ASTM B425-99(2005)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221) Rod and Bar
Standard Specification for Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221) Rod and Bar
This specification covers nickel-iron-chromiummolybdenum-copper alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221) in the form of hot-finished and cold-drawn rounds, squares, hexagons, and rectangles. The material shall conform to the composition limits specified. The material shall conform to the mechanical properties specified. Chemical analysis, tension test, and rounding procedure shall be made in accordance to the specified requirements.
1.1 This specification covers nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221)* in the form of hot-finished and cold-drawn rounds, squares, hexagons, and rectangles.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test methods portion, Section , of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to become familiar with all hazards including those identified in the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product/material as provided by the manufacturer, to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: B 425 – 99 (Reapproved 2005)
Standard Specification for
Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221)* Rod
and Bar
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 425; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E 1473 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel,
2 Cobalt, and High-Temperature Alloys
1.1 This specification covers nickel-iron-chromium-
molybdenum-copper alloy (UNS N08825 and UNS N08221)*
3. Terminology
in the form of hot-finished and cold-drawn rounds, squares,
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
hexagons, and rectangles.
3.1.1 bar, n—material of rectangular (flats), hexagonal, or
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
square solid section up to and including 10 in. (254 mm) in
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
width and ⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) and over in thickness in straight
information only.
1.3 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the Discussion—Hot-worked rectangular bar in widths
test methods portion, Section 12, of this specification: This
standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems,
with sheared or cut edges in accordance with Specification
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
B 424, provided the mechanical property requirements of this
of this standard to become familiar with all hazards including
specification are met.
those identified in the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet
3.1.2 rod, n—material of round solid section furnished in
(MSDS) for this product/material as provided by the manufac-
straight lengths.
turer, to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to
4. Ordering Information
4.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all
requirements that are necessary for the safe and satisfactory
2. Referenced Documents
3 performance of material ordered under this specification.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Examples of such requirements include, but are not limited to,
B 424 Specification for Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy (UNS
the following:
N08825 and UNS N08221)* Plate, Sheet, and Strip
4.1.1 ASTM designation and date of issue,
B 880 SpecificationforGeneralRequirementsforChemical
4.1.2 UNS number,
Check Analysis Limits for Nickel, Nickel Alloys and
4.1.3 Section—Rod (round) or bar (square, hexagonal, or
Cobalt Alloys
E8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
4.1.4 Dimensions, including length,
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
4.1.5 Condition (see Appendix X1),
Determine Conformance with Specifications
4.1.6 Finish (see Appendix X1),
4.1.7 Quantity—Feet (or metres) or number of pieces,
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B02 on
4.1.8 Certification—State if certification is required (Sec-
Nonferrous Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
tion 15),
B02.07 on Refined Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys.
4.1.9 Samples for Product (Check) Analysis—State whether
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2005. Published February 2006. Originally
approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as B 425 – 99. samples for product (check) analysis should be furnished (see
* New designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAE
5.2), and
J 1086, Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS).
4.1.10 Purchaser Inspection—If purchaser wishes to wit-
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications, see related Specifi-
ness tests or inspection of material at place of manufacture, the
cation SB-425 in Section II of that code.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
purchase order must so state, indicating which test or inspec-
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
tions are to be witnessed (Section 13).
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
B 425 – 99 (2005)
5. Chemical Composition 8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
5.1 The material shall conform to the composition limits
8.1 The material shall be uniform in quality and condition,
specified in Table 1.
smooth, commercially straight or flat, and free of injurious
5.2 If a product (check) analysis is performed by the
purchaser, it shall be done in accordance with Specification
B 880 and the material shall conform to the product (check)
9. Sampling
analysis variations defined in Table 1 of Specification B 880.
9.1 Lot—Definition:
9.1.1 A lot for chemical analysis shall consist of one heat.
6. Mechanical Properties and Other Requirements
9.1.2 Alot for mechanical properties testing shall consist of
6.1 Mechanical Properties—The material shall conform to
all material from the same heat, nominal diameter or thickness,
the mechanical properties specified in Table 2.
and condition. Where material cannot be identified by heat, a lot
7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
shall consist of not more than 500 lb (227 kg) of material in the
7.1 Diameter, Thickness, or Width—The permissible varia-
same size and condition. A single piece weighing over 500 lb
tions from the specified dimensions as measured on the
shall be considered as one lot.
diameter or between parallel surfaces of cold-worked rod and
9.2 Test Material Selection:
bar as prescribed in Table 4. 9.2.1 Chemical Analysis—Representative samples from
each lot shall be taken during pouring or subsequent process-
7.2 Out-of-Round—Hot-worked rods and cold-worked rods
(except“forgingquality”)allsizes,instraightlengths,shallnot ing.
be out-of-round by more than one half the total permissible Product (check) analysis shall be wholly the respon-
variations in diameter shown inTable 3 andTable 4, except for
sibility of the purchaser.
hot-workedrods ⁄2in.(12.7mm)indiameterandunder,which
9.2.2 Mechanical Properties—Samples of the material to
may be out-of-round by the total permissible variations in
diameter shown in Table 4.
from such locations in each lot as to be representative of that
7.3 Corners—Cold-worked bars will have practically exact
angles and sharp corners.
7.4 Machining Allowances for Hot-Worked Materials—
10. Number of Tests
When the surfaces of hot-worked products are to be machined,
10.1 Chemical Analysis—One test per lot.
the allowances prescribed in Table 5 are recommended for
10.2 Tension—One test per lot.
normal machining operations.
7.5 Length—The permissible variations in length of cold-
11. Specimen Preparation
worked and hot-worked rod and bar shall be as prescribed in
Table 6.
11.1 Tension test specimens shall be taken from material in
7.5.1 Rods and bars ordered to random or nominal lengths
the final condition and tested in the direction of fabrication.
will be furnished with either cropped or saw-cut ends; material
11.1.1 All rod and bar shall be tested in full cross-section
ordered to cut lengths will be furnished with square saw-cut or
size when possible. When a full cross-section size test cannot
machined ends.
be performed, the largest possible round specimen shown in
7.6 Straightness:
Test MethodsE8 shall be used. Longitudinal strip specimens
7.6.1 The permissible variations in straightness of cold-
shall be prepared in accordance with Test Methods E8 for
worked rod and bar as determined by the departure from
rectangularbarupto ⁄2in.(12.7mm),inclusive,inthicknesses
straightness shall be as prescribed in Table 7.
which are too wide to be pulled full size.
7.6.2 The permissible variations in straightness of hot-
worked rod and bar as determined by the departure from
12. Test Methods
straightness shall be as specified in Table 8.
12.1 The chemical composition and mechanical and other
properties of the material as enumerated in this specification
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
shall be determined, in case of disagreement, in accordance
Element UNS N08825 UNS N08221
with the following ASTM standards:
Nickel 38.0–46.0 39.0–46.0
Test ASTM Designation
Chromium 19.5–23.5 20.0–22.0
Iron 22.0 min balance
Chemical analysis E 1473
Manganese 1.0 max 1.0 max
Tension E8
Carbon 0.05 max 0.025 max
Rounding procedure E29
Copper 1.5–3.0 1.5–3.0
Silicon 0.5 max 0.5 max
12.2 For purposes of determining compliance with the
Sulfur 0.03 max 0.03 max
specified limits for requirements of the properties listed in the
Aluminum 0.2 max 0.2 max
following table, an observed or calculated value shall be
Titanium 0.6–1.2 0.6–1.0
Molybdenum 2.5–3.5 5.0–6.5
rounded as indicated below, in accordance with the rounding
Element shall be determined arithmetically by difference. method of PracticeE29:
B 425 – 99 (2005)
TABLE 2 Mechanical Properties (Rod and Bar)
Yield Strength Elongation in 2
Tensile Strength
Alloy Condition 0.2 % offset, min, in.or50mmor
min, ksi (MPa)
ksi (MPa) 4 , min,%
UNS N08825 Annealed: 85 (586) 35 (241) 30
Hot-finished, cold–drawn
Forging Quality:
UNS N08221 All sizes annealed 79 (544) 34 (235) 30
Not applicable to diameters or cross sections under ⁄32 in. (2.4 mm).
Forging quality is furnished to chemical requirements and surface inspection only. No tensile properties are required.
TABLE 3 Permissible Variations in Diameter or Distance
13. Inspection
Between Parallel Surfaces of Cold-Worked Rod and Bar
13.1 Inspectionofthematerialshallbemadeasagreedupon
Permissible Variations From
Specified Dimension, in.
between the manufacturer and the purchaser as part of the
Specified Dimension, in. (mm)
purchase contract.
Plus Minus
1 3
⁄16 (1.6) to ⁄16 (4.8), excl 0 0.002 (0.05)
14. Rejection an
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