Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video AMENDMENT 1: Content description data

Technologies de l'information - Codage générique des images animées et du son associé: Données vidéo AMENDEMENT 1: Données de description du contenu

Informacijska tehnologija - Splošno kodiranje gibljivih slik in pripadajočih avdio informacij: Video Dopolnilo 1: Podatki za opis vsebine

Amandma A1:2010 je dodatek k standardu SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005
To priporočilo / mednarodni standard določa kodirano predstavitev slikovnih informacij za digitalne medije za shranjevanje in digitalno video komunikacijo ter določa proces dekodiranja.  Prestavitev podpira stalno oddajanje z bitno hitrostjo, oddajanje z spremenljivo bitno hitrostjo, neposreden dostop, preskakovanje kanalov, nadgradljivo dekodiranje, urejevanje bitnega toka, ter tudi posebne funkcije, kot je na primer hitro predvajanje, hitro predvajanje nazaj, počasno predvajanje, pavza in zamrznitev slik. To priporočilo / mednarodni standard je nadalje združljiv  z ISO/IEC 11172-2 in kompatibilen navzgor ali navzdol z EDTV, HDTV in SDTV formati. To priporočilo / mednarodni standard velja predvsem za digitalne medije za shranjevanje, video prenos in komunikacijo. Medij za shranjevanje je lahko neposredno priključen na dekoder ali pa preko načinov komunikacije kot so vodila, LAN, ali telekomunikacijske povezave.

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd 1:2001 - Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video — Part 2: — Amendment 1: Content description data Released:7/25/2002
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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd 1:2001 - Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video — Part 2: — Amendment 1: Content description data Released:7/25/2002
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Standards Content (Sample)

STANDARD 13818-2
Second edition
Corrected version

Information technology — Generic coding
of moving pictures and associated audio
information: Video
AMENDMENT 1: Content description data
Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images animées et
du son associé: Données vidéo
AMENDEMENT 1: Données de description du contenu

Reference number

ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
 ISO/IEC 2001

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
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ii © ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)

1) Subclause 6.2.3. 1
2) New subclause . 2

3) New subclause 2
4) New subclause 3
5) New subclause 4
6) New subclause 5
7) New subclause 6
8) New subclause 7
9) Subclause 6.3.9. 7
10) New subclause 6.3.21 . 7
11) New subclause . 8
12) New subclause . 8
13) New subclause 9
14) New subclause . 11
15) New subclause . 12
16) New subclause . 12
17) Subclause E.1. 13
18) New annex K. 14
K.1 Progressive and non-progressive encoding . 14
K.2 Video source timing information syntax . 14
K.3 Content generation practices . 14
K.4 Post-encoding editing of the progressive frame flag in video bitstreams . 17
K.5 Post-processing for systems with progressive scan displays . 17
K.6 Use of capture timecode information.17
© ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have
established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Amendment may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Amendment 1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and
hypermedia information, in collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Rec. H.262/Amd.1.
This corrected version of ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 incorporates the following corrections:
 title of the amendment (cover page and page 1);
 edition number of ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 (cover page).

iv © ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2000 (E)
ITU-T Rec. H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (2000 E)
Content description data
1) Subclause 6.2.3
Replace subclause 6.2.3 by:
6.2.3 Picture header
picture_header() { No. of bits Mnemonic
picture_start_code 32 bslbf
temporal_reference 10 uimsbf
picture_coding_type 3uimsbf
vbv_delay 16 uimsbf
if ( picture_coding_type == 2 || picture_coding_type == 3) {
full_pel_forward_vector 1bslbf
forward_f_code 3bslbf
if ( picture_coding_type ==3) {
full_pel_backward_vector 1bslbf
backward_f_code 3bslbf
while ( nextbits() == '1' ) {
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '1' */ 1 uimsbf
content_description_data() /* with every 9 bit having the value '1' */
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '0' */ 1 uimsbf
ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E) 1

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
2) New subclause
Insert new subclause Content description data
content_description_data() { No. of bits Mnemonic
data_type_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
data_type_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
data_length 8uimsbf
if ( data_type == "Padding Bytes" )
else if ( data_type == "Capture Timecode" )
else if ( data_type == "Additional Pan-Scan Parameters" )
else if ( data_type == "Active Region Window" )
else if ( data_type == "Coded Picture Length" )
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_content_description_data 8uimsbf
3) New subclause
Insert new subclause Padding bytes
padding_bytes() { No. of bits Mnemonic
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
padding_byte 8bslbf
2 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
4) New subclause
Insert new subclause Capture timecode
capture_timecode() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
timecode_type 2uimsbf
counting_type 3uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
if ( counting_type !=0) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_conversion_code 1uimsbf
clock_divisor 7uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_multiplier_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_multiplier_lower 8
if ( timecode_type == '11' )
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
5) New subclause
Insert new subclause Frame or field capture timestamp
frame_or_field_capture_timestamp() { No. of bits Mnemonic
if ( counting_type !=0) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_discontinuity 1uimsbf
prior_count_dropped 1uimsbf
time_offset_part_a 6simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_b 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_c 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_d 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_seconds 4uimsbf
tens_of_seconds 4uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_minutes 4uimsbf
tens_of_minutes 4uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_hours 4uimsbf
tens_of_hours 4uimsbf
4 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
6) New subclause
Insert new subclause Additional pan-scan parameters
additional_pan_scan_parameters() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
aspect_ratio_information 4uimsbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_size_present 1bslbf
if (display_size_present == '1' ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_horizontal_size_upper 6uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
display_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_vertical_size_upper 6uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
display_vertical_size_lower 8
for ( i = 0; i < number_of_frame_centre_offsets; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper 8simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper 8simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower 8
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
7) New subclause
Insert new subclause Active region window
active_region_window() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_x_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_x_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_y_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_y_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_horizontal_size_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_vertical_size_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_vertical_size_lower 8
6 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
8) New subclause
Insert new subclause Coded picture length
coded_picture_length() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_a 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_b 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_c 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_d 8
9) Subclause 6.3.9
Replace the semantics for extra_bit_picture and extra_information_picture with the following (removing the semantics
for extra_information_picture):
extra_bit_picture – This flag indicates the presence of the following extra information. If extra_bit_picture is set to '1',
content_description_data() shall follow it. If it is set to '0', no further content_description_data() shall follow in this
picture header.
10) New subclause 6.3.21
Insert new subclause 6.3.21:
6.3.21 Content description data
data_type_upper, data_type_lower – Two 8-bit unsigned integer values containing the most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of the value of the 16-bit unsigned integer data_type that defines the type of content
description data. The semantics of data_type are defined in Table 6-21.
Table 6-21 – data_type values
Value Meaning
0000 0000 0000 0000 Reserved
0000 0000 0000 0001 Padding Bytes
0000 0000 0000 0010 Capture Timecode
0000 0000 0000 0011 Additional Pan-Scan Parameters
0000 0000 0000 0100 Active Region Window
0000 0000 0000 0101 Coded Picture Length
0000 0000 0000 0110 Reserved
1111 1111 1111 1111 Reserved
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
data_length – An 8-bit unsigned integer specifying the remaining amount of data to follow within the remainder of the
content description data structure, expressed in units of 9 bits. The number of bits of data which follows within the
remainder of the content description data structure shall be equal to data_length * 9.
reserved_content_description_data – Reserved 8-bit unsigned integer. A decoder that encounters
reserved_content_description_data in a bitstream shall ignore it (i.e. remove from the bitstream and discard). A bitstream
conforming to this Specification shall not contain this syntax element.
In the case that a decoder encounters a data_type unsigned integer that is described as "reserved" in Table 6-21, the
decoder shall discard the subsequent pairings of marker_bit and reserved_content_description_data which follow
data_length in the bitstream. The number of such pairings shall be equal to data_length. This requirement allows future
definition of compatible extensions to this Specification.
reserved_bit – Reserved 1-bit unsigned integer. Shall be equal to '0' in bitstreams conforming to this Specification. The
value '1' is reserved for future backward-compatible use by ITU-T | ISO/IEC. A decoder conforming to this Specification
shall allow either a value of '0' or '1' for reserved_bit.
11) New subclause
Insert new subclause Padding bytes
padding_byte – An 8-bit string which shall be equal to '0000 0000'. All other values are forbidden.
NOTE – The purpose of padding bytes is to allow inclusion of a number of bytes of data which are included in VBV calculations.
12) New subclause
Insert new subclause Capture timecode
The capture timecode describes the source capture or creation time of the fields or frames of the content.
It contains absolute timestamps for the associated frame or fields. Only one capture timecode for each picture shall be
present in the bitstream. This timecode shall not take precedence over any timecode specified for presentation or
decoding at a systems multiplex level, for example the presentation time stamps or decoding time stamps defined in
ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 (Systems).
timecode_type – A 2-bit integer that indicates the number of timestamps associated with this picture as defined in Table
6-22. The values '00', '10', and '11' shall only be used when picture_structure is equal to 'Frame Picture'. The value '00'
indicates that the two fields that make up the frame have the same capture time. When timecode_type is equal to '11', the
first timestamp pertains to the first field of the frame and the second timestamp pertains to the second field of the frame.
Table 6-22 – timecode_type values
Value Meaning
00 one timestamp for the frame
01 one timestamp for the first or only field
10 one timestamp for the second field
11 two timestamps, one for each of two fields
counting_type – A 3-bit integer that indicates the method used for compensating the nframes counting parameter of the
frame or field capture timestamps to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of each timestamp.
8 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
Table 6-23 – counting_type values
Value Meaning
000 nframes parameter not used
001 no dropping of nframes count values
010 dropping of individual zero values of nframes count
011 dropping of individual max_nframes values of nframes count
100 dropping of the two lowest (values 0 and 1) nframes counts when
units_of_seconds and tens_of_seconds are zero and
units_of_minutes is not zero
101 dropping of unspecified individual nframes count values
110 dropping of unspecified numbers of unspecified nframes count
111 reserved
nframes_conversion_code – A 1-bit unsigned integer that indicates a conversion factor to be used in determining the
amount of time indicated by the nframes parameters of each frame or field capture timestamp. The factor specified is
1000 + nframes_conversion_code.
clock_divisor – A 7-bit unsigned integer that contains the number of divisions of the 27 MHz system clock to be applied
for generating the equivalent timestamp for each frame or field capture timestamp.
nframes_multiplier_upper, nframes_multiplier_lower – The most significant and least significant bits, respectively,
of nframes_multiplier.
nframes_multiplier – An unsigned integer multiplier used for generating the equivalent timestamp for each frame or
field capture timestamp as specified by nframes_multiplier_upper and nframes_multiplier_lower.
13) New subclause
Insert new subclause Frame or field capture timestamp
nframes – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the number of frame time increments to add in deriving the equivalent
timestamp. The value of nframes shall not be greater than the value of max_nframes as derived by the following formula:
max_nframes = (26 999 999) / (nframes_multiplier *
(1000 + nframes_conversion_code) * clock_divisor)
where "/" indicates the division operator defined in 4.1.
time_discontinuity – A 1-bit flag that indicates if a discontinuity in time or timebase between the previous timestamp
and the current timestamp has occurred. If set to '0', the time difference that can be calculated between the current and
previous timestamps is the ideal display duration of the previous frame or field. If set to '1', the time difference that can
be calculated between the current and previous timestamps has no defined meaning. If editing occurs that results in time
or timebase discontinuities or if the previous field or frame timestamp is unavailable, the time_discontinuity bit shall be
set to '1'.
prior_count_dropped – A 1-bit flag indicating whether the counting of one or more values of the nframes parameter
was dropped in order to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of the timestamp. Shall be zero if
counting_type is '001'. Shall be zero if counting_type is '010' and nframes is not equal to 1. Shall be zero if
counting_type is '011' and nframes is not equal to 0. Shall be zero if counting_type is '100' and nframes is not equal to 2.
time_offset_part_a – A 6-bit integer containing the most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_b – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the second most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_c – An 8 bit unsigned integer containing the third most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_d – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the least significant bits of time_offset.
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
time_offset – A two's complement signed 30-bit integer that is the number of clock cycles (in original 27 MHz system
clock cycles or with a clock frequency modified by clock_divisor) offset from the time specified by the other parameters
of the frame or field capture timestamp in order to specify the equivalent timestamp for when the current field or frame
was captured. When counting_type is 0, the value of time_offset shall be constrained by the encoder to be less than
27 000 000 in magnitude.
units_of_seconds – A 4-bit unsigned integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion
of the timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds modulo 10. Table 6-24 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-24 – units_of_seconds values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of seconds modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
tens_of seconds – A 4-bit unsigned integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of
the timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds divided by 10. Table 6-25 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-25 – tens_of_seconds values
Value Meaning
0000-0101 number of seconds/10
0110-1111 forbidden
units_of_minutes – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in minutes modulo 10. Table 6-26 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-26 – units_of_minutes values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of minutes modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
tens_of_minutes – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds divided by 10. Table 6-27 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-27 – tens_of_minutes values
Value Meaning
0000-0101 number of minutes/10
0110-1111 forbidden
units_of_hours – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in hours modulo 10. Table 6-28 defines the allowed range of values. Shall not
exceed a value of "3" if tens_of_hours is equal to "2".
Table 6-28 – units_of_hours values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of hours modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
10 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
tens_of_hours – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. This field represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in hours divided by 10. Table 6-29 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-29 – tens_of_hours values
Value Meaning
0000-0010 number of hours/10
0011-1111 forbidden
When counting_type is 0, an equivalent timestamp represented in 27 MHz system clock cycles is defined by the
following formula:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 + time_offset
When counting_type is 0, the values of the parameters within the timestamp shall be constrained by the encoder such that
equivalent_timestamp shall not be less than 0 and shall not exceed 2 332 799 999 999.
When counting_type is not 0, an equivalent timestamp represented in 27 MHz system clock cycles is defined by the
following formula:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 +
(nframes * (nframes_multiplier * (1000 + nframes_conversion_code)) +
time_offset) * clock_divisor
When counting_type is not 0, the values of the parameters within the timecode shall be constrained by the encoder such
that equivalent_timestamp shall not be less than 0.
Two identical equivalent_timestamps calculated from consecutive frames or fields without an intervening
time_discontinuity indicate that both frames or fields were captured or created at the same instant in time.
14) New subclause
Insert new subclause Additional pan-scan parameters
Additional pan-scan parameters allows carriage of pan-scan information for more than one display type. For example, if
the information encoded for a pan-scan process in the sequence header, sequence display extension, and picture display
extension is used to define the parameters needed for display on a 3:4 display aspect ratio display, the additional pan-
scan parameters can define the parameters needed for display on a 9:16 aspect ratio display.
aspect_ratio_information – A 4-bit integer value that is defined in 6.3.3 (sequence header). A value for
aspect_ratio_information which is equal to the value specified in the sequence_header() shall not occur.
display_size_present – A 1-bit flag, when set to '1', indicates the presence of the display_horizontal_size_upper,
display_horizontal_size_lower, display_vertical_size_upper, and display_vertical_size_lower parameters. When set to
'0', the previous values of display_horizontal_size and display_vertical_size corresponding to the value of
aspect_ratio_information shall be used. For a specific aspect ratio, this field should be set to '1' in the first picture header
after any sequence_header(). Following a sequence_header(), the value of display_horizontal_size and
display_vertical_size shall be the value defined in the sequence_display_extension().
display_horizontal_size_upper – The 6 most significant bits of display_horizontal_size.
display_horizontal_size_lower – The 8 least significant bits of display_horizontal_size.
display_horizontal_size – A 14-bit integer value defined in 6.3.6 (sequence display extension). For any specific value of
aspect_ratio_information, the value of this parameter shall remain the same for the sequence.
display_vertical_size_upper – The 6 most significant bits of display_vertical_size.
display_vertical_size_lower – The 8 least significant bits of display_vertical_size.
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
display_vertical_size – A 14-bit integer value defined in 6.3.6 (sequence display extension). For any specific value of
aspect_ratio_information, the value of this parameter shall remain the same for the sequence.
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper, frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower –The 8most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of frame_centre_horizontal_offset.
frame_centre_horizontal_offset – A 16-bit signed integer defined in 6.3.12 (picture display extension).
frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper, frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower –The 8most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of frame_centre_vertical_offset.
frame_centre_vertical_offset – A 16-bit signed integer defined in 6.3.12 (picture display extension). Following a
sequence_header(), the value zero shall be used for all frame centre offsets until a picture_display_extension() defines
non-zero values.
number_of_frame_centre_offsets – An integer defined in 6.3.12. Following a sequence header, the value zero shall be
used for all frame centre offsets until a picture display extension defines non-zero values.
15) New subclause
Insert new subclause Active region window
The Active Region Window contains integers that define the rectangle in the reconstructed frame that is intended to be
displayed. This window shall not be larger than the rectangle defined by the horizontal_size and vertical_size defined
in 6.3.3. No more than one active_region_window for each picture shall be present in the bitstream. When a frame is
coded as two field pictures, the active region window shall not be present in the second field picture.
top_left_x_upper, top_left_x_lower – The 8 most significant and least significant bits, respectively, of top_left_x.
top_left_x – A 16-bit integer that defines the sample number within a line of the luminance component in the
reconstructed frame that, together with top_left_y, specifies the upper left corner of the active_region_window's
top_left_y_upper, top_left_y_lower – The 8 most significant and least significant bits, respectively, of top_left_y.
top_left_y – A 16-bit integer that defines the line number for the luminance component in the re

Deuxième édition
Version corrigée

Technologies de l'information — Codage
générique des images animées et du son
associé: Données vidéo
AMENDEMENT 1: Données de description
du contenu
Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and
associated audio information: Video
AMENDMENT 1: Content description data

Numéro de référence

ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(F)
 ISO/CEI 2001

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(F)
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ii © ISO/CEI 2001 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(F)
1) Paragraphe 6.2.3 . 1

2) Nouveau § 2
3) Nouveau § 2

4) Nouveau § 3
5) Nouveau § 4
6) Nouveau § 5
7) Nouveau § 6
8) Nouveau § 6
9) Paragraphe 6.3.9 . 7
10) Nouveau § 6.3.21. 7
11) Nouveau § 8
12) Nouveau § 8
13) Nouveau § 9
14) Nouveau § 11
15) Nouveau § 12
16) Nouveau § 13
17) Paragraphe E.1. 14
18) Nouvelle Annexe K . 15
K.1 Codage à balayage progressif et non progressif . 15
K.2 Syntaxe d'information relative à la fréquence d'échantillonnage de la source vidéo. 15
K.3 Méthodes de production de contenu. 16
K.4 Montage post-codage du fanion de bitrame à balayage progressif dans des flux binaires de données
vidéo. 18
K.5 Post-traitement des systèmes dotés d'un affichage à balayage progressif. 18
K.6 Utilisation des informations du code temporel d'acquisition. 19

© ISO/CEI 2001 – Tous droits réservés iii

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) et la CEI (Commission électrotechnique internationale)
forment le système spécialisé de la normalisation mondiale. Les organismes nationaux membres de l'ISO ou de la
CEI participent au développement de Normes internationales par l'intermédiaire des comités techniques créés par
l'organisation concernée afin de s'occuper des domaines particuliers de l'activité technique. Les comités
techniques de l'ISO et de la CEI collaborent dans des domaines d'intérêt commun. D'autres organisations
internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO et la CEI participent également
aux travaux. Dans le domaine des technologies de l'information, l'ISO et la CEI ont créé un comité technique mixte,
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3.
La tâche principale du comité technique mixte est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par le comité technique mixte sont soumis aux organismes nationaux pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des organismes nationaux
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent Amendement peuvent faire l'objet de droits
de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO et la CEI ne sauraient être tenues pour responsables de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'Amendement 1 à la Norme internationale ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000 a été élaboré par le comité technique mixte
ISO/CEI JTC 1, Technologies de l'information, sous-comité SC 29, Codage du son, de l'image, de l'information
multimédia et hypermédia, en collaboration avec l'UIT-T. Le texte identique est publié en tant que Rec. UIT-T
Cette version corrigée de l'ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 incorpore les corrections suivantes:
 titre de l'amendement (page de couverture et page 1);
 numéro d'édition de l'ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000 (page de couverture).

iv © ISO/CEI 2002 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
Données de description du contenu
1) Paragraphe 6.2.3
Remplacer le § 6.2.3 par:
6.2.3 En-tête d'image

picture_header() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
picture_start_code 32 bslbf
temporal_reference 10 uimsbf
picture_coding_type 3 uimsbf
vbv_delay 16 uimsbf
if ( picture_coding_type = = 2 || picture_coding_type = = 3) {
 full_pel_forward_vector 1 bslbf
 forward_f_code 3 bslbf
if ( picture_coding_type = = 3 ) {
 full_pel_backward_vector 1 bslbf
 backward_f_code 3 bslbf
while ( nextbits() = = '1' ) {
 extra_bit_picture /* with the value '1' */ 1 uimsbf
 content_description_data() /* with every 9 bit having the value '1' */
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '0' */ 1 uimsbf

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
2) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Données de description de contenu

content_description_data() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
data_type_upper 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
data_type_lower 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
data_length 8 uimsbf
if ( data_type = = "Padding Bytes" )
else if ( data_type = = "Capture Timecode" )
else if ( data_type = = "Additional Pan-Scan Parameters" )
else if ( data_type = = "Active Region Window" )
else if ( data_type = = "Coded Picture Length" )
 for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
  marker_bit 1 bslbf
  reserved_content_description_data 8 uimsbf

3) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Octets de paquet de bourrage

padding_bytes() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1 bslbf
padding_byte 8 bslbf

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
4) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Code temporel d'acquisition

capture_timecode() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
marker_bit 1 bslbf
timecode_type 2 uimsbf
counting_type 3 uimsbf
reserved_bit 1 uimsbf
reserved_bit 1 uimsbf
reserved_bit 1 uimsbf
if ( counting_type ! = 0 ) {
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 nframes_conversion_code 1 uimsbf
 clock_divisor 7 uimsbf
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 nframes_multiplier_upper 8 uimsbf
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 nframes_multiplier_lower 8
if ( timecode_type = = '11' )

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
5) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Marqueur temporel d'acquisition de bitrame ou trame

frame_or_field_capture_timestamp() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
if ( counting_type ! = 0 ) {
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 nframes 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
time_discontinuity 1 uimsbf
prior_count_dropped 1 uimsbf
time_offset_part_a 6 simsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
time_offset_part_b 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
time_offset_part_c 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
time_offset_part_d 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
units_of_seconds 4 uimsbf
tens_of_seconds 4 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
units_of_minutes 4 uimsbf
tens_of_minutes 4 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
units_of_hours 4 uimsbf
tens_of_hours 4 uimsbf

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
6) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Paramètres de recadrage plein écran supplémentaires

additional_pan_scan_parameters() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
marker_bit 1 bslbf
aspect_ratio_information 4 uimsbf
reserved_bit 1 bslbf
reserved_bit 1 bslbf
reserved_bit 1 bslbf
display_size_present 1 bslbf
if (display_size_present = = '1' ) {
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 reserved_bit 1 bslbf
 reserved_bit 1 bslbf
 display_horizontal_size_upper 6 uimsbf
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 display_horizontal_size_lower 8
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 reserved_bit 1 bslbf
 reserved_bit 1 bslbf
 display_vertical_size_upper 6 uimsbf
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 display_vertical_size_lower 8
for ( i = 0; i < number_of_frame_centre_offsets; i ++ ) {
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper 8 simsbf
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower 8
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper 8 simsbf
 marker_bit 1 bslbf
 frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower 8

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
7) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Fenêtre de région active

active_region_window() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
marker_bit 1 bslbf
top_left_x_upper 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
top_left_x_lower 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
top_left_y_upper 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
top_left_y_lower 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
active_horizontal_size_upper 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
active_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
active_vertical_size_upper 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
active_vertical_size_lower 8

8) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Longueur d'image codée

coded_picture_length() { Nombre de bits Mnémonique
marker_bit 1 bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_a 8 uimsbf
marker_bit 1 bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_b 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_c 8
marker_bit 1 bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_d 8

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
9) Paragraphe 6.3.9
Remplacer la sémantique du § 6.3.9 en ce qui concerne les structures extra_bit_picture et extra_information_picture par
la sémantique suivante (en supprimant la sémantique de la structure extra_information_picture):
image par bit supplémentaire (extra_bit_picture) – Ce fanion indique la présence ou l'absence des informations
supplémentaires suivantes. S'il est mis à '1', des données de description de contenu [content_description_data()] le
suivront. S'il est mis à '0', aucune donnée de description de contenu le suivra dans cet en-tête d'image.
10) Nouveau § 6.3.21
Ajouter le nouveau § 6.3.21 suivant:
6.3.21 Données de description de contenu
type de données supérieures, type de données inférieures (data_type_upper, data_type_lower) – Deux valeurs
d'entier non signé à 8 bits contenant les bits de poids le plus fort et les bits de poids le plus faible, correspondant à la
valeur de l'entier non signé à 16 bits data_type définissant le type de données de description de contenu. La sémantique
de la structure data_type est définie dans le Tableau 6-21.

Tableau 6-21 – Valeurs de type de données (data_type values)
Valeur Signification
0000 0000 0000 0000 Valeur réservée
0000 0000 0000 0001 Octets de paquet de bourrage
0000 0000 0000 0010 Code temporel d'acquisition
0000 0000 0000 0011 Paramètres de recadrage plein écran supplémentaires
0000 0000 0000 0100 Fenêtre de région active
0000 0000 0000 0101 Longueur d'image codée
0000 0000 0000 0110 Valeur réservée
… Valeur réservée
1111 1111 1111 1111 Valeur réservée

longueur de données (data_length) – Entier non signé à 8 bits spécifiant la quantité restante de données devant suivre à
l'intérieur du reste de la structure de données de description de contenu, exprimé en unités de 9 bits. Le nombre de bits de
données qui suit à l'intérieur du reste de cette structure sera égal à data_length * 9.
données de description de contenu réservées (reserved_content_description_data) – Entier non signé à 8 bits
réservés. Un décodeur rencontrant la structure reserved_content_description_data dans un flux binaire doit l'ignorer
(c'est-à-dire la supprimer du flux binaire et la rejeter). Un flux binaire conforme à la présente Spécification ne doit pas
contenir cet élément syntaxique.
Au cas où un décodeur rencontrerait un entier non signé data_type décrit comme "réservé" dans le Tableau 6-21, il doit
rejeter les paires successives des structures marker_bit et reserved_content_description_data qui suivent la structure
data_length dans le flux binaire. Le nombre de ces paires sera égal à la structure data_length. Cette exigence permet la
définition ultérieure d'extensions conformes à la présente Spécification.
bit réservé (reserved_bit) – Entier non signé à 1 bit réservé. Doit être égal à '0' dans des flux binaires conformes à la
présente spécification. La valeur '1' est réservée pour une utilisation ultérieure à compatibilité amont par l'UIT-T |
ISO/CEI. Un décodeur conforme à la présente Spécification autorisera une valeur '0' ou '1' pour la structure reserved_bit.
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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
11) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau paragraphe suivant: Octets de paquet de bourrage
octet de paquet de bourrage (padding_byte) – Chaîne à 8 bits qui doit être égale à '0000 0000'. Toutes les autres
valeurs sont interdites.
NOTE – Les octets de paquet de bourrage permettent l'inclusion d'un certain nombre d'octets de données pour des calculs sur la
vérification de la mémoire vidéo (VBV, video buffering verifier).
12) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau § suivant: Code temporel d'acquisition
Le code temporel d'acquisition décrit le temps initial d'acquisition ou de création des trames ou bitrames du contenu.
Il contient des marqueurs temporels absolus pour les bitrames ou trames associées. Un seul code temporel d'acquisition
pour chaque image doit être présent dans le flux binaire. Ce code temporel ne doit pas avoir la priorité sur un code
temporel quelconque spécifié en vue de la présentation ou du décodage au niveau du multiplexeur du système, par
exemple les marqueurs temporels de présentation ou de décodage définis dans la Rec. UIT-T H.222.0 | ISO/CEI 13818-1
type de code temporel (timecode_type) – Entier à 2 bits indiquant le nombre de marqueurs temporels associés à cette
image, tel qu'il est défini dans le Tableau 6-22. Les valeurs '00', '10' et '11' doivent uniquement être utilisées lorsque la
structure d'image (picture_structure) est égale à "image bitrame". La valeur '00' indique que les deux trames qui
composent l'image bitrame présentent le même instant d'acquisition. Lorsque le type de code temporel est '11', le premier
marqueur temporel se rapporte à la première trame de l'image bitrame et le second se rapporte à la seconde trame de
l'image bitrame.
Tableau 6-22 – Valeurs de type de code temporel (timecode_type values)
Valeur Signification
00 Un marqueur temporel pour la bitrame
01 Un marqueur temporel pour la première ou l'unique trame
10 Un marqueur temporel pour la seconde trame
11 Deux marqueurs temporels, un pour chacune des deux trames

type de comptage (counting_type) – Entier à 3 bits indiquant la méthode utilisée pour compenser la valeur du
paramètre de comptage de nframes des marqueurs temporels d'acquisition de trame ou d'image bitrame dans le but de
corriger le décalage par rapport au temps réel dans les paramètres restants de chaque marqueur temporel.
Tableau 6-23 – Valeurs de counting_type
Valeur Signification
000 Paramètre nframes pas utilisé
001 Pas d'abandon de valeurs de comptage nframes
010 Abandon de valeurs zéro individuelles de comptage nframes
011 Abandon de valeurs max_nframes individuelles de comptage nframes
100 Abandon des deux valeurs de comptage nframes les plus faibles (0 et 1) quand
les unités de seconde et de dix secondes sont égales à zéro et que les unités de
minutes sont différentes de zéro
101 Abandon de valeurs de comptage nframes individuelles non spécifiées
110 Abandon de nombres non spécifiés de valeurs de comptage nframes non
111 Réservé

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
code de conversion de nframes_(nframes_conversion_code) – Entier non signé de 1 bit qui indique le facteur de
conversion à utiliser pour déterminer la durée indiquée par le paramètre nframes de chaque marqueur temporel
d'acquisition de trame ou d'image bitrame. Le facteur spécifié est 1000 + code de conversion de nframes.
diviseur d'horloge (clock_divisor) – Entier non signé de 7 bits contenant le nombre de divisions de l'horloge de système
à 27 MHz qu'il convient d'appliquer pour générer le marqueur temporel équivalent pour le marqueur temporel
d'acquisition de chaque trame et de chaque image bitrame.
multiplicateur nframes fort, multiplicateur nframes faible (nframes_multiplier_upper,
nframes_multiplier_lower) – Respectivement le bit de poids fort et le bit de poids faible du multiplicateur de nframes.
multiplicateur de nframes (nframes_multiplier) – Entier non signé utilisé pour générer le marqueur temporel
équivalent du marqueur temporel d'acquisition de chaque trame et de chaque image bitrame, tel que spécifié par
nframes_multiplier_upper et nframes_multiplier_lower.
13) Nouveau §
Ajouter le nouveau paragraphe suivant: Marqueur temporel d'acquisition de bitrame ou de trame
nframes – Entier non signé à 8 bits contenant le nombre d'incréments temporels d'image bitrame qu'il convient d'ajouter
dans le calcul du marqueur temporel équivalent. La valeur de nframes ne doit pas être supérieure au nombre maximum
de nframes tel qu'il est calculé au moyen de la formule suivante:
max_nframes = (26 999 999) / (nframes_multiplier *
(1000 + nframes_conversion_code) * clock_divisor)
où "/" est l'opérateur de division défini au § 4.1.
discontinuité temporelle (time_discontinuity) – Fanion à 1 bit indiquant si une discontinuité temporelle ou de base
temporelle s'est produite entre le marqueur temporel précédent et le marqueur temporel en cours. Si ce fanion est mis à
'0', la différence de temps pouvant être calculée entre les marqueurs temporels en cours et précédent représente la durée
d'affichage idéale de la trame ou image bitrame précédente. S'il est mis à '1', la différence de temps entre les marqueurs
temporels précédents et en cours pouvant être calculée n'a pas de sens précise. Si, lors du montage, de telles
discontinuités se produisent, ou si le marqueur temporel précédent de la trame ou de l'image bitrame est indisponible, le
bit de la structure time_discontinuity doit être mis à '1'.
suppression de comptage préalable (prior_count_dropped) – Fanion à 1 bit indiquant si une ou plusieurs valeurs du
paramètre nframes ont été supprimées dans le but de freiner l'accumulation de dérive dans les autres paramètres du
marqueur temporel. Doit être zéro si le type de comptage est '001', si le type de comptage est '010' avec nframes différent
de 1, si le type de comptage est '011' avec nframes différent de 0 et si le type de comptage est '100' avec nframes
différent de 2.
décalage temporel partie a (time_offset_part_a) – Entier à 6 bits contenant les bits de poids le plus fort de time_offset.
décalage temporel partie b (time_offset_part_b) – Entier non signé à 8 bits contenant les bits de poids le plus fort
venant en deuxième position de time_offset.
décalage temporel partie c (time_offset_part_c) – Entier non signé à 8 bits contenant les bits de poids le plus fort
venant en troisième position de time_offset.
décalage temporel partie d (time_offset_part_d) – Entier non signé à 8 bits contenant les bits de poids le plus faible de
décalage temporel (time_offset) – Entier signé à 30 bits en format de complément à deux qui est le nombre de cycles
d'horloge (de système original à 27 MHz ou avec une fréquence d'horloge modifiée par un diviseur d'horloge) décalés à
partir de l'instant spécifié par les autres paramètres du marqueur temporel de trame ou d'image bitrame afin de spécifier
le marqueur temporel équivalent correspondant à l'instant où la trame ou l'image bitrame en cours a été acquise. Lorsque
le type de comptage est 0, la valeur de time_offset sera limitée par le codeur qui imposera des valeurs inférieures à
27 000 000 en magnitude.
unités de secondes (units_of_seconds) – Entier non signé à 4 bits utilisé pour le calcul du marqueur temporel
équivalent. Il représente la partie du marqueur temporel de cette trame ou bitrame exprimée en secondes modulo 10. Le
Tableau 6-24 définit la gamme de valeurs autorisée.
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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
Tableau 6-24 – Valeurs d'unités de secondes (units_of_seconds values)
Valeur Signification
0000-1001 Nombre de secondes modulo 10
1010-1111 Valeur interdite

dizaines de secondes (tens_of_seconds) – Entier non signé à 4 bits utilisé pour le calcul du marqueur temporel
équivalent. Il représente la partie du marqueur temporel de cette trame ou bitrame exprimée en secondes divisées par 10.
Le Tableau 6-25 définit la gamme de valeurs autorisée.

Tableau 6-25 – Valeurs de dizaines de secondes (tens_of_seconds values)
Valeur Signification
0000-0101 Nombre de secondes/10
0110-1111 Valeur interdite

unités de minutes (units_of_minutes) – Entier à 4 bits utilisé pour le calcul du marqueur temporel équivalent. Il
représente la partie du marqueur temporel de cette trame ou bitrame exprimée en minutes modulo 10. Le Tableau 6-26
définit la gamme de valeurs autorisée.

Tableau 6-26 – Valeurs d'unités de minutes (units_of_minutes values)
Valeur Signification
0000-1001 Nombre de minutes modulo 10
1010-1111 Valeur interdite

dizaines de minutes (tens_of_minutes) – Entier à 4 bits utilisé pour le calcul du marqueur temporel équivalent.
Il représente la partie du marqueur temporel de cette trame ou bitrame exprimée en minutes divisées par 10. Le
Tableau 6-27 définit la gamme de valeurs autorisée.

Tableau 6-27 – Valeurs de dizaines de minutes (tens_of_minutes values)
Valeur Signification
0000-0101 Nombre de minutes/10
0110-1111 Valeur interdite

unités d'heures (units_of_hours) – Entier à 4 bits utilisé pour le calcul du marqueur temporel équivalent. Il représente
la partie du marqueur temporel de cette trame ou bitrame exprimée en heures modulo 10. Le Tableau 6-28 définit la
gamme de valeurs autorisée. Il ne dépassera pas la valeur '3' si la structure tens_of_hours est égale à '2'.

Tableau 6-28 – Valeurs d'unités d'heures (units_of_hours values)
Valeur Signification
0000-1001 Nombre d'heures modulo 10
1010-1111 Valeur interdite

10 UIT-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 F)

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ISO/CEI 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (F)
dizaines d'heures (tens_of_hours) – Entier à 4 bits utilisé pour le calcul du marqueur temporel équivalent. Il représente
la partie du marqueur temporel de cette trame ou bitrame exprimée en heures divisées par 10. Le Tableau 6-29 définit la
gamme de valeurs autorisée.
Tableau 6-29 – Valeurs de dizaines d'heures (tens_of_hours values)
Valeur Signification
0000–0010 Nombre d'heures/10
0011–1111 Valeur interdite

Lorsque le type de comptage est 0, un marqueur temporel équivalent exprimé en cycles d'horloge de système à 27 MHz
est défini à partir de la formule suivante:
marqueur temporel équivalent (equivalent_timestamp) = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 + time_offset
Lorsque le type de comptage est 0, les valeurs des paramètres à l'intérieur du marqueur temporel seront contraintes par le
codeur de façon que equivalent_timestamp ne soit pas inférieur à 0 et ne dépasse pas 2 332 799 999 999.
Lorsque le type de comptage est différent de 0, un marqueur temporel équivalent exprimé en cycles d'horloge de système
à 27 MHz est défini à partir de la formule suivante:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 +
(nframes * (nframes_multiplier * (1000 + nframes_conversion_code)) +
time_offset) * clock_divisor
Lorsque le type de comptage est différent de 0, les valeurs des paramètres dans le code temporel seront contraintes par le
codeur de façon que equivalent_timestamp ne soit pas inférieur à 0.
Deux structure

SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd 1:2001
35.040 Nabori znakov in kodiranje Character sets and
informacij information coding
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010

STANDARD 13818-2
Second edition
Corrected version

Information technology — Generic coding
of moving pictures and associated audio
information: Video
AMENDMENT 1: Content description data
Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images animées et
du son associé: Données vidéo
AMENDEMENT 1: Données de description du contenu

Reference number

ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
 ISO/IEC 2001

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
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ii © ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)

1) Subclause 6.2.3. 1
2) New subclause . 2

3) New subclause 2
4) New subclause 3
5) New subclause 4
6) New subclause 5
7) New subclause 6
8) New subclause 7
9) Subclause 6.3.9. 7
10) New subclause 6.3.21 . 7
11) New subclause . 8
12) New subclause . 8
13) New subclause 9
14) New subclause . 11
15) New subclause . 12
16) New subclause . 12
17) Subclause E.1. 13
18) New annex K. 14
K.1 Progressive and non-progressive encoding . 14
K.2 Video source timing information syntax . 14
K.3 Content generation practices . 14
K.4 Post-encoding editing of the progressive frame flag in video bitstreams . 17
K.5 Post-processing for systems with progressive scan displays . 17
K.6 Use of capture timecode information.17
© ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have
established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Amendment may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Amendment 1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and
hypermedia information, in collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Rec. H.262/Amd.1.
This corrected version of ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 incorporates the following corrections:
 title of the amendment (cover page and page 1);
 edition number of ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 (cover page).

iv © ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/Amd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2000 (E)
ITU-T Rec. H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (2000 E)
Content description data
1) Subclause 6.2.3
Replace subclause 6.2.3 by:
6.2.3 Picture header
picture_header() { No. of bits Mnemonic
picture_start_code 32 bslbf
temporal_reference 10 uimsbf
picture_coding_type 3uimsbf
vbv_delay 16 uimsbf
if ( picture_coding_type == 2 || picture_coding_type == 3) {
full_pel_forward_vector 1bslbf
forward_f_code 3bslbf
if ( picture_coding_type ==3) {
full_pel_backward_vector 1bslbf
backward_f_code 3bslbf
while ( nextbits() == '1' ) {
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '1' */ 1 uimsbf
content_description_data() /* with every 9 bit having the value '1' */
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '0' */ 1 uimsbf
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
2) New subclause
Insert new subclause Content description data
content_description_data() { No. of bits Mnemonic
data_type_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
data_type_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
data_length 8uimsbf
if ( data_type == "Padding Bytes" )
else if ( data_type == "Capture Timecode" )
else if ( data_type == "Additional Pan-Scan Parameters" )
else if ( data_type == "Active Region Window" )
else if ( data_type == "Coded Picture Length" )
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_content_description_data 8uimsbf
3) New subclause
Insert new subclause Padding bytes
padding_bytes() { No. of bits Mnemonic
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
padding_byte 8bslbf
2 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
4) New subclause
Insert new subclause Capture timecode
capture_timecode() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
timecode_type 2uimsbf
counting_type 3uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
if ( counting_type !=0) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_conversion_code 1uimsbf
clock_divisor 7uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_multiplier_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_multiplier_lower 8
if ( timecode_type == '11' )
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
5) New subclause
Insert new subclause Frame or field capture timestamp
frame_or_field_capture_timestamp() { No. of bits Mnemonic
if ( counting_type !=0) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_discontinuity 1uimsbf
prior_count_dropped 1uimsbf
time_offset_part_a 6simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_b 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_c 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_d 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_seconds 4uimsbf
tens_of_seconds 4uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_minutes 4uimsbf
tens_of_minutes 4uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_hours 4uimsbf
tens_of_hours 4uimsbf
4 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
6) New subclause
Insert new subclause Additional pan-scan parameters
additional_pan_scan_parameters() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
aspect_ratio_information 4uimsbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_size_present 1bslbf
if (display_size_present == '1' ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_horizontal_size_upper 6uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
display_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_vertical_size_upper 6uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
display_vertical_size_lower 8
for ( i = 0; i < number_of_frame_centre_offsets; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper 8simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper 8simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower 8
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
7) New subclause
Insert new subclause Active region window
active_region_window() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_x_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_x_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_y_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_y_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_horizontal_size_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_vertical_size_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_vertical_size_lower 8
6 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
8) New subclause
Insert new subclause Coded picture length
coded_picture_length() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_a 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_b 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_c 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_d 8
9) Subclause 6.3.9
Replace the semantics for extra_bit_picture and extra_information_picture with the following (removing the semantics
for extra_information_picture):
extra_bit_picture – This flag indicates the presence of the following extra information. If extra_bit_picture is set to '1',
content_description_data() shall follow it. If it is set to '0', no further content_description_data() shall follow in this
picture header.
10) New subclause 6.3.21
Insert new subclause 6.3.21:
6.3.21 Content description data
data_type_upper, data_type_lower – Two 8-bit unsigned integer values containing the most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of the value of the 16-bit unsigned integer data_type that defines the type of content
description data. The semantics of data_type are defined in Table 6-21.
Table 6-21 – data_type values
Value Meaning
0000 0000 0000 0000 Reserved
0000 0000 0000 0001 Padding Bytes
0000 0000 0000 0010 Capture Timecode
0000 0000 0000 0011 Additional Pan-Scan Parameters
0000 0000 0000 0100 Active Region Window
0000 0000 0000 0101 Coded Picture Length
0000 0000 0000 0110 Reserved
1111 1111 1111 1111 Reserved
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
data_length – An 8-bit unsigned integer specifying the remaining amount of data to follow within the remainder of the
content description data structure, expressed in units of 9 bits. The number of bits of data which follows within the
remainder of the content description data structure shall be equal to data_length * 9.
reserved_content_description_data – Reserved 8-bit unsigned integer. A decoder that encounters
reserved_content_description_data in a bitstream shall ignore it (i.e. remove from the bitstream and discard). A bitstream
conforming to this Specification shall not contain this syntax element.
In the case that a decoder encounters a data_type unsigned integer that is described as "reserved" in Table 6-21, the
decoder shall discard the subsequent pairings of marker_bit and reserved_content_description_data which follow
data_length in the bitstream. The number of such pairings shall be equal to data_length. This requirement allows future
definition of compatible extensions to this Specification.
reserved_bit – Reserved 1-bit unsigned integer. Shall be equal to '0' in bitstreams conforming to this Specification. The
value '1' is reserved for future backward-compatible use by ITU-T | ISO/IEC. A decoder conforming to this Specification
shall allow either a value of '0' or '1' for reserved_bit.
11) New subclause
Insert new subclause Padding bytes
padding_byte – An 8-bit string which shall be equal to '0000 0000'. All other values are forbidden.
NOTE – The purpose of padding bytes is to allow inclusion of a number of bytes of data which are included in VBV calculations.
12) New subclause
Insert new subclause Capture timecode
The capture timecode describes the source capture or creation time of the fields or frames of the content.
It contains absolute timestamps for the associated frame or fields. Only one capture timecode for each picture shall be
present in the bitstream. This timecode shall not take precedence over any timecode specified for presentation or
decoding at a systems multiplex level, for example the presentation time stamps or decoding time stamps defined in
ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 (Systems).
timecode_type – A 2-bit integer that indicates the number of timestamps associated with this picture as defined in Table
6-22. The values '00', '10', and '11' shall only be used when picture_structure is equal to 'Frame Picture'. The value '00'
indicates that the two fields that make up the frame have the same capture time. When timecode_type is equal to '11', the
first timestamp pertains to the first field of the frame and the second timestamp pertains to the second field of the frame.
Table 6-22 – timecode_type values
Value Meaning
00 one timestamp for the frame
01 one timestamp for the first or only field
10 one timestamp for the second field
11 two timestamps, one for each of two fields
counting_type – A 3-bit integer that indicates the method used for compensating the nframes counting parameter of the
frame or field capture timestamps to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of each timestamp.
8 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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Table 6-23 – counting_type values
Value Meaning
000 nframes parameter not used
001 no dropping of nframes count values
010 dropping of individual zero values of nframes count
011 dropping of individual max_nframes values of nframes count
100 dropping of the two lowest (values 0 and 1) nframes counts when
units_of_seconds and tens_of_seconds are zero and
units_of_minutes is not zero
101 dropping of unspecified individual nframes count values
110 dropping of unspecified numbers of unspecified nframes count
111 reserved
nframes_conversion_code – A 1-bit unsigned integer that indicates a conversion factor to be used in determining the
amount of time indicated by the nframes parameters of each frame or field capture timestamp. The factor specified is
1000 + nframes_conversion_code.
clock_divisor – A 7-bit unsigned integer that contains the number of divisions of the 27 MHz system clock to be applied
for generating the equivalent timestamp for each frame or field capture timestamp.
nframes_multiplier_upper, nframes_multiplier_lower – The most significant and least significant bits, respectively,
of nframes_multiplier.
nframes_multiplier – An unsigned integer multiplier used for generating the equivalent timestamp for each frame or
field capture timestamp as specified by nframes_multiplier_upper and nframes_multiplier_lower.
13) New subclause
Insert new subclause Frame or field capture timestamp
nframes – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the number of frame time increments to add in deriving the equivalent
timestamp. The value of nframes shall not be greater than the value of max_nframes as derived by the following formula:
max_nframes = (26 999 999) / (nframes_multiplier *
(1000 + nframes_conversion_code) * clock_divisor)
where "/" indicates the division operator defined in 4.1.
time_discontinuity – A 1-bit flag that indicates if a discontinuity in time or timebase between the previous timestamp
and the current timestamp has occurred. If set to '0', the time difference that can be calculated between the current and
previous timestamps is the ideal display duration of the previous frame or field. If set to '1', the time difference that can
be calculated between the current and previous timestamps has no defined meaning. If editing occurs that results in time
or timebase discontinuities or if the previous field or frame timestamp is unavailable, the time_discontinuity bit shall be
set to '1'.
prior_count_dropped – A 1-bit flag indicating whether the counting of one or more values of the nframes parameter
was dropped in order to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of the timestamp. Shall be zero if
counting_type is '001'. Shall be zero if counting_type is '010' and nframes is not equal to 1. Shall be zero if
counting_type is '011' and nframes is not equal to 0. Shall be zero if counting_type is '100' and nframes is not equal to 2.
time_offset_part_a – A 6-bit integer containing the most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_b – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the second most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_c – An 8 bit unsigned integer containing the third most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_d – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the least significant bits of time_offset.
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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
time_offset – A two's complement signed 30-bit integer that is the number of clock cycles (in original 27 MHz system
clock cycles or with a clock frequency modified by clock_divisor) offset from the time specified by the other parameters
of the frame or field capture timestamp in order to specify the equivalent timestamp for when the current field or frame
was captured. When counting_type is 0, the value of time_offset shall be constrained by the encoder to be less than
27 000 000 in magnitude.
units_of_seconds – A 4-bit unsigned integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion
of the timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds modulo 10. Table 6-24 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-24 – units_of_seconds values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of seconds modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
tens_of seconds – A 4-bit unsigned integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of
the timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds divided by 10. Table 6-25 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-25 – tens_of_seconds values
Value Meaning
0000-0101 number of seconds/10
0110-1111 forbidden
units_of_minutes – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in minutes modulo 10. Table 6-26 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-26 – units_of_minutes values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of minutes modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
tens_of_minutes – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds divided by 10. Table 6-27 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-27 – tens_of_minutes values
Value Meaning
0000-0101 number of minutes/10
0110-1111 forbidden
units_of_hours – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in hours modulo 10. Table 6-28 defines the allowed range of values. Shall not
exceed a value of "3" if tens_of_hours is equal to "2".
Table 6-28 – units_of_hours values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of hours modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
10 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
tens_of_hours – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. This field represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in hours divided by 10. Table 6-29 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-29 – tens_of_hours values
Value Meaning
0000-0010 number of hours/10
0011-1111 forbidden
When counting_type is 0, an equivalent timestamp represented in 27 MHz system clock cycles is defined by the
following formula:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 + time_offset
When counting_type is 0, the values of the parameters within the timestamp shall be constrained by the encoder such that
equivalent_timestamp shall not be less than 0 and shall not exceed 2 332 799 999 999.
When counting_type is not 0, an equivalent timestamp represented in 27 MHz system clock cycles is defined by the
following formula:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 +
(nframes * (nframes_multiplier * (1000 + nframes_conversion_code)) +
time_offset) * clock_divisor
When counting_type is not 0, the values of the parameters within the timecode shall be constrained by the encoder such
that equivalent_timestamp shall not be less than 0.
Two identical equivalent_timestamps calculated from consecutive frames or fields without an intervening
time_discontinuity indicate that both frames or fields were captured or created at the same instant in time.
14) New subclause
Insert new subclause Additional pan-scan parameters
Additional pan-scan parameters allows carriage of pan-scan information for more than one display type. For example, if
the information encoded for a pan-scan process in the sequence header, sequence display extension, and picture display
extension is used to define the parameters needed for display on a 3:4 display aspect ratio display, the additional pan-
scan parameters can define the parameters needed for display on a 9:16 aspect ratio display.
aspect_ratio_information – A 4-bit integer value that is defined in 6.3.3 (sequence header). A value for
aspect_ratio_information which is equal to the value specified in the sequence_header() shall not occur.
display_size_present – A 1-bit flag, when set to '1', indicates the presence of the display_horizontal_size_upper,
display_horizontal_size_lower, display_vertical_size_upper, and display_vertical_size_lower parameters. When set to
'0', the previous values of display_horizontal_size and display_vertical_size corresponding to the value of
aspect_ratio_information shall be used. For a specific aspect ratio, this field should be set to '1' in the first picture header
after any sequence_header(). Following a sequence_header(), the value of display_horizontal_size and
display_vertical_size shall be the value defined in the sequence_display_extension().
display_horizontal_size_upper – The 6 most significant bits of display_horizontal_size.
display_horizontal_size_lower – The 8 least significant bits of display_horizontal_size.
display_horizontal_size – A 14-bit integer value defined in 6.3.6 (sequence display extension). For any specific value of
aspect_ratio_information, the value of this parameter shall remain the same for the sequence.
display_vertical_size_upper – The 6 most significant bits of display_vertical_size.
display_vertical_size_lower – The 8 least significant bits of display_vertical_size.
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display_vertical_size – A 14-bit integer value defined in 6.3.6 (sequence display extension). For any specific value of
aspect_ratio_information, the value of this parameter shall remain the same for the sequence.
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper, frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower –The 8most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of frame_centre_horizontal_offset.
frame_centre_horizontal_offset – A 16-bit signed integer defined in 6.3.12 (picture display extension).
frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper, frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower –The 8most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of frame_cent

SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd 1:2001
35.040 Nabori znakov in kodiranje Character sets and
informacij information coding
SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010

STANDARD 13818-2
Second edition
Corrected version

Information technology — Generic coding
of moving pictures and associated audio
information: Video
AMENDMENT 1: Content description data
Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images animées et
du son associé: Données vidéo
AMENDEMENT 1: Données de description du contenu

Reference number

ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
 ISO/IEC 2001

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
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ii © ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)

1) Subclause 6.2.3. 1
2) New subclause . 2

3) New subclause 2
4) New subclause 3
5) New subclause 4
6) New subclause 5
7) New subclause 6
8) New subclause 7
9) Subclause 6.3.9. 7
10) New subclause 6.3.21 . 7
11) New subclause . 8
12) New subclause . 8
13) New subclause 9
14) New subclause . 11
15) New subclause . 12
16) New subclause . 12
17) Subclause E.1. 13
18) New annex K. 14
K.1 Progressive and non-progressive encoding . 14
K.2 Video source timing information syntax . 14
K.3 Content generation practices . 14
K.4 Post-encoding editing of the progressive frame flag in video bitstreams . 17
K.5 Post-processing for systems with progressive scan displays . 17
K.6 Use of capture timecode information.17
© ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have
established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Amendment may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Amendment 1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and
hypermedia information, in collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Rec. H.262/Amd.1.
This corrected version of ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 incorporates the following corrections:
 title of the amendment (cover page and page 1);
 edition number of ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000 (cover page).

iv © ISO/IEC 2001 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO/IEC 13818-2:2005/oAmd 1:2010
ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2000 (E)
ITU-T Rec. H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (2000 E)
Content description data
1) Subclause 6.2.3
Replace subclause 6.2.3 by:
6.2.3 Picture header
picture_header() { No. of bits Mnemonic
picture_start_code 32 bslbf
temporal_reference 10 uimsbf
picture_coding_type 3uimsbf
vbv_delay 16 uimsbf
if ( picture_coding_type == 2 || picture_coding_type == 3) {
full_pel_forward_vector 1bslbf
forward_f_code 3bslbf
if ( picture_coding_type ==3) {
full_pel_backward_vector 1bslbf
backward_f_code 3bslbf
while ( nextbits() == '1' ) {
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '1' */ 1 uimsbf
content_description_data() /* with every 9 bit having the value '1' */
extra_bit_picture /* with the value '0' */ 1 uimsbf
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2) New subclause
Insert new subclause Content description data
content_description_data() { No. of bits Mnemonic
data_type_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
data_type_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
data_length 8uimsbf
if ( data_type == "Padding Bytes" )
else if ( data_type == "Capture Timecode" )
else if ( data_type == "Additional Pan-Scan Parameters" )
else if ( data_type == "Active Region Window" )
else if ( data_type == "Coded Picture Length" )
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_content_description_data 8uimsbf
3) New subclause
Insert new subclause Padding bytes
padding_bytes() { No. of bits Mnemonic
for ( i = 0; i < data_length; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
padding_byte 8bslbf
2 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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4) New subclause
Insert new subclause Capture timecode
capture_timecode() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
timecode_type 2uimsbf
counting_type 3uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
reserved_bit 1uimsbf
if ( counting_type !=0) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_conversion_code 1uimsbf
clock_divisor 7uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_multiplier_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes_multiplier_lower 8
if ( timecode_type == '11' )
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5) New subclause
Insert new subclause Frame or field capture timestamp
frame_or_field_capture_timestamp() { No. of bits Mnemonic
if ( counting_type !=0) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
nframes 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_discontinuity 1uimsbf
prior_count_dropped 1uimsbf
time_offset_part_a 6simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_b 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_c 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
time_offset_part_d 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_seconds 4uimsbf
tens_of_seconds 4uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_minutes 4uimsbf
tens_of_minutes 4uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
units_of_hours 4uimsbf
tens_of_hours 4uimsbf
4 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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6) New subclause
Insert new subclause Additional pan-scan parameters
additional_pan_scan_parameters() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
aspect_ratio_information 4uimsbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_size_present 1bslbf
if (display_size_present == '1' ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_horizontal_size_upper 6uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
display_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
reserved_bit 1bslbf
display_vertical_size_upper 6uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
display_vertical_size_lower 8
for ( i = 0; i < number_of_frame_centre_offsets; i ++ ) {
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper 8simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper 8simsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower 8
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7) New subclause
Insert new subclause Active region window
active_region_window() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_x_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_x_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_y_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
top_left_y_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_horizontal_size_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_horizontal_size_lower 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_vertical_size_upper 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
active_vertical_size_lower 8
6 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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8) New subclause
Insert new subclause Coded picture length
coded_picture_length() { No. of bits Mnemonic
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_a 8uimsbf
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_b 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_c 8
marker_bit 1bslbf
picture_byte_count_part_d 8
9) Subclause 6.3.9
Replace the semantics for extra_bit_picture and extra_information_picture with the following (removing the semantics
for extra_information_picture):
extra_bit_picture – This flag indicates the presence of the following extra information. If extra_bit_picture is set to '1',
content_description_data() shall follow it. If it is set to '0', no further content_description_data() shall follow in this
picture header.
10) New subclause 6.3.21
Insert new subclause 6.3.21:
6.3.21 Content description data
data_type_upper, data_type_lower – Two 8-bit unsigned integer values containing the most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of the value of the 16-bit unsigned integer data_type that defines the type of content
description data. The semantics of data_type are defined in Table 6-21.
Table 6-21 – data_type values
Value Meaning
0000 0000 0000 0000 Reserved
0000 0000 0000 0001 Padding Bytes
0000 0000 0000 0010 Capture Timecode
0000 0000 0000 0011 Additional Pan-Scan Parameters
0000 0000 0000 0100 Active Region Window
0000 0000 0000 0101 Coded Picture Length
0000 0000 0000 0110 Reserved
1111 1111 1111 1111 Reserved
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data_length – An 8-bit unsigned integer specifying the remaining amount of data to follow within the remainder of the
content description data structure, expressed in units of 9 bits. The number of bits of data which follows within the
remainder of the content description data structure shall be equal to data_length * 9.
reserved_content_description_data – Reserved 8-bit unsigned integer. A decoder that encounters
reserved_content_description_data in a bitstream shall ignore it (i.e. remove from the bitstream and discard). A bitstream
conforming to this Specification shall not contain this syntax element.
In the case that a decoder encounters a data_type unsigned integer that is described as "reserved" in Table 6-21, the
decoder shall discard the subsequent pairings of marker_bit and reserved_content_description_data which follow
data_length in the bitstream. The number of such pairings shall be equal to data_length. This requirement allows future
definition of compatible extensions to this Specification.
reserved_bit – Reserved 1-bit unsigned integer. Shall be equal to '0' in bitstreams conforming to this Specification. The
value '1' is reserved for future backward-compatible use by ITU-T | ISO/IEC. A decoder conforming to this Specification
shall allow either a value of '0' or '1' for reserved_bit.
11) New subclause
Insert new subclause Padding bytes
padding_byte – An 8-bit string which shall be equal to '0000 0000'. All other values are forbidden.
NOTE – The purpose of padding bytes is to allow inclusion of a number of bytes of data which are included in VBV calculations.
12) New subclause
Insert new subclause Capture timecode
The capture timecode describes the source capture or creation time of the fields or frames of the content.
It contains absolute timestamps for the associated frame or fields. Only one capture timecode for each picture shall be
present in the bitstream. This timecode shall not take precedence over any timecode specified for presentation or
decoding at a systems multiplex level, for example the presentation time stamps or decoding time stamps defined in
ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 (Systems).
timecode_type – A 2-bit integer that indicates the number of timestamps associated with this picture as defined in Table
6-22. The values '00', '10', and '11' shall only be used when picture_structure is equal to 'Frame Picture'. The value '00'
indicates that the two fields that make up the frame have the same capture time. When timecode_type is equal to '11', the
first timestamp pertains to the first field of the frame and the second timestamp pertains to the second field of the frame.
Table 6-22 – timecode_type values
Value Meaning
00 one timestamp for the frame
01 one timestamp for the first or only field
10 one timestamp for the second field
11 two timestamps, one for each of two fields
counting_type – A 3-bit integer that indicates the method used for compensating the nframes counting parameter of the
frame or field capture timestamps to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of each timestamp.
8 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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Table 6-23 – counting_type values
Value Meaning
000 nframes parameter not used
001 no dropping of nframes count values
010 dropping of individual zero values of nframes count
011 dropping of individual max_nframes values of nframes count
100 dropping of the two lowest (values 0 and 1) nframes counts when
units_of_seconds and tens_of_seconds are zero and
units_of_minutes is not zero
101 dropping of unspecified individual nframes count values
110 dropping of unspecified numbers of unspecified nframes count
111 reserved
nframes_conversion_code – A 1-bit unsigned integer that indicates a conversion factor to be used in determining the
amount of time indicated by the nframes parameters of each frame or field capture timestamp. The factor specified is
1000 + nframes_conversion_code.
clock_divisor – A 7-bit unsigned integer that contains the number of divisions of the 27 MHz system clock to be applied
for generating the equivalent timestamp for each frame or field capture timestamp.
nframes_multiplier_upper, nframes_multiplier_lower – The most significant and least significant bits, respectively,
of nframes_multiplier.
nframes_multiplier – An unsigned integer multiplier used for generating the equivalent timestamp for each frame or
field capture timestamp as specified by nframes_multiplier_upper and nframes_multiplier_lower.
13) New subclause
Insert new subclause Frame or field capture timestamp
nframes – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the number of frame time increments to add in deriving the equivalent
timestamp. The value of nframes shall not be greater than the value of max_nframes as derived by the following formula:
max_nframes = (26 999 999) / (nframes_multiplier *
(1000 + nframes_conversion_code) * clock_divisor)
where "/" indicates the division operator defined in 4.1.
time_discontinuity – A 1-bit flag that indicates if a discontinuity in time or timebase between the previous timestamp
and the current timestamp has occurred. If set to '0', the time difference that can be calculated between the current and
previous timestamps is the ideal display duration of the previous frame or field. If set to '1', the time difference that can
be calculated between the current and previous timestamps has no defined meaning. If editing occurs that results in time
or timebase discontinuities or if the previous field or frame timestamp is unavailable, the time_discontinuity bit shall be
set to '1'.
prior_count_dropped – A 1-bit flag indicating whether the counting of one or more values of the nframes parameter
was dropped in order to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of the timestamp. Shall be zero if
counting_type is '001'. Shall be zero if counting_type is '010' and nframes is not equal to 1. Shall be zero if
counting_type is '011' and nframes is not equal to 0. Shall be zero if counting_type is '100' and nframes is not equal to 2.
time_offset_part_a – A 6-bit integer containing the most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_b – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the second most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_c – An 8 bit unsigned integer containing the third most significant bits of time_offset.
time_offset_part_d – An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the least significant bits of time_offset.
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time_offset – A two's complement signed 30-bit integer that is the number of clock cycles (in original 27 MHz system
clock cycles or with a clock frequency modified by clock_divisor) offset from the time specified by the other parameters
of the frame or field capture timestamp in order to specify the equivalent timestamp for when the current field or frame
was captured. When counting_type is 0, the value of time_offset shall be constrained by the encoder to be less than
27 000 000 in magnitude.
units_of_seconds – A 4-bit unsigned integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion
of the timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds modulo 10. Table 6-24 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-24 – units_of_seconds values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of seconds modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
tens_of seconds – A 4-bit unsigned integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of
the timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds divided by 10. Table 6-25 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-25 – tens_of_seconds values
Value Meaning
0000-0101 number of seconds/10
0110-1111 forbidden
units_of_minutes – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in minutes modulo 10. Table 6-26 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-26 – units_of_minutes values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of minutes modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
tens_of_minutes – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in seconds divided by 10. Table 6-27 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-27 – tens_of_minutes values
Value Meaning
0000-0101 number of minutes/10
0110-1111 forbidden
units_of_hours – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. It represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in hours modulo 10. Table 6-28 defines the allowed range of values. Shall not
exceed a value of "3" if tens_of_hours is equal to "2".
Table 6-28 – units_of_hours values
Value Meaning
0000-1001 number of hours modulo 10
1010-1111 forbidden
10 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1 (11/2000 E)

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ISO/IEC 13818-2 : 2000/Amd.1 : 2001 (E)
tens_of_hours – A 4-bit integer that is used to calculate the equivalent timestamp. This field represents the portion of the
timestamp of this field or frame measured in hours divided by 10. Table 6-29 defines the allowed range of values.
Table 6-29 – tens_of_hours values
Value Meaning
0000-0010 number of hours/10
0011-1111 forbidden
When counting_type is 0, an equivalent timestamp represented in 27 MHz system clock cycles is defined by the
following formula:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 + time_offset
When counting_type is 0, the values of the parameters within the timestamp shall be constrained by the encoder such that
equivalent_timestamp shall not be less than 0 and shall not exceed 2 332 799 999 999.
When counting_type is not 0, an equivalent timestamp represented in 27 MHz system clock cycles is defined by the
following formula:
equivalent_timestamp = (60 * (60 * (units_of_hours + 10 * tens_of_hours) +
(units_of_minutes + 10 * tens_of_minutes)) +
units_of_seconds + 10 * tens_of_seconds) * 27 000 000 +
(nframes * (nframes_multiplier * (1000 + nframes_conversion_code)) +
time_offset) * clock_divisor
When counting_type is not 0, the values of the parameters within the timecode shall be constrained by the encoder such
that equivalent_timestamp shall not be less than 0.
Two identical equivalent_timestamps calculated from consecutive frames or fields without an intervening
time_discontinuity indicate that both frames or fields were captured or created at the same instant in time.
14) New subclause
Insert new subclause Additional pan-scan parameters
Additional pan-scan parameters allows carriage of pan-scan information for more than one display type. For example, if
the information encoded for a pan-scan process in the sequence header, sequence display extension, and picture display
extension is used to define the parameters needed for display on a 3:4 display aspect ratio display, the additional pan-
scan parameters can define the parameters needed for display on a 9:16 aspect ratio display.
aspect_ratio_information – A 4-bit integer value that is defined in 6.3.3 (sequence header). A value for
aspect_ratio_information which is equal to the value specified in the sequence_header() shall not occur.
display_size_present – A 1-bit flag, when set to '1', indicates the presence of the display_horizontal_size_upper,
display_horizontal_size_lower, display_vertical_size_upper, and display_vertical_size_lower parameters. When set to
'0', the previous values of display_horizontal_size and display_vertical_size corresponding to the value of
aspect_ratio_information shall be used. For a specific aspect ratio, this field should be set to '1' in the first picture header
after any sequence_header(). Following a sequence_header(), the value of display_horizontal_size and
display_vertical_size shall be the value defined in the sequence_display_extension().
display_horizontal_size_upper – The 6 most significant bits of display_horizontal_size.
display_horizontal_size_lower – The 8 least significant bits of display_horizontal_size.
display_horizontal_size – A 14-bit integer value defined in 6.3.6 (sequence display extension). For any specific value of
aspect_ratio_information, the value of this parameter shall remain the same for the sequence.
display_vertical_size_upper – The 6 most significant bits of display_vertical_size.
display_vertical_size_lower – The 8 least significant bits of display_vertical_size.
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display_vertical_size – A 14-bit integer value defined in 6.3.6 (sequence display extension). For any specific value of
aspect_ratio_information, the value of this parameter shall remain the same for the sequence.
frame_centre_horizontal_offset_upper, frame_centre_horizontal_offset_lower –The 8most significant and least
significant bits, respectively, of frame_centre_horizontal_offset.
frame_centre_horizontal_offset – A 16-bit signed integer defined in 6.3.12 (picture display extension).
frame_centre_vertical_offset_upper, frame_centre_vertical_offset_lower –The 8most significant and least
significant bits, respective

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