ISO 8878:1987/Amd 3:1991
(Amendment)Information processing systems — Data communications — Use of X.25 to provide the OSI connection-mode network service — Amendment 3
Information processing systems — Data communications — Use of X.25 to provide the OSI connection-mode network service — Amendment 3
Systèmes de traitement de l'information — Communication de données — Utilisation du protocole X.25 pour fournir le service de réseau OSI en mode connexion — Amendement 3
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information processing systems - Data
communications - Use of X.25 to provide the
OS1 connection-mode network service
AMENDMENT 3: Conformance
Systèmes de traitement de l'information - Communication de données -
Utilisation du protocole X.25 pour fournir le service de réseau OS1 en mode
AMENDEMENT 3: Conformance
Reference number
IS0 8878 : 1987/Amd.3 : 1991 (E)
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IS0 8878 : 1987/Amd.3 : 1991 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the international
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardiz-
ation. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development
of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective
organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical
committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint
technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting
a vote.
Amendment 3 to international Standard IS0 8878 : 1987 was prepared by Joint
Technical Committee ISO/iEC JTC 1, Information technology.
O ISO/IEC 1991
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office 0 Case postale 56 0 CH-1211 Genève 20 0 Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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IS0 8878 : 1987/Amd.3 : 1991 (E)
This amendment adds an explicit statement of the static conformance
requirements for systems claiming conformance to IS0 8878. In particular, a new
clause 13 is to be added (following the new clause 12 added by Defect 887W005)
that specifies the requirements for a system claiming conformance to IS0 8878.
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IS0 8878 : 1987/Amd.3 : 1991 (E)
Information processing systems - Data communications
- Use of X.25 to provide the OS1 connection-mode network
service -
AMENDMENT 3: Conformance
1 Changes to IS0 8878:1987
1.1 Page 1, clause O, paragraph 2:
This paragraph is replaced by the following two paragraphs.
Clause 1 3 contains the requirements for systems claiming conformance to this International Standard.
Annex B contains a classification of systems according to whether they implement the procedures
*defined in the main body of this International Standard, the procedures defined in annex A, or both. In
addition, it describes the possibilities and the rules for interworking between the classes of equipment
1.2 Page 2, clause 1, paragraph 2:
Change the beginning of this paragraph (up to and including "requirements" on line 2) as follows:
This International Standard specifies two sets of procedures from which three classes of
implementation are described. The requirements of these procedures .
1.3 Page 2, clause 1, paragraph 3:
Replace the two occurrences of "Conforming-1984" by "System-1984".
1.4 Page 2, clause 1, paragraph 4, sentence 1 :
Replace this sentence as follows:
This International Standard also specifies the procedures to be operated by a System-1980
1.5 Page 2, clause 1, paragraph 4, sentence 2:
Replace "Conforming-1980" and "Conforming-1984" by "System-1980" and "System-l984", respectively.
1.6 (No changes are made to clauses 2 to 12.)
2 New clause 13
13 Conformance
13.1 Conformance requirements
A system claiming to implement the procedures specified in this International Standard shall
a) satisfy the conformance requirements of IS0 8208;
b) support all the packets and associated fields/facilities specified in table 1 (excluding interrupt packets), table
2 (excluding Expedited Data Negotiation), and tables 4, 5 and 7;
c) support all the Optional User Facilities and CCITT-specified DTE Facilities specified in 5.1 except the EDN
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IS0 8878 : 1987/Amd.3 : 1991(E)
d) support the negotiation mechanism in 6.2.4, including the case when the EDN Facility is absent, for the
Expedited Data Transfer Service;
e) if it supports the optional Expedited Data Transfer Service, support:
- INTERRUPT packets with 32-octet User Data Fields and the procedures and mappings defined in clause
10; and
- the EDN Facility;
f) suppori the negotiation mechanism in 6.2.3 for the Receipt Confirmation Service;
g) if it supports the optional Receipt Confirmation Service, support:
- the procedures specified in clause 9;
h) support the conveyance of the NSAP Address in the X.25 Called/Calling Address Extension Facilities;
i) support the mapping of Network Service primitives to IS0 8208 packets in clauses 6 through 11 ;
j) if it supports the conditions defined in :
- recognize the NSAP Address when it is received in the X.25/PLP-1984 Called/Calling Address Field and
the conditions of are satisfied.
13.2 Optional features
Clauses 6 to 11 allow certain options for implementations. Claims of conformance shall state
a) whether conformance to annex A of IS0 8878 is also claimed;
b) whether the method of conveying the NSAP Address in the X.25/PLP-1984 Called/Calling Address Field is
supported for transmitted packets;
c) whether the conditions defined in are ever supported for receipt of NSAP Addresses conveyed in
the X.25/PLP-1984 Called/Calling Address Fields;
d) whether Expedited Data Transfer is supported;
e) whether Receipt Confirmation is supported.
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IS0 8878 : 1 987/Amd.3 : 1991 (E)
3 Replacement text for annex B
This amendment replaces annex B of IS0 8878 with the text followin
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