ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd 1:2021
(Amendment)Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 8: Fuel quality control — Amendment 1: Alignment with Grade D of ISO 14687
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 8: Fuel quality control — Amendment 1: Alignment with Grade D of ISO 14687
Hydrogène gazeux — Stations de remplissage — Partie 8: Contrôle qualité du carburant — Amendement 1: Alignement avec le Grade D de l'ISO 14687
General Information
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STANDARD 19880-8
First edition
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling
stations —
Part 8:
Fuel quality control
AMENDMENT 1: Alignment with Grade D
of ISO 14687
Hydrogène gazeux — Stations de remplissage —
Partie 8: Contrôle qualité du carburant
AMENDEMENT 1: Alignement avec le Grade D de l'ISO 14687
Reference number
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
ISO 2021
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee TC 197, Hydrogen technologies.
A list of all parts in the ISO 19880 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations —
Part 8:
Fuel quality control
AMENDMENT 1: Alignment with Grade D of ISO 14687
Clause 5, first paragraph
Replace the paragraph with the following:
The quality requirements of hydrogen fuel dispensed to PEM fuel cells for road vehicles are listed
in Grade D of ISO 14687.
8.4, first paragraph
Replace the paragraph with the following:
It is necessary to evaluate the possible consequences on a fuel cell vehicle if any impurity exceeds
the threshold value of ISO 14687 Grade D.
8.4, second paragraph
Replace the paragraph with the following:
An estimation of the concentration above the ISO 14687 Grade D threshold values at which the
severity increases (if applicable) is named “Level 1” and is given in column 5 for each impurity
where the “severity class” is not already 4.
Table 4
Replace Table 4 with the following table:
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table 4 — Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrain
Severity class
Severity class
ISO 14687 (from ISO 14687
(greater than
Impurity Grade D Grade D Level 1 value
Level 1
threshold value threshold value
to Level 1)
[μmol/mol] [μmol/mol]
b b
Total non-H gases 300 UD UD 4
b b
Helium He 300 UD UD 4
b b
Nitrogen N 300 UD UD 4
b b
Argon Ar 300 UD UD 4
c c
Oxygen O 5 UD UD 4
Carbon dioxide CO 2 1 3 4
Carbon monoxide CO 0,2 2-3 1 4
Methane CH 100 1 300 4
Water H O 5 4 N/A 4
Total sulphur H S
0,004 4 N/A 4
compounds basis
Ammonia NH 0,1 4 N/A 4
Total hydrocarbons CH
4 d
2 1-4 N/A 4
except methane basis
Formaldehyde HCHO 0,2 2-3 1 4
Formic acid HCOOH 0,2 2-3 1 4
Halogens 0,05 4 N/A 4
Maximum particulate
concentration (liquid 1 mg/kg 4 N/A 4
and solid)
UD: undetermined
N/A: not applicable
The threshold value is according to hydrogen specification of Grade D of ISO 14687.
The severity class (from ISO 14687 Grade D threshold value to Level 1) and Level 1 value for this impurity is
undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet in alignment with the new threshold value. It needs to be
covered in the next edition of this document.
The severity class (from ISO 14687 Grade D threshold value to Level 1) and Level 1 value for oxygen are undetermined
because data are lacking to confirm those values. It needs to be covered in the next edition of this document.
A higher value is to be considered for risk assessment approach until more specific data is available.
Particulates are based upon mass density mg/kg.
A.15 first paragraph
Replace “ISO 14687-2” with “Grade D of ISO 14687” in the second last sentence.
Table B.1
Replace Table B.1 with the following table:
2 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.1 — Probability of occurrence for off-site SMR
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
Inert gas Present in natural gas and syn-
300 UD
N gas PSA malfunction
— Double analysis PSA outlet <100 μmol/mol
Inert gas Only ATR and POx present in O — PSA. Not sized to remove Ar. Ar content may be higher if H comes from ATR, POX or
2 2
300 UD
Ar typical 0,6 % in syngas from ATR feeds with high Ar content
Not present in syngas. O is un-
stable in the condition of reform-
O 5 — PSA cannot be used with significant O content for safety reasons 0
2 2
ing and shift reactions. Combines
with H , CO, and CH
2 4
— PSA adsorption strength of MS, activated carbon, silicagel higher for CO than CO. A
CO 2 Present in syngas (%) 0
CO content lower than 10μmol/mol insures a CO content lower than 2 μmol/mol
Normal operation below thresh-
CO 0,2 old. Occasional peaks at μmol/ — Double analysis at the PSA outlet + trip if the CO>1-10 μmol/mol at PSA outlet 4
mol level
— In most cases CO is sizing the PSA, therefore CO<10 μmol/mol ==> C H < 100 μmol/mol
CH 100 Present in syngas at % level 2
depending on users' specification (Europe pipeline 2 μmol/mol).
— PSA adsorbed in alumina and MS adsorption strength higher than CO .
H O 5 Syngas saturated in H O 0
2 2
A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a H O content lower than 5 μmol/mol.
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
4 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
Table B.1 (continued)
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
— Desulphuration upstream reformer (typical values: normal < 10 ppb,
maximum < 20 ppb, guarantee < 50 ppb)
— Typical dilution factor 2,5 (1 mole natural gas produces 2,5 mole H )
— Pre-reformer catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage.
In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
TS 0,004 TS from natural gas — Reformer catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage. 0
In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
— Shift catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage.
In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
— PSA adsorption of H S before CO, CO , species
2 2
— H S adsorption in pipe and vessels. Strong affinity with steel
— PSA adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than CO. A CO content
NH 0,1 Traces present in syngas 0
lower than 10μmol/mol insures a NH content lower than 0,1 μmol/mol
Traces of C2+ after reforming — PSA C2 C3, C4, C5+adsorbed by activated carbon layer. A CO content lower than
THC 2 0
reaction 10 μmol/mol insures a THC (C H excluded) content lower than 2 μmol/mol
— PSA. Formaldehyde adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than
May be present in syngas. CO. A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a HCHO content lower than 0,1 μmol/
essentially liquid mol. To guarantee 0,01 μmol/mol would require more experience of measuring at
those levels
— PSA. Formic adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than CO.
May be present in syngas
HCOOH 0,2 A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a HCOOH content lower than 0,2 μmol/ 0
essentially liquid
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.1 (continued)
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
— Any Cl present in natural gas would be stopped by HDS
— Pre-reformer catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible Cl trapped at this stage. If
breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
— Reformer catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible. Cl trapped at this stage I break through,
Halogens 0,05 Present in natural gas 0
process condition cannot be achieved
— Shift catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible. Cl trapped at this stage. I break through,
process condition cannot be achieved
— PSA adsorption of Cl before CO, CO , species
Not present in natural gas in N
Europe (<10 μmol/mol). Passes
He 300 0
through the whole process. Dilu-
tion factor 2,5
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.2
Replace Table B.2 with the following table:
Table B.2 — Probability of occurrence for pipeline
Typical barriers Probability
Causes possible
Impurity Threshold employed in with
For the item studied
this process barriers
Air intake if some areas are at negative
Inert gas pressure Inlet pressure PSL trip on
300 UD
N From seal gas or purge gas compressors
Wrong purging after maintenance
1 % Ar in the air.
Inert gas 100 μmol/mol would
300 No potential UD
Ar mean 1 % air in the pipe
Never been observed
Air intake if some areas are at negative Inlet pressure PSL trip on
O 5 1
pressure compressors
2 μmol/mol of C O would
mean 0,5 % air in the
CO 2 From Air: CO at 400 μmol/mol in the air 0
2 2
Never been observed
CO 0,2 No potential 0
CH 100 No potential 0
H > 40 bar ==> leak from
H O 5 Wrong drying after pressure hydraulic test H O to H unlikely during 0
2 2 2
TS 0,004 No potential 0
NH 0,1 No potential 0
THC 2 No potential 0
HCHO 0,2 No potential UD
HCOOH 0,2 No potential 0
Halogens 0,05 From cleaning material after maintenance 1
He 300 No potential 0
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet. It
needs to be covered in the next edition of this document.
6 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.3
Replace Table B.3 with the following table:
Table B.3 — Probability of occurrence for fuelling station to be source of impurities
Causes possible
Impurity Threshold Existing barriers Probability
For the source studied
Inert gas N purging operation, air intake during
2 a
300 UD
N normal operation or maintenance
1 % Ar in the air.
100 μmol/mol would
Inert gas Air intake during normal operation or
300 mean 1 % air in the UD
Ar maintenance
fuelling station
Never been observed
Air intake during normal operation or
O 5 2
2 μmol/mol CO would
Air intake during normal operation or mean 0,5 % air in the
CO 2 0
maintenance fuelling station. Never
been observed
CO 0,2 No potential at fuelling station level 0
CH 100 No potential at fuelling station level 0
Maintenance, leaks from compressor ex-
changers, improper pressure vessel drying
after periodic inspection, H O coming from
H O 5 2
the vent in case of check valve malfunction,
depending on fuelling station/compressor
TS 0,004 Materials gaskets, valve seats and tubing Material specifications 1
NH 0,1 No potential 0
Oil carryover from compressor (depending
THC 2 2
on compressor technology)
HCHO 0,2 No potential UD
HCOOH 0,2 No potential 0
Halogens 0,05 From degreasing material 1
If pure He is not used for
He 300 No potential at fuelling station level 0
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet. It
will be covered in the next edition of this document.
Table B.4
Replace Table B.4 with the following table:
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
8 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
Table B.4 — Combined risk assessment
ISO specification Supply chain probability Residual
Severity Prob- Se-
Production Pipeline Fuelling Compounded Additional risk Criti-
Impurity Threshold Severity Criticality redu
STANDARD 19880-8
First edition
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling
stations —
Part 8:
Fuel quality control
AMENDMENT 1: Alignment with Grade D
of ISO 14687
Hydrogène gazeux — Stations de remplissage —
Partie 8: Contrôle qualité du carburant
AMENDEMENT 1: Alignement avec le Grade D de l'ISO 14687
Reference number
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
ISO 2021
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee TC 197, Hydrogen technologies.
A list of all parts in the ISO 19880 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations —
Part 8:
Fuel quality control
AMENDMENT 1: Alignment with Grade D of ISO 14687
Clause 5, first paragraph
Replace the paragraph with the following:
The quality requirements of hydrogen fuel dispensed to PEM fuel cells for road vehicles are listed
in Grade D of ISO 14687.
8.4, first paragraph
Replace the paragraph with the following:
It is necessary to evaluate the possible consequences on a fuel cell vehicle if any impurity exceeds
the threshold value of ISO 14687 Grade D.
8.4, second paragraph
Replace the paragraph with the following:
An estimation of the concentration above the ISO 14687 Grade D threshold values at which the
severity increases (if applicable) is named “Level 1” and is given in column 5 for each impurity
where the “severity class” is not already 4.
Table 4
Replace Table 4 with the following table:
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table 4 — Impact of impurities on fuel cell powertrain
Severity class
Severity class
ISO 14687 (from ISO 14687
(greater than
Impurity Grade D Grade D Level 1 value
Level 1
threshold value threshold value
to Level 1)
[μmol/mol] [μmol/mol]
b b
Total non-H gases 300 UD UD 4
b b
Helium He 300 UD UD 4
b b
Nitrogen N 300 UD UD 4
b b
Argon Ar 300 UD UD 4
c c
Oxygen O 5 UD UD 4
Carbon dioxide CO 2 1 3 4
Carbon monoxide CO 0,2 2-3 1 4
Methane CH 100 1 300 4
Water H O 5 4 N/A 4
Total sulphur H S
0,004 4 N/A 4
compounds basis
Ammonia NH 0,1 4 N/A 4
Total hydrocarbons CH
4 d
2 1-4 N/A 4
except methane basis
Formaldehyde HCHO 0,2 2-3 1 4
Formic acid HCOOH 0,2 2-3 1 4
Halogens 0,05 4 N/A 4
Maximum particulate
concentration (liquid 1 mg/kg 4 N/A 4
and solid)
UD: undetermined
N/A: not applicable
The threshold value is according to hydrogen specification of Grade D of ISO 14687.
The severity class (from ISO 14687 Grade D threshold value to Level 1) and Level 1 value for this impurity is
undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet in alignment with the new threshold value. It needs to be
covered in the next edition of this document.
The severity class (from ISO 14687 Grade D threshold value to Level 1) and Level 1 value for oxygen are undetermined
because data are lacking to confirm those values. It needs to be covered in the next edition of this document.
A higher value is to be considered for risk assessment approach until more specific data is available.
Particulates are based upon mass density mg/kg.
A.15 first paragraph
Replace “ISO 14687-2” with “Grade D of ISO 14687” in the second last sentence.
Table B.1
Replace Table B.1 with the following table:
2 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.1 — Probability of occurrence for off-site SMR
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
Inert gas Present in natural gas and syn-
300 UD
N gas PSA malfunction
— Double analysis PSA outlet <100 μmol/mol
Inert gas Only ATR and POx present in O — PSA. Not sized to remove Ar. Ar content may be higher if H comes from ATR, POX or
2 2
300 UD
Ar typical 0,6 % in syngas from ATR feeds with high Ar content
Not present in syngas. O is un-
stable in the condition of reform-
O 5 — PSA cannot be used with significant O content for safety reasons 0
2 2
ing and shift reactions. Combines
with H , CO, and CH
2 4
— PSA adsorption strength of MS, activated carbon, silicagel higher for CO than CO. A
CO 2 Present in syngas (%) 0
CO content lower than 10μmol/mol insures a CO content lower than 2 μmol/mol
Normal operation below thresh-
CO 0,2 old. Occasional peaks at μmol/ — Double analysis at the PSA outlet + trip if the CO>1-10 μmol/mol at PSA outlet 4
mol level
— In most cases CO is sizing the PSA, therefore CO<10 μmol/mol ==> C H < 100 μmol/mol
CH 100 Present in syngas at % level 2
depending on users' specification (Europe pipeline 2 μmol/mol).
— PSA adsorbed in alumina and MS adsorption strength higher than CO .
H O 5 Syngas saturated in H O 0
2 2
A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a H O content lower than 5 μmol/mol.
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
4 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
Table B.1 (continued)
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
— Desulphuration upstream reformer (typical values: normal < 10 ppb,
maximum < 20 ppb, guarantee < 50 ppb)
— Typical dilution factor 2,5 (1 mole natural gas produces 2,5 mole H )
— Pre-reformer catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage.
In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
TS 0,004 TS from natural gas — Reformer catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage. 0
In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
— Shift catalyst poisoning by sulphur is irreversible. Sulphur trapped at this stage.
In case of breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
— PSA adsorption of H S before CO, CO , species
2 2
— H S adsorption in pipe and vessels. Strong affinity with steel
— PSA adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than CO. A CO content
NH 0,1 Traces present in syngas 0
lower than 10μmol/mol insures a NH content lower than 0,1 μmol/mol
Traces of C2+ after reforming — PSA C2 C3, C4, C5+adsorbed by activated carbon layer. A CO content lower than
THC 2 0
reaction 10 μmol/mol insures a THC (C H excluded) content lower than 2 μmol/mol
— PSA. Formaldehyde adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than
May be present in syngas. CO. A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a HCHO content lower than 0,1 μmol/
essentially liquid mol. To guarantee 0,01 μmol/mol would require more experience of measuring at
those levels
— PSA. Formic adsorption strength of alumina and molecular sieve higher than CO.
May be present in syngas
HCOOH 0,2 A CO content lower than 10 μmol/mol insures a HCOOH content lower than 0,2 μmol/ 0
essentially liquid
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.1 (continued)
Possible causes ity
Impurity Threshold Typical barriers employed in this process
For the source studied with
— Any Cl present in natural gas would be stopped by HDS
— Pre-reformer catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible Cl trapped at this stage. If
breakthrough, process condition cannot be achieved
— Reformer catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible. Cl trapped at this stage I break through,
Halogens 0,05 Present in natural gas 0
process condition cannot be achieved
— Shift catalyst poisoning by Cl irreversible. Cl trapped at this stage. I break through,
process condition cannot be achieved
— PSA adsorption of Cl before CO, CO , species
Not present in natural gas in N
Europe (<10 μmol/mol). Passes
He 300 0
through the whole process. Dilu-
tion factor 2,5
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet.
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.2
Replace Table B.2 with the following table:
Table B.2 — Probability of occurrence for pipeline
Typical barriers Probability
Causes possible
Impurity Threshold employed in with
For the item studied
this process barriers
Air intake if some areas are at negative
Inert gas pressure Inlet pressure PSL trip on
300 UD
N From seal gas or purge gas compressors
Wrong purging after maintenance
1 % Ar in the air.
Inert gas 100 μmol/mol would
300 No potential UD
Ar mean 1 % air in the pipe
Never been observed
Air intake if some areas are at negative Inlet pressure PSL trip on
O 5 1
pressure compressors
2 μmol/mol of C O would
mean 0,5 % air in the
CO 2 From Air: CO at 400 μmol/mol in the air 0
2 2
Never been observed
CO 0,2 No potential 0
CH 100 No potential 0
H > 40 bar ==> leak from
H O 5 Wrong drying after pressure hydraulic test H O to H unlikely during 0
2 2 2
TS 0,004 No potential 0
NH 0,1 No potential 0
THC 2 No potential 0
HCHO 0,2 No potential UD
HCOOH 0,2 No potential 0
Halogens 0,05 From cleaning material after maintenance 1
He 300 No potential 0
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet. It
needs to be covered in the next edition of this document.
6 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
Table B.3
Replace Table B.3 with the following table:
Table B.3 — Probability of occurrence for fuelling station to be source of impurities
Causes possible
Impurity Threshold Existing barriers Probability
For the source studied
Inert gas N purging operation, air intake during
2 a
300 UD
N normal operation or maintenance
1 % Ar in the air.
100 μmol/mol would
Inert gas Air intake during normal operation or
300 mean 1 % air in the UD
Ar maintenance
fuelling station
Never been observed
Air intake during normal operation or
O 5 2
2 μmol/mol CO would
Air intake during normal operation or mean 0,5 % air in the
CO 2 0
maintenance fuelling station. Never
been observed
CO 0,2 No potential at fuelling station level 0
CH 100 No potential at fuelling station level 0
Maintenance, leaks from compressor ex-
changers, improper pressure vessel drying
after periodic inspection, H O coming from
H O 5 2
the vent in case of check valve malfunction,
depending on fuelling station/compressor
TS 0,004 Materials gaskets, valve seats and tubing Material specifications 1
NH 0,1 No potential 0
Oil carryover from compressor (depending
THC 2 2
on compressor technology)
HCHO 0,2 No potential UD
HCOOH 0,2 No potential 0
Halogens 0,05 From degreasing material 1
If pure He is not used for
He 300 No potential at fuelling station level 0
UD: undetermined
The probability of occurrence for this impurity is undetermined because no specific study has been conducted yet. It
will be covered in the next edition of this document.
Table B.4
Replace Table B.4 with the following table:
ISO 19880-8:2019/Amd.1:2021(E)
8 © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
Table B.4 — Combined risk assessment
ISO specification Supply chain probability Residual
Severity Prob- Se-
Production Pipeline Fuelling Compounded Additional risk Criti-
Impurity Threshold Severity Criticality redu
Questions, Comments and Discussion
Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.