Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) application model — Part 3: Model of a demand-response energy management system for HES

ISO/IEC 15067-3:2012(E) specifies an energy management model for programs that manage the consumer demand for electricity using a method known as "demand response". Three types of demand response are specified in this standard: direct control, local control and distributed control. It replaces ISO/IEC TR 15067-3, first edition, published in 2000, and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - the demand response options have been expanded; - distributed energy resources such as local generation and storage have been included; - the terminology for demand response has been aligned with smart grid.

Technologies de l'information — Modèles d'application du système électronique domotique (HES) — Partie 3: Modèle d'un système de management de l'énergie à demande-réponse pour les HES

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ISO/IEC 15067-3:2012 - Information technology -- Home Electronic System (HES) application model
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ISO/IEC 15067-3
Edition 1.0 2012-07
Information technology – Home electronic system (HES) application model –
Part 3: Model of a demand-response energy management system for HES

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ISO/IEC 15067-3
Edition 1.0 2012-07
Information technology – Home electronic system (HES) application model –

Part 3: Model of a demand-response energy management system for HES

ICS 35.200 ISBN 978-2-83220-191-6

– 2 – 15067-3 © ISO/IEC:2012(E)
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 8
3.1 Terms and definitions . 8
3.2 Abbreviations . 11
4 Conformance . 11
5 Energy management using demand response . 12
5.1 Model for energy management . 12
5.2 Demand response overview. 15
5.3 Demand response methods . 16
5.3.1 Direct load control . 16
5.3.2 Demand response via pricing and event notification . 17
6 Distributed control architecture and strategies . 18
6.1 Smart appliances. 18
6.2 Prices-to-devices . 18
6.3 Energy management agent (EMA) . 19
6.3.1 EMA overview . 19
6.3.2 EMA grid-to-home functionality . 21
6.3.3 Home-to-grid functionality . 21
7 HES energy management taxonomy and lexicon . 21
7.1 Introduction to energy management taxonomy and lexicon . 21
7.2 Examples of logical and physical models . 22
7.3 Taxonomy of HES energy management use cases . 23
7.3.1 Structure of use cases . 23
7.3.2 Case 1: local control . 23
7.3.3 Case 2: direct control without supervision . 24
7.3.4 Case 3: direct control with supervision . 25
7.3.5 Case 4: distributed control . 27
7.3.6 Case 5: advanced distributed control . 28
7.3.7 Case 6: distributed control for intelligent appliances . 28
7.3.8 Case 7: utility telemetry services . 30
7.4 Lexicon for HES energy management . 31
7.4.1 HES message lexicon overview . 31
7.4.2 HES message list . 31
Annex A (informative) Premises equipment for energy management . 35
Annex B (informative) Demand-side management . 37
Annex C (informative) Value added services . 40
Bibliography . 41

15067-3 © ISO/IEC:2012(E) – 3 –
Figure 1 – Elements of the HES energy management model . 13
Figure 2 – HES energy management model . 14
Figure 3 – Example of building energy management . 15
Figure 4 – Direct load control . 16
Figure 5 – Price-to-devices . 19
Figure 6 – Distributed load control system . 20
Figure 7 – Energy management agent . 20
Figure 8 – Typical HES energy management model components . 22
Figure 9 – Logical model for HES energy management . 23
Figure 10 – Logical model of minimal HES energy management . 23
Figure 11 – Case 1: local control, physical model . 24
Figure 12 – Case 1: local control, logical model . 24
Figure 13 – Case 2: direct control, physical model . 25
Figure 14 – Case 2: direct control, logical model . 25
Figure 15 – Case 3: direct control with supervision, physical model . 26
Figure 16 – Case 3: direct control with supervision, logical model . 26
Figure 17 – Case 7: utility telemetry services, physical model . 30
Figure 18 – Case 7: utility telemetry services, logical model . 30

– 4 – 15067-3 © ISO/IEC:2012(E)

Part 3: Model of a demand-response energy
management system for HES
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International Standard ISO/IEC 15067-3 was prepared by subcommittee 25: Interconnection
of information technology equipment, of ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1: Information
This International Standard replaces ISO/IEC TR 15067-3, first edition, published in 2000, and
constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous
− the demand response options have been expanded;
− distributed energy resources such as local generation and storage have been included;
− the terminology for demand response has been aligned with smart grid.

15067-3 © ISO/IEC:2012(E) – 5 –
The list of all currently available parts of the ISO/IEC 15067 series, under the general title
Information technology – Home electronic system (HES) application model, can be found on
the IEC web site.
This International Standard has been approved by vote of the member bodies, and the voting
results may be obtained from the address given on the second title page.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

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ISO/IEC 15067 currently consis

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