Standard Test Method for Glazing and Glazing Systems Subject to Airblast Loadings

This test method provides a structured procedure to establish the hazard rating of glazing and glazing systems subjected to an airblast loading. Knowing the hazard rating provides the ability to assess the risk of personal injury and facility damage.
The hazard rating for a glazing or glazing material does not imply that a single specimen will resist the specific airblast for which it is rated with a probability of 1.0. The probability that a single glazing or glazing construction specimen will resist the specific airblast for which it is rated increases proportionally with the number of test specimens that successfully resist the given level of airblast to the hazard level for which it is rated.
1.1 This test method sets forth procedures for the evaluation of hazards of glazing or glazing systems against airblast loadings. The specifying authority shall provide the airblast loading parameters.
1.2 This test method allows for glazing to be tested and rated with or without framing systems.
1.3 This test method is designed to test and rate all glazing, glazing systems, and glazing retrofit systems including, but not limited to, those fabricated from glass, plastic, glass-clad plastics, laminated glass, glass/plastic glazing materials, and film-backed glass.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. Values given in parentheses are for information only. For conversion of quantities in various systems of measurements to SI units, see .
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Section 9 for specific hazards statements.

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ASTM F1642-04(2010) - Standard Test Method for Glazing and Glazing Systems Subject to Airblast Loadings
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: F1642 − 04(Reapproved 2010)
Standard Test Method for
Glazing and Glazing Systems Subject to Airblast Loadings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1642; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Historical records show that fragments from glazing that has failed as the result of intentional or
accidental explosions present a serious threat of personal injury. Glazing failure also allows blast
pressure to enter the interior of buildings thus resulting in additional threat of personal injury and
facade. This test method addresses only glazing and glazing systems. It assumes that the designer has
verified that other structural elements have been adequately designed to resist the anticipated airblast
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This test method sets forth procedures for the evaluation 2.1 ASTM Standards:
of hazards of glazing or glazing systems against airblast E997 Test Method for Structural Performance of Glass in
loadings. The specifying authority shall provide the airblast Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under the
loading parameters. Influence of Uniform Static Loads by Destructive Meth-
1.2 This test method allows for glazing to be tested and
SI 10 American National Standard for Use of the Interna-
rated with or without framing systems.
tional System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System
1.3 This test method is designed to test and rate all glazing,
3. Terminology
glazing systems, and glazing retrofit systems including, but not
limited to, those fabricated from glass, plastic, glass-clad
3.1 Definitions:
plastics, laminated glass, glass/plastic glazing materials, and
3.1.1 ambient temperature—24 6 11°C (75 6 20°F).
film-backed glass.
3.1.2 blast mat—a steel or concrete pad upon which high
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
explosive may be detonated to reduce the incidence of ejecta.
standard. Values given in parentheses are for information only.
3.1.3 effective positive phase duration (T)—the duration of
For conversion of quantities in various systems of measure-
ments to SI units, see SI 10.
history, having an instantaneous rise to the measured P, with a
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
linear decay to ambient, such that the impulse of the idealized
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
pressure history equals i of the measured positive phase
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
reflected airblast history.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Discussion—The idealized triangular airblast wave
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Section 9 for
is considered to provide a reliable standard measure of the
specific hazards statements.
positive phase airblast intensity.
3.1.4 glazing—transparent materials used for windows,
doors, or other panels.
This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F12 on Security
Systems and Equipmentand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F12.10 on
Systems Products and Services. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published May 2010. Originally contactASTM Customer Service at ForAnnual Book ofASTM
approved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as F1642 – 04. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/F1642-04R10. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F1642 − 04 (2010)
3.1.5 glazing system—the assembly comprised of the determine the hazard rating of a glazing or glazing system
glazing, its framing system, and anchorage devices. subjected to an airblast loading.
3.1.6 peak positive pressure (P)—the maximum measured
5. Significance and Use
positive phase airblast pressure, kPa.
5.1 This test method provides a structured procedure to
3.1.7 positive phase impulse (i)—the integral of the mea-
establish the hazard rating of glazing and glazing systems
sured positive phase reflected airblast pressure history, kPa-ms
subjected to an airblast loading. Knowing the hazard rating
(psi-ms) (more correctly called the specific positive phase
provides the ability to assess the risk of personal injury and
facility damage.
3.1.8 reflected airblast pressure—the pressure increase that
5.2 The hazard rating for a glazing or glazing material does
a surface, oriented other than parallel to the line from the
not imply that a single specimen will resist the specific airblast
detonation point to the surface, experiences due to the detona-
for which it is rated with a probability of 1.0. The probability
tion of a high explosive charge.
that a single glazing or glazing construction specimen will Discussion—The reflected airblast pressure history,
resist the specific airblast for which it is rated increases
whether reflected or otherwise, as measured at a point on the
proportionally with the number of test specimens that success-
surface, consists of two separate phases. The positive phase is
fully resist the given level of airblast to the hazard level for
characterized by a nearly instantaneous rise to a maximum
which it is rated.
In the negative phase, which follows immediately the positive
6. Number of Specimens
phase, the pressure decreases below ambient for a period of
6.1 Number of Specimens—A minimum of three test speci-
time before returning to ambient.
3.1.9 simply supported glazing—glazingsupportedinaccor-
retrofit system, shall be tested at a given level of airblast,
dance with Test Method E997 with the edges of the glass
defined in terms of P and i.
extending a minimum of 3-mm (0.125-in.) beyond the neo-
prene supports.
7. Hazard Rating
3.1.10 test director—the individual identified by the inde-
7.1 The hazard rating of the glazing or glazing system shall
pendent testing laboratory as being responsible to complete the
be according to the rating criteria definitions provided below
specified tests as required and to document the results, in
and further demonstrated in Fig. 1. The hazard rating that
accordance with this test method.
fragments generated during an airblast test. The fragment
4. Summary of Test Method
severity is determined based upon the number, size and
4.1 This test method prescribes the required apparatus, location of fragments observed during post-test data gathering.
procedures, specimens, and other requirements necessary to Fragments to be considered in rating the glazing or glazing
FIG. 1 Cross-section Through Witness Area
F1642 − 04 (2010)
system include those generated by the glazing, and any other peak positive pressure and positive phase impulse. The test
parts of the glazing system not considered to be part of the test facility shall also consist of a test frame and witness area as
facility. See 8.1 for a definition of the test facility.
described below. The test director shall ensure that potential
7.1.1 No Break—The glazing is observed not to fracture and
environmental impact issues are determined and resolved prior
there is no visible damage to the glazing system. to testing. The test director shall ensure that testing is con-
7.1.2 No Hazard—The glazing is observed to fracture but is ducted at ambient temperature in accordance with Section
fully retained in the facility test frame or glazing system frame
and the rear surface (the side opposite the airblast loaded side
8.2 Airblast Load—Either a shocktube or a high explosive
of the specimen) is unbroken.
charge shall be used to generate the desired peak pressure and
7.1.3 Minimal Hazard—The glazing is observed to fracture
and the total length of tears in the glazing plus the total length
charge is used, the charge shall be hemispherical and detonated
of pullout from the edge of the frame is less than 20 % of the
either at ground level or elevated by placing the explosive on
glazing sight perimeter. Also, there are three or less perfora-
a table. Elevation of the base of the explosive shall be between
tions caused by glazing slivers and no fragment indents
60 cm (24 in.) and 120 cm (48 in.) above the ground where the
explosive will be detonated. Other explosive charge configu-
the interior face of the specimen and there are fragments with
rations can be used.The effects of using other explosive charge
a sum total united dimension of 25 cm (10 in.) or less on the
configurations must be accounted for and documented. See
floor between 1 m (40 in.) and 3 m (120 in.) from the interior
Annex A1 for information to be used in calculating pressures,
face of the specimen. Glazing dust and slivers are not ac-
impulses, and durations, and for accounting for different types
counted for in the rating.
of explosives. Note that the procedures in Annex A1 account Discussion—Fragments are defined as any particle
for loading from a hemispherical charge imparting load on a
with a united dimension of 2.5 cm (1 in.) or greater.The united
large facade and do not address the issues of clearing or other
dimension of a glass particle is determined by adding its width,
explosive shapes.
length, and thickness. Glazing dust and slivers are all other
smaller particles.
8.3 Blast Mat—If there is a possibility of crater ejecta
7.1.4 Very Low Hazard—The glazing is observed to fracture
and is located within 1 m (40 in.) of the original location.Also,
a blast mat. The decision to use a blast mat shall be at the
there are three or less perforations caused by glazing slivers
discretion of the test director.
and no fragment indents anywhere in a vertical witness panel
located3m(120in.)fromtheinteriorfaceofthespecimenand 8.4 Test Frame—A test frame suitable for supporting glaz-
therearefragmentswithasumtotaluniteddimensionof25cm ing or glazing systems shall be part of the test facility. Glazing
(10 in.) or less on the floor between 1 m (40 in.) and 3 m (120
tested without a specific framing system shall be, as a
in.) from the interior face of the specimen. Glazing dust and minimum, supported in a simple support subframe that is
slivers are not accounted for in the rating.
7.1.5 Low Hazard—The glazing is observed to fracture, but
subframe support conditions may be used. If a glazing system
glazing fragments generally fall between 1 m (40 in.) of the
is tested, the glazing system shall be mounted to the test frame
interior face of the specimen and 50 cm (20 in.) or less above
in a manner that closely models the manner in which it will be
the floor of a vertical witness panel located 3 m (120 in.) from
mounted in the field. The test frame shall be capable of
the interior face of the specimen. Also, there are ten or fewer
resisting the airblast loads with deflections that do not exceed
perforations in the area of a vertical witness panel located 3 m
(120 in.) from the interior face of the specimen and higher than
the glazing system. The area immediately behind the test
50 cm (20 in.) above the floor and none of the perforations
specimens shall be designated as the witness area. For arena
penetrate through the full thickness of the foil backed insula-
testing, the witness area shall be enclosed to prevent airblast
tion board layer of the witness panel as defined in 8.7.5.
7.1.6 High Hazard—Glazing is observed to fracture and
designed to resist the wrap around pressures.
there are more than ten perforations in the area of a vertical
8.5 Simple Support Subframe—A subframe, attachable to
the test frame, to support glazing in accordance with Test
specimen and higher than 50 cm (20 in.) above the floor or
Method E997.
there are one or more perforations in the same witness panel
area with fragment penetration through the first layer and into
8.6 WitnessArea—Thewitnessareashallhavethefollowing
the second layer of the witness panel.
dimensions. The floor shall be 500 6 50 mm (20 6 2 in.)
below the subframe opening used to receive the glazing or
8. Apparatus
glazing system, unless the specifying authority dictates that the
glazing or glazing system shall be tested per its position in a
8.1 Test Facility—The test facility shall consist of either a
building.The ceiling shall be a minimum of 10 cm (4 in.) from
is generated. Open-air arenas should be sited on clear and level the top of the subframe opening used to receive the glazing or
glazing system. The sides shall be a minimum of 10 cm (4 in.)
terrain and be of sufficient size to accommodate the detonation
of the required amount of explosives to provide the desired from the subframe opening used to receive the glazing or
F1642 − 04 (2010)
glazing system. The back wall of the witness area shall be 3.0 pressure and impulse combination for which testing is to be
6 0.15 m (120 6 6 in.) from the interior glazing face of the accomplished, plus one additional specimen for pretest mea-
specimen. surements.
8.7 Instrumentation: 10.2 The test director shall ensure that the test specimens
8.7.1 Pressure Transducers—A minimum of three reflected
are handled and stored in compliance with manufacturer’s
and one free field airblast pressure transducers shall be used in instructions.
each test frame or in a separate transducer panel for arena
10.3 Each specimen shall be marked indelibly with the
testing. A minimum of three reflected pressure transducers
manufacturer’s model and serial numbers and the date of
shall be used for shocktube testing. The airblast pressure
transducer shall be capable of defining the anticipated airblast
10.4 Each specimen shall be marked clearly to indicate its
pressure history within the linear

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