Standard Specification for Condition 1 Bicycle Forks

This specification provides testing requirements for qualifying designs using production forks intended for use in Condition 1 per Classification F2043. It covers the compression load test, bending load test, impact resistance test, and fatigue plus impact test for bicycle forks.
1.1 This standard establishes testing requirements for qualifying designs using production forks intended for use in Condition 1 per Classification F2043.

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ASTM F2899-11 - Standard Specification for Condition 1 Bicycle Forks
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Designation:F2899 −11 AnAmerican National Standard
Standard Specification for
Condition 1 Bicycle Forks
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2899; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 5.1.2 Bending Load Test: The fork shall withstand a maximum bending load
1.1 This standard establishes testing requirements for quali-
of 1200 N (100 N initial load plus an additional 1100 N).
fying designs using production forks intended for use in The permanent deflection of a rigid fork shall not
Condition 1 per Classification F2043.
2. Referenced Documents
shall not exceed 10 mm.
5.1.3 Impact Resistance Test:
2.1 ASTM Standards: For each fork, permanent deflection shall be less
F2043 Classification for Bicycle Usage
than 45 mm following impact of a 22.5 kg mass dropped from
F2273 Test Methods for Bicycle Forks
a height such that the velocity at impact shall be at least 3.54
3. Classification
3.1 Condition 1 per Classification F2043.
NOTE 1—In a frictionless system, this velocity would be achieved for a
drop height of 640 mm.
4. Sampling and Test Specimens For Condition 1 forks, a second drop test and steerer
4.1 Selection and Preparation of Specimens:
torsional assessment are not required in this impact resistance
4.1.1 Three forks shall be randomly selected from the first
production lot for the fatigue plus impact test per this test
5.1.4 Fatigue Plus Impact Test:
method. Each fork shall withstand a fully reversed sinusoidal
4.1.2 Oneforkshallberandomlyselectedfortheimpacttest
load of 620 N for at least 100 000 cycles without structural
per this test method.
cracks or fractures and without exceeding the displacement
4.1.3 One fork shall be randomly selected for both the
limits described in Test Methods F2273.
compression and bending tests per this test method. If the fork withstands 100 000 cycles, it shall be
5. Performance Requirements subjected to an impact of a 22.5 kg mass dropped from a height
such that the velocity at impact shall be at least 2.66 m/s.
5.1 Bicycle forks intended by the manufacturer to be used
according to Condition 1 shall be tested per Test Methods
NOTE 2—In a frictionless system, this velocity would be achieved for a
F2273. height of 360 mm.
5.1.1 Compression Load Test (Suspension Forks): Following this impact test the permanent deflection The fork shall withstand a compressio

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