Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 2: Finger minutiae data — Amendment 2: XML encoding and clarification of defects

Technologies de l'information — Formats d'échange de données biométriques — Partie 2: Données du point caractéristique du doigt — Amendement 2: Codage XML et précisions concernant les défauts

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015 - XML encoding and clarification of defects
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STANDARD 19794-2
Second edition
Information technology — Biometric
data interchange formats —
Part 2:
Finger minutiae data
AMENDMENT 2: XML encoding and
clarification of defects
Technologies de l’information — Formats d’échange de données
biométriques —
Partie 2: Données du point caractéristique du doigt
AMENDEMENT 2: Codage XML et précisions concernant les défauts
Reference number
ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd.2:2015(E)
ISO/IEC 2015

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd.2:2015(E)

© ISO/IEC 2015, Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have
established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of document
should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives,
Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights.
ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as
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following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
Amendment 2 to ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
technology, Subcommittee SC 37, Biometrics.

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats —
Part 2: Finger minutia data
Amendment 2: XML encoding and clarification of defects
1. Append the following paragraph into introduction
Additionally, this part of the ISO/IEC standard supports both binary and XML encoding, to
support a spectrum of user requirement. With XML, this part will meet the requirements modern
IT architectures. With binary encoding this part will also be able to be used in bandwitdth or
storage constrained environments. Annex G specifies the schema that XML encoded finger
minutia records must conform to, and Annex H provides an example of a valid XML encoded
finger minutia record.
2. Replace the existing text in clause “2– Conformance” with the following
A binary data record conforms to the finger minutiae record format of this part of ISO/IEC 19794
if it satisfies all the format requirements with respect to its structure, data values, relationships
among its fields, and with respect to relations between its fields and the underlying input that
are specified throughout clause 8 of this part of ISO/IEC 19794.
A binary data record conforms to the finger minutiae on-card comparison record format of this
part of ISO/IEC 19794 if it satisfies all the format requirements with respect to its structure, data
values, relationships among its fields, and with respect to relations between its fields and the
underlying input that are specified throughout clause 9 of this part of ISO/IEC 19794.
An XML document conforms to this part of ISO/IEC 19794 if it satisfies the format requirements
with respect to its structure, with respect to relations among its fields, and with respect to
relations between its fields and the underlying input that are specified within Annex G of this
part of ISO/IEC 19794.
A system that produces biometric data records is conformant to this part of ISO/IEC 19794 if all
biometric data records that it outputs conform to this part of ISO/IEC 19794 (as defined above)
as claimed in the Implementation Conformance Statement associated with that system. A
system does not need to be capable of producing biometric data records that cover all possible
aspects of this part of ISO/IEC 19794, but only those that are claimed to be supported by the
system in the Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS).
A system that uses biometric data records is conformant to this part of ISO/IEC 19794 if it can
read, and use for the purpose intended by that system, all biometric data records that conform
to this part of ISO/IEC 19794 (as defined above) as claimed in the Implementation
Conformance Statement associated with that system. A system does not need to be capable of
using biometric data records that cover all possible aspects of this part of ISO/IEC 19794, but
© ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
only those that are claimed to be supported by the system in an Implementation Conformance
Statement (ICS).

Biometric data interchange format conformance tests conform to this part of ISO/IEC 19794 if
they satisfy all of the normative requirements set forth in Annex A. Specifically, all Level-1,
Level-2 and Level-3 tests shall use the assertions defined in Table A.2 and Table A.3 of clause
A.3 in conformity with the concept and rules set in ISO/IEC 19794-1:2011 AMD 1.

Implementations of this part of ISO/IEC 19794 tested according to the specified methodology
shall be able to claim conformance only to those biometric data record (BDB) requirements
specified in this part of ISO/IEC 19794 that are tested by the test methods established by this

Implementations of this part of ISO/IEC 19794 do not necessarily need to conform to all
possible aspects of this part of ISO/IEC 19794, but only to those requirements that are claimed
to be supported by the implementation in an implementation conformance statement (ICS), filled
out in accordance with Annex A of ISO/IEC 19794-1:2011 AMD 1 and Table A.1 of clause A.2
of this part of ISO/IEC 19794.
3. Insert the following text in the appropriate alphabetical order of Clause 3,
Normative references:

4. Replace in clause 9.5.1

Table 19 shows the biometric data template with its embedded data objects.
Table 19 shows the biometric data template with its embedded data objects. All coordinate fields in extended data
that express spatial resolution shall have units of 10 mm. If present, angle information for cores shall be
expressed in the units of clause If present, angle information for deltas shall be expressed in the units of
5. Replace Clause A.2 with the following text
A.2 Table of requirements
The normative requirements specified in this Part of ISO/IEC 19794 are listed in Table A.1, which extends over
multiple pages. The supplier of the IUT should explain which optional components of the standard are supported
and the testing laboratory shall note the results of the test.
35 (0023 ) XML-finger-image {iso(1) registration-authority(1) cbeff(19785) biometric-organization(0) jtc1-
sc37(257) bdbs(0) XML-finger-image(35)}

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Table A.1 – Table of requirements
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-1 8.3.1 The format identifier shall be recorded in 1 M Y N N
four bytes. The format identifier shall consist
of three characters "FMR" followed by a zero
byte as a NULL string terminator.
R-2 8.3.2 The number for the version of this part of 1 M Y N N
ISO/IEC 19794 used for constructing the
BDIR shall be placed in four bytes. This
version number shall consist of three ASCII
numerals followed by a zero byte as a NULL
string terminator. The first and second
character will represent the major version
number and the third character will represent
the minor revision number.
R-3 8.3.3 The length (in bytes) of the entire BDIR shall 2 M Y N N
be recorded in four bytes. This count shall
be the total length of the BDIR including the
general record header and one or more fin-
ger representation records.
R-4 8.3.4 The total number of finger representation 2 M Y N N
records contained in the BDIR shall be
recorded in two bytes. A minimum of one
finger representation is required.
R-5 8.3.5 The one-byte certification flag shall indicate 2 M Y N N
whether each Representation Header in-
cludes a certification record. A value of 00
shall indicate that no finger representation
contains a certification record. A value of
01 shall indicate that all finger repre-
sentations contain a certification record.
R-6 8.4.1 A Representation Header shall precede 1 M Y N N
each representation of finger data providing
information for that finger representation.
There shall be one finger header for each
finger representation contained in the finger
minutiae record.
R-7 8.4.2 The total number of bytes in the entire finger 2 M Y N N
representation, including the representation
header, shall be recorded in four bytes.
R-8 8.4.3 The Gregorian calendar year of the capture 1 M Y N
date and time field shall be encoded in the
form given in ISO/IEC 19794-1.
R-9 8.4.3 The month of the capture date and time field 1 M Y N
shall be encoded in the form given in
ISO/IEC 19794-1.
R-10 8.4.3 The day of the capture date and time field 1 M Y N
shall be encoded in the form given in
ISO/IEC 19794-1.
R-11 8.4.3 The hour of the capture date and time field 1 M Y N
shall be encoded in the form given in
ISO/IEC 19794-1.
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-12 8.4.3 The minute of the capture date and time field 1 M Y N
shall be encoded in the form given in
ISO/IEC 19794-1.
R-13 8.4.3 The second of the capture date and time 1 M Y N
field shall be encoded in the form given in
ISO/IEC 19794-1.
R-14 8.4.3 The millisecond of the capture date and time 1 M Y N
field shall be encoded in the form given in
ISO/IEC 19794-1.
R-15 8.4.3 The capture date and time field shall indicate 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
when the capture of this finger repre-
sentation started in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).
R-16 8.4.4 The capture device technology ID shall be 1 M Y N N
encoded in one byte. This field shall indicate
the class of capture device technology used
to acquire the captured biometric sample. A
value of 00 indicates unknown or un-
specified technology. See Table 5 for the list
of possible values.
R-17 8.4.4 The capture device technology ID shall indi- 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
cate the class of capture device technology
used to acquire the captured biometric
R-18 8.4.5 The capture device vendor identifier shall be 1 M Y N N
encoded in two bytes. A value of all zeros
shall indicate that the capture device vendor
is unreported.
R-19 8.4.5 The capture device vendor identifier shall be 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
registered by IBIA or other approved regis-
tration authority.
R-20 8.4.6 The capture device type identifier shall be 1 M Y N N
encoded in two bytes. A value of all zeros
shall indicate that the capture device type is
R-21 8.4.6 The capture device type identifier shall be 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
assigned by the registered product owner or
other approved registration authority.
R-22 A quality record shall begin with a length 2 M Y N N
field. The length field shall consist of one
byte. It shall represent the number of quality
blocks as an unsigned integer.
R-23 A quality score shall be encoded in one byte 1 M Y N N
as an unsigned integer. Allowed values are
– 0 to 100 with higher values indicating
better quality,
– 255, i.e. ff , for indicating that an
attempt to calculate a quality score
4 © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-24 The quality algorithm vendor identifier shall 1 M Y N N
be encoded in two bytes. A value of all zeros
shall indicate that the quality algorithm
vendor is unreported.
R-25 The quality algorithm vendor identifier shall 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
be registered by IBIA or other approved
registration authority.
R-26 The quality algorithm identifier shall be 1 M Y N N
encoded in two bytes. A value of all zeros
shall indicate that the quality algorithm is
R-27 The quality algorithm identifier shall be regis- 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
tered by IBIA or other approved registration
R-28 A certification record shall begin with a 2 M Y N N
length field. The length field shall consist of
one byte. It shall represent the number of
certification blocks as an unsigned integer.
R-29 The certification authority identifier shall be 1 M Y N N
encoded in two bytes. A value of all zeros
shall indicate that the certification authority is
R-30 The certification authority identifier shall be 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
registered by IBIA or other approved regis-
tration authority.
R-31 The certification scheme identifier shall be 1 M Y N N
encoded in one byte. A list of current certifi-
cation scheme identifiers is contained in
Table 6.
R-32 8.4.9 The finger position shall be recorded in one 1 M Y N N
R-33 8.4.10 The number associated with the specific 1 M Y N N
representation shall be recorded in one byte.
R-34 8.4.10 If there is more than one finger representa- 2 M Y N N
tion from the same finger in a finger minutiae
record, each finger representation shall have
a unique representation number. The
combination of finger location and
representation number shall uniquely identify
a particular finger representation within a
minutiae record.
R-35 8.4.10 Multiple finger representations from the 2 M Y N N
same finger shall be numbered with increas-
ing representation numbers, beginning with
0. Where only one finger representation is
taken from each finger, this field shall be set
to 0.
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-36 8.4.11 The horizontal spatial sampling rate of the 1 M Y N N
minutiae coordinate system shall be
recorded in two bytes having the units of
pixels per centimeter. The value of the X
spatial sampling rate shall not be less than
98.45 pixels per centimeter (250 pixels per
R-37 8.4.12 The vertical spatial sampling rate of the 1 M Y N N
minutiae coordinate system shall be
recorded in two bytes having the units of
pixels per centimeter. The value of the Y
spatial sampling rate shall not be less than
98.45 pixels per centimeter (250 pixels per
R-38 8.4.13 The impression type of the finger images 1 M Y N N
from which the minutiae data was derived
shall be recorded in this one-byte field.
R-39 8.4.14 The value for the size of the scanned image 1 M Y N N
in x direction shall be written in a two-byte
binary field. It shall be used to specify the
number of pixels contained on a single
horizontal line of the transmitted image. The
range of allowed values is 0000 to
3FFF for compatibility with the Minutia,
Core, and Delta Position fields.
R-40 8.4.15 The value for the size of the scanned image 1 M Y N N
in y direction shall be written in a two-byte
binary field. It shall be used to specify the
number of horizontal lines contained in the
transmitted image. The range of allowed
values is 0000 to 3FFF for compatibility
Hex Hex
with the Minutia, Core, and Delta Position
R-41 8.4.16 The number of bytes required to describe 1 M Y N N
each minutia shall be recorded in the four
high-order (most significant) bits of the byte.
Allowed values are 5 (to indicate a 5-byte
minutia format with no quality information, or
6 to indicate a 6-byte minutia format,
including a 1-byte quality field.
R-42 8.4.17 The method used to determine the location 1 M Y N N
of a ridge ending shall be recorded in the
four low-order (least significant) bits of the
R-43 8.4.18 The number of minutiae extracted and 2 M Y N Y
encoded for the finger shall be recorded in
this one byte.
R-44 The type of minutia shall be recorded in the 1 M Y N N
2 upper two bits of the first byte of the minutia
R-45 ‘00’ shall represent a minutia of “other” type. 3C O-1 Y Y N  N/A
2, 9.2.4
R-46 ‘01’ shall represent a ridge ending. 3C O-1 Y Y N  N/A
2, 9.2.4
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-47 ‘10’ shall represent a ridge bifurcation. 3C O-1 Y Y N  N/A
2, 9.2.4
R-48 The X coordinate of the minutia shall be 1 M Y N N
3 recorded in the lower fourteen bits of the first
two bytes of the minutia representation.
R-49 The upper two bits of the next byte of the 1 M Y N N
3 minutia representation shall be set to ‘00’.
R-50 The Y coordinate of the minutia shall be 1 M Y N N
3 recorded in the lower fourteen bits of the
third and fourth byte of the minutia
R-51 The angle of the minutia shall be recorded in 1 M Y N N
4 one byte.
R-52 The angle of the minutia shall be recorded in 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
4 units of 1,40625 (360/256) degrees.
R-53 The quality of the minutia shall be recorded 1 M Y N N
5 in one byte. The quality value shall range
from 100 as a maximum to 0 as a minimum.
A value of 254 indicates the quality was not
reported and a value of 255 indicates a
failure to acquire a quality score.
R-54 6.3.2 A minutia point shall be encoded once. A 2 M Y Y Y
minutia point is uniquely identified by the
location and angle.
R-55 The extended data length field shall consist 1/2 M Y N N
of two bytes.
R-56 The extended data area type code shall be 1 O Y N N
recorded in two bytes. A value of zero in
both bytes shall not be used.
R-57 The length of the extended data section 1/2 O Y N N
shall be recorded in two bytes.
R-58 Each ridge count area shall begin with a sin- 1 O Y N N
gle byte indicating the ridge count extraction
method. Allowed values are 00 , 01 ,
Hex Hex
and 02 .
R-59 Each ridge count area shall begin with a sin- 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
gle byte indicating the ridge count extraction
method. A value of 00 shall indicate no
specific ridge count extraction method. A
value of 01 shall indicate the four-
neighbour ridge count extraction method. A
value of 02 shall indicate the eight-
neighbour ridge count extraction method.
R-60 The first and second bytes of a ridge count 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
area are index numbers, indicating which
minutiae in the corresponding minutiae area
are considered.
R-61 The number of core points shall be recorded 1/2 O Y N N
in the least significant four bits of the first
byte of the core data. Allowed values are
from 0 to 15.
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-62 The core information type shall be recorded 1 O Y N N
in the first two bits of the upper byte of the
first byte of the core data. Allowed values
are ‘00’ and ‘01’.
R-63 The core information type shall be recorded 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
in the first two bits of the upper byte of the
first byte of the core data. A value of ‘01’
indicates that angular information is present
while ‘00’ indicates no angular information is
R-64 The X coordinate of the core shall be 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
recorded in the lower fourteen bits of the first
two bytes of the core data.
R-65 The Y coordinate of the core shall be placed 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
in the lower fourteen bits of the following two
R-66 The angle of the core shall be recorded in 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
one byte.
R-67 The number of delta points shall be recorded 1/2 O Y N N
in the least significant four bits of the first
byte of the core data. Allowed values are
from 0 to 15.
R-68 The delta information type shall be recorded 1 O Y N N
in the first two bits of the upper byte of the
first byte of the delta data. Allowed values
are ‘00’ and ‘01’.
R-69 The delta information type shall be recorded 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
in the first two bits of the upper byte of the
first byte of the delta data. A value of ‘01’
indicates that angular information is present
while ‘00’ indicates no angular information is
R-70 The X coordinate of the delta shall be 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
recorded in the lower fourteen bits of the first
two bytes of the delta data.
R-71 The Y coordinate of the delta shall be placed 3C O-1 Y N N  N/A
in the lower fourteen bits of the following two
R-72 The angle of the delta shall be recorded in 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
one byte.
R-73 The provider of zonal quality scores shall be 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
identified in two bytes.
R-74 The zonal quality algorithm shall be 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
identified in two bytes.
R-75 The number of pixels in cells in the x direc- 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
tion shall be stored in one byte.
R-76 The number of pixels in cells in the y direc- 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
tion shall be stored in one byte.
R-77 The bit depth of the cell quality information 1/2 O Y N Y
shall be contained in one byte.
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-78 The quality of the fingerprint image in a cell 3C O-1 Y N Y  N/A
shall be represented by one or more bits, as
indicated by the bit depth.
R-79 6.4.2 The coordinate system used to express the 3C O-1 Y Y Y  N/A
minutiae of a fingerprint shall be a Cartesian
coordinate system. Points shall be repre-
sented by their X and Y coordinates. The
origin of the coordinate system shall be the
upper left corner of the original image with X
increasing to the right and Y increasing
R-80 6.4.3 The minutia for a ridge ending shall be de- 3C O-1 Y Y Y  N/A
fined as the point of forking of the medial
skeleton of the valley area immediately in
front of the ridge ending.
R-81 6.4.4 The minutia for a ridge bifurcation shall be 3C O-1 Y Y Y  N/A
defined as the point of forking of the medial
skeleton of the ridge.
R-82 6.4.5 The minutia for a ridge skeleton endpoint 3C O-1 Y Y Y  N/A
shall be defined as the center point of the
ending ridge.
R-83 6.7 All multibyte quantities are represented in 1 M Y Y N
Big-Endian format; that is, the more sig-
nificant bytes of any multibyte quantity are
stored at lower addresses in memory than
(and are transmitted before) less significant
bytes. All numeric values are fixed-length
integer quantities, and are unsigned
R-84 9.1 A series of minutiae descriptions shall be 1 M N Y N
embedded in a tag-length-value encoded
biometric data object as defined in ISO/IEC
R-85 9.2.3 The 8-bit X coordinate of the minutia shall be 1 M N Y N
recorded in the first byte.
R-86 9.2.3 The 8-bit Y coordinate shall be placed in the 1 M N Y N
second byte.
R-87 9.2.3 The coordinates shall be expressed such 3C O-1 N Y N  N/A
that each unit is equal to 10 mm.
R-88 9.2.4 The type of a minutia shall be recorded in 1 M N Y N
the first two bits of the angle value for the
R-89 9.2.5 The angle of the minutia shall be recorded in 1 M N Y N
six bits.
R-90 9.2.5 The angle of the minutia shall be recorded in 3C O-1 N Y N  N/A
units of 5.625 (360/64) degrees.
R-91 If extended data are present, finger-minutiae 1 M N Y N
data shall be preceded by tag 81 or A1
Hex Hex
and a length field.
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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Requ Refer- Requirement summary Lev Sta- Applicable to format IUT Sup- Test
ire- ence in el tus type sup- ported re-
ment main port range sult
Record On- XML
ID body
R-92 If extended data in both, standardised and 2 M N Y N
vendor-specific, formats are present, data in
standardised format (data objects with tags
81 and 91 to 95Hex) shall be
Hex Hex
encapsulated in the data object with tag
A1 .
R-93 If present, ridge-count data shall be 1 O N Y N
Table 19
preceded by tag 91 and a length field.
R-94 If present, core-point data shall be preceded 1 O N Y N
Table 19
by tag 92 and a length field.
R-95 If present, delta-point data shall be preceded 1 O N Y N
Table 19
by tag 93 and a length field.
R-96 If present, zonal-quality data shall be 1 O N Y N
Table 19
preceded by tag 94 and a length field.
R-97 If present, impression-type data shall be 1 O N Y N
Table 19
preceded by tag 95 and a length field.
R-98 If present, biometric data with vendor- 1 O N Y N
Table 19
specific format shall be preceded by tag
82 or A2 and a length field.
Hex Hex

6. Replace the header of A.3 with the following
A.3 Table of test assertions for binary encoded records
The specific test assertions required for conformance testing for binary records to this Part of
ISO/IEC 19794 are listed in Table A.2. The conformance test assertions are listed in the order in
that the corresponding fields are required to appear, if present, in a conforming record. The
normative requirements of this part of ISO/IEC 19794 as summarized in Table A.1 are
referenced in Table.
7. Rename Table A.2 as Test assertions for binary encoded records
8. Add new section A.4
A.4 Table of test assertions for xml encoded records
The specific test assertions required for conformance testing for xml encoded records to this
Part of ISO/IEC 19794 are listed in Table A.3, which may extend over multiple pages. The
conformance test assertions are listed in the order in that the corresponding fields are required
to appear, if present, in a conforming record. As many requirements for encoding are described
in the schema, the table only enumerates assertions that cannot be handled by using the
schema. The normative requirements of this part of ISO/IEC 19794 as summarized in Table
A.1 are referenced in Table.

10 © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 19794-2:2011/Amd 2:2015(E)
Table A.3. Test assertions for xml encoded records
Test Rqt Level Element Name Operator Opd Test Status IUT Spt Te

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