Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 27: Implementation methods: Java TM programming language binding to the standard data access interface with Internet/Intranet extensions

This part of ISO 10303 specifies a binding of the Java1) programming language to application data modelled in EXPRESS, ISO 10303-11 and to the standard data access interface, ISO 10303-22. It also specifies an import and export mechanism for data according to the clear text encoding of the exchange structure, ISO 10303-21. A further extension is that SDAI repositories can be created, deleted and linked while the SDAI session is open. Dynamically linking SDAI repositories through a network like Internet or Intranet allows accessing and changing of remote data. In addition to the scope of ISO 10303-22 the scope of this part of ISO 10303 contains: — creating, deletion and linking of the data repositories during an SDAI session; — specific support for linking a remote data repository through a network like Internet or Intranet; — convenience interfaces, classes, fields and methods suitable to this Java programming language binding; — implementation mechanisms for the handling of errors as specified in ISO 10303-22; — import from and export to the clear text encoding of the exchange structure as specified in ISO 10303-21. 1) Java is the trade mark of a product supplied by Sun Microsystems, Inc. This information is given for the convenience of users of this part of ISO 10303 and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO of the product name. Equivalent products may be used if they can be shown to lead to the same result. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 10303-27:2000(E)

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation et échange de données de produits — Partie 27: Méthodes de mise en application: Liaison de langage de programmation Java TM à l'interface d'accès aux données normales avec extensions Internet/Intranet

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ISO/TS 10303-27:2000 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange
English language
100 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Product data representation
and exchange —
Part 27:
Implementation methods: Java™
programming language binding to the
standard data access interface with
Internet/Intranet extensions
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation et
échange de données de produits —
Partie 27: Méthodes de mise en application: Liaison de langage de
programmation Java™ à l'interface d'accès aux données normales avec
extensions Internet/Intranet
Reference number
ISO 2000
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Contents Page
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references. 2
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations. 3
3.1 Terms defined in ISO 10303-1. 3
3.2 Terms defined in ISO 10303-11. 3
3.3 Terms defined in ISO 10303-22. 4
3.4 Terms defined in The Java Language Specification . 5
3.5 Other definitions. 5
3.6 Abbreviations. 6
4 General characteristics. 7
4.1 Entity Attribute and Aggregate Member access. 8
4.2 Dynamic SdaiRepositories. 9
4.3 Packages and EXPRESS schema.10
4.4 Aggregates .10
4.5 Conformance requirements .11
4.6 Agglomerate domain.11
4.7 Date and time .11
5 Mapping of the SDAI_parameter_data_schema.12
5.1 String_value .12
5.2 Binary_value.12
5.3 Integer_value.12
5.4 Real_value .12
5.5 Number_value.12
5.6 Boolean_value.13
5.7 Logical_value.13
5.8 Query_source.13
5.9 Iterator.13
5.10 Entity_instance .13
5.11 Attribute_value.13
5.12 Select_value.13
5.13 Select_aggregate_instance .13
5.14 Enumeration_value .14
5.15 Aggregate_instance .14
5.16 Non_persistent_list_instance.14
6 SDAI Session classes .14
6.1 SdaiSession.15
6.1.1 Open session .15
6.1.2 Close session.15
6.1.3 Start transaction read-write access.16
6.1.4 Start transaction read-only access.16
6.1.5 Get complex entity definition.16
6.1.6 Link repository.16
6.1.7 Create repository .17
6.1.8 Import clear text encoding.17
6.2 Implementation.17
6.3 SdaiRepository.18
6.3.1 Create SDAI-model.19
6.3.2 Create schema instance.19
6.3.3 Open repository .19
6.3.4 Close repository.19
6.3.5 Get session identifier.19
6.3.6 SDAI query .19
6.3.7 Export clear text encoding.20
6.3.8 Delete repository .20
6.3.9 Unlink repository .20
6.4 ASdaiRepository .21
6.5 SdaiTransaction.21
6.5.1 Commit .21
6.5.2 Abort .21
6.5.3 End transaction access and commit.21
6.5.4 End transaction access and abort.21
6.6 SchemaInstance .22
6.6.1 getValidationDateLong.22
6.6.2 Delete schema instance.22
6.6.3 Rename schema instance.22
6.6.4 Add SDAI-model.23
6.6.5 Remove SDAI-model .23
6.6.6 SDAI query .23
6.6.7 Validate global rule.23
6.6.8 Validate uniqueness rule.23
6.6.9 Validate instance reference domain.23
6.6.10 Validate schema instance.23
6.6.11 Is validation current.23
6.7 ASchemaInstance.23
6.7.1 getAssociatedModels .24
6.8 SdaiModel.24
6.8.1 getMode .25
6.8.2 Delete SDAI-model.25
6.8.3 Rename SDAI-model.26
6.8.4 Start read-only access.26
6.8.5 Promote SDAI-model to read-write.26
6.8.6 Reduce SDAI-model to read-only.26
6.8.7 End read-only access.26
6.8.8 Start read-write access.26
6.8.9 End read-write access.26
6.8.10 Get entity definition.27
6.8.11 Create entity instance .27
6.8.12 Copy application instance.27
6.8.13 copyInstances .27
6.8.14 Undo changes.27
6.8.15 Save changes .27
6.8.16 SDAI query .27
6.8.17 Get instances .27
6.8.18 Get exact instances.28
6.8.19 substituteInstance.28
6.8.20 Get defined schema.29
6.9 ASdaiModel.29
iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

6.10 EntityExtent.29
6.11 AEntityExtent.

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