Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) — Architecture

ISO 21217:2014 describes the communications reference architecture of nodes called "ITS station units" designed for deployment in intelligent transport systems (ITS) communication networks. The ITS station reference architecture is described in an abstract way. While ISO 21217:2014 describes a number of ITS station elements, whether or not a particular element is implemented in an ITS station unit depends on the specific communication requirements of the implementation. ISO 21217:2014 also describes the various communication modes for peer-to-peer communications over various networks between ITS communication nodes. These nodes may be ITS station units as described in ISO 21217:2014 or any other reachable nodes. ISO 21217:2014 specifies the minimum set of normative requirements for a physical instantiation of the ITS station based on the principles of a bounded secured managed domain.

Systèmes intelligents de transport — Accès aux communications des services mobiles terrestres (CALM) — Architecture

L'ISO 21217:2014 décrit l'architecture de communication de référence des n?uds appelés «unités de station ITS», conçus pour le déploiement sur les réseaux de communication des systèmes intelligents de transport (ITS). L'architecture de référence de station ITS est décrite sous forme abstraite. Si la présente Norme internationale décrit un certain nombre d'éléments de station ITS, le fait qu'un élément particulier est mis en ?uvre ou non dans une unité de station ITS dépend des exigences de communication spécifiques de la mise en ?uvre. L'ISO 21217:2014 décrit également les différents modes de communication P2P, sur divers réseaux, entre les n?uds de communication ITS. Ces n?uds peuvent être des unités de station ITS telles que décrites dans la présente Norme internationale ou d'autres n?uds accessibles. L'ISO 21217:2014 définit les exigences normatives minimales d'une instanciation physique de la station ITS fondées sur les principes d'un domaine administré sécurisé délimité.

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Second edition
Intelligent transport systems —
Communications access for land
mobiles (CALM) — Architecture
Systèmes intelligents de transport — Accès aux communications des
services mobiles terrestres (CALM) — Architecture
Reference number
ISO 21217:2014(E)
ISO 2014

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ISO 21217:2014(E)

© ISO 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland
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ISO 21217:2014(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 5
5 Requirements . 7
6 Overview of ITS communications . 7
6.1 ITS services and applications . 7
6.2 ITS communication means . 7
6.3 ITS communication characteristics . 8
6.4 ITS communication networks . 9
6.5 ITS station interconnection scenarios .10
6.6 ITS concept of paths and flows .11
7 ITS station overview .13
7.1 ITS station concept .13
7.2 ITS-S architecture .14
8 Details of elements of ITS-S reference architecture.20
8.1 ITS-S interfaces .20
8.2 ITS-S access layer .21
8.3 ITS-S networking and transport layer .24
8.4 ITS-S facilities layer .26
8.5 ITS-S management entity .29
8.6 ITS-S security entity .31
8.7 ITS-S applications .32
9 Typical implementations of ITS station units .34
Annex A (informative) Illustration of typical ITS-SU implementations .36
Annex B (informative) ITS-S configurations .40
Bibliography .45
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ISO 21217:2014(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 21217:2010) which has been technically
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ISO 21217:2014(E)

“Communications Access for Land Mobile” (CALM) is the acronym used to refer to ISO TC204 WG16
work items. This acronym is used in the titles of the set of International Standards on communication
for “Intelligent Transport Systems” (ITS). These International Standards focus on specifying open
interfaces with regard to the functionalities required for all relevant layers and entities of the ITS station
reference architecture specified in this International Standard. Note that these International Standards
may also specify implementation details in situations where such specifications are deemed essential to
interoperability of interface protocols.
The set of CALM International Standards is designed to allow interoperable instantiations of ITS
stations which are based on the concept of abstracting applications and services from the underlying
communication layers of the ITS station. This abstraction and the functionalities and services that
can be easily implemented make the ITS station architecture described herein also well-suited to the
development and deployment of ITS applications and services that share information amongst each
other to improve the safety, sustainability and efficiency of transport systems.
The set of CALM International Standards include specifications for
— ITS station management,
— ITS communications security,
— ITS station facilities layer protocols,
— ITS station networking and transport layer protocols,
— communication interfaces (CIs) designed specifically for ITS applications and services such as those
designed specifically for safety of life and property,
— interfacing existing access technologies into ITS stations,
— distributed implementations of ITS stations, and
— interfacing ITS stations to existing communication networks and communicating with nodes
This International Standard describes the common architectural framework around which ITS stations
are instantiated and provides references to relevant International Standards, including access technology
support standards, various networking and transport protocol standards, facilities standards, and ITS
station management and security standards. It also describes the general architecture of peer-to-peer
communications over various communication networks between ITS communication nodes. These
nodes may be ITS stations as described in this International Standard or any other reachable nodes.
The set of CALM International Standards is complemented by ITS communication International
Standards from other International Standards development organizations which together form the
basis for implementation of ITS communications networks around the world.
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved v

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Intelligent transport systems — Communications access
for land mobiles (CALM) — Architecture
1 Scope
This International Standard describes the communications reference architecture of nodes called “ITS
station units” designed for deployment in intelligent transport systems (ITS) communication networks.
The ITS station reference architecture is described in an abstract way. While this International Standard
describes a number of ITS station elements, whether or not a particular element is implemented in an
ITS station unit depends on the specific communication requirements of the implementation.
This International Standard also describes the various communication modes for peer-to-peer
communications over various networks between ITS communication nodes. These nodes may be ITS
station units as described in this International Standard or any other reachable nodes.
This International standard specifies the minimum set of normative requirements for a physical
instantiation of the ITS station based on the principles of a bounded secured managed domain.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
access technology
technology employed in a communication interface to access a specific medium
application data unit
data unit exchanged between ITS-S application processes
communication adaptation layer
set of protocols and functions to adapt access technologies to the ITS-S networking and transport layer
communication interface
instantiation of a specific access technology and ITS-S access layer protocol
communication path
directed sequence of nodes connected by links, starting at a source node and ending at one or more
destination nodes
FA interface
interface between the ITS-S facilities layer and the ITS-S applications entity
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IN interface
interface between the ITS-S access layer and the ITS-S networking and transport layer
in-vehicle network
generic term for a network in a vehicle which is not an ITS station-internal network
ITS application
instantiation of an ITS service that involves an association of two or more complementary ITS-S
application processes
Note 1 to entry: Fragments of an application may also reside in nodes that are not ITS stations.
ITS message set
set of messages designed for an ITS-related purpose
ITS service
functionality provided to users of intelligent transport systems designed e.g. to increase safety,
sustainability, efficiency, or comfort
ITS station
functional entity comprised of an ITS-S facilities layer, ITS-S networking and transport layer, ITS-S
access layer, ITS-S management entity, ITS-S security entity, and ITS-S applications entity providing ITS
Note 1 to entry: From an abstract point of view, the term “ITS station” refers to a set of functionalities. The
term is often used to refer to an instantiation of these functionalities in a physical unit. Often, the appropriate
interpretation is obvious from the context. The proper name of the physical instantiation of an ITS-S is ITS station
unit (ITS-SU).
ITS-S access layer
protocol layer in the ITS-S reference architecture containing the OSI physical and data link layer
protocols for ITS communications
ITS-S access layer protocol data unit
protocol data unit exchanged between peer ITS-S access layers
ITS-S access layer service data unit
service data unit exchanged between ITS-S access layer and ITS-S networking and transport layer
ITS-S access router
ITS-S border router with additional functionality that provides other ITS communication nodes a point
of attachment to an external network
ITS-S access technology
access technology dedicated to operation in an ITS-S
ITS-S application
ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S application entity
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ITS-S application process
element in an ITS station that performs information processing for a particular application and uses
ITS-S services to transmit and receive information
ITS-S border router
ITS-S router with additional functionality that provides connectivity to other ITS communication nodes
over external networks
ITS-S communication unit
physical unit in an ITS-SU containing a part or all of the functionality of an ITS-S
Note 1 to entry: In case an ITS-SU consists of a single physical unit, the ITS-SU and the ITS-SCU are identical. In
case an ITS-SU consists of more than one ITS-SCU, then these ITS-SCUs are interconnected via the ITS station-
internal network of the ITS-SU.
ITS-S facilities layer
layer in the ITS-S reference architecture containing OSI layers 5, 6, and 7 that connects applications to
the ITS-S networking and transport layer
ITS-S facilities layer protocol data unit
protocol data unit exchanged between peer ITS-S facility layers
ITS-S facilities layer service data unit
service data unit exchanged between ITS-S facilities layer and ITS-S application entity
ITS-S facility application
ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S facilities layer
ITS-S gateway
ITS-S node used to interconnect two different OSI protocol stacks at layers 5 through 7
Note 1 to entry: An ITS-S gateway may convert between different protocols.
ITS-S host
ITS-S node comprised of ITS-S functionalities other than the functionalities of an ITS-S router, ITS-S
border router, ITS-S mobile router, or an ITS-S gateway
ITS-S internal router
ITS-S router that connects two or more ITS station-internal networks
ITS-S management application
ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S management entity
ITS-S mobile router
ITS-S border router with additional functionality that allows a change of point of attachment to an
external network while maintaining session continuity
ITS-S networking and transport layer protocol data unit
protocol data unit exchanged between peer ITS-S networking and transport layers
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ITS-S networking and transport layer service data unit
service data unit exchanged between ITS-S networking and transport layer and ITS-S facilities layer
ITS-S networking and transport layer
layer in the ITS-S reference architecture containing OSI layers 3 and 4 that connects the ITS-S facilities
layer to the ITS-S access layer
ITS-S node
node comprised of a set of functionalities in an ITS station unit that is connected to the ITS station-
internal network or comprises an entire ITS station unit
ITS-S router
ITS-S node comprised of routing functionalities of an ITS station unit used to connect two networks and
to forward packets not explicitly addressed to itself
ITS-S security application
ITS-S application process residing in the ITS-S security entity
ITS-S service
communication functionality of an ITS-S that provides the capability to connect to other nodes
ITS station unit
implementation of an ITS-S
MA interface
interface between the ITS-S management entity and ITS-S applications
physical entity that supports the transmission of signals carrying information between ITS
communication nodes, e.g. a set of wires supporting Ethernet signals or the space between two antennas
that supports electromagnetic, optical, or acoustical transmissions
MF interface
interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S facilities layer
MI interface
interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S access layer
MN interface
interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S networking and transport layer
MS interface
interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S security entity
NF interface
interface between the ITS-S networking and transport layer and the ITS-S facilities layer
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SA interface
interface between the ITS-S security entity and ITS-S applications
SF interface
interface between the ITS-S security entity and the ITS-S facilities layer
SI interface
interface between the ITS-S security entity and the ITS-S access layer
SN interface
interface between the ITS-S security entity and the ITS-S networking and transport layer
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
ADU Application Data Unit
API Application Programming Interface
BSMD Bounded Secured Managed Domain
BSME Bounded Secured Managed Entity
CAL Communication Adaptation Layer
CALM Communications Access for Land Mobiles
CI Communication Interface
C-ITS Cooperative ITS
DSRC Dedicated Short-Range Communication
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FA name of interface between ITS-S facilities layer and ITS-S application entity
IN name of interface between ITS-S access layer and ITS-S networking and transport layer
IP Internet Protocol
IPv6 IP version 6
IR Infra-Red
ISO International Standards Organization
ITS Intelligent Transport Systems
ITS-APDU ITS Station Access layer Protocol Data Unit
ITS-ASDU ITS Station Access layer Service Data Unit
ITS-FPDU ITS Station Facility layer Protocol Data Unit
ITS-FSDU ITS Station Facility layer Service Data Unit
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ITS-NTPDU ITS Station Networking and Transport layer Protocol Data Unit
NOTE  The deprecated term ITS-NPDU is in use in published standards with the same mean-
ing as ITS-NTPDU.
ITS-NTSDU ITS Station Networking and Transport layer Service Data Unit
ITS-S ITS Station
ITS-SCU ITS-S Communication Unit
IVN In-Vehicle Network
LCH Logical Channel
LTE Long Term Evolution
MA name of the interface between the ITS-S management entity and ITS-S applications
MAE Management Adaptation Entity
MAP name of an ITS message set used to carry information on digital maps covering the area of
MF name of the interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S facilities layer
MI name of the interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S access layer
MIB Management Information Base
MN name of the interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S networking and
transport layer
MS name of the interface between the ITS-S management entity and the ITS-S security entity
NF name of the interface between the ITS-S networking and transport layer and the ITS-S facili-
ties layer
PCH Physical Channel
PDM Probe Data Management; name of an ITS message set
PDU Protocol Data Unit
POI Point of Interest
PVD Probe Vehicle Data; name of an ITS message set
SA name of the interface between the ITS-S security entity and ITS-S applications
SAP Service Access Point
SDU Service Data Unit
SF name of the interface between the ITS-S security entity and the ITS-S facilities layer
SI name of the interface between the ITS-S security entity and the ITS-S access layer
SMIB Security Management Information Base
SN name of the interface between the ITS-S security entity and the ITS-S networking and trans-
port layer
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SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SPaT Signal Phase and Timing; name of an ITS message set
SRM Signal Request Message; name of an ITS message set
SSM Signal Status Message; name of an ITS message set
TOPO name of an ITS message set used to carry information on digital maps covering the area of
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
5 Requirements
A physical instantiation of an ITS-S shall provide as a minimum
— the functionality of an ITS-S host specified in 7.2.2, i.e. acting as a terminal only or
— the functionality of an ITS-S host and ITS-S router specified in 7.2.2.
This includes a minimum set of related security procedures and principles that can be verified by an
appropriate ITS-related authority described in Reference [54]. These security procedures and principles
are used to allow the BSME to assert a level of trust to other BSMEs in the communication network.
6 Overview of ITS communications
6.1 ITS services and applications
The wide variety of services and applications to be deployed in the ITS sector and the global time-varying
nature of transportation itself lead to challenges in the design of communication systems to support
these services and applications. One of the challenges is to support widely disparate communication
requirements with respect to reliability, security, latency, and other performance parameters.
Furthermore, the possibility of having multiple applications in an ITS station unit (ITS-SU) simultaneously
competing for communication resources leads to the need for a controlled access to these resources.
Useful means for addressing this issue are e.g. application and message prioritization and logical
6.2 ITS communication means
ITS communications involves communications between a wide variety of ITS communication nodes on
different platforms, e.g. vehicles, roadside equipment, portable devices, control centres, using various
means and methods as illustrated in Figure 1. The various access and networking technologies illustrated
are used to interconnect stations on a peer-to-peer basis serving a range of ITS service domains. For
example, any of the vehicles in Figure 1 connected to an RSE via 5 GHz or IR could communicate with the
vehicle connected to the wireless LAN hotspot.
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Figure 1 — Examples of ITS communications
6.3 ITS communication characteristics
Characteristics of ITS communications are presented in the following list:
— station mobility leads to complex time-varying networking topologies and time-varying properties
of wireless communication channels (fading, hidden-nodes, etc.);
— variety of stations connected via various networking and access technologies including the Internet,
various public and private networks, Bluetooth and WiFi, dedicated technologies, such as 5,8 GHz
DSRC for road tolling:
— a station with multiple access and networking technologies can maintain session continuity
through a change of either or both;
— two stations with different access technologies can establish end-to-end connectivity
— variety of communication requirements resulting from different ITS applications with different
priorities, e.g. road safety, traffic efficiency, mobility and infotainment, e.g. with respect to
communications capacity (data rate), communications reliability, communications availability;
— variety of communication requirements resulting from user needs, e.g. with respect to
communications cost (in terms of money), communications privacy, communications security;
— variety of communication requirements resulting from regional regulations and policies;
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— global applicability, where intended.
6.4 ITS communication networks
An illustration of the various networks used in ITS communications is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Networking view of ITS communications
Figure 2 illustrates the following networks:
— an ITS infrastructure network comprised of ITS-SUs with a (quasi-) static topology, e.g. a collection
of roadside stations connected via a fibre backbone;
— an ITS ad hoc network comprised of ITS-SUs in which the topology may change rapidly, e.g. a mesh
network of (vehicle) stations connected via microwave technologies;
— a local data network, e.g. a proprietary in-vehicle network based on CAN bus technology or a
6LoWPAN wireless sensor network;
— a public access network, e.g. WiFi hotspot or cellular networks;
— a private access network, e.g. a proprietary road operator network;
— a core network, e.g. the Internet, a virtual private network.
NOTE An ITS station-internal network is not presented in Figure 2; however, it is necessary in implementations
illustrated in Figures 14 and 15.
ITS infrastructure and ITS ad hoc networks are networks specifically designed to accommodate and
implement ITS services and applications. They are connected to each other and to public access, private
access, and local data networks through an ITS-SU as shown in Figure 2. The concept of an ITS-SU is
described in Clause 7.
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6.5 ITS station interconnection scenarios
Four basic ITS station unit interconnection scenarios are identified as illustrated in Figures 3, 4, 5, and
6. The distinction between these scenarios is based on two criteria:
— whether ITS station units connect to peer stations with or without a network;
— whether a peer station unit is a BSME presented in 7.1 or not.
This classification of scenarios does not consider any details of the network(s) between the peer station
Single-hop communication between two BSMEs is illustrated in Figure 3. This can represent, for example,
a link between two vehicle BSMEs, or between a vehicle BSME and a roadside BSME, or between a
personal BSME and a vehicle BSME.
Figure 3 — BSME to BSME communication without an external network (single-hop)
Communication between two BSMEs over a network is illustrated in Figure 4. This can represent, for
example, a peer-to-peer communication

Deuxième édition
Systèmes intelligents de transport —
Accès aux communications des
services mobiles terrestres (CALM) —
Intelligent transport systems — Communications access for land
mobiles (CALM) — Architecture
Numéro de référence
ISO 21217:2014(F)
ISO 2014

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ISO 21217:2014(F)

© ISO 2014
Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée
sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie, l’affichage sur
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Publié en Suisse
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ISO 21217:2014(F)

Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .v
Introduction .vi
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
3.1 technologie d’accès . . 1
3.2 unité de données d’application . 1
3.3 couche d’adaptation de communication . 1
3.4 interface de communication . 1
3.5 chemin de communication . 2
3.6 interface FA . 2
3.7 interface IN . 2
3.8 réseau embarqué . . 2
3.9 application ITS . 2
3.10 jeu de messages ITS . 2
3.11 service ITS . 2
3.12 station ITS . 2
3.13 couche d’accès ITS-S . 2
3.14 unité de données du protocole de la couche d’accès ITS-S . 2
3.15 unité de données de service de la couche d’accès ITS-S . 2
3.16 routeur d’accès ITS-S . 3
3.17 technologie d’accès ITS-S . 3
3.18 application ITS-S . 3
3.19 processus d’application ITS-S . 3
3.20 routeur inter-zones ITS-S . 3
3.21 unité de communication ITS-S. 3
3.22 couche d’installation ITS-S . 3
3.23 unité de données du protocole de la couche d’installation ITS-S . 3
3.24 unité de données du service de la couche d’installation ITS-S . 3
3.25 application d’installation ITS-S . 3
3.26 passerelle ITS-S. 3
3.27 hôte ITS-S . 4
3.28 routeur interne ITS-S . 4
3.29 application de gestion ITS-S . 4
3.30 routeur mobile ITS-S . 4
3.31 unité de données du protocole de la couche réseau et de transport ITS-S . 4
3.32 unité de données du service de la couche réseau et de transport ITS-S . 4
3.33 couche réseau et de transport ITS-S . 4
3.34 nœud ITS-S . 4
3.35 routeur ITS-S . 4
3.36 application de sécurité ITS-S . 4
3.37 service ITS-S . 4
3.38 unité de station ITS . 4
3.39 interface MA . 5
3.40 support . 5
3.41 interface MF . 5
3.42 interface MI . 5
3.43 interface MN . 5
3.44 interface MS . 5
3.45 interface NF . 5
3.46 interface SA . 5
3.47 interface SF . 5
3.48 interface SI . 5
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3.49 interface SN . 5
4 Symboles et abréviations . 5
5 Exigences . 7
6 Présentation des communications ITS . 8
6.1 Services et applications ITS . 8
6.2 Moyens de communication ITS . 8
6.3 Caractéristiques de communication ITS .10
6.4 Réseaux de communication ITS .10
6.5 Scénarios d’interconnexion de stations ITS .12
6.6 Concept des chemins d’accès et des flux d’ITS .13
7 Vue d’ensemble de la station ITS .16
7.1 Concept de station ITS .16
7.2 Architecture d’ITS-S .17
8 Détail des éléments de l’architecture de référence ITS-S .29
8.1 Interfaces ITS-S .29
8.2 Couche d’accès ITS-S .30
8.3 Couche réseau et de transport ITS-S .34
8.4 Couche d’installation ITS-S .37
8.5 Entité de gestion ITS-S .41
8.6 Entité de sécurité ITS-S .44
8.7 Applications ITS-S .46
9 Mises en œuvre types des stations ITS .49
Annexe A (informative) Illustration de mises en œuvre types d’ITS-SU .53
Annexe B (informative) Configurations ITS-S.60
Bibliographie .68
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ISO 21217:2014(F)

L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes
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Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
pour information, par souci de commodité, à l’intention des utilisateurs et ne sauraient constituer un
Pour une explication de la signification des termes et expressions spécifiques de l’ISO liés à l’évaluation de
la conformité, ou pour toute information au sujet de l’adhésion de l’ISO aux principes de l’OMC concernant
les obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC), voir le lien suivant: Avant-propos — Informations
Le comité responsable de ce document est l’ISO/TC 204, Systèmes intelligents de transport.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 21217:2010), qui a fait l’objet d’une
révision technique.
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ISO 21217:2014(F)

CALM (Accès aux communications des services mobiles terrestres, de l’anglais «Communication access
for land mobiles») est l’acronyme utilisé pour désigner les éléments de travail de l’ISO TC204 WG16.
Cet acronyme est utilisé dans les titres des normes internationales de communication régissant les
«Systèmes intelligents de transport» (ITS). Ces Normes internationales visent à spécifier des interfaces
ouvertes concernant les fonctionnalités exigées pour toutes les couches et entités concernées de
l’architecture de référence de station ITS spécifiées dans la présente Norme internationale. Notez que
ces Normes internationales peuvent également spécifier des détails de mise en œuvre dans les cas où de
telles spécifications sont réputées essentielles pour l’interopérabilité des protocoles d’interface.
Les Normes internationales CALM sont conçues pour permettre des instanciations interopérables
de stations ITS, qui reposent sur la notion d’extraction d’applications et de services des couches de
communication sous-jacentes de la station ITS. Grâce à cette extraction et aux fonctionnalités et
services qui peuvent être facilement mis en œuvre, l’architecture de station ITS décrite dans le présent
document est parfaitement adaptée au développement et au déploiement d’applications et de services
ITS partageant des informations entre eux en vue d’améliorer la sécurité, la durabilité et l’efficacité des
systèmes de transport.
Les Normes internationales CALM comprennent des spécifications pour:
— la gestion de stations ITS;
— la sécurité des communications ITS;
— les protocoles de la couche d’installation de stations ITS;
— les protocoles de la couche réseau et transport des stations ITS;
— des interfaces de communication (CI) conçues spécialement pour les applications et les services ITS,
telles que la protection des personnes et des biens;
— l’interface entre les technologies d’accès existantes sur les stations ITS;
— les mises en œuvre réparties des stations ITS; et
— l’interface des stations ITS avec les réseaux de communication existants, et la communication avec
les nœuds de ces réseaux.
La présente Norme internationale décrit le cadre architectural commun autour duquel les stations ITS
sont instanciées. Elle fournit des références aux Normes internationales concernées, notamment aux
normes de prise en charge des technologies d’accès, aux différentes normes régissant les protocoles
réseau et de transport, aux normes régissant les installations, ainsi qu’aux normes de gestion des
stations ITS et de sécurité. Elle décrit également l’architecture générale des communications P2P via
divers réseaux de communication entre nœuds de communication ITS. Ces nœuds peuvent être des
stations ITS telles que décrites dans la présente Norme internationale ou d’autres nœuds accessibles.
Les Normes internationales CALM sont complétées par les Normes internationales ITS d’autres
organismes de définition de normes internationales qui, conjointement, constituent le fondement de la
mise en œuvre des réseaux de communication ITS à travers le monde.
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Systèmes intelligents de transport — Accès aux
communications des services mobiles terrestres (CALM) —
1 Domaine d’application
La présente Norme internationale décrit l’architecture de communication de référence des nœuds
appelés «unités de station ITS», conçus pour le déploiement sur les réseaux de communication des
systèmes intelligents de transport (ITS). L’architecture de référence de station ITS est décrite sous
forme abstraite. Si la présente Norme internationale décrit un certain nombre d’éléments de station
ITS, le fait qu’un élément particulier est mis en œuvre ou non dans une unité de station ITS dépend des
exigences de communication spécifiques de la mise en œuvre.
La présente Norme internationale décrit également les différents modes de communication P2P, sur
divers réseaux, entre les nœuds de communication ITS. Ces nœuds peuvent être des unités de station ITS
telles que décrites dans la présente Norme internationale ou d’autres nœuds accessibles.
La présente Norme internationale définit les exigences normatives minimales d’une instanciation
physique de la station ITS fondées sur les principes d’un domaine administré sécurisé délimité.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants sont cités en référence de manière normative, en intégralité ou en partie, dans le
présent document et sont indispensables pour son application. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition
citée s’applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s’applique
(y compris les éventuels amendements).
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
3.1 technologie d’accès
technologie employée dans une interface de communication pour accéder à un support spécifique
3.2 unité de données d’application
unité de données échangée entre processus d’application ITS-S
3.3 couche d’adaptation de communication
ensemble de protocoles et de fonctions servant à adapter des technologies d’accès à la couche réseau et
de transport ITS-S
3.4 interface de communication
instanciation d’une technologie d’accès spécifique et du protocole de la couche d’accès ITS-S
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ISO 21217:2014(F)

3.5 chemin de communication
séquence dirigée de nœuds connectés par des liaisons, commençant par un nœud d’origine et prenant fin
sur un ou plusieurs nœuds de destination
3.6 interface FA
interface entre la couche d’installation ITS-S et l’entité des applications ITS-S
3.7 interface IN
interface entre la couche d’accès ITS-S et la couche réseau et de transport ITS-S
3.8 réseau embarqué
terme générique désignant un réseau à bord d’un véhicule, qui n’est pas un réseau interne de station ITS
3.9 application ITS
instanciation d’un service ITS qui implique une association de deux ou plusieurs processus d’application
ITS-S complémentaires
Note 1 à l’article Des fragments d’une application peuvent également résider sur des nœuds qui ne sont pas des
stations ITS.
3.10 jeu de messages ITS
jeu de messages dont l’objet est lié à un ITS
3.11 service ITS
fonctionnalité fournie aux utilisateurs de systèmes intelligents de transport et conçue, par exemple,
pour améliorer la sécurité, la durabilité, l’efficacité ou le confort
3.12 station ITS
entité fonctionnelle comprenant une couche d’installation ITS-S, une couche réseau et de transport
ITS-S, une couche d’accès ITS-S, une entité de gestion ITS-S, une entité de sécurité ITS-S et une entité
applications ITS-S fournissant des services ITS
Note 1 à l’article D’un point de vue abstrait, le terme «station ITS» fait référence à un ensemble de fonctionnalités.
Ce terme sert souvent à désigner une instanciation de ces fonctionnalités dans une unité physique. Le contexte
rend souvent son interprétation évidente. Le nom correct de l’instanciation physique d’une ITS-S est unité de
station ITS (ITS-SU).
3.13 couche d’accès ITS-S
couche de protocole de l’architecture de référence ITS-S contenant les protocoles de la couche physique
et de la liaison de données OSI pour les communications ITS
3.14 unité de données du protocole de la couche d’accès ITS-S
unité de données de protocole échangée entre couches d’accès ITS-S homologues
3.15 unité de données de service de la couche d’accès ITS-S
unité de données de service échangée entre la couche d’accès ITS-S et la couche réseau et de transport
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ISO 21217:2014(F)

3.16 routeur d’accès ITS-S
routeur inter-zones comportant des fonctionnalités supplémentaires fournissant aux autres nœuds de
communication ITS un point de raccordement à un réseau externe
3.17 technologie d’accès ITS-S
technologie d’accès dédiée au fonctionnement dans une ITS-S
3.18 application ITS-S
processus d’application ITS-S résidant dans l’entité d’application ITS-S
3.19 processus d’application ITS-S
élément d’une station ITS assurant le traitement des informations pour une application particulière et
utilisant les services ITS-S pour échanger des informations
3.20 routeur inter-zones ITS-S
routeur ITS-S comportant des fonctionnalités supplémentaires assurant la connectivité avec d’autres
nœuds de communication ITS via des réseaux externes
3.21 unité de communication ITS-S
unité physique d’une ITS-SU comprenant tout ou partie des fonctionnalités d’une ITS-S
Note 1 à l’article Si une ITS-SU consiste en une seule entité physique, l’ITS-SU et l’ITS-SCU sont identiques. Si une
ITS-SU consiste en deux ou plusieurs ITS-SCU, celles-ci sont interconnectées via le réseau interne de la station ITS
de l’ITS-SU.
3.22 couche d’installation ITS-S
couche de l’architecture de référence ITS-S contenant les couches OSI 5, 6 et 7, qui relient les applications
à la couche réseau et de transport de l’ITS-S
3.23 unité de données du protocole de la couche d’installation ITS-S
unité de données de protocole échangée entre couches installations ITS-S homologues
3.24 unité de données du service de la couche d’installation ITS-S
unité de données de service échangée entre la couche d’installation ITS-S et la couche d’application ITS-S
3.25 application d’installation ITS-S
processus d’application ITS-S résidant dans l’entité des installations ITS-S
3.26 passerelle ITS-S
nœud ITS-S servant à interconnecter deux piles de protocole OSI indépendantes au niveau des couches
5 à 7
Note 1 à l’article Une passerelle ITS-S peut assurer la conversion entre différents protocoles.
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ISO 21217:2014(F)

3.27 hôte ITS-S
nœud ITS-S comprenant des fonctionnalités ITS-S autres que celles d’un routeur ITS-S, un routeur inter-
zones ITS-S, un routeur mobile ITS-S ou une passerelle ITS-S.
3.28 routeur interne ITS-S
routeur ITS-S reliant deux ou plusieurs réseaux internes de station ITS
3.29 application de gestion ITS-S
processus d’application ITS-S résidant dans l’entité de gestion ITS-S
3.30 routeur mobile ITS-S
routeur inter-zones comportant des fonctionnalités supplémentaires permettant un changement de
point de raccordement à un réseau externe sans interruption de la session
3.31 unité de données du protocole de la couche réseau et de transport ITS-S
unité de données du protocole échangée entre couches réseau et de transport ITS-S homologues
3.32 unité de données du service de la couche réseau et de transport ITS-S
unité de données de service échangée entre la couche réseau et de transport ITS-S et sa couche
d’installation ITS-S
3.33 couche réseau et de transport ITS-S
couche de l’architecture de référence ITS-S contenant les couch

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