Information technology — Security techniques — Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves — Part 4: Digital signatures giving message recovery

ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004 specifically addresses the digital signatures giving message recovery based on elliptic curves. The scope of ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004 is restricted to cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves defined over finite fields of prime power order (including the special cases of prime order and characteristic two). The representation of elements of the underlying finite fields (i.e. which basis is used) is outside the scope of ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004. ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004 specifies: the digital signatures giving message recovery with each type of redundancy: natural redundancy, added redundancy, or both. the general model for digital signatures giving partial or total message recovery aiming at reducing storage and transmission overhead. Together with the general model, it provides five mechanisms to realize the digital signatures giving message recovery based on elliptic curves. The mathematical background and general techniques necessary for implementing the mechanisms are described in ISO/IEC 15946-1.

Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Techniques cryptographiques basées sur les courbes elliptiques — Partie 4: Signatures digitales offrant un message de recouvrement

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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004 - Information technology -- Security techniques -- Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves
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STANDARD 15946-4
First edition

Information technology — Security
techniques — Cryptographic techniques
based on elliptic curves —
Part 4:
Digital signatures giving message
Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Techniques
cryptographiques basées sur les courbes elliptiques —
Partie 4: Signatures digitales offrant un message de recouvrement

Reference number
ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
ISO/IEC 2004

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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 3
4.1 Symbols and notation. 3
4.2 Coding convention, length and field size. 4
4.3 Legend for figures. 4
5 Processes . 5
5.1 Parameter Generation Process . 5
5.2 Signature Generation Process . 6
5.3 Signature Verification Process. 6
6 General Model for Digital Signatures giving message recovery . 7
6.1 Requirements . 7
6.2 Summary of Functions and Procedures.8
6.3 Signature generation process . 10
6.4 Signature verification process . 12
7 ECNR (Elliptic Curve Nyberg-Rueppel message recovery signature). 14
7.1 Domain and User Parameters. 14
7.2 Signature Generation Process . 15
7.3 Signature Verification Process. 15
8 ECMR (Elliptic Curve Miyaji message Recovery signature). 16
8.1 Domain and User Parameters. 16
8.2 Signature Generation Process . 16
8.3 Signature Verification Process. 17
9 ECAO (Elliptic Curve Abe-Okamoto message recovery signature). 17
9.1 Domain and User Parameters. 18
9.2 Signature Generation Process . 18
9.3 Signature Verification Process. 19
10 ECPV (Elliptic Curve Pintsov-Vanstone message recovery signature) . 20
10.1 Domain and User Parameters. 20
10.2 Signature Generation Process . 20
10.3 Signature Verification Process. 21
11 ECKNR (Elliptic Curve KCDSA/Nyberg-Rueppel message recovery signature) . 22
11.1 Domain and User Parameters. 22
11.2 Signature Generation Process . 22
11.3 Signature Verification Process. 23
Annex A (informative) Numerical examples. 24
Annex B (informative) Summary of properties of mechanisms. 44
Annex C (informative) Information about patents. 46
Bibliography . 47

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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
ISO/IEC 15946-4 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques.
ISO/IEC 15946 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Security
techniques — Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves:
 Part 1: General
 Part 2: Digital signatures
 Part 3: Key establishment
 Part 4: Digital signatures giving message recovery

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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
A potentially useful class of public-key cryptosystems consists of those schemes based on elliptic curves
defined over finite fields. Elliptic curve based public-key cryptosystems make use of the following two
 Every elliptic curve is endowed with a binary operation "+" under which it forms a finite abelian group.
 The group law on elliptic curves extends in a natural way to a "discrete exponentiation" on the point group
of the elliptic curve.
Based on the discrete exponentiation on an elliptic curve one can easily derive elliptic curve analogues of the
well-known public-key schemes of Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal type.
The security of such a public-key system depends on the difficulty of determining discrete logarithms in the
group of points of an elliptic curve. For similar parameter sizes, this problem is - with current knowledge -
much harder than the factorization of integers or the computation of discrete logarithms in a finite field. Indeed,
since V. Miller and N. Koblitz in 1985 independently suggested the use of elliptic curves for public-key
cryptographic systems, no substantial progress in tackling the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem has
been reported. In general, only algorithms that take exponential time are known to determine elliptic curve
discrete logarithms. Thus, it is possible for elliptic curve based public-key systems to use much shorter
parameters than the RSA system or the classical discrete logarithm based systems that make use of the
multiplicative group of some finite field. This yields significantly shorter digital signatures and system
parameters and allows for computations using smaller integers.
In order to meet the increasing interest in elliptic curve based public key technology, this part of
ISO/IEC 15946 defines methods for implementing elliptic curve digital signature techniques that give message
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Information technology — Security techniques —
Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves —
Part 4:
Digital signatures giving message recovery
1 Scope
ISO/IEC 15946 specifies public-key cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves. These techniques
include methods for the establishment of keys for symmetric cryptographic techniques, and digital signature
The scope of this part of ISO/IEC 15946 is restricted to cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves
defined over finite fields (including the special cases of prime order and characteristic two). The representation
of elements of the underlying finite field (i.e. which basis is used) is outside the scope of this part of
ISO/IEC 15946.
This part of ISO/IEC 15946 specifies five different mechanisms for digital signatures giving message recovery.
The mathematical background and general techniques necessary for implementing the mechanisms are
described in ISO/IEC 15946-1.
Digital signature mechanisms can be divided into the following two categories.
� When the whole message has to be stored and/or transmitted with the signature, the mechanism is
named a ‘signature mechanism with appendix’.
� When the whole message, or part of it, can be recovered from the signature, the mechanism is named a
‘signature mechanism giving message recovery’. The mechanisms specified in this part of ISO/IEC
15946 fall into the second category, i.e. they give either total or partial message recovery. [For elliptic
curve based digital signature schemes with appendix, see ISO/IEC 15946-2.]
NOTE In applications where a combination of algorithms is used to provide security services or when an algorithm is
parameterised by the choice of a combination of other algorithms such a combination may be specified as a sequence of
object identifiers assigned to these algorithms or by including the object identifiers of lower layer algorithms in the
parameters field of the algorithm identifier structure specifying higher layer algorithms (for example by specifying the
object identifier of a hash function as a parameter in the algorithm identifier structure of a signature scheme). The
algorithm identifier structure is defined in ISO/IEC 9594-8.
NOTE The encoding of object identifiers is application dependent.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 9796-3, Information technology  Security techniques — Digital signature schemes giving message
recovery  Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
ISO/IEC 10118 (all parts), Information technology  Security techniques — Hash-functions
ISO/IEC 14888-1, Information technology  Security techniques  Digital signatures with appendix  Part 1:
ISO/IEC 15946-1:2002, Information technology  Security techniques  Cryptographic techniques based on
elliptic curves  Part 1: General
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 15946-1 and the following
3.1 collision-resistant hash-function
[ISO/IEC 10118-1] A hash-function satisfying the following property:
 it is computationally infeasible to find any two distinct inputs which map to the same output.
NOTE  Computational feasibility depends on the specific security requirements and environment.
3.2 data input
A data item which depends on the entire message or a portion of the message and which forms a part of the
input to the signature generation process.
3.3 domain parameter
[ISO/IEC14888-1] A data item which is common to and known by or accessible to all entities within the
NOTE  The set of domain parameters may contain data items such as hash-function identifier, length of the hash-
token, length of the recoverable part of the message, finite field parameters, elliptic curve parameters, or other parameters
specifying the security policy in the domain.
3.4 hash-code
[ISO/IEC 10118-1] The string of bits which is the output of a hash-function.
3.5 hash-function
[ISO/IEC 10118-1] A function which maps strings of bits to fixed-length strings of bits, satisfying the following
two properties:
 for a given output, it is computationally infeasible to find an input which maps to this output; and
 for a given input, it is computationally infeasible to find a second input which maps to the same output.
3.6 hash-token
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A concatenation of a hash-code and an optional control field which can be used to identify
the hash-function and the padding method.
NOTE  The control field with the hash-function identifier is mandatory unless the hash-function is uniquely determined
by the signature mechanism or by the domain parameters.
3.7 message
A string of bits of any length.
3.8 pre-signature
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A value computed in the signature generation process which is a function of the
randomizer but which is independent of the message.
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
3.9 randomized
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] Dependent on a randomizer.
3.10 randomizer
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A secret data item produced by the signing entity in the pre-signature production process,
and not predictable by other entities.
3.11 signature
[ISO/IEC14888-1] The string of bits resulting from the signature generation process.
3.12 private signature key
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A secret data item specific to an entity and usable only by this entity in the signature
generation process.
3.13 signature generation process
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A process which takes as inputs the message, the signature key and the domain
parameters, and which gives as output the signature.
3.14 signed message
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A set of data items consisting of the signature, the part of the message which cannot be
recovered from the signature, and an optional text field.
3.15 public verification key
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A data item which is mathematically related to an entity's signature key and which is used
by the verifier in the signature verification process.
3.16 signature verification process
[ISO/IEC 14888-1] A process, which takes as its input the signed message, the verification key and the
domain parameters, and which gives as its output the recovered message if valid.
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
4.1 Symbols and notation
For the purposes of this document, the symbols and notation defined in ISO/IEC 15946-1 and the following
d, d' data input, recovered data input, respectively
h, h', h" hash-token, recovered (truncated) hash-token, recomputed (truncated) hash-
token, respectively
k randomizer
len_h length in bits of (truncated) hash-token
L size in octets of the field F
len_rec , len_clr , length in bits of M , M and n, respectively
rec clr
L length in octets of p
len_1, len_2 length in bits of short and long redundancy, respectively
M, M , M message, non-recoverable part of M, and recoverable part of M, respectively
clr rec
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
M', M' recovered message, recovered part of message, respectively
m positive integer
n, p  prime numbers
F(q) finite field with q elements, where q is a prime power.
E(F(q)) group with F(q)-rational points on an elliptic curve
Π pre-signature
r, r’ first part of the signature, first part of the received signature, respectively
s, s’ second part of the signature, second part of the received signature,
x the private signature key of entity A
Y the public verification key of entity A
P, Q points dependent on the chosen key generation scheme, that is P=G and Q=Y
for Key Generation Scheme I resp. P=Y and Q=G for Key Generation Scheme
II (See Clause 6.2)
conversion of a point on an elliptic curve to an integer
Cartesian product
XOR bit-wise exclusive or operation
SYM the symmetric cipher to be used, whose key is generated by key derivation
function KDF.
KDF the symmetric key derivation function, whose input is an elliptic curve point and
output is a value suitable for use as a symmetric key in symmetric cipher SYM.

4.2 Coding convention, length and field size
All integers are written with the most significant digit (or bit, or octet) in the leftmost position.
i -1 i
If an integer U is in the range 2 ≤ U < 2 , it is said that the length of U in bits is equal to i, and the notation i =
len_U is used.
m - 1 m
If an integer U is in the range 256 ≤ U < 256 , it is said that the length of U in octets equals m, and the
notation m = L is used. Hence, L is the least integer with the property 8⋅L ≥ len_U.
If F is a finite prime field F(p), we set L = L . If F is an extension field F(2 ), we set L to be the least integer
F p F
with the property 8⋅L ≥ m. If F is an extension field F(p ), we set L to be the least integer with the property L
≥ log p .
4.3 Legend for figures
The following legend is used for the figures in clause 6 depicting the signature generation and verification
process for digital signatures giving message recovery.
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)

step of the process


mandatory data flow

optional data flow

5 Processes
This part of ISO/IEC 15946 describes signature schemes based on the one way property of the scalar
multiplication on elliptic curves defined over some finite prime field F(p), some finite field F(2 ) or some finite
extension field of F(p).
A digital signature scheme is defined by the specification of the following processes:
 Parameter generation process;
 Signature generation process; and
 Signature verification process.
5.1 Parameter Generation Process
The parameters can be divided into domain parameters and user parameters.
5.1.1 Domain Parameters
The domain parameters consist of parameters to define a finite field, parameters to define an elliptic curve
over the finite field, and other public information which is common to and known by or accessible to all entities
within the domain. As well as the domain parameters for a general cryptographic scheme based on elliptic
curves which are specified in Part 1 of this standard, the following parameters must be specified:
 An identifier for the digital signature scheme used;
 The hash function Hash; and
 The user parameter generation procedures.
5.1.2 User Parameters
Each entity has its own public and private parameters. The user parameters of entity A consist of the
 The private signature key x ;
 The public verification key Y ; and
 (Optional) Other information, which is specific to the entity A, for the use in the signature generation
and/or verification process.
NOTE User parameters are valid only within the context of a specified set of domain parameters.
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
5.1.3 Validity of Parameters
The signature verifier may require assurance that the domain parameters and public verification key are valid,
otherwise there is no assurance of meeting the intended security even if the signature verifies. The signer may
also require assurance that the domain parameters and public verification key are valid, otherwise an
adversary may be able to generate signatures that verify.
Assurance of validity of domain parameters can be provided by one of the following:
 selection of valid domain parameters from a trusted published source, such as a standard;
 generation of valid domain parameters by a trusted third party, such as a CA;
 validation of candidate domain parameters by a trusted third party, such as a CA;
 for the signer, generation of valid domain parameters by the signer using a trusted system; and
 validation of candidate domain parameters by the user (i.e., the signer or verifier).
Assurance of validity of a public verification key can be provided by one of the following:
 for the signer, generation of the public verification/private signature key pair using a trusted system;
 for the signer or verifier, validation of the public verification key by a trusted third party, such as a CA;
 validation of the public verification key by the user (i.e., the signer or verifier).
5.2 Signature Generation Process
The following data items are required for the signature generation process:
 the domain parameters;
 the signer A’s user parameters including the private signature key x ; and
 the message M.
For all the schemes the signature generation process consists of the following procedures:
 splitting message;
 computation of redundancy, or computation of the message digest (option);
 elliptic curve computations;
 computations modulo the group order of the base point G; and
 formatting the signed message.
The output of the signature generation process is a pair of integers (r, s) that constitutes A’s digital signature
of the message M.
5.3 Signature Verification Process
The following data items are required for the signature verification process:
 the domain parameters;
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
 elements of the signer A’s user parameters including the public verification key Y (but not the private
signature key x );
 the non-recoverable message M’ (if any); and
 the received signature for M, represented as the two integers, r' and s'.
For all the schemes the signature verification process consists of some or all of the following procedures:
 signature size verification;
 recovering the pre-signature and the data input;
 recovering the message;
 verification of redundancy, or computation of the message digest (optional);
 computations modulo the group order of the base point G;
 elliptic curve computations; and
 signature checking.
If all procedures are passed successfully, the signature is accepted by the verifier, otherwise it is rejected.
6 General Model for Digital Signatures giving message recovery
This clause contains a general model for the five signature schemes specified in this part of ISO/IEC 15946.
6.1 Requirements
6.1.1 Domain parameters
Users who wish to employ one of the digital signature mechanisms specified in this part of ISO/IEC 15946
shall select the domain parameters of the digital signature scheme:
 : a finite field F(q);
 an elliptic curve E over F(q) which has a unique cyclic subgroup of prime order n; and
 a point G on E of prime order n.
Agreement on these choices amongst the users is essential for the purpose of the operation of the digital
signature mechanism giving message recovery.
NOTE The sizes of both q and n correspond to the security parameters, and shall be chosen to meet the defined
security objectives.
6.1.2 Type of redundancy
Users shall select the type of redundancy.
 natural redundancy;
 added redundancy; or
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ISO/IEC 15946-4:2004(E)
 both.
NOTE A message with natural redundancy means that the message includes redundancy naturally or that
redundancy of the message is verifiable implicitly in some applications. A message with added redundancy may be
constructed by the hash token of the message or the recoverable message. The natural or added redundancy may be
anything agreed upon and able to be checked by the communicating parties. Total redundancy, which consists of natural
redundancy and added redundancy, shall be greater than some minimum value specified by the application.
If users use added redundancy, the types of the redundancy shall be fixed to be either:
 short redundancy; or
 long redundancy.
Short redundancy shall be used if the entire message is recoverable from the signature.
Long redundancy shall be used if only part of the message, not the entire message, is recoverable from the
The length of the short redundancy and the long redundancy, len_1 and len_2 shall be fixed, respectively:

 If the bit-length of the message is at most len_n – len_1 –1, then the entire message is recoverable
from the signature and short redundancy is used; and

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