Standard Specification for Seamless Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe and Tube

1.1 This specification  covers seamless pipe and tube of nickel and nickel-cobalt alloys (UNS N10001, UNS N10665, UNS N12160, UNS N10675, UNS N10276, UNS N06455, UNS N06007, UNS N08320, UNS N06975, UNS N06002, UNS N06985, UNS N06022, UNS N08135, UNS N06255, UNS N06059, UNS N06030, UNS N08031, UNS R30556, UNSN08535, UNSN06250, UNS N06060, UNS N06230, UNS N06686, UNS N10629, and UNS R20033)* as shown in Table 1.  
1.2 Pipe and tube shall be supplied in the solution annealed and descaled condition. When atmosphere control is used, descaling is not necessary.  
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

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ASTM B622-00 - Standard Specification for Seamless Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe and Tube
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: B 622 – 00
Standard Specification for
Seamless Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe and Tube
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 622; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This specification covers seamless pipe and tube of 3.1 Definitions:
nickel and nickel-cobalt alloys (UNS N10001, UNS N10242, 3.1.1 average diameter—the average of the maximum and
UNS N10665, UNS N12160, UNS N10675, UNS N10276, minimum outside diameters, or the maximum and minimum
UNS N06455, UNS N06007, UNS N08320, UNS N06975, inside diameters, as determined at any cross section of the tube.
UNS N06002, UNS N06985, UNS N06022, UNS N08135, 3.1.2 pipe—seamless tube conforming to the particular
UNS N06255, UNS N06058, UNS N06059, UNS N06200, dimensions commercially known as standard pipe sizes (Ap-
UNS N06030, UNS N08031, UNS R30556, UNS N08535, pendix X2).
UNS N06250, UNS N06060, UNS N06230, UNS N06686, 3.1.3 tube—a hollow product of round or any other cross
UNS N10629, UNS N06210, UNS N10624, and UNS section having a continuous periphery.
R20033)* as shown in Table 1.
4. Ordering Information
1.2 Pipe and tube shall be supplied in the solution annealed
4.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all
and descaled condition. When atmosphere control is used,
descaling is not necessary. requirements that are necessary for the safe and satisfactory
performance of material ordered under this specification.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for Examples of such requirements include, but are not limited to
the following:
information only.
4.1.1 Alloy (Table 1).
2. Referenced Documents
4.1.2 Dimensions:
2.1 ASTM Standards: Tube—Outside diameter, minimum or average wall
B 880 Specification for General Requirements for Chemical thickness, and length.
Check Analysis Limits for Nickel, Nickel Alloys and Pipe—Standard pipe size and schedule (Appendix
Cobalt Alloys X2).
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials 4.1.3 Ends—Plain ends cut and deburred will be furnished.
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to 4.1.4 Certification— State if certification or a report of test
Determine Conformance with Specifications results is required (Section 16).
E 55 Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and 4.1.5 Samples for Check Analysis—State whether samples
Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition for check analysis should be furnished (10.2.2).
E 1473 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel, 4.1.6 Purchaser Inspection—If the purchaser wishes to
Cobalt, and High-Temperature Alloys witness tests or inspection of material at the place of manu-
facture, the purchase order must so state, indicating which tests
or inspections are to be witnessed (Section 14).
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B02 on
Nonferrous Metals and Alloysand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
5. Chemical Composition
B02.07 on Refined Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys.
5.1 The material shall conform to the composition limits
Current edition approved May 10, 2000. Published June 2000. Originally
published as B 622 – 77. Last previous edition B 622 – 99a.
specified in Table 1.
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-
5.2 If a product (check) analysis is made by the purchaser,
cation SB-622 in Section II of that Code.
the material shall conform to the requirements specified in
* New designation established in accordance with ASTM E 527 and SAE J1086,
Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS). Table 1 subject to the permissible tolerances per B 880.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.06.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
Composition Limits, %
Ni Cr Mo Fe W C Si max Co Mn V P max S max Ti Cu Cb Al Zr La N B Cb Ta Ni+ Mg
(Nb) (Nb) Mo
Ni-Mo Alloys
N10001 remainder 1.0 26.0- 4.0-6.0 . 0.05 1.0 2.5 1.0 0.2- 0.04 0.03 . . .
max 30.0 max max max 0.4
N10665 remainder 1.0 26.0- 2.0 max . 0.02 0.10 1.0 1.0 . 0.04 0.03 . . .
max 30.0 max max max
N10675 65.0 min 1.0- 27.0- 1.0-3.0 3.0 0.01 0.10 3.0 3.0 0.20 0.030 0.010 0.20 0.20 . 0.50 0.10 . . . 0.20 max 0.20 94.0-
3.0 32.0 max max max max max max max max max max 98.0
N10629 remainder 0.5- 26.0- 1.0-6.0 . 0.01 0.05 2.5 1.5 . 0.04 0.01 . 0.5 . 0.1- . . . . . . .
1.5 30.0 max max max max 0.5
N10624 remainder 6.0- 21.0- 5.0- 8.0 . 0.01 0.10 1.0 1.0 . 0.025 0.01 . 0.5 . . . . . . . . .
10.0 25.0 max max max max
N10242 remainder 7.0- 24.0- 2.0 max 0.03 0.80 1.00 0.80 0.030 0.015 0.50 0.50 0.006
9.0 26.0 max max max max max max
Low C Ni-
Mo-Cr Alloys
N10276 remainder 14.5- 15.0- 4.0-7.0 3.0- 0.010 0.08 2.5 1.0 0.35 0.04 0.03 . . .
16.5 17.0 4.5 max max max max
N06022 remainder 20.0- 12.5- 2.0-6.0 2.5- 0.015 0.08 2.5 0.50 0.35 0.02 0.02 . . .
22.5 14.5 3.5 max max max max
N06455 remainder 14.0- 14.0- 3.0 max . 0.015 0.08 2.0 1.0 . 0.04 0.03 0.70 . .
18.0 17.0 max max max max
N06007 remainder 21.0- 5.5- 18.0-21.0 1.0 0.05 1.0 2.5 1.0- . 0.04 0.03 . 1.5- 1.75-
23.5 7.5 max max max 2.0 2.5 2.5
N06975 47.0-52.0 23.0- 5.0- remainder . 0.03 1.0 . 1.0 . 0.03 0.03 0.70- 0.70- .
26.0 7.0 max max 1.50 1.20
N06985 remainder 21.0- 6.0- 18.0-21.0 1.5 0.015 1.0 5.0 1.0 . 0.04 0.03 . 1.5- 0.50
23.5 8.0 max max max max 2.5 max
N06030 remainder 28.0- 4.0- 13.0-17.0 1.5- 0.03 0.8 5.0 1.5 . 0.04 0.02 . 1.0- 0.30-
31.5 6.0 4.0 max max max 2.4 1.50
N06255 47.0-52.0 23.0- 6.0- remainder 3.0 0.03 1.0 . 1.0 . 0.03 0.03 0.69 1.2 .
26.0 9.0 max max max max max
N06250 50.0-54.0 20.0- 10.1- remainder 0.25- 0.020 0.09 . 1.00 . 0.030 0.005 . 0.25- .
23.0 12.0 1.25 max max 1.25
N08320 25.0-27.0 21.0- 4.0- remainder . 0.05 1.0 . 2.5 . 0.04 0.03 4xC . .
23.0 6.0 max max min
N08135 33.0-38.0 20.5- 4.0- remainder 0.20- 0.030 0.75 . 1.00 . 0.03 0.03 . 0.70 .
23.5 5.0 0.80 max max max
N06002 remainder 20.5- 8.0- 17.0-20.0 0.20- 0.05- 1.0 0.5- 1.0 . 0.04 0.03 . . .
23.0 10.0 1.0 0.15 2.5 max
N06060 54.0-60.0 19.0- 12.0- remainder 0.25- 0.03 0.50 . 1.50 . 0.030 0.005 . 0.25- 0.50-
22.0 14.0 1.25 max max max max 1.25 1.25
R30556 19.0-22.5 21.0- 2.5- remainder 2.0- 0.05- 0.20- 16.0- 0.50- . 0.04 0.015 . . . 0.10- 0.001- 0.005- 0.10- 0.02 0.30 max 0.3-
23.0 4.0 3.5 0.15 0.80 21.0 2.00 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.30 max 1.25

TABLE 1 Continued
Composition Limits, %
Ni Cr Mo Fe W C Si max Co Mn V P max S max Ti Cu Cb Al Zr La N B Cb Ta Ni+ Mg
(Nb) (Nb) Mo
N06230 remainder 20.0- 1.0- 3.0 max 13.0- 0.05- 0.25- 5.0 0.30- . 0.03 0.015 . . . 0.20- . 0.005- . 0.015 . .
24.0 3.0 15.0 0.15 0.75 max 1.00 0.50 0.050 max
Low C-Ni-
N06058 balance 20.0- 19.0- 1.5 max 0.3 0.010 0.10 0.3 0.50 0.015 0.010 . 0.50 . 0.40 0.02-
23.0 21.0 max max max max max max max 0.15
N06059 balance 22.0- 15.0- 1.5 max . 0.010 0.10 0.3 0.5 . 0.015 0.005 . 0.50 . 0.1- . . . . . .
24.0 16.5 max max max max 0.4
Low C-Ni-
N06200 remainder 22.0- 15.0- 3.0 max . 0.010 0.08 2.0 0.50 . 0.025 0.010 . 1.3- 0.50
24.0 17.0 max max max 1.9 max
Low C-Ni-
N08031 30.0-32.0 26.0- 6.0- balance . 0.015 0.3 . 2.0 . 0.020 0.010 . 1.0- . . . . 0.15- . . .
28.0 7.0 max max 1.4 0.25
N08535 29.0-36.5 24.0- 2.5- remainder . 0.03 0.50 . 1.0 . 0.03 0.03 . 1.50
27.0 4.0 max max max
Low C-Ni-
N06686 remainder 19.0- 15.0- 5.0 max 3.0- 0.010 0.08 . 0.75 . 0.04 0.02 0.02- . . . . . . . . .
23.0 17.0 4.4 max max 0.25
N12160 remainder 26.0- 1.0 3.5 max 1.0 0.15 2.4- 27.0- 1.5 . 0.030 0.015 0.20- . . . . . . . 1.0 max . . .
30.0 max max max 3.0 33.0 max 0.80
R20033 30.0-33.0 31.0- 0.50- balance . 0.015 0.50 . 2.0 . 0.02 0.01 . 0.3- . . . . 0.35- . . . . .
35.0 2.0 max max 1.20 0.60
Low C-Ni-
N06210 remainder 18.0- 18.0- 1.0 max . 0.015 0.08 1.0 0.5 0.35 0.02 0.02 . . . . . . . 1.5-
20.0 20.0 max max max 2.2
See 13.1.1
P 5 2St/D (1)
6. Mechanical Properties
6.1 The mechanical properties of the material at room
temperature shall conform to those shown in Table 2.
P = hydrostatic test pressure, psi (MPa),
S = allowable fiber stress of material in the condition
7. Hydrostatic Test
furnished, as follows:
7.1 Each pipe or tube shall be tested by the manufacturer to
an internal hydrostatic pressure, not to exceed 1000 psi (6.89
Alloy psi MPa
MPa), that will produce a fiber stress, S, in the tube wall,
UNS N10001 25 000 172
calculated in accordance with the following equation:
UNS N10665 27 500 190
UNS N10675 27 500 190
TABLE 2 Mechanical Properties of Pipe and Tube
UNS N10629 27 500 190
UNS N10624 26 000 180
Elongation in 2
Tensile Strength, Yield Strength
Alloy min, ksi (0.2 % Offset)
UNS N10242 26 500 182
(50.8 mm) or
(MPa) min, ksi (MPa)
Low carbon nickel-molybdenum-chromium:
4D, min, %
UNS N10276 25 000 172
UNS N06022 25 000 172
UNS N10001 100 (690) 45 (310) 40
UNS N06455 25 000 172
UNS N10665 110 (760) 51 (350) 40
UNS N10675 110 (760) 51 (350) 40
UNS N06007 22 000 152
UNS N10629 110 (760) 51 (350) 40
UNS N06975 21 000 145
UNS N10624 104 (720) 46 (320) 40
UNS N06985 22 500 155
UNS N06030 21 000 145
UNS N10242 105 (725) 45 (310) 40
UNS N06255 21 000 145
Low C Ni-Mo-Cr
UNS N06250 22 500 155
UNS N10276 100 (690) 41 (283) 40
UNS N06022 100 (690) 45 (310) 45
UNS N08320 18 500 127
UNS N06455 100 (690) 40 (276) 40
UNS N08135 18 300 126
UNS N06007 90 (621) 35 (241) 35
UNS N06002 23 000 159
UNS N06975 85 (586) 32 (221) 40
UNS N06060 22 500 155
UNS N06985 90 (621) 35 (241) 40
UNS N06030 85 (586) 35 (241) 30
UNS R30556 25 000 172
UNS N06255 85 (586) 32 (221) 40
UNS N06250 90 (621) 35 (241) 40
UNS N06230 27 500 190
Low carbon nickel-chromium-molybdenum:
UNS N08320 75 (517) 28 (193) 35
UNS N06058 27 500 190
UNS N08135 73 (503) 31 (214) 40
UNS N06059 25 000 172
UNS N06200 25 000 172
UNS N06002 100 (690) 40 (276) 35
Low carbon nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-
UNS N06060 90 (621) 35 (241) 40
Ni-Fe-Cr- 100 (690) 45 (310) 40
UNS N08031 22 500 155
UNS N08535 18 300 126
Low carbon nickel-chromium-molybdenum-
UNS N06230 110 (760) 45 (310) 40
Low C-Ni-Cr-Mo
UNS N06686 25 000 172
UNS N06058 110 (760) 52 (360) 40
UNS N06059 100 (690) 45 (310) 45
UNS N12160 22 500 155
Low C-Ni-Cr-
UNS R20033 27 000 186
UNS N06200 100 (690) 41 (283) 45
Low carbon nickel-molybdenum-chromium-
UNS N06210 25 000 172
UNS N08031
UNS N08535 94 (650) 40 (276) 40
t = minimum wall thickness, in. (mm), equal to the speci-
73 (503) 31 (214) 40
fied average wall minus the permissible “minus” wall
Low C Ni-Cr-
tolerance (Table 3) or the specified minimum wall
UNS N06686 100 (690) 45 (310) 45
thickness, and
D = outside diameter of the tube, in. (mm).
UNS N12160 90 (620) 35 (240) 40
low carbon Cr-Ni-
7.2 Any pipe or tube showing leaks during the hydrostatic
test shall be rejected.
UNS R20033 109 (750) 55 (380) 40
Low carbon Ni-
Mo-Cr-Ta 8. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
UNS N06210 100 (690) 45 (310) 45
8.1 Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness—The permissible
D refers to the diameter of the tension specimen.
variations in the outside diameter and wall thickness of pipe
Solution annealed at a minimum temperature of 2200° F (1204° C) followed by
a water quench or rapidly cooled by other means. and tube shall not exceed those prescribed in Table 3.
TABLE 3 Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter and Wall
Low carbon nickel-molybdenum-chromium-
Thickness (Average Wall)
UNS N06210 0.316 8.76
Wall Thickness, %
Specified Outside
Average Minimum Wall
9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
Outside Diameter Diameter
9.1 The material shall be uniform in quality and condition,
smooth, and free of injurious imperfections.
0.500 to ⁄8, incl 0.005 0.005 12.5 12.5 25.0 0
5 1
Over ⁄8to 1 ⁄2, incl 0.0075 0.0075 10.0 10.0 20.0 0
10. Sampling
1 1
Over 1 ⁄2 to 3 ⁄2, incl 0.010 0.010 10.0 10.0 22.0 0
Millimetres 10.1 Lots for Chemical Analysis and Mechanical Testing:
12.7 to 15.88, incl 0.13 0.13 12.5 12.5 25.0 0
10.1.1 A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat.
Over 15.88 to 38.100, 0.190 0.190 10.0 10.0 20.0 0
10.1.2 A lot of pipe or tube for mechanical testing shall be
Over 38.100 to 88.900, 0.254 0.254 10.0 10.0 22.0 0
defined as the material from one heat in the same condition and
specified cross section and in no case more than 10 000 lb
(4500 kg).
10.2 Sampling of Chemical Analysis:
8.2 Length—When pipe or tube is ordered cut-to-length, the
10.2.1 A representative sample shall be taken from each lot
length shall not be less than that specified, but a variation
during pouring or subsequent processing.
of + ⁄8in. (3.2 mm) shall be permitted, except that for lengths
10.2.2 Product (check) analysis shall be wholly the respon-
over 30 ft (9.1 m), a variation of + ⁄4in. (6.4 mm) shall be
sibility of the purchaser.
10.3 Sampling for Mechanical Testing:
8.3 Straightness— Material shall be reasonably straight and
10.3.1 A representative sample shall be taken from each lot
free of bends or kinks.
of finished material.
8.4 Weight—For calculation of mass or weight, the follow-
ing densities shall be used:
11. Number of Tests and Re

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