Medical device software — Part 2: Validation of software for medical device quality systems

ISO/TR 80002-2:2017 applies to any software used in device design, testing, component acceptance, manufacturing, labelling, packaging, distribution and complaint handling or to automate any other aspect of a medical device quality system as described in ISO 13485. ISO/TR 80002-2:2017 applies to - software used in the quality management system, - software used in production and service provision, and - software used for the monitoring and measurement of requirements. It does not apply to - software used as a component, part or accessory of a medical device, or - software that is itself a medical device.

Logiciels de dispositifs médicaux — Partie 2: Validation des logiciels pour les systèmes de qualité des dispositifs médicaux

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REPORT 80002-2
First edition
Medical device software —
Part 2:
Validation of software for medical
device quality systems
Logiciels de dispositifs médicaux —
Partie 2: Validation des logiciels pour les systèmes de qualité des
dispositifs médicaux
Reference number
ISO/TR 80002-2:2017(E)
ISO 2017

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ISO/TR 80002-2:2017(E)

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ISO/TR 80002-2:2017(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Software validation discussion . 1
4.1 Definition . 1
4.2 Confidence-building activities: Tools in the toolbox . 1
4.3 Critical thinking . 2
5 Software validation and critical thinking . 2
5.1 Overview . 2
5.2 Determine if the software is in scope . 6
5.2.1 Document a high-level definition of the process and use of the software . 6
5.2.2 Regulatory use assessment . 6
5.2.3 Processes and software extraneous to medical device regulatory requirements . 6
5.3 Development phase. 7
5.3.1 Validation planning . 7
5.3.2 Define . 7
5.3.3 Implement, test and deploy .11
5.4 Maintain phase .13
5.4.1 Entering the maintenance phase .13
5.4.2 Planning for maintenance .14
5.4.3 Types of maintenance within the maintain phase .15
5.4.4 Process changes: Change to risk control measures .15
5.4.5 Emergency change .15
5.4.6 Maintaining for intended use .16
5.5 Retirement phase .16
6 Documentation .16
7 Prerequisite processes .17
Annex A (informative) Toolbox.18
Annex B (informative) Risk management and risk-based approach .24
Annex C (informative) Examples .28
Bibliography .84
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A list of all parts in the ISO 80002 series can be found on the ISO website.
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This document has been developed to assist readers in determining appropriate activities for the
validation of process software used in medical device quality systems using a risk-based approach that
applies critical thinking.
This includes software used in the quality management system, software used in production and
service provision, and software used for the monitoring and measurement of requirements, as required
by ISO 13485:2016: 4.1.6, 7.5.6 and 7.6.
This document is the result of an effort to bring together experience from medical device industry
personnel who deal with performing this type of software validation and who are tasked with
establishing auditable documentation. The document has been developed with certain questions and
problems in mind that we all go through when faced with validating process software used in medical
device quality systems such as the following: What has to be done? How much is enough? How is risk
analysis involved? After much discussion, it has been concluded that in every case, a set of activities (i.e.
the tools from a toolbox) was identified to provide a level of confidence in the ability of the software
to perform according to its intended use. However, the list of activities varied depending on factors
including, among others, the complexity of the software, the risk of harm involved and the pedigree
(e.g. quality, stability) of vendor-supplied software.
The intention of this document is to help stakeholders, including manufacturers, auditors and regulators,
to understand and apply the requirement for validation of software included in ISO 13485:2016, 4.1.6,
7.5.6 and 7.6.
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Medical device software —
Part 2:
Validation of software for medical device quality systems
1 Scope
This document applies to any software used in device design, testing, component acceptance,
manufacturing, labelling, packaging, distribution and complaint handling or to automate any other
aspect of a medical device quality system as described in ISO 13485.
This document applies to
— software used in the quality management system,
— software used in production and service provision, and
— software used for the monitoring and measurement of requirements.
It does not apply to
— software used as a component, part or accessory of a medical device, or
— software that is itself a medical device.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000 and ISO 13485 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http:// www .iso .org/ obp
4 Software validation discussion
4.1 Definition
The term “software validation” has been interpreted both broadly and narrowly, from just testing to
extensive activities including testing. This document uses the term software validation to denote all
of the activities that establish a level of confidence that the software is appropriate for its intended use
and that it is trustworthy and reliable. The chosen activities, whatever they might be, should ensure
that the software meets its requirements and intended purpose.
4.2 Confidence-building activities: Tools in the toolbox
The tools in the toolbox (see Table A.1 to Table A.5) include activities completed during the life cycle of
software that reduce risk and build confidence.
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4.3 Critical thinking
This document promotes the use of critical thinking to determine which activities should be performed
to adequately validate specific software. Critical thinking is a process of analysing and evaluating
various aspects of software, as well as the environment in which it will be used, to identify the most
meaningful set of confidence-building activities to be applied during validation. Critical thinking
avoids an approach that applies a one-size-fits-all validation solution without thoroughly evaluating
the solution to determine if it indeed results in the desired outcome. Critical thinking recognizes that
validation solutions can vary greatly from software to software and also allows for different validation
solutions to be applied to the same software in a similar situation. Critical thinking challenges
proposed validation solutions, to ensure that they meet the intent of the quality management system
requirements, and considers all key stakeholders and their needs. Critical thinking is also used to re-
evaluate the validation solution when characteristics of the software change, when the software’s
intended use changes or when new information becomes available.
Critical thinking results in a validation solution that establishes compliance for a manufacturer,
ensures that the software is safe for use, results in documented evidence that is deemed appropriate
and adequate by reviewers, and results in a scenario in which individuals performing the validation
work feels that the effort adds value and represents the most efficient way to reach the desired results.
Annex C presents example studies demonstrating how critical thinking can be applied to software
validation of software used in medical device quality systems in a variety of situations, including
different complexities, pedigrees and risk levels.
5 Software validation and critical thinking
5.1 Overview
Throughout the life cycle of software for medical device quality systems, appropriate controls need
to be in place to ensure that the software performs as intended. Incorporation of critical thinking and
application of selected confidence-building activities result in establishing and maintaining a validated
state of the software. Figure 1 depicts a conceptual view of typical activities and controls that are
part of the life cycle from the moment the decision is made to automate a process until the software is
retired or is no longer used for medical device quality systems. Although Figure 1 depicts a sequential
model, in reality, the process is of an iterative nature as elements are defined, risks are identified and
critical thinking is applied.
When developing software for use in the medical device quality system, a fundamental confidence-
building activity to be selected from the toolbox is the choice of software development life-cycle model.
The model chosen should include critical thinking activities that enable the selection of other appropriate
tools during various life-cycle activities. The results of the analyses and evaluations used drive the
selection of the most meaningful set of confidence-building activities to ensure that the software
performs as intended. This document does not mean to imply or prescribe the use of any particular
software development model. For simplicity, however, the remainder of this document explains the
concepts of critical thinking within the context of a waterfall development model using generic names
for the phases. Other software development models (e.g. iterative, spiral) can certainly be used as long
as critical thinking and the application of appropriate tools are incorporated into the model.
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Figure 1 — Life-cycle controls
When considering using software in a process, one should identify whether the proposed software is
used as part of a medical device quality system process through an investigation of its intended use.
If so, then the software should be validated for its intended use. Although this document describes an
approach to validating software for medical device quality systems, the same approach is also good
practice for software to evaluate whether it fulfils defined requirements. The most critical part of
software validation is developing/purchasing the right software tool to be able to support processes
as intended by the manufacturer. This implies that requirements should be determined accurately
to evaluate whether the developed/purchased software is suitable to fulfil the requirements of the
intended use. Technical requirements suitable for verification, as well as process requirements suitable
for validation, are equally important. When considering using software in a process, the software can
interact or can have interfaces with other software.
During the development phase of the life cycle, risk management and validation planning tasks are
performed to gather information and drive decisions in the following four areas:
— level of effort applied and scrutiny of documentation and deliverables;
— extent of content in the documentation and deliverables;
— selection of tools from the toolbox and methods for applying the tools;
— level of effort in applying the tools.
The primary drivers for decisions in the four areas are process risk and software risk. However, other
drivers can influence decisions, including the complexity of the software and process, the type of
software and the software pedigree.
The validation planning process consists of two distinct elements. The first validation planning element
involves determining the level of rigor in the documentation and the scrutiny to be applied to the
review of the resulting deliverables. The decisions in this element are primarily driven by the results
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of the process risk analysis. The second validation planning element drives the selection of tools from
the toolbox to implement, test and deploy the software. The choice of tools is driven primarily by the
software risk analysis. Such planning steps result from different types of risk analyses and are depicted
as separate activities in this document. However, many times the steps are combined into one activity,
which includes the different aspects of risk analysis and the resultant choices for proceeding with
During the development phase of the life cycle, risk management and validation planning tasks are used
to define the appropriate level of effort to be applied to the software and to determine what confidence-
building tools to apply. This type of approach results in the completion of appropriate value-added
activities and verification tasks, which are the basis for establishing a validated state. Once these
activities and tasks are executed, the tools and their associated results are cited in a validation report
as support for the conclusion that the software is validated.
Once deployed, the software moves into the maintenance phase of the software life cycle. During
this period, the software is monitored, enhanced and updated as dictated by the business needs or
regulatory requirement changes. Change control activities use the same concepts as the initial approach
that was applied during the development phase of the life cycle. Changes, however, are now assessed as
to their effect on the intended use, on the risk of failure, on the risk control measures that were applied
during the initial development and on any functionality of the software itself.
The retirement phase is the act of removing software from use either by removal of the process or by
replacement of the software being used for the process.
The activities shown in Figure 1 reflect the primary software life-cycle control activities. Other work
streams include project management, process development, vendor management (if applicable), and
possibly others, depending on the software being implemented.
Figure 2 depicts software life-cycle control activities and critical thinking within the context of
other work stream activities. The critical thinking activities appear in the iterative risk analysis and
validation work streams. It is important to have clear and formal definitions of these work streams
within the organization’s business model to ensure that a program properly manages the software
from both business and regulatory perspectives.
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NOTE When the term “develop” or “development” is used, it is about the development of a validated state of
the software.
Figure 2 — Life-cycle controls work stream
The various colours depicted in Figure 2 correspond to the life-cycle portion that is shown in the
overall approach flow chart in Figure 1. The red dashed lines indicate information that is outputted
from one activity and that provides input to or helps drive decisions in another activity. The diagram
demonstrates how the ordering of the activities is driven by the need to have input information
before completing the activities that require the input. It is important to note that all the activities
are completed irrespective of the size or complexity of the software being implemented. However, for
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larger or more complex software, such activities will most likely be discrete; for smaller or simpler
software, many of those activities will be combined or completed simultaneously.
In summary, the critical thinking approach described a systematic method for identifying and including
appropriate confidence-building activities or tools in various work streams to support the conclusions
that the software is validated on release and that the validated state will be maintained until the
software is retired.
The following subclauses provide additional details for each of the blocks found in the life-cycle controls
depicted in Figure 1. The subclauses use the work stream depiction of iterative risk analyses, validation
and software activities shown in Figure 2 to provide perspective on the various decision points and
decision drivers that incorporate critical thinking.
5.2 Determine if the software is in scope
5.2.1 Document a high-level definition of the process and use of the software
The first step in determining whether the software is considered to be used for medical device quality
systems is to document a high-level definition of the process and use of the software. This activity might
seem of small value when it is readily known that the software is in scope and one is already embarking
on defining the full intended use of the software. However, for situations in which such assumptions are
less clear, documenting the process and use enables the clear determination as to whether the software
is in scope. In addition, for identified out-of-scope software, such an activity can result in a rationale as
to why the software is out of scope.
5.2.2 Regulatory use assessment
A regulatory use assessment can be used to determine whether the software is a “software for medical
device quality system” and therefore falls within the scope of this document. Start by identifying the
specific regulatory requirements that apply to the processes that use the software and the data records
that are managed by the software. A series of questions can be used to help fully understand the role
that the software plays in support of these regulations. The following types of questions should be
a) Could the failure or latent flaws of the software affect the safety or quality of medical devices?
b) Does the software automate or execute an activity required by regulatory requirements (in
particular, the requirements for medical device quality management systems)? Examples may
include capturing electronic signatures and/or records, maintaining product traceability,
performing and capturing test results, maintaining data logs such as CAPA, non-conformances,
complaints, calibrations, etc.
A “yes” answer to any of the questions identifies software that is required to be validated and is within
scope of this document.
At times it can be difficult to determine whether a process and corresponding software are part of
the quality system. Some tools can have many degrees of separation from the actual medical device.
Each organization should, therefore, carefully consider the circumstances surrounding such borderline
software and should completely understand the impact of the failure of the software on the processes
and, ultimately, on the safety and efficacy of any manufactured medical devices. When the answer is
not certain, the best approach is to consider the software as in scope and to apply the approach defined
in this document.
5.2.3 Processes and software extraneous to medical device regulatory requirements
When processes or software contain functionality that falls outside of medical device regulatory
requirements, an analysis should be performed to determine which parts of the software are considered
to be in scope and which parts are not in scope. Such decisions should be rationalized on the basis of the
degree of integration between various components, modules and data structures of the software and in
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accordance with the compliance needs of the organization. This rationalization is especially important
in the case of software used in support of the quality system, such as large, complex enterprise resource
planning (ERP) software. ERP software can include functionality for non-medical device-regulated
processes such as accounting and finance. Although such functionality can be crucial for business
operations and have to meet certain government requirements (e.g. those of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act).
5.3 Development phase
5.3.1 Validation planning
The first part of the validation planning activity captured when critical thinking is applied, uses input
from the process risk analysis (see Annex B) to establish the basis for the level of effort that should be
applied to the documentation and to drive the choices of tools from the Define section of the toolbox
(see Table A.1 to Table A.5). The second part uses input from the software risk analysis to drive the
choices of the implement, test and deploy tools from the toolbox. Once executed, the activities and the
validated state of the software are established, and evidence of the validation is documented in the
validation report.
Many development life-cycle models can be applied during the development phase. None is advocated
or recommended by this document; however, application of a controlled methodology is expected. Such
a controlled methodology would be based on the concept of defining requirements (including intended
use), before implementation, testing and deployment, which are fundamental to establishing the
validation of the software for its intended use.
5.3.2 Define Define block requirement
The activities completed within the define block include the definition of the process, the definition of
the software intended use within that process and the planning for the level of validation effort based
on the inherent risks identified within the process. Figure 3 depicts this portion of the development
phase within the selected waterfall model example.
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Figure 3 — Life-cycle phase: Define block work streams Process requirements
The first step in the application of life-cycle controls is to define the purpose and function of the entire
process, particularly the portions intended to be controlled by the software. This is best performed
by involving the appropriate subject matter experts and including all aspects and activities assoc

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