SIST EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1:2025
(Main)ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment - Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment - Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
The present document specifies the applicable test conditions, performance assessment, and performance criteria for
Cellular Communication User Equipment (UE), including Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), Set Top Box (STB)
containing cellular communication technologies, and the associated ancillary equipment in respect of ElectroMagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) for equipment utilizing the technologies in table 1.
Technical specifications related to the antenna port of radio equipment, radiated emissions from the enclosure port of
radio equipment, and combinations of radio and associated ancillary equipment are not included in the present
document. Such technical specifications are normally found in the relevant product standards for the effective use of the
radio spectrum.
NOTE 1: The relationship between the present document and the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of
Directive 2014/53/EU [i.2] is given in annex A.
NOTE 2: The present document does not cover the radio base stations as specified in ETSI EN 301 489-50 [i.13].
Technical specifications related to conducted emission EMC requirements below 9 kHz on the AC mains port of radio
equipment are not included in the present document.
NOTE 3: Such technical specifications are normally found in the relevant product family standards for AC mains
powered equipment (e.g. EN 61000-3-2 [i.14] and EN 61000-3-3 [i.15]).
Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 52. del: Posebni pogoji za celično komunikacijsko uporabniško (UE) radijsko in pomožno opremo - Harmonizirani standard za elektromagnetno združljivost
Ta dokument določa veljavne preskusne pogoje, oceno zmogljivosti in kriterije zmogljivosti za celično komunikacijsko uporabniško opremo (UE), vključno z opremo v prostorih stranke (CPE), komunikatorji (STB), ki vsebujejo celično komunikacijsko tehnologijo, in povezano pomožno opremo v zvezi z elektromagnetno združljivostjo (EMC) za opremo, ki uporablja tehnologije, navedene v preglednici 1.
Ta dokument ne vključuje tehničnih specifikacij v zvezi z antenskim vhodom radijske opreme, sevanjem iz vhoda na ohišju radijske opreme ter kombinacijami radijske opreme in povezane pomožne opreme. Te tehnične specifikacije so običajno navedene v ustreznih standardih za izdelek na področju učinkovite uporabe radijskega spektra.
OPOMBA 1: Razmerje med tem dokumentom in bistvenimi zahtevami člena 3.1(b) Direktive 2014/53/EU [i.2] je podano v dodatku A.
OPOMBA 2: Ta dokument ne zajema radijskih baznih postaj, kot je navedeno v standardu ETSI EN 301 489-50 [i.13].
Ta dokument ne vključuje tehničnih specifikacij, ki se navezujejo na zahtevano oddajanje prevajanih motenj v zvezi z elektromagnetno združljivostjo (EMC) pod 9 kHz pri konektorju izmeničnega napajanja radijske opreme.
OPOMBA 3: Te tehnične specifikacije so običajno navedene v ustreznih standardih skupin izdelkov za opremo, priključeno v izmenično električno omrežje (npr. EN 61000-3-2 [i.14] in EN 61000-3-3 [i.15]).
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Draft ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.2.5 (2024-08)
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication
User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment;
Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
2 Draft ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.2.5 (2024-08)
EMC, GSM, harmonised standard, LTE, MSR, NR,
650 Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16
Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - APE 7112B
Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° w061004871
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3 Draft ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.2.5 (2024-08)
Intellectual Property Rights . 5
Foreword . 5
Modal verbs terminology . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 References . 7
2.1 Normative references . 7
2.2 Informative references . 9
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 10
3.1 Terms . 10
3.2 Symbols . 12
3.3 Abbreviations . 12
4 Test conditions . 13
4.1 General . 13
4.2 Arrangements for test signals . 13
4.2.1 General . 13
4.2.2 Arrangements for test signals for GSM . 13
4.2.3 Arrangements for test signals for UTRA and E-UTRA . 13
4.2.4 Arrangements for test signals for NR . 14 General for NR . 14 NR FR1 SA . 14 NR FR1 NSA . 15 NR FR2 SA . 15 NR FR2 NSA . 16
4.3 Exclusion bands . 16
4.3.1 General . 16
4.3.2 GSM exclusion band . 16 GSM Transmitter exclusion band . 16 GSM Receiver exclusion band . 16
4.3.3 UTRA and E-UTRA exclusion band . 16 UTRA and E-UTRA Transmitter exclusion band . 16 UTRA and E-UTRA Receiver exclusion band . 17
4.3.4 NR exclusion band . 17 NR FR1 Transmitter exclusion band . 17 NR FR1 Receiver exclusion band . 17 NR FR2 Transmitter exclusion band . 17 NR FR2 Receiver exclusion band . 17
4.4 Narrow band responses of receivers and receivers of duplex transceivers . 17
4.4.1 GSM Narrow band responses on receivers . 17
4.4.2 UTRA and E-UTRA Narrow band responses on receivers. 18 UTRA . 18 E-UTRA . 18
4.4.3 NR Narrow band responses on receivers . 19
5 Ancillary equipment . 19
6 Performance criteria . 19
6.1 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena . 19
6.1.1 GSM and voice call. 19 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Transmitters (CT) . 19 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Receivers (CR) . 19
6.1.2 UTRA . 20
6.1.3 E-UTRA, E-UTRA with LAA, inband or guard band NB-IoT, Standalone NB-IoT . 20
6.1.4 NR . 20
6.2 Performance criteria for Transient phenomena . 20
4 Draft ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.2.5 (2024-08)
7 Requirements . 20
7.1 General . 20
7.2 Emission . 21
7.2.1 General . 21
7.2.2 Special conditions . 21
7.3 Immunity . 21
7.3.1 General . 21
7.3.2 Special conditions . 22
Annex A (informative): Relationship between the present document and the essential
requirements of Directive 2014/53/EU . 23
Annex B (normative): Performance assessment voice call, Audio breakthrough . 25
B.1 Calibration of audio levels . 25
B.2 Measurement of audio levels . 26
Annex C (normative): Performance assessment of data transfer call, Error Ratios . 27
C.1 Calibration of data transfer . 27
C.1.1 UTRA . 27
C.1.2 E-UTRA and NR . 27
C.2 Assessment of data transfer . 27
C.2.1 UTRA, Derivation of Error Ratios . 27
C.2.2 E-UTRA and NR, Derivation of Throughput Percentages . 27
C.3 EUT without data application ancillary . 28
C.4 EUT with data application ancillary .
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication
User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment;
Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
2 ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
EMC, GSM, harmonised standard, LTE, MSR, NR,
650 Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16
Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - APE 7112B
Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° w061004871
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The information provided in the present deliverable is directed solely to professionals who have the appropriate degree of
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3 ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
Intellectual Property Rights . 5
Foreword . 5
Modal verbs terminology . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 References . 7
2.1 Normative references . 7
2.2 Informative references . 9
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 10
3.1 Terms . 10
3.2 Symbols . 12
3.3 Abbreviations . 12
4 Test conditions . 13
4.1 General . 13
4.2 Arrangements for test signals . 13
4.2.1 General . 13
4.2.2 Arrangements for test signals for GSM . 13
4.2.3 Arrangements for test signals for UTRA and E-UTRA . 13
4.2.4 Arrangements for test signals for NR . 14 General for NR . 14 NR FR1 SA . 14 NR FR1 NSA . 15 NR FR2 SA . 15 NR FR2 NSA . 16
4.3 Exclusion bands . 16
4.3.1 General . 16
4.3.2 GSM exclusion band . 16 GSM Transmitter exclusion band . 16 GSM Receiver exclusion band . 16
4.3.3 UTRA and E-UTRA exclusion band . 16 UTRA and E-UTRA Transmitter exclusion band . 16 UTRA and E-UTRA Receiver exclusion band . 17
4.3.4 NR exclusion band . 17 NR FR1 Transmitter exclusion band . 17 NR FR1 Receiver exclusion band . 17 NR FR2 Transmitter exclusion band . 17 NR FR2 Receiver exclusion band . 17
4.4 Narrow band responses of receivers and receivers of duplex transceivers . 17
4.4.1 GSM Narrow band responses on receivers . 17
4.4.2 UTRA and E-UTRA Narrow band responses on receivers. 18 UTRA . 18 E-UTRA . 18
4.4.3 NR Narrow band responses on receivers . 19
5 Ancillary equipment . 19
6 Performance criteria . 19
6.1 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena . 19
6.1.1 GSM and voice call. 19 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Transmitters (CT) . 19 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Receivers (CR) . 19
6.1.2 UTRA . 20
6.1.3 E-UTRA, E-UTRA with LAA, inband or guard band NB-IoT, Standalone NB-IoT . 20
6.1.4 NR . 20
6.2 Performance criteria for Transient phenomena . 20
4 ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
7 Requirements . 20
7.1 General . 20
7.2 Emission . 21
7.2.1 General . 21
7.2.2 Special conditions . 21
7.3 Immunity . 21
7.3.1 General . 21
7.3.2 Special conditions . 22
Annex A (informative): Relationship between the present document and the essential
requirements of Directive 2014/53/EU . 23
Annex B (normative): Performance assessment voice call, Audio breakthrough . 25
B.1 Calibration of audio levels . 25
B.2 Measurement of audio levels . 26
Annex C (normative): Performance assessment of data transfer call, Error Ratios . 27
C.1 Calibration of data transfer . 27
C.1.1 UTRA . 27
C.1.2 E-UTRA and NR . 27
C.2 Assessment of data transfer . 27
C.2.1 UTRA, Derivation of Error Ratios . 27
C.2.2 E-UTRA and NR, Derivation of Throughput Percentages . 27
C.3 EUT without data application ancillary . 28
C.4 EUT with data application ancillary . 28
Annex D (informative): Change history .
Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 52.
del: Posebni pogoji za celično komunikacijsko uporabniško (UE) radijsko in
pomožno opremo - Harmonizirani standard za elektromagnetno združljivost
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part
52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication User Equipment (UE) radio and
ancillary equipment - Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
33.060.01 Radijske komunikacije na Radiocommunications in
splošno general
33.100.01 Elektromagnetna združljivost Electromagnetic compatibility
na splošno in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
standard for radio equipment and services;
Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication
User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment;
Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
2 ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
EMC, GSM, harmonised standard, LTE, MSR, NR,
650 Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16
Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - APE 7112B
Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° w061004871
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The present document can be downloaded from the
ETSI Search & Browse Standards application.
The present document may be made available in electronic versions and/or in print. The content of any electronic and/or
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The information provided in the present deliverable is directed solely to professionals who have the appropriate degree of
experience to understand and interpret its content in accordance with generally accepted engineering or
other professional standard and applicable regulations.
No recommendation as to products and services or vendors is made or should be implied.
In no event shall ETSI be held liable for loss of profits or any other incidental or consequential damages.
Any software contained in this deliverable is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, express or implied, including but not
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No part may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm except as authorized by written permission of ETSI.
The content of the PDF version shall not be modified without the written authorization of ETSI.
The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
© ETSI 2024.
All rights reserved.
3 ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
Intellectual Property Rights . 5
Foreword . 5
Modal verbs terminology . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 References . 7
2.1 Normative references . 7
2.2 Informative references . 9
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations . 10
3.1 Terms . 10
3.2 Symbols . 12
3.3 Abbreviations . 12
4 Test conditions . 13
4.1 General . 13
4.2 Arrangements for test signals . 13
4.2.1 General . 13
4.2.2 Arrangements for test signals for GSM . 13
4.2.3 Arrangements for test signals for UTRA and E-UTRA . 13
4.2.4 Arrangements for test signals for NR . 14 General for NR . 14 NR FR1 SA . 14 NR FR1 NSA . 15 NR FR2 SA . 15 NR FR2 NSA . 16
4.3 Exclusion bands . 16
4.3.1 General . 16
4.3.2 GSM exclusion band . 16 GSM Transmitter exclusion band . 16 GSM Receiver exclusion band . 16
4.3.3 UTRA and E-UTRA exclusion band . 16 UTRA and E-UTRA Transmitter exclusion band . 16 UTRA and E-UTRA Receiver exclusion band . 17
4.3.4 NR exclusion band . 17 NR FR1 Transmitter exclusion band . 17 NR FR1 Receiver exclusion band . 17 NR FR2 Transmitter exclusion band . 17 NR FR2 Receiver exclusion band . 17
4.4 Narrow band responses of receivers and receivers of duplex transceivers . 17
4.4.1 GSM Narrow band responses on receivers . 17
4.4.2 UTRA and E-UTRA Narrow band responses on receivers. 18 UTRA . 18 E-UTRA . 18
4.4.3 NR Narrow band responses on receivers . 19
5 Ancillary equipment . 19
6 Performance criteria . 19
6.1 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena . 19
6.1.1 GSM and voice call. 19 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Transmitters (CT) . 19 Performance criteria for Continuous phenomena applied to Receivers (CR) . 19
6.1.2 UTRA . 20
6.1.3 E-UTRA, E-UTRA with LAA, inband or guard band NB-IoT, Standalone NB-IoT . 20
6.1.4 NR . 20
6.2 Performance criteria for Transient phenomena . 20
4 ETSI EN 301 489-52 V1.3.1 (2024-11)
7 Requirements . 20
7.1 General . 20
7.2 Emission . 21
7.2.1 General . 21
7.2.2 Special conditions . 21
7.3 Immunity . 21
7.3.1 General . 21
7.3.2 Special conditions . 22
Annex A (informative): Relationship between the present document and the essential
requirements of Directive 2014/53/EU . 23
Annex B (normative): Performance assessment voice call, Audio breakthrough . 25
B.1 Calibration of audio levels . 25
B.2 Measurement of audio levels . 26
Annex C (normative): Performance assessment of data transfer call, Error Ratios . 27
C.1 Calibration of data transfer . 27
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