Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 2: Dispensers and dispensing systems

This document specifies safety requirements and test methods for the components and systems that enable the transfer of compressed hydrogen to a hydrogen vehicle, as addressed in ISO 19880-1, by a hydrogen dispenser with dispensing pressures up to the H70 pressure class designation. This document applies to a hydrogen dispensing system, referred to as a “dispenser”; the configuration of the dispenser can range from: a) a dispenser cabinet, located in the fuelling area, that can perform all of the functionality needed to deliver hydrogen to a vehicle, to b) a minimum set of components mounted in or on (as applicable) a dispenser cabinet or other supporting structure as appropriate, with the remaining functionality provided elsewhere in the hydrogen fuelling station. A dispensing system includes the user and vehicle interface and can include components starting from the hydrogen supply, such as a connection to the banking system, a cooling unit, a dispenser control system, a flow meter, a pressure sensor, a fuel temperature sensor, an ambient temperature sensor, user interface and a fuelling hose assembly. Not all dispensing system equipment has to be physically housed within the enclosure at the dispensing area, as long as the specification of component design or type and location are adequate to ensure that the overall process meets the requirements in this document. This document specifies the requirements for hydrogen dispensers and can provide specific references to other standards for individual components included in the hydrogen dispenser, such as valves (ISO 19880-3) and hoses (ISO 19880-5). This document specifies general requirements for supporting the fuelling protocol and directs the user to ISO 19880-1 for additional requirements and the test methods required to verify proper fuelling protocol implementation. This document does not specify the accuracy of flow meters that can be used to meter dispensed fuel.

Carburant d'hydrogène gazeux — Stations de ravitaillement — Partie 2: Dispositifs et systèmes de distribution

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ISO 19880-2:2025 - Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 2: Dispensers and dispensing systems Released:3. 02. 2025
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35 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO 19880-2
First edition
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling
stations —
Part 2:
Dispensers and dispensing systems
Carburant d'hydrogène gazeux — Stations de ravitaillement —
Partie 2: Dispositifs et systèmes de distribution
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 General . 7
5 Requirements . 8
5.1 General material requirements .8
5.2 Construction and assembly requirements .9
5.2.1 General construction and assembly .9
5.2.2 Housings and cabinets . .10
5.3 Dispenser hydrogen systems .10
5.4 Piping and fittings .11
5.5 Overpressure protection devices . 12
5.6 Filters . 12
5.7 Valves . 13
5.8 Venting . 13
5.9 Dispenser fuelling assembly . 13
5.10 Breakaway devices .14
5.11 Instruments for gaseous hydrogen systems .14
5.12 Metering . 15
5.13 Precoolers and precooler control . 15
5.14 Electrical equipment and wiring . 15
5.14.1 General electrical requirements . 15
5.14.2 Bonding and grounding . 15
5.14.3 Safety instrumented systems . 15
5.14.4 Illumination .16
5.14.5 Payment terminals or fuelling authorizing systems .16
5.14.6 Electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC).16
5.15 Emergency shutdown system (ESS) .16
6 Dispensing requirements . 17
6.1 Control of dispensing .17
6.2 Dispensing temperature, pressure and flow rate .17
6.3 Pressure integrity check (leak check) .17
6.4 Fuelling protocol and process limits .18
6.5 Post dispensing .18
7 Dispenser fault management . .18
8 Marking . .18
8.1 General requirements .18
8.2 Dispenser name plate .19
8.3 Self-serve dispenser instructions .19
9 Qualification tests . 19
9.1 General .19
9.2 Standard test conditions . .19
9.3 Proof pressure test . 20
9.3.1 Acceptance criteria . 20
9.3.2 Test method . 20
9.4 Leakage test . 20
9.4.1 Acceptance criteria . 20
9.4.2 Test method . 20
9.5 Impact test . 20

9.5.1 Acceptance criteria . 20
9.5.2 Test method .21
9.6 Dispenser shutdown test .21
9.6.1 Acceptance criteria .21
9.6.2 Test method .21
9.7 Hose rupture . 22
9.7.1 General . 22
9.7.2 Acceptance criteria . 22
9.7.3 Test method . 22
9.8 Hose breakaway test . 23
9.8.1 Acceptance criteria . 23
9.8.2 Test method . 23
9.9 Prevention of electrostatic discharge . 23
9.9.1 Acceptance criteria . 23
9.9.2 Test method . 23
9.10 Dispenser ground continuity test .24
9.10.1 Acceptance criteria .

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