ASTM A521-96(2001)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Steel, Closed-Impression Die Forgings for General Industrial Use
Standard Specification for Steel, Closed-Impression Die Forgings for General Industrial Use
1.1 This specification covers untreated and heat-treated steel, closed-impression die forgings (Note 1) for general industrial use.
Note 1—For the definition of a forging, refer to Definition A 509.
1.2 The classes of forgings are as follows, the choice depending on design and stress or service to be imposed:
1.2.1 Class CA—Untreated, carbon steel forgings,
1.2.2 Classes CC, CC1 and CE— Annealed, normalized and tempered, carbon steel forgings,
1.2.3 Class CF—Normalized and tempered carbon steel forgings,
1.2.4 Class CF1— Double normalized and tempered carbon steel forgings,
1.2.5 Class CG—Quenched and tempered, or normalized, quenched and tempered carbon steel forgings,
1.2.6 Class AA—Annealed, normalized, or normalized and tempered alloy steel forgings,
1.2.7 Classes AB and AC—Normalized and tempered alloy steel forgings, and
1.2.8 Classes AD, AE, AF, AG and AH—Normalized, quenched, and tempered alloy steel forgings.
Note 2—The appendix tables list recommended tolerances for a number of materials other than those covered by the above classes. The tables are for information only and the purchaser must define the condition in which he desires forgings made from materials not described above.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: A 521 – 96 (Reapproved 2001)
Standard Specification for
Steel, Closed-Impression Die Forgings for General Industrial
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 521; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope A 322 Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
1.1 This specification covers untreated and heat-treated
of Steel Products
steel, closed-impression die forgings (Note 1) for general
A 509 Definition of Terms Relating to Steel Forging
industrial use.
A 576 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought,
NOTE 1—For the definition of a forging, refer to Definition A 509. 2
Special Quality
1.2 The classes of forgings are as follows, the choice A 711 Specification for Steel Forging Stock
depending on design and stress or service to be imposed: E 10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materi-
1.2.1 Class CA—Untreated, carbon steel forgings, als
1.2.2 Classes CC, CC1, and CE—Annealed, normalized E 23 Test Method for Notched Bar Impact Testing of
and tempered, carbon steel forgings, Metallic Materials
1.2.3 Class CF—Normalized and tempered carbon steel E 94 Guide for Radiographic Examination
3. Terminology
1.2.4 Class CF1—Double normalized and tempered carbon
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
steel forgings,
1.2.5 Class CG—Quenched and tempered, or normalized, 3.1.1 annealing—the forgings shall be reheated to a tem-
perature which produces an austenitic structure and then cooled
quenched and tempered carbon steel forgings,
1.2.6 Class AA—Annealed, normalized, or normalized and slowly. A furnace charge thus treated is termed an annealing
tempered alloy steel forgings,
1.2.7 Classes AB and AC—Normalized and tempered alloy 3.1.2 cooling prior to heat treatment—after forging and
steel forgings, and before reheating for heat treatment, the forgings shall be cooled
to provide substantially complete transformation of austenite.
1.2.8 Classes AD, AE, AF, AG, and AH—Normalized,
quenched, and tempered alloy steel forgings. 3.1.3 normalizing—the forgings shall be reheated to a
temperature which produces an austenitic structure and then
NOTE 2—The appendix tables list recommended tolerances for a
withdrawn from the furnace and cooled in air. A furnace charge
number of materials other than those covered by the above classes. The
thus treated is termed a normalized charge.
tables are for information only and the purchaser must define the condition
3.1.4 quenching—the forgings shall be reheated to a tem-
in which he desires forgings made from materials not described above.
perature which produces an austenitic structure and then
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
quenched in a suitable liquid medium by spraying or immer-
as the standard.
sion. A group thus treated is termed a quenching charge.
3.1.5 tempering—the forgings shall be reheated to and held
2. Referenced Documents
at the proper temperature, which will be below the austenitic
2.1 ASTM Standards:
transformation range, and then cooled under suitable condi-
A 29/A 29M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and
tions. A furnace charge thus treated is termed a tempering
Alloy, Hot-Wrought and Cold-Finished, General Require-
2 charge.
ments for
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
A01.06 on Steel Forgings and Billets. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 1996. Published July 1997. Originally Discontinued—see 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05.
e1 5
published as A 521–64. Last previous edition A 521–76 (1992) . Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
2 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
A 521 – 96 (2001)
4. Ordering Information between the inner and outer surfaces of the wall when bored;
or turnings may be taken from the test specimen. The chemical
4.1 The purchaser shall specify in the inquiry, contract, and
composition thus determined shall not vary from the require-
order the class of steel desired; and any exceptions, modifica-
ments specified in Section 8 by more than the amounts
tions, or agreements with regard to the provisions of this
prescribed for product analysis in Specification A 711.
13. Tensile Properties
5. Process
13.1 The material shall conform to the requirements for
5.1 The steel shall be made by any or all of the following
tensile properties prescribed in Table 1 when tested in accor-
processes: open-hearth, electric-furnace, or basic-oxygen.
dance with the latest issue of Test Methods and Definitions
A 370.
6. Discard
13.2 The yield strength shall be determined by the offset
6.1 Sufficient discard shall be made to secure freedom from
method, using an offset value of 0.2 % of the gage length, or by
piping and undue segregation.
the total extension under load method, using an extension value
of 0.005 in./in. (0.5 %) for Classes AD and AE, 0.006 in./in.
7. Forging Manufacture
(0.6 %) for Classes AF and AG, and 0.007 in./in. (0.7 %) for
7.1 Manufacturing practice shall be in accordance with
Class AH.
accepted commercial procedures designed to produce forgings
13.3 Tests for acceptance shall be made after final heat
free from harmful surface discontinuities, roughness, excessive
treatment of the forgings.
scale, fins, indications of overheating, or other injurious
discontinuities. The manufacturer may be required to certify
14. Number of Tests
that furnaces used for all heating operations for forging and
14.1 One tension test shall be made for each heat of steel for
heat treating are controlled to minimize scaling and decarbur-
each heat treat charge. For untreated forgings (Class CA) no
ization and equipped with suitable controls.
tension tests shall be made except when specified in the
purchase order and then one tension test shall be run on each
8. Chemical Requirements
8.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements for chemical
14.2 If any test specimen fails because of mechanical
composition listed in Table 1 on alloy steel bars in Specifica-
reasons, such as testing equipment failure or improper speci-
tion A 322 or in Table 1 on carbon steel bars in Specification A
men preparation, it may be discarded and another specimen
576. Other limits may be specified for carbon steels using the
ranges and limits in Table 2 of Specification A 576 or for alloy
14.3 For the purpose of tests of heat-treated forgings, the
steels in Table 4 of A 29/A 29M.
necessary extra forgings shall be provided. When it is imprac-
8.2 The limits of elements other than those listed above may
ticable to provide extra forgings for test purposes, test bars may
be agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser.
be made from the billet or bar, provided they are given
approximately the same reduction and heat treatment as the
9. Dimensional Tolerances
forgings and also represent the maximum cross section of the
9.1 Tolerances for impression die forgings (Appendix X1)
shall apply.
15. Retests
10. Finish
15.1 If the results of the mechanical tests of any test lot do
10.1 The forgings shall be free of injurious discontinuities.
not conform to the requirements specified, the manufacturer
may reheat treat such lot, but not more than three additional
11. Heat Analysis
times unless authorized by the purchaser, and retests shall be
11.1 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the
made in accordance with Section 14.
manufacturer to determine the percentages of carbon, manga-
15.2 If the percentage of elongation of any tension test
nese, phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon; also the alloying ele-
specimen is less than that specified in Table 1 and any part of
ments agreed on in accordance with Section8. This analysis
the fracture is outside of the middle half of the gage length, a
shall be made from a test ingot taken during the pouring of the
retest shall be allowed.
heat. The chemical composition thus determined shall be
15.3 If a test specimen fails to meet the specified mechani-
reported to the purchaser or his representative, and the percent-
cal property requirements due to a discontinuity other than a
ages of phosphorus and sulfur, and also the alloying elements
rupture, crack, or flake, a retest shall be allowed.
shall conform to the requirements specified and agreed upon in
16. Test Specimen
Section 8.
16.1 Location, size, and number of test specimens shall be
12. Product Analysis
specified by the purchaser. Unless otherwise stated in the
12.1 An analysis may be made by the purchaser from a contract or purchase order, test bars may be separately forged
forging representing each heat. Drillings for analysis may be or swaged from the same bars, billets, or blooms used in
taken from the forging or from a full-size prolongation, at any manufacture of the forgings. The percentage reduction given
point midway between the center and surface when solid, or the forged tests bars shall not be greater than the minimum
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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A 521 – 96 (2001)
TABLE 1 Tensile Requirements
Class Solid Diameter or Thickness, Bored Wall Thickness in. (mm) Tensile Yield Strength, Elongation Reduction
in. (mm) Strength, min, ksi in 2 in. or of Area,
min, ksi (MPa) 50 mm, min, %
Over Not Over Over Not Over
(MPa) min, %
AA (Annealed, normalized, or . 12 (305) . . 80 (550) 50 (345) 24 40
normalized, and tempered) 12 (305) 20 (508) . . 80 (550) 50 (345) 22 38
AB (Normalized and tempered) . 7 (178) . 4 (102) 80 (550) 55 (380) 26 52
7 (178) 20 (508) 4 (102) 7 ⁄2 (191) 80(550) 55(380) 24 50
AC (Normalized and tempered) . 7 (178) . 4 (102) 90 (620) 60 (415) 22 44
7 (178) 20 (508) 4 (102) 7 ⁄2 (191) 90 (620) 58 (400) 21 42
AD (Normalized, quenched, and . 7 (178) . 3 ⁄2 (89) 96 (655) 70 (485) 20 50
tempered) 7 (178) 10 (254) ⁄2 (89) 5 (127) 90 (620) 65 (450) 20 50
AE (Normalized, quenched, and . 7 (178) . 3 ⁄2 (89) 105 (725) 80 (550) 20 50
tempered) 7 (178) 10 (254) 3 ⁄2 (89) 5 (127) 100 (690) 75 (520) 19 50
10 (254) 20 (508) 5 (127) 8 (203) 95 (655) 70 (485) 19 50
AF (Normalized, quenched, and . 4 (102) . 2 (51) 125 (860) 105 (725) 16 50
tempered) 4 (102) 7 (178) 2 (51) 3 ⁄2 (89) 115 (795) 96 (655) 16 45
7 (178) 10 (254) 3 ⁄2 (89) 5 (127) 110 (760) 85 (585) 16 45
AG (Normalized, quenched, and . 4 (102) . 2 (51) 145 (1000) 120 (830) 15 45
tempered) 4 (102) 7 (178) 2 (51) 3 ⁄2 (89) 140 (965) 115 (795) 14 40
7 (178) 10 (254) 3 ⁄2 (89) 5 (127) 135 (930) 110 (760) 13 40
AH (Normalized, quenched, and . 4 (102) . 2 (51) 170 (1175) 140 (965) 13 40
tempered) 4 (102) 7 (178) 2 (51) 3 ⁄2 (89) 165 (1140) 135 (930) 12 35
7 (178) 10 (254) 3 ⁄2 (89) 5 (127) 160 (1105) 130 (895) 11 35
(No Physical Requirements except as covered by 13.1.)
CA (Untreated) . . . . . . . .
CC (Annealed, normalized, or . 12 (305) . . 60 (415) 30 (205) 25 36
normalized, and tempered) 12 (305) . . . 60 (415) 30 (205) 24 36
CC1 (Annealed, normalized, or . 12 (305) . . 66 (455) 33 (230) 23 36
normalized and tempered) 12 (305) 20 (508) . . 66 (455) 33 (230) 22 34
CE (Annealed, normalized, or . 8 (203) . . 75 (520) 37 (290) 24 40
normalized and tempered) 8 (203) 12 (305) . . 75 (520) 37 (290) 22 35
12 (305) 20 (508) . . 75 (520) 37 (290) 20 32
20 (508) . . . 75 (520) 37 (290) 19 30
CF (Normalized and tempered) . 8 (203) . . 80 (550) 40 (275) 22 36
8 (203) 12 (305) . . 80 (550) 40 (275) 21 33
12 (305) 20 (508) . . 80 (550) 40 (275) 20 31
CF1 (Double normalized and tempered) . 8 (203) . . 85 (585) 44 (305) 25 40
8 (203) 12 (305) . . 83 (570) 43 (295) 23 37
12 (305) 20 (508) . . 83 (570) 43 (295) 22 35
CG (Quenched, and tempered or . 4 (102) . 2 (51) 90 (620) 55 (380) 20 39
normalized, quenched and tempered) 8 (203) 7 (178) 2 (51) 3 ⁄2 (89) 85 (585) 50 (345) 20 39
7 (178) 10 (254) 3 ⁄2 (89) 5 (127) 85 (585) 50 (345) 19 37
... ... 5 (127) 10 (254) 82 (565) 48 (330) 19 36
amount of reduction given the forging itself. The test bars shall 18. Marking
be heat treated with the forgings they represent. The manufac-
18.1 Marking of forgings shall be specified by the pur-
turer may elect to submit an extra forging in lieu of forged test
16.2 Unless otherwise specified, the axis of the specimen
19. Inspection
shall be located at any point midway between the center and
the surface of solid forgings or at any point midway between
19.1 Unless otherwise specified, the inspector representing
the inner and outer surfaces of the wall of hollow forgings, and
the purchaser shall have entry, at all times while work on the
shall be parallel to the direction of maximum metal flow.
contract of the purchaser is being performed, to those parts of
16.3 The specimens shall be machined to the form and
the manufacturer’s plant that concern the manufacture of the
dimensions shown in Test Methods and Definitions A 370 for
material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector,
the standard or subsize round tension test specimens.
without charge, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the
material is being furnished in accordance with this specifica-
17. Cleaning
tion. All tests (except product analysis) and inspection shall be
17.1 The forgings shall be furnished in a scale-free condi-
made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless
tion. Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer may clean
otherwise specified, and shall be conducted so as not to
by acid pickling, grit blasting, sand blasting, or other abrasive
interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the plant.
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A 521 – 96 (2001)
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