم نوكت نأ يغبني يتلاو ،ةلصلا
رطاخملاو اهيلإ لوصولا ررقملا تامولعملا فينصتو
طباضلا فورظو تاطارتشا 0/0 /0/ أ
نيفظوملا م ةمربملا ةيدقاعتلا تاقافتلاا صنت نأ يغبني لمعلا
تايلوؤسم كلذكو مهنم لك تايلوؤسم ىلع نيدهعتملاو
.تامولعملا نمأب للعتي
november 2013
Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Zahteve
Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management
systems – Requirements
Technologies de l'information – Techniques de sécurité – Systèmes de
management de la sécurité de l'information – Exigences
Referenčna oznaka
ICS 35.040 SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (sl)
Nadaljevanje na straneh 2 do 27
© 2014-01. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001 (sl), Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi
upravljanja informacijske varnosti – Zahteve, 2013, ima status slovenskega standarda in je istoveten
mednarodnemu standardu ISO/IEC 27001 (en), Information technology – Security techniques –
Information security management systems – Requirements, druga izdaja, 2013-10-01.
Ta standard preklicuje in nadomešča standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2010.
Mednarodni standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 je pripravil pododbor združenega tehničnega odbora
Mednarodne organizacije za standardizacijo in Mednarodne elektrotehniške komisije ISO/IEC JTC
1/SC 27 Varnostne tehnike v informacijski tehnologiji.
Slovenski standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 je prevod mednarodnega standarda ISO/IEC
27001:2013. Slovenski standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 je pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC ITC
Informacijska tehnologija. V primeru spora glede besedila slovenskega prevoda je odločilen izvirni
mednarodni standard v angleškem jeziku.
Odločitev za izdajo tega standarda je dne 25. oktobra 2013 sprejel SIST/TC ITC Informacijska
SIST ISO/IEC 27000 Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Pregled in izrazoslovje
– privzem standarda ISO/IEC 27001:2013
– ISO/IEC 27001:2010, Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Zahteve
– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “mednarodni standard”, v SIST ISO/IEC
27001:2013 to pomeni “slovenski standard”.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Predgovor .4
0 Uvod .5
0.1 Splošno.5
0.2 Združljivost z drugimi standardi za sisteme upravljanja.5
1 Področje uporabe .6
2 Zveza s standardi .6
3 Izrazi in definicije .6
4 Okvir organizacije .6
4.1 Razumevanje organizacije in njenega okvira.6
4.2 Razumevanje potreb in pričakovanj zainteresiranih strank.6
4.3 Določitev obsega sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti .6
4.4 Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti .7
5 Voditeljstvo .7
5.1 Voditeljstvo in zavezanost .7
5.2 Politika .7
5.3 Organizacijske vloge, odgovornosti in pooblastila .7
6 Načrtovanje .8
6.1 Ukrepi za obravnavanje tveganj in priložnosti.8
6.2 Cilji informacijske varnosti in načrtovanje njihovega doseganja .9
7 Podpora . 10
7.1 Viri. 10
7.2 Kompetentnost . 10
7.3 Ozaveščenost. 10
7.4 Sporočanje . 10
7.5 Dokumentirane informacije. 10
8 Delovanje. 11
8.1 Načrtovanje in obvladovanje delovanja. 11
8.2 Ocenjevanje tveganj informacijske varnosti . 11
8.3 Obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti. 12
9 Vrednotenje . 12
9.1 Spremljanje, merjenje, analiziranje in vrednotenje. 12
9.2 Notranja presoja . 12
9.3 Vodstveni pregled. 13
10 Izboljševanje. 13
10.1 Neskladnosti in popravni ukrepi . 13
10.2 Nenehno izboljševanje . 14
Dodatek A (normativni): Cilji kontrol in kontrole . 15
Literatura. 27
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo) in IEC (Mednarodna elektrotehniška komisija)
tvorita specializiran sistem za svetovno standardizacijo. Nacionalni organi, ki so člani ISO ali IEC,
sodelujejo pri pripravi mednarodnih standardov prek tehničnih odborov, ki jih za obravnavanje
določenih strokovnih področij ustanovi ustrezna organizacija. Tehnični odbori ISO in IEC sodelujejo na
področjih skupnega interesa. Pri delu sodelujejo tudi druge mednarodne, vladne in nevladne
organizacije, povezane z ISO in IEC. Na področju informacijske tehnologije sta ISO in IEC vzpostavila
združeni tehnični odbor ISO/IEC JTC 1.
Mednarodni standardi so pripravljeni v skladu s pravili, podanimi v 2. delu Direktiv ISO/IEC.
Glavna naloga tehničnih odborov je priprava mednarodnih standardov. Osnutki mednarodnih
standardov, ki jih sprejmejo tehnični odbori, se pošljejo vsem članom v glasovanje. Za objavo
mednarodnega standarda je treba pridobiti soglasje najmanj 75 odstotkov članov, ki se udeležijo
Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj elementov tega mednarodnega standarda predmet
patentnih pravic. ISO in IEC ne prevzemata odgovornosti za prepoznavanje katerih koli ali vseh takih
patentnih pravic.
ISO/IEC 27001 je pripravil združeni tehnični odbor JTC ISO/IEC 1 Informacijska tehnologija, pododbor
SC 27 Varnostne tehnike IT.
Druga izdaja preklicuje in nadomešča prvo izdajo (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), ki je tehnično revidirana.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
0 Uvod
0.1 Splošno
Ta mednarodni standard je bil pripravljen, da zagotovi zahteve za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje
in nenehno izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti. Privzem sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti je strateška odločitev za organizacijo. Na vzpostavitev in izvedbo sistema
upravljanja informacijske varnosti organizacije vplivajo potrebe in cilji organizacije, varnostne zahteve,
uporabljeni organizacijski procesi ter velikost in struktura organizacije. Vsi ti dejavniki, ki vplivajo na
sistem, se bodo po pričakovanjih s časom spreminjali.
Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti ohranja zaupnost, celovitost in razpoložljivost informacij z
uporabo procesa za obvladovanje tveganj ter zainteresiranim strankam vzbuja zaupanje, da se
tveganja ustrezno obvladujejo.
Pomembno je, da je sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti del procesov organizacije in splošne
strukture vodenja in je integriran z njimi ter da je informacijska varnost sprejeta pri zasnovi procesov,
informacijskih sistemov in kontrol. Pričakuje se, da bo izvajanje sistema upravljanja informacijske
varnosti skladno s potrebami organizacije.
Ta mednarodni standard lahko uporabljajo notranje ali zunanje stranke za ocenjevanje sposobnosti
organizacije izpolnjevati lastne zahteve informacijske varnosti.
Vrstni red predstavitve zahtev v tem mednarodnem standardu ne odraža njihovega pomena ali
nakazuje vrstnega reda, v katerem naj bi se izvedle. Elementi na seznamu so oštevilčeni zgolj za
namene sklicevanja.
Standard ISO/IEC 27000 podaja pregled in izrazje sistemov upravljanja informacijske varnosti, pri
čemer se sklicuje na skupino standardov za sisteme upravljanja informacijske varnosti (vključno s
[2] [3] [4]
standardi ISO/IEC 27003 , ISO/IEC 27004 in ISO/IEC 27005 ) s povezanimi izrazi in definicijami.
0.2 Združljivost z drugimi standardi za sisteme upravljanja
Ta mednarodni standard uporablja strukturo visoke ravni, enake naslove podtočk, enako besedilo,
splošne izraze in temeljne definicije iz dodatka SL k Direktivam ISO/IEC, 1. del, konsolidirana priloga
ISO, zato ohranja združljivost z drugimi standardi za sisteme upravljanja, ki so sprejeli dodatek SL.
Ta splošni pristop iz dodatka SL bo koristil tistim organizacijam, ki so izbrale vzpostavitev enotnega
sistema upravljanja, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz dveh ali več standardov za sisteme upravljanja.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Zahteve
1 Področje uporabe
Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje in nenehno
izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti v okviru organizacije. Zajema tudi zahteve za
ocenjevanje in obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti, ki so prilagojene potrebam organizacije.
Zahteve, postavljene v tem mednarodnem standardu, so generične in so namenjene uporabi v vseh
organizacijah ne glede na vrsto, velikost ali naravo. Izključevanje katere koli zahteve, določene v
točkah 4 do 10, ni sprejemljivo, kadar organizacija zagotavlja skladnost s tem mednarodnim
2 Zveza s standardi
Ta dokument se v celoti ali v delih normativno sklicuje na naslednje dokumente, ki so nepogrešljivi pri
njegovi uporabi. Pri datiranih sklicevanjih se uporablja zgolj navedena izdaja. Pri nedatiranih sklicevanjih
se uporablja zadnja izdaja navedenega dokumenta (vključno z dopolnili).
ISO/IEC 27000 Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Pregled in izrazoslovje
3 Izrazi in definicije
V tem dokumentu so uporabljeni izrazi in definicije, ki so podani v standardu ISO/IEC 27000.
4 Okvir organizacije
4.1 Razumevanje organizacije in njenega okvira
Organizacija mora določiti zunanja in notranja vprašanja, ki so pomembna za njen namen ter vplivajo
na njeno sposobnost doseganja pričakovanega(-ih) rezultata(-ov) njenega sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti.
OPOMBA: Določanje teh vprašanj se nanaša na opredelitev zunanjega in notranjega okvira organizacije iz točke 5.3
standarda ISO 31000:2009 .
4.2 Razumevanje potreb in pričakovanj zainteresiranih strank
Organizacija mora določiti:
a) zainteresirane stranke, ki so pomembne za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti, in
b) zahteve teh zainteresiranih strank, ki so pomembne za informacijsko varnost.
OPOMBA: Zahteve zainteresiranih strank lahko vključujejo zahteve zakonodaje in predpisov ter pogodbene obveznosti.
4.3 Določitev obsega sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora določiti meje in uporabnost sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti za
opredelitev njegovega obsega.
Organizacija pri določanju tega obsega upošteva:
a) zunanja in notranja vprašanja iz točke 4.1,
b) zahteve iz točke 4.2 ter
c) povezave in odvisnosti med aktivnostmi, ki jih izvaja organizacija, in aktivnostmi, ki jih izvajajo
druge organizacije.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Obseg mora biti na voljo v obliki dokumentiranih informacij.
4.4 Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora vzpostaviti, izvajati, vzdrževati in nenehno izboljševati sistem upravljanja
informacijske varnosti v skladu z zahtevami tega mednarodnega standarda.
5 Voditeljstvo
5.1 Voditeljstvo in zavezanost
Najvišje vodstvo mora izkazovati sposobnost vodenja in zavezanost v zvezi s sistemom upravljanja
informacijske varnosti z:
a) zagotavljanjem informacijske varnostne politike in postavljanjem ciljev informacijske varnosti, ki
so združljivi s strateško usmeritvijo organizacije;
b) zagotavljanjem vključitve zahtev sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti v procese
c) zagotavljanjem razpoložljivosti virov, potrebnih za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti;
d) sporočanjem pomena uspešnega upravljanja informacijske varnosti in izpolnjevanjem zahtev
sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti;
e) zagotavljanjem, da sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti dosega pričakovani(-e) rezultat(-e);
f) usmerjanjem in podpiranjem oseb za večjo uspešnost sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti;
g) spodbujanjem nenehnega izboljševanja in
h) podpiranjem drugih pomembnih vodstvenih vlog za izkazovanje svojega voditeljstva v skladu s
svojim področjem odgovornosti.
5.2 Politika
Najvišje vodstvo mora zagotavljati informacijsko varnostno politiko, ki:
a) ustreza namenu organizacije;
b) zajema cilje informacijske varnosti (glej točko 6.2) ali zagotavlja okvir za postavljanje ciljev
informacijske varnosti;
c) zajema zavezanost k izpolnjevanju veljavnih zahtev v zvezi z informacijsko varnostjo in
d) zajema zavezanost k nenehnemu izboljševanju sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
Informacijska varnostna politika mora biti:
e) na voljo v obliki dokumentiranih informacij;
f) sporočena znotraj organizacije in
g) po potrebi na voljo zainteresiranim strankam.
5.3 Organizacijske vloge, odgovornosti in pooblastila
Najvišje vodstvo mora zagotavljati, da so odgovornosti in pooblastila za vloge, pomembne za
informacijsko varnost, določeni ter da so sporočeni vsem.
Najvišje vodstvo mora določiti odgovornosti in pooblastila za:
a) zagotavljanje, da je sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti skladen z zahtevami tega
mednarodnega standarda, in
b) poročanje najvišjemu vodstvu o delovanju sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
OPOMBA: Najvišje vodstvo lahko določi tudi odgovornosti in pooblastila za poročanje o delovanju sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti znotraj organizacije.
6 Načrtovanje
6.1 Ukrepi za obravnavanje tveganj in priložnosti
6.1.1 Splošno
Pri načrtovanju sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti mora organizacija upoštevati vprašanja iz
točke 4.1 in zahteve iz točke 4.2 ter določiti tveganja in priložnosti, ki jih je treba obravnavati, da:
a) zagotovi, da lahko sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti doseže pričakovane rezultate;
b) prepreči ali omeji neželene učinke in
c) doseže nenehno izboljševanje.
Organizacija mora načrtovati:
d) ukrepe za obravnavanje teh tveganj in priložnosti ter
e) način, kako
1) vključiti ukrepe v procese svojega sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti in jih izvajati ter
2) vrednotiti uspešnosti teh ukrepov.
6.1.2 Ocenjevanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora določiti in uporabiti proces ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti, da:
a) vzpostavi in vzdržuje kriterije tveganj informacijske varnosti, ki zajemajo:
1) kriterije za sprejem tveganj in
2) kriterije za izvajanje ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti;
b) zagotavlja, da ponovljena ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti zagotavljajo dosledne,
veljavne in primerljive rezultate;
c) prepozna tveganja informacijske varnosti:
1) uporabi proces ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti za prepoznavanje tveganj,
povezanih z izgubo zaupnosti, celovitosti in razpoložljivosti za informacije v okviru sistema
upravljanja informacijske varnosti, in
2) prepozna lastnike tveganj;
d) analizira tveganja informacijske varnosti:
1) oceni morebitne posledice, do katerih bi prišlo ob uresničitvi tveganj, prepoznanih v točki
2) oceni realno verjetnost pojava tveganj, prepoznanih v točki 6.1.2.c)(1), in
3) določi ravni tveganj;
e) ovrednoti tveganja informacijske varnosti:
1) primerja rezultate analize tveganj s kriteriji tveganj, postavljenimi v točki 6.1.2.a); in
2) prednostno razvrsti analizirana tveganja za obravnavanje tveganj.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o procesu ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
6.1.3 Obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora določiti in uporabljati proces obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti za:
a) izbiro ustreznih možnosti obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti, pri čemer upošteva
rezultate ocenjevanja tveganj;
b) določitev vseh kontrol, ki so potrebne za izvajanje izbranih možnosti obravnavanja tveganj
informacijske varnosti;
OPOMBA: Organizacije lahko zasnujejo kontrole po potrebi ali jih opredelijo na podlagi katerega koli vira.
c) primerjavo kontrol iz gornje točke 6.1.3.b) s kontrolami iz dodatka A in preverjanje, da nobena
potrebna kontrola ni bila izpuščena;
OPOMBA 1: Dodatek A vsebuje izčrpen seznam ciljev kontrol in kontrol. Uporabniki tega mednarodnega standarda
naj upoštevajo dodatek A, da ne spregledajo nobene potrebne kontrole.
OPOMBA 2: Cilji kontrol so posredno vključeni v izbrane kontrole. Cilji kontrol in kontrole, navedeni v dodatku A, niso
izčrpni in so morda potrebni dodatni cilji kontrol in kontrole.
d) pripravo izjave o uporabnosti, ki vsebuje potrebne kontrole (glej točko 6.1.3.b) in c)) ter
utemeljitev za vključitev ne glede na to, ali so izvedene ali ne, ter utemeljitev za izključitev kontrol
iz dodatka A;
e) pripravo načrta obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti in
f) doseganje strinjanja lastnikov tveganj glede načrta obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti
ter sprejem preostalih tveganj informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o procesu obravnavanja tveganj informacijske
OPOMBA: Proces ocenjevanja in obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti v tem mednarodnem standardu je usklajen z
načeli in splošnimi smernicami iz standarda ISO 31000 .
6.2 Cilji informacijske varnosti in načrtovanje njihovega doseganja
Organizacija mora vzpostaviti cilje informacijske varnosti za ustrezne funkcije in ravni.
Cilji informacijske varnosti morajo:
a) biti skladni z informacijsko varnostno politiko;
b) biti merljivi (če je mogoče);
c) upoštevati veljavne zahteve informacijske varnosti ter rezultate ocenjevanja in obravnavanja
d) biti sporočeni in
e) biti posodobljeni, če je to potrebno.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o ciljih informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora pri načrtovanju doseganja ciljev informacijske varnosti določiti:
f) kaj bo naredila,
g) kateri viri bodo potrebni,
h) kdo bo odgovoren,
i) kdaj bo delo končano in
j) kako bodo rezultati ovrednoteni.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
7 Podpora
7.1 Viri
Organizacija mora določiti in zagotoviti vire, potrebne za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje in
nenehno izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
7.2 Kompetentnost
Organizacija mora:
a) določiti potrebno kompetentnost osebe (oseb), ki izvaja(-jo) delo pod njenim nadzorom, ki vpliva
na izvajanje informacijske varnosti;
b) zagotavljati, da so te osebe kompetentne na podlagi primerne izobrazbe, usposobljenosti ali
c) po potrebi sprejeti ukrepe za zagotavljanje potrebne kompetentnosti ter ovrednotiti uspešnost
sprejetih ukrepov in
d) hraniti ustrezne dokumentirane informacije kot dokaz kompetentnosti.
OPOMBA: Primerni ukrepi lahko na primer zajemajo: zagotavljanje usposabljanja, mentorstvo ali prerazporeditev trenutnih
zaposlenih ali najem ali pogodbeno zaposlitev kompetentnih oseb.
7.3 Ozaveščenost
Osebe, ki opravljajo delo pod nadzorom organizacije, morajo poznati:
a) informacijsko varnostno politiko,
b) svoj prispevek k uspešnosti sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti, vključno s koristmi
izboljšanega delovanja informacijske varnosti, in
c) posledice neskladnosti z zahtevami sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
7.4 Sporočanje
Organizacija mora določiti potrebo po notranjem in zunanjem sporočanju, pomembnem za sistem
upravljanja informacijske varnosti, vključno s:
a) kaj sporoča,
b) kdaj sporoča,
c) komu sporoča,
d) kdo mora sporočati in
e) procesi, ki vplivajo na sporočanje.
7.5 Dokumentirane informacije
7.5.1 Splošno
Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti organizacije mora vključevati:
a) dokumentirane informacije, ki jih zahteva ta mednarodni standard, in
b) dokumentirane informacije, ki jih organizacija določi kot potrebne za uspešnost sistema
upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
OPOMBA: Obseg dokumentiranih informacij za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti se lahko od organizacije do
organizacije razlikuje zaradi:
1) velikosti organizacije ter njene vrste dejavnosti, procesov, izdelkov in storitev;
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
2) kompleksnosti procesov in njihovih medsebojnih vplivov ter
3) kompetentnosti osebja.
7.5.2 Ustvarjanje in posodabljanje
Organizacija mora pri ustvarjanju in posodabljanju dokumentiranih informacij zagotoviti ustrezno:
a) opredelitev in opis (npr. naslov, datum, avtor ali referenčna številka),
b) obliko (npr. jezik, različica programske opreme, grafika) in medij (npr. papir, elektronski medij) ter
c) pregled ter odobritev za ustreznost in zadostnost.
7.5.3 Obvladovanje dokumentiranih informacij
Dokumentirane informacije, ki jih zahtevata sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti in ta mednarodni
standard, se morajo obvladovati, da se zagotovijo:
a) njihova razpoložljivost in primernost za uporabo, kjer in kadar so potrebne, ter
b) njihova ustrezna zaščita (npr. pred izgubo zaupnosti, neprimerno uporabo ali izgubo celovitosti).
Za obvladovanje dokumentiranih informacij mora organizacija po potrebi obravnavati naslednje
c) razdeljevanje, dostop, pridobivanje in uporabo;
d) shranjevanje in ohranjanje, vključno z ohranjanjem razločnosti;
e) obvladovanje sprememb (npr. obvladovanje različic) ter
f) hranjenje in odstranjevanje.
Dokumentirane informacije zunanjega izvora, ki jih organizacija določi kot potrebne za načrtovanje in
delovanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti, so prepoznane kot ustrezne in so nadzorovane.
OPOMBA: Dostop označuje odločitev v zvezi z dovoljenjem samo za ogled dokumentiranih informacij ali z dovoljenjem in
pooblastilom za ogled in spremembo dokumentiranih informacij itd.
8 Delovanje
8.1 Načrtovanje in obvladovanje delovanja
Organizacija mora načrtovati, izvajati in obvladovati procese, potrebne za izpolnjevanje zahtev
informacijske varnosti ter izvajanje ukrepov, opredeljenih v točki 6.1. Organizacija mora izvajati tudi
načrte za doseganje ciljev informacijske varnosti iz točke 6.2.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije, dokler se ne prepriča, da so bili procesi izvedeni
v načrtovanem obsegu.
Organizacija mora obvladovati načrtovane spremembe in pregledovati posledice nenačrtovanih
sprememb, pri čemer mora po potrebi ukrepati, da se ublažijo morebitni negativni učinki.
Organizacija mora zagotoviti, da so procesi, predani v izvajanje zunanjim izvajalcem, določeni in
8.2 Ocenjevanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora izvajati ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti v načrtovanih časovnih
presledkih ali kadar so predlagane ali nastanejo bistvene spremembe, pri čemer upošteva kriterije,
določene v točki 6.1.2.a).
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o rezultatih ocenjevanj tveganj informacijske
8.3 Obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora izvajati načrt obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o rezultatih obravnavanj tveganj informacijske
9 Vrednotenje delovanja
9.1 Spremljanje, merjenje, analiziranje in vrednotenje
Organizacija mora vrednotiti delovanje informacijske varnosti in uspešnost sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora določiti:
a) katere potrebe morajo biti spremljane in merjene, vključno s procesi in kontrolami informacijske
b) metode za spremljanje, merjenje, analiziranje in vrednotenje, če je to potrebno, da se zagotovijo
veljavni rezultati,
OPOMBA Izbrane metode naj zagotovijo primerljive in ponovljive rezultate, da se lahko štejejo za veljavne.
c) kdaj se morata izvajati spremljanje in merjenje,
d) kdo mora spremljati in meriti,
e) kdaj se morajo analizirati in vrednotiti rezultati spremljanja in merjenja ter
f) kdo mora analizirati in ovrednotiti te rezultate.
Organizacija mora hraniti ustrezne dokumentirane informacije kot dokaz o rezultatih nadzorovanja in
9.2 Notranja presoja
Organizacija mora izvajati notranje presoje v načrtovanih časovnih presledkih, da bi zagotovila
informacije o tem, ali sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti:
a) izpolnjuje
1) zahteve organizacije za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti in
2) zahteve tega mednarodnega standarda;
b) se uspešno izvaja in vzdržuje.
Organizacija mora:
c) načrtovati, vzpostaviti, izvajati in vzdrževati program(-e) presoj, vključno s pogostostjo, metodami,
odgovornostmi, zahtevami načrtovanja in poročanjem. Program(-i) presoj morajo upoštevati
pomen, ki ga imajo obravnavani procesi, in rezultate predhodnih presoj,
d) opredeliti kriterije presoje in obseg vsake presoje,
e) izbrati presojevalce in izvajati presoje, ki zagotavljajo objektivnost in neodvisnost procesa
f) zagotavljati, da se rezultati presoj sporočajo zadevnemu vodstvu,
g) hraniti dokumentirane informacije kot dokaz programov presoje in rezultatov presoj.
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9.3 Vodstveni pregled
Najvišje vodstvo mora pregledovati sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti organizacije v
načrtovanih časovnih presledkih, da zagotovi njegovo nenehno ustreznost, primernost in uspešnost.
Vodstveni pregled mora obravnavati:
november 2013
Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Zahteve (vključen popravek SIST ISO/IEC
Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management
systems – Requirements
Technologies de l'information – Techniques de sécurité – Systèmes de
management de la sécurité de l'information – Exigences
Referenčna oznaka
ICS 35.040 SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (sl)
Nadaljevanje na straneh 2 do 27
© 2014-01. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001 (sl), Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi
upravljanja informacijske varnosti – Zahteve, 2013, ima status slovenskega standarda in je istoveten
mednarodnemu standardu ISO/IEC 27001 (en), Information technology – Security techniques –
Information security management systems – Requirements, druga izdaja, 2013-10-01.
Ta standard preklicuje in nadomešča standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2010.
Mednarodni standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 je pripravil pododbor združenega tehničnega odbora
Mednarodne organizacije za standardizacijo in Mednarodne elektrotehniške komisije ISO/IEC JTC
1/SC 27 Varnostne tehnike v informacijski tehnologiji.
Slovenski standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 je prevod mednarodnega standarda ISO/IEC
27001:2013. Slovenski standard SIST ISO/IEC 27001:2013 je pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC ITC
Informacijska tehnologija. V primeru spora glede besedila slovenskega prevoda je odločilen izvirni
mednarodni standard v angleškem jeziku.
Odločitev za izdajo tega standarda je dne 25. oktobra 2013 sprejel SIST/TC ITC Informacijska
SIST ISO/IEC 27000 Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Pregled in izrazoslovje
– privzem standarda ISO/IEC 27001:2013
– ISO/IEC 27001:2010, Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Zahteve
– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “mednarodni standard”, v SIST ISO/IEC
27001:2013 to pomeni “slovenski standard”.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Predgovor .4
0 Uvod .5
0.1 Splošno.5
0.2 Združljivost z drugimi standardi za sisteme upravljanja.5
1 Področje uporabe .6
2 Zveza s standardi .6
3 Izrazi in definicije .6
4 Okvir organizacije .6
4.1 Razumevanje organizacije in njenega okvira.6
4.2 Razumevanje potreb in pričakovanj zainteresiranih strank.6
4.3 Določitev obsega sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti .6
4.4 Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti .7
5 Voditeljstvo .7
5.1 Voditeljstvo in zavezanost .7
5.2 Politika .7
5.3 Organizacijske vloge, odgovornosti in pooblastila .7
6 Načrtovanje .8
6.1 Ukrepi za obravnavanje tveganj in priložnosti.8
6.2 Cilji informacijske varnosti in načrtovanje njihovega doseganja .9
7 Podpora . 10
7.1 Viri. 10
7.2 Kompetentnost . 10
7.3 Ozaveščenost. 10
7.4 Sporočanje . 10
7.5 Dokumentirane informacije. 10
8 Delovanje. 11
8.1 Načrtovanje in obvladovanje delovanja. 11
8.2 Ocenjevanje tveganj informacijske varnosti . 11
8.3 Obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti. 12
9 Vrednotenje . 12
9.1 Spremljanje, merjenje, analiziranje in vrednotenje. 12
9.2 Notranja presoja . 12
9.3 Vodstveni pregled. 13
10 Izboljševanje. 13
10.1 Neskladnosti in popravni ukrepi . 13
10.2 Nenehno izboljševanje . 14
Dodatek A (normativni): Cilji kontrol in kontrole . 15
Literatura. 27
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo) in IEC (Mednarodna elektrotehniška komisija)
tvorita specializiran sistem za svetovno standardizacijo. Nacionalni organi, ki so člani ISO ali IEC,
sodelujejo pri pripravi mednarodnih standardov prek tehničnih odborov, ki jih za obravnavanje
določenih strokovnih področij ustanovi ustrezna organizacija. Tehnični odbori ISO in IEC sodelujejo na
področjih skupnega interesa. Pri delu sodelujejo tudi druge mednarodne, vladne in nevladne
organizacije, povezane z ISO in IEC. Na področju informacijske tehnologije sta ISO in IEC vzpostavila
združeni tehnični odbor ISO/IEC JTC 1.
Mednarodni standardi so pripravljeni v skladu s pravili, podanimi v 2. delu Direktiv ISO/IEC.
Glavna naloga tehničnih odborov je priprava mednarodnih standardov. Osnutki mednarodnih
standardov, ki jih sprejmejo tehnični odbori, se pošljejo vsem članom v glasovanje. Za objavo
mednarodnega standarda je treba pridobiti soglasje najmanj 75 odstotkov članov, ki se udeležijo
Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj elementov tega mednarodnega standarda predmet
patentnih pravic. ISO in IEC ne prevzemata odgovornosti za prepoznavanje katerih koli ali vseh takih
patentnih pravic.
ISO/IEC 27001 je pripravil združeni tehnični odbor JTC ISO/IEC 1 Informacijska tehnologija, pododbor
SC 27 Varnostne tehnike IT.
Druga izdaja preklicuje in nadomešča prvo izdajo (ISO/IEC 27001:2005), ki je tehnično revidirana.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
0 Uvod
0.1 Splošno
Ta mednarodni standard je bil pripravljen, da zagotovi zahteve za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje
in nenehno izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti. Privzem sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti je strateška odločitev za organizacijo. Na vzpostavitev in izvedbo sistema
upravljanja informacijske varnosti organizacije vplivajo potrebe in cilji organizacije, varnostne zahteve,
uporabljeni organizacijski procesi ter velikost in struktura organizacije. Vsi ti dejavniki, ki vplivajo na
sistem, se bodo po pričakovanjih s časom spreminjali.
Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti ohranja zaupnost, celovitost in razpoložljivost informacij z
uporabo procesa za obvladovanje tveganj ter zainteresiranim strankam vzbuja zaupanje, da se
tveganja ustrezno obvladujejo.
Pomembno je, da je sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti del procesov organizacije in splošne
strukture vodenja in je integriran z njimi ter da je informacijska varnost sprejeta pri zasnovi procesov,
informacijskih sistemov in kontrol. Pričakuje se, da bo izvajanje sistema upravljanja informacijske
varnosti skladno s potrebami organizacije.
Ta mednarodni standard lahko uporabljajo notranje ali zunanje stranke za ocenjevanje sposobnosti
organizacije izpolnjevati lastne zahteve informacijske varnosti.
Vrstni red predstavitve zahtev v tem mednarodnem standardu ne odraža njihovega pomena ali
nakazuje vrstnega reda, v katerem naj bi se izvedle. Elementi na seznamu so oštevilčeni zgolj za
namene sklicevanja.
Standard ISO/IEC 27000 podaja pregled in izrazje sistemov upravljanja informacijske varnosti, pri
čemer se sklicuje na skupino standardov za sisteme upravljanja informacijske varnosti (vključno s
[2] [3] [4]
standardi ISO/IEC 27003 , ISO/IEC 27004 in ISO/IEC 27005 ) s povezanimi izrazi in definicijami.
0.2 Združljivost z drugimi standardi za sisteme upravljanja
Ta mednarodni standard uporablja strukturo visoke ravni, enake naslove podtočk, enako besedilo,
splošne izraze in temeljne definicije iz dodatka SL k Direktivam ISO/IEC, 1. del, konsolidirana priloga
ISO, zato ohranja združljivost z drugimi standardi za sisteme upravljanja, ki so sprejeli dodatek SL.
Ta splošni pristop iz dodatka SL bo koristil tistim organizacijam, ki so izbrale vzpostavitev enotnega
sistema upravljanja, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz dveh ali več standardov za sisteme upravljanja.
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SIST ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013
Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Zahteve
1 Področje uporabe
Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje in nenehno
izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti v okviru organizacije. Zajema tudi zahteve za
ocenjevanje in obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti, ki so prilagojene potrebam organizacije.
Zahteve, postavljene v tem mednarodnem standardu, so generične in so namenjene uporabi v vseh
organizacijah ne glede na vrsto, velikost ali naravo. Izključevanje katere koli zahteve, določene v
točkah 4 do 10, ni sprejemljivo, kadar organizacija zagotavlja skladnost s tem mednarodnim
2 Zveza s standardi
Ta dokument se v celoti ali v delih normativno sklicuje na naslednje dokumente, ki so nepogrešljivi pri
njegovi uporabi. Pri datiranih sklicevanjih se uporablja zgolj navedena izdaja. Pri nedatiranih sklicevanjih
se uporablja zadnja izdaja navedenega dokumenta (vključno z dopolnili).
ISO/IEC 27000 Informacijska tehnologija – Varnostne tehnike – Sistemi upravljanja
informacijske varnosti – Pregled in izrazoslovje
3 Izrazi in definicije
V tem dokumentu so uporabljeni izrazi in definicije, ki so podani v standardu ISO/IEC 27000.
4 Okvir organizacije
4.1 Razumevanje organizacije in njenega okvira
Organizacija mora določiti zunanja in notranja vprašanja, ki so pomembna za njen namen ter vplivajo
na njeno sposobnost doseganja pričakovanega(-ih) rezultata(-ov) njenega sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti.
OPOMBA: Določanje teh vprašanj se nanaša na opredelitev zunanjega in notranjega okvira organizacije iz točke 5.3
standarda ISO 31000:2009 .
4.2 Razumevanje potreb in pričakovanj zainteresiranih strank
Organizacija mora določiti:
a) zainteresirane stranke, ki so pomembne za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti, in
b) zahteve teh zainteresiranih strank, ki so pomembne za informacijsko varnost.
OPOMBA: Zahteve zainteresiranih strank lahko vključujejo zahteve zakonodaje in predpisov ter pogodbene obveznosti.
4.3 Določitev obsega sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora določiti meje in uporabnost sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti za
opredelitev njegovega obsega.
Organizacija pri določanju tega obsega upošteva:
a) zunanja in notranja vprašanja iz točke 4.1,
b) zahteve iz točke 4.2 ter
c) povezave in odvisnosti med aktivnostmi, ki jih izvaja organizacija, in aktivnostmi, ki jih izvajajo
druge organizacije.
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Obseg mora biti na voljo v obliki dokumentiranih informacij.
4.4 Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora vzpostaviti, izvajati, vzdrževati in nenehno izboljševati sistem upravljanja
informacijske varnosti v skladu z zahtevami tega mednarodnega standarda.
5 Voditeljstvo
5.1 Voditeljstvo in zavezanost
Najvišje vodstvo mora izkazovati sposobnost vodenja in zavezanost v zvezi s sistemom upravljanja
informacijske varnosti z:
a) zagotavljanjem informacijske varnostne politike in postavljanjem ciljev informacijske varnosti, ki
so združljivi s strateško usmeritvijo organizacije;
b) zagotavljanjem vključitve zahtev sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti v procese
c) zagotavljanjem razpoložljivosti virov, potrebnih za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti;
d) sporočanjem pomena uspešnega upravljanja informacijske varnosti in izpolnjevanjem zahtev
sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti;
e) zagotavljanjem, da sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti dosega pričakovani(-e) rezultat(-e);
f) usmerjanjem in podpiranjem oseb za večjo uspešnost sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti;
g) spodbujanjem nenehnega izboljševanja in
h) podpiranjem drugih pomembnih vodstvenih vlog za izkazovanje svojega voditeljstva v skladu s
svojim področjem odgovornosti.
5.2 Politika
Najvišje vodstvo mora zagotavljati informacijsko varnostno politiko, ki:
a) ustreza namenu organizacije;
b) zajema cilje informacijske varnosti (glej točko 6.2) ali zagotavlja okvir za postavljanje ciljev
informacijske varnosti;
c) zajema zavezanost k izpolnjevanju veljavnih zahtev v zvezi z informacijsko varnostjo in
d) zajema zavezanost k nenehnemu izboljševanju sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
Informacijska varnostna politika mora biti:
e) na voljo v obliki dokumentiranih informacij;
f) sporočena znotraj organizacije in
g) po potrebi na voljo zainteresiranim strankam.
5.3 Organizacijske vloge, odgovornosti in pooblastila
Najvišje vodstvo mora zagotavljati, da so odgovornosti in pooblastila za vloge, pomembne za
informacijsko varnost, določeni ter da so sporočeni vsem.
Najvišje vodstvo mora določiti odgovornosti in pooblastila za:
a) zagotavljanje, da je sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti skladen z zahtevami tega
mednarodnega standarda, in
b) poročanje najvišjemu vodstvu o delovanju sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
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OPOMBA: Najvišje vodstvo lahko določi tudi odgovornosti in pooblastila za poročanje o delovanju sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti znotraj organizacije.
6 Načrtovanje
6.1 Ukrepi za obravnavanje tveganj in priložnosti
6.1.1 Splošno
Pri načrtovanju sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti mora organizacija upoštevati vprašanja iz
točke 4.1 in zahteve iz točke 4.2 ter določiti tveganja in priložnosti, ki jih je treba obravnavati, da:
a) zagotovi, da lahko sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti doseže pričakovane rezultate;
b) prepreči ali omeji neželene učinke in
c) doseže nenehno izboljševanje.
Organizacija mora načrtovati:
d) ukrepe za obravnavanje teh tveganj in priložnosti ter
e) način, kako
1) vključiti ukrepe v procese svojega sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti in jih izvajati ter
2) vrednotiti uspešnosti teh ukrepov.
6.1.2 Ocenjevanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora določiti in uporabiti proces ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti, da:
a) vzpostavi in vzdržuje kriterije tveganj informacijske varnosti, ki zajemajo:
1) kriterije za sprejem tveganj in
2) kriterije za izvajanje ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti;
b) zagotavlja, da ponovljena ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti zagotavljajo dosledne,
veljavne in primerljive rezultate;
c) prepozna tveganja informacijske varnosti:
1) uporabi proces ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti za prepoznavanje tveganj,
povezanih z izgubo zaupnosti, celovitosti in razpoložljivosti za informacije v okviru sistema
upravljanja informacijske varnosti, in
2) prepozna lastnike tveganj;
d) analizira tveganja informacijske varnosti:
1) oceni morebitne posledice, do katerih bi prišlo ob uresničitvi tveganj, prepoznanih v točki
2) oceni realno verjetnost pojava tveganj, prepoznanih v točki 6.1.2.c)(1), in
3) določi ravni tveganj;
e) ovrednoti tveganja informacijske varnosti:
1) primerja rezultate analize tveganj s kriteriji tveganj, postavljenimi v točki 6.1.2.a); in
2) prednostno razvrsti analizirana tveganja za obravnavanje tveganj.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o procesu ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske
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6.1.3 Obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora določiti in uporabljati proces obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti za:
a) izbiro ustreznih možnosti obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti, pri čemer upošteva
rezultate ocenjevanja tveganj;
b) določitev vseh kontrol, ki so potrebne za izvajanje izbranih možnosti obravnavanja tveganj
informacijske varnosti;
OPOMBA: Organizacije lahko zasnujejo kontrole po potrebi ali jih opredelijo na podlagi katerega koli vira.
c) primerjavo kontrol iz gornje točke 6.1.3.b) s kontrolami iz dodatka A in preverjanje, da nobena
potrebna kontrola ni bila izpuščena;
OPOMBA 1: Dodatek A vsebuje izčrpen seznam ciljev kontrol in kontrol. Uporabniki tega mednarodnega standarda
naj upoštevajo dodatek A, da ne spregledajo nobene potrebne kontrole.
OPOMBA 2: Cilji kontrol so posredno vključeni v izbrane kontrole. Cilji kontrol in kontrole, navedeni v dodatku A, niso
izčrpni in so morda potrebni dodatni cilji kontrol in kontrole.
d) pripravo izjave o uporabnosti, ki vsebuje potrebne kontrole (glej točko 6.1.3.b) in c)) ter
utemeljitev za vključitev ne glede na to, ali so izvedene ali ne, ter utemeljitev za izključitev kontrol
iz dodatka A;
e) pripravo načrta obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti in
f) doseganje strinjanja lastnikov tveganj glede načrta obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti
ter sprejem preostalih tveganj informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o procesu obravnavanja tveganj informacijske
OPOMBA: Proces ocenjevanja in obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti v tem mednarodnem standardu je usklajen z
načeli in splošnimi smernicami iz standarda ISO 31000 .
6.2 Cilji informacijske varnosti in načrtovanje njihovega doseganja
Organizacija mora vzpostaviti cilje informacijske varnosti za ustrezne funkcije in ravni.
Cilji informacijske varnosti morajo:
a) biti skladni z informacijsko varnostno politiko;
b) biti merljivi (če je mogoče);
c) upoštevati veljavne zahteve informacijske varnosti ter rezultate ocenjevanja in obravnavanja
d) biti sporočeni in
e) biti posodobljeni, če je to potrebno.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o ciljih informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora pri načrtovanju doseganja ciljev informacijske varnosti določiti:
f) kaj bo naredila,
g) kateri viri bodo potrebni,
h) kdo bo odgovoren,
i) kdaj bo delo končano in
j) kako bodo rezultati ovrednoteni.
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7 Podpora
7.1 Viri
Organizacija mora določiti in zagotoviti vire, potrebne za vzpostavitev, izvajanje, vzdrževanje in
nenehno izboljševanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
7.2 Kompetentnost
Organizacija mora:
a) določiti potrebno kompetentnost osebe (oseb), ki izvaja(-jo) delo pod njenim nadzorom, ki vpliva
na izvajanje informacijske varnosti;
b) zagotavljati, da so te osebe kompetentne na podlagi primerne izobrazbe, usposobljenosti ali
c) po potrebi sprejeti ukrepe za zagotavljanje potrebne kompetentnosti ter ovrednotiti uspešnost
sprejetih ukrepov in
d) hraniti ustrezne dokumentirane informacije kot dokaz kompetentnosti.
OPOMBA: Primerni ukrepi lahko na primer zajemajo: zagotavljanje usposabljanja, mentorstvo ali prerazporeditev trenutnih
zaposlenih ali najem ali pogodbeno zaposlitev kompetentnih oseb.
7.3 Ozaveščenost
Osebe, ki opravljajo delo pod nadzorom organizacije, morajo poznati:
a) informacijsko varnostno politiko,
b) svoj prispevek k uspešnosti sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti, vključno s koristmi
izboljšanega delovanja informacijske varnosti, in
c) posledice neskladnosti z zahtevami sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
7.4 Sporočanje
Organizacija mora določiti potrebo po notranjem in zunanjem sporočanju, pomembnem za sistem
upravljanja informacijske varnosti, vključno s:
a) kaj sporoča,
b) kdaj sporoča,
c) komu sporoča,
d) kdo mora sporočati in
e) procesi, ki vplivajo na sporočanje.
7.5 Dokumentirane informacije
7.5.1 Splošno
Sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti organizacije mora vključevati:
a) dokumentirane informacije, ki jih zahteva ta mednarodni standard, in
b) dokumentirane informacije, ki jih organizacija določi kot potrebne za uspešnost sistema
upravljanja informacijske varnosti.
OPOMBA: Obseg dokumentiranih informacij za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti se lahko od organizacije do
organizacije razlikuje zaradi:
1) velikosti organizacije ter njene vrste dejavnosti, procesov, izdelkov in storitev;
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2) kompleksnosti procesov in njihovih medsebojnih vplivov ter
3) kompetentnosti osebja.
7.5.2 Ustvarjanje in posodabljanje
Organizacija mora pri ustvarjanju in posodabljanju dokumentiranih informacij zagotoviti ustrezno:
a) opredelitev in opis (npr. naslov, datum, avtor ali referenčna številka),
b) obliko (npr. jezik, različica programske opreme, grafika) in medij (npr. papir, elektronski medij) ter
c) pregled ter odobritev za ustreznost in zadostnost.
7.5.3 Obvladovanje dokumentiranih informacij
Dokumentirane informacije, ki jih zahtevata sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti in ta mednarodni
standard, se morajo obvladovati, da se zagotovijo:
a) njihova razpoložljivost in primernost za uporabo, kjer in kadar so potrebne, ter
b) njihova ustrezna zaščita (npr. pred izgubo zaupnosti, neprimerno uporabo ali izgubo celovitosti).
Za obvladovanje dokumentiranih informacij mora organizacija po potrebi obravnavati naslednje
c) razdeljevanje, dostop, pridobivanje in uporabo;
d) shranjevanje in ohranjanje, vključno z ohranjanjem razločnosti;
e) obvladovanje sprememb (npr. obvladovanje različic) ter
f) hranjenje in odstranjevanje.
Dokumentirane informacije zunanjega izvora, ki jih organizacija določi kot potrebne za načrtovanje in
delovanje sistema upravljanja informacijske varnosti, so prepoznane kot ustrezne in so nadzorovane.
OPOMBA: Dostop označuje odločitev v zvezi z dovoljenjem samo za ogled dokumentiranih informacij ali z dovoljenjem in
pooblastilom za ogled in spremembo dokumentiranih informacij itd.
8 Delovanje
8.1 Načrtovanje in obvladovanje delovanja
Organizacija mora načrtovati, izvajati in obvladovati procese, potrebne za izpolnjevanje zahtev
informacijske varnosti ter izvajanje ukrepov, opredeljenih v točki 6.1. Organizacija mora izvajati tudi
načrte za doseganje ciljev informacijske varnosti iz točke 6.2.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije, dokler se ne prepriča, da so bili procesi izvedeni
v načrtovanem obsegu.
Organizacija mora obvladovati načrtovane spremembe in pregledovati posledice nenačrtovanih
sprememb, pri čemer mora po potrebi ukrepati, da se ublažijo morebitni negativni učinki.
Organizacija mora zagotoviti, da so procesi, predani v izvajanje zunanjim izvajalcem, določeni in
8.2 Ocenjevanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora izvajati ocenjevanja tveganj informacijske varnosti v načrtovanih časovnih
presledkih ali kadar so predlagane ali nastanejo bistvene spremembe, pri čemer upošteva kriterije,
določene v točki 6.1.2.a).
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Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o rezultatih ocenjevanj tveganj informacijske
8.3 Obravnavanje tveganj informacijske varnosti
Organizacija mora izvajati načrt obravnavanja tveganj informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora hraniti dokumentirane informacije o rezultatih obravnavanj tveganj informacijske
9 Vrednotenje delovanja
9.1 Spremljanje, merjenje, analiziranje in vrednotenje
Organizacija mora vrednotiti delovanje informacijske varnosti in uspešnost sistema upravljanja
informacijske varnosti.
Organizacija mora določiti:
a) katere potrebe morajo biti spremljane in merjene, vključno s procesi in kontrolami informacijske
b) metode za spremljanje, merjenje, analiziranje in vrednotenje, če je to potrebno, da se zagotovijo
veljavni rezultati,
OPOMBA Izbrane metode naj zagotovijo primerljive in ponovljive rezultate, da se lahko štejejo za veljavne.
c) kdaj se morata izvajati spremljanje in merjenje,
d) kdo mora spremljati in meriti,
e) kdaj se morajo analizirati in vrednotiti rezultati spremljanja in merjenja ter
f) kdo mora analizirati in ovrednotiti te rezultate.
Organizacija mora hraniti ustrezne dokumentirane informacije kot dokaz o rezultatih nadzorovanja in
9.2 Notranja presoja
Organizacija mora izvajati notranje presoje v načrtovanih časovnih presledkih, da bi zagotovila
informacije o tem, ali sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti:
a) izpolnjuje
1) zahteve organizacije za sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti in
2) zahteve tega mednarodnega standarda;
b) se uspešno izvaja in vzdržuje.
Organizacija mora:
c) načrtovati, vzpostaviti, izvajati in vzdrževati program(-e) presoj, vključno s pogostostjo, metodami,
odgovornostmi, zahtevami načrtovanja in poročanjem. Program(-i) presoj morajo upoštevati
pomen, ki ga imajo obravnavani procesi, in rezultate predhodnih presoj,
d) opredeliti kriterije presoje in obseg vsake presoje,
e) izbrati presojevalce in izvajati presoje, ki zagotavljajo objektivnost in neodvisnost procesa
f) zagotavljati, da se rezultati presoj sporočajo zadevnemu vodstvu,
g) hraniti dokumentirane informacije kot dokaz programov presoje in rezultatov presoj.
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9.3 Vodstveni pregled
Najvišje vodstvo mora pregledovati sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti organizacije v
načrtovanih časovnih presledkih, da zagotovi njegovo nenehno ustreznost, primernos
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