Imaging materials — Adhesive mounting systems — Specifications

ISO 18932:2009 provides specifications for adhesive mounting materials for use in attaching prints, including photographic, electrophotographic, electrostatic, thermal transfer or inkjet prints to mounting boards, album leaves, file cards and other supports. ISO 18932:2009 covers both pressure-sensitive and thermally-activated adhesives. Spray adhesives are specifically excluded from ISO 18932:2009.

Matériaux pour l'image — Systèmes de montage adhésifs — Spécifications

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ISO 18932:2009 - Imaging materials -- Adhesive mounting systems -- Specifications
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Second edition
Imaging materials — Adhesive mounting
systems — Specifications
Matériaux pour l'image — Systèmes de montage adhésifs —
Reference number
ISO 2009
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
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ISO 18932 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, Photography.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 18932:2005), of which it constitutes a minor
The following changes have been made to the first edition:
⎯ updating of normative references;
⎯ removal of the former Annex A.
Adhesives can either be permanent (of more interest to consumers mounting photos in albums) or reversible
(of more interest to museums and conservators). This International Standard focuses on permanent
adhesives, rather than on reversible adhesives. This International Standard assures that adhesives used to
mount images are both permanent and photo safe.
iv © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved


Imaging materials — Adhesive mounting systems —
1 Scope
This International Standard provides specifications for adhesive mounting materials for use in attaching prints,
including photographic, electrophotographic, electrostatic, thermal transfer or inkjet prints to mounting boards,
album leaves, file cards and other supports. This International Standard covers both pressure-sensitive and
thermally-activated adhesives. Spray adhesives are specifically excluded from this International Standard.
This International Standard is not applicable to situations in which the permanent mounting of a photograph is
not recommended.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 14145-1:1998, Roller ball pens and refills — Part 1: General use
ISO 18902, Imaging materials — Processed imaging materials — Albums, framing and storage materials
ISO 18916, Imaging materials — Processed imaging materials — Photographic activity test for enclosure
ASTM D3330/D3330M-04, Standard Test Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape
EN 28510-1:1993, Adhesives — Peel test for a flexible-bonded-to-rigid test specimen assembly — Part 1:
90° peel
3 Requirements
3.1 Characteristics of adhesive mounting systems
3.1.1 General
Pressure-sensitive adhesive mounting systems commonly consist of two basic forms: supported and
unsupported. They are usually applied to the back of the print. Both systems use release-coated liners to
protect the adhesive prior to use.
Liquid adhesives require a compatible dispenser or applicator to apply the adhesive to the back of the print or
the front of the mounting board. Pastes are more viscous and are usually applied with a brush or roller. Solid
adhesives are usually adhered to the back of prints by manual pressure.
Thermally-activated dry mounting adhesives shall have uniform thickness, be flexible, be essentially non-tacky
at normal room temperature and consist of two basic forms: supported and unsupported.
3.1.2 Reactivity
The adhesive shall not cause discoloration of the print, paper or mounting board. The adhesive shall meet the
requirements of the bleed test in Clause 5 and the requirements of the photographic activity test in Clause 6.
3.1.3 Coating
Pressure-sensitive adhesives shall be applied uniformly to each side of a supporting carrier or a release liner.
The adhesive surface shall be tacky to the touch at 23 °C.
Thermally-activated adhesives shall be uniformly coated on both sides of a carrier membrane or be
independent as a dry unsupported sheet. The thermally-activated film adhesive shall have uniform thickness
and be flexible, dry and essentially non-tacky at 23 °C. Thermally-activated film adhesives do not have release
3.1.4 Physical characteristics
Important physical properties of the supports and adhesive layers of thermally-activated and pressure-
sensitive adhesive materials shall include:
a) no surface structures that could impart texture patterns to the image due to pressure applied in mounting;
b) uniform thickness and resistance to damage caused by handling;
c) no voids, particles or other irregularities;
d) uniformly white or light colours if transparent; uniform colour if translucent or opaque.
3.1.5 Liners
Protective liners shall be easily removed from the adhesive without tearing or delaminating. The release
coating on the release liners shall be uniformly coated without voids or streaks and shall be sufficiently
bonded to the liner to prevent any transfer to the adhesive.
3.2 Types of construction
3.2.1 Supported pressure-sensitive adhesives
This adhesive system consists of a layer of pressure-sensitive adhesive coated on both sides of a carrier. The
carrier may be any relatively thin, flexible material such as paper, film, polyester web, non-woven synthetic,
etc. The carrier shall be uniform in thickness and appearance. The carrier shall comply with all requirements
for paper or plastic materials in ISO 18902 and shall pass Photographic Activity Testing (PAT) in accordance
with ISO 18916.
This product is supplied in three basic forms:
⎯ in roll form with one release liner;
⎯ in roll or sheet form sandwiched between two release liners;
⎯ coated on one side of a mounting board with one release liner.
Pressure-sensitive adhesives shall be free from imperfections and conform to ISO 18916 and ISO 18902.
2 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

3.2.2 Unsupported pressure-sensitive adhesives
This adhesive material has a single uniform layer of adhesive that is not reinforced or supported by a carrier.
The product is supplied in three basic forms:
⎯ in roll form with one release liner;
⎯ in roll or sheet form sandwiched between two release liners;
⎯ coated on one side of a mounting board with one release liner.
3.2.3 Supported thermally-activated adhesives
This adhesive system consists of a layer of a thermally-activated adhesive film coated on both sides of a
carrier. The carrier may be any relatively thin, flexible material such as paper, film, polyester web, non-woven
synthetic, etc. The carrier shall be uniform in thickness and appearance. The carrier shall comply with all
requirements for paper or plastic materials in ISO 18902 and should pass PAT in accordance with ISO 18916.
The product is supplied in four basic forms:
⎯ in roll form;
⎯ in sheet form;
⎯ coated on one side of a mounting board;
⎯ coated on one side of canvas or other soft substrate with or without one release liner.
3.2.4 Unsupported thermally-activated adhesives
This adhesive system consists of a single uniform layer of adhesive that has not been reinforced or supported
by a carrier.
The product is supplied in four basic forms:
⎯ in roll form;
⎯ in sheet form;
⎯ coated on one side of a mounting board;
⎯ coated on one side of canvas or other soft substrate with or without one release liner.
3.3 Types of thermally-activated materials
3.3.1 Type I — Non-removable
The adhesive of this mounting material shall provide bonding between print and mounts, preventing deliberate
separation to the print or mounting board surface by reheating for the time as specified by the manufacturer
and temperature specified in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. This type of adhesive will permanently bond after having
reached recommended time/adhesion temperature within the mounting system.
3.3.2 Type II — Removable
The adhesive of this mounting material shall allow separation of the print from the mounting board without
injury to either surface by reheating to the temperatures specified in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, but otherwise shall
maintain satisfactory bonding. Thermally-detachable adhesives shall be cooled under pressure for no less
than 15 s to activate the bond.
3.4 Classes of thermally-activated materials
3.4.1 Class 1 — Low temperature
The thermally-activated coating shall provide adhesion at temperatures of 66 °C to 108 °C.
3.4.2 Class 2 — High temperature
The thermally-activated coating shall be adhesive at temperatures of 108 °C to 163 °C under the conditions of
time and temperature specified by the manufacturer. This class of adhesives is not recommended for resin-
coated (RC) or digital imaging materials because the required temperatures are likely to damage the emulsion
surface and/or the colorants.
3.5 Other adhesives
3.5.1 Liquid
Liquid adhesives are transparent, translucent, opaque or colour-changing.
3.5.2 Pastes
Pastes are more viscous than liquid adhesives and are typically translucent or opaque.
3.5.3 Solid
Solid adhesives include glue sticks and are typically translucent, opaque or colour-changing.
3.6 Adhesive strength
3.6.1 Pressure-sensitive adhesive strength
The adhesive should form an immediate bond to the print as well as the mounting board when pressed
together with enough uniform pressure to provide intimate contact. This is typically best accomplished using
roll-laminating equipment so as to prevent any air entrapment during the bonding process. Adhesion should
be such that forcible separation results in tearing, delaminating or distortion of the print or mounting board. If
none of these occur, minimum bond strength of 1,3 N/cm (132 g-force/cm) shall be obtained when tested in
accordance with 4.1 to 4.6.
3.6.2 Thermally-activated adhesive strength
When available, the manufacturer's recommended procedures shall be used for mounting the print. Adhesion
shall be completed within 120 s after reaching bond temperature in all cases. Applied pressure shall be
uniform and high enough to evenly bond. Adhesive strength and longevity is directly related to the correct
amount of bonding time, proper temperature, adequate pressure and reduced moisture content.
Adhesion should be such that forcible separation results in tearing, delaminating or distortion of the print/
mounting board. If none of these occur, minimum bond strength of 1,3 N/cm (132 g-force/cm) shall be
obtained when tested in accordance with 4.1 to 4.6.
The adhesive strength of Type I adhesives shall be sufficient to prevent peeling of the print from the mount
during the cooling period. Type II adhesives bond during cooling; therefore, the adhesive strength shall be
sufficient to prevent peeling of the print from the mount after cooling for 30 s or to 10 °C below the bonding
4 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

3.7 Blocking
Blocking is a term used to describe the adhesion of surfaces of materials that are in intimate contact, as in a
package, pile or roll. If the thermally-activated adhesive of a mounting material tends to block under normal
storage or use conditions, it shall be protected with an appropriate interleaving material, such as waxed or
silicone-treated paper. However, slight-to-moderate blocking is acceptable at room temperature, even with
interleaved material, if the surfaces can be separated readily without damage to the adhesive.
3.8 Shelf-life and storage conditions
Pressure-sensitive and thermally-activated mounting systems should be stored in their original container,
suspended from the roll core, or by standing the roll on end. Optimum storage conditions are cool and dry,
such as 23 °C and 50 % relative humidity or lower. Temperatures for extended per

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