ISO/IEC 11518-2:1996
(Main)Information technology — High-Performance Parallel Interface — Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
Information technology — High-Performance Parallel Interface — Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
Technologies de l'information — Interface parallèle à haute performance — Partie 2: Protocole de trame (HIPPI-FP)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
1996-06-I 5
Information technology - High-Performance
Parallel Interface -
Part 2:
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
Technologies de /‘information - Interface paraIl&le 9 haute performance -
Partie 2: Protocole de trame (HIPPI-FP)
Reference number
ISO/l EC 11518-Z: 1996(E)
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ISO/IEC 11518=2:1996(E)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.~. Ill
. . . . . . . . .D.~~.”~~.*.~~.~.~.~.”.*~.“.~.~. iv
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. 1
2 Normative reference
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3 Definitions and conventions
3.1 Definitions .,.
3.2 Editorial conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 HIPPI structure .,.,.,.
4.1 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.
4.2 Error detection mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“~. 2
4.3 Error detection limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. 2
......................................... 3
5 HIPPI-FP service interface to upper layers
Service primitives . 3
Sequences of primitives . 3
..................................... 3
5.3 HIPPI-FP service primitive summary
primitives . 4
5.4 ULP data transfer service
.................................................... 6
5.5 Control service primitives
.................................................... 6
5.6 Status service primitives
6 HIPPI-PH to HIPPI-FP services .
7 HIPPI data formats .
7.1 Word and byte formats .
7.2 HIPPI-FP packet format .
A State transitions and pseudo-code . 10
General . 10
A. 1
A.2 State exit . 10
A. 3 Interlocks . 10
........................................................ 10
A. 4 Source pseudo-code
Destination pseudo-code . 12
A. 5
........................................................ 14
B Implementation observations
Data transfer service primitive . 14
.......................................................... 14
B .2 Classes of packets
Alphabetical index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.
1 Byte assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....................................................................... vi
HIPPI documents
Logical framing hierarchy . 2
interface . 3
HIPPI-FP service
primitives . 4
Data transfer service
.............................................................. 6
Control service primitives
.............................................................. 6
Status service primitives
................................................... 8
Ordered byte stream to HIPPI-PH
byte . 8
Bit significance within a
................................................................ 9
HIPPI-FP packet format
0 lSO/IEC 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
lSO/l EC Copyright Office 0 Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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0 lSO/IEC ISO/IEC 11518=2:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardiz-
ation. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of
International Standards through technical committees established by the respective
organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical
committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, lSO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical
committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard lSO/IEC 11518-2 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 25, Interconnection of
information technology equipment.
ISOIIEC 11518 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information
technology - High-Performance Parallel Interface:
- Part I: Mechanical, electrical, and signaling protocol specification (HIPPI-PH)
- Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
Pat? 3: Encapsulation of /SO//EC 8802-Z (IEEE Std 802.2) Logical Link Control
Protocol Data Units (HIPPI-LE)
- Part 4: Mapping of HIPPI to IPI device generic command sets (HIPPI-/PI)
- Part 5: Memory Interface (HIPPI-MI)
- Part 6: Physical Switch Control (HIPPI-SC)
Annexes A and B of this part of lSO/IEC 11518 are for information only.
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
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ISO/IEC 11518=2:1996(E) 0 lSO/IEC
This part of ISOAEC 11518 defines the data framing for an efficient simplex high-
performance point-to-point interface.
Characteristics of HIPPI-FP include
- Large block data transfers with framing to split the data into smaller bursts.
- Separation of user control and data information, and early delivery of the control
- Identifiers for multiple upper-layer protocols (ULPs).
- Support for simplex topology.
- Support for ULP non-word-aligned and an arbitrary number of byte transfers.
- Error notifications, from the underlying physical layer, e.g., HIPPI-PH, are passed
through this framing protocol to notify the upper layers of damaged data.
- Provides a connection-less data service.
- Best effort delivery of data, i.e., datagram.
- Connection control information, which may be used for physical layer switching, is
Figure 1 shows the relationship of this part of ISOAEC 11518 (in the solid rectangle) to
the other entities shown.
-e-e--I------- --~~~~~~~I ----m--e--- ---m-------
T 1 r
IPI- Tape 1
Link Encapsulation
(generic disk I (generic tape 1
) (mapping to Fibre I
[ (mapping to IS0 8802-2) I Channel ULP’S) 1 command set) 1
command set) I
I------ mm--------
Framing Protocol
I r
Switch Control I
1 (
1 Mechanical, Electrical, and Signalling
I I (control of HIPPI physical layer switches I
I Protocol I I
(physical layer)
L -----~~~----I-----------
Figure 1 - HIPPI documents
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
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Information technology -
High-Performance Parallel Interface -
Part 2:
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
[lSO/lEC 1151 S-l]
1 Scope
3.1.4 connection control information (Ccl): A
This part of ISO/IEC 11518 provides the data framing for a
parameter sent as part of the sequence of operations
high-performance point-to-point interface between data-
establishing a connection from a Source to a Destination.
processing equipment. This part of ISO/IEC 11518 does
(lSO/lEC 11518-6 includes examples of CCls and
not protect against certain errors which might be introduced
by intermediate devices interconnecting multiple HIPPI-
3.1.5 Destination: The equipment at the end of the
interface that receives the data. [lSO/lEC 11518-l]
The purpose of this part of ISO/IEC 11518 is to facilitate the
3.1.6 optional: Features that are not required by this
development and use of the HIPPI in computer systems by
part of ISO/IEC 11518. However, if any optional feature
providing common data framing. It provides an efficient
defined by this part of ISO/IEC 11518 is implemented, it
framing protocol for interconnections between computers,
shall be implemented according to this part of ISO/IEC
high-performance display systems, and high-performance,
11518. [lSO/lEC 11518-l]
intelligent block-transfer peripherals.
3.1.7 packet: A data set sent from Source to Desti-
nation. A packet is composed of one or more bursts. The
HIPPI specification does not limit the maximum packet size,
2 Normative reference but a maximum size may be imposed by a given HIPPI
implementation, or by a ULP. A packet consists of a
header, one or two optional ULP data sets, and optional fill.
The following standard contains provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
3.1.8 service interface (SI): Connection points to
lSO/lEC 11518. At the time of publication, the edition
the ULP.
indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision,
and parties to agreements based on this part of lSO/IEC
3.1.9 Source: The equipment at the end of the interface
11518 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
that transmits the data.
applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated
3.1.10 state: The current condition of the interface,
below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of
excluding transitions, as indicated by the control primitives.
currently valid International Standards.
3.1.11 station management (SMT): The supervi-
lSO/IEC 11518-I :I 995 - Information technology - High-
sory entity that monitors and controls the HIPPI.
Performance Parallel Interface - Part I: Mechanical, electri-
3.1 .I2 ULP data set:
The data transferred between
cal, and signaling protocol specification (HIPPI-PH) .
the ULP and the HIPPI-FP.
3.1.13 upper-layer protocol (ULP): A protocol
immediately above the HIPPI-FP service interface.
3 Definitions and conventions
3.1.14 word: A unit of information, consisting of 32 or 64
bits, matching the HIPPI-PH word size. Words contain an
3.1 Definitions
ordered set of four or eight bytes.
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 11518, the defini-
3.2 Editorial conventions
tions given in ISO/IEC 11518-l and the following definitions
apply s
In this part of lSO/IEC 11518, certain terms that are proper
3.1.1 burst: A group of words sent by the Source to the
names of signals or similar terms are printed in upper case
Destination. Bursts contain 1 to 256 words. Bursts that
to avoid possible confusion with other uses of the same
contain less than 256 words are called short bursts. On a
words (e.g., CLOCK). Any lower case uses of these words
32-bit HIPPI-PH, bursts contain an even number of 32-bit
have the normal technical English meaning.
A number of conditions, sequence parameters, events,
3.1.2 byte: A group of eight bits. Bytes are packed four
states, or similar terms are printed with the first letter of
per 320bit word, or eight per 64bit word.
each word in upper case and the rest lower case (e.g., In,
3-l .3 connection: Condition of the HIPPI-PH when Out, Enabled). Any lower case uses of these words have
data transfers from Source to Destination are possible. the normal technical English meaning.
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
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ISO/IEC 11518=2:1996(E) @ ISO/lEC
4 HIPPI structure 4.2 Error detection mechanisms
4.2.1 Byte parity
4.1 Structure
The HIPPI physical layer (HIPPI-PH) uses bit-parallel word
transfers, using 32-bit words for an 800 Mbit/s data rate and
The HIPPI-FP has been designed in a modular fashion to
64,bit words for a 1600 Mbit/s data rate. An odd-parity bit is
support simplex or dual simplex configuration require-
also transmitted with each 8-bit byte of a word, i.e., four
parity bits are transmitted with each 32-bit word. Hence an
undetected error in a word would require a 2-bit error, with
A compliant HIPPI network shall maintain packet and burst
both bits being in the same byte.
structures from the original Source to the final Destination.
4.2.2 LLRC
Figure 2 shows the basic organization of the information on
the HIPPI.
The Length-Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LLRC)
implements even parity across the individual bits of multiple
words in a burst. For example, bit 23 of the LLRC is the
even parity of bit 23 of each word in the burst. A burst is
nominally 256 words in length (1 Kbytes or 2 Kbytes), but
short bursts may contain fewer words. Hence the LLRC
would not detect errors where the same bit in an even
number of words was incorrect.
In addition, the LLRC calculation includes the length of the
burst. Hence, the LLRC would detect cases where a word
was dropped or added, i.e., the length received was not the
same as what was transmitted.
Burst Burst
4.2.3 Packet length
1) -,
d@- --I-
A packet is composed of one or more bursts. In HIPPI-FP a
256 words of 32 or 64 bits each
length field specifying the number of bytes in the packet is
specified. This length field provides a check for dropped or
extra bursts. A special case where the packet length is not
used is provided for such things as video data to a frame
Figure 2 - Logical framing hierarchy
buffer, data collection from experimental equipment, etc.
4.3 Error detection limitations
As specified in HIPPI-PH, once a connection is established
a packet (or multiple packets) can be sent from the Source
The parity and LLRC will only fail on 4-bit errors in a
to the Destination. Each packet contains one or more
rectangular pattern. That is, two bits in a byte must fail
bursts. Bursts contain 1 to 256 words. Words contain four
(undetected by the byte parity check) and the same two bits
or eight bytes. Bursts that contain less than 256 words are
must fail in another word of the burst (undetected by the
called short bursts. A packet contains no more than one
short burst. A short burst may be either the first or last
burst of a multiburst packet. For error detection HIPPI-PH
Use of the HIPPI-FP packet header length field permits the
uses byte parity and a parity-based checksum on each
detection of lost bursts within a packet; however no
mechanism of either HIPPI-FP or HIPPI-PH allows the
detection of data corruption caused by the substitution of
On a 32,bit HIPPI-PH, bursts shall contain an even number
one burst, with good parity and LLRC, for another burst of
of 32-bit words. Words shall contain an ordered set of bytes
the same length.
as specified in 7.1.
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
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ISO/IEC 11518-2:1996(E)
5.1 Service primitives
5 HIPPI-FP service interface to upper layers
All of the primitives and parameters are considered as
required except where explicitly stated otherwise.
This clause describes the services provided by HIPPI-FP.
The intent is to provide the formalism necessary to relate
HIPPI service primitives are of four types.
this interface to other HIPPI interfaces. How many of the
services described herein are chosen for a given
- Request primitives are issued by a service user to
implementation, and whether others may be required, is up
initiate a service from the service provider. In this part of
to the implementer; however, a set of HIPPI-FP services
ISO/IEC 11518, a second Request primitive of the same
must be supplied sufficient to satisfy the ULP(s) being
name shall not be issued until the Confirm for the first
used. The services as defined herein do not imply any
request is received.
particular implementation, or any interface.
- Confirm primitives are issued by the service provider to
In this part of ISO/IEC 11518 the ULP and station
acknowledge a Request.
management protocol (SMT) are service users, and the
HIPPI-FP is the service provider to the ULP and SMT. The
- Indicate primitives are issued by the service provider to
interfaces consist of the ULP primitives, prefixed with FP-,
notify the service user of a local event. This primitive is
and the SMT primitives, prefixed with FPSM-.
similar in nature to an unsolicited interrupt. Note that the
local event may have been caused by a service Request.
The HIPPI-FP is also the service user of the HIPPI-PH
In this part of ISO/IEC 11518, a second Indicate primitive
services, prefixed with PH-.
of the same name shall not be issued until the Response
for the first Indicate is received.
Figure 3 shows the relationship of the HIPPI-FP interfaces.
- Response primitives are issued by a service user to
acknowledge an Indicate.
: Upper-Layer :
1 Protocols 1
; (ULPS) ;
5.2 Sequences of primitives
The order of execution of service primitives is not arbitrary.
Logical and time sequence relationships exist for all
described service primitives. Time sequence diagrams, as
in figure 4, are used to illustrate a valid sequence. Other
valid sequences may exist. The sequence of events
between peer users across the user/provider interface is
illustrated. In the time sequence diagrams the HIPPI-FP
Management :
users are depicted on either side of the vertical bars while
(SMT) 1
the service provider is in the centre. A ULP or SMT
implementation may present multiple requests for services,
but the requests shall be serviced one at a time and in the
(PHSM-.) ;--- ---;
order presented.
-& Physical Layer I
b.-------- 4 5.3 HIPPI-FP service primitive summary
ULP Data Transfer
FP TRANSFER.Request (Ccl, ULP-id, Dl Size,
Figure 3 - HIPPI-FP service interface
6l Data Set, D2 Size, D2 Data Set, -
Keep-Connection, Start-D2-on-Burst-Boundary)
FP-TRANSFER Dl .Indicate (ULP-id, Ccl, Status,
62 Size, D2_6ffset, Dl Area Size, Dl Data-Set)
FP TRANSFER D2.lndicGe (ULP-id, CCI,Status,
f%?-Size, D2_6ffset, D2-Data-Set)
Control Link
FPSM CONTROL.Request (Command, Command
- -
FPSM-CONTROL.Confirm (Status)
Link Status
FPSMISTATUS.Confirm (Status)
FPSM STATUS.lndicate
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
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ISO/IEC 11518=2:1996(E)
Dl Size is the length, in bytes, of the ULP
5.4 ULP data transfer service primitives
Dl-Data Set to be placed in the first burst of the
These primitives, as illustrated in figure 4, shall be used to
packet. The maximum Dl-Size shall be 1 016 bytes A
transfer ULP data from the Source ULP to the Destination
value of Dl_Size equal to zero indicates a null
Dl Data-Set and shall cause the FP header
Dl -Data Set Present bit to be set to 0. See 7.2.2.
- - -
54.1 ULP Identifiers
Dl Data Set is the ULP data set to be placed in the
The ULP-id of the HIPPI-FP header designates the Destina-
first burst, and delivered separately from the
tion ULP to which the data set is to be delivered.
D2 Data Set. The Dl Data Set is intended for control
- -
NOTE - Identifiers registered at the time this part of ISO/IEC
11518 was approved include the following (shown in binary
notation). Later registrations will be added as an amendment to D2 Size is the length, in bytes, of the ULP data set to
this part of lSO/IEC 11518.
be placed in the remainder of the packet. The maximum
determinate D2-Size is 4 294 967 294 bytes (232 - 2). A
Processing of packets with unlisted ULPs is undefined.
D2 Size of hexadecimal FFFFFFFF shall mean that the
length is indeterminate at the start of the transfer.
00000010 = Reserved
Indeterminate length packets may be longer or shorter
00000011 = Reserved
than the maximum determinate size. See B.l for
00000100 = IS0 8802.2 Link Encapsulation
suggestions on transferring larger size, or
000001 IO = IPI- Slave, i.e., IPI- Master to Slave
indeterminate size, packets. The D2-Size shall be set
00000111 = IPI- Master, i.e., IPI- Slave to Master
to zero to indicate the absence of the D2 Data Set.
- -
00001000 = lpi-3 Peer
00001010 = HIPPI-FC mapping to Fibre Channel ULPs
02 Data Set is the ULP data set to be sent.
1 xxxxxxx = Locally assigned
Placement of the D2-Data-Set shall be governed by
the Start D2 on Burst Boundary parameter. The
5.4.2 FP TRANSFER.Request
D2 Data Setis intended for user data, or the whole
data set G separate control information is not used. A
Issued by the Source ULP to request a data transfer. If a
ULP may deliver the 02 Data Set to HIPPI-FP in
connection to the Destination specified by the CCI does not
multiple segments. To decreaselatency and conserve
currently exist, then a connection will be established. At
buffers, implementations may start transmission before
the completion of the transfer the connection may be
receiving all of these segments.
broken unless Keep Connection was specified. The packet
format is defined in 7.2, and shown in figure 9.
Keep Connection true says that another ULP data set
with the same routeing information is coming, and the
Source Destination
physical HIPPI-PH connection should be maintained if
possible. When Keep Connection is false, the
connection may be brokenafter this packet. Servicing
FP TRANSFER.Requests from other ULPs may also
:Request V
cause the connection to be broken, e.g., requests to
requests with
different Destinations, or
Keep Connection false. Keep Connection is a local
control parameter and is not passed to the Destination.
Start-D2-on-Burst-Boundary controls the starting
location for the D2 Area. If true, then the D2 Area
shall start at the beginning of the second HIPPI-PH
FP TRANSFER 02 burst. If false, then the D2 Area may start in the first
- &.lndicate -
Issued - The Source ULP issues this primitive to the
Source HIPPI-FP to request the transfer of the ULP data
. Response
set to the Destination.
Effect - The Source HIPPI-FP shall accept the ULP data
Figure 4 - Data transfer service primitives
set for transmission. The HIPPI-FP shall build an HIPPI-
FP header, as specified in 7.2, and send the packet as a
If (1) the
series of bursts to the Destination.
Semantics - FP TRANSFER.Request (Ccl, ULP-id,
Dl Data Set does not completely fill the first burst, and
Dl Size,%1 Data Set, 02 Size, D2 Data Set,
(2)~StartID2-on-Burst-Boundary = true, and (3) the
underlying HIPPI-PH supports short first bursts, then this
HIPPI-FP shall use a short first burst whose length is
The CCI is passed directly to the underlying HIPPI-PH.
sufficient to completely contain the Dl-Data-Set. If any
of the above conditions are not met, then a 256-word first
The ULP-id identifies the Destination ULP. See 54.1.
burst shall be used.
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
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ISO/IEC 11518-2:1996(E)
5.4.3 FP TRANSFER.Confirm D2 Offset is the number of unused bytes from the start
of the D2 Area to the first byte of the 02 Data Set.
The D2 OTfset is used by the Source and Destination to
This primitive acknowledges the FP TRANSFER. Request
from the Source ULP. keep proper word alignment on the D2-Data Set so as
to avoid shifting and copying the data to achieve align-
ment at the Destination. The 02 Offset allows the
Semantics - FP_TRANSFER.Confirm (Status)
Source memory image of the 02 Data Set, even if it
does not start on a 64-bit word boundary, to be
Status shall be
reproduced at the Destination.
-Accept -the HIPPI-PH has completed the connection
and accepted the packet for transmission.
Dl Area Size is the size of the Dl Area being passed
to the ULF. The actual size of the Dl Data Set is self
- Reject - the Destination has rejected the connection - -
defining within the Dl Area.
request, no bursts were transmitted.
- Timeout - the Destination did not respond to the
Dl Area contains the Dl Data Set. It is up to the
connection request within the timeout period. No bursts
Destination ULP to determine the-size of the Dl Data
were transmitted. See A.4.7
Set and extract it from the Dl Area. See 7.2.2. - -
Issued - The HIPPI-FP shall issue this primitive to the
The D2 Data Set is the D2 ULP data being delivered to
Source ULP to acknowledge the FP
the ULf? -
Effect - Unspecified
Issued - The Destination HIPPI-FP shall issue this primi-
tive to the Destination ULP when a ULP data set has been
received. A packet containing both the Dl-Data-Set and
the D2 Data Set shall generate primitives for both the
Dl Data Setand the D2 Data Set.
- - - -
5.4.4 FP TRANSFERhdicate
Effect - Unspecified
These primitives indicate to the Destination ULP that the
Dl Data Set, or D2 Data Set, of a packet, addressed to
thisparti&lar ULP has been received from the Source.
Semantics -
5.4.5 FP TRANSFER.Response
FP TRANSFER Dl .Indicate (ULP-id, Ccl, Status,
D2 Size,%2 Offset, Dl Area Size,
- -
This primitive acknowledges a FP TRANSFER.lndicate for
Dl IArea) -
either the Dl-Data-Set or the D2-Data-Set.
FP TRANSFER D2.lndicate (ULP-id, Ccl, Status,
D2_Size,%2_0ffset, D2-Data-Set)
Semantics - FP TRANSFER.Response
ULP-id is the ULP to receive the data. See 54.1.
Issued - The Destination ULP issues this primitive to
acknowledge receipt of the FP-TRANSFER.Indicate.
CCI is the CCI for the current connection, i.e., received
with the PH-RING.lndicate connection request.
Effect - The Destination HIPPI-FP is enabled to issue
another FP-TRANSFER. Indicate.
Status denotes whether the data set being delivered
was received with errors. Status includes, but is not
limited to, errors in the packet.
D2-Size is the length of the D2 Data Set, in bytes, as
received in the FP-Header. If- D2-Size equals hex-
adecimal FFFFFFFF, then it is up to the ULP to deter-
mine the validity and actual length of the D2-Data-Set.
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
ISO/IEC 11518=2:1996(E)
5.5 Control service primitives
Issued - The Source or Destination SMT issues this primi-
tive to perform some control function over the interface as
These primitives, as illustrated in figure 5, shall be used to
a whole.
set parameters and control the interface. Note that a
Control primitive can be initiated from either the Source or
Effect - The HIPPO-FP shall perform the function
Source or
Des tina tion
Other End
5.5.2 FPSM CONTROL.Confirm
This primitive acknowledges the FPSM CONTROL.Re-
quest to the issuing SMT.
. Request
Semantics - FPSM-CONTROL.Confirm (Status)
Status reports the success or failure of the
FPSM CONTROL.Request commands.
Issued - The HIPPI-FP shall issue this primitive to the
SMT when the command specified in the FPSM
Figure 5 - Control service primitives CONTROL.Request has been accepted.
Effect - Unspecified
5.5.1 FPSM CONTROL.Request
5.6 Status service primitives
Issued by either the Source SMT or Destination SMT to set
parameters, or otherwise control the local HIPPI-FP.
These primitives, as illustrated in figure 6, shall be used to
Several functions are specified and others are left to
obtain status information from the local HIPPI-FP. Note that
specific implementations.
a Status primitive can be initiated from either the Source or
Destination, and shall only affect the local end of the
Semantics - FPSM CONTROL.Request (Command,
Command Pa&meter)
The Command specifies the function to be performed.
Source or
The parameters are specific to each function.
Questions, Comments and Discussion
Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.