Standard Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes

5.1 A main purpose of using robots in emergency response operations is to enhance the safety and effectiveness of emergency responders operating in hazardous or inaccessible environments. The testing results of the candidate robot shall describe, in a statistically significant way, how reliably the robot is able to negotiate various types of obstacles, including the specified one, and thus provide emergency responders sufficiently high levels of confidence to determine the applicability of the robot.  
5.2 This test method addresses robot performance requirements expressed by emergency responders and representatives from other interested organizations. The performance data captured within this test method are indicative of the testing robot’s capabilities. Having available a roster of successfully tested robots with associated performance data to guide procurement and deployment decisions for emergency responders is consistent with the guideline of “Governments at all levels have a responsibility to develop detailed, robust, all-hazards response plans,” as stated in National Response Framework.  
5.3 The test apparatuses are scalable to constrain robot maneuverability during task performance for a range of robot sizes in confined areas associated with emergency response operations. (See 6.1 for specified incline sizes.)  
5.4 The standard apparatus is specified to be easily fabricated to facilitate self-evaluation by robot developers and provide practice tasks for emergency responders that exercise robot actuators, sensors, and operator interfaces. The standard apparatus can also be used to support operator training and establish operator proficiency.  
5.5 Although the test method was developed first for emergency response robots, it may be applicable to other operational domains.
1.1 Purpose:  
1.1.1 The purpose of this test method is to quantitatively evaluate a teleoperated ground robot’s (see Terminology E2521) capability of traversing inclined planes in confined areas.  
1.1.2 Robots shall possess a certain set of mobility capabilities, including negotiating obstacles, to suit critical operations such as emergency responses. An inclined slope is a type of obstacle that exists in emergency response and other environments. These environments often pose constraints to robotic mobility to various degrees. This test method specifies apparatuses, procedures, and metrics to standardize this obstacle for testing.  
1.1.3 The test apparatuses are scalable to provide a range of dimensions to constrain the robotic mobility during task performance. Fig. 1 shows three apparatus sizes to test robots intended for different emergency response scenarios.
FIG. 1 Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes Apparatuses  
1.1.4 Emergency response ground robots shall be able to handle many types of obstacles and terrain complexities. The required mobility capabilities include traversing gaps, hurdles, stairs, slopes, various types of floor surfaces or terrains, and confined passageways. Yet additional mobility requirements include sustained speeds and towing capabilities. Standard test methods are required to evaluate whether candidate robots meet these requirements.  
1.1.5 ASTM Task Group E54.08.01 specifies a mobility test suite, which consists of a set of test methods for evaluating these mobility capability requirements. This inclined-plane-traversing test method is a part of the mobility test suite. The apparatuses associated with the test methods challenge specific robot capabilities in repeatable ways to facilitate comparison of different robot models as well as particular configurations of similar robot models.  
1.1.6 The test suite quantifies elemental mobility capabilities necessary for ground robot intended for emergency response applications. As such, users of this standard can use either the entire suite or a subset based on their particular performance requirements...

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ASTM E2803-11(2020) - Standard Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes
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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation:E2803 −11 (Reapproved 2020)
Standard Test Method for
Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities:
Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2803; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.1.6 The test suite quantifies elemental mobility capabili-
ties necessary for ground robot intended for emergency re-
1.1 Purpose:
sponse applications. As such, users of this standard can use
1.1.1 The purpose of this test method is to quantitatively
either the entire suite or a subset based on their particular
evaluate a teleoperated ground robot’s (see Terminology
performance requirements. Users are also allowed to weight
E2521) capability of traversing inclined planes in confined
particular test methods or particular metrics within a test
1.1.2 Robots shall possess a certain set of mobility
ments. The testing results should collectively represent an
capabilities, including negotiating obstacles, to suit critical
emergency response ground robot’s overall mobility perfor-
operations such as emergency responses.An inclined slope is a
mance. These performance data can be used to guide procure-
type of obstacle that exists in emergency response and other
ment specifications and acceptance testing for robots intended
environments. These environments often pose constraints to
for emergency response applications.
robotic mobility to various degrees. This test method specifies
apparatuses, procedures, and metrics to standardize this ob-
NOTE 1—Additional test methods within the suite are anticipated to be
stacle for testing.
developed to address additional or advanced robotic mobility capability
requirements, including newly identified requirements and for even new
1.1.3 The test apparatuses are scalable to provide a range of
application domains.
dimensions to constrain the robotic mobility during task
performance. Fig. 1 shows three apparatus sizes to test robots 1.2 Performing Location—This test method shall be per-
intended for different emergency response scenarios.
formed in a testing laboratory or the field where the specified
1.1.4 Emergency response ground robots shall be able to apparatus and environmental conditions are implemented.
handle many types of obstacles and terrain complexities. The
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
required mobility capabilities include traversing gaps, hurdles,
standard. The values given in parentheses are not precise
stairs, slopes, various types of floor surfaces or terrains, and
mathematical conversions to inch-pound units. They are close
confined passageways. Yet additional mobility requirements
approximate equivalents for the purpose of specifying material
include sustained speeds and towing capabilities. Standard test
dimensions or quantities that are readily available to avoid
methods are required to evaluate whether candidate robots
excessive fabrication costs of test apparatuses while maintain-
meet these requirements.
ing repeatability and reproducibility of the test method results.
1.1.5 ASTMTask Group E54.08.01 specifies a mobility test
These values given in parentheses are provided for information
suite, which consists of a set of test methods for evaluating
only and are not considered standard.
these mobility capability requirements. This inclined-plane-
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
traversing test method is a part of the mobility test suite. The
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
apparatuses associated with the test methods challenge specific
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
different robot models as well as particular configurations of
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
similar robot models.
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E54 on
Homeland Security Applications and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
E54.09 on Response Robots.
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2020. Published January 2020. Originally
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
approved in 2011. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as E2803 – 11. DOI:
10.1520/E2803-11R20. Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E2803−11 (2020)
FIG. 1Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes Apparatuses
2. Referenced Documents administrator shall notify the operator when the safety belay is
2 available and ensure that the operator has either decided not to
2.1 ASTM Standards:
use it or assigned a person to handle it properly; and the
E2521 Terminology for Evaluating Response Robot Capa-
record the performance data and any notable observations
E2592 Practice for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities:
during the test.
Logistics: Packaging for Urban Search and Rescue Task
Force Equipment Caches
3.2.3 emergency response robot, or response robot, n—a
2.2 Additional Documents: robot deployed to perform operational tasks in an emergency
National Response Framework , U.S. Department of Home-
response situation.
land Security Discussion—Aresponserobotisadeployabledevice
NIST Special Publication 1011–I–2.0 Autonomy Levels for
intended to perform operational tasks at operational tempos
Unmanned Systems
during emergency responses. It is designed to serve as an
(ALFUS) Framework Volume 1: Terminology , Version 2.0
extension of the operator for gaining improved remote situ-
ational awareness and for projecting her/his intent through the
3. Terminology
equipped capabilities. It is designed to reduce risk to the
3.1 Terminology E2521 lists additional definitions relevant
operator while improving effectiveness and efficiency of the
to this test method.
deployment, remote operation from an appropriate standoff
3.2 Definitions:
distance, mobile in complex environments, sufficiently hard-
3.2.1 abstain, v—prior to starting a particular test method,
the robot manufacturer or designated operator shall choose to
durable or cost effectively disposable, or both, and equipped
enter the test or abstain.Any abstention shall be granted before
with operational safeguards.
the test begins. The test form shall be clearly marked as such,
indicating that the manufacturer acknowledges the omission of
3.2.4 fault condition, n—during the performance of the
task(s) as specified by the test method, a certain condition may
test time.
occur that renders the task execution to be failed and such a Discussion—Abstentions may occur when the robot
condition is called a fault condition. Fault conditions result in
configuration is neither designed nor equipped to perform the
a loss of credit for the partially completed repetition. The test
tasks as specified in the test method. Practice within the test
apparatus prior to testing should allow for establishing the
applicability of the test method for the given robot.
then, pause the test time and add a time-stamped note on the
test form indicating the reason for the fault condition.
3.2.2 administrator, n—person who conducts the test. The
administrator shall ensure the readiness of the apparatus, the Discussion—Faultconditionsincluderoboticsystem
test form, and any required measuring devices such as stop-
malfunction, such as de-tracking, and task execution problems,
watch and light meter; the administrator shall ensure that the
such as excessive deviation from a specified path or failure to
specified or required environmental conditions are met; the
recognize a target.
3.2.5 human-scale, adj—used to indicate that the obstacles,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
terrains, and tasks considered in this test suite are in a scale
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
consistent with the environments and structures typically
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
negotiated by humans, although possibly compromised or
the ASTM website.
Available from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), P.O. Box collapsedenoughtolimithumanaccess.Also,thattheresponse
10055, Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055,
Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100
scale appropriate for operation within these environments.
Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070,
customcf/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=824705. Discussion—No precise size and weight ranges are
E2803−11 (2020)
specifiedforthisterm.Thetestapparatusspecifiestheconfined from the specified START point to the END point and back.
areas in which to perform the tasks. Such constraints limit the The robot shall not deviate from the path line for wider than
overall sizes of robots to those considered applicable to one half of the robot’s width at all times during a traverse. The
emergency response operations. testing sponsor has the authority to select a starting incline
3.2.6 operator, n—person who controls the robot to perform
shall be performed on the increased inclines, as specified in
Section 6, until the highest testing incline is accomplished for
readiness of all the applicable subsystems of the robot; she/he
the specified number of repetitions.
through a designated second shall be responsible for the use of
a safety belay; and she/he shall also determine whether to
4.2 The robot’s capability of traversing a plane of a particu-
abstain the test.
lar testing incline is defined as the robot’s ability to complete Discussion—An operator is typically an emergency
all the three traversing tasks repeatedly. The robot’s capability
responder in emergency response situations.
3.2.7 operator station, n—apparatusforhostingtheoperator degree inclined plane that the robot is capable of traversing
and her/his operator control unit (OCU, see ALFUS Frame-
repeatedly. Further, the test sponsor can specify the statistical
work Volume I: Terminology) to teleoperate (see Terminology reliability and confidence levels of such a capability and, thus,
E2521) the robot. The operator station shall be positioned in
dictate the number of successful task performance repetitions
suchamannersoastoinsulatetheoperatorfromthesightsand that are required.
sounds generated at the test apparatuses.
4.3 Teleoperation shall be used from the operator station
3.2.8 repetition, n—robot’s completion of the task as speci-
specified by the administrator to test the robots using an OCU
fied in the test method and readiness for repeating the same
provided by the operator. The operator station shall be posi-
task when required.
tioned and implemented in such a manner so as to insulate the Discussion—In a traversing task, the entire mobility
operator from the sights and sounds generated at the test
mechanism shall be behind the START point before the
traverse and shall pass the END point to complete a repetition.
4.4 The operator is allowed to practice before the test.
Atest method can also specify returning to the STARTpoint to
She/he is also allowed to abstain from the test before it is
complete the task. Multiple repetitions, performed in the same
started. Once the test begins, there shall be no verbal commu-
test condition, may be used to establish the test performance to
nication between the operator and the administrator regarding
a certain degree of statistical significance as specified by the
the performance of a test repetition other than instructions on
testing sponsor.
when to start and notifications of faults and any safety related
3.2.9 test eventor event, n—a set of testing activities that are
conditions. The operator shall have the full responsibility to
planned and organized by the test sponsor and to be held at the
determine whether and when the robot has completed a
one or multiple designated test site(s).
3.2.10 test form, n—form corresponding to a test method
that contains fields for recording the testing results and the
associated information.
NOTE 2—Practice within the test apparatus could help establish the
3.2.11 test sponsor, n—an organization or individual that
applicability of the robot for the given test method. It allows the operator
commissions a particular test event and receives the corre-
to gain familiarity with the standard apparatus and environmental condi-
sponding test results.
setting for the test.
3.2.12 test suite, n—designed collection of test methods that
are used, collectively, to evaluate the performance of a robot’s
4.5 The test sponsor has the authority to select the size for
particular subsystem or functionality, including mobility,
the specified confined area apparatus.The test sponsor also has
manipulation, sensors, energy/power, communications,
the authority to select the test methods that constitute the test
human-robot interaction (HRI), logistics, safety, and aerial or
event, to select one or more test site(s) at which the test
aquatic maneuvering.
methods are implemented, to determine the corresponding
statistical reliability a

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