Information technology — Metadata Registries (MDR) modules

ISO/IEC 19773:2011 specifies small modules of data that can be used or reused in applications. These modules have been extracted from ISO/IEC 11179-3, ISO/IEC 19763, and OASIS EBXML, and have been refined further. These modules are intended to harmonize with current and future versions of the ISO/IEC 11179 series and the ISO/IEC 19763 series. These modules include: reference-or-literal (reflit) for on-demand choices of pointers or data; multitext, multistring, etc. for recording internationalized and localized data within the same structure; slots and slot arrays for standardized extensible data structures; internationalized contact data, including UPU postal addresses, ITU-T E.164 phone numbers, internet E-mail addresses, etc.; generalized model for context data based upon who-what-where-when-why-how (W5H); data structures for reified relationships and entity-person-groups. Conformity can be selected on a per-module basis.

Technologies de l'information — Modules de registres de métadonnées (MDR)

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ISO/IEC 19773:2011 - Information technology -- Metadata Registries (MDR) modules
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First edition
Information technology — Metadata
Registries (MDR) modules
Technologies de l'information — Modules de registres de métadonnées
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2011
©  ISO/IEC 2011
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword .ix
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations.1
3.1 Signifiers, referencing, and their associations .1
3.2 Fundamental datatypes .3
3.3 Generic implementation-related concepts .4
3.4 Terminology applicable to more than one module .5
3.5 Reserved for future use .5
3.6 Reserved for future use .5
3.7 Reserved for future use .5
3.8 Reserved for future use .5
3.9 Reserved for future use .5
3.10 Module 10-specific terminology: Data structure for reference-or-literal (reflit).5
3.11 Module 11-specific terminology: Data structure for multiple internationalized/localized
values and data.6
3.12 Module 12-specific terminology: Data structure for multiple internationalized/localized
strings and texts.6
3.13 Module 13-specific terminology: Data structure for slot tuple.6
3.14 Module 14-specific terminology: Data structure for unstructured table of slot tuples.7
3.15 Module 15-specific terminology: Data structure for reified relationships and relationships
systems .7
3.16 Module 16-specific terminology: Data structure for UPU postal data .7
3.16.1 Terminology from UPU S42a-6.7
3.16.2 Postal address segments.13
3.16.3 Postal address constructs.14
3.16.4 Postal address elements.16
3.16.5 Postal address element sub-types .26
3.16.6 Other terms and definitions .29
3.17 Module 17-specific terminology: Data structure for ITU-T E.164 phone number data.29
3.18 Module 18-specific terminology: Data structure for who-what-where-when-why-how
(W5H) event data .30
3.19 Module 19-specific terminology: Data structure for entity-person-group (EPG) contact
data .30
3.20 Module 20-specific terminology: Data structure for entity-person-group (EPG) security
credentials data .30
3.21 Module 21-specific terminology: Data structure for entity-person-group (EPG)
relationships and grouping data.31
4 Structure of this International Standard .31
5 Bindings .32
6 Conformance .32
7 Designation of internationally standardized items .32
7.1 Designation suffix syntax.32
7.2 Designation suffixes for profiles .32
8 Profile designations .33
9 Clause reserved for future use .33
© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved iii

10 Module 10: Data structure for reference-or-literal (reflit).33
10.1 Introduction to module.33
10.2 Scope of module.33
10.3 Functional capabilities.33
10.4 Abstract model.34
10.4.1 General.34
10.4.2 reflit(of_type).35
10.4.3 reference_type(of_type).36
10.4.4 literal_type(of_type).38
10.5 Computational description and datatypes.39
10.5.1 General.39
10.5.2 reflit(of_type).39
10.5.3 reference_type(of_type).40
10.5.4 literal_type(of_type).40
10.6 Additional provisions for bindings .40
10.7 Additional provisions for conformity.41
11 Module 11: Data structure for multiple internationalized/localized values and data.41
11.1 Introduction to module.41
11.2 Scope of module.41
11.3 Functional capabilities.41
11.3.1 General.41
11.3.2 The multivalue data structure.41
11.3.3 The multidata data structure .42
11.4 Abstract model.43
11.4.1 General.43
11.4.2 multivalue.43
11.4.3 multidata.45
11.5 Computational description and datatypes.46
11.5.1 General.46
11.5.2 multivalue.46
11.5.3 multidata.46
11.6 Additional provisions for bindings .47
11.7 Additional provisions for conformity.47
12 Module 12: Data structure for multiple internationalized/localized strings and texts.47
12.1 Introduction to module.47
12.2 Scope of module.47
12.3 Functional capabilities.47
12.3.1 General.47
12.3.2 The multistring data structure.47
12.3.3 The multitext data structure .48
12.4 Abstract model.50
12.4.1 General.50
12.4.2 multistring.50
12.4.3 multitext.52
12.5 Computational description and datatypes.53
12.5.1 General.53
12.5.2 multistring.53
12.5.3 multitext.53
12.6 Additional provisions for bindings .

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