ISO 13209-4:2024
(Main)Road vehicles — Open Test sequence eXchange format (OTX) — Part 4: Expanded extensions interface definition
Road vehicles — Open Test sequence eXchange format (OTX) — Part 4: Expanded extensions interface definition
This document defines the Open Test sequence eXchange (OTX) additional extension requirements and data model specifications. The requirements are derived from the use cases described in ISO 13209-1. They are listed in Clause 4. The data model specification aims at an exhaustive definition of all features of the OTX extensions which have been implemented to satisfy the requirements. This document establishes rules for the syntactical entities of each extension. Each of these syntactical entities is accompanied by semantic rules which determine how OTX documents containing extension features are interpreted. The syntax rules are provided by UML[2] class diagrams and XML schemas, whereas the semantics are given by UML activity diagrams and prose definitions.
Véhicules routiers — Format public d'échange de séquence-tests (OTX) — Partie 4: Définition de l'interface des extensions étendues
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 13209-4
Second edition
Road vehicles — Open Test
sequence eXchange format (OTX) —
Part 4:
Expanded extensions interface
Véhicules routiers — Format public d'échange de séquence-
tests (OTX) —
Partie 4: Définition de l'interface des extensions étendues
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .xiii
Introduction . xv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions .1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .2
4 Requirements . 2
4.1 Basic principles for requirements definition .2
4.2 Requirement listing.2
4.2.1 Assertion requirements .2
4.2.2 BlackBox requirements .2
4.2.3 BusMonitoring requirements .3
4.2.4 ComInterface requirements .3
4.2.5 CommonDialogs requirements .3
4.2.6 DataType requirements.4
4.2.7 DiagComPlus requirements .4
4.2.8 DiagConfiguration requirements .5
4.2.9 DiagDataBrowsingPlus requirements . .5
4.2.10 ECUConfiguration requirements .6
4.2.11 EcuStateChart requirements . .7
4.2.12 EventPlus requirements .7
4.2.13 ExternalServiceProvider requirements .7
4.2.14 File requirements .7
4.2.15 FlashPlus requirements .8
4.2.16 Persistence requirements .8
4.2.17 Range requirements .8
4.2.18 SQL requirements .9
4.2.19 StateMachineProcedure requirements .9
4.2.20 StateVariable requirements . .9
4.2.21 TestResultHandling requirements .10
4.2.22 Util requirements .10
4.2.23 VehicleInfo requirements .11
4.2.24 XML requirements .11
4.2.25 ZipHandling requirements . 13
5 Extension overview .13
5.1 General . 13
5.2 Dependencies .14
5.3 OTX packaging (PTX) .19
6 OTX Assertion extension . 19
6.1 Assertion – General .19
6.2 Assertion – Exceptions .19
6.2.1 Exceptions overview .19
6.2.2 Exceptions syntax .19
6.2.3 Exceptions semantics . 20
6.3 Assertion – Actions . 20
6.3.1 Actions overview. 20
6.3.2 Actions syntax . 20
6.3.3 Actions general semantics .21
7 OTX BlackBox extension .21
7.1 BlackBox – General .21
7.2 BlackBox – Datatypes .21
7.2.1 Datatypes overview .21
7.2.2 Datatypes syntax .21
7.2.3 Datatypes semantics . 22
7.3 BlackBox – Variable access . 22
7.3.1 Variable access overview . 22
7.3.2 Variable access syntax. 22
7.3.3 Variable access semantics . 23
7.4 BlackBox – Terms . 23
7.4.1 Terms overview . 23
7.4.2 Terms syntax . 23
7.4.3 Terms general semantics .24
8 OTX BusMonitoring extension .25
8.1 BusMonitoring – General . 25
8.2 BusMonitoring – Datatypes . 25
8.2.1 Datatypes overview . 25
8.2.2 Datatypes syntax . 25
8.2.3 Datatypes semantics . 26
8.3 BusMonitoring – Enumerations .
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