CEN/TC 132/WG 12 - Electro welded tubes
Standardisation of technical conditions for inspection and delivery, mechanical properties, tolerances on dimensions and form for HF seam welded tubes.
Electro welded tubes
Standardisation of technical conditions for inspection and delivery, mechanical properties, tolerances on dimensions and form for HF seam welded tubes.
General Information
This Part of prEN 1592 specifies the tolerances on dimensions and form of square, rectangular and shaped HF seam welded tubes. These tubes are manufactured from flat rolled aluminium alloy strip longitudinally welded in a continuous process by the passage of an electric current across the abutting edges without the addition of filler metal. This standard also applies to tubes manufactured from aluminium alloy strip which is painted, lacquered or anodized prior to forming.
- Standard10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of prEN 1592 specifies the tolerances on dimensions and form of circular HF seam welded tubes with a diameter up to and including 80 mm and a wall thickness up to and including 2,5 mm. These tubes are manufactured from flat rolled aluminium alloy strip longitudinally welded in a continuous process by the passage of an electric current across the abutting edges without the addition of filler metal. This standard also applies to tubes manufactured from aluminium alloy strip which is painted, lacquered or anodized prior to forming.
- Standard9 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of EN 1592 specifies the technical conditions for inspection and delivery of HF seam welded aluminium tubes. It is applicable to HF seam welded tubes obtained by forming cold-rolled strips. It is applicable to aluminium tubes produced from uncoated aluminium strip, as well as to tubing that is pre-lacquered, pre-painted or pre-anodized prior to forming.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Part of EN 1592 specifies the mechanical properties of wrought aluminium alloy HF seam welded tubes for general engineering applications. It is not applicable to irrigation and heat exchanger tubes. The chemical composition limits of these materials are given in EN 573-3. Mechanical property limits are specified for all Class A alloys, as defined in EN 573-4. The definitions of temper designations are specified in EN 515.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day