ASTM E1744-98
(Guide)Standard Guide for View of Emergency Medical Care in the Computer-Based Patient Record
Standard Guide for View of Emergency Medical Care in the Computer-Based Patient Record
1.1 This guide covers the identification of the information that is necessary to document emergency medical care in a computerized patient record that is part of a paperless patient record system. The intent of a paperless patient record system will be to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
1.2 This guide is a view of the data elements to document the types of emergency medical information that would be valuable if available in the computerized patient record.
1.2.1 The patient's summary record and derived data sets will be described separately from this guide.
1.2.2 As a view of the computerized patient record, the information presented will conform to the structure defined in other ASTM standards for the computerized patient record.
1.3 This guide is intended to amplify Guides E1239, E1384, and F1629 and the formalisms described in Practice E1715.
1.3.1 This guide details the use of data elements already established in these standards for use during documentation of emergency care in the field or in a treatment facility and places them in the context of the object models for health care that will be the vehicle for communication standards for health care data. The codes for the data elements referred to in this guide will be developed in consideration of national or professional guidelines whenever available. The EMS definitions are based on those generated from the national consensus conference sponsored by NHTSA and from ASTM F30.03.03 on EMS Management Information Systems. The Emergency Department (ED) definitions will consider those recommended by the CDC workshop on ED definitions scheduled for January 1996. The hospital discharge definitions will be developed in consideration of existing requirements for Medicare and Medicaid payment. The ASTM process allows for the definitions to be updated as the national consensus changes. When national or professional definitions do not exist, or whenever there is a conflict in the definitions, the committee will recommend a process for resolving the conflict or present the various definitions within the document along with an explanation for the purpose of each definition.
1.3.2 This guide reinforces the concepts set forth in Guides E1239 and E1384 that documentation of care in all settings shall be seamless and be conducted under a common set of precepts using a common logical record structure and common terminology.
1.4 The computerized patient record focuses on the patient.
1.4.1 In particular, the computerized patient record sets out to ensure that the data document includes: The occurrence of the emergency, The symptoms requiring emergency medical treatment, The medical/mental assessment/diagnoses established, The treatment rendered, and The outcome and disposition of the patient after emergency treatment.
1.4.2 The computerized patient record consists of subsets of the data computerized by multiple care providers at the time of onset/scene and enroute, in the emergency department, and in the hospital or other emergency health care settings.
1.4.3 The computerized patient record focuses on the documentation of information that is necessary to support patient care but does not define appropriate care.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
View of Emergency Medical Care in the Computer–Based
Patient Record
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1744; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope The hospital discharge definitions are based on
recommendations from the Health Care FinancingAdministra-
1.1 This guide covers the identification of the information
tion for Medicare and Medicaid payment and from the Depart-
that is necessary to document emergency medical care in a
ment of Health and Human Services for the Uniform Hospital
computerized, paperless patient record system that is designed
Discharge Data Set.
to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Because the current trend is to store data as text, the
1.2 This guide is a view of the data elements to document
codes for the attribute values have been determined as unnec-
the types of emergency medical information that should be
essary and thus are eliminated from this document.
included in the computer–based patient record. The ASTM process allows for the data elements to
1.2.1 The patient’s summary record and derived data sets
be updated as the national consensus changes. When national
will be described separately from this guide.
or professional guides do not exist, or whenever there is a
1.2.2 As a view of the computer-based patient record, the
conflict in the existing EMS, ED, hospital or other guides, the
information presented will conform to the structure defined in
committee will recommend a process for resolving the conflict
other ASTM standards for the computer-based patient record.
or an explanation of the conflict within each guide.
1.3 This guide is intended to amplify Guides E 1239,
1.3.2 This guide reinforces the concepts set forth in Guides
E 1384, and F 1629 and the formalisms described in Practice
E 1239 and E 1384 that documentation of care in all settings
E 1715.
shall be seamless and be conducted under a common set of
1.3.1 This guide details the use of data elements already
precepts using a common logical record structure and common
established in these standards and other national guidelines for
use during documentation of emergency care in the field or in
1.4 The computer–based patient record focuses on the
a treatment facility and places them in the context of the object
models for health care in Guide E 1384 that will be the vehicle
1.4.1 In particular, the computer–based patient record sets
for communication standards for health care data.
out to ensure that the data document includes: The data elements and the attributes referred to in The occurrence of the emergency,
this guide are based on national guidelines whenever available. The symptoms requiring emergency medical treat- The EMS definitions are based on those generated
ment, and potential complications resulting from preexisting
from ASTM task group F 30.03.03 on EMS Management The medical/mental assessment/diagnoses estab-
Information Systems.
lished, The Emergency Department (ED) definitions are The treatment rendered, and
based on the Data Elements for Emergency Department Sys- The outcome and disposition of the patient after
tems (DEEDS) distributed by the Centers for Disease Control
emergency treatment.
in June 1997.
1.4.2 The computer–based patient record consists of subsets
of data for the emergency patient that have been computerized
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-31 on Healthcare by different care providers at the time of treatment at the scene
Informatics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E31.19 on Electronic
and en route, in the emergency department, and in the hospital
Health Record Content and Structure.
or other emergency health care settings.
Current edition approved July 10, 1998. Published March 1999. Originally
published as E 1744–95. Last previous edition E 1744–95.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
1.4.3 The computer–based patient record focuses on the 3.1.4 emergency episode—a series of encounters relating to
documentation of information that is necessary to support an emergency condition that may lead either to death, full
patient care but does not define appropriate care. recovery, or a clinical steady state.
3.1.5 emergency episode documentation—those recorded
2. Referenced Documents observations that describe the care rendered during the period
of an emergency episode, whether brief or extended.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.6 other emergency outpatient facility—emergency facil-
E 1239 Guide for Description of Reservation/Registration-
Admission, Discharge, Transfer (RADT) Systems for Au-
acute care hospital but which provides emergency stabilization
tomated Patient Care Information Systems
and treatment upon demand. Such facilities may include
E 1384 Guide for Description of Content and Structure of
clinic/health centers, freestanding ambulatory surgery center,
an Automated Primary Record of Care
physician’s office, etc.
E 1633 Specification for Coded Values Used in the
3.1.7 pre-hospital EMS data set—that set of data elements
Computer-Based Patient Record
collected at onset and en route prior to arrival at the first
E 1715 Practice for an Object-Oriented Model for Registra-
treatment facility.
in Computer-Based Patient Record Systems
4. Significance and Use
E 1869 Guide for Confidentiality, Privacy,Access and Data
Security Principles for Health Information Including
4.1 The Emergency Medical Service System (EMSS) in the
Computer-Based Patient Records
United States has largely arisen since 1945 and has drawn to a
E 1985 Guide for User Authentication and Authorization
great degree from the experience gained in military conflicts
F 1177 Terminology Relating to Emergency Medical Ser-
during and since World War II. The documentation of care,
however, has remained largely paper record–based until re-
F 1288 Guide for Planning for and Response to a Multiple
Casualty Incident
4.1.1 Beginning in the 1970s both civilian and military
F 1629 Guide for Establishing and/or Operating Emergency
agencies have closely examined electronic means of storing
Medical Services Management Information Systems
and managing patient data about emergency medical care.
PS 100 Provisional Specification for Authentication of
4.1.2 The report of the Institute of Medicine on the
Healthcare Information Using Digital Signatures
Computer-Based Patient Record has emphasized the use of
2.2 ANSI Standard:
information technology in patient care in general and emer-
X3.172 American National Dictionary for Information Sys-
gency care data in particular.
tems 1990
4.1.3 During this period ASTM has documented the logical
2.3 Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers Standards:
structure of the computer-based patient record in Guides
610.2 Standard Glossary of Computer Applications Termi-
E 1239andE 1384,whileGuideF 1629hasdefinedthepatient
care data, to be gathered in the pre-hospital record, and the
610.5 Standard Glossary of Data Management Terminol-
outcome data, relative to the pre-hospital phase of the emer-
gency, which are collected in the emergency department and
729 Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminol-
after inpatient admission.
ogy Specifications for the logic model are also presented
in Practice E 1715.
3. Terminology
4.2 This guide shows how the data gathered for EMS
operations and management merge smoothly into the
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
computer-based patient record, consistent with the recognition
3.1.1 emergency condition—change(s) in the patient’s
that these data are part of the primary record of care. Several
health status perceived to require immediate medical attention
states have formalized that recognition in state law.
to prevent unnecessary death or disability.
4.2.1 This guide does not instruct physicians how to collect
3.1.2 emergency department (ED) data set—that set of data
data for patient care.
elements collected in the emergency outpatient treatment
4.2.2 This guide does not indicate what information needs
facility prior to admission as an inpatient.
to be collected at the time of patient care.
3.1.3 emergency encounter—a single event of health care
4.3 The task now is to document, using standard conven-
tions, the means by which this integration occurs in order to set
the stage for the capture and transfer of such emergency care
next phase of care for the emergency.
data using information technology and telecommunications in
a standardized way consistent with all other settings of care
while protecting the privacy and confidentiality of that data.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 13.01.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10036.
5 6
Available from IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ State of Washington: Revised Code of Washington 76.168 and Washington
08855–1331. Administrative Code 246-976-380.
4.3.1 The computer–based patient record has the potential 5.1.1 Fig. 1 presents the different phases of emergency from
toreducehealthcarecostsbyoptimizingcasemanagementand onset until final disposition, at which point the patient is no
supporting effective post ED follow-up. longer the responsibility of emergency care.
4.3.2 Systematizing the data also enhances its ability to be
5.1.2 In some instances, emergency patients are transported
used consistently, with proper protection, for research into and
from the location of onset to an emergency department and
for management of EMSS operations within the various
jurisdictional boundaries.
treatment for life-threatening medical problems.
4.4 The computer–based form of the emergency episode
5.1.3 Records completed for the emergency patient at dif-
documentation utilizes the same logical data model as the
ferent points in time are unique to the type of emergency
computer–based patient record, but it focuses on data collected
response and the phase of the emergency.
during the different phases of the emergency.
5.1.4 This guide does not include rehabilitation and outpa-
4.4.1 These data sets do not limit what may be recorded, or
tient follow-up as part of emergency medical care since this
by whom, but they do identify those data considered essential,
information is recorded elsewhere in the CPR and is not within
when they exist.These data sets include all those data recorded
the scope of this guide.
to document instances of emergency medical care.
5.2 Documentation of emergency care is more efficient if
4.4.2 Data organized to enhance flexible and efficient man-
the data are computerized at the time of collection so that this
agement of information.
information can be incorporated simultaneously into the com- Identifications of practitioners and facilities will be
puter–based patient record at the time of data entry.
coded, when necessary, to protect confidentiality and to make
5.3 A core of patient identification information (age/date of
provider data comparable. Names will be included when they
birth, sex/gender, facility identification, times, etc.) is common
are necessary to support patient care.
to all of the medical records. Provider identification numbers will be maintained
5.3.1 Other data elements exist that are unique to the
on master data files which also include additional information
emergency event, and still others exist that are unique to a
such as specialty, license level, and the like.
specific care site. Provider identification numbers recorded on the
5.3.2 Although many different records may be completed
computer–based patient record will automatically link to the
for a single emergency patient, not all of the data collected are
master data files to eliminate the need for duplicate data entry
incorporated into the computer-based patient record.
of reference material in the patient record. Except for times (see 6.14.4 and 6.14.14), adminis- Coding systems for emergency reporting (ICD-9-
7 8 9
CM, CPT, HCPCS, SNOMED ) will be referenced in the trative data which are useful for ambulance service manage-
ment information, such as the use of lights and sirens and
master data files for Guide E 1384 as appropriate. The efficient arrangement of the logical model mileage, the EMS agency’s response number, the type of EMS
vehicle, and environmental factors affecting EMS care, have
Guide E 1384 permits output to be generated and identified to
mirror the paper record, such as nurse-specific or physician- been excluded from the computer–based patient record, which
specific notes. focuses on the patient. The arrangement of the logical model permits mul-
5.4 The computer–based patient record has the potential to
tiple entries of assessment data, using a small group of
improve data quality as follows.
variables, that can then be used to generate output. For
5.4.1 Time and date entries will not be subject to the
example, sequence of diagnoses by date-time.
idiosyncrasies of the clock at hand, or the memory of the
person entering the data but may be automatically recorded by
5. Phases of Emergency Medical Care
the computer; however, when data are entered retrospectively,
5.1 Patient data are collected during the different phases of
the system should allow a manual override to record actual
depend on the severity of the emergency.
5.4.2 Direct data entry, by voice, dictation, touch, etc., by
the care provider will eliminate the need to interpret the care
Current Procedure Terminology for Physician Services.
provider’s handwriting.
HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration) Common Procedure Coding
5.5 Each segment of emergency care is cumulative, though
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine.
not necessarily sequential, to the prior docum
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