Private Telecommunication Network (PTN); Specification, functional models and information flows; Name identification supplementary service

Contains stage 1 and stage 2 description of the calling name id sup service, the connected name id sup service & the call/connected name id restriction sup service. See ECMA DTR/ECMA-0002 (ECMA-TR/SVC) for a description of these supplementary services. See ENV 41 005 for definition of stage 1 and 2

Zasebno telekomunikacijsko omrežje (PTN) – Specifikacija, funkcijski modeli in informacijski pretoki - Dopolnilna storitev: razpoznavanje imena

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SIST ETS 300 237 E1:2005
Zasebno telekomunikacijsko omrežje (PTN) – Specifikacija, funkcijski modeli in
informacijski pretoki - Dopolnilna storitev: razpoznavanje imena
Private Telecommunication Network (PTN); Specification, functional models and
information flows; Name identification supplementary service
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETS 300 237 Edition 1
33.040.35 Telefonska omrežja Telephone networks
SIST ETS 300 237 E1:2005 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ETS 300 237 E1:2005
Source: ETSI TC-ECMA Reference: DE/ECMA-0005
ICS: 33.080
Key words:
Private Telecommunication Network (PTN);
Specification, functional models and information flows
Name identification supplementary services
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
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Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,
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"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.

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Foreword .7
1 Scope .9
2 Conformance.9
3 References.9
4 Definitions.10
4.1 External Definitions.10
4.2 Additional Network Feature.10
4.3 Application Identifier.10
4.4 Busy .11
4.5 Busy party name .11
4.6 Call, Basic Call.11
4.7 Calling party name .11
4.8 Connected party name.11
4.9 Called party name.11
4.10 Name .11
5 List of acronyms .11
6 SS-CNIP Stage 1 Description .11
6.1 Description.11
6.1.1 General Description.11
6.1.2 Qualifications on Applicability to Telecommunication Services.12
6.2 Procedures.12
6.2.1 Provision/Withdrawal.12
6.2.2 Normal Procedures .12 Activation/Deactivation/Registration/Interrogation.12 Invocation and Operation.12
6.2.3 Exceptional Procedures .12 Invocation and Operation.12
6.3 Interactions with other Supplementary Services.12
6.3.1 Connected Name Identification Presentation (CONP) .12
6.3.2 Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction (CNIR).12
6.3.3 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP).13
6.3.4 Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP).13
6.3.5 Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) .13
6.4 Interworking Considerations .13
6.4.1 Incoming Calls.13
6.4.2 Outgoing Calls.13
6.5 Overall SDL.13
7 SS-CONP Stage 1 Description.14
7.1 Description.14
7.1.1 General Description.14
7.1.2 Qualifications on Applicability to Telecommunication Services.15
7.2 Procedures.15
7.2.1 Provision/Withdrawal.15
7.2.2 Normal Procedures .15 Activation/Deactivation/Registration/Interrogation.15 Invocation and Operation.15
7.2.3 Exceptional Procedures .15 Invocation and Operation.15
7.3 Interactions with other Supplementary Services.15
7.3.1 Calling Name Identification Presentation (CNIP) .16

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7.3.2 Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction (CNIR) . 16
7.3.3 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) . 16
7.3.4 Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP). 16
7.3.5 Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction (CLIR). 16
7.4 Interworking Considerations. 16
7.4.1 Outgoing Calls . 16
7.4.2 Incoming Calls . 16
7.5 Overall SDL. 16
8 SS-CNIR Stage 1 Description. 17
8.1 Description . 17
8.1.1 General Description. 17
8.1.2 Qualifications on applicability to Telecommunication Services. 17
8.2 Procedures. 18
8.2.1 Provision/Withdrawal . 18
8.2.2 Normal Procedures. 18 Activation/Deactivation/Registration/Interrogation . 18 Invocation and Operation. 18
8.2.3 Exceptional Procedures. 18 Invocation and Operation. 18
8.3 Interactions with other Supplementary Services . 18
8.3.1 Calling Name Identification Presentation (CNIP). 19
8.3.2 Connected Name Identification Presentation (CONP) . 19
8.3.3 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) . 19
8.3.4 Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP). 19
8.3.5 Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction (CLIR). 19
8.4 Interworking Considerations. 19
8.4.1 Incoming Calls . 19
8.4.2 Outgoing Calls . 19
8.5 Overall SDL. 19
9 SS-CNIP Stage 2 Description. 21
9.1 Functional Model. 21
9.1.1 Functional Model Description . 21
9.1.2 Description of the Functional Entities . 21
9.1.3 Relationship of Functional Model to Basic Call Functional Model . 21
9.2 Information Flows. 21
9.2.1 Definition of Information Flows . 21 INFORM 1. 22 INFORM 2. 22
9.2.2 Relationship of Information Flows to Basic Call Information Flows. 22
9.2.3 Information Flow Sequences . 22
9.3 The Functional Entity Actions. 23
9.4 Functional Entity Behaviour. 23
9.5 Allocation of Functional Entities to Physical Locations. 26
10 SS-CONP Stage 2 Description. 27
10.1 Functional Model. 27
10.1.1 Functional Model Description . 27
10.1.2 Description of the Functional Entities . 27
10.1.3 Relationship of Functional Model to Basic Call Functional Model . 27
10.2 Information Flows. 27
10.2.1 Definition of Information Flows . 27 INFORM 3. 28 INFORM 4. 28 INFORM 5. 28 INFORM 6. 29 INFORM 7. 29 INFORM 8. 29
10.2.2 Relationship of Information Flows to Basic Call Information Flows. 29
10.2.3 Information Flow Sequences . 30
10.3 Functional Entity Actions . 31
10.4 Functional Entity Behaviour. 31

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10.5 Allocation of Functional Entities to Physical Locations .34
11 SS-CNIR Stage 2 Description .34
11.1 Functional Model.34
11.1.1 Functional Model Description .34
11.1.2 Description of the Functional Entities.35
11.1.3 Relationship of Functional Model to Basic Call Functional Model.35
11.2 Information Flows .35
11.2.1 Definition of Information Flows.35
11.2.2 Relationship of Information Flows to Basic Call Information Flows.35
11.2.3 Information Flow Sequences.36
11.3 Functional Entity Actions.36
11.4 Functional Entity Behaviour .36
11.5 Allocation of Functional Entities to Physical Locations .38
Annex A (normative): Structure and Content of a PTN Name .40

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This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the European Computer
Manufacturers Association (ECMA) on behalf of its members and those of the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
This ETS is one of a series of Standards defining supplementary services applicable to Private
Telecommunication Networks (PTNs) incorporating one or more interconnected exchanges. This
particular ETS deals with Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP), Connected Name
Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) and Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction (SS-CNIR).
This ETS was produced by ECMA using the ECMA guidelines for the production of ETSs and using the
ECMA stylesheet. In order to avoid undue delays in the publication of this ETS, it has been agreed that
this ETS will not be converted to the ETSI stylesheet.

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1 Scope
This Standard specifies the supplementary services Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP),
Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) and Calling/Connected Name Identification
Restriction (SS-CNIR), which are applicable to various basic services supported by Private
Telecommunication Networks (PTNs). Basic services are specified in ETS 300 171.
Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the
called user and which provides the name of the calling user (calling party name) to the called user.
Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) is a supplementary service which is offered to
the calling user and which provides to the calling user the following:
- the name of the user who answers the call (connected party name),
- optionally the name of the alerting user (called party name),
- optionally the name of the called user who cannot be reached (busy party name).
Calling/connected Name Identification Restriction (SS-CNIR) is a supplementary service which is offered
to a user to restrict presentation of that user's name to another user.
Provision of a user's name to the PTN is outside the scope of this Standard.
Service specifications are produced in three stages, according to the method described in ENV 41005.
This Standard contains the stage 1 and 2 specifications of the Name Identification supplementary
services. The stage 1 specifications specify the supplementary services as seen by users of PTNs. The
stage 2 specifications identify the functional entities involved in the supplementary services and the
information flows between them.
2 Conformance
A stage 3 Standard shall be in conformance with this Standard if the signalling protocols and equipment
behaviour specified in the stage 3 Standard are capable of being used in a PTN which supports the
supplementary service specified in this Standard. This means that a stage 3 Standard shall be adequate
for the support of those aspects of the stage 1 and stage 2 clauses for that supplementary service which
are relevant to the interface or equipment to which the stage 3 Standard applies.
The stage 1 and stage 2 clauses which a stage 3 Standard for the Calling Name Identification
Presentation supplementary service shall support are clauses 6 and 9 respectively.
The stage 1 and stage 2 clauses which a stage 3 Standard for the Connected Name Identification
Presentation supplementary service shall support are clauses 7 and 10 respectively.
The stage 1 and stage 2 clauses which a stage 3 Standard for the Calling/Connected Name Identification
Restriction supplementary service shall support are clauses 8 and 11 respectively.
3 References
ENV 41005 (1990) Method for the Specification of Basic and Supplementary Services of
Private Telecommunication Networks
ENV 41007 (1989) Definitions of Terms in Private Telecommunication Networks
ETS 300 171 (1992) Private Telecommunication Networks (PTN) - Specification, Functional
Model and Information Flows - Control Aspects of Circuit Mode Basic
ISO 8859-1 (1987) Information processing - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -
Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1

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CCITT Rec. I.112 (1988) Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs
CCITT Rec. I.210 (1988) Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the
means to describe them
CCITT Rec. T.61 (1988) Character repertoire and coded character sets for the international teletex
CCITT Rec. Z.100 (1988) Specification and description language
4 Definitions
For the purpose of this Standard the following definitions apply.
4.1 External Definitions
This Standard uses the following terms defined in other documents:
- Basic Service (CCITT Rec. I.210)
- Connection (CCITT Rec. I.112)
- Integrated Services Digital Networks (CCITT Rec. I.112)
- Private (ENV 41007)
- Private Telecommunication Network Exchange (ENV 41007)
- Public (ENV 41007)
- Public ISDN (ENV 41007)
- Service (CCITT Rec. I.112)
- Signalling (CCITT Rec. I.112)
- Supplementary Service (CCITT Rec. I.210)
- Telecommunication Network (ENV 41007)
- Terminal, Terminal equipment (ENV 41007)
- User (ETS 300 171)
This Standard refers to the following basic call functional entities defined in ETS 300 171:
- Call Control
- Call Control Agent
This Standard refers to the following basic call inter-FE relationships defined in ETS 300 171:
This Standard refers to the following basic call information flows defined in ETS 300 171:
- DISCONNECT request/indication
- REPORT request/indication
- RELEASE request/indication
- SETUP request/indication
- SETUP response/confirmation
- SETUP REJECT request/indication
4.2 Additional Network Feature
A capability, over and above that of a basic service, provided by a PTN, but not directly to a PTN user.
4.3 Application Identifier
Manufacturer specific information that can accompany a name and imply the structure of the name (see
annex A).

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4.4 Busy
An ISDN destination is considered to be busy if either a "network determined user busy" or a "user
determined user busy" conditions occurs.
4.5 Busy party name
The name of the called user who cannot be reached because of a busy condition.
4.6 Call, Basic Call
An instance of the use of a basic service.
4.7 Calling party name
The name of the calling user.
4.8 Connected party name
The name of the user who answers the call.
4.9 Called party name
The name of the alerting user.
4.10 Name
A string of maximum 50 characters which is used for the name identification of the PTN user of a call.
NOTE 1 The structure and content of a name are defined in annex A.
5 List of acronyms
CC Call Control (functional entity)
CCA Call Control Agent (functional entity)
CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation
CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation
CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction
FE Functional Entity
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
PTN Private Telecommunication Network
PTNX Private Telecommunication Network Exchange
SDL Specification and Description Language
SS-CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation supplementary service
SS-CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation supplementary service
SS-CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction supplementary service
TE Terminal Equipment
6 SS-CNIP Stage 1 Description
6.1 Description
6.1.1 General Description
Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) is a supplementary service which is offered to the
called user and which provides the name of the calling user (calling party name) to the called user.
The PTN provides the calling party name to the called user when an incoming call is presented.
The possible provision of the calling party name by the calling user to the PTN is outside the scope of this

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6.1.2 Qualifications on Applicability to Telecommunication Services
This supplementary service is applicable to all basic telecommunication services.
6.2 Procedures
6.2.1 Provision/Withdrawal
SS-CNIP shall be generally available. There is no need for service profile control.
Some users may have a service profile which permits the override of calling name identification restriction.
6.2.2 Normal Procedures Activation/Deactivation/Registration/Interrogation
SS-CNIP shall be permanently activated. No information needs to be registered with the PTN for this
supplementary service, and therefore interrogation is not applicable. Invocation and Operation
The PTN shall provide the called user with the calling party name at the same time as indicating an
incoming call.
The method by which the PTN obtains the name information is implementation dependent and outside the
scope of this Standard. The management of the PTN name directory system is also outside the scope of
this Standard.
6.2.3 Exceptional Procedures Invocation and Operation
There are two exceptions when the calling party name shall not be presented to the called user:
- when the calling name identification restriction has been invoked (see definition of the
Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction), and
- when the calling party name is not available, e.g. due to interworking with another network or when
no name is registered against the calling PTN user.
In such cases the called user shall receive an indication of the situation.
In some cases where calling name identification restriction has been invoked, there may be certain
categories of called user that have the service profile to override this restriction and have the calling party
name presented, e.g. emergency stations, PTN operators. In these circumstances, presentation shall
include an indication that restriction has been invoked.
6.3 Interactions with other Supplementary Services
This clause specifies interactions with other supplementary services for which PTN Standards were
available at the time of publication of this Standard.
6.3.1 Connected Name Identification Presentation (CONP)
No interactions.
6.3.2 Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction (CNIR)
The calling party name shall not be presented if calling name identification restriction has been invoked at
the calling user, unless the called user has the service profile to override this restriction.

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6.3.3 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)
No interactions.
6.3.4 Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP)
No interactions.
6.3.5 Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction (CLIR)
No interactions.
6.4 Interworking Considerations
6.4.1 Incoming Calls
On calls incoming from another network, the calling party name shall be obtained from the other network if
available. Where no name is provided by the other network, the called PTN user shall be given an
indication "name unavailable" or "presentation restricted", as appropriate.
6.4.2 Outgoing Calls
On outgoing calls to another network, the PTN shall provide the calling party name to the other network if
this network supports an equivalent supplementary service and if the name is available and presentation
not restricted.
6.5 Overall SDL
Figure 1 contains the dynamic description of SS-CNIP using the SDL defined in CCITT Rec. Z.100. The
SDL process represents the behaviour of the network in providing SS-CNIP. The relationship to the basic
call process is indicated in the annotations.
Output signals to the right represent primitives to the called PTN user. Input signals from the left represent
internal stimuli.

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CNIP is invoked at the same time as
the basic call SETUP_indication is sent
to the caller user
include indication
whether presentation
restriction applies
include name.
if available. in
CNIP indication
Figure 1 - SS-CNIP Overall SDL
7 SS-CONP Stage 1 Description
7.1 Description
7.1.1 General Description
Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) is a supplementary service which is offered to
the calling user and which provides to the calling user the following:
- the name of the user who answers the call (connected party name),
- optionally the name of the alerting user (called p

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