Information technology — Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm optical disk using +R DL format — Capacity: 8,55 Gbytes and 2,66 Gbytes per side (recording speed up to 16X)

ISO/IEC 25434:2008 specifies the mechanical, physical and optical characteristics of 120 mm recordable optical disks with capacities of 8,55 Gbytes and 17,1 Gbytes. It specifies the quality of the recorded and unrecorded signals, the format of the data and the recording method, thereby allowing for information interchange by means of such disks. The data can be written once and read many times using a non-reversible method. These disks are identified as +R DL. ISO/IEC 25434:2008 also specifies 80 mm disks with capacities of 2,66 Gbytes and 5,32 Gbytes. These disks have the same characteristics as the 120 mm disks, except for some parameters related to the smaller dimensions. All parameters unique for the 80 mm disks are specified in an annex. ISO/IEC 25434:2008 specifies the following: two related but different Types of this disk; the conditions for conformance; the environments in which the disk is to be tested, operated and stored; the mechanical, physical and dimensional characteristics of the disk, so as to provide mechanical interchange between data processing systems; the format of the information on the disk, including the physical disposition of the tracks and sectors, the error correcting codes and the coding method; the characteristics of the signals recorded on the disk, thus enabling data processing systems to read the data from the disk. ISO/IEC 25434:2008 provides for the interchange of disks between optical disk drives. Together with a standard for volume and file structure, it provides for full data interchange between data processing systems.

Technologies de l'information — Échange de données sur disque optique de 120 mm et 80 mm utilisant le format +R DL — Capacité: 8,55 Go et 2,66 Go par face (vitesse d'enregistrement inférieure ou égale à 16X)

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ISO/IEC 25434:2008 - Information technology -- Data interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm optical disk using +R DL format -- Capacity: 8,55 Gbytes and 2,66 Gbytes per side (recording speed up to 16X)
English language
177 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Third edition
Information technology — Data
interchange on 120 mm and 80 mm
optical disk using +R DL format —
Capacity: 8,55 Gbytes and 2,66 Gbytes
per side (recording speed up to 16X)
Technologies de l'information — Échange de données sur disque
optique de 120 mm et 80 mm utilisant le format +R DL —
Capacité: 8,55 Go et 2,66 Go par face (vitesse d'enregistrement
inférieure ou égale à 16X)
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2008
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Contents Page
Foreword .viii
1 Scope.1
2 Conformance .1
2.1 Optical Disk.1
2.2 Generating system .1
2.3 Receiving system .2
2.4 Compatibility statement.2
3 Normative references.2
4 Terms and definitions .2
5 Conventions and notations .5
5.1 Representation of numbers.5
5.2 Names.5
6 Abbreviated terms .6
7 General description of the optical disk .6
8 General Requirements .7
8.1 Environments.7
8.1.1 Test environment.7
8.1.2 Operating environment.8
8.1.3 Storage environment.8
8.1.4 Transportation .8
8.2 Safety requirements.8
8.3 Flammability.8
8.4 Light fastness .8
9 Reference Drive .9
9.1 Optical system .9
9.2 Optical beam .9
9.3 Read channel 1 .10
9.4 Disk clamping .10
9.5 Rotation of the disk .11
9.6 Wobble channel (Read channel 2) .11
9.7 Tracking channel (Read channel 2) .11
9.8 Reference servo systems .11
9.8.1 Normalized servo transfer function.11
9.8.2 Reference Servo for Axial Tracking.12
9.8.3 Reference Servo for Radial Tracking .13
10 Dimensional characteristics.14
10.1 Reference Planes.15
10.2 Overall dimensions .16
10.3 First transition area .16
10.4 Second transition area.17
10.5 Clamping Zone.17
10.6 Third transition area.17
10.7 Information Zone .17
10.7.1 Sub-division of the Information Zone.18
10.7.2 Track mode .19
10.8 Rim area.19
10.9 Remark on tolerances.19
© ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved iii

11 Mechanical characteristics .19
11.1 Mass .19
11.2 Moment of inertia.19
11.3 Dynamic imbalance .19
11.4 Axial runout.19
11.4.1 Tracking requirements at the Reference velocity (CLV).20
11.4.2 Tracking requirements at 3 000 RPM (CAV).20
11.5 Radial runout.20
11.5.1 Tracking requirements at the Reference velocity (CLV).20
11.5.2 Tracking requirements at 3 000 RPM (CAV).21
12 Optical characteristics in the Information Zone .21
12.1 Index of refraction.21
12.2 Thickness of the substrate .22
12.3 Reflectivity.22
12.4 Birefringence.22
12.5 Angular deviation.22
13 Data format .24
13.1 Data Frames .24
13.1.1 Identification Data (ID).24
13.1.2 ID Error Detection Code (IED).25
13.1.3 RSV.26
13.1.4 Error Detection Code (EDC).26
13.2 Scrambled Frames.26
13.3 ECC Blocks.27
13.4 Recording Frames .28
13.5 Modulation and NRZI conversion.29
13.6 Physical Sectors .30
13.7 Layout of a Recording UNit (RUN) .31
13.7.1 Recording Unit position .32
13.8 d.c. component suppression control .32
14 Track format .33
14.1 Track shape .33
14.2 Track path.34
14.3 Track pitch.34
14.4 Track layout.34
14.4.1 ADIP information.

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