Standard Test Method for Measuring the Quasi-Static Release Moments of Alpine Ski Bindings

5.1 This test method involves simulation in the laboratory of potential injury-producing loads that can occur in skiing, without implying the frequency or the magnitude of the danger. This test method does not include the simulation of all or part of a skier, and care must be taken not to confuse the values of moments measured by the test shaft with the loads subjected to the tibia of a skier under the same conditions.
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for the measurement of release moments of ski bindings under conditions where inertia loadings of the ski binding system are not significant.  
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.  
1.3 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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ASTM F504-05(2022) - Standard Test Method for Measuring the Quasi-Static Release Moments of Alpine Ski Bindings
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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: F504 − 05 (Reapproved 2022)
Standard Test Method for
Measuring the Quasi-Static Release Moments of Alpine Ski
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope ISO 9465Alpine Ski Bindings–Lateral Release under Im-
pact Loading-Test Method
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for the measure-
ment of release moments of ski bindings under conditions
3. Terminology
where inertia loadings of the ski binding system are not
3.1 The following terminology is introduced with reference
to the sketch of the boot-ski system shown in Fig. 1.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.1.1 Six points of load application to the standard test ski
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
are required. With the adult boot sole (300 mm in length) the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
mostforwardpoint,locatedataposition90 60.5cmfromthe
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
centerline of the test shaft, shall be called the “forward point”
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
andshallbedesignatedas F.Thesecondpoint,45 60.5cmin
1.3 This international standard was developed in accor-
front of the centerline of the test shaft, shall be designated the
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
“near point,” N. The third point, located 45 6 0.5 cm behind
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
R. The fourth point, located 35 6 0.5 cm in front of the center
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
line of the test shaft, shall be designated the “near preload
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
point,” NP. The fifth point, located 75 6 0.5 cm behind the
centerline of the test shaft shall be designated the “far rear
2. Referenced Documents
point,” FRP.Thesixthpoint,the“alternatenearpreloadpoint,”
2.1 ASTM Standards:
ANP, is located 7.5 6 0.25 cm, in the minus y-direction from
F498Test Method for Center Spring Constant and Spring
the point NP. For sole lengths longer than 300 mm the F and
Constant Balance of Alpine Skis
FR points are not changed from the location used for the 300
F779Test Method for Torsion Characteristic of Alpine Skis
mm boot sole. For sole lengths shorter than 300 mm the N, R,
F944Specification for Properties ofAdultAlpine Ski Boots
ANPand NPpoints are not changed from the location used for
(Withdrawn 2004)
2.2 ISO Standard: with skis shorter than the test ski, F and FR tests shall be
ISO 9838Alpine Ski Bindings–Test Soles for Ski Binding performed at the N and R points. If the ski is too short for the
Tests specifiedNandRpoints,NandRshallbemovedclosertothe
ISO 9462Alpine Ski Bindings–Safety Requirements and z-axis by 10 cm each, and all tests performed using the new N
Test Methods and R points. The forces that are applied to the standard ski at
these six designated points may now be described by simple
vector notation. A laboratory-fixed axis designation shall be
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F27 on Snow
usedwiththenumeral zdenotingtheverticalaxisnormaltothe
and Water Sports and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F27.10 on
top face of the ski (in the region of the test shaft) and positive
Binding Test Procedures.
in the direction outward from the ski; the numeral x denoting
Current edition approved July 1, 2022. Published August 2022. Originally
approved in 1977. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as F504–05 (2017) .
the longitudinal axis, positive in the forward direction of the
DOI: 10.1520/F0504-05R22.
ski; and the numeral y denoting the lateral axis, the positive
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
direction of which is determined by the right-hand rule. The
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
z-axis is coincident with the centerline of the test shaft. The
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
origin of the XYZ coordinate system is a point 230 mm along
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
for 300 mm test soles. The location is changed proportionally
Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036. forsolesotherthan300mm.Thedirectionofanyforceapplied
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F504 − 05 (2022)
the tibia of a skier under the same conditions.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Ski:
6.1.1 Ski—Three test skis are defined in Table 1 of ISO
9462. The mounting platform shall be as specified in the
relevant ASTM standard. The boot’s ski location marker as
thebootorskithecenterofthebootsoleshallbelocated15 6
relevant ASTM standard applies.
6.2 Boot—Four test soles are defined in Table 2 of ISO
FIG. 1 Load Application
9462. The standard adult sole shall be 30 6 0.5 cm in length
and shall be adjustable, over a range of 64 cm. It shall be
constructed to meet the requirements of ISO 9838. Details
to the ski is defined by its unit vector. The magnitude of a
concerning boot characteristics shall conform to the relevant
preload force applied to the ski is defined by the M or M
z y
moment created by the force.
boot if the binding manufacturer specifies that modification is
necessary for proper function of the binding.
4. Summary of Test Method
6.3 Stiffener—When a ski stiffener is called for (see Annex
4.1 The ski binding is mounted on a standard ski and a
test shaft instrumented for moments is affixed to the sole and
the ski between the near and rear points. The channel shall be
attached rigidly to the test frame. The apparatus is shown in
made of 6061 T6 aluminum, or equivalent. The bar shall be
Fig. 2.
attachedtotheskibybolts,screws,orclampsat Nand Rpoints
4.2 Loads sufficient to produce binding release are applied
and at a point half way between N and R points. The stiffener
to the binding by forcing the ski to displace relative to the
described in Fig. A1.1 meets this requirement.
frame until release occurs. The components of the moments
6.4 Test Frame:
transmitted through the binding to the test shaft are recorded.
6.4.1 The test frame consists of all mechanical components
These records are interpreted to provide the static release
that connect the boot to a stationary reference, including the
moments of the binding.
boot sole attachment, the test shaft, and the supporting struc-
ture for the test shaft. The test frame shall include a boot sole
5. Significance and Use
attachment constructed in accordance with ISO 9838 for the
5.1 Thistestmethodinvolvessimulationinthelaboratoryof
standard sole.
potential injury-producing loads that can occur in skiing,
6.4.2 Theanglebetweenthebottomofthebootsoleandthe
test shaft shall be 90 6 1° in the z−x and z−y planes; the
This test method does not include the simulation of all or part
of a skier, and care must be taken not to confuse the values of
be at a longitudinal location 20 6 1 cm from the front of the
boot sole when the 300-mm boot sole is used. For other boot
sole lengths the distance shall be two thirds the distance from
the front of the sole.
6.4.3 The test shaft and associated instrumentation shall be
capable of measuring moments about the x-, y-, and z-axes as
required. Further specifications for the test shaft as part of the
instrumentation system are discussed in 6.6.
6.4.4 The linear compliance of all combined mechanical
components of the test frame shall be no more than 4×10
m/N in either of the x or y directions, and no more than
4×10 m/N in the z direction for loads applied at the
intersection of the test shaft and the attachment plate. The
angular compliance shall be no more than 5×10 rad/N · m
for rotations around the x, y,or z-axes.
NOTE 1—When an associated high-speed test series is established, the
angular compliance shall be no more than 2.5×10 rad/N·mfor
FIG. 2 Test Equipment rotations around the x-, y-, or z-axes.
F504 − 05 (2022)
6.5 Cable:
6.5.1 The minimum length of cable between the point of
attachment to the ski and the nearest support shall be 1 m.
6.5.2 The cable shall be attached to the ski such that the
resultant force transmitted through the cable passes within 1
cm of the centeroid of the cross section of the ski.
6.5.3 Preloads are applied through a pulley near the base of
the load cell pedestal with an attachment swivel not more than
12 cm offset from the load cell axis. A spring with a spring
constant of 65 N/cm (610%) and an unloaded length of at
least 20 cm is attached between the preload cable and the
attachment fixture. When a preload (PL) is used in a test the
preloadcableforcewillinduceamoment M thatisaspecified
FIG. 4 Test 1.3
percentage of the nominal release moment in test 2.1 (see Fig.
6.5.4 Release in tests 1.1, 2.2, and 2.2 (Fig. 3, Fig. 11, and
Fig. 12) is accomplished by a single cable connecting points N
and Rthatisloadedbyatravellerpulleyofadesigncapableof
applying loads at N and R that are opposite in direction and
equal in magnitude to within 5% of each other.
NOTE 2—Preloads (PL) given in are examples of M preload moments
that may be specified.
6.6 Instrumentation:
6.6.1 Measurements—The instrumentation shall provide
measurement of the peak M and M moments. The values of
z y
measured moments are referred to a point 23 6 0.1 cm above
the bearing surface of the boot sole on the z-axis for 300-mm
FIG. 5 Test 1.4
sole lengths. Other length soles shall require this reference
point to be shifted proportionally.
6.6.2 Range—Maximum moment along a single axis:
300 N·m ~full 2scalefor M M ! (1)
z x
1000 N·m full 2scalefor M
~ !
6.6.3 Accuracy—Absolute accuracy for moment measure-
ments to errors less than 62% of reading for readings above
50 N·m and less than 61 N·m for readings 50 N·m or less.
FIG. 6 Test 1.5
6.6.4 Repeatability—Repeated readings under standard test
conditions shall be repeatable to 61.5% for moment readings
above50N·m.Repeatabilityshallbeto 60.75N·mforlower
6.6.5 Hysteresis—The hysteresis measured at no load shall
6.6.6 Null Drift shall be correctable to less than 0.75-N · m
moment at 20°C.
6.6.7 Temperature Sensitivity:
Gainvariations:correctableto0.2% °C at (2)
FIG. 3 Test 1.1 T 60.5°C
F504 − 05 (2022)
FIG. 7 Test 1.6
FIG. 10 Test 1.11
FIG. 11 Test 2.1
FIG. 8 Test 1.8
FIG. 12 Test 2.2
FIG. 9 Test 1.10
6.6.8 Frequency Response—Gain measured at full scale
lag shall be less than 10° over the same bandwidth.
Nullvariations:correctableto0.5 N·m/°C at (3)
6.7 Load Application:
T 60.5°C
6.7.1 Locations and Directions of Application—The appa-
where: T =equilibrium environmental temperature and is ratus shall have the capability of applying the load configura-
in the range from−20 to+20°C. tions in accordance with Figs. 3-15. Tests in Category 1 have
F504 − 05 (2022)
FIG. 13 Test 2.3
FIG. 14 Test 2.5
FIG. 15 Test 2.8
a significant M component; tests in Category 2 have a Figs. 3-15 as measured under a cable tension equivalent to
significant M component.Notethattheunitvectorisgivenfor
approximately 10% of the nominal release load in tests 1.1 or
all loads applied through the cable system. The unit vector for
2.1 as appropriate.
a release load is shown as a solid line while the unit vector for
6.7.2 Rates of Application—The apparatus shall have the
a preload is shown as a dashed line. Preloads (PL) are given in
ability of applying loads such that the linear speed of the cable
terms of the nominal value of test 2.1 (see Fig. 11).
at the point of attachment to the ski shall be adjustable to two Release load and preload cables shall be adjustable
different rates as follows: 2 6 0.5 cm/s and 60 6 10 cm/s.
to within 2° of the orientation of the unit vector specified in
F504 − 05 (2022)
6.7.3 Calibration—The load cell is calibrated using the 8. Procedure
fixture and procedures defined in Annex A.
8.1 An individual release measurement shall consist of
6.7.4 Zeroing—The instrumentation is zeroed without the
attaching a ski-binding system to the test apparatus and
ski attached to the test sole.
applying a load configuration, as specified in 6.7.1 and 6.7.2,
sufficient to cause the binding mechanism to release while
7. Test Specimen Preparation
simultaneously recording information sufficient to determine
7.1 Bindings should be mounted in accordance with the
the two peak M and M moments. Refer to Annex A2 for
z y
manufacturer’s specifications, and boot surfaces and interfaces
step-by-step procedures.
shall be cleaned with an appropriate cleaner, unless otherwise
specified by environmental test procedures. All tests shall be
9. Keywords
performed with boot-binding contact points wet by a mist of
distilled water unless otherwise specified by environmental 9.1 alpine ski binding; release binding; release envelope;
release moment
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Scope A1.2 Fixtures and Test Configurations
A1.1.1 This Annex describes fixtures that may be used to A1.2.1 Use the ski stiffening fixture described in Fig.A1.1
adapt the device described in Te

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