Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 3: Electronic signals and reset procedures

Specifies the nature and characteristics of the fields to be provided for power and bidirectional communications between card coupling devices and contactless integrated circuit(s) cards of the ID-1 card type in slot or surface operation. Is to be used in conjunction with ISO/IEC 10536-1 and ISO/IEC 10536-2.

Cartes d'identification — Cartes à circuit(s) intégré(s) sans contact — Partie 3: Signaux électroniques et modes de remise à zéro

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ISO/IEC 10536-3:1996 - Identification cards -- Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards
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First edition
Identification cards - Contactless
integrated circuit(s) cards -
Part 3:
Electronic signals and reset procedures
Cartes d ‘identification
- Cartes id circuit(s) intbgr&) sans con tact -
Partie 3: Signaux 6lec troniques et procedures de r~initialisa tion

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lSO/IEC 10536-3: 1996(E)
. . .
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.
Scope .
Normative references .
Definitions, abbreviations and symbols
........................................................................... 2
Operating sequence for contactless integrated circuit(s) cards
Power Transfer .
Communications .
Conditions for reset of the CICC .
Conditions after reset
A Test methods for power transfer
6 Test methods for capacitive data transfer
C Test methods for inductive data transfer
D Test elements and setup .
0 ISO/lEC 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
lSO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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0 ISOAEC ISOAEC 10536-3: 1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the
International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for
worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organizations to deal with particular
fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by
the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 10536-3 was prepared by Joint Technical
Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, information technology, Subcommittee SC 17,
ldentifica tion cards and related devices.
ISO/IEC 10536 consists of the following parts, under the general title
ldentifica tion cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards:
- Part I: Physical characteristics
- Pat? 2: Dimensions and locations of coupling areas
- Par? 3: Electronic signals and reset procedures
Annexes A to D form an integral part of this part of ISO/IEC 10536.
. . .

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lSO/IEC 10536-3: 1996(E)
ISOAEC 10536 is one of a series of International Standards describing the parameters for
identification cards as defined in IS0 7810 and the use of such cards for international
This part of ISOAEC 10536 describes the electronic characteristics of the contactless interface
between a contactless integrated circuit(s) card and a card-coupling device. The interfaces
include power and bi-directional communications.

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- Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards -
Identification cards
Part 3:
Electronic signals and reset procedures
ISO/IEC 7811-I : 1995, Identification cards -
1 Scope
Recording technique - Part 1: Embossing.
This part of ISO/IEC 10536 specifies the nature and
ISOAEC 781 l-2: 1995, identification cards -
characteristics of the fields to be provided for power
Recording technique - Part 2: Magnetic Stripe.
and bi-directional communications between card
coupling devices (CCDs) and contactless integrated
ISOAEC 7811-3: 1995, identification cards -
circuit(s) cards (CICCs) of the ID-l card type in slot
Recording technique - Part 3: Location of embossed
or surface operation.
characters on ID-I cards.
This part of ISO/IEC 10536 does not specify the
ISOAEC 781 I-4: 1995, identification cards -
means of generating coupling fields, nor the means
Part 4: Location of read-only
Recording technique -
of compliance with electromagnetic
magnetic tracks - Tracks 1 and 2.
ISOAEC 781 l-5: 1995, identification cards -
This part of ISO/IEC 10536 is to be used in
Recording technique - Part 5: Location of read-write
conjunction with ISO/IEC 10536-I and ISO/IEC
magnetic track - Track 3.
ISOAEC 7812-l : 1993, Identification cards -
NOTE 1 Other types of contactless integrated circuit(s)
Identification of issuers - Part I: Numbering system.
cards, formats or interfaces, which operate at various
ISOAEC 7812-2: 1993, identification cards -
distances, may be developed in the future, which may call
for additions to be made to this part of ISOAEC 10536 or ldentifica tion of issuers - Part 2: Application and
may require other International Standards to be written.
registration procedures.
IS0 7813: 1985, Identification cards - Financial
2 Normative references transaction cards.
The following standards contain provisions which, IS0 7816-I : 1987, Identification cards - Integrated
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 1: Physical
this International Standard. At the time of publication, characteristics.
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
IS0 7816-2: 1988, Identification cards - Integrated
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 2: Dimensions
on this part of ISO/IEC 10536 are encouraged to
and location of contacts.
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the standards indicated below. Members
IS0 7816-3: 1989, Identification cards - Integrated
of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 3: Electronic
International Standards. signals and transmission protocols.
IS0 1177: 1985, Information processing - Character ISOAEC 105364: 1992, Identification cards -
structure for start/stop and synchronous character Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Part I:
oriented transmission. Physical characteristics.
IS0 7810: 1985, Identification cards - Physical ISOAEC 10536-2: 1995, identification cards -
characteristics. Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Part 2:
Dimensions and locations of coupling areas.

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ISOAEC 10536-3: 1996 (E) 0 ISOAEC
3.2 Abbreviations
3 Definitions, abbreviations and
The following abbreviations are used in this part of
ISO/IEC 10536:
3.1 Definitions
ATR Answer To Reset
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
CICC Contactless Integrated Circuit(s) Card
following definitions apply.
CCD Card Coupling Device
3.1.1 answer to reset: the period after the CICC is
ID-l Identification card of the type specified in
first energised (or reset by any other means) until
ISO/IEC 7810: 1995
the CICC completes sending its initial response to
NRZ Non-Return to Zero
the reset or its powering from the CCD. This initial
PSK Phase Shift Keying
response is also called the answer to reset.
3.3 Symbols
3.1.2 data transition period: the time period
between the start of a data transition to the start of
The following symbols apply to this part of ISO/IEC
the next data transition. (See figure 1.)
3.1.3 differential non-return to zero: a bit coding El -E4 As defined in ISO/IEC 10536-2
method where a negative differential voltage is used Fl -F4 The fields passing through HI-H4,
to signal a logic level 0 and a positive differential respectively.
voltage to signal a logic level of 1. HI-H4 As defined in ISO/IEC 10536-2
3.1.4 logic level 1: Mark (as defined in IS0 1177).
Rise time between 10% and 90% of
Space (as defined in IS0
3.1.5 logic level 0:
signal amplitude
Fall time between 90% and 10% of
signal amplitude
3.1.6 non-return to zero: a bit coding method
Data transition period
where a negative voltage is used to signal a logic
T Phase transition period
level 0 and a positive voltage to signal a logic level of 0
Differential threshold input voltage
V Differential input hysteresis
3.1.7 phase shift keying: a method of modulation
V Differential voltage
achieved by varying the phase of the defined
frequency received by the CICC, in a prescribed
4 Operating sequence for contactless
manner, from its energizing inductive field(s) in the
integrated circuit(s) cards
This operating sequence applies to contactless
3.1.8 phase transition period: the time period
integrated circuit(s) cards covered by this part of
between the middle of a phase transition from phase
ISO/IEC 10536.
$I to @’ to the middle of the next phase transition.
(See figure 1.)
The dialogue between the CCD and the CICC is
conducted through the following consecutive
activation of the CICC by the CCD powering
internal reset of the CICC,
1 Data transition 1
transmission of a response from the CICC,
subsequent information exchange between
the CICC and CCD, and
Phase transition
removal of the CICC from the CCD, or de-
period (TQ )
activation by the CCD.
Figure 1 - Data transition period and phase
These operations use the electronic signals and
transition period
reset procedures specified in the following clauses.

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0 ISOAEC lSO/IEC 10536-3: 1996 (E)
5 Power Transfer
6.1.1 Communications from CICC to CCD
The four inductive coupling areas HI-H4 shall be
excited by concentrated alternating fields Fl -F4,
The CICC shall be capable of communicating to the
each capable of supplying power to a CICC.
CCD through one or more of its four inductive
coupling areas HI q . . H4, whereby the alternating
5.1 Frequency
F4 are additionally loaded to generate a
fields Fl . . .
The frequency of the alternating fields shall be
subcarrier and whereby these fields are modulated
4,9152 MHz at least during ATR. The frequency of
by phase shift keying this subcarrier.
the energizing fields shall remain within + O,l%.
6.1 .l .l Subcarrier and modulation
5.2 Waveform
The subcarrier shall be generated continuously with
a frequency of 307,2 kHz by switching an alternating
The waveform of the alternating field shall be
load of at least 10% of the initial load but no less
sinusoidal with total harmonic distortion less than
than ImW. During modulation, the phase of the
subcarrier switches by 180 ”. This effectively defines
two states for the phase.
5.3 Relationship between fields
6.1 .1.2 Phase transition period
The fields passing through areas HI and H2 may be
driven from the same source but must be 180’ out of
The difference between the phase transition period
phase with each other.
(T+) and the nominal data transition period (TD) shall
be less than 20% of TD:
Likewise, the fields passing through areas H3 and
H4 may be driven from the same source but be 180’
out of phase with each other. The phase difference
6.1 .1.3 Coding technique
shall remain within &IO% of nominal.
NRZ coding shall be used for data transfer from the
Magnetic fields Fl and F3 (and hence F2 and F4)
CICC to the CCD.
shall both be present and have a 90’ phase
difference at least during ATR. The phase Assignments of logic level 1 and 0
difference shall remain within &IO% of nominal.
When the CICC is first energized, the CCD shall
determine logic level 1 for the current phase
5.4 Power Levels
condition during the time interval t3. After time
Each exciting field of the CCD shall be capable of
interval t3, each phase shift of the subcarrier shall
coupling at least 150 mW of power to the CICC. The
define an inverse logical state. The time interval t3
CICC shall draw no more than 150 mW from a single
is defined in table 3.
exciting field. The maximum power the CICC shall
6.1.2 Communications from CCD to CICC
draw is 200 mW.
The CICC shall be capable of communicating from
Annex A provides test methods for power transfer.
the CCD through the four alternating fields Fl . . . F4,
whereby these fields Fl . . . F4 are modulated
6 Communications
inductively by a phase shift keying.
Communications between CICC and CCD may take Modulation
place inductively via the inductive coupling areas, or
During modulation, each field switches its phase ($)
capacitively via the capacitive coupling areas. In
by 90° simultaneously. This switching effectively
either case, only one method of data transfer shall
defines two states, A and A ’, for the phase.
be operational at any one time, at least during
Depending on the orientation of the CICC, these
answer to reset.
states are defined differently. These two alternatives
are shown in figures 2 and 3.
6.1 Inductive data transfer
All inductive data communications shall be
transmitted between the CICC and the CCD
according to the descriptions in the following

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ISOAEC 10536-3: 1996 (E) 0 ISOAEC
The first alternative is: Coding technique
NRZ coding shall be used for data transfer from the
CCD to the CICC. Assignments of logic level 1 and 0
Because the CICC operates in all four possible
directions relatively to the CCD, different phase
conditions may apply. When the CICC is first
energized it will determine logic 1 for the current
phase condition during the time interval t2 and t3.
After time interval t3, each phase shift of the field(s)
shall define an inverse logical level. These time
Figure 2 - Phase shifting - Alternative 1
intervals are defined in table 3.
The change in phase for this alternative is also
62 . Capacitive data transfer
defined in table 1.
6.2.1 Relationship of the Coupling Areas
For capacitive data transfer, one pair of coupling
Table 1 - Phase Shifting (Alternative 1)
areas is used for communication from the CICC to
the CCD. This pair may be either coupling areas El
State A’
State A
and E2 or E3 and E4. If capacitive communication is
+ ‘FI=+I - 90”
also used from the CCD to the CICC, the other pair
OF3 = $Fl +go” +3= $F3 + goo of coupling areas provides the communication
channel from the CICC to the CCD. In both cases,
the pairs of capacitive coupling areas have a
differential relationship. The polarity of the
The second alternative is:
capacitive coupling areas shall alternate relative to
their adjacent areas. The initial state of the outer
capacitive coupling area of the CICC transmitting
data shall be positive.
6.2.2 Transmission characteristics
Fl All capacitive data communications shall be
transmitted between the CICC and the CCD
according to the descriptions in the following
F3 subclauses. Differential voltage
Figure 3 - Phase shifting - Alternative 2
The differential voltage (V,,) between the pair of
The change in phase for this alternative is also
capacitive coupling areas El and E2 or E3 and E4
defined in table 2.
shall be a maximum of 10 V and a minimum needed
to generate a signal to the receiver greater than the
minimum differential input threshold defined in
Table 2 - Phase Shifting (Alternative 2)
State A State A’ Description of coding technique
+I = OFI + 90”
The coding technique for capacitive data transfer
OF3 = +I - go0 @IF3 = +F3 - go0
shall be differential NRZ. Description of data transfer technique
NOTE 2 The relationship between the fields Fl . . . F4
The transmitter communicates with the receiver by
remain the same as defined in paragraph: “4.3
switching the differential voltage between coupling
Relationship between fields.”
areas El and E2 or between E3 and E4. Phase transition period Assignments of logic level 1 and 0
The difference between the phase transition period
Logic level 1 is set during time interval t3. After time
(T$ and the nominal data transition period (TD) shall
interval t3, each switch of the differential voltage
be less than 10% of TD:
shall define an inverse logical level. The time
intervals are defined in table 3.

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ISOAEC 10536-3: 1996 (E)
0 ISOAEC Slew rate 7.2 Timing Constraints
The slew rate of the differential voltage signal For the contactless communication system to work
transmitted shall be a minimum of 0,14 Ms. correctly, timing constraints must be set. Figure 4
shows timing constraints for the reset recovery time
6.2.3 Reception characteristics
interval (to), the power rise time interval (tl), the
All capacitive data communications shall be received preparation time interval for data communication
(t2), the stable logic time interval (t3), and the
between the CICC and the CCD according to the
descriptions in the following subclauses. response time interval for answer to reset (t4).
Table 3 provides timing constraint values. Differential input threshold
The receiver shall be able to respond to a minimum
differential input threshold (V,,)) of +330 mV.
Field Input hysteresis
, 1
The receiver shall have a minimum differential input
hysteresis (noise immunity) (V,,,) of f130 mV. from CICC
f ! b 4 I I _ Slew rate
Communications I I s
I 1
to ccc
I +I t2 t41
’ t0 J3
The receiver shall be able to respond to a minimum
slew rate of 0,14 V/ns.
Power active Signal width
Communication active
The width of the differential voltage signal at the
Figure 4 - Timing Constraints
differential input threshold shall be at least 10 ns.
Table 3 - Timing Constraint Values
6.2.4 Initial Conditions
Time Value
Name 1 Cgmyicati~
The CICC shall send its answer to reset on one of
two pairs of capacitive plates, El and E2 or E3 and
E4. This defines the communication channel for
communication from the CICC to the CCD. For reset Not Not >8ms
capacitive communication from the CCD to the recovery allowed
time interval
CICC, the other pair of capacitive plates is used.
The answer to reset is also used to determine the
power rise Not Not I 0,2
orientation of the card, if necessary.
time interval defined defined ms
preparation Not Logic 8 ms
7 Conditions for reset of the CICC
time interval defined level 1
The conditions for reset of the CICC ’s electronics
stable logic Logic Logic 2 ms
are dictated by the internal circuitry of the CICC. time interval level 1 level 1
When a CICC is presented to a CCD, the presence response ATR Not I 30
time interval defined ms
of the CICC may be indicated by the receipt of the
for ATR
answer to reset, by detection of an increased load
on the energizing field, by mechanical means, or
through other detection methods.
7.2.1 Minimum reset recovery time interval
Subsequently, reset can be
however, a
accomplished by switching the powering field off and
Should a reset be effected from the CCD by
then on.
switching the

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