Face protectors and visors for ice hockey players

Protecteurs de visage et visières pour joueurs de hockey sur glace

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ISO 10257:1996 - Face protectors and visors for ice hockey players
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First edition
1996-I O-01
Face protectors and visors for ice hockey
Protecteurs de visage et W&es pour joueurs de hockey sur g/ace
Reference number
IS0 10257:1996(E)

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IS0 10257:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a
worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0
member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the
right to be represented on that committee.
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates
closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by technical
committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by
at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 10257 pertaining to face protectors
and visors for ice hockey players was prepared by Technical
Committee ISOnC 83, Sports and recreational equipment,
Subcommittee SC 5, Ice hockey equipment and facilities.
It is the first International Standard for ice hockey face
protectors and visors, and therefore, neither cancels nor
supersedes any previous documents. It was developed
primarily from face protector standards for ice hockey players
previously published by the American Society of Testing and
Materials (ASTM), the Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
and the Swedish Ice Hockey Association (SIF).
Annexes A to D of this International Standard are for
information only.
0 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
electronic or mechanical, including
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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IS0 10257:1996(E)
Face protectors and visors for ice hockey players
This International Standard includes
1 Scope
performance tests covering the following:
a) areas of facial coverage;
This International Standard specifies the
b) penetration of objects to the face;
materials, finish, attachment system, and
c) impact; and
areas of facial coverage for face protectors
d) optics.
and visors for ice hockey players. In addition,
it specifies the impact, penetration and optical
Annex A describes more recent techniques for
requirements and the test procedures for
assessing optical quality using a laser beam
determining these requirements. The optical
and laboratory computer. Annex B describes
characteristics consist of tests for:
methods for measuring peripheral fields of
a) peripheral field of vision and scotoma;
vision and scotoma. Annex C describes the
b) optical quality of the field of vision;
apparatus and method for measuring
c) luminous transmittance;
coverage. Annex D is included in order to
d) prism imbalance;
facilitate the procurement of the appropriate
e) haze; and
test equipment by certification laboratories
f) optical clarity (definition).
throughout the world desiring to certify ice
hockey face protectors and visors for
This International Standard is applicable to
international and other competitions.
face protectors and visors designed to protect
the face, in whole or in part, of ice hockey
This International Standard complements IS0
players from the hazards likely to be
encountered during a game. It covers
requirements for the construction and finish of
face protectors. Labelling and marking
2 Normative references
requirements are also included.
Note: Hockey is a collision sport in which
there is a risk of injury. This In terna tional The following Standards contain provisions
Standard for the face protector and visor is which, through reference in this text,
intended for those used in ice hockey only and constitute provisions of this International
no other activity. Face protectors and visors Standard. At the time of publication, the
afford no protection from neck or spinal injury. editions indicated were valid. All standards
Severe head, brain or spinal injuries, including are subject to revision, and parties to
paralysis or death may occur even while using agreements based on this International
a face protector or visor in accordance with Standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions
this International Standard.
of the standards indicated below.
Protectors may consist of partial (eye) face
Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of
protectors (visors) or full-face protectors, and
currently valid International Standards.
cover the following three basic types:
a) Type 1 (full face) - for players but not
IS0 10256: 1996, Protective helmets for ice
hockey players.
b) Type 2 - goal-tenders.
c) Type 3 - visors (for players, but not goal-
tenders). EN 960: 1994, Headforms for use in testing of
pro tee tive helmets.

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IS0 10257:1996(E) @ IS0
ASTM D1003-61: 1977, lest method forhaze
3.8.2 nasally: Refers to an angle in the
and luminous transmittance of transparent
horizontal plane measured from the primary
position of gaze to the left for the right eye
and from the primary position of gaze to the
right for the left eye.
3 Definitions
3.8.3 inferior (downward): Refers to an angle
in the vertical plane measured downwards
For the purposes of this International
from the horizontal.
Standard, the following definitions apply.
3.8.4 superior (upward): Refers to an angle
3.1 chip: A macroscopic particle completely
in the vertical plane measured upwards from
detached from the protector.
the horizontal.
3.2 collimated light source (source of
3.9 goniometer:
Positioning device that
illumination): A quartz halogen lamp (1,68
moves the headform such that the angular
foot candles or 17 lux) producing a 100 mm
rotation and movement in both the horizontal
beam at 6 m distance which is centred on the
and vertical directions enables a spherical scan
pupils of the eyes of the headform or on the
to be made of the fields of vision as seen
midpoint between the pupils of the eyes of the
through a face protector or visor.
headform. This centring is maintained at all
times during the test.
3.10 glabella: The most prominent midline
point between the eyebrows, identical to the
3.3 combination:
The combined unit of a
bony glabella of the frontal bone.
face protector or visor placed on a hockey
helmet with which it is designed to be used.
3.11 haze: The percentage of transmitted
light that, in passing through the specimen,
3.4 computer interface: A linkage between
deviates from the incident beam by forward
the computer, the goniometer and the
sensors. This enables a fully automated
measurement process via a menu-driven
3.12 interpupillary distance (PD):
distance in millimetres between the centres of
the pupils of both eyes on the facially-featured
3.5 optical clarity (definition): The sharpness
of an image.
Note: Nominally PD adult = 58 mm, PD
juvenile = 57 mm, PD child = 53 mm.
3.6 dioptre: A measure of the power of a
lens or a prism equal to the reciprocal of its
3.13 laser: device used for alignment of the
focal length expressed in metres.
sensors. e.g. helium-neon (He-Ne) laser;
0,5 mW; monochromatic light source.
3.7 face protector:
A device intended to
Note: Observe safety rules when using a
reduce the risk of injury to the eyes and face
of ice hockey participants.
3.14 lens: The transparent part of a
3.8 fields of vision: The projection outward
protective device through which the wearer
of all retinal points (the nervous layer of the
eye) at which visual sensations can be
Note: In this International Standard, a lens
means a Zero Power Lens.
This lens type
does not incorporate a correction (non-Rx) and
3.8.1 temporally: Refers to an angle in the
is commonly referred to as “Plan0 “.
horizontal plane measured from the primary
position of gaze to the right for the right eye
3.15 luminous transmittance: The ratio of
and from the primary position of gaze to the
the light transmitted by a medium to the
left for the left eye.
incident light.

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@ IS0 IS0 10257:1996(E)
3.16 menton: The lowest point on the passes through the crown of the headform
mandibular symphysis. (see figure 1).
3.17 optical quality field of vision area: That 3.23.3 horizontal plane (transverse plane):
A plane that passes across the body at right
area on a transparent face protector or visor
determined by the outline of a cone whose angles to both the frontal and mid-sagittal
axis projects along the primary position of plane.
gaze and extends 35 O (radius of fixation).
The apex of the cone is centred on each pupil. 3.23.4 median plane (mid-sagittal plane): A
The area generated by each cone is joined vertical plane that passes through the
above and below and is extended to a point headform from front to back and divides the
SO0 laterally to each side in the horizontal headform into right and left halves (see
plane. figure 1).
3.18 orbit: A quadrilateral, pyramidal cavity 3.23.5 reference plane: A plane that is
located above and parallel to the basic plane.
situated at the upper and anterior part of the
face. It is also the bony cavity containing the
3.24 points X and Y: Points defined on the
eyeball and other associated tissues within the
headform in a profile view as follows (see
figure 2A). Point X is the point at which a line
parallel to and at a distance C mm (see table
3.19 orbitale: The lowermost point on the
in figure 2A) from the central vertical axis
inferior margin of the orbit (infraorbital margin)
leaves the top of the headform. Point Y is the
(marked at right angles to the S-N plane).
point at which the above line intersects with
the Frankfurt Horizontal plane.
3.20 peripheral field of vision: An oval
shaped field extending SO0 temporally, 60°
inferiorly, 45 O nasally and 40° superiorly. 3.25 point 2: The intersection of the jawline
of the vertical line parallel to the vertical axis
3.21 permanent marking: Lettering that from the corner of the mouth on the headform
cannot be removed in its entirety under normal (see figure 2A).
conditions (see 6.1).
3.26 porion: The highest point on the upper
3.22 photosensors: Sensors 5 mm in margin of the cutaneous, external auditory
diameter centred in the pupils of the
headform, covered by a 5 mm translucent lens
3.27 primary position of gaze: A line running
of 8 mm radius of curvature, convex forward.
forward from the centre of the pupil parallel to
The photo sensors are cosine corrected, e.g.
the mid-sagittal and transverse planes (see
provided with diffusing covers which are a
figure 1).
means of correcting the light sensitive surface
for wide angles of incidence. Light contact
3.28 prism dioptre: A unit used in measuring
with the sensors produces an electrical signal
the deviating power of a prism; this power in
that is fed into a computer interface.
prism dioptres is 100 times the tangent of the
angle of deviation of a ray of light.
3.23 Planes
3.29 prism imbalance: The light passing
3.23.1 basic plane (Frankfurt Horizontal): A
through a lens and entering the one eye is
plane that is located at the level of the
deviated by an amount differing in direction
external upper borders of the ear canal
from the same light passing through the lens
(external auditory meatus) and the inferior
and entering the fellow eye.
margins of the orbits of the eyes.
3.23.2 frontal plane (coronal plane): A 3.30 protector: A face protector or a visor as
they are defined in this International
vertical plane that is perpendicular to the Standard.
median (mid-sagittal) and reference planes and

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@ IS0
IS0 10257:1996(E)
performance requirements of 4.8.
3.3 1 resolution: The ability of an optical
system to distinguish two points at their
minimum separation.
Face protectors or visors shall be constructed
and installed on the appropriate helmet(s) so
3.32 scan area: The oval, peripheral fields
that, in case of injury, immediate access to
area, specified for superior, temporal, inferior,
the various airways is provided without
and nasal directions.
removing the helmet.
3.33 scotoma: A blind spot in the field of
vision. 4.1.3
The face protector or visor shall be fixed in
such a way that it remains in its normal
3.34 securely attached labels and tags: A
position during play and impact.
label or tag affixed at the time of
manufacture, and which is normally removed
at the time of face protector/visor use (see
6.2). Each face protector or visor shall be tested
with the helmet(s) for which it was specified
by the manufacturer. If the face protector is
3.35 subnasale (Sn): The deepest point on
the concavity of the anterior surface of the to be used with more than one helmet model,
maxilla in the midline, within 3,0 mm of the it shall be tested with these additional helmet
floor of the nose (See figure 2B). models but only for impact and area of
coverage, and only under ambient conditions.
3.36 threshold value: The output reading
obtained when the columnated light beam has 4.2 Materials
been centred on the midpoint between the
pupils in the primary position of gaze. The 4.2.1
headform is rotated SO0 in the horizontal All materials used in the fabrication of face
plane, and the collimated light source contacts protectors and visors shall be known to be
the pupillary sensor closest to the light source. suitable for the intended application. For
example, the face protector or visor shall
3.37 visor: A device intended to reduce the remain strong, semi-rigid and firm, and shall
risk of injury to the eyes of ice hockey
not be permanently distorted during an
exposure of a minimum of 4 h to any
temperature in the range of -25OC to 70°C
3.38 vertex: Point of intersection on the
with the latter temperature being at a relative
headform of the mid-sagittal plane with the
humidity of (55 ~lt 5)%. Nor shall the
frontal plane (see figure 2A).
materials be significantly affected by exposure
to ultraviolet radiation, water or vibration. All
material shall be rot and corrosion resistant in
4 Requirements accordance with sound practice. In addition,
paints, glues and finishes used
manufacturing shall be compatible with the
4.1 General
materials used in the construction of the face
protector or visor. The face protector or visor
4.1 .I
should not be adversely affected by cleaners
Face protectors or visors shall be designed so
recommended by the manufacturer.
that they can be firmly affixed to helmets that
meet the requirements of the IS0 10256.
Neither the helmet nor the face protector or
All padding materials shall be of a resilient
visor permanent
shall undergo
material and should not be of a type known to
modifications to facilitate attachment, i.e.
cause skin irritation or disease. Also these
removing materials or drilling holes.
materials should not undergo significant loss
mechanical attachment(s) between the helmet
of strength or flexibility, or other physical
and the face protector or visor shall meet the
damage as a result of contact

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@ IS0
IS0 10257:1996(E)
perspiration, oil, or grease from the wearer’s When viewed from the side, face
hair or skin. protectors and visors shall overlap the lower
edge of the helmet (forehead area) by at least
6 mm in the horizontal plane.
4.3 Finish
All parts shall be well-finished, and free of
b) Types 1 and 2 face protectors shall extend
surface irregularities that would present a
laterally and vertically around the headform at
potential hazard to the user or other players.
least to the line, XYZ, in the side view, as
All of the wire parts of a face protector or
shown in figure 2A. Where the helmet
visor shall have a protective coating that does
provides protection anterior to the XYZ line,
not chip on impact. All wire ends shall
the face protector need not extend back to
terminate at the perimeter of the wire grid.
the XYZ line provided the face protector
The wire ends shall also be located on the
overlaps the helmet by at least 6 mm and is
outer surface of the face protector or visor,
not more than 25 mm from the XYZ line.
away from the face.
c) For Types 1 and 2 face protectors, the
4.4 Attachment system
load-bearing areas of the protectors shall
A face protector or visor shall be designed so
cover at least the hatched area shown in
it can be easily attached to the helmet without
figure 3 and shall be restricted to the hatched
requiring the user to drill holes in the helmet
area shown in figure 2A.
shell. The attachment system used shall not
reduce the protection afforded the wearer by
d) For Type 1 protectors, no part of the face
either the helmet, face protector or visor.
protector shall be closer than 10 mm to the
surface of the headform except in the chin
The attachment system used shall be such as
area (hatched) where it is covered by padding
to prevent the face protector or visor from
(see figure 3);
becoming disengaged from the helmet while in
use or under stress.
e) For goal-tender face protection, when the
helmet is adjusted to fit the largest appropriate
The combination of a face protector or visor
headform (as per the manufacturers
and helmet shall be equipped so that both
instructions), the face protector shall cover
remain in their normal positions on the user’s
the entire ear apertures and extend beyond
head during play and impact conditions.
the ear apertures, in a posterior direction, by
at least 6 mm.
4.5 Adhesives
Adhesive material used to attach padding or
f) For Type 3 face protectors (visors), the
straps to the face protector or visor shall be of
distance measured in the horizontal plane,
a formulation that will not alter the chemical
between the inside of the visor and points Sn
or physical properties of the materials to an
(subnasale) and G (glabella) respectively, on
extent that reduces their protective qualities.
the headform shall not exceed 60 mm (see
figure 2B).
4.6 Area of facial coverage
The face protector shall also cover a line going
4.6.1 Side of the head (i.e. profile)
out from Sn and that is perpendicular to a line
With the helmet properly mounted and
going through point Sn and point G (see figure
adjusted on the appropriate reference
headform and secured in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, face protectors
4.6.2 Chin
and visors shall meet the following maximum
To prevent the rigid portions of the face
and minimum dimensional requirements as
protector from contacting the face in the chin
shown in figure 2A for Types 1 and 2
area, padding shall be attached to the face
protectors, and in figure 2B for Type 3
protector permanently or by replaceable
supporting straps and extend at the midline
vertically from the menton (Point M) minimum

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@ IS0
IS0 10257:1996(E)
distance of 18 mm (adult), 15 mm (juvenile), shall provide a peripheral field of vision that is
15 mm (child), and posteriorly the same not restricted within the values shown in table
headform. 1.
distance in each size of
Horizontally it shall extend to at least to Point
Z which measures 53 mm (adult), 48 mm There shall be no absolute scotoma
(juvenile), and 42 mm (child) as shown in within the fields of vision as outlined in table
figure 3. 1. Face protectors and visors shall not
interfere with vision in the primary position of
A chin cup or pad attached to the face gaze (see figures 5 and A. 1).
protector shall cover a minimum area on the
headform extending laterally to Points Z and 4.9.2 Optical quality field of vision (for clear,
antero-posteriorly from Point M as above (see plastic face protectors and visors)
figure 3). For the certification of new products, or for
recertification purposes, the following
requirements of optical quality shall be tested
The shock-attenuating material shall remain
over the optical quality field of vision area (see
securely attached to the support points of the
figure A. 1): optical clarity (definition);
face protector or visor during the impact
luminous transmittance; prism imbalance; and
testing as described in 4.7.
4.7 Impact test requirements
Once certified, the optical quality of a clear,
The impact testing shall be conducted in
plastic face protector or visor shall meet the
accordance with 5.2.3 and table 3. After the
requirements of quality control, by subjecting
test is complete, the headform shall be
it to visual and tactile inspection to determine
examined to determine if the face protector,
whether it satisfies the requirements listed
visor or puck contacted the headform.
below: The list includes but is not limited to
Contact with the headform except in the
aberrations caused by ‘waves,, ‘warpage,, as
hatched area in figure 2A shall constitute a
well as, lens defects such as ‘scratches’,
failure, with the exception of the toughness
‘greyness,, ‘bubbles,, ‘cracks,, and ‘water
test for the all types of face protectors.
Note: The requirements for optical quality
In all cases, a check shall be made to ensure
field of vision are given in annex A.
that there is no chipping, cracking or breakage
of the face protector or visor or separation of
the face protector or visor from the helmet.
Such damage shall constitute a failure. 5 Test methods
4.8 Penetration requirements
5.1 Sample preparation
When tested in accordance with 5.2.4, the
test blade (penetrator) shall not penetrate the
face protector or visor so as to touch the
Only new and complete face protectors and
surface of the headform when entered within
visors as offered for sale shall be tested. The
the perimeter of the face protector. The same
test regimen is shown in table 2.
penetration requirements shall apply for Types
1, 2 and 3 face protectors or visors (see figure
The duration between the date of manufacture
and the date of testing shall be a minimum of
6 days.
4.9 Optical requirements
4.9.1 Peripheral field of vision and scotoma
Face protectors and visors shall be assembled
(for all face protectors and visors)
and mounted on the appropriate hockey
helmets in accordance with the instructions of When tested in accordance with
the manufacturer of the face protector or
5.3.1 at (20 t 2) OC, a face protector or visor

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0 IS0
IS0 10257:1996(E)
impacted within 40 s after removal from the
conditioning environment at ambient
Face protectors and visors shall be conditioned
(see temperature with a relative humidity of (55
at the applicable test temperature
t 5)%. for a minimum period of 4 h. Ageing The face protector or visor
5.2 Mechanical tests
shall be kept in air at a temperature of (70 *
2) OC for 7 days and thereafter ambient
5.2.1 General
temperature-conditioned in air at a
temperature of (20 t 2) OC and a relative
5.2.1 .I Headform Headforms with skullform
humidity of (55 t 5)% for at least 6 h.
dimensions as detailed in EN 960 shall be
used. Facial features of a headform based on
The face protector or visor is then exposed for
anthropometric facial data that best represents
48 h to 0,5 W l m-* of ultraviolet radiation
the population of hockey players who will be
evenly distributed over its exterior surface.
using the face protectors or visors that are to
be tested shall be used. An appropriate sized
The face protector or visor is finally ambient-
facially-featured headform shall be used to
temperature-conditioned again in air at a
test the appropriate size of face protector or
temperature of (20 t 2) OC and a relative
humidity of (55 t 5)% for at least 6 h.
1 For example, CSA presently uses facially-
5.2.2 Facial coverage
featured headforms (child size 52, juvenile size
56, and adult size 58) for conducting impact The following apparatus is
and penetration tests on face protectors and
recommended for testing facial coverage:
2 Only size (J) 570 mm is currently available
a) testing base approximately 100 cm* and
for CEN.
the headform location as shown in
figure C.l (a); and
The headform shall be aligned vertically on
and rigidly attached to a base on a horizontal
b) sliding gauge as shown in figure C.l (b).
surface. The following test procedure for Hockey puck specifications An
testing coverage of the face protector is
official hockey puck shall impact the face
protector to be tested by firing the puck from
a cannon with the appropriate velocity in free
place the headform in position on the
flight as shown in table 3.
testing base and line up locating lines;
The official hockey puck shall conform to the
b) secure the headform in position;
International Ice Hockey Federation (I.1 .H .F.)
Standard, i.e.
c) place the helmet and face protector on the
diameter = 76,2 + 0,5 mm;
headform according to the
thickness = 25,4 k 0,5 mm;
instructions and securely
mass = 156 to 170 g; and
hardness = 92 t 0,5 IRH (International
Rubber Hardness) at OOC.
d) slide the gauge along the gauging bar for
Type 1 or 2 face protectors to check for Conditioning The face protector or
coverage along line YZ;
visor shall be conditioned by subjecting it to
the following:
slide a combination square along the
appropriate gauging bar for Type 1 or 2 face
a) ambient temperature, (20 t 2)OC, and
protectors to check for coverage along line
b) cold temperature, (-25 k 2)OC for 4 h and

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IS0 10257:1996(E)
f) the sliding gauge should not pass by the
5.3 Optical tests
perimeter of the face protector along the line
; 5.3.1 Optical quality field of vision
An acceptable method for measuring optical
g) the combination square should determine quality field of vision is given in annex A.
coverage by the face protector or helmet
along line XY.
5.3.2 Peripheral fields of vision and scotoma
Tests for scotoma are required for face
5.2.3 Impact testing
protectors that have wires 5 mm or greater in
diameter. Acceptable methods for measuring Velocity of hockey puck and impacts
scotoma and peripheral fields of vision are
(see table 3) The target velocity of each
given in annex B.
impact shall be measured within a 60 cm
distance of the point of impact. Attempt to
impact the face protector or visor with the
6 . Markings, labels, tags and
cylindrical edge surface of the puck.
certificates Contact verification Contact
6.1 Markings
indicator paste or modelling clay shall be used
to indicate contact between a face protector
6.1 .I
or visor and a facially-featured headform
All face protectors and visors and any
during impact testing. Also a record shall be
replaceable components, except fasteners
made of any deformation.
shall bear the following permanent markings. Impact sites
a) manufacturer’s identification;
The appropriate face protector or visor shall be
impacted as shown in table 4.
b) model identification;
5.2.4 Penetration
c) year of manufacture; and The apparatus shall consist of the
certification/identification, where
d) type of
a) Headform: the headform described in
6.2 Labels and tags for testing Types 1, 2 and 3
bearing the following
A label or tag
b) Test blade (penetrator): the test blade
information shall be securely attached to each
shall bemade of metal and shall meet the
face protector at the time of sale.
requirements as shown in figure 4.
a) The instructions concerning the assembly The face protector or visor shall be
of the face protector visor helmet
attached to a specified certified hockey
combination, cleaning care and fit.
helmet, then supported on the headform in
accordance with the manufacturers,
b) The size or size range.
instructions. An attempt shall be made to
make contact with the headform by trying to
The helmet(s) with which the face
enter any portion of the test blade end (50 x
protector or visor is intended to be used.
6) mm through all of the openings of the face
protector (within its perimeter). Contact with
d) A warning stating that if a face protector
the bare headform surface shall constitute a
or visor becomes dented or scratched (clear
shield) it should be replaced. Also,
information regarding the harmful effects of

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@ IS0
IS0 10257:1996(E)
recommended by
the manufacturer, e.g. on
the label or tag.
A warning stating that “Hockey is a
contact sport in which there is a risk of injury.
This face protector is in

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