Industrial automation systems — Manufacturing Message Specification — Part 1: Service definition

ISO 9506 is an Application Layer communication specification, in accord with the OSI communication model. It provides a set of services appropriate to communications between automated equipment and systems that interrogate or control them. Its description of interactions follow the client server model. It is suitable for use over any network that supports full-duplex, reliable communication, such as the Internet. ISO 9506-1:2003 provides a set of abstract models of information objects that may be found in such automated systems, and the specifications of a set of abstract services that operate on these models. Part 2 provides the protocol for the messages to be exchanged between client and server to realize support for the abstract services defined in Part 1.

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle — Spécification de messagerie industrielle — Partie 1: Définition des services

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ISO 9506-1:2003 - Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Message Specification
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ISO 9506-1:2003 - Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Message Specification
English language
400 pages
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Second edition
Industrial automation systems —
Manufacturing Message Specification —
Part 1:
Service definition
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle — Spécification de messagerie
industrielle —
Partie 1: Définition des services

Reference number
ISO 2003
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2003 – All rights reserved

ISO 9506-1: 2003(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . xi
Introduction . xii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Definitions . 2
3.1 Reference Model definitions . 2
3 .2 Service C onvent ion def init ions . 3
3.3 Abstract Syntax Notation definitions . 3
3.4 Other definitions . 3
4 Abbreviations . 6
5 Conventions . 7
5.1 Base of Numeric Values . 7
5.2 Object modelling . 7
5.3 Specialisation of MMS . 8
5.4 Service Parameter Description . 9
5.5 Invocation Identifier on Service Primitives . 11
5.6 List Of Modifier on Service Primitives . 11
5.7 Addressing in MMS . 11
5.8 Service Conventions . 11
5.9 Calling and Called MMS-user . 11
5.10 Sending and Receiving MMS-user and MMPM . 12
5.11 Requesting and Responding MMS-user . 12
5.12 Client and Server of a Service . 12
5.13 Relationship of Object Models to Service Tables . 13
6 MMS in the OSI Environment . 13
6.1 Information Processing Tasks and Real Systems . 13
6.2 Application Processes . 13
6.3 Interaction of Application Processes . 13
6.4 Interaction of Application Processes in OSI . 14
6.5 Structure of Application Entities . 14
6.6 Addressing of Application Entities . 14
6.7 Application Context . 15
6.8 Presentation Context, Abstract Syntaxes, and Transfer Syntaxes . 15
6.9 MMS requirements of the communication system . 15
7 The Virtual Manufacturing Device . 21
7.1 Introduction . 21
7.2 The Structure of a VMD . 22
7.3 Transactions . 30
7.4 Specification of Named objects . 32
7.5 Object Name structure . 35
7.6 Object Class structure . 36
8 Environment And General Management services . 36
8.1 Introduction and Models . 36
8.2 Initiate service . 45
8.3 Conclude service . 51
8.4 Abort service . 52
8.5 Cancel service . 53
8.6 Reject service . 55
9 Conditioned service response . 59
9.1 Introduction and Models . 59
9.2 AccessCondition parameter . 65
ISO 9506-1: 2003(E)
9.3 DefineAccessControlList service . 67
9.4 GetAccessControlListAttributes service . 68
9.5 ReportAccessControlledObjects service . 71
9.6 DeleteAccessControlList service . 72
9.7 ChangeAccessControl service . 73
10 VMD Support Services . 77
10.1 Introduction . 77
10.2 Status Response parameter . 77
10.3 Status service . 78
10.4 UnsolicitedStatus service . 79
10.5 GetNameList service . 79
10.6 Identify service . 81
10.7 Rename service . 82
10.8 GetCapabilityList service . 84
10.9 VMDStop service . 85
10.10 VMDReset service . 86
11 Domain Management Services . 87
11.1 Introduction and Models . 87
11.2 InitiateDownloadSequence service . 93
11.3 DownloadSegment service . 95
11.4 TerminateDownloadSequence service . 97
11.5 InitiateUploadSequence service . 98
11.6 UploadSegment service . 100
11.7 TerminateUploadSequence service . 101
11.8 RequestDomainDownload service . 102
11.9 RequestDomainUpload service . 104
11.10 LoadDomainContent service . 105
11.11 StoreDomainContent service . 107
11.12 DeleteDomain service . 110
11.13 GetDomainAttributes service . 111
12 Program Invocation Management Services . 113
12.1 Introduction and Models . 113
12.2 CreateProgramInvocation service . 120
12.3 DeleteProgramInvocation service . 123
12.4 Start service . 124
12.5 Stop service . 128
12.6 Resume service . 129
12.7 Reset service . 132
12.8 Kill service . 133
12.9 GetProgramInvocationAttributes service . 134
12.10 Select service . 137
12.11 AlterProgramInvocationAttributes service . 139
12.12 ReconfigureProgramInvocation service . 141
13 Unit Control . 143
13.1 Introduction and Models . 143
13.2 Control Element . 144
13.3 InitiateUnitControlLoad service . 145
13.4 UnitControlLoadSegment service . 147
13.5 UnitControlUpload service . 149
13.6 StartUnitControl service . 151
13.7 StopUnitControl service . 152
13.8 CreateUnitControl service . 154
13.9 AddToUnitControl service . 155
13.10 RemoveFromUnitControl service . 156
13.11 GetUnitControlAttributes service . 157
13.12 LoadUnitControlFromFile service . 159
13.13 StoreUnitControlToFile service . 160
13.14 DeleteUnitControl service . 161
14 Variable Access Services . 163
ISO 9506-1: 2003(E)
14.1 The MMS Variable Access Model . 164
14.2 Specification of Types . 171
14.3 Specification of Alternate Access . 175
14.4 Specification of Data Values . 179
14.5 Specification of Access to Variables . 181
14.6 Read service . 184
14.7 Write service . 185
14.8 InformationReport service . 187
14.9 GetVariableAccessAttributes service . 188
14.10 DefineNamedVariable service . 190
14.11 DeleteVariableAccess service . 192
14.12 DefineNamedVariableList service . 194
14.13 GetNamedVariableListAttributes service . 196
14.14 DeleteNamedVariableList service . 197
14.15 DefineNamedType service . 199
14.16 GetNamedTypeAttributes service . 201
14.17 DeleteNamedType service . 202
14.18 Conformance . 204
14.19 Guidance To Implementors . 205
15 Data Exchange Management Services . 206
15.1 The Data Exchange management model . 206
15.2 ExchangeData service . 207
15.3 GetDataExchangeAttributes service . 209
16 Semaphore Management Services . 210
16.1 The Semaphore Management Model . 210
16.2 TakeControl service . 217
16.3 RelinquishControl service . 221
16.4 DefineSemaphore service . 222
16.5 DeleteSemaphore service . 224
16.6 ReportSemaphoreStatus service . 226
16.7 ReportPoolSemaphoreStatus service . 227
16.8 ReportSemaphoreEntryStatus service . 229
16.9 AttachToSemaphore Modifier . 232
16.10 Conformance . 234
17 Operator Communication services . 235
17.1 The Operator Communications Model . 235
17.2 Input service . 237
17.3 Output service . 239
18 Event Management services . 241
18.1 Event Detection and Notification . 24

Second edition
Industrial automation systems —
Manufacturing Message Specification —
Part 1:
Service definition
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle — Spécification de messagerie
industrielle —
Partie 1: Définition des services

Reference number
ISO 2003
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ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2003 – All rights reserved

ISO 9506-1: 2003(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . xi
Introduction . xii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Definitions . 2
3.1 Reference Model definitions . 2
3 .2 Service C onvent ion def init ions . 3
3.3 Abstract Syntax Notation definitions . 3
3.4 Other definitions . 3
4 Abbreviations . 6
5 Conventions . 7
5.1 Base of Numeric Values . 7
5.2 Object modelling . 7
5.3 Specialisation of MMS . 8
5.4 Service Parameter Description . 9
5.5 Invocation Identifier on Service Primitives . 11
5.6 List Of Modifier on Service Primitives . 11
5.7 Addressing in MMS . 11
5.8 Service Conventions . 11
5.9 Calling and Called MMS-user . 11
5.10 Sending and Receiving MMS-user and MMPM . 12
5.11 Requesting and Responding MMS-user . 12
5.12 Client and Server of a Service . 12
5.13 Relationship of Object Models to Service Tables . 13
6 MMS in the OSI Environment . 13
6.1 Information Processing Tasks and Real Systems . 13
6.2 Application Processes . 13
6.3 Interaction of Application Processes . 13
6.4 Interaction of Application Processes in OSI . 14
6.5 Structure of Application Entities . 14
6.6 Addressing of Application Entities . 14
6.7 Application Context . 15
6.8 Presentation Context, Abstract Syntaxes, and Transfer Syntaxes . 15
6.9 MMS requirements of the communication system . 15
7 The Virtual Manufacturing Device . 21
7.1 Introduction . 21
7.2 The Structure of a VMD . 22
7.3 Transactions . 30
7.4 Specification of Named objects . 32
7.5 Object Name structure . 35
7.6 Object Class structure . 36
8 Environment And General Management services . 36
8.1 Introduction and Models . 36
8.2 Initiate service . 45
8.3 Conclude service . 51
8.4 Abort service . 52
8.5 Cancel service . 53
8.6 Reject service . 55
9 Conditioned service response . 59
9.1 Introduction and Models . 59
9.2 AccessCondition parameter . 65
ISO 9506-1: 2003(E)
9.3 DefineAccessControlList service . 67
9.4 GetAccessControlListAttributes service . 68
9.5 ReportAccessControlledObjects service . 71
9.6 DeleteAccessControlList service . 72
9.7 ChangeAccessControl service . 73
10 VMD Support Services . 77
10.1 Introduction . 77
10.2 Status Response parameter . 77
10.3 Status service . 78
10.4 UnsolicitedStatus service . 79
10.5 GetNameList service . 79
10.6 Identify service . 81
10.7 Rename service . 82
10.8 GetCapabilityList service . 84
10.9 VMDStop service . 85
10.10 VMDReset service . 86
11 Domain Management Services . 87
11.1 Introduction and Models . 87
11.2 InitiateDownloadSequence service . 93
11.3 DownloadSegment service . 95
11.4 TerminateDownloadSequence service . 97
11.5 InitiateUploadSequence service . 98
11.6 UploadSegment service . 100
11.7 TerminateUploadSequence service . 101
11.8 RequestDomainDownload service . 102
11.9 RequestDomainUpload service . 104
11.10 LoadDomainContent service . 105
11.11 StoreDomainContent service . 107
11.12 DeleteDomain service . 110
11.13 GetDomainAttributes service . 111
12 Program Invocation Management Services . 113
12.1 Introduction and Models . 113
12.2 CreateProgramInvocation service . 120
12.3 DeleteProgramInvocation service . 123
12.4 Start service . 124
12.5 Stop service . 128
12.6 Resume service . 129
12.7 Reset service . 132
12.8 Kill service . 133
12.9 GetProgramInvocationAttributes service . 134
12.10 Select service . 137
12.11 AlterProgramInvocationAttributes service . 139
12.12 ReconfigureProgramInvocation service . 141
13 Unit Control . 143
13.1 Introduction and Models . 143
13.2 Control Element . 144
13.3 InitiateUnitControlLoad service . 145
13.4 UnitControlLoadSegment service . 147
13.5 UnitControlUpload service . 149
13.6 StartUnitControl service . 151
13.7 StopUnitControl service . 152
13.8 CreateUnitControl service . 154
13.9 AddToUnitControl service . 155
13.10 RemoveFromUnitControl service . 156
13.11 GetUnitControlAttributes service . 157
13.12 LoadUnitControlFromFile service . 159
13.13 StoreUnitControlToFile service . 160
13.14 DeleteUnitControl service . 161
14 Variable Access Services . 163
ISO 9506-1: 2003(E)
14.1 The MMS Variable Access Model . 164
14.2 Specification of Types . 171
14.3 Specification of Alternate Access . 175
14.4 Specification of Data Values . 179
14.5 Specification of Access to Variables . 181
14.6 Read service . 184
14.7 Write service . 185
14.8 InformationReport service . 187
14.9 GetVariableAccessAttributes service . 188
14.10 DefineNamedVariable service . 190
14.11 DeleteVariableAccess service . 192
14.12 DefineNamedVariableList service . 194
14.13 GetNamedVariableListAttributes service . 196
14.14 DeleteNamedVariableList service . 197
14.15 DefineNamedType service . 199
14.16 GetNamedTypeAttributes service . 201
14.17 DeleteNamedType service . 202
14.18 Conformance . 204
14.19 Guidance To Implementors . 205
15 Data Exchange Management Services . 206
15.1 The Data Exchange management model . 206
15.2 ExchangeData service . 207
15.3 GetDataExchangeAttributes service . 209
16 Semaphore Management Services . 210
16.1 The Semaphore Management Model . 210
16.2 TakeControl service . 217
16.3 RelinquishControl service . 221
16.4 DefineSemaphore service . 222
16.5 DeleteSemaphore service . 224
16.6 ReportSemaphoreStatus service . 226
16.7 ReportPoolSemaphoreStatus service . 227
16.8 ReportSemaphoreEntryStatus service . 229
16.9 AttachToSemaphore Modifier . 232
16.10 Conformance . 234
17 Operator Communication services . 235
17.1 The Operator Communications Model . 235
17.2 Input service . 237
17.3 Output service . 239
18 Event Management services . 241
18.1 Event Detection and Notification . 24

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