Standard Specification for Metric-Sized Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe Systems

1.1 This specification covers performance requirements, test methods, and marking requirements for metric-sized system components (electrofusion and mechanical fittings) when joined with metric-sized PEX pipe (Specification F2788) as a system, intended for use up to and including a maximum working temperature of 200°F (93°C ). The following performance requirements are described for the fittings – 68°F (20°C) hydrostatic strength, 176°F (80°C) hydrostatic strength, short-term internal pressure resistance, resistance to tensile loads, cohesive resistance for electrofusion fittings at both the minimum and maximum recommended temperatures, impact resistance for saddle fittings, and leak tightness and pull out tests for mechanical fittings. The metric-sized components covered by this specification are intended for the above-ground and buried pressure piping applications, such as industrial & general-purpose pipelines, potable water pipelines, and fire – extinguishing pipelines.  
1.2 The text of this specification references notes, footnotes, and appendixes, which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the specification.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.3.1 Exception—Except for dimensions, the values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses for nominal sizes are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
Note 1—Metric sized (SI units) pipe (Specification F2788) should only be joined with corresponding metric sized fittings (such as Specification F2788, ISO 4427-3 or ISO 15875-3). Inch sized fittings should not be used for metric-sized pipe.
Note 2—Suggested hydrostatic design stresses and hydrostatic pressure ratings for pipe and fittings are listed in Appendix X1. Design, assembly, and installation considerations are discussed in Appendix X2. An optional performance qualification and an in-plant quality control program are recommended in Appendix X3.
1.4 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 7, of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM F2829-10 - Standard Specification for Metric-Sized Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe Systems
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:F2829 −10
StandardSpecification for
Metric-Sized Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2829; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
recommended in Appendix X3.
1. Scope
1.4 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the
1.1 Thisspecificationcoversperformancerequirements,test
test method portion, Section 7, of this specification: This
methods, and marking requirements for metric-sized system
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,
components (electrofusion and mechanical fittings) when
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
joined with metric-sized PEX pipe (Specification F2788)asa
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
system, intended for use up to and including a maximum
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-
working temperature of 200°F (93°C ). The following perfor-
tions prior to use.
mance requirements are described for the fittings – 68°F
(20°C) hydrostatic strength, 176°F (80°C) hydrostatic strength,
2. Referenced Documents
short-term internal pressure resistance, resistance to tensile
2.1 ASTM Standards:
loads, cohesive resistance for electrofusion fittings at both the
D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing
minimum and maximum recommended temperatures, impact
D1600 Terminology forAbbreviatedTerms Relating to Plas-
resistance for saddle fittings, and leak tightness and pull out
tests for mechanical fittings. The metric-sized components
D1898 Practice for Sampling of Plastics (Withdrawn 1998)
covered by this specification are intended for the above-ground
D2749 Symbols for Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Fittings
and buried pressure piping applications, such as industrial &
D2837 Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis
general-purpose pipelines, potable water pipelines, and fire –
extinguishing pipelines.
for Thermoplastic Pipe Products
1.2 The text of this specification references notes, footnotes,
F412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems
and appendixes, which provide explanatory material. These
F1055 Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene
Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene
not be considered as requirements of the specification.
and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
F2788 Specification for Metric and Inch-sized Crosslinked
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
2.2 Federal Standard:
and are not considered standard.
Fed Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)
1.3.1 Exception—Except for dimensions, the values stated
2.3 Military Standard:
in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
given in parentheses for nominal sizes are mathematical
2.4 NSF Standard:
conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for informa-
Standard No. 14 for Plastic Piping Components and Related
tion only and are not considered standard.
NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking Water System Components --
NOTE 1—Metric sized (SI units) pipe (Specification F2788) should only
Health Effects
be joined with corresponding metric sized fittings (such as Specification
for metric-sized pipe.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
ratings for pipe and fittings are listed in Appendix X1. Design, assembly,
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
and installation considerations are discussed in Appendix X2.An optional
the ASTM website.
performance qualification and an in-plant quality control program are
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F17 on Plastic Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http://
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.61 on Water.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2010. Published January 2011. DOI: 10.1520/ Available from NSF International, P.O. Box 130140, 789 N. Dixboro Rd.,Ann
F2829–10. Arbor, MI 48113-0140,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
2.5 ISO Standards: 5. Classification
ISO 4427-3 Plastic piping systems – Polyethylene (PE)
5.1 Fittings—This specification classifies fittings intended
pipes and fittings for water supply – fittings
for use in systems with PEX pipe, by a maximum continuous
ISO 4427-5 Plastic piping systems – Polyethylene (PE)
use temperature that shall be 200°F (93°C) and by pipe sizes
pipes and fittings for water supply – fitness for purpose of
from 16 mm to 630 mm ( ⁄2 in. to 25 in.) on the basis of
the system
meeting the performance requirements for fittings as outlined
ISO 15875-3 – Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water
in Specification F1055 , ISO 4427-3 and ISO 15875-3. Fittings
installations – Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) – fittings
shall be compatible with pipe made to the requirements of
ISO 15875-5 – Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water
Specification F2788.
installations – Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) – fitness
5.2 PE electrofusion fittings (Specification F1055 or ISO
for purpose of the system
4427-3) shall only be used for temperatures up to 140°F
2.6 Plastic Pipe Institute:
(60°C). PEX electrofusion fittings (ISO 15875-3) may be used
PPI TR-4 PPI Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB),
for temperatures up to 200°F (93°C).
Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis
(PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings
6. Requirements
for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe
6.1 Dimensions and Tolerances:
6.1.1 The dimensions and tolerances of PE electrofusion
3. Terminology
and mechanical fittings used up to140°F (60°C) shall meet the
3.1 The terminology used in this specification is in accor-
specific requirements contained in Specification F1055 and
dance with Terminology F412, Terminology D1600, and Sym-
ISO 4427–3. The dimensions and tolerances of PEX electro-
bols D2749, unless otherwise specified. The abbreviation for
fusion fittings and mechanical fittings for temperatures up to
crosslinked polyethylene is PEX.
200°F (93°C) shall meet the specific requirements contained in
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
ISO 15875-3. Fittings shall be compatible with pipe made to
3.2.1 crosslinked polyethylene, n—a type of plastic derived
the requirements of Specification F2788.
from a polyethylene base resin in which adjacent chains of the
6.2 Electrofusion Joints—All electrofusion joints shall meet
polymer are joined to create covalent bonds.
all the performance requirements as specified in Specification
F1055, ISO 4427-3, and ISO 4427-5 for temperatures up to
4. Materials
140°F (60°C), or ISO 15875-3 and ISO 15875-5 for tempera-
4.1 General—PEX systems shall use crosslinked polyethyl-
tures up to 200°F (93°C). Performance tests for electrofusion
ene pipe as described in Specification F2788.
joints between PEX pipe and PE electrofusion fittings shall
4.2 Electrofusion fittings—PE electrofusion fittings shall follow the relevant standard to which the EF fitting complies,
only be used to join to PEX pipe for temperatures up to 140°F
either Specification F1055 or ISO 4427-3. The following are
(60°C). For higher temperatures, only PEX electrofusion examples of the performance requirements are as described in
fittings shall be used.
these ASTM and ISO standards for electrofusion fittings –
4.3 System components shall meet the applicable require-
hydrostatic strength, short-term internal pressure resistance,
ments for materials and manufacture in applicable fitting
resistance to tensile loads, cohesive resistance for electrofusion
standards, such as Specification F1055, ISO 4427-3 and ISO
saddle and socket fittings at both the minimum and maximum
4427-5, for PE electrofusion and mechanical fittings joined to
recommended temperatures, impact resistance for saddle fit-
PEX pipe for temperatures up to 140°F (60°C), or in ISO
15875-3 and ISO 15875-5 for PEX electrofusion fittings and
mechanical fittings joined to PEX pipe for temperatures up to
6.3 Mechanical Joints—All mechanical fitting joints made
200°F(93°C).SinceSpecificationF2788PEXpipesizesareall between metric-sized PEX pipe and metric-sized mechanical
metric sizes, only metric-sized fittings, complying with and
fittings shall meet the performance requirements as specified in
marked as Specification F1055, ISO 4427-3 and ISO 15875-3 ISO 4427-3 and ISO 4427-5 for temperatures up to 140°F
or other applicable standard, shall be used.
(60°C), or ISO 15875-3 and ISO 15875-5 for temperatures up
to 200°F (93°C). The following performance requirements are
4.4 Certification—PEX fittings used for the distribution of
described in these ISO standards for mechanical fittings – 68°F
(20°C) hydrostatic strength, 176°F (80°C) hydrostatic strength,
regulatory bodies having such jurisdiction. These products
short-term internal pressure resistance, resistance to tensile
shall be tested for that service by a nationally recognized and
loads, impact resistance for saddle fittings, leak tightness under
accredited testing laboratory and shall bear the certification
internal pressure, leak tightness under internal pressure when
mark of the testing agency.
subjected to bending, external pressure test, and resistance to
pull out under constant longitudinal force.
Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de
la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland, http:// 7. Test Methods
7.1 Conditioning—The test specimens should be condi-
Available from Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI), 105 Decker Court, Suite 825,
Irving, TX 75062, tioned at 70 to 77°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 6 5 % relative
humidity for not less than 40 h prior to test in accordance with 10. Marking
Practice D618, for those tests where conditioning is required.
10.1 Quality of Marking—The marking shall be applied to
7.2 Test Conditions—Conduct the tests in the standard fittings in such a manner that it remains legible (easily read)
laboratory atmosphere of 70 to 77°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 65% after installation and inspection.
relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test meth- 10.1.1 Markings or symbols may be rolled, molded, hot-
ods or in this specification. stamped, etched or applied by printing methods.
10.1.2 Where recessed marking is used, the marking shall
7.3 Sampling—A sufficient quantity of fittings, as agreed
not cause cracks or reduce the wall thickness below the
upon by the purchaser and the seller, shall be selected and
minimum requirement in the specific standard specification for
tested to determine conformance with this specification (see
the fitting.
Practice D1898). In the case of no prior agreement, random
samples selected by the testing laboratory shall be deemed 10.2 Content of Marking:
adequate. 10.2.1 Manufacturer’s name or trademark.
10.2.2 Certification mark or seal of the laboratory making
8. Retest and Rejection
the evaluation for this purpose.
8.1 If the results of any test(s) do not meet the requirements
10.2.3 This designation, F2829 or the specific standard
of this specification, the tests(s) shall be conducted again only
specification for the fitting.
by agreement between the purchaser and seller. Under such
10.2.4 Nominal metric size.
agreement, minimum requirements shall not be lowered,
10.2.5 A code number identifying the date of manufacture.
10.2.6 Material designation code for fitting construction
If upon retest, failure occurs, the quantity of product repre-
material as listed in PPITR-4 (for example, PE 4710, PE 100).
sented by the test(s) does not meet the requirements of this
11. Quality Assurance
9. Certification 11.1 When the product is marked with this designation,
F2829 or with the specific standard specification for the fitting,
9.1 Fittings for use in crosslinked polyethylene systems
the manufacturer affirms that the product was manufactured,
intended for use in the transport of potable water shall be
inspected sampled and tested in accordance with this specifi-
evaluated and certified as safe for this purpose by a testing
cation and has been found to meet the requirements of this
agency acceptable to the local health authority. The evaluation
shall be in accordance with the requirements for chemical
12. Keywords
included in NSF/ANSI 61 and NSF Standard No. 14Standard
No. 14 Standards. The seal or mark of the laboratory making 12.1 metric PEX electrofusion joints; metric PEX joints;
the evaluation shall be included on the fitting. metric PEX pipe; metric PEX system
These requirements apply only to federal/military procurement, not domestic sales or transfers.
S1.1 Responsibility for Inspection—Unless otherwise speci- S1.1.2 Packaging—Unless otherwise specified in the
fied in the contract or purchase order, the producer is respon- contract, the materials shall be packaged in accordance with
sible for the performance of all inspection and test require-
the supplier’s standard practice in a manner ensuring arrival at
ments specified herein. The producer may use his own or any
destination in satisfactory condition and which will be accept-
other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection
able to the carrier at lowest rates. Containers and packing shall
and test requirements specified herein, unless the purchaser
comply with Uniform Freight Classification rules or National
disapproves. The purchaser shall have the rig

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