Environmental labels and declarations -- Type III environmental declarations

Marquage et déclarations environnementaux -- Déclarations environnementales de type III

Le présent Rapport technique identifie et décrit les éléments et problèmes concernant les déclarations environnementales de type III et les programmes correspondants, y compris les considérations d'ordre technique, le format et la communication des déclarations, et les aspects administratifs associés au développement et/ou à la publication d'une déclaration environnementale de type III.

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REPORT 14025
First edition
Environmental labels and declarations —
Type III environmental declarations
Marquage et déclarations environnementaux — Déclarations
environnementales de type III
Reference number
ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
ISO 2000

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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .1
4 Objective of Type III environmental declarations.3
5 Technical considerations.3
5.1 General.3
5.2 Methodology options .4
5.3 Pre-set categories of parameter.5
5.4 Additional environmental information.6
5.5 Quality assurance (data and pre-set types of information).6
6 Interested-party input.7
6.1 General.7
6.2 Suggested levels for interested-party input .7
6.3 Concepts for establishing product-specific information requirements.8
6.4 Possible options for addressing interested-party input.8
7 Declaration format and communication.8
7.1 General.8
7.2 Establishing the information needs of the user .8
7.3 Type III environmental declaration designs and formats .9
7.4 Combining Type III environmental declarations with other environmental labels .11
7.5 Experience and research .11
8 Procedures for establishing Type III environmental declarations and programmes .11
8.1 General.11
8.2 Setting minimum programme requirements.12
8.3 Selection of product categories.12
8.4 Related requirements .12
8.5 Certification.12
8.6 Accreditation.12
8.7 Mutual recognition.12
8.8 Technology transfer .13
8.9 Periodic review .13
Annex A (informative) Review of methodologies and their application to Type III environmental
Annex B (informative) Examples of roles of organizations involved in Type III environmental
declaration programmes.24
© ISO 2000 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards, but in exceptional circumstances a
technical committee may propose the publication of a Technical Report of one of the following types:
— type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard, despite
repeated efforts;
— type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where for any other reason there is the future
but not immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard;
— type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of different kind from that which is normally published
as an International Standard ("state of the art", for example).
Technical Reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to decide whether they
can be transformed into International Standards. Technical Reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to be
reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no longer valid or useful.
Technical Reports are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Technical Report may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TR 14025, which is a Technical Report of type 2, was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 207,
Environmental management, Subcommittee SC 3, Environmental labelling.
This document is being issued in the Technical Report (type 2) series of publications (according to
subclause G.3.2.2 of Part 1 of the ISO/IEC Directives, 1995) as a “prospective standard for provisional application”
in the field of Type III environmental declarations because there is an urgent need for guidance on how standards
in this field should be used to meet an identified need.
This document is not to be regarded as an “International Standard”. It is proposed for provisional application so that
information and experience of its use in practice may be gathered. Comments on the content of this document
should be sent to the ISO Central Secretariat.
A review of this Technical Report (type 2) will be carried out not later than three years after its publication with the
options of: extension for another three years; conversion into an International Standard; or withdrawal.
iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
The purpose of this Technical Report is to identify and describe the elements and issues concerning Type III
environmental declarations and corresponding programmes, as well as to provide information in specific areas
where general agreement among experts exists.
This Technical Report also discusses issues that should be resolved prior to the possible development of an
International Standard. It recognizes that there are various Type III environmental declarations in use and that the
concept is still evolving.
In the work plan of the Type III task group, a Type III environmental declaration is described as “quantified
environmental life cycle product information, provided by a supplier, based on independent verification, (e.g. third
party), (critically reviewed) systematic data, presented as a set of categories of parameter (for a sector group) .
� The Type III environmental declaration is non-selective but presents the information in a format that facilitates
comparison between products.
� The Type III environmental declaration includes information supplied to industrial customers and to end-use
“Third party” does not necessarily imply the involvement of a certification body.”
1� These terms of reference are not yet finalized and represent a majority, rather than a unanimous, point of view on some
issues. The parts in parentheses are issues for further consideration.
© ISO 2000 – All rights reserved v

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Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental
1 Scope
This Technical Report identifies and describes elements and issues concerning Type III environmental declarations
and corresponding programmes, including technical considerations, declaration format and communication, and
administrative considerations for developing and/or issuing a Type III environmental declaration.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this Technical Report. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this Technical Report are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 14020:1998, Environmental labels and declarations — General principles.
ISO 14021:1999, Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims (Type II
environmental labelling).
ISO 14024:1999, Environmental labels and declarations — Type I environmental labelling — Principles and
ISO 14040:1997, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework.
ISO 14041:1998, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Goal and scope definition and inventory
ISO 14042:2000, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Life cycle impact assessment.
ISO 14043:2000, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Life cycle interpretation.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the terms and definitions given in ISO 14020, ISO 14024, ISO 14040,
ISO 14041, ISO 14042, ISO 14043 and the following apply.
category endpoint
attribute or aspect of natural environment, human health or resources, identifying an environmental issue of
NOTE Figure 2 [ISO 14042:2000] illustrates this term in further detail.
[ISO 14042:2000]
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to specified
[ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996]
functional unit
quantified performance of a product system for use as a reference unit in a life cycle assessment study
[ISO 14040:1997]
impact category
class representing environmental issues of concern to which LCI results may be assigned
[ISO 14042:2000]
interested party
any party affected by the development and use of a Type III environmental declaration
life cycle impact category indicator
quantifiable representation of an impact category
NOTE The shorter expression “category indicator” is used in the text of this International Standard [ISO 14042:—]
(including the terms and definitions clause) for improved readability.
[ISO 14042:2000]
any goods or service
[ISO 14024:1999]
product category
group of products which have equivalent function
[ISO 14024:1999]
product function characteristics
attribute or characteristic in the performance and use of a product
[ISO 14024:1999]
third party
person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issue in question
NOTE “Third party” does not necessarily imply the involvement of a certification body.
2 © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
Type III environmental declaration
quantified environmental data for a product with pre-set categories of parameters based on the ISO 14040 series of
standards, but not excluding additional environmental information provided within a Type III environmental
declaration programme
NOTE In the present development of Type III environmental declarations, alternative methodologies have been
considered. In future standardization work, alternative methodologies could be incorporated as the basis for Type III
environmental declarations. Therefore this Technical Report discusses issues associated with these methodologies as well. If
other operational methodologies have been developed by the time future standardization work is carried out, this could be
Type III environmental declaration programme
voluntary process by which an industrial sector or independent body develops a Type III environmental declaration,
including setting minimum requirements, selecting categories of parameters, defining the involvement of third
parties and the format of external communications
4 Objective of Type III environmental declarations
The overall goal of environmental labels and declarations is, through communication of verifiable and accurate
information that is not misleading on environmental aspects of products and services, to encourage the demand for
and supply of those products and services that cause less stress on the environment, thereby stimulating the
potential for market-driven continuous environmental improvement [ISO 14020].
5 Technical considerations
5.1 General
Consistent with the principles of ISO 14020, the methodology used to develop Type III environmental declarations
shall be based on scientific and engineering approaches that can accurately reflect and communicate the
environmental aspects and information contained in the declaration. This Technical Report presents the current
state of information and experience in the practice of Type III environmental declarations.
Specifically, this Technical Report recognizes the need to resolve some outstanding issues related to Type III
environmental declarations, including:
� methods of data collection and assessment, including the role of values and subjectivity, hereafter referred to
as value-choices (5.2);
� choice of life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) data categories and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) impact
categories (5.3, 7.2);
� ensuring quality of environmental information in terms of relevance, accuracy and uncertainty (5.2.3, 5.5);
� the means of ensuring that environmental information is relevant and not misleading (clause 6, 7.2);
� how to communicate with purchasers and potential purchasers in an accurate and not misleading way
(clause 7);
� ensuring international compatibility, maximum comparability, and the use of sufficiently specific product
information (clauses 7 and 8).
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
5.2 Methodology options
5.2.1 General
The quantified environmental product information in a Type III environmental declaration shall be based on
procedures and results from a life cycle study in accordance with the ISO 14040 series of standards. Type III
environmental declarations that have emerged to date have been based on a life cycle approach using life cycle
assessment (LCA). This clause describes methodological options for Type III environmental declarations and
programmes and refers to the standards in the ISO 14040 series. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the
different options. The common element is that each option is based on LCI in accordance with ISO 14040,
ISO 14041 and ISO 14043. However, the route to the final declaration may vary (e.g. data analysis and inclusion of
additional environmental information), as described below and in Figure 1.
� Option A: A life cycle inventory analysis (LCI in accordance with ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14043), or
� Option B: An LCI followed by life cycle impact assessment (LCIA in accordance with ISO 14040 + ISO 14041
+ ISO 14042 + ISO 14043), or
� Option C: An LCI in accordance with ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14043, with some additional analysis of
the data, but not strictly following ISO 14042 (referred to as alternative methodologies).
Results from other environmental analysis tools may also be used to provide additional environmental information
that gives a complementary perspective to a Type III environmental declaration (see Figure 1). The inclusion of
additional environmental information is optional. This information may or may not be derived from an analysis of the
product’s life cycle. It may concern other issues associated with the product’s overall environmental performance;
this could include for example relevant elements of sustainable development, such as economic or social elements.
A discussion of these methodologies and the issues which are raised in the context of Type III environmental
declarations appears in annex A.
5.2.2 Considerations related to product comparisons
The main purpose of Type III environmental declarations is to provide quantitative environmental data, as
described in definition 3.11 of this Technical Report. Although the Type III environmental declarations do not
contain comparative assertions, the information can be used to make comparisons between products. Therefore,
the developer of the Type III environmental declaration should carefully consider the requirements in ISO 14040
and elsewhere in the LCA series concerning “comparative assertions” and use these requirements as guidance in
developing his technical approach, regardless of the specific methodology on which the technical approach may be
5.2.3 Critical review
Critical review is a technique to verify whether the LCA study has met the requirements of relevant International
Standards ISO 14040, ISO 14041, ISO 14042 and ISO 14043. The evaluation shall be in accordance with the
critical review process of 7.3.3 in ISO 14040:1997. The critical review process shall ensure that the methods used
to carry out the LCA are scientifically and technically valid, that the data used are appropriate and reasonable in
relation to goal and scope of the study, that the interpretations reflect the limitations identified and the goal of the
study, and that the report is transparent and consistent.
For the purposes of this Technical Report, critical review shall also be used for evaluation of the alternative
methodologies. For all forms of Type III environmental declaration, the critical review should also include an
evaluation of the content and format of the external communication and how it is likely to be interpreted by end
users. This evaluation should include a review for conformity to the principles defined in ISO 14020 and in the
programme procedures.
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
NOTE See also A.1.2, A.1.3 and A.2.
Figure 1 — The three different methodological options for Type III environmental declarations
and programmes
5.3 Pre-set categories of parameters
5.3.1 Identifying pre-set categories of parameters for a Type III environmental declaration
For all forms of Type III environmental declarations, it is necessary to ensure consistency, comparability and
completeness of the pre-set categories of parameters across the product’s life cycle for the different types of end
users. The pre-set categories of parameters need not necessarily be the same for all product categories.
Regardless of the methodology used, 5.3 of ISO 14042:2000 provides guidance on identification of pre-set
categories of parameters (referred to in ISO 14042 as “impact categories” and “category indicators”).
5.3.2 Options for identifying pre-set categories of parameters
Several options are currently used or are under consideration for identifying appropriate pre-set categories of
parameters for a product system. The choice of one or more of these options for a future standard will be
influenced by choice of methodology. The options for a future standard include:
� identifying a single group of pre-set categories of parameters that will be applicable to all types of product;
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
� identifying minimum pre-set categories of parameters, with an informative annex that describes optional
supplementary parameters that may be selected to meet the requirements of a specific product category and
� identifying a general list of potential pre-set categories of parameters, and directing the user to apply a specific
methodology to choose which of these categories of parameters to use (pre-set);
� allowing for a programme to identify a minimum group of pre-set categories of parameters that will be
applicable to all products, and could be supplemented by additional categories of parameters which are
relevant to different product systems.
5.3.3 Examples
When LCI is used to assess the relative environmental aspects associated with a product system, the pre-set
categories of parameters will be based on the results of an LCI study as outlined in ISO 14041, e.g. material and
energy flows to and from the product system under study. In the case of LCIA, the result is a profile of category
indicators as outlined in ISO 14042. A stepwise procedure should be established for periodic revisions and
modifications to the category of parameters chosen.
Two Technical Reports are under development within ISO with examples on how to apply ISO 14041 (i.e. ISO/TR
14049) and ISO 14042 (i.e. ISO/TR 14047).
Examples of pre-set categories of parameters are provided in A.1.4.
5.4 Additional environmental information
Additional environmental information besides the core set of indicators should be possible in a Type III
environmental declaration. In general the information will relate to the environmental performance of a product.
Under this precondition there are several kinds of additional environmental information:
� information that is derived from LCA but not communicated in the typical LCI or LCIA based formats, e.g.
recycled material content;
� information that has no relation to the product’s LCA study, but is based on consideration of the product’s life
cycle and a part of the product’s environmental profile, e.g. information on toxic substances like pesticide
content of textiles.
The quality of such additional environmental information should be verifiable, e.g. through critical review.
Information and instructions on product safety that are not related to the environmental performance of the product
should as a general rule not be part of a Type III environmental declaration (for instance instructions on proper use,
first aid or specific disposal).
5.5 Quality assurance (data and pre-set types of information)
The scientific and technical information collected and reported in a Type III environmental declaration should be
also of sufficient quality to ensure the credibility of the information contained and presented in the declaration.
In practice, relevant information derived from LCA or alternative methodologies will be based upon a mixture of
measured, calculated and estimated data. The quality of data used to develop a Type III environmental declaration
is dependent upon its accessibility or availability, or by data precision and accuracy (e.g. gaps, types of data, etc.).
As a minimum, data quality requirements for LCA or alternative methodologies should address the following
alphabetical list, described in more detail in ISO 14041:1998, 5.3.6:
� consistency and reproducibility of the data collection methods;
� geographical coverage;
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
� precision, completeness and representativeness of the data;
� sources of the data and their representativeness;
� technology;
� time-related coverage; and,
� uncertainty of the information.
In addition to assessing the quality of data, it is important to assure the quality of methods used to convert raw data
into information provided on a Type III environmental declaration. Upon completion of data collection, classification
and modelling, numerous statistical techniques (e.g. uncertainty, sensitivity, etc.) can be used to better understand
the relevance and strength of a study's results. These techniques can be utilized to help determine whether
information provided in a Type III environmental declaration is potentially misleading or inaccurate.
6 Interested-party input
6.1 General
The process of developing and administering Type III environmental declarations and programmes shall include an
open consultation with interested parties. The scope of interested-party roles needs to be considered when
developing Type III environmental declarations and programmes. Reasonable efforts should be made to achieve a
consensus throughout the process (ISO 14020).
Consultation is an ongoing process that occurs in the selection of product categories, selection of pre-set
categories of parameters, establishing product-specific information requirements within each category of
parameters and the procedures for periodic review of the required information.
There are multiple purposes and opportunities for interested-party input. Interested parties should have the
opportunity to provide input that reflects their special interests, addresses technical issues and ensures overall
specific credibility.
ISO 14024 may be a useful reference with respect to interested-party issues.
6.2 Suggested levels for interested-party input
Initial development of all Type III environmental declarations and programmes may consider obtaining interested-
party input in, for example, the following stages:
� selection

SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
Environmental labels and declarations -- Type III environmental declarations
Marquage et déclarations environnementaux -- Déclarations environnementales de type
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/TR 14025:2000
13.020.50 2]QDþHYDQMH]HNRORãNR Ecolabelling
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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001

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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
REPORT 14025
First edition
Environmental labels and declarations —
Type III environmental declarations
Marquage et déclarations environnementaux — Déclarations
environnementales de type III
Reference number
ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
ISO 2000

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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
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E-mail copyright@iso.ch
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Printed in Switzerland
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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .1
4 Objective of Type III environmental declarations.3
5 Technical considerations.3
5.1 General.3
5.2 Methodology options .4
5.3 Pre-set categories of parameter.5
5.4 Additional environmental information.6
5.5 Quality assurance (data and pre-set types of information).6
6 Interested-party input.7
6.1 General.7
6.2 Suggested levels for interested-party input .7
6.3 Concepts for establishing product-specific information requirements.8
6.4 Possible options for addressing interested-party input.8
7 Declaration format and communication.8
7.1 General.8
7.2 Establishing the information needs of the user .8
7.3 Type III environmental declaration designs and formats .9
7.4 Combining Type III environmental declarations with other environmental labels .11
7.5 Experience and research .11
8 Procedures for establishing Type III environmental declarations and programmes .11
8.1 General.11
8.2 Setting minimum programme requirements.12
8.3 Selection of product categories.12
8.4 Related requirements .12
8.5 Certification.12
8.6 Accreditation.12
8.7 Mutual recognition.12
8.8 Technology transfer .13
8.9 Periodic review .13
Annex A (informative) Review of methodologies and their application to Type III environmental
Annex B (informative) Examples of roles of organizations involved in Type III environmental
declaration programmes.24
© ISO 2000 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards, but in exceptional circumstances a
technical committee may propose the publication of a Technical Report of one of the following types:
— type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard, despite
repeated efforts;
— type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where for any other reason there is the future
but not immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard;
— type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of different kind from that which is normally published
as an International Standard ("state of the art", for example).
Technical Reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to decide whether they
can be transformed into International Standards. Technical Reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to be
reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no longer valid or useful.
Technical Reports are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Technical Report may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TR 14025, which is a Technical Report of type 2, was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 207,
Environmental management, Subcommittee SC 3, Environmental labelling.
This document is being issued in the Technical Report (type 2) series of publications (according to
subclause G.3.2.2 of Part 1 of the ISO/IEC Directives, 1995) as a “prospective standard for provisional application”
in the field of Type III environmental declarations because there is an urgent need for guidance on how standards
in this field should be used to meet an identified need.
This document is not to be regarded as an “International Standard”. It is proposed for provisional application so that
information and experience of its use in practice may be gathered. Comments on the content of this document
should be sent to the ISO Central Secretariat.
A review of this Technical Report (type 2) will be carried out not later than three years after its publication with the
options of: extension for another three years; conversion into an International Standard; or withdrawal.
iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
ISO/TR 14025:2000(E)
The purpose of this Technical Report is to identify and describe the elements and issues concerning Type III
environmental declarations and corresponding programmes, as well as to provide information in specific areas
where general agreement among experts exists.
This Technical Report also discusses issues that should be resolved prior to the possible development of an
International Standard. It recognizes that there are various Type III environmental declarations in use and that the
concept is still evolving.
In the work plan of the Type III task group, a Type III environmental declaration is described as “quantified
environmental life cycle product information, provided by a supplier, based on independent verification, (e.g. third
party), (critically reviewed) systematic data, presented as a set of categories of parameter (for a sector group) .
� The Type III environmental declaration is non-selective but presents the information in a format that facilitates
comparison between products.
� The Type III environmental declaration includes information supplied to industrial customers and to end-use
“Third party” does not necessarily imply the involvement of a certification body.”
1� These terms of reference are not yet finalized and represent a majority, rather than a unanimous, point of view on some
issues. The parts in parentheses are issues for further consideration.
© ISO 2000 – All rights reserved v

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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001

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SIST ISO/TR 14025:2001
Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental
1 Scope
This Technical Report identifies and describes elements and issues concerning Type III environmental declarations
and corresponding programmes, including technical considerations, declaration format and communication, and
administrative considerations for developing and/or issuing a Type III environmental declaration.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this Technical Report. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this Technical Report are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 14020:1998, Environmental labels and declarations — General principles.
ISO 14021:1999, Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims (Type II
environmental labelling).
ISO 14024:1999, Environmental labels and declarations — Type I environmental labelling — Principles and
ISO 14040:1997, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework.
ISO 14041:1998, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Goal and scope definition and inventory
ISO 14042:2000, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Life cycle impact assessment.
ISO 14043:2000, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Life cycle interpretation.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the terms and definitions given in ISO 14020, ISO 14024, ISO 14040,
ISO 14041, ISO 14042, ISO 14043 and the following apply.
category endpoint
attribute or aspect of natural environment, human health or resources, identifying an environmental issue of
NOTE Figure 2 [ISO 14042:2000] illustrates this term in further detail.
[ISO 14042:2000]
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procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to specified
[ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996]
functional unit
quantified performance of a product system for use as a reference unit in a life cycle assessment study
[ISO 14040:1997]
impact category
class representing environmental issues of concern to which LCI results may be assigned
[ISO 14042:2000]
interested party
any party affected by the development and use of a Type III environmental declaration
life cycle impact category indicator
quantifiable representation of an impact category
NOTE The shorter expression “category indicator” is used in the text of this International Standard [ISO 14042:—]
(including the terms and definitions clause) for improved readability.
[ISO 14042:2000]
any goods or service
[ISO 14024:1999]
product category
group of products which have equivalent function
[ISO 14024:1999]
product function characteristics
attribute or characteristic in the performance and use of a product
[ISO 14024:1999]
third party
person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issue in question
NOTE “Third party” does not necessarily imply the involvement of a certification body.
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Type III environmental declaration
quantified environmental data for a product with pre-set categories of parameters based on the ISO 14040 series of
standards, but not excluding additional environmental information provided within a Type III environmental
declaration programme
NOTE In the present development of Type III environmental declarations, alternative methodologies have been
considered. In future standardization work, alternative methodologies could be incorporated as the basis for Type III
environmental declarations. Therefore this Technical Report discusses issues associated with these methodologies as well. If
other operational methodologies have been developed by the time future standardization work is carried out, this could be
Type III environmental declaration programme
voluntary process by which an industrial sector or independent body develops a Type III environmental declaration,
including setting minimum requirements, selecting categories of parameters, defining the involvement of third
parties and the format of external communications
4 Objective of Type III environmental declarations
The overall goal of environmental labels and declarations is, through communication of verifiable and accurate
information that is not misleading on environmental aspects of products and services, to encourage the demand for
and supply of those products and services that cause less stress on the environment, thereby stimulating the
potential for market-driven continuous environmental improvement [ISO 14020].
5 Technical considerations
5.1 General
Consistent with the principles of ISO 14020, the methodology used to develop Type III environmental declarations
shall be based on scientific and engineering approaches that can accurately reflect and communicate the
environmental aspects and information contained in the declaration. This Technical Report presents the current
state of information and experience in the practice of Type III environmental declarations.
Specifically, this Technical Report recognizes the need to resolve some outstanding issues related to Type III
environmental declarations, including:
� methods of data collection and assessment, including the role of values and subjectivity, hereafter referred to
as value-choices (5.2);
� choice of life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) data categories and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) impact
categories (5.3, 7.2);
� ensuring quality of environmental information in terms of relevance, accuracy and uncertainty (5.2.3, 5.5);
� the means of ensuring that environmental information is relevant and not misleading (clause 6, 7.2);
� how to communicate with purchasers and potential purchasers in an accurate and not misleading way
(clause 7);
� ensuring international compatibility, maximum comparability, and the use of sufficiently specific product
information (clauses 7 and 8).
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5.2 Methodology options
5.2.1 General
The quantified environmental product information in a Type III environmental declaration shall be based on
procedures and results from a life cycle study in accordance with the ISO 14040 series of standards. Type III
environmental declarations that have emerged to date have been based on a life cycle approach using life cycle
assessment (LCA). This clause describes methodological options for Type III environmental declarations and
programmes and refers to the standards in the ISO 14040 series. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the
different options. The common element is that each option is based on LCI in accordance with ISO 14040,
ISO 14041 and ISO 14043. However, the route to the final declaration may vary (e.g. data analysis and inclusion of
additional environmental information), as described below and in Figure 1.
� Option A: A life cycle inventory analysis (LCI in accordance with ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14043), or
� Option B: An LCI followed by life cycle impact assessment (LCIA in accordance with ISO 14040 + ISO 14041
+ ISO 14042 + ISO 14043), or
� Option C: An LCI in accordance with ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14043, with some additional analysis of
the data, but not strictly following ISO 14042 (referred to as alternative methodologies).
Results from other environmental analysis tools may also be used to provide additional environmental information
that gives a complementary perspective to a Type III environmental declaration (see Figure 1). The inclusion of
additional environmental information is optional. This information may or may not be derived from an analysis of the
product’s life cycle. It may concern other issues associated with the product’s overall environmental performance;
this could include for example relevant elements of sustainable development, such as economic or social elements.
A discussion of these methodologies and the issues which are raised in the context of Type III environmental
declarations appears in annex A.
5.2.2 Considerations related to product comparisons
The main purpose of Type III environmental declarations is to provide quantitative environmental data, as
described in definition 3.11 of this Technical Report. Although the Type III environmental declarations do not
contain comparative assertions, the information can be used to make comparisons between products. Therefore,
the developer of the Type III environmental declaration should carefully consider the requirements in ISO 14040
and elsewhere in the LCA series concerning “comparative assertions” and use these requirements as guidance in
developing his technical approach, regardless of the specific methodology on which the technical approach may be
5.2.3 Critical review
Critical review is a technique to verify whether the LCA study has met the requirements of relevant International
Standards ISO 14040, ISO 14041, ISO 14042 and ISO 14043. The evaluation shall be in accordance with the
critical review process of 7.3.3 in ISO 14040:1997. The critical review process shall ensure that the methods used
to carry out the LCA are scientifically and technically valid, that the data used are appropriate and reasonable in
relation to goal and scope of the study, that the interpretations reflect the limitations identified and the goal of the
study, and that the report is transparent and consistent.
For the purposes of this Technical Report, critical review shall also be used for evaluation of the alternative
methodologies. For all forms of Type III environmental declaration, the critical review should also include an
evaluation of the content and format of the external communication and how it is likely to be interpreted by end
users. This evaluation should include a review for conformity to the principles defined in ISO 14020 and in the
programme procedures.
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NOTE See also A.1.2, A.1.3 and A.2.
Figure 1 — The three different methodological options for Type III environmental declarations
and programmes
5.3 Pre-set categories of parameters
5.3.1 Identifying pre-set categories of parameters for a Type III environmental declaration
For all forms of Type III environmental declarations, it is necessary to ensure consistency, comparability and
completeness of the pre-set categories of parameters across the product’s life cycle for the different types of end
users. The pre-set categories of parameters need not necessarily be the same for all product categories.
Regardless of the methodology used, 5.3 of ISO 14042:2000 provides guidance on identification of pre-set
categories of parameters (referred to in ISO 14042 as “impact categories” and “category indicators”).
5.3.2 Options for identifying pre-set categories of parameters
Several options are currently used or are under consideration for identifying appropriate pre-set categories of
parameters for a product system. The choice of one or more of these options for a future standard will be
influenced by choice of methodology. The options for a future standard include:
� identifying a single group of pre-set categories of parameters that will be applicable to all types of product;
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� identifying minimum pre-set categories of parameters, with an informative annex that describes optional
supplementary parameters that may be selected to meet the requirements of a specific product category and
� identifying a general list of potential pre-set categories of parameters, and directing the user to apply a specific
methodology to choose which of these categories of parameters to use (pre-set);
� allowing for a programme to identify a minimum group of pre-set categories of parameters that will be
applicable to all products, and could be supplemented by additional categories of parameters which are
relevant to different product systems.
5.3.3 Examples
When LCI is used to assess the relative environmental aspects associated with a product system, the pre-set
categories of parameters will be based on the results of an LCI study as outlined in ISO 14041, e.g. material and
energy flows to and from the product system under study. In the case of LCIA, the result is a profile of category
indicators as outlined in ISO 14042. A stepwise procedure should be established for periodic revisions and
modifications to the category of parameters chosen.
Two Technical Reports are under development within ISO with examples on how to apply ISO 14041 (i.e. ISO/TR
14049) and ISO 14042 (i.e. ISO/TR 14047).
Examples of pre-set categories of parameters are provided in A.1.4.
5.4 Additional environmental information
Additional environmental information besides the core set of indicators should be possible in a Type III
environmental declaration. In general the information will relate to the environmental performance of a product.
Under this precondition there are several kinds of additional environmental information:
� information that is derived from LCA but not communicated in the typical LCI or LCIA based formats, e.g.
recycled material content;
� information that has no relation to the product’s LCA study, but is based on consideration of the product’s life
cycle and a part of the product’s environmental profile, e.g. information on toxic substances like pesticide
content of textiles.
The quality of such additional environmental information should be verifiable, e.g. through critical review.
Information and instructions on product safety that are not related to the environmental performance of the product
should as a general rule not be part of a Type III environmental declaration (for instance instructions on proper use,
first aid or specific disposal).
5.5 Quality assurance (data and pre-set types of information)
The scientific and technical information collected and reported in a Type III environmental declaration should be
also of sufficient quality to ensure the credibility of the information contained and presented in the declaration.
In practice, relevant information derived from LCA or alternative methodologies will be based upon a mixture of
measured, calculated and estimated data. The quality of data used to develop a Type III environmental declaration
is dependent upon its accessibility or availability, or by data precision and accuracy (e.g. gaps, types of data, etc.).
As a minimum, data quality requirements for LCA or alternative methodologies should address the following
alphabetical list, described in more detail in ISO 14041:1998, 5.3.6:
� consistency and reproducibility of the data collection methods;
� geographical coverage;
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� precision, completeness and representativeness of the data;
� sources of the data and their representativeness;
� technology;
� time-related coverage; and,
� uncertainty of the information.
In addition to assessing the quality of data, it is important to assure the quality of methods used to convert raw data
into information provided on a Type III environmental declaration. Upon completion of data collection, classification
and modelling, numerous statistical techniques (e.g. uncertainty, sensitivity, etc.) can be used to better understand
the relevance and strength of a study's results. These techniques can be utilized to help determine whether
information provided in a Type III environmental declaration is potentially misleading or inaccurate.
6 Interested-party input
6.1 General
The process of developing and administering Type III environmental declarations and programmes shall include an
open consultation with interested par

Première édition
Marquage et déclarations
environnementaux — Déclarations
environnementales de type III
Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental
Numéro de référence
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(F)
Sommaire Page
1 Domaine d'application.1
2Références normatives .1
4 Objectif des déclarations environnementales de type III .3
5 Considérations d’ordre technique .3
5.1 Généralités .3
5.2 Options méthodologiques .4
5.3 Catégories prédéterminées de paramètres.6
5.4 Informations environnementales supplémentaires .6
5.5 Assurance qualité (données et types prédéterminésd’informations).7
6 Contribution des parties intéressées .7
6.1 Généralités .7
6.2 Niveaux de contribution envisagés pour les parties intéressées .8
6.3 Concepts pour établir des exigences informatives spécifiques à un produit .8
6.4 Options possibles pour la contribution des parties intéressées .9
7 Format de déclaration et de communication.9
7.1 Généralités .9
7.2 Élaboration de l'information nécessaire à l’utilisateur .9
7.3 Conception et formats des déclarations environnementales de type III .10
7.4 Association de déclarations environnementales de type III avec d’autres marquages
7.5 Expérience et recherche .12
8Procédures pour établir des déclarations environnementales et des programmes de type III.12
8.1 Généralités .12
8.2 Établissement d’exigences de programme minimales.13
8.3 Sélection des catégories de produits.13
8.4 Exigences connexes .13
8.5 Certification.14
8.6 Accréditation.14
8.7 Reconnaissance mutuelle.14
8.8 Transfert de technologie.14
8.9 Revues périodiques.14
Annexe A (informative) Revue des méthodologies et de leur application aux déclarations
environnementales de type III .15
Annexe B (informative) Exemples de rôles des organismes impliqués dans un programme de
déclarations environnementales de type III .27
Bibliographie .28
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiéeaux
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électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Exceptionnellement, un
comité technique peut proposer la publication d'un Rapport technique de l'un des types suivants:
� type 1, lorsque, en dépit de maints efforts, l'accord requis ne peut être réalisé en faveur de la publication d'une
Norme internationale;
� type 2, lorsque le sujet en question est encore en cours de développement technique ou lorsque, pour toute
autre raison, la possibilité d'un accord pour la publication d'une Norme internationale peut être envisagée pour
l'avenir mais pas dans l'immédiat;
� type 3, lorsqu'un comité technique a réuni des données de nature différente de celles qui sont normalement
publiées comme Normes internationales (ceci pouvant comprendre des informations sur l'état de la technique,
par exemple).
Les Rapports techniques des types 1 et 2 font l'objet d'un nouvel examen trois ans au plus tard après leur
publication afin de décider éventuellement de leur transformation en Normes internationales. Les Rapports
techniques de type 3 ne doivent pas nécessairement être révisés avant que les données fournies ne soient plus
jugées valables ou utiles.
Les Rapports techniques sont rédigésconformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent Rapport technique peuvent faire l’objet de
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L’ISO/TR 14025, qui est un Rapport technique de type 2, a été préparé par le comité technique ISO/TC 207,
Management environnemental, sous-comité SC 3, Étiquetage environnemental.
Le présent document est publié dans la série des Rapports techniques de type 2 (conformément au paragraphe
G.3.2.2. de la partie 1 des Directives ISO/CEI, 1995) comme «norme prospective d’application provisoire» dans le
domaine des déclarations environnementales de type III en raison de l’urgence d’avoir une indication quant à la
manière dont il convient d’utiliser les normes dans ce domaine pour répondre à un besoin déterminé.
Ce document ne doit pas être considéré comme une «Norme internationale». Il est proposé pour une mise en
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Il sera procédéà un nouvel examen de ce Rapport technique de type 2 trois ans au plus tard après sa publication,
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de l’annuler.
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(F)
L’objet du présent Rapport technique est d’identifier et de décrire les différents éléments et problèmes concernant
les déclarations environnementales de type III et les programmes correspondants, ainsi que de fournir des
informations dans des domaines spécifiques où il existe un consensus général entre les experts.
Le présent Rapport technique aborde aussi les problèmes qu’il conviendra de résoudre avant le développement
possible en une Norme internationale. Il reconnaîtqu’il y a différents types de déclarations environnementales de
type III en usage, et que le concept est toujours en cours d’évolution.
Dans le plan de travail du groupe d’experts «Type III»,ondécrit une déclaration environnementale de type III
comme étant des «informations produits quantifiées sur le cycle de vie, fournies par un fournisseur sur la base
d’une vérification indépendante (par exemple une tierce partie) de données systématiques (soumises à une revue
critique), présentées comme un ensemble de catégories de paramètres (pour un groupe sectoriel) .
� La déclaration environnementale de type III n’est pas sélective, mais présente les informations dans un format
qui facilite la comparaison entre les produits.
� La déclaration environnementale de type III inclut les informations fournies aux clients industriels et aux
consommateurs finals.
La notion de «tierce partie» n’implique pas nécessairement la participation d’un organisme de certification.»
1) Ces termes de référence ne sont pas encore finalisés et représentent une opinion majoritaire, plutôtqu’unanime, sur
certains points. Les parties entre parenthèses sont les points qui appellent à une réflexion supplémentaire.
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Marquage et déclarations environnementaux — Déclarations
environnementales de type III
1 Domaine d'application
Le présent Rapport technique identifie et décrit les éléments et problèmes concernant les déclarations
environnementales de type III et les programmes correspondants, y compris les considérations d’ordre technique,
le format et la communication des déclarations, et les aspects administratifs associésau développement et/ou à la
publication d’une déclaration environnementale de type III.
2Références normatives
Les documents normatifs suivants contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y est faite,
constituent des dispositions valables pour le présent Rapport technique. Pour les références datées, les
amendements ultérieurs ou les révisions de ces publications ne s’appliquent pas. Toutefois, les parties prenantes
aux accords fondés sur le présent Rapport technique sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les
éditions les plus récentes des documents normatifs indiqués ci-après. Pour les références non datées, la dernière
édition du document normatif en référence s’applique. Les membres de l'ISO et de la CEI possèdent le registre des
Normes internationales en vigueur.
ISO 14020:1998, Étiquettes et déclarations environnementales — Principes généraux.
ISO 14021:1999, Marquage et déclarations environnementaux — Autodéclarations environnementales (Étiquetage
de type II).
ISO 14024:1999, Marquage et déclarations environnementaux —Étiquetage environnemental de type I —
Principes et méthodes.
ISO 14040:1997, Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle de vie — Principes et cadre.
ISO 14041:1998, Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle de vie — Définition de l’objectif et du champ
d’étude et analyse de l’inventaire.
ISO 14042:2000, Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle de vie —Évaluation de l’impact du cycle de
ISO 14043:2000, Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle de vie — Interprétation du cycle de vie.
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ISO/TR 14025:2000(F)
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent Rapport technique, les termes et définitions donnés dans l’ISO 14020, l’ISO 14024,
l’ISO 14040, l’ISO 14041, l’ISO 14042, l’ISO 14043 ainsi que les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
impact final par catégorie
attribut ou aspect de l’environnement naturel, de la santé humaine ou des ressources, permettant d’identifier un
point environnemental à problème
NOTE La Figure 2 [ISO 14042:2000] illustre ce terme de façon plus détaillée.
[ISO 14042:2000]
procédure par laquelle une tierce partie donne une assurance écrite qu’un produit, un processus ou un service est
conforme aux exigences spécifiées
[ISO/CEI Guide 2:1996]
unité fonctionnelle
performance quantifiéed’un système de produits destinée àêtre utilisée comme unité de référence dans une
analyse de cycle de vie
[ISO 14040:1997]
catégorie d’impact
classe représentant les points environnementaux étudiés dans laquelle les résultats de l’analyse de l’inventaire du
cycle de vie peuvent être affectés
[ISO 14042:2000]
partie intéressée
toute partie affectéepar ledéveloppement et l’utilisation d’une déclaration environnementale de type III
indicateur de catégorie d’impact de cycle de vie
représentation quantifiable d’une catégorie d’impact
NOTE L’expression condensée «indicateur de catégorie» est utiliséetoutau longdutexte de la présente Norme
internationale [ISO 14042:2000] afin d’en améliorer la lisibilité.
[ISO 14042:2000]
tout produit ou service
[ISO 14024:1999]
catégorie de produits
groupe de produits ayant une fonction équivalente
[ISO 14024:1999]
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caractéristique fonctionnelle du produit
attribut ou caractéristique concernant les performances et l’utilisation d’un produit
[ISO 14024:1999]
tierce partie
personne ou organisme reconnu(e) comme indépendant(e) des parties en cause, en ce qui concerne le sujet en
NOTE La notion de «tierce partie» n’implique pas nécessairement la participation d’un organisme de certification.
déclaration environnementale de type III
données environnementales quantifiées pour un produit avec des catégories prédéterminées de paramètres
basées sur la série de normes ISO 14040, sans exclure pour autant les informations environnementales fournies
dans le cadre d’un programme de déclarations environnementales de type III
NOTE Des méthodologies alternatives ont été considérées dans le cadre du présent développement de déclarations
environnementales de type III. Dans les travaux de normalisation ultérieurs, ces méthodologies pourraient être incorporées
comme base pour les déclarations environnementales de type III. C’est pourquoi le présent Rapport technique aborde
également les questions associées à ces méthodologies. Si des méthodologies opérationnelles alternatives sont développées
avant le début des travaux de normalisation à venir, elles pourraient aussi être incorporées.
programme de déclarations environnementales de type III
processus volontaire par lequel un secteur industriel ou un organisme indépendant développe une déclaration
environnementale de type III, en incluant des critères de détermination minimaux, en sélectionnant des catégories
de paramètres et en définissant la participation de tierces parties et le format des communications externes.
4 Objectif des déclarations environnementales de type III
L’objectif global des étiquettes et déclarations environnementales est, par la communication d’informations
vérifiables, exactes et qui ne soient pas de nature à induire en erreur sur les aspects environnementaux des
produits et services, d’encourager et de satisfaire la demande pour ces produits et services qui sollicitent moins
l’environnement et, de ce fait, de stimuler le potentiel pour une amélioration continue de l’environnement
commandée par le marché [ISO 14020].
5 Considérations d’ordre technique
5.1 Généralités
En conformité avec les principes de l’ISO 14020, la méthodologie employéepour développer des déclarations
environnementales de type III doit se baser sur des approches scientifiques et techniques qui peuvent refléter et
communiquer de manière précise les aspects et les informations environnementaux contenus dans la déclaration.
Le présent Rapport technique présente l’état actuel des informations et de l’expérience dans la pratique de
déclarations environnementales de type III.
En particulier, le présent Rapport technique reconnaît le besoin de résoudre un certain nombre de problèmes en
suspens afférents aux déclarations environnementales de type III, y compris:
� les méthodes de collecte et d’évaluation de données, y compris le rôle des valeurs et la subjectivité, ci-après
désignées sous le terme de jugement de valeur (5.2);
� le choix de catégories de données de l’analysedel’inventaire du cycle de vie et de catégories d’impacts de
l’évaluation de l’impact du cycle de vie (5.3, 7.2);
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� la garantie de la qualité des informations environnementales en termes de pertinence, d’exactitude et
d’incertitude (5.2.3, 5.5);
� le moyen de garantir que les informations environnementales sont pertinentes et non trompeuses (article 6,
� comment communiquer avec les acheteurs et les acheteurs potentiels de manière exacte et non trompeuse
(article 7);
� la garantie d’une compatibilité internationale, d’une comparabilité optimale et de l’utilisation d’informations
produit suffisamment spécifiques (articles 7 et 8).
5.2 Options méthodologiques
5.2.1 Généralités
Les informations environnementales quantifiées sur un produit dans une déclaration environnementale de type III
doivent être fondées sur des procédures et des résultats issus d’une analyse du cycle de vie en conformité avec la
série de normes ISO 14040. Les déclarations environnementales de type III développées à ce jour sont fondées
sur une approche du cycle de vie qui utilise l’analyse du cycle de vie. Le présent article décrit les options
méthodologiques pour les déclarations environnementales et les programmes de type III, et renvoie aux normes de
la série ISO 14040. La Figure 1 montre les relations entre les différentes options. L’élément commun est que
chaque option est fondée sur la notion de l’analyse de l’inventaire du cycle de vie conformément à l’ISO 14040, à
l’ISO 14041 et à l’ISO 14043. Toutefois, la logique sous-tendant la déclaration finale peut varier (par exemple
analyse de données et inclusion d’informations environnementales supplémentaires) comme décrit ci-aprèset
dans la Figure 1.
� Option A: analyse de l’inventaire du cycle de vie (selon ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14043), ou
� Option B: analyse de l’inventaire du cycle de vie suivie de l’évaluationdel’impact du cycle de vie (selon
ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14042 + ISO 14043), ou
� Option C: analyse de l’inventaire du cycle de vie (selon ISO 14040 + ISO 14041 + ISO 14043), avec une
analyse supplémentaire partielle des données, mais sans conformité stricte avec l’ISO 14042 («méthodologies
Il est aussi possible d’utiliser d’autres outils d’analyse environnementale pour fournir des informations
environnementales supplémentaires qui fournissent une perspective complémentaire à une déclaration
environnementale de type III (voir Figure 1). L’inclusion d’informations environnementales supplémentaires est
facultative. Ces informations peuvent ou non être dérivées d’une analyse du cycle de vie du produit. Elles peuvent
concerner d’autres aspects associés aux performances environnementales globales du produit, par exemple des
éléments pertinents de développement durable, comme des éléments économiques ou sociaux.
Ces méthodologies et les problèmes qu’elles soulèvent dans le contexte des déclarations environnementales de
type III sont abordés à l'annexe A.
5.2.2 Considérations liées aux comparaisons de produits
L’objet principal des déclarations environnementales de type III est de fournir des données environnementales
quantitatives conformément à la définition 3.11 donnée dans le présent Rapport technique. Bien que les
déclarations environnementales de type III ne contiennent pas d’affirmations comparatives, les informations
données peuvent être utilisées pour faire des comparaisons entre des produits. C’est pourquoi il convient que le
responsable du développement d’une déclaration environnementale de type III observe soigneusement les
exigences stipulées dans l’ISO 14040 et dans la sériesur l'analyseducycle de vieenmatière «d’affirmations
comparatives», et utilise ces exigences comme une aide au développement de son approche technique,
indépendamment de la méthodologie spécifique sur laquelle la déclaration peut être basée.
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NOTE Voir aussi A.1.2, A.1.3 et A.2.
Figure 1 — Les trois options méthodologiques distinctes pour les déclarations environnementales
et lesprogrammesdetypeIII
5.2.3 Revue critique
La revue critique est une technique que l'on applique pour vérifier que l’étude de l’analyse du cycle de vie a
satisfait aux exigences des Normes internationales concernées, soit l’ISO 14040, l’ISO 14041, l’ISO 14042 et
l’ISO 14043. L’analyse doit être conforme à la procédure de revue critique décrite dans le paragraphe 7.3.3 de
l’ISO 14040:1997. La procédure de revue critique doit garantir que les méthodes employées pour conduire
l’analyse du cycle de vie sont scientifiquement et techniquement valables, que les données utilisées sont
appropriées et cohérentes avec l’objectif et le champ de l’étude, que les interprétations reflètent les limites
identifiées et l’objectif de l’étude, et que le rapport est transparent et cohérent.
Dans le contexte du présent Rapport technique, il faut aussi conduire une revue critique pour l’évaluation des
méthodologies alternatives. Pour toutes les formes de déclarations environnementales de type III, il convient aussi
que la revue critique inclue une évaluation du contenu et du format des communications externes, et de
l’interprétation probable qu’en fera l’utilisateur final. Il est recommandé que cette évaluation inclue une revue de
conformité aux principes définis dans l’ISO 14020 et aux procédures du programme.
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5.3 Catégories prédéterminées de paramètres
5.3.1 Identification de catégories prédéterminées de paramètres pour une déclaration environnementale
de type III
Pour toutes les formes de déclarations environnementales de type III, il est nécessaire d’assurer la cohérence, la
comparabilité et la complétude des catégories prédéterminées de paramètres sur tout le cycle de vie du produit
pour les différents types d’utilisateurs finals. Il n’est pas nécessaire que les catégories prédéterminées de
paramètres soient les mêmes pour toutes les catégories de produits. Indépendamment de la méthodologie
employée, le paragraphe 5.3 de l'ISO 14042:2000 précise comment identifier les catégories prédéterminées de
paramètres (appelés «catégories d’impact» et «indicateurs de catégorie» dans l’ISO 14042).
5.3.2 Options d’identification de catégories prédéterminées de produits
Plusieurs options sont utilisées actuellement ou envisagées pour identifier des catégories prédéterminées de
produits appropriées pour un système de produits. Le choix d’une ou de plusieurs de ces méthodes pour une
norme future sera influencé par la méthodologie. Les options pour une norme future incluent:
� l'identification d’un seul groupe de catégories prédéterminées de paramètres qui sera applicable à tous les
types de produits;
� l'identification d’un nombre minimal de catégories prédéterminées de paramètres, avec une annexe
informative qui décrit les paramètres supplémentaires facultatifs qui peuvent être sélectionnés pour satisfaire
aux exigences d’une catégorie de produits et d’audience spécifiques;
� l'identification d’une liste générale de possibles catégories prédéterminées de paramètres, tout comme la
fourniture d'indications à l’utilisateur pour l'application d'une méthodologie spécifique pour choisir quelle
catégorie (prédéterminée) de paramètres utiliser;
� la possibilité pour un programme d'identifier un groupe minimal de catégories prédéterminées de paramètres
qui seront applicables à tous les produits, et qui pourront être complétées par des catégories de paramètres
supplémentaires convenant aux différents systèmes de produits.
5.3.3 Exemples
Lorsqu’on utilise l’analyse de l'inventaire du cycle de vie pour évaluer les aspects environnementaux relatifs
associés à un système de produits, les catégories prédéterminées de paramètres sont basées sur les résultats
d’une étude de I'analyse de l'inventaire du cycle de vie, comme mentionné dans l’ISO 14041, par exemple les flux
de matières et d’énergie de et vers le système de produits à l’étude. Dans le cas d’une évaluation de l'impact du
cycle de vie, le résultat est un profil d’indicateurs de catégorie, comme mentionné dans l'ISO 14042. Il convient
d’établir une procédure par étapes pour les révisions et les modifications périodiques à apporter à la catégorie de
paramètres choisie.
Deux Rapports techniques sont en cours de développement au sein de l’ISO, avec des exemples quant à
l’application de l'ISO 14041 (soit l'ISO/TR 14049) et l’application de l'ISO 14042 (soit l'ISO/TR 14047).
Le paragraphe A.1.4 donne des exemples de catégories prédéterminées de paramètres.
5.4 Informations environnementales supplémentaires
Outre l’ensemble principal d’indicateurs, il convient qu’il soit possible d’inclure des informations environnementales
supplémentaires dans une déclaration environnementale de type III. En général, ces informations se rapporteront
aux performances environnementales d’un produit.
Sous cette condition préalable, il existe plusieurs types d’informations environnementales supplémentaires:
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� des informations qui sont dérivées d’une analyse du cycle de vie, mais qui ne sont pas communiquées dans
les formats types à base d’analyse de l'inventaire du cycle de vie ou de l'évaluation de l'impact du cycle de vie,
par exemple la teneur en matières recyclées;
� des informations qui n’ont pas de relation avec l’étude de l'analyse du cycle de vie du produit, mais qui s

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